blob: 5ab60abbadabb8d9b700159cb19b6369cf58a4ac [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# The following S3 methods are registered on load if dplyr is present
arrange.arrow_dplyr_query <- function(.data, ..., .by_group = FALSE) {
call <-
exprs <- quos(...)
if (.by_group) {
# when the data is is grouped and .by_group is TRUE, order the result by
# the grouping columns first
exprs <- c(quos(!!!dplyr::groups(.data)), exprs)
if (length(exprs) == 0) {
# Nothing to do
.data <- arrow_dplyr_query(.data)
# find and remove any dplyr::desc() and tidy-eval
# the arrange expressions inside an Arrow data_mask
sorts <- vector("list", length(exprs))
descs <- logical(0)
mask <- arrow_mask(.data)
for (i in seq_along(exprs)) {
x <- find_and_remove_desc(exprs[[i]])
exprs[[i]] <- x[["quos"]]
sorts[[i]] <- arrow_eval(exprs[[i]], mask)
if (inherits(sorts[[i]], "try-error")) {
msg <- paste('Expression', as_label(exprs[[i]]), 'not supported in Arrow')
return(abandon_ship(call, .data, msg))
names(sorts)[i] <- as_label(exprs[[i]])
descs[i] <- x[["desc"]]
.data$arrange_vars <- c(sorts, .data$arrange_vars)
.data$arrange_desc <- c(descs, .data$arrange_desc)
arrange.Dataset <- arrange.ArrowTabular <- arrange.arrow_dplyr_query
# Helper to handle desc() in arrange()
# * Takes a quosure as input
# * Returns a list with two elements:
# 1. The quosure with any wrapping parentheses and desc() removed
# 2. A logical value indicating whether desc() was found
# * Performs some other validation
find_and_remove_desc <- function(quosure) {
expr <- quo_get_expr(quosure)
descending <- FALSE
if (length(all.vars(expr)) < 1L) {
"Expression in arrange() does not contain any field names: ",
call. = FALSE
# Use a while loop to remove any number of nested pairs of enclosing
# parentheses and any number of nested desc() calls. In the case of multiple
# nested desc() calls, each one toggles the sort order.
while (identical(typeof(expr), "language") && {
if (identical(expr[[1]], quote(`(`))) {
# remove enclosing parentheses
expr <- expr[[2]]
} else if (identical(expr[[1]], quote(desc))) {
# ensure desc() has only one argument (when an R expression is a function
# call, length == 2 means it has exactly one argument)
if (length(expr) > 2) {
stop("desc() expects only one argument", call. = FALSE)
# remove desc() and toggle descending
expr <- expr[[2]]
descending <- !descending
} else {
quos = quo_set_expr(quosure, expr),
desc = descending