blob: 348a924040a189770aca0b12a119dd871c275591 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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//! Execution plan for reading Parquet files
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
use super::{
planner::DefaultPhysicalPlanner, ColumnarValue, PhysicalExpr, RecordBatchStream,
use crate::physical_plan::{common, ExecutionPlan, Partitioning};
use crate::{
error::{DataFusionError, Result},
logical_plan::{Expr, Operator},
use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
use arrow::{
error::{ArrowError, Result as ArrowResult},
use arrow::{
array::{make_array, ArrayData, ArrayRef, BooleanArray, BooleanBufferBuilder},
datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema, SchemaRef},
use parquet::file::{
reader::{FileReader, SerializedFileReader},
statistics::Statistics as ParquetStatistics,
use fmt::Debug;
use parquet::arrow::{ArrowReader, ParquetFileArrowReader};
use tokio::{
sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender},
use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream;
use crate::datasource::datasource::Statistics;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures::stream::{Stream, StreamExt};
/// Execution plan for scanning one or more Parquet partitions
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ParquetExec {
/// Parquet partitions to read
partitions: Vec<ParquetPartition>,
/// Schema after projection is applied
schema: SchemaRef,
/// Projection for which columns to load
projection: Vec<usize>,
/// Batch size
batch_size: usize,
/// Statistics for the data set (sum of statistics for all partitions)
statistics: Statistics,
/// Optional predicate builder
predicate_builder: Option<RowGroupPredicateBuilder>,
/// Represents one partition of a Parquet data set and this currently means one Parquet file.
/// In the future it would be good to support subsets of files based on ranges of row groups
/// so that we can better parallelize reads of large files across available cores (see
/// [ARROW-10995](
/// We may also want to support reading Parquet files that are partitioned based on a key and
/// in this case we would want this partition struct to represent multiple files for a given
/// partition key (see [ARROW-11019](
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ParquetPartition {
/// The Parquet filename for this partition
filenames: Vec<String>,
/// Statistics for this partition
statistics: Statistics,
impl ParquetExec {
/// Create a new Parquet reader execution plan based on the specified Parquet filename or
/// directory containing Parquet files
pub fn try_from_path(
path: &str,
projection: Option<Vec<usize>>,
predicate: Option<Expr>,
batch_size: usize,
max_concurrency: usize,
) -> Result<Self> {
// build a list of filenames from the specified path, which could be a single file or
// a directory containing one or more parquet files
let mut filenames: Vec<String> = vec![];
common::build_file_list(path, &mut filenames, ".parquet")?;
if filenames.is_empty() {
"No Parquet files found at path {}",
} else {
let filenames = filenames
.map(|filename| filename.as_str())
/// Create a new Parquet reader execution plan based on the specified list of Parquet
/// files
pub fn try_from_files(
filenames: &[&str],
projection: Option<Vec<usize>>,
predicate: Option<Expr>,
batch_size: usize,
max_concurrency: usize,
) -> Result<Self> {
// build a list of Parquet partitions with statistics and gather all unique schemas
// used in this data set
let mut schemas: Vec<Schema> = vec![];
let mut partitions = Vec::with_capacity(max_concurrency);
let filenames: Vec<String> = filenames.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
let chunks = split_files(&filenames, max_concurrency);
let mut num_rows = 0;
let mut total_byte_size = 0;
for chunk in chunks {
let filenames: Vec<String> = chunk.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
for filename in &filenames {
let file = File::open(filename)?;
let file_reader = Arc::new(SerializedFileReader::new(file)?);
let mut arrow_reader = ParquetFileArrowReader::new(file_reader);
let meta_data = arrow_reader.get_metadata();
// collect all the unique schemas in this data set
let schema = arrow_reader.get_schema()?;
if schemas.is_empty() || schema != schemas[0] {
for i in 0..meta_data.num_row_groups() {
let row_group_meta = meta_data.row_group(i);
num_rows += row_group_meta.num_rows();
total_byte_size += row_group_meta.total_byte_size();
let statistics = Statistics {
num_rows: Some(num_rows as usize),
total_byte_size: Some(total_byte_size as usize),
column_statistics: None,
partitions.push(ParquetPartition {
// we currently get the schema information from the first file rather than do
// schema merging and this is a limitation.
// See
if schemas.len() > 1 {
return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
"The Parquet files have {} different schemas and DataFusion does \
not yet support schema merging",
let schema = schemas[0].clone();
let predicate_builder = predicate.and_then(|predicate_expr| {
RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new(&predicate_expr, schema.clone()).ok()
/// Create a new Parquet reader execution plan with provided partitions and schema
pub fn new(
partitions: Vec<ParquetPartition>,
schema: Schema,
projection: Option<Vec<usize>>,
predicate_builder: Option<RowGroupPredicateBuilder>,
batch_size: usize,
) -> Self {
let projection = match projection {
Some(p) => p,
None => (0..schema.fields().len()).collect(),
let projected_schema = Schema::new(
.map(|i| schema.field(*i).clone())
// sum the statistics
let mut num_rows: Option<usize> = None;
let mut total_byte_size: Option<usize> = None;
for part in &partitions {
if let Some(n) = part.statistics.num_rows {
num_rows = Some(num_rows.unwrap_or(0) + n)
if let Some(n) = part.statistics.total_byte_size {
total_byte_size = Some(total_byte_size.unwrap_or(0) + n)
let statistics = Statistics {
column_statistics: None,
Self {
schema: Arc::new(projected_schema),
/// Parquet partitions to read
pub fn partitions(&self) -> &[ParquetPartition] {
/// Projection for which columns to load
pub fn projection(&self) -> &[usize] {
/// Batch size
pub fn batch_size(&self) -> usize {
/// Statistics for the data set (sum of statistics for all partitions)
pub fn statistics(&self) -> &Statistics {
impl ParquetPartition {
/// Create a new parquet partition
pub fn new(filenames: Vec<String>, statistics: Statistics) -> Self {
Self {
/// The Parquet filename for this partition
pub fn filenames(&self) -> &[String] {
/// Statistics for this partition
pub fn statistics(&self) -> &Statistics {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Predicate builder used for generating of predicate functions, used to filter row group metadata
pub struct RowGroupPredicateBuilder {
parquet_schema: Schema,
predicate_expr: Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>,
stat_column_req: Vec<(String, StatisticsType, Field)>,
impl RowGroupPredicateBuilder {
/// Try to create a new instance of PredicateExpressionBuilder.
/// This will translate the filter expression into a statistics predicate expression
/// (for example (column / 2) = 4 becomes (column_min / 2) <= 4 && 4 <= (column_max / 2)),
/// then convert it to a DataFusion PhysicalExpression and cache it for later use by build_row_group_predicate.
pub fn try_new(expr: &Expr, parquet_schema: Schema) -> Result<Self> {
// build predicate expression once
let mut stat_column_req = Vec::<(String, StatisticsType, Field)>::new();
let logical_predicate_expr =
build_predicate_expression(expr, &parquet_schema, &mut stat_column_req)?;
// println!(
// "RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new, logical_predicate_expr: {:?}",
// logical_predicate_expr
// );
// build physical predicate expression
let stat_fields = stat_column_req
.map(|(_, _, f)| f.clone())
let stat_schema = Schema::new(stat_fields);
let execution_context_state = ExecutionContextState {
datasources: HashMap::new(),
scalar_functions: HashMap::new(),
var_provider: HashMap::new(),
aggregate_functions: HashMap::new(),
config: ExecutionConfig::new(),
let predicate_expr = DefaultPhysicalPlanner::default().create_physical_expr(
// println!(
// "RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new, predicate_expr: {:?}",
// predicate_expr
// );
Ok(Self {
/// Generate a predicate function used to filter row group metadata.
/// This function takes a list of all row groups as parameter,
/// so that DataFusion's physical expressions can be re-used by
/// generating a RecordBatch, containing statistics arrays,
/// on which the physical predicate expression is executed to generate a row group filter array.
/// The generated filter array is then used in the returned closure to filter row groups.
pub fn build_row_group_predicate(
row_group_metadata: &[RowGroupMetaData],
) -> Box<dyn Fn(&RowGroupMetaData, usize) -> bool> {
// build statistics record batch
let predicate_result = build_statistics_record_batch(
.and_then(|statistics_batch| {
// execute predicate expression
.and_then(|v| match v {
ColumnarValue::Array(array) => Ok(array),
ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(
"predicate expression didn't return an array".to_string(),
let predicate_array = match predicate_result {
Ok(array) => array,
// row group filter array could not be built
// return a closure which will not filter out any row groups
_ => return Box::new(|_r, _i| true),
let predicate_array = predicate_array.as_any().downcast_ref::<BooleanArray>();
match predicate_array {
// return row group predicate function
Some(array) => {
// when the result of the predicate expression for a row group is null / undefined,
// e.g. due to missing statistics, this row group can't be filtered out,
// so replace with true
let predicate_values =
array.iter().map(|x| x.unwrap_or(true)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
Box::new(move |_, i| predicate_values[i])
// predicate result is not a BooleanArray
// return a closure which will not filter out any row groups
_ => Box::new(|_r, _i| true),
/// Build a RecordBatch from a list of RowGroupMetadata structs,
/// creating arrays, one for each statistics column,
/// as requested in the stat_column_req parameter.
fn build_statistics_record_batch(
row_groups: &[RowGroupMetaData],
parquet_schema: &Schema,
stat_column_req: &[(String, StatisticsType, Field)],
) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
let mut fields = Vec::<Field>::new();
let mut arrays = Vec::<ArrayRef>::new();
for (column_name, statistics_type, stat_field) in stat_column_req {
if let Some((column_index, _)) = parquet_schema.column_with_name(column_name) {
let statistics = row_groups
.map(|g| g.column(column_index).statistics())
let array = build_statistics_array(
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(fields));
RecordBatch::try_new(schema, arrays)
.map_err(|err| DataFusionError::Plan(err.to_string()))
struct StatisticsExpressionBuilder<'a> {
column_name: String,
column_expr: &'a Expr,
scalar_expr: &'a Expr,
parquet_field: &'a Field,
stat_column_req: &'a mut Vec<(String, StatisticsType, Field)>,
reverse_operator: bool,
impl<'a> StatisticsExpressionBuilder<'a> {
fn try_new(
left: &'a Expr,
right: &'a Expr,
parquet_schema: &'a Schema,
stat_column_req: &'a mut Vec<(String, StatisticsType, Field)>,
) -> Result<Self> {
// find column name; input could be a more complicated expression
let mut left_columns = HashSet::<String>::new();
utils::expr_to_column_names(left, &mut left_columns)?;
let mut right_columns = HashSet::<String>::new();
utils::expr_to_column_names(right, &mut right_columns)?;
let (column_expr, scalar_expr, column_names, reverse_operator) =
match (left_columns.len(), right_columns.len()) {
(1, 0) => (left, right, left_columns, false),
(0, 1) => (right, left, right_columns, true),
_ => {
// if more than one column used in expression - not supported
return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(
"Multi-column expressions are not currently supported"
let column_name = column_names.iter().next().unwrap().clone();
let field = match parquet_schema.column_with_name(&column_name) {
Some((_, f)) => f,
_ => {
// field not found in parquet schema
return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(
"Field not found in parquet schema".to_string(),
Ok(Self {
parquet_field: field,
fn correct_operator(&self, op: Operator) -> Operator {
if !self.reverse_operator {
return op;
match op {
Operator::Lt => Operator::Gt,
Operator::Gt => Operator::Lt,
Operator::LtEq => Operator::GtEq,
Operator::GtEq => Operator::LtEq,
_ => op,
// fn column_expr(&self) -> &Expr {
// self.column_expr
// }
fn scalar_expr(&self) -> &Expr {
// fn column_name(&self) -> &String {
// &self.column_name
// }
fn is_stat_column_missing(&self, statistics_type: StatisticsType) -> bool {
.filter(|(c, t, _f)| c == &self.column_name && t == &statistics_type)
== 0
fn stat_column_expr(
&mut self,
stat_type: StatisticsType,
suffix: &str,
) -> Result<Expr> {
let stat_column_name = format!("{}_{}", self.column_name, suffix);
let stat_field = Field::new(
if self.is_stat_column_missing(stat_type) {
// only add statistics column if not previously added
.push((self.column_name.clone(), stat_type, stat_field));
fn min_column_expr(&mut self) -> Result<Expr> {
self.stat_column_expr(StatisticsType::Min, "min")
fn max_column_expr(&mut self) -> Result<Expr> {
self.stat_column_expr(StatisticsType::Max, "max")
/// replaces a column with an old name with a new name in an expression
fn rewrite_column_expr(
expr: &Expr,
column_old_name: &str,
column_new_name: &str,
) -> Result<Expr> {
let expressions = utils::expr_sub_expressions(&expr)?;
let expressions = expressions
.map(|e| rewrite_column_expr(e, column_old_name, column_new_name))
if let Expr::Column(name) = expr {
if name == column_old_name {
return Ok(Expr::Column(column_new_name.to_string()));
utils::rewrite_expression(&expr, &expressions)
/// Translate logical filter expression into parquet statistics predicate expression
fn build_predicate_expression(
expr: &Expr,
parquet_schema: &Schema,
stat_column_req: &mut Vec<(String, StatisticsType, Field)>,
) -> Result<Expr> {
use crate::logical_plan;
// predicate expression can only be a binary expression
let (left, op, right) = match expr {
Expr::BinaryExpr { left, op, right } => (left, *op, right),
_ => {
// unsupported expression - replace with TRUE
// this can still be useful when multiple conditions are joined using AND
// such as: column > 10 AND TRUE
return Ok(logical_plan::lit(true));
if op == Operator::And || op == Operator::Or {
let left_expr =
build_predicate_expression(left, parquet_schema, stat_column_req)?;
let right_expr =
build_predicate_expression(right, parquet_schema, stat_column_req)?;
return Ok(logical_plan::binary_expr(left_expr, op, right_expr));
let expr_builder = StatisticsExpressionBuilder::try_new(
let mut expr_builder = match expr_builder {
Ok(builder) => builder,
// allow partial failure in predicate expression generation
// this can still produce a useful predicate when multiple conditions are joined using AND
Err(_) => {
return Ok(logical_plan::lit(true));
let corrected_op = expr_builder.correct_operator(op);
let statistics_expr = match corrected_op {
Operator::Eq => {
// column = literal => (min, max) = literal => min <= literal && literal <= max
// (column / 2) = 4 => (column_min / 2) <= 4 && 4 <= (column_max / 2)
let min_column_expr = expr_builder.min_column_expr()?;
let max_column_expr = expr_builder.max_column_expr()?;
Operator::Gt => {
// column > literal => (min, max) > literal => max > literal
Operator::GtEq => {
// column >= literal => (min, max) >= literal => max >= literal
Operator::Lt => {
// column < literal => (min, max) < literal => min < literal
Operator::LtEq => {
// column <= literal => (min, max) <= literal => min <= literal
// other expressions are not supported
_ => logical_plan::lit(true),
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum StatisticsType {
fn build_statistics_array(
statistics: &[Option<&ParquetStatistics>],
statistics_type: StatisticsType,
data_type: &DataType,
) -> ArrayRef {
let statistics_count = statistics.len();
let first_group_stats = statistics.iter().find(|s| s.is_some());
let first_group_stats = if let Some(Some(statistics)) = first_group_stats {
// found first row group with statistics defined
} else {
// no row group has statistics defined
return new_null_array(data_type, statistics_count);
let (data_size, arrow_type) = match first_group_stats {
ParquetStatistics::Int32(_) => (std::mem::size_of::<i32>(), DataType::Int32),
ParquetStatistics::Int64(_) => (std::mem::size_of::<i64>(), DataType::Int64),
ParquetStatistics::Float(_) => (std::mem::size_of::<f32>(), DataType::Float32),
ParquetStatistics::Double(_) => (std::mem::size_of::<f64>(), DataType::Float64),
ParquetStatistics::ByteArray(_) if data_type == &DataType::Utf8 => {
(0, DataType::Utf8)
_ => {
// type of statistics not supported
return new_null_array(data_type, statistics_count);
let statistics = statistics.iter().map(|s| {
s.filter(|s| s.has_min_max_set())
.map(|s| match statistics_type {
StatisticsType::Min => s.min_bytes(),
StatisticsType::Max => s.max_bytes(),
if arrow_type == DataType::Utf8 {
let data_size = statistics
.map(|x||b| b.len()).unwrap_or(0))
let mut builder =
arrow::array::StringBuilder::with_capacity(statistics_count, data_size);
let string_statistics =|x| x.and_then(|bytes| std::str::from_utf8(bytes).ok()));
for maybe_string in string_statistics {
match maybe_string {
Some(string_value) => builder.append_value(string_value).unwrap(),
None => builder.append_null().unwrap(),
return Arc::new(builder.finish());
let mut data_buffer = MutableBuffer::new(statistics_count * data_size);
let mut bitmap_builder = BooleanBufferBuilder::new(statistics_count);
let mut null_count = 0;
for s in statistics {
if let Some(stat_data) = s {
} else {
data_buffer.resize(data_buffer.len() + data_size, 0);
null_count += 1;
let mut builder = ArrayData::builder(arrow_type)
if null_count > 0 {
builder = builder.null_bit_buffer(bitmap_builder.finish());
let array_data =;
let statistics_array = make_array(array_data);
if statistics_array.data_type() == data_type {
return statistics_array;
// cast statistics array to required data type
arrow::compute::cast(&statistics_array, data_type)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| new_null_array(data_type, statistics_count))
impl ExecutionPlan for ParquetExec {
/// Return a reference to Any that can be used for downcasting
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {
fn children(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
// this is a leaf node and has no children
/// Get the output partitioning of this plan
fn output_partitioning(&self) -> Partitioning {
fn with_new_children(
children: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
if children.is_empty() {
} else {
"Children cannot be replaced in {:?}",
async fn execute(&self, partition: usize) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
// because the parquet implementation is not thread-safe, it is necessary to execute
// on a thread and communicate with channels
let (response_tx, response_rx): (
) = channel(2);
let filenames = self.partitions[partition].filenames.clone();
let projection = self.projection.clone();
let predicate_builder = self.predicate_builder.clone();
let batch_size = self.batch_size;
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
if let Err(e) = read_files(
) {
println!("Parquet reader thread terminated due to error: {:?}", e);
Ok(Box::pin(ParquetStream {
schema: self.schema.clone(),
inner: ReceiverStream::new(response_rx),
fn send_result(
response_tx: &Sender<ArrowResult<RecordBatch>>,
result: ArrowResult<RecordBatch>,
) -> Result<()> {
// Note this function is running on its own blockng tokio thread so blocking here is ok.
.map_err(|e| DataFusionError::Execution(e.to_string()))?;
fn read_files(
filenames: &[String],
projection: &[usize],
predicate_builder: &Option<RowGroupPredicateBuilder>,
batch_size: usize,
response_tx: Sender<ArrowResult<RecordBatch>>,
) -> Result<()> {
for filename in filenames {
let file = File::open(&filename)?;
let mut file_reader = SerializedFileReader::new(file)?;
if let Some(predicate_builder) = predicate_builder {
let row_group_predicate = predicate_builder
let mut arrow_reader = ParquetFileArrowReader::new(Arc::new(file_reader));
let mut batch_reader = arrow_reader
.get_record_reader_by_columns(projection.to_owned(), batch_size)?;
loop {
match {
Some(Ok(batch)) => {
//println!("ParquetExec got new batch from {}", filename);
send_result(&response_tx, Ok(batch))?
None => {
Some(Err(e)) => {
let err_msg = format!(
"Error reading batch from {}: {}",
// send error to operator
// terminate thread with error
return Err(DataFusionError::Execution(err_msg));
// finished reading files (dropping response_tx will close
// channel)
fn split_files(filenames: &[String], n: usize) -> Vec<&[String]> {
let mut chunk_size = filenames.len() / n;
if filenames.len() % n > 0 {
chunk_size += 1;
struct ParquetStream {
schema: SchemaRef,
inner: ReceiverStream<ArrowResult<RecordBatch>>,
impl Stream for ParquetStream {
type Item = ArrowResult<RecordBatch>;
fn poll_next(
mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
impl RecordBatchStream for ParquetStream {
fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use arrow::array::{Int32Array, StringArray};
use futures::StreamExt;
use parquet::basic::Type as PhysicalType;
use parquet::schema::types::SchemaDescPtr;
fn test_split_files() {
let filenames = vec![
let chunks = split_files(&filenames, 1);
assert_eq!(1, chunks.len());
assert_eq!(5, chunks[0].len());
let chunks = split_files(&filenames, 2);
assert_eq!(2, chunks.len());
assert_eq!(3, chunks[0].len());
assert_eq!(2, chunks[1].len());
let chunks = split_files(&filenames, 5);
assert_eq!(5, chunks.len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[0].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[1].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[2].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[3].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[4].len());
let chunks = split_files(&filenames, 123);
assert_eq!(5, chunks.len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[0].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[1].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[2].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[3].len());
assert_eq!(1, chunks[4].len());
async fn test() -> Result<()> {
let testdata = arrow::util::test_util::parquet_test_data();
let filename = format!("{}/alltypes_plain.parquet", testdata);
let parquet_exec =
ParquetExec::try_from_path(&filename, Some(vec![0, 1, 2]), None, 1024, 4)?;
assert_eq!(parquet_exec.output_partitioning().partition_count(), 1);
let mut results = parquet_exec.execute(0).await?;
let batch =;
assert_eq!(8, batch.num_rows());
assert_eq!(3, batch.num_columns());
let schema = batch.schema();
let field_names: Vec<&str> =
assert_eq!(vec!["id", "bool_col", "tinyint_col"], field_names);
let batch =;
let batch =;
let batch =;
fn build_statistics_array_int32() {
// build row group metadata array
let s1 = ParquetStatistics::int32(None, Some(10), None, 0, false);
let s2 = ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(2), Some(20), None, 0, false);
let s3 = ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(3), Some(30), None, 0, false);
let statistics = vec![Some(&s1), Some(&s2), Some(&s3)];
let statistics_array =
build_statistics_array(&statistics, StatisticsType::Min, &DataType::Int32);
let int32_array = statistics_array
let int32_vec = int32_array.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(int32_vec, vec![None, Some(2), Some(3)]);
let statistics_array =
build_statistics_array(&statistics, StatisticsType::Max, &DataType::Int32);
let int32_array = statistics_array
let int32_vec = int32_array.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// here the first max value is None and not the Some(10) value which was actually set
// because the min value is None
assert_eq!(int32_vec, vec![None, Some(20), Some(30)]);
fn build_statistics_array_utf8() {
// build row group metadata array
let s1 = ParquetStatistics::byte_array(None, Some("10".into()), None, 0, false);
let s2 = ParquetStatistics::byte_array(
let s3 = ParquetStatistics::byte_array(
let statistics = vec![Some(&s1), Some(&s2), Some(&s3)];
let statistics_array =
build_statistics_array(&statistics, StatisticsType::Min, &DataType::Utf8);
let string_array = statistics_array
let string_vec = string_array.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(string_vec, vec![None, Some("2"), Some("3")]);
let statistics_array =
build_statistics_array(&statistics, StatisticsType::Max, &DataType::Utf8);
let string_array = statistics_array
let string_vec = string_array.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// here the first max value is None and not the Some("10") value which was actually set
// because the min value is None
assert_eq!(string_vec, vec![None, Some("20"), Some("30")]);
fn build_statistics_array_empty_stats() {
let data_type = DataType::Int32;
let statistics = vec![];
let statistics_array =
build_statistics_array(&statistics, StatisticsType::Min, &data_type);
assert_eq!(statistics_array.len(), 0);
let statistics = vec![None, None];
let statistics_array =
build_statistics_array(&statistics, StatisticsType::Min, &data_type);
assert_eq!(statistics_array.len(), statistics.len());
assert_eq!(statistics_array.data_type(), &data_type);
for i in 0..statistics_array.len() {
assert_eq!(statistics_array.is_null(i), true);
assert_eq!(statistics_array.is_valid(i), false);
fn build_statistics_array_unsupported_type() {
// boolean is not currently a supported type for statistics
let s1 = ParquetStatistics::boolean(Some(false), Some(true), None, 0, false);
let s2 = ParquetStatistics::boolean(Some(false), Some(true), None, 0, false);
let statistics = vec![Some(&s1), Some(&s2)];
let data_type = DataType::Boolean;
let statistics_array =
build_statistics_array(&statistics, StatisticsType::Min, &data_type);
assert_eq!(statistics_array.len(), statistics.len());
assert_eq!(statistics_array.data_type(), &data_type);
for i in 0..statistics_array.len() {
assert_eq!(statistics_array.is_null(i), true);
assert_eq!(statistics_array.is_valid(i), false);
fn row_group_predicate_eq() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let expected_expr = "#c1_min LtEq Int32(1) And Int32(1) LtEq #c1_max";
// test column on the left
let expr = col("c1").eq(lit(1));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
// test column on the right
let expr = lit(1).eq(col("c1"));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
fn row_group_predicate_gt() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let expected_expr = "#c1_max Gt Int32(1)";
// test column on the left
let expr = col("c1").gt(lit(1));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
// test column on the right
let expr = lit(1).lt(col("c1"));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
fn row_group_predicate_gt_eq() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let expected_expr = "#c1_max GtEq Int32(1)";
// test column on the left
let expr = col("c1").gt_eq(lit(1));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
// test column on the right
let expr = lit(1).lt_eq(col("c1"));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
fn row_group_predicate_lt() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let expected_expr = "#c1_min Lt Int32(1)";
// test column on the left
let expr = col("c1").lt(lit(1));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
// test column on the right
let expr = lit(1).gt(col("c1"));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
fn row_group_predicate_lt_eq() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let expected_expr = "#c1_min LtEq Int32(1)";
// test column on the left
let expr = col("c1").lt_eq(lit(1));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
// test column on the right
let expr = lit(1).gt_eq(col("c1"));
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
fn row_group_predicate_and() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c3", DataType::Int32, false),
// test AND operator joining supported c1 < 1 expression and unsupported c2 > c3 expression
let expr = col("c1").lt(lit(1)).and(col("c2").lt(col("c3")));
let expected_expr = "#c1_min Lt Int32(1) And Boolean(true)";
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
fn row_group_predicate_or() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::Int32, false),
// test OR operator joining supported c1 < 1 expression and unsupported c2 % 2 expression
let expr = col("c1").lt(lit(1)).or(col("c2").modulus(lit(2)));
let expected_expr = "#c1_min Lt Int32(1) Or Boolean(true)";
let predicate_expr = build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut vec![])?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
fn row_group_predicate_stat_column_req() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::Int32, false),
let mut stat_column_req = vec![];
// c1 < 1 and (c2 = 2 or c2 = 3)
let expr = col("c1")
let expected_expr = "#c1_min Lt Int32(1) And #c2_min LtEq Int32(2) And Int32(2) LtEq #c2_max Or #c2_min LtEq Int32(3) And Int32(3) LtEq #c2_max";
let predicate_expr =
build_predicate_expression(&expr, &schema, &mut stat_column_req)?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", predicate_expr), expected_expr);
// c1 < 1 should add c1_min
let c1_min_field = Field::new("c1_min", DataType::Int32, false);
("c1".to_owned(), StatisticsType::Min, c1_min_field)
// c2 = 2 should add c2_min and c2_max
let c2_min_field = Field::new("c2_min", DataType::Int32, false);
("c2".to_owned(), StatisticsType::Min, c2_min_field)
let c2_max_field = Field::new("c2_max", DataType::Int32, false);
("c2".to_owned(), StatisticsType::Max, c2_max_field)
// c2 = 3 shouldn't add any new statistics fields
assert_eq!(stat_column_req.len(), 3);
fn row_group_predicate_builder_simple_expr() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
// int > 1 => c1_max > 1
let expr = col("c1").gt(lit(15));
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let predicate_builder = RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new(&expr, schema)?;
let schema_descr = get_test_schema_descr(vec![("c1", PhysicalType::INT32)]);
let rgm1 = get_row_group_meta_data(
vec![ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(1), Some(10), None, 0, false)],
let rgm2 = get_row_group_meta_data(
vec![ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(11), Some(20), None, 0, false)],
let row_group_metadata = vec![rgm1, rgm2];
let row_group_predicate =
let row_group_filter = row_group_metadata
.map(|(i, g)| row_group_predicate(g, i))
assert_eq!(row_group_filter, vec![false, true]);
fn row_group_predicate_builder_missing_stats() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
// int > 1 => c1_max > 1
let expr = col("c1").gt(lit(15));
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let predicate_builder = RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new(&expr, schema)?;
let schema_descr = get_test_schema_descr(vec![("c1", PhysicalType::INT32)]);
let rgm1 = get_row_group_meta_data(
vec![ParquetStatistics::int32(None, None, None, 0, false)],
let rgm2 = get_row_group_meta_data(
vec![ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(11), Some(20), None, 0, false)],
let row_group_metadata = vec![rgm1, rgm2];
let row_group_predicate =
let row_group_filter = row_group_metadata
.map(|(i, g)| row_group_predicate(g, i))
// missing statistics for first row group mean that the result from the predicate expression
// is null / undefined so the first row group can't be filtered out
assert_eq!(row_group_filter, vec![true, true]);
fn row_group_predicate_builder_partial_expr() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
// test row group predicate with partially supported expression
// int > 1 and int % 2 => c1_max > 1 and true
let expr = col("c1").gt(lit(15)).and(col("c2").modulus(lit(2)));
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::Int32, false),
let predicate_builder = RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new(&expr, schema.clone())?;
let schema_descr = get_test_schema_descr(vec![
("c1", PhysicalType::INT32),
("c2", PhysicalType::INT32),
let rgm1 = get_row_group_meta_data(
ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(1), Some(10), None, 0, false),
ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(1), Some(10), None, 0, false),
let rgm2 = get_row_group_meta_data(
ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(11), Some(20), None, 0, false),
ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(11), Some(20), None, 0, false),
let row_group_metadata = vec![rgm1, rgm2];
let row_group_predicate =
let row_group_filter = row_group_metadata
.map(|(i, g)| row_group_predicate(g, i))
// the first row group is still filtered out because the predicate expression can be partially evaluated
// when conditions are joined using AND
assert_eq!(row_group_filter, vec![false, true]);
// if conditions in predicate are joined with OR and an unsupported expression is used
// this bypasses the entire predicate expression and no row groups are filtered out
let expr = col("c1").gt(lit(15)).or(col("c2").modulus(lit(2)));
let predicate_builder = RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new(&expr, schema)?;
let row_group_predicate =
let row_group_filter = row_group_metadata
.map(|(i, g)| row_group_predicate(g, i))
assert_eq!(row_group_filter, vec![true, true]);
fn row_group_predicate_builder_unsupported_type() -> Result<()> {
use crate::logical_plan::{col, lit};
// test row group predicate with unsupported statistics type (boolean)
// where a null array is generated for some statistics columns
// int > 1 and bool = true => c1_max > 1 and null
let expr = col("c1").gt(lit(15)).and(col("c2").eq(lit(true)));
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::Boolean, false),
let predicate_builder = RowGroupPredicateBuilder::try_new(&expr, schema)?;
let schema_descr = get_test_schema_descr(vec![
("c1", PhysicalType::INT32),
("c2", PhysicalType::BOOLEAN),
let rgm1 = get_row_group_meta_data(
ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(1), Some(10), None, 0, false),
ParquetStatistics::boolean(Some(false), Some(true), None, 0, false),
let rgm2 = get_row_group_meta_data(
ParquetStatistics::int32(Some(11), Some(20), None, 0, false),
ParquetStatistics::boolean(Some(false), Some(true), None, 0, false),
let row_group_metadata = vec![rgm1, rgm2];
let row_group_predicate =
let row_group_filter = row_group_metadata
.map(|(i, g)| row_group_predicate(g, i))
// no row group is filtered out because the predicate expression can't be evaluated
// when a null array is generated for a statistics column,
// because the null values propagate to the end result, making the predicate result undefined
assert_eq!(row_group_filter, vec![true, true]);
fn get_row_group_meta_data(
schema_descr: &SchemaDescPtr,
column_statistics: Vec<ParquetStatistics>,
) -> RowGroupMetaData {
use parquet::file::metadata::ColumnChunkMetaData;
let mut columns = vec![];
for (i, s) in column_statistics.iter().enumerate() {
let column = ColumnChunkMetaData::builder(schema_descr.column(i))
fn get_test_schema_descr(fields: Vec<(&str, PhysicalType)>) -> SchemaDescPtr {
use parquet::schema::types::{SchemaDescriptor, Type as SchemaType};
let mut schema_fields = fields
.map(|(n, t)| {
Arc::new(SchemaType::primitive_type_builder(n, *t).build().unwrap())
let schema = SchemaType::group_type_builder("schema")
.with_fields(&mut schema_fields)