blob: 93d148ec29be7198a90e11ffd43d7a2e615b5d8a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#' @include arrow-datum.R
#' @title Arrow Arrays
#' @description An `Array` is an immutable data array with some logical type
#' and some length. Most logical types are contained in the base
#' `Array` class; there are also subclasses for `DictionaryArray`, `ListArray`,
#' and `StructArray`.
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section Factory:
#' The `Array$create()` factory method instantiates an `Array` and
#' takes the following arguments:
#' * `x`: an R vector, list, or `data.frame`
#' * `type`: an optional [data type][data-type] for `x`. If omitted, the type
#' will be inferred from the data.
#' `Array$create()` will return the appropriate subclass of `Array`, such as
#' `DictionaryArray` when given an R factor.
#' To compose a `DictionaryArray` directly, call `DictionaryArray$create()`,
#' which takes two arguments:
#' * `x`: an R vector or `Array` of integers for the dictionary indices
#' * `dict`: an R vector or `Array` of dictionary values (like R factor levels
#' but not limited to strings only)
#' @section Usage:
#' ```
#' a <- Array$create(x)
#' length(a)
#' print(a)
#' a == a
#' ```
#' @section Methods:
#' - `$IsNull(i)`: Return true if value at index is null. Does not boundscheck
#' - `$IsValid(i)`: Return true if value at index is valid. Does not boundscheck
#' - `$length()`: Size in the number of elements this array contains
#' - `$offset`: A relative position into another array's data, to enable zero-copy slicing
#' - `$null_count`: The number of null entries in the array
#' - `$type`: logical type of data
#' - `$type_id()`: type id
#' - `$Equals(other)` : is this array equal to `other`
#' - `$ApproxEquals(other)` :
#' - `$Diff(other)` : return a string expressing the difference between two arrays
#' - `$data()`: return the underlying [ArrayData][ArrayData]
#' - `$as_vector()`: convert to an R vector
#' - `$ToString()`: string representation of the array
#' - `$Slice(offset, length = NULL)`: Construct a zero-copy slice of the array
#' with the indicated offset and length. If length is `NULL`, the slice goes
#' until the end of the array.
#' - `$Take(i)`: return an `Array` with values at positions given by integers
#' (R vector or Array Array) `i`.
#' - `$Filter(i, keep_na = TRUE)`: return an `Array` with values at positions where logical
#' vector (or Arrow boolean Array) `i` is `TRUE`.
#' - `$SortIndices(descending = FALSE)`: return an `Array` of integer positions that can be
#' used to rearrange the `Array` in ascending or descending order
#' - `$RangeEquals(other, start_idx, end_idx, other_start_idx)` :
#' - `$cast(target_type, safe = TRUE, options = cast_options(safe))`: Alter the
#' data in the array to change its type.
#' - `$View(type)`: Construct a zero-copy view of this array with the given type.
#' - `$Validate()` : Perform any validation checks to determine obvious inconsistencies
#' within the array's internal data. This can be an expensive check, potentially `O(length)`
#' @rdname array
#' @name array
#' @examplesIf arrow_available()
#' my_array <- Array$create(1:10)
#' my_array$type
#' my_array$cast(int8())
#' # Check if value is null; zero-indexed
#' na_array <- Array$create(c(1:5, NA))
#' na_array$IsNull(0)
#' na_array$IsNull(5)
#' na_array$IsValid(5)
#' na_array$null_count
#' # zero-copy slicing; the offset of the new Array will be the same as the index passed to $Slice
#' new_array <- na_array$Slice(5)
#' new_array$offset
#' # Compare 2 arrays
#' na_array2 = na_array
#' na_array2 == na_array # element-wise comparison
#' na_array2$Equals(na_array) # overall comparison
#' @export
Array <- R6Class("Array",
inherit = ArrowDatum,
public = list(
IsNull = function(i) Array__IsNull(self, i),
IsValid = function(i) Array__IsValid(self, i),
length = function() Array__length(self),
type_id = function() Array__type_id(self),
Equals = function(other, ...) {
inherits(other, "Array") && Array__Equals(self, other)
ApproxEquals = function(other) {
inherits(other, "Array") && Array__ApproxEquals(self, other)
Diff = function(other) {
if (!inherits(other, "Array")) {
other <- Array$create(other)
Array__Diff(self, other)
data = function() Array__data(self),
as_vector = function() Array__as_vector(self),
ToString = function() {
typ <- paste0("<", self$type$ToString(), ">")
paste(typ, Array__ToString(self), sep = "\n")
Slice = function(offset, length = NULL) {
if (is.null(length)) {
Array__Slice1(self, offset)
} else {
Array__Slice2(self, offset, length)
Take = function(i) {
if (is.numeric(i)) {
i <- as.integer(i)
if (is.integer(i)) {
i <- Array$create(i)
call_function("take", self, i)
Filter = function(i, keep_na = TRUE) {
if (is.logical(i)) {
i <- Array$create(i)
assert_is(i, "Array")
call_function("filter", self, i, options = list(keep_na = keep_na))
SortIndices = function(descending = FALSE) {
assert_that(length(descending) == 1L)
call_function("array_sort_indices", self, options = list(order = descending))
RangeEquals = function(other, start_idx, end_idx, other_start_idx = 0L) {
assert_is(other, "Array")
Array__RangeEquals(self, other, start_idx, end_idx, other_start_idx)
View = function(type) {
Array$create(Array__View(self, as_type(type)))
Validate = function() Array__Validate(self),
export_to_c = function(array_ptr, schema_ptr) ExportArray(self, array_ptr, schema_ptr)
active = list(
null_count = function() Array__null_count(self),
offset = function() Array__offset(self),
type = function() Array__type(self)
Array$create <- function(x, type = NULL) {
if (!is.null(type)) {
type <- as_type(type)
if (inherits(x, "Scalar")) {
out <- x$as_array()
if (!is.null(type)) {
out <- out$cast(type)
vec_to_arrow(x, type)
#' @include arrowExports.R
Array$import_from_c <- ImportArray
#' @rdname array
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @export
DictionaryArray <- R6Class("DictionaryArray", inherit = Array,
public = list(
indices = function() DictionaryArray__indices(self),
dictionary = function() DictionaryArray__dictionary(self)
active = list(
ordered = function() self$type$ordered
DictionaryArray$create <- function(x, dict = NULL) {
if (is.factor(x)) {
# The simple case: converting a factor.
# Ignoring `dict`; should probably error if dict is not NULL
if (!is.Array(x)) {
x <- Array$create(x)
if (!is.Array(dict)) {
dict <- Array$create(dict)
type <- DictionaryType$create(x$type, dict$type)
DictionaryArray__FromArrays(type, x, dict)
#' @rdname array
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @export
StructArray <- R6Class("StructArray", inherit = Array,
public = list(
field = function(i) StructArray__field(self, i),
GetFieldByName = function(name) StructArray__GetFieldByName(self, name),
Flatten = function() StructArray__Flatten(self)
#' @export
`[[.StructArray` <- function(x, i, ...) {
if (is.character(i)) {
} else if (is.numeric(i)) {
x$field(i - 1)
} else {
stop("'i' must be character or numeric, not ", class(i), call. = FALSE)
#' @export
`$.StructArray` <- function(x, name, ...) {
if (name %in% ls(x)) {
get(name, x)
} else {
#' @export
names.StructArray <- function(x, ...) StructType__field_names(x$type)
#' @export
dim.StructArray <- function(x, ...) c(length(x), x$type$num_fields)
#' @export <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
#' @rdname array
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @export
ListArray <- R6Class("ListArray", inherit = Array,
public = list(
values = function() ListArray__values(self),
value_length = function(i) ListArray__value_length(self, i),
value_offset = function(i) ListArray__value_offset(self, i),
raw_value_offsets = function() ListArray__raw_value_offsets(self)
active = list(
value_type = function() ListArray__value_type(self)
#' @rdname array
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @export
LargeListArray <- R6Class("LargeListArray", inherit = Array,
public = list(
values = function() LargeListArray__values(self),
value_length = function(i) LargeListArray__value_length(self, i),
value_offset = function(i) LargeListArray__value_offset(self, i),
raw_value_offsets = function() LargeListArray__raw_value_offsets(self)
active = list(
value_type = function() LargeListArray__value_type(self)
#' @rdname array
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @export
FixedSizeListArray <- R6Class("FixedSizeListArray", inherit = Array,
public = list(
values = function() FixedSizeListArray__values(self),
value_length = function(i) FixedSizeListArray__value_length(self, i),
value_offset = function(i) FixedSizeListArray__value_offset(self, i)
active = list(
value_type = function() FixedSizeListArray__value_type(self),
list_size = function() self$type$list_size
is.Array <- function(x, type = NULL) {
is_it <- inherits(x, c("Array", "ChunkedArray"))
if (is_it && !is.null(type)) {
is_it <- x$type$ToString() %in% type