blob: 068be483e98ad68992299ecafac9a040979fbbfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "arrow/io/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/util/compare.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/visibility.h"
namespace arrow {
class MemoryManager;
/// \brief EXPERIMENTAL: Abstract interface for hardware devices
/// This object represents a device with access to some memory spaces.
/// When handling a Buffer or raw memory address, it allows deciding in which
/// context the raw memory address should be interpreted
/// (e.g. CPU-accessible memory, or embedded memory on some particular GPU).
class ARROW_EXPORT Device : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Device>,
public util::EqualityComparable<Device> {
virtual ~Device();
/// \brief A shorthand for this device's type.
/// The returned value is different for each device class, but is the
/// same for all instances of a given class. It can be used as a replacement
/// for RTTI.
virtual const char* type_name() const = 0;
/// \brief A human-readable description of the device.
/// The returned value should be detailed enough to distinguish between
/// different instances, where necessary.
virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
/// \brief Whether this instance points to the same device as another one.
virtual bool Equals(const Device&) const = 0;
/// \brief Whether this device is the main CPU device.
/// This shorthand method is very useful when deciding whether a memory address
/// is CPU-accessible.
bool is_cpu() const { return is_cpu_; }
/// \brief Return a MemoryManager instance tied to this device
/// The returned instance uses default parameters for this device type's
/// MemoryManager implementation. Some devices also allow constructing
/// MemoryManager instances with non-default parameters.
virtual std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> default_memory_manager() = 0;
explicit Device(bool is_cpu = false) : is_cpu_(is_cpu) {}
bool is_cpu_;
/// \brief EXPERIMENTAL: An object that provides memory management primitives
/// A MemoryManager is always tied to a particular Device instance.
/// It can also have additional parameters (such as a MemoryPool to
/// allocate CPU memory).
class ARROW_EXPORT MemoryManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MemoryManager> {
virtual ~MemoryManager();
/// \brief The device this MemoryManager is tied to
const std::shared_ptr<Device>& device() const { return device_; }
/// \brief Whether this MemoryManager is tied to the main CPU device.
/// This shorthand method is very useful when deciding whether a memory address
/// is CPU-accessible.
bool is_cpu() const { return device_->is_cpu(); }
/// \brief Create a RandomAccessFile to read a particular buffer.
/// The given buffer must be tied to this MemoryManager.
/// See also the Buffer::GetReader shorthand.
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<io::RandomAccessFile>> GetBufferReader(
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf) = 0;
/// \brief Create a OutputStream to write to a particular buffer.
/// The given buffer must be mutable and tied to this MemoryManager.
/// The returned stream object writes into the buffer's underlying memory
/// (but it won't resize it).
/// See also the Buffer::GetWriter shorthand.
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<io::OutputStream>> GetBufferWriter(
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf) = 0;
/// \brief Allocate a (mutable) Buffer
/// The buffer will be allocated in the device's memory.
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> AllocateBuffer(int64_t size) = 0;
// XXX Should this take a `const Buffer&` instead
/// \brief Copy a Buffer to a destination MemoryManager
/// See also the Buffer::Copy shorthand.
static Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> CopyBuffer(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& source, const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& to);
/// \brief Make a no-copy Buffer view in a destination MemoryManager
/// See also the Buffer::View shorthand.
static Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> ViewBuffer(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& source, const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& to);
explicit MemoryManager(const std::shared_ptr<Device>& device) : device_(device) {}
// Default implementations always return nullptr, should be overridden
// by subclasses that support data transfer.
// (returning nullptr means unsupported copy / view)
// In CopyBufferFrom and ViewBufferFrom, the `from` parameter is guaranteed to
// be equal to `buf->memory_manager()`.
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> CopyBufferFrom(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf, const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& from);
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> CopyBufferTo(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf, const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& to);
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> ViewBufferFrom(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf, const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& from);
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> ViewBufferTo(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf, const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& to);
std::shared_ptr<Device> device_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPU backend implementation
class ARROW_EXPORT CPUDevice : public Device {
const char* type_name() const override;
std::string ToString() const override;
bool Equals(const Device&) const override;
std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> default_memory_manager() override;
/// \brief Return the global CPUDevice instance
static std::shared_ptr<Device> Instance();
/// \brief Create a MemoryManager
/// The returned MemoryManager will use the given MemoryPool for allocations.
static std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> memory_manager(MemoryPool* pool);
CPUDevice() : Device(true) {}
class ARROW_EXPORT CPUMemoryManager : public MemoryManager {
Result<std::shared_ptr<io::RandomAccessFile>> GetBufferReader(
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf) override;
Result<std::shared_ptr<io::OutputStream>> GetBufferWriter(
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf) override;
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> AllocateBuffer(int64_t size) override;
/// \brief Return the MemoryPool associated with this MemoryManager.
MemoryPool* pool() const { return pool_; }
CPUMemoryManager(const std::shared_ptr<Device>& device, MemoryPool* pool)
: MemoryManager(device), pool_(pool) {}
static std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> Make(const std::shared_ptr<Device>& device,
MemoryPool* pool = default_memory_pool());
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> CopyBufferFrom(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf,
const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& from) override;
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> CopyBufferTo(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf,
const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& to) override;
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> ViewBufferFrom(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf,
const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& from) override;
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> ViewBufferTo(
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf,
const std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager>& to) override;
MemoryPool* pool_;
friend std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> CPUDevice::memory_manager(MemoryPool* pool);
friend ARROW_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> default_cpu_memory_manager();
/// \brief Return the default CPU MemoryManager instance
/// The returned singleton instance uses the default MemoryPool.
/// This function is a faster spelling of
/// `CPUDevice::Instance()->default_memory_manager()`.
std::shared_ptr<MemoryManager> default_cpu_memory_manager();
} // namespace arrow