blob: df37a8fb01324122aaae10f76ff49ffab0645055 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import * as type_ from './type';
import * as data_ from './data';
import * as vector_ from './vector';
import * as util_ from './util/int';
import * as visitor_ from './visitor';
import * as view_ from './vector/view';
import * as predicate_ from './predicate';
import { Vector } from './vector';
import { RecordBatch } from './recordbatch';
import { Schema, Field, Type } from './type';
import { Table, DataFrame, NextFunc, BindFunc, CountByResult } from './table';
import { read, readAsync } from './ipc/reader/arrow';
export import View = vector_.View;
export import VectorLike = vector_.VectorLike;
export import TypedArray = type_.TypedArray;
export import IntBitWidth = type_.IntBitWidth;
export import TimeBitWidth = type_.TimeBitWidth;
export import TypedArrayConstructor = type_.TypedArrayConstructor;
export { read, readAsync };
export { Table, DataFrame, NextFunc, BindFunc, CountByResult };
export { Field, Schema, RecordBatch, Vector, Type };
export namespace util {
export import Uint64 = util_.Uint64;
export import Int64 = util_.Int64;
export import Int128 = util_.Int128;
export namespace data {
export import BaseData = data_.BaseData;
export import FlatData = data_.FlatData;
export import BoolData = data_.BoolData;
export import FlatListData = data_.FlatListData;
export import DictionaryData = data_.DictionaryData;
export import NestedData = data_.NestedData;
export import ListData = data_.ListData;
export import UnionData = data_.UnionData;
export import SparseUnionData = data_.SparseUnionData;
export import DenseUnionData = data_.DenseUnionData;
export import ChunkedData = data_.ChunkedData;
export namespace enum_ {
export import Type = type_.ArrowType;
export import DateUnit = type_.DateUnit;
export import TimeUnit = type_.TimeUnit;
export import Precision = type_.Precision;
export import UnionMode = type_.UnionMode;
export import VectorType = type_.VectorType;
export import IntervalUnit = type_.IntervalUnit;
export import MessageHeader = type_.MessageHeader;
export import MetadataVersion = type_.MetadataVersion;
export namespace type {
export import Schema = type_.Schema;
export import Field = type_.Field;
export import Null = type_.Null;
export import Int = type_.Int;
export import Int8 = type_.Int8;
export import Int16 = type_.Int16;
export import Int32 = type_.Int32;
export import Int64 = type_.Int64;
export import Uint8 = type_.Uint8;
export import Uint16 = type_.Uint16;
export import Uint32 = type_.Uint32;
export import Uint64 = type_.Uint64;
export import Float = type_.Float;
export import Float16 = type_.Float16;
export import Float32 = type_.Float32;
export import Float64 = type_.Float64;
export import Binary = type_.Binary;
export import Utf8 = type_.Utf8;
export import Bool = type_.Bool;
export import Decimal = type_.Decimal;
export import Date_ = type_.Date_;
export import Time = type_.Time;
export import Timestamp = type_.Timestamp;
export import Interval = type_.Interval;
export import List = type_.List;
export import Struct = type_.Struct;
export import Union = type_.Union;
export import DenseUnion = type_.DenseUnion;
export import SparseUnion = type_.SparseUnion;
export import FixedSizeBinary = type_.FixedSizeBinary;
export import FixedSizeList = type_.FixedSizeList;
export import Map_ = type_.Map_;
export import Dictionary = type_.Dictionary;
export namespace vector {
export import Vector = vector_.Vector;
export import NullVector = vector_.NullVector;
export import BoolVector = vector_.BoolVector;
export import IntVector = vector_.IntVector;
export import FloatVector = vector_.FloatVector;
export import DateVector = vector_.DateVector;
export import DecimalVector = vector_.DecimalVector;
export import TimeVector = vector_.TimeVector;
export import TimestampVector = vector_.TimestampVector;
export import IntervalVector = vector_.IntervalVector;
export import BinaryVector = vector_.BinaryVector;
export import FixedSizeBinaryVector = vector_.FixedSizeBinaryVector;
export import Utf8Vector = vector_.Utf8Vector;
export import ListVector = vector_.ListVector;
export import FixedSizeListVector = vector_.FixedSizeListVector;
export import MapVector = vector_.MapVector;
export import StructVector = vector_.StructVector;
export import UnionVector = vector_.UnionVector;
export import DictionaryVector = vector_.DictionaryVector;
export namespace visitor {
export import TypeVisitor = visitor_.TypeVisitor;
export import VectorVisitor = visitor_.VectorVisitor;
export namespace view {
export import ChunkedView = view_.ChunkedView;
export import DictionaryView = view_.DictionaryView;
export import ListView = view_.ListView;
export import FixedSizeListView = view_.FixedSizeListView;
export import BinaryView = view_.BinaryView;
export import Utf8View = view_.Utf8View;
export import UnionView = view_.UnionView;
export import DenseUnionView = view_.DenseUnionView;
export import NestedView = view_.NestedView;
export import StructView = view_.StructView;
export import MapView = view_.MapView;
export import FlatView = view_.FlatView;
export import NullView = view_.NullView;
export import BoolView = view_.BoolView;
export import ValidityView = view_.ValidityView;
export import PrimitiveView = view_.PrimitiveView;
export import FixedSizeView = view_.FixedSizeView;
export import Float16View = view_.Float16View;
export import DateDayView = view_.DateDayView;
export import DateMillisecondView = view_.DateMillisecondView;
export import TimestampDayView = view_.TimestampDayView;
export import TimestampSecondView = view_.TimestampSecondView;
export import TimestampMillisecondView = view_.TimestampMillisecondView;
export import TimestampMicrosecondView = view_.TimestampMicrosecondView;
export import TimestampNanosecondView = view_.TimestampNanosecondView;
export import IntervalYearMonthView = view_.IntervalYearMonthView;
export import IntervalYearView = view_.IntervalYearView;
export import IntervalMonthView = view_.IntervalMonthView;
export namespace predicate {
export import col = predicate_.col;
export import lit = predicate_.lit;
export import Or = predicate_.Or;
export import Col = predicate_.Col;
export import And = predicate_.And;
export import GTeq = predicate_.GTeq;
export import LTeq = predicate_.LTeq;
export import Value = predicate_.Value;
export import Equals = predicate_.Equals;
export import Literal = predicate_.Literal;
export import Predicate = predicate_.Predicate;
export import PredicateFunc = predicate_.PredicateFunc;
/* These exports are needed for the closure and uglify umd targets */
try {
let Arrow: any = eval('exports');
if (Arrow && typeof Arrow === 'object') {
// string indexers tell closure and uglify not to rename these properties
Arrow['data'] = data;
Arrow['type'] = type;
Arrow['util'] = util;
Arrow['view'] = view;
Arrow['enum_'] = enum_;
Arrow['vector'] = vector;
Arrow['visitor'] = visitor;
Arrow['predicate'] = predicate;
Arrow['read'] = read;
Arrow['readAsync'] = readAsync;
Arrow['Type'] = Type;
Arrow['Field'] = Field;
Arrow['Schema'] = Schema;
Arrow['Vector'] = Vector;
Arrow['RecordBatch'] = RecordBatch;
Arrow['Table'] = Table;
Arrow['CountByResult'] = CountByResult;
} catch (e) { /* not the UMD bundle */ }
/* end umd exports */
// closure compiler erases static properties/methods:
// set them via string indexers to save them from the mangler
Schema['from'] = Schema.from;
Table['from'] = Table.from;
Table['fromAsync'] = Table.fromAsync;
Table['empty'] = Table.empty;
Vector['create'] = Vector.create;
RecordBatch['from'] = RecordBatch.from;
util_.Uint64['add'] = util_.Uint64.add;
util_.Uint64['multiply'] = util_.Uint64.multiply;
util_.Int64['add'] = util_.Int64.add;
util_.Int64['multiply'] = util_.Int64.multiply;
util_.Int64['fromString'] = util_.Int64.fromString;
util_.Int128['add'] = util_.Int128.add;
util_.Int128['multiply'] = util_.Int128.multiply;
util_.Int128['fromString'] = util_.Int128.fromString;
data_.ChunkedData['computeOffsets'] = data_.ChunkedData.computeOffsets;
(type_.Type as any)['NONE'] = type_.Type.NONE;
(type_.Type as any)['Null'] = type_.Type.Null;
(type_.Type as any)['Int'] = type_.Type.Int;
(type_.Type as any)['Float'] = type_.Type.Float;
(type_.Type as any)['Binary'] = type_.Type.Binary;
(type_.Type as any)['Utf8'] = type_.Type.Utf8;
(type_.Type as any)['Bool'] = type_.Type.Bool;
(type_.Type as any)['Decimal'] = type_.Type.Decimal;
(type_.Type as any)['Date'] = type_.Type.Date;
(type_.Type as any)['Time'] = type_.Type.Time;
(type_.Type as any)['Timestamp'] = type_.Type.Timestamp;
(type_.Type as any)['Interval'] = type_.Type.Interval;
(type_.Type as any)['List'] = type_.Type.List;
(type_.Type as any)['Struct'] = type_.Type.Struct;
(type_.Type as any)['Union'] = type_.Type.Union;
(type_.Type as any)['FixedSizeBinary'] = type_.Type.FixedSizeBinary;
(type_.Type as any)['FixedSizeList'] = type_.Type.FixedSizeList;
(type_.Type as any)['Map'] = type_.Type.Map;
(type_.Type as any)['Dictionary'] = type_.Type.Dictionary;
(type_.Type as any)['DenseUnion'] = type_.Type.DenseUnion;
(type_.Type as any)['SparseUnion'] = type_.Type.SparseUnion;
type_.DataType['isNull'] = type_.DataType.isNull;
type_.DataType['isInt'] = type_.DataType.isInt;
type_.DataType['isFloat'] = type_.DataType.isFloat;
type_.DataType['isBinary'] = type_.DataType.isBinary;
type_.DataType['isUtf8'] = type_.DataType.isUtf8;
type_.DataType['isBool'] = type_.DataType.isBool;
type_.DataType['isDecimal'] = type_.DataType.isDecimal;
type_.DataType['isDate'] = type_.DataType.isDate;
type_.DataType['isTime'] = type_.DataType.isTime;
type_.DataType['isTimestamp'] = type_.DataType.isTimestamp;
type_.DataType['isInterval'] = type_.DataType.isInterval;
type_.DataType['isList'] = type_.DataType.isList;
type_.DataType['isStruct'] = type_.DataType.isStruct;
type_.DataType['isUnion'] = type_.DataType.isUnion;
type_.DataType['isDenseUnion'] = type_.DataType.isDenseUnion;
type_.DataType['isSparseUnion'] = type_.DataType.isSparseUnion;
type_.DataType['isFixedSizeBinary'] = type_.DataType.isFixedSizeBinary;
type_.DataType['isFixedSizeList'] = type_.DataType.isFixedSizeList;
type_.DataType['isMap'] = type_.DataType.isMap;
type_.DataType['isDictionary'] = type_.DataType.isDictionary;
vector_.BoolVector['from'] = vector_.BoolVector.from;
vector_.IntVector['from'] = vector_.IntVector.from;
vector_.FloatVector['from'] = vector_.FloatVector.from;
visitor_.TypeVisitor['visitTypeInline'] = visitor_.TypeVisitor.visitTypeInline;
visitor_.VectorVisitor['visitTypeInline'] = visitor_.VectorVisitor.visitTypeInline;