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The ArrowTypes module provides the [`ArrowTypes.Arrowtype`](@ref) interface trait that objects can define
in order to signal how they should be serialized in the arrow format.
module ArrowTypes
using UUIDs
export ArrowType, NullType, PrimitiveType, BoolType, ListType, FixedSizeListType, MapType, StructType, UnionType, DictEncodedType
abstract type ArrowType end
ArrowType(x::T) where {T} = ArrowType(T)
ArrowType(::Type{T}) where {T} = isprimitivetype(T) ? PrimitiveType() : StructType()
function arrowconvert end
arrowconvert(T, x) = convert(T, x)
arrowconvert(::Type{Union{T, Missing}}, x) where {T} = arrowconvert(T, x)
arrowconvert(::Type{Union{T, Missing}}, ::Missing) where {T} = missing
struct NullType <: ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Type{Missing}) = NullType()
struct PrimitiveType <: ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Type{<:Integer}) = PrimitiveType()
ArrowType(::Type{<:AbstractFloat}) = PrimitiveType()
arrowconvert(::Type{UInt128}, u::UUID) = UInt128(u)
arrowconvert(::Type{UUID}, u::UInt128) = UUID(u)
# This method is included as a deprecation path to allow reading Arrow files that may have
# been written before Arrow.jl defined its own UUID <-> UInt128 mapping (in which case
# a struct-based fallback `JuliaLang.UUID` extension type may have been utilized)
arrowconvert(::Type{UUID}, u::NamedTuple{(:value,),Tuple{UInt128}}) = UUID(u.value)
struct BoolType <: ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Type{Bool}) = BoolType()
struct ListType <: ArrowType end
# isstringtype MUST BE UTF8 (other codeunit sizes not supported; arrow encoding for strings is specifically UTF8)
isstringtype(T) = false
isstringtype(::Type{Union{T, Missing}}) where {T} = isstringtype(T)
ArrowType(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = ListType()
isstringtype(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = true
ArrowType(::Type{Symbol}) = ListType()
isstringtype(::Type{Symbol}) = true
arrowconvert(::Type{Symbol}, x::String) = Symbol(x)
arrowconvert(::Type{String}, x::Symbol) = String(x)
ArrowType(::Type{<:AbstractArray}) = ListType()
struct FixedSizeListType <: ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Type{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = FixedSizeListType()
gettype(::Type{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = T
getsize(::Type{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = N
struct StructType <: ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Type{<:NamedTuple}) = StructType()
structtype(::Type{NamedTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = NAMEDTUPLE
structtype(::Type{T}) where {T} = STRUCT
# must implement keytype, valtype
struct MapType <: ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Type{<:AbstractDict}) = MapType()
struct UnionType <: ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Union) = UnionType()
struct DictEncodedType <: ArrowType end
There are a couple places when writing arrow buffers where
we need to write a "dummy" value; it doesn't really matter
what we write, but we need to write something of a specific
type. So each supported writing type needs to define `default`.
function default end
default(T) = zero(T)
default(::Type{Symbol}) = Symbol()
default(::Type{Char}) = '\0'
default(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = ""
default(::Type{Union{T, Missing}}) where {T} = default(T)
function default(::Type{A}) where {A <: AbstractVector{T}} where {T}
a = similar(A, 1)
a[1] = default(T)
return a
default(::Type{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = ntuple(i -> default(T), N)
default(::Type{T}) where {T <: Tuple} = Tuple(default(fieldtype(T, i)) for i = 1:fieldcount(T))
default(::Type{Dict{K, V}}) where {K, V} = Dict{K, V}()
default(::Type{NamedTuple{names, types}}) where {names, types} = NamedTuple{names}(Tuple(default(fieldtype(types, i)) for i = 1:length(names)))
const JULIA_TO_ARROW_TYPE_MAPPING = Dict{Type, Tuple{String, Type}}(
Char => ("JuliaLang.Char", UInt32),
Symbol => ("JuliaLang.Symbol", String),
UUID => ("JuliaLang.UUID", UInt128),
istyperegistered(::Type{T}) where {T} = haskey(JULIA_TO_ARROW_TYPE_MAPPING, T)
function getarrowtype!(meta, ::Type{T}) where {T}
arrowname, arrowtype = JULIA_TO_ARROW_TYPE_MAPPING[T]
meta["ARROW:extension:name"] = arrowname
meta["ARROW:extension:metadata"] = ""
return arrowtype
const ARROW_TO_JULIA_TYPE_MAPPING = Dict{String, Tuple{Type, Type}}(
"JuliaLang.Char" => (Char, UInt32),
"JuliaLang.Symbol" => (Symbol, String),
"JuliaLang.UUID" => (UUID, UInt128),
function extensiontype(f, meta)
if haskey(meta, "ARROW:extension:name")
typename = meta["ARROW:extension:name"]
if haskey(ARROW_TO_JULIA_TYPE_MAPPING, typename)
return f.nullable ? Union{T, Missing} : T
@warn "unsupported ARROW:extension:name type: \"$typename\""
return nothing
function registertype!(juliatype::Type, arrowtype::Type, arrowname::String=string("JuliaLang.", string(juliatype)))
# TODO: validate that juliatype isn't already default arrow type
JULIA_TO_ARROW_TYPE_MAPPING[juliatype] = (arrowname, arrowtype)
ARROW_TO_JULIA_TYPE_MAPPING[arrowname] = (juliatype, arrowtype)
end # module ArrowTypes