blob: 4c6f97faf951363138d7c62084b41bde79759b00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Functions for comparing Arrow data structures
#include "arrow/compare.h"
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/array.h"
#include "arrow/array/diff.h"
#include "arrow/buffer.h"
#include "arrow/scalar.h"
#include "arrow/sparse_tensor.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/tensor.h"
#include "arrow/type.h"
#include "arrow/type_traits.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_run_reader.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_ops.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_reader.h"
#include "arrow/util/checked_cast.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/memory.h"
#include "arrow/visitor_inline.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::BitmapEquals;
using internal::BitmapReader;
using internal::BitmapUInt64Reader;
using internal::checked_cast;
using internal::OptionalBitmapEquals;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public method implementations
namespace {
// TODO also handle HALF_FLOAT NaNs
enum FloatingEqualityFlags : int8_t { Approximate = 1, NansEqual = 2 };
template <typename T, int8_t Flags>
struct FloatingEquality {
bool operator()(T x, T y) { return x == y; }
template <typename T>
struct FloatingEquality<T, NansEqual> {
bool operator()(T x, T y) { return (x == y) || (std::isnan(x) && std::isnan(y)); }
template <typename T>
struct FloatingEquality<T, Approximate> {
explicit FloatingEquality(const EqualOptions& options)
: epsilon(static_cast<T>(options.atol())) {}
bool operator()(T x, T y) { return (fabs(x - y) <= epsilon) || (x == y); }
const T epsilon;
template <typename T>
struct FloatingEquality<T, Approximate | NansEqual> {
explicit FloatingEquality(const EqualOptions& options)
: epsilon(static_cast<T>(options.atol())) {}
bool operator()(T x, T y) {
return (fabs(x - y) <= epsilon) || (x == y) || (std::isnan(x) && std::isnan(y));
const T epsilon;
template <typename T, typename Visitor>
void VisitFloatingEquality(const EqualOptions& options, bool floating_approximate,
Visitor&& visit) {
if (options.nans_equal()) {
if (floating_approximate) {
visit(FloatingEquality<T, NansEqual | Approximate>{options});
} else {
visit(FloatingEquality<T, NansEqual>{});
} else {
if (floating_approximate) {
visit(FloatingEquality<T, Approximate>{options});
} else {
visit(FloatingEquality<T, 0>{});
inline bool IdentityImpliesEqualityNansNotEqual(const DataType& type) {
if ( == Type::FLOAT || == Type::DOUBLE) {
return false;
for (const auto& child : type.fields()) {
if (!IdentityImpliesEqualityNansNotEqual(*child->type())) {
return false;
return true;
inline bool IdentityImpliesEquality(const DataType& type, const EqualOptions& options) {
if (options.nans_equal()) {
return true;
return IdentityImpliesEqualityNansNotEqual(type);
bool CompareArrayRanges(const ArrayData& left, const ArrayData& right,
int64_t left_start_idx, int64_t left_end_idx,
int64_t right_start_idx, const EqualOptions& options,
bool floating_approximate);
class RangeDataEqualsImpl {
// - the types are equal
// - the ranges are in bounds
RangeDataEqualsImpl(const EqualOptions& options, bool floating_approximate,
const ArrayData& left, const ArrayData& right,
int64_t left_start_idx, int64_t right_start_idx,
int64_t range_length)
: options_(options),
result_(false) {}
bool Compare() {
// Compare null bitmaps
if (left_start_idx_ == 0 && right_start_idx_ == 0 && range_length_ == left_.length &&
range_length_ == right_.length) {
// If we're comparing entire arrays, we can first compare the cached null counts
if (left_.GetNullCount() != right_.GetNullCount()) {
return false;
if (!OptionalBitmapEquals(left_.buffers[0], left_.offset + left_start_idx_,
right_.buffers[0], right_.offset + right_start_idx_,
range_length_)) {
return false;
// Compare values
return CompareWithType(*left_.type);
bool CompareWithType(const DataType& type) {
result_ = true;
if (range_length_ != 0) {
ARROW_CHECK_OK(VisitTypeInline(type, this));
return result_;
Status Visit(const NullType&) { return Status::OK(); }
template <typename TypeClass>
enable_if_primitive_ctype<TypeClass, Status> Visit(const TypeClass& type) {
return ComparePrimitive(type);
template <typename TypeClass>
enable_if_t<is_temporal_type<TypeClass>::value, Status> Visit(const TypeClass& type) {
return ComparePrimitive(type);
Status Visit(const BooleanType&) {
const uint8_t* left_bits = left_.GetValues<uint8_t>(1, 0);
const uint8_t* right_bits = right_.GetValues<uint8_t>(1, 0);
auto compare_runs = [&](int64_t i, int64_t length) -> bool {
if (length <= 8) {
// Avoid the BitmapUInt64Reader overhead for very small runs
for (int64_t j = i; j < i + length; ++j) {
if (BitUtil::GetBit(left_bits, left_start_idx_ + left_.offset + j) !=
BitUtil::GetBit(right_bits, right_start_idx_ + right_.offset + j)) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (length <= 1024) {
BitmapUInt64Reader left_reader(left_bits, left_start_idx_ + left_.offset + i,
BitmapUInt64Reader right_reader(right_bits, right_start_idx_ + right_.offset + i,
while (left_reader.position() < length) {
if (left_reader.NextWord() != right_reader.NextWord()) {
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(right_reader.position(), length);
} else {
// BitmapEquals is the fastest method on large runs
return BitmapEquals(left_bits, left_start_idx_ + left_.offset + i, right_bits,
right_start_idx_ + right_.offset + i, length);
return true;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const FloatType& type) { return CompareFloating(type); }
Status Visit(const DoubleType& type) { return CompareFloating(type); }
// Also matches StringType
Status Visit(const BinaryType& type) { return CompareBinary(type); }
// Also matches LargeStringType
Status Visit(const LargeBinaryType& type) { return CompareBinary(type); }
Status Visit(const FixedSizeBinaryType& type) {
const auto byte_width = type.byte_width();
const uint8_t* left_data = left_.GetValues<uint8_t>(1, 0);
const uint8_t* right_data = right_.GetValues<uint8_t>(1, 0);
if (left_data != nullptr && right_data != nullptr) {
auto compare_runs = [&](int64_t i, int64_t length) -> bool {
return memcmp(left_data + (left_start_idx_ + left_.offset + i) * byte_width,
right_data + (right_start_idx_ + right_.offset + i) * byte_width,
length * byte_width) == 0;
} else {
auto compare_runs = [&](int64_t i, int64_t length) -> bool { return true; };
return Status::OK();
// Also matches MapType
Status Visit(const ListType& type) { return CompareList(type); }
Status Visit(const LargeListType& type) { return CompareList(type); }
Status Visit(const FixedSizeListType& type) {
const auto list_size = type.list_size();
const ArrayData& left_data = *left_.child_data[0];
const ArrayData& right_data = *right_.child_data[0];
auto compare_runs = [&](int64_t i, int64_t length) -> bool {
RangeDataEqualsImpl impl(options_, floating_approximate_, left_data, right_data,
(left_start_idx_ + left_.offset + i) * list_size,
(right_start_idx_ + right_.offset + i) * list_size,
length * list_size);
return impl.Compare();
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const StructType& type) {
const int32_t num_fields = type.num_fields();
auto compare_runs = [&](int64_t i, int64_t length) -> bool {
for (int32_t f = 0; f < num_fields; ++f) {
RangeDataEqualsImpl impl(options_, floating_approximate_, *left_.child_data[f],
left_start_idx_ + left_.offset + i,
right_start_idx_ + right_.offset + i, length);
if (!impl.Compare()) {
return false;
return true;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const SparseUnionType& type) {
const auto& child_ids = type.child_ids();
const int8_t* left_codes = left_.GetValues<int8_t>(1);
const int8_t* right_codes = right_.GetValues<int8_t>(1);
// Unions don't have a null bitmap
for (int64_t i = 0; i < range_length_; ++i) {
const auto type_id = left_codes[left_start_idx_ + i];
if (type_id != right_codes[right_start_idx_ + i]) {
result_ = false;
const auto child_num = child_ids[type_id];
// XXX can we instead detect runs of same-child union values?
RangeDataEqualsImpl impl(
options_, floating_approximate_, *left_.child_data[child_num],
*right_.child_data[child_num], left_start_idx_ + left_.offset + i,
right_start_idx_ + right_.offset + i, 1);
if (!impl.Compare()) {
result_ = false;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const DenseUnionType& type) {
const auto& child_ids = type.child_ids();
const int8_t* left_codes = left_.GetValues<int8_t>(1);
const int8_t* right_codes = right_.GetValues<int8_t>(1);
const int32_t* left_offsets = left_.GetValues<int32_t>(2);
const int32_t* right_offsets = right_.GetValues<int32_t>(2);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < range_length_; ++i) {
const auto type_id = left_codes[left_start_idx_ + i];
if (type_id != right_codes[right_start_idx_ + i]) {
result_ = false;
const auto child_num = child_ids[type_id];
RangeDataEqualsImpl impl(
options_, floating_approximate_, *left_.child_data[child_num],
*right_.child_data[child_num], left_offsets[left_start_idx_ + i],
right_offsets[right_start_idx_ + i], 1);
if (!impl.Compare()) {
result_ = false;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const DictionaryType& type) {
// Compare dictionaries
result_ &= CompareArrayRanges(
*left_.dictionary, *right_.dictionary,
/*left_end_idx=*/std::max(left_.dictionary->length, right_.dictionary->length),
/*right_start_idx=*/0, options_, floating_approximate_);
if (result_) {
// Compare indices
result_ &= CompareWithType(*type.index_type());
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const ExtensionType& type) {
// Compare storages
result_ &= CompareWithType(*type.storage_type());
return Status::OK();
// For CompareFloating (templated local classes or lambdas not supported in C++11)
template <typename CType>
struct ComparatorVisitor {
RangeDataEqualsImpl* impl;
const CType* left_values;
const CType* right_values;
template <typename CompareFunction>
void operator()(CompareFunction&& compare) {
impl->VisitValues([&](int64_t i) {
const CType x = left_values[i + impl->left_start_idx_];
const CType y = right_values[i + impl->right_start_idx_];
return compare(x, y);
template <typename CType>
friend struct ComparatorVisitor;
template <typename TypeClass, typename CType = typename TypeClass::c_type>
Status ComparePrimitive(const TypeClass&) {
const CType* left_values = left_.GetValues<CType>(1);
const CType* right_values = right_.GetValues<CType>(1);
VisitValidRuns([&](int64_t i, int64_t length) {
return memcmp(left_values + left_start_idx_ + i,
right_values + right_start_idx_ + i, length * sizeof(CType)) == 0;
return Status::OK();
template <typename TypeClass>
Status CompareFloating(const TypeClass&) {
using CType = typename TypeClass::c_type;
const CType* left_values = left_.GetValues<CType>(1);
const CType* right_values = right_.GetValues<CType>(1);
ComparatorVisitor<CType> visitor{this, left_values, right_values};
VisitFloatingEquality<CType>(options_, floating_approximate_, visitor);
return Status::OK();
template <typename TypeClass>
Status CompareBinary(const TypeClass&) {
const uint8_t* left_data = left_.GetValues<uint8_t>(2, 0);
const uint8_t* right_data = right_.GetValues<uint8_t>(2, 0);
if (left_data != nullptr && right_data != nullptr) {
const auto compare_ranges = [&](int64_t left_offset, int64_t right_offset,
int64_t length) -> bool {
return memcmp(left_data + left_offset, right_data + right_offset, length) == 0;
CompareWithOffsets<typename TypeClass::offset_type>(1, compare_ranges);
} else {
// One of the arrays is an array of empty strings and nulls.
// We just need to compare the offsets.
// (note we must not call memcmp() with null data pointers)
CompareWithOffsets<typename TypeClass::offset_type>(1, [](...) { return true; });
return Status::OK();
template <typename TypeClass>
Status CompareList(const TypeClass&) {
const ArrayData& left_data = *left_.child_data[0];
const ArrayData& right_data = *right_.child_data[0];
const auto compare_ranges = [&](int64_t left_offset, int64_t right_offset,
int64_t length) -> bool {
RangeDataEqualsImpl impl(options_, floating_approximate_, left_data, right_data,
left_offset, right_offset, length);
return impl.Compare();
CompareWithOffsets<typename TypeClass::offset_type>(1, compare_ranges);
return Status::OK();
template <typename offset_type, typename CompareRanges>
void CompareWithOffsets(int offsets_buffer_index, CompareRanges&& compare_ranges) {
const offset_type* left_offsets =
left_.GetValues<offset_type>(offsets_buffer_index) + left_start_idx_;
const offset_type* right_offsets =
right_.GetValues<offset_type>(offsets_buffer_index) + right_start_idx_;
const auto compare_runs = [&](int64_t i, int64_t length) {
for (int64_t j = i; j < i + length; ++j) {
if (left_offsets[j + 1] - left_offsets[j] !=
right_offsets[j + 1] - right_offsets[j]) {
return false;
if (!compare_ranges(left_offsets[i], right_offsets[i],
left_offsets[i + length] - left_offsets[i])) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename CompareValues>
void VisitValues(CompareValues&& compare_values) {
internal::VisitSetBitRunsVoid(left_.buffers[0], left_.offset + left_start_idx_,
range_length_, [&](int64_t position, int64_t length) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
result_ &= compare_values(position + i);
// Visit and compare runs of non-null values
template <typename CompareRuns>
void VisitValidRuns(CompareRuns&& compare_runs) {
const uint8_t* left_null_bitmap = left_.GetValues<uint8_t>(0, 0);
if (left_null_bitmap == nullptr) {
result_ = compare_runs(0, range_length_);
internal::SetBitRunReader reader(left_null_bitmap, left_.offset + left_start_idx_,
while (true) {
const auto run = reader.NextRun();
if (run.length == 0) {
if (!compare_runs(run.position, run.length)) {
result_ = false;
const EqualOptions& options_;
const bool floating_approximate_;
const ArrayData& left_;
const ArrayData& right_;
const int64_t left_start_idx_;
const int64_t right_start_idx_;
const int64_t range_length_;
bool result_;
bool CompareArrayRanges(const ArrayData& left, const ArrayData& right,
int64_t left_start_idx, int64_t left_end_idx,
int64_t right_start_idx, const EqualOptions& options,
bool floating_approximate) {
if (left.type->id() != right.type->id() ||
!TypeEquals(*left.type, *right.type, false /* check_metadata */)) {
return false;
const int64_t range_length = left_end_idx - left_start_idx;
DCHECK_GE(range_length, 0);
if (left_start_idx + range_length > left.length) {
// Left range too small
return false;
if (right_start_idx + range_length > right.length) {
// Right range too small
return false;
if (&left == &right && left_start_idx == right_start_idx &&
IdentityImpliesEquality(*left.type, options)) {
return true;
// Compare values
RangeDataEqualsImpl impl(options, floating_approximate, left, right, left_start_idx,
right_start_idx, range_length);
return impl.Compare();
class TypeEqualsVisitor {
explicit TypeEqualsVisitor(const DataType& right, bool check_metadata)
: right_(right), check_metadata_(check_metadata), result_(false) {}
Status VisitChildren(const DataType& left) {
if (left.num_fields() != right_.num_fields()) {
result_ = false;
return Status::OK();
for (int i = 0; i < left.num_fields(); ++i) {
if (!left.field(i)->Equals(right_.field(i), check_metadata_)) {
result_ = false;
return Status::OK();
result_ = true;
return Status::OK();
template <typename T>
enable_if_t<is_null_type<T>::value || is_primitive_ctype<T>::value ||
Visit(const T&) {
result_ = true;
return Status::OK();
template <typename T>
enable_if_interval<T, Status> Visit(const T& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const IntervalType&>(right_);
result_ = right.interval_type() == left.interval_type();
return Status::OK();
template <typename T>
enable_if_t<is_time_type<T>::value || is_date_type<T>::value ||
Visit(const T& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const T&>(right_);
result_ = left.unit() == right.unit();
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const TimestampType& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const TimestampType&>(right_);
result_ = left.unit() == right.unit() && left.timezone() == right.timezone();
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const FixedSizeBinaryType& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const FixedSizeBinaryType&>(right_);
result_ = left.byte_width() == right.byte_width();
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const Decimal128Type& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const Decimal128Type&>(right_);
result_ = left.precision() == right.precision() && left.scale() == right.scale();
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const Decimal256Type& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const Decimal256Type&>(right_);
result_ = left.precision() == right.precision() && left.scale() == right.scale();
return Status::OK();
template <typename T>
enable_if_t<is_list_like_type<T>::value || is_struct_type<T>::value, Status> Visit(
const T& left) {
return VisitChildren(left);
Status Visit(const MapType& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const MapType&>(right_);
if (left.keys_sorted() != right.keys_sorted()) {
result_ = false;
return Status::OK();
result_ = left.key_type()->Equals(*right.key_type(), check_metadata_) &&
left.item_type()->Equals(*right.item_type(), check_metadata_);
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const UnionType& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const UnionType&>(right_);
if (left.mode() != right.mode() || left.type_codes() != right.type_codes()) {
result_ = false;
return Status::OK();
result_ = std::equal(
left.fields().begin(), left.fields().end(), right.fields().begin(),
[this](const std::shared_ptr<Field>& l, const std::shared_ptr<Field>& r) {
return l->Equals(r, check_metadata_);
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const DictionaryType& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const DictionaryType&>(right_);
result_ = left.index_type()->Equals(right.index_type()) &&
left.value_type()->Equals(right.value_type()) &&
(left.ordered() == right.ordered());
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const ExtensionType& left) {
result_ = left.ExtensionEquals(static_cast<const ExtensionType&>(right_));
return Status::OK();
bool result() const { return result_; }
const DataType& right_;
bool check_metadata_;
bool result_;
bool ArrayEquals(const Array& left, const Array& right, const EqualOptions& opts,
bool floating_approximate);
bool ScalarEquals(const Scalar& left, const Scalar& right, const EqualOptions& options,
bool floating_approximate);
class ScalarEqualsVisitor {
// - the types are equal
// - the scalars are non-null
explicit ScalarEqualsVisitor(const Scalar& right, const EqualOptions& opts,
bool floating_approximate)
: right_(right),
result_(false) {}
Status Visit(const NullScalar& left) {
result_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const BooleanScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const BooleanScalar&>(right_);
result_ = left.value == right.value;
return Status::OK();
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<(is_primitive_ctype<typename T::TypeClass>::value ||
is_temporal_type<typename T::TypeClass>::value),
Visit(const T& left_) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const T&>(right_);
result_ = right.value == left_.value;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const FloatScalar& left) { return CompareFloating(left); }
Status Visit(const DoubleScalar& left) { return CompareFloating(left); }
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<BaseBinaryScalar, T>::value, Status>::type
Visit(const T& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const BaseBinaryScalar&>(right_);
result_ = internal::SharedPtrEquals(left.value, right.value);
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const Decimal128Scalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const Decimal128Scalar&>(right_);
result_ = left.value == right.value;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const Decimal256Scalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const Decimal256Scalar&>(right_);
result_ = left.value == right.value;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const ListScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const ListScalar&>(right_);
result_ = ArrayEquals(*left.value, *right.value, options_, floating_approximate_);
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const LargeListScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const LargeListScalar&>(right_);
result_ = ArrayEquals(*left.value, *right.value, options_, floating_approximate_);
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const MapScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const MapScalar&>(right_);
result_ = ArrayEquals(*left.value, *right.value, options_, floating_approximate_);
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const FixedSizeListScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const FixedSizeListScalar&>(right_);
result_ = ArrayEquals(*left.value, *right.value, options_, floating_approximate_);
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const StructScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const StructScalar&>(right_);
if (right.value.size() != left.value.size()) {
result_ = false;
} else {
bool all_equals = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < left.value.size() && all_equals; i++) {
all_equals &= ScalarEquals(*left.value[i], *right.value[i], options_,
result_ = all_equals;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const UnionScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const UnionScalar&>(right_);
if (left.is_valid && right.is_valid) {
result_ = ScalarEquals(*left.value, *right.value, options_, floating_approximate_);
} else if (!left.is_valid && !right.is_valid) {
result_ = true;
} else {
result_ = false;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const DictionaryScalar& left) {
const auto& right = checked_cast<const DictionaryScalar&>(right_);
result_ = ScalarEquals(*left.value.index, *right.value.index, options_,
floating_approximate_) &&
ArrayEquals(*left.value.dictionary, *right.value.dictionary, options_,
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const ExtensionScalar& left) {
return Status::NotImplemented("extension");
bool result() const { return result_; }
// For CompareFloating (templated local classes or lambdas not supported in C++11)
template <typename ScalarType>
struct ComparatorVisitor {
const ScalarType& left;
const ScalarType& right;
bool* result;
template <typename CompareFunction>
void operator()(CompareFunction&& compare) {
*result = compare(left.value, right.value);
template <typename ScalarType>
Status CompareFloating(const ScalarType& left) {
using CType = decltype(left.value);
ComparatorVisitor<ScalarType> visitor{left, checked_cast<const ScalarType&>(right_),
VisitFloatingEquality<CType>(options_, floating_approximate_, visitor);
return Status::OK();
const Scalar& right_;
const EqualOptions options_;
const bool floating_approximate_;
bool result_;
Status PrintDiff(const Array& left, const Array& right, std::ostream* os);
Status PrintDiff(const Array& left, const Array& right, int64_t left_offset,
int64_t left_length, int64_t right_offset, int64_t right_length,
std::ostream* os) {
if (os == nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
if (!left.type()->Equals(right.type())) {
*os << "# Array types differed: " << *left.type() << " vs " << *right.type()
<< std::endl;
return Status::OK();
if (left.type()->id() == Type::DICTIONARY) {
*os << "# Dictionary arrays differed" << std::endl;
const auto& left_dict = checked_cast<const DictionaryArray&>(left);
const auto& right_dict = checked_cast<const DictionaryArray&>(right);
*os << "## dictionary diff";
auto pos = os->tellp();
RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintDiff(*left_dict.dictionary(), *right_dict.dictionary(), os));
if (os->tellp() == pos) {
*os << std::endl;
*os << "## indices diff";
pos = os->tellp();
RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintDiff(*left_dict.indices(), *right_dict.indices(), os));
if (os->tellp() == pos) {
*os << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
const auto left_slice = left.Slice(left_offset, left_length);
const auto right_slice = right.Slice(right_offset, right_length);
Diff(*left_slice, *right_slice, default_memory_pool()));
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto formatter, MakeUnifiedDiffFormatter(*left.type(), os));
return formatter(*edits, *left_slice, *right_slice);
Status PrintDiff(const Array& left, const Array& right, std::ostream* os) {
return PrintDiff(left, right, 0, left.length(), 0, right.length(), os);
bool ArrayRangeEquals(const Array& left, const Array& right, int64_t left_start_idx,
int64_t left_end_idx, int64_t right_start_idx,
const EqualOptions& options, bool floating_approximate) {
bool are_equal =
CompareArrayRanges(*, *, left_start_idx, left_end_idx,
right_start_idx, options, floating_approximate);
if (!are_equal) {
left, right, left_start_idx, left_end_idx, right_start_idx,
right_start_idx + (left_end_idx - left_start_idx), options.diff_sink()));
return are_equal;
bool ArrayEquals(const Array& left, const Array& right, const EqualOptions& opts,
bool floating_approximate) {
if (left.length() != right.length()) {
ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(PrintDiff(left, right, opts.diff_sink()));
return false;
return ArrayRangeEquals(left, right, 0, left.length(), 0, opts, floating_approximate);
bool ScalarEquals(const Scalar& left, const Scalar& right, const EqualOptions& options,
bool floating_approximate) {
if (&left == &right && IdentityImpliesEquality(*left.type, options)) {
return true;
if (!left.type->Equals(right.type)) {
return false;
if (left.is_valid != right.is_valid) {
return false;
if (!left.is_valid) {
return true;
ScalarEqualsVisitor visitor(right, options, floating_approximate);
auto error = VisitScalarInline(left, &visitor);
return visitor.result();
} // namespace
bool ArrayRangeEquals(const Array& left, const Array& right, int64_t left_start_idx,
int64_t left_end_idx, int64_t right_start_idx,
const EqualOptions& options) {
const bool floating_approximate = false;
return ArrayRangeEquals(left, right, left_start_idx, left_end_idx, right_start_idx,
options, floating_approximate);
bool ArrayRangeApproxEquals(const Array& left, const Array& right, int64_t left_start_idx,
int64_t left_end_idx, int64_t right_start_idx,
const EqualOptions& options) {
const bool floating_approximate = true;
return ArrayRangeEquals(left, right, left_start_idx, left_end_idx, right_start_idx,
options, floating_approximate);
bool ArrayEquals(const Array& left, const Array& right, const EqualOptions& opts) {
const bool floating_approximate = false;
return ArrayEquals(left, right, opts, floating_approximate);
bool ArrayApproxEquals(const Array& left, const Array& right, const EqualOptions& opts) {
const bool floating_approximate = true;
return ArrayEquals(left, right, opts, floating_approximate);
bool ScalarEquals(const Scalar& left, const Scalar& right, const EqualOptions& options) {
const bool floating_approximate = false;
return ScalarEquals(left, right, options, floating_approximate);
bool ScalarApproxEquals(const Scalar& left, const Scalar& right,
const EqualOptions& options) {
const bool floating_approximate = true;
return ScalarEquals(left, right, options, floating_approximate);
namespace {
bool StridedIntegerTensorContentEquals(const int dim_index, int64_t left_offset,
int64_t right_offset, int elem_size,
const Tensor& left, const Tensor& right) {
const auto n = left.shape()[dim_index];
const auto left_stride = left.strides()[dim_index];
const auto right_stride = right.strides()[dim_index];
if (dim_index == left.ndim() - 1) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (memcmp(left.raw_data() + left_offset + i * left_stride,
right.raw_data() + right_offset + i * right_stride, elem_size) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (!StridedIntegerTensorContentEquals(dim_index + 1, left_offset, right_offset,
elem_size, left, right)) {
return false;
left_offset += left_stride;
right_offset += right_stride;
return true;
bool IntegerTensorEquals(const Tensor& left, const Tensor& right) {
bool are_equal;
// The arrays are the same object
if (&left == &right) {
are_equal = true;
} else {
const bool left_row_major_p = left.is_row_major();
const bool left_column_major_p = left.is_column_major();
const bool right_row_major_p = right.is_row_major();
const bool right_column_major_p = right.is_column_major();
if (!(left_row_major_p && right_row_major_p) &&
!(left_column_major_p && right_column_major_p)) {
const auto& type = checked_cast<const FixedWidthType&>(*left.type());
are_equal = StridedIntegerTensorContentEquals(0, 0, 0, internal::GetByteWidth(type),
left, right);
} else {
const int byte_width = internal::GetByteWidth(*left.type());
DCHECK_GT(byte_width, 0);
const uint8_t* left_data =>data();
const uint8_t* right_data =>data();
are_equal = memcmp(left_data, right_data,
static_cast<size_t>(byte_width * left.size())) == 0;
return are_equal;
template <typename DataType>
bool StridedFloatTensorContentEquals(const int dim_index, int64_t left_offset,
int64_t right_offset, const Tensor& left,
const Tensor& right, const EqualOptions& opts) {
using c_type = typename DataType::c_type;
"DataType must be a floating point type");
const auto n = left.shape()[dim_index];
const auto left_stride = left.strides()[dim_index];
const auto right_stride = right.strides()[dim_index];
if (dim_index == left.ndim() - 1) {
auto left_data = left.raw_data();
auto right_data = right.raw_data();
if (opts.nans_equal()) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
c_type left_value =
*reinterpret_cast<const c_type*>(left_data + left_offset + i * left_stride);
c_type right_value = *reinterpret_cast<const c_type*>(right_data + right_offset +
i * right_stride);
if (left_value != right_value &&
!(std::isnan(left_value) && std::isnan(right_value))) {
return false;
} else {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
c_type left_value =
*reinterpret_cast<const c_type*>(left_data + left_offset + i * left_stride);
c_type right_value = *reinterpret_cast<const c_type*>(right_data + right_offset +
i * right_stride);
if (left_value != right_value) {
return false;
return true;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (!StridedFloatTensorContentEquals<DataType>(dim_index + 1, left_offset,
right_offset, left, right, opts)) {
return false;
left_offset += left_stride;
right_offset += right_stride;
return true;
template <typename DataType>
bool FloatTensorEquals(const Tensor& left, const Tensor& right,
const EqualOptions& opts) {
return StridedFloatTensorContentEquals<DataType>(0, 0, 0, left, right, opts);
} // namespace
bool TensorEquals(const Tensor& left, const Tensor& right, const EqualOptions& opts) {
if (left.type_id() != right.type_id()) {
return false;
} else if (left.size() == 0 && right.size() == 0) {
return true;
} else if (left.shape() != right.shape()) {
return false;
switch (left.type_id()) {
// TODO: Support half-float tensors
// case Type::HALF_FLOAT:
case Type::FLOAT:
return FloatTensorEquals<FloatType>(left, right, opts);
case Type::DOUBLE:
return FloatTensorEquals<DoubleType>(left, right, opts);
return IntegerTensorEquals(left, right);
namespace {
template <typename LeftSparseIndexType, typename RightSparseIndexType>
struct SparseTensorEqualsImpl {
static bool Compare(const SparseTensorImpl<LeftSparseIndexType>& left,
const SparseTensorImpl<RightSparseIndexType>& right,
const EqualOptions&) {
// TODO(mrkn): should we support the equality among different formats?
return false;
bool IntegerSparseTensorDataEquals(const uint8_t* left_data, const uint8_t* right_data,
const int byte_width, const int64_t length) {
if (left_data == right_data) {
return true;
return memcmp(left_data, right_data, static_cast<size_t>(byte_width * length)) == 0;
template <typename DataType>
bool FloatSparseTensorDataEquals(const typename DataType::c_type* left_data,
const typename DataType::c_type* right_data,
const int64_t length, const EqualOptions& opts) {
using c_type = typename DataType::c_type;
"DataType must be a floating point type");
if (opts.nans_equal()) {
if (left_data == right_data) {
return true;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const auto left = left_data[i];
const auto right = right_data[i];
if (left != right && !(std::isnan(left) && std::isnan(right))) {
return false;
} else {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (left_data[i] != right_data[i]) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename SparseIndexType>
struct SparseTensorEqualsImpl<SparseIndexType, SparseIndexType> {
static bool Compare(const SparseTensorImpl<SparseIndexType>& left,
const SparseTensorImpl<SparseIndexType>& right,
const EqualOptions& opts) {
DCHECK(left.type()->id() == right.type()->id());
DCHECK(left.shape() == right.shape());
const auto length = left.non_zero_length();
DCHECK(length == right.non_zero_length());
const auto& left_index = checked_cast<const SparseIndexType&>(*left.sparse_index());
const auto& right_index = checked_cast<const SparseIndexType&>(*right.sparse_index());
if (!left_index.Equals(right_index)) {
return false;
const int byte_width = internal::GetByteWidth(*left.type());
DCHECK_GT(byte_width, 0);
const uint8_t* left_data =>data();
const uint8_t* right_data =>data();
switch (left.type()->id()) {
// TODO: Support half-float tensors
// case Type::HALF_FLOAT:
case Type::FLOAT:
return FloatSparseTensorDataEquals<FloatType>(
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(left_data),
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(right_data), length, opts);
case Type::DOUBLE:
return FloatSparseTensorDataEquals<DoubleType>(
reinterpret_cast<const double*>(left_data),
reinterpret_cast<const double*>(right_data), length, opts);
default: // Integer cases
return IntegerSparseTensorDataEquals(left_data, right_data, byte_width, length);
template <typename SparseIndexType>
inline bool SparseTensorEqualsImplDispatch(const SparseTensorImpl<SparseIndexType>& left,
const SparseTensor& right,
const EqualOptions& opts) {
switch (right.format_id()) {
case SparseTensorFormat::COO: {
const auto& right_coo =
checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCOOIndex>&>(right);
return SparseTensorEqualsImpl<SparseIndexType, SparseCOOIndex>::Compare(
left, right_coo, opts);
case SparseTensorFormat::CSR: {
const auto& right_csr =
checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSRIndex>&>(right);
return SparseTensorEqualsImpl<SparseIndexType, SparseCSRIndex>::Compare(
left, right_csr, opts);
case SparseTensorFormat::CSC: {
const auto& right_csc =
checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSCIndex>&>(right);
return SparseTensorEqualsImpl<SparseIndexType, SparseCSCIndex>::Compare(
left, right_csc, opts);
case SparseTensorFormat::CSF: {
const auto& right_csf =
checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSFIndex>&>(right);
return SparseTensorEqualsImpl<SparseIndexType, SparseCSFIndex>::Compare(
left, right_csf, opts);
return false;
} // namespace
bool SparseTensorEquals(const SparseTensor& left, const SparseTensor& right,
const EqualOptions& opts) {
if (left.type()->id() != right.type()->id()) {
return false;
} else if (left.size() == 0 && right.size() == 0) {
return true;
} else if (left.shape() != right.shape()) {
return false;
} else if (left.non_zero_length() != right.non_zero_length()) {
return false;
switch (left.format_id()) {
case SparseTensorFormat::COO: {
const auto& left_coo = checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCOOIndex>&>(left);
return SparseTensorEqualsImplDispatch(left_coo, right, opts);
case SparseTensorFormat::CSR: {
const auto& left_csr = checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSRIndex>&>(left);
return SparseTensorEqualsImplDispatch(left_csr, right, opts);
case SparseTensorFormat::CSC: {
const auto& left_csc = checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSCIndex>&>(left);
return SparseTensorEqualsImplDispatch(left_csc, right, opts);
case SparseTensorFormat::CSF: {
const auto& left_csf = checked_cast<const SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSFIndex>&>(left);
return SparseTensorEqualsImplDispatch(left_csf, right, opts);
return false;
bool TypeEquals(const DataType& left, const DataType& right, bool check_metadata) {
// The arrays are the same object
if (&left == &right) {
return true;
} else if ( != {
return false;
} else {
// First try to compute fingerprints
if (check_metadata) {
const auto& left_metadata_fp = left.metadata_fingerprint();
const auto& right_metadata_fp = right.metadata_fingerprint();
if (left_metadata_fp != right_metadata_fp) {
return false;
const auto& left_fp = left.fingerprint();
const auto& right_fp = right.fingerprint();
if (!left_fp.empty() && !right_fp.empty()) {
return left_fp == right_fp;
// TODO remove check_metadata here?
TypeEqualsVisitor visitor(right, check_metadata);
auto error = VisitTypeInline(left, &visitor);
if (!error.ok()) {
DCHECK(false) << "Types are not comparable: " << error.ToString();
return visitor.result();
} // namespace arrow