blob: 9cec1263e862d9967a0d18ed73977aa950fb49d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:build test
// +build test
package cdata
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <stdint.h>
// #include "arrow/c/abi.h"
// #include "arrow/c/helpers.h"
// void setup_array_stream_test(const int n_batches, struct ArrowArrayStream* out);
// struct ArrowArray* get_test_arr() { return (struct ArrowArray*)(malloc(sizeof(struct ArrowArray))); }
// struct ArrowArrayStream* get_test_stream() { return (struct ArrowArrayStream*)malloc(sizeof(struct ArrowArrayStream)); }
// void release_test_arr(struct ArrowArray* arr) {
// for (int i = 0; i < arr->n_buffers; ++i) {
// free((void*)arr->buffers[i]);
// }
// ArrowArrayMarkReleased(arr);
// }
// int32_t* get_data() {
// int32_t* data = malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*10);
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { data[i] = i+1; }
// return data;
// }
// void export_int32_type(struct ArrowSchema* schema);
// void export_int32_array(const int32_t*, int64_t, struct ArrowArray*);
// int test1_is_released();
// void test_primitive(struct ArrowSchema* schema, const char* fmt);
// void free_malloced_schemas(struct ArrowSchema**);
// struct ArrowSchema** test_lists(const char** fmts, const char** names, const int* nullflags, const int n);
// struct ArrowSchema** test_struct(const char** fmts, const char** names, int64_t* flags, const int n);
// struct ArrowSchema** test_map(const char** fmts, const char** names, int64_t* flags, const int n);
// struct ArrowSchema** test_schema(const char** fmts, const char** names, int64_t* flags, const int n);
import "C"
import (
const (
var (
metadata1 = arrow.NewMetadata([]string{"key1", "key2"}, []string{"", "bar"})
metadata2 = arrow.NewMetadata([]string{"key"}, []string{"abcde"})
func exportInt32TypeSchema() CArrowSchema {
var s CArrowSchema
return s
func releaseStream(s *CArrowArrayStream) {
func schemaIsReleased(s *CArrowSchema) bool {
return C.ArrowSchemaIsReleased(s) == 1
func getMetadataKeys() ([]string, []string) {
return []string{"key1", "key2"}, []string{"key"}
func getMetadataValues() ([]string, []string) {
return []string{"", "bar"}, []string{"abcde"}
func exportInt32Array() *CArrowArray {
arr := C.get_test_arr()
C.export_int32_array(C.get_data(), C.int64_t(10), arr)
return arr
func isReleased(arr *CArrowArray) bool {
return C.ArrowArrayIsReleased(arr) == 1
func test1IsReleased() bool {
return C.test1_is_released() == 1
func testPrimitive(fmtstr string) CArrowSchema {
var s CArrowSchema
fmt := C.CString(fmtstr)
C.test_primitive(&s, fmt)
return s
func freeMallocedSchemas(schemas **CArrowSchema) {
func testNested(fmts, names []string, isnull []bool) **CArrowSchema {
if len(fmts) != len(names) {
panic("testing nested lists must have same size fmts and names")
cfmts := make([]*C.char, len(fmts))
cnames := make([]*C.char, len(names))
nulls := make([], len(isnull))
for i := range fmts {
cfmts[i] = C.CString(fmts[i])
cnames[i] = C.CString(names[i])
for i, v := range isnull {
if v {
} else {
nulls[i] = 0
return C.test_lists((**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cfmts[0])), (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cnames[0])), (*[0])),
func testStruct(fmts, names []string, flags []int64) **CArrowSchema {
if len(fmts) != len(names) || len(names) != len(flags) {
panic("testing structs must all have the same size slices in args")
cfmts := make([]*C.char, len(fmts))
cnames := make([]*C.char, len(names))
cflags := make([]C.int64_t, len(flags))
for i := range fmts {
cfmts[i] = C.CString(fmts[i])
cnames[i] = C.CString(names[i])
cflags[i] = C.int64_t(flags[i])
return C.test_struct((**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cfmts[0])), (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cnames[0])), (*C.int64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&cflags[0])),
func testMap(fmts, names []string, flags []int64) **CArrowSchema {
if len(fmts) != len(names) || len(names) != len(flags) {
panic("testing maps must all have the same size slices in args")
cfmts := make([]*C.char, len(fmts))
cnames := make([]*C.char, len(names))
cflags := make([]C.int64_t, len(flags))
for i := range fmts {
cfmts[i] = C.CString(fmts[i])
cnames[i] = C.CString(names[i])
cflags[i] = C.int64_t(flags[i])
return C.test_map((**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cfmts[0])), (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cnames[0])), (*C.int64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&cflags[0])),
func testSchema(fmts, names []string, flags []int64) **CArrowSchema {
if len(fmts) != len(names) || len(names) != len(flags) {
panic("testing structs must all have the same size slices in args")
cfmts := make([]*C.char, len(fmts))
cnames := make([]*C.char, len(names))
cflags := make([]C.int64_t, len(flags))
for i := range fmts {
cfmts[i] = C.CString(fmts[i])
cnames[i] = C.CString(names[i])
cflags[i] = C.int64_t(flags[i])
return C.test_schema((**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cfmts[0])), (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&cnames[0])), (*C.int64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&cflags[0])),
func freeTestArr(carr *CArrowArray) {
func createCArr(arr arrow.Array) *CArrowArray {
var (
carr = C.get_test_arr()
children = (**CArrowArray)(nil)
nchildren = C.int64_t(0)
switch arr := arr.(type) {
case *array.List:
clist := []*CArrowArray{createCArr(arr.ListValues())}
children = (**CArrowArray)(unsafe.Pointer(&clist[0]))
nchildren += 1
case *array.FixedSizeList:
clist := []*CArrowArray{createCArr(arr.ListValues())}
children = (**CArrowArray)(unsafe.Pointer(&clist[0]))
nchildren += 1
case *array.Struct:
clist := []*CArrowArray{}
for i := 0; i < arr.NumField(); i++ {
clist = append(clist, createCArr(arr.Field(i)))
nchildren += 1
children = (**CArrowArray)(unsafe.Pointer(&clist[0]))
case *array.Map:
clist := []*CArrowArray{createCArr(arr.ListValues())}
children = (**CArrowArray)(unsafe.Pointer(&clist[0]))
nchildren += 1
carr.children = children
carr.n_children = nchildren
carr.dictionary = nil
carr.length = C.int64_t(arr.Len())
carr.null_count = C.int64_t(arr.NullN())
carr.offset = C.int64_t(arr.Data().Offset())
buffers := arr.Data().Buffers()
cbuf := []unsafe.Pointer{}
for _, b := range buffers {
if b != nil {
cbuf = append(cbuf, C.CBytes(b.Bytes()))
carr.n_buffers = C.int64_t(len(cbuf))
if len(cbuf) > 0 {
carr.buffers = &cbuf[0]
carr.release = (*[0]byte)(C.release_test_arr)
return carr
func arrayStreamTest() *CArrowArrayStream {
st := C.get_test_stream()
C.setup_array_stream_test(2, st)
return st