blob: 3cbc34511a4ca43e4df2f19acb30a54f4af324a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# The following S3 methods are registered on load if dplyr is present
filter.arrow_dplyr_query <- function(.data, ..., .preserve = FALSE) {
# TODO something with the .preserve argument
filts <- quos(...)
if (length(filts) == 0) {
# Nothing to do
.data <- arrow_dplyr_query(.data)
# tidy-eval the filter expressions inside an Arrow data_mask
filters <- lapply(filts, arrow_eval, arrow_mask(.data))
bad_filters <- map_lgl(filters, ~inherits(., "try-error"))
if (any(bad_filters)) {
# This is similar to abandon_ship() except that the filter eval is
# vectorized, and we apply filters that _did_ work before abandoning ship
# with the rest
expr_labs <- map_chr(filts[bad_filters], as_label)
if (query_on_dataset(.data)) {
# Abort. We don't want to auto-collect if this is a Dataset because that
# could blow up, too big.
"Filter expression not supported for Arrow Datasets: ",
oxford_paste(expr_labs, quote = FALSE),
"\nCall collect() first to pull data into R.",
call. = FALSE
} else {
arrow_errors <- map2_chr(
filters[bad_filters], expr_labs,
if (length(arrow_errors) == 1) {
msg <- paste0(arrow_errors, "; ")
} else {
msg <- paste0("* ", arrow_errors, "\n", collapse = "")
msg, "pulling data into R",
immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE
# Set any valid filters first, then collect and then apply the invalid ones in R
.data <- set_filters(.data, filters[!bad_filters])
return(dplyr::filter(dplyr::collect(.data), !!!filts[bad_filters]))
set_filters(.data, filters)
filter.Dataset <- filter.ArrowTabular <- filter.arrow_dplyr_query
set_filters <- function(.data, expressions) {
if (length(expressions)) {
# expressions is a list of Expressions. AND them together and set them on .data
new_filter <- Reduce("&", expressions)
if (isTRUE(.data$filtered_rows)) {
# TRUE is default (i.e. no filter yet), so we don't need to & with it
.data$filtered_rows <- new_filter
} else {
.data$filtered_rows <- .data$filtered_rows & new_filter