blob: a97f47ef4aa431ee8d087557da9cfad52ef6806b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ipc
import (
type swriter struct {
w io.Writer
pos int64
func (w *swriter) Start() error { return nil }
func (w *swriter) Close() error {
_, err := w.Write(kEOS[:])
return err
func (w *swriter) WritePayload(p Payload) error {
_, err := writeIPCPayload(w, p)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *swriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := w.w.Write(p)
w.pos += int64(n)
return n, err
func hasNestedDict(data arrow.ArrayData) bool {
if data.DataType().ID() == arrow.DICTIONARY {
return true
for _, c := range data.Children() {
if hasNestedDict(c) {
return true
return false
// Writer is an Arrow stream writer.
type Writer struct {
w io.Writer
mem memory.Allocator
pw PayloadWriter
started bool
schema *arrow.Schema
mapper dictutils.Mapper
codec flatbuf.CompressionType
compressNP int
minSpaceSavings *float64
// map of the last written dictionaries by id
// so we can avoid writing the same dictionary over and over
lastWrittenDicts map[int64]arrow.Array
emitDictDeltas bool
// NewWriterWithPayloadWriter constructs a writer with the provided payload writer
// instead of the default stream payload writer. This makes the writer more
// reusable such as by the Arrow Flight writer.
func NewWriterWithPayloadWriter(pw PayloadWriter, opts ...Option) *Writer {
cfg := newConfig(opts...)
return &Writer{
mem: cfg.alloc,
pw: pw,
schema: cfg.schema,
codec: cfg.codec,
compressNP: cfg.compressNP,
minSpaceSavings: cfg.minSpaceSavings,
emitDictDeltas: cfg.emitDictDeltas,
// NewWriter returns a writer that writes records to the provided output stream.
func NewWriter(w io.Writer, opts ...Option) *Writer {
cfg := newConfig(opts...)
return &Writer{
w: w,
mem: cfg.alloc,
pw: &swriter{w: w},
schema: cfg.schema,
codec: cfg.codec,
emitDictDeltas: cfg.emitDictDeltas,
func (w *Writer) Close() error {
if !w.started {
err := w.start()
if err != nil {
return err
if == nil {
return nil
err :=
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("arrow/ipc: could not close payload writer: %w", err)
} = nil
for _, d := range w.lastWrittenDicts {
return nil
func (w *Writer) Write(rec arrow.Record) (err error) {
defer func() {
if pErr := recover(); pErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("arrow/ipc: unknown error while writing: %v", pErr)
if !w.started {
err := w.start()
if err != nil {
return err
schema := rec.Schema()
if schema == nil || !schema.Equal(w.schema) {
return errInconsistentSchema
const allow64b = true
var (
data = Payload{msg: MessageRecordBatch}
enc = newRecordEncoder(w.mem, 0, kMaxNestingDepth, allow64b, w.codec, w.compressNP, w.minSpaceSavings)
defer data.Release()
err = writeDictionaryPayloads(w.mem, rec, false, w.emitDictDeltas, &w.mapper, w.lastWrittenDicts,, enc)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("arrow/ipc: failure writing dictionary batches: %w", err)
if err := enc.Encode(&data, rec); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("arrow/ipc: could not encode record to payload: %w", err)
func writeDictionaryPayloads(mem memory.Allocator, batch arrow.Record, isFileFormat bool, emitDictDeltas bool, mapper *dictutils.Mapper, lastWrittenDicts map[int64]arrow.Array, pw PayloadWriter, encoder *recordEncoder) error {
dictionaries, err := dictutils.CollectDictionaries(batch, mapper)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
for _, d := range dictionaries {
eqopt := array.WithNaNsEqual(true)
for _, pair := range dictionaries {
var (
deltaStart int64
enc = dictEncoder{encoder}
lastDict, exists := lastWrittenDicts[pair.ID]
if exists {
if lastDict.Data() == pair.Dict.Data() {
newLen, lastLen := pair.Dict.Len(), lastDict.Len()
if lastLen == newLen && array.ApproxEqual(lastDict, pair.Dict, eqopt) {
// same dictionary by value
// might cost CPU, but required for IPC file format
if isFileFormat {
return errors.New("arrow/ipc: Dictionary replacement detected when writing IPC file format. Arrow IPC File only supports single dictionary per field")
if newLen > lastLen &&
emitDictDeltas &&
!hasNestedDict(pair.Dict.Data()) &&
(array.SliceApproxEqual(lastDict, 0, int64(lastLen), pair.Dict, 0, int64(lastLen), eqopt)) {
deltaStart = int64(lastLen)
var data = Payload{msg: MessageDictionaryBatch}
defer data.Release()
dict := pair.Dict
if deltaStart > 0 {
dict = array.NewSlice(dict, deltaStart, int64(dict.Len()))
defer dict.Release()
if err := enc.Encode(&data, pair.ID, deltaStart > 0, dict); err != nil {
return err
if err := pw.WritePayload(data); err != nil {
return err
lastWrittenDicts[pair.ID] = pair.Dict
if lastDict != nil {
return nil
func (w *Writer) start() error {
w.started = true
w.lastWrittenDicts = make(map[int64]arrow.Array)
// write out schema payloads
ps := payloadFromSchema(w.schema, w.mem, &w.mapper)
defer ps.Release()
for _, data := range ps {
err :=
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type dictEncoder struct {
func (d *dictEncoder) encodeMetadata(p *Payload, isDelta bool, id, nrows int64) error {
p.meta = writeDictionaryMessage(d.mem, id, isDelta, nrows, p.size, d.fields, d.meta, d.codec)
return nil
func (d *dictEncoder) Encode(p *Payload, id int64, isDelta bool, dict arrow.Array) error {
d.start = 0
defer func() {
d.start = 0
schema := arrow.NewSchema([]arrow.Field{{Name: "dictionary", Type: dict.DataType(), Nullable: true}}, nil)
batch := array.NewRecord(schema, []arrow.Array{dict}, int64(dict.Len()))
defer batch.Release()
if err := d.encode(p, batch); err != nil {
return err
return d.encodeMetadata(p, isDelta, id, batch.NumRows())
type recordEncoder struct {
mem memory.Allocator
fields []fieldMetadata
meta []bufferMetadata
depth int64
start int64
allow64b bool
codec flatbuf.CompressionType
compressNP int
minSpaceSavings *float64
func newRecordEncoder(mem memory.Allocator, startOffset, maxDepth int64, allow64b bool, codec flatbuf.CompressionType, compressNP int, minSpaceSavings *float64) *recordEncoder {
return &recordEncoder{
mem: mem,
start: startOffset,
depth: maxDepth,
allow64b: allow64b,
codec: codec,
compressNP: compressNP,
minSpaceSavings: minSpaceSavings,
func (w *recordEncoder) shouldCompress(uncompressed, compressed int) bool {
debug.Assert(uncompressed > 0, "uncompressed size is 0")
if w.minSpaceSavings == nil {
return true
savings := 1.0 - float64(compressed)/float64(uncompressed)
return savings >= *w.minSpaceSavings
func (w *recordEncoder) reset() {
w.start = 0
w.fields = make([]fieldMetadata, 0)
func (w *recordEncoder) compressBodyBuffers(p *Payload) error {
compress := func(idx int, codec compressor) error {
if p.body[idx] == nil || p.body[idx].Len() == 0 {
return nil
buf := memory.NewResizableBuffer(w.mem)
buf.Reserve(codec.MaxCompressedLen(p.body[idx].Len()) + arrow.Int64SizeBytes)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf.Buf(), uint64(p.body[idx].Len()))
bw := &bufferWriter{buf: buf, pos: arrow.Int64SizeBytes}
n, err := codec.Write(p.body[idx].Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if err := codec.Close(); err != nil {
return err
finalLen := bw.pos
compressedLen := bw.pos - arrow.Int64SizeBytes
if !w.shouldCompress(n, compressedLen) {
n = copy(buf.Buf()[arrow.Int64SizeBytes:], p.body[idx].Bytes())
// size of -1 indicates to the reader that the body
// doesn't need to be decompressed
var noprefix int64 = -1
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf.Buf(), uint64(noprefix))
finalLen = n + arrow.Int64SizeBytes
p.body[idx] = buf
return nil
if w.compressNP <= 1 {
codec := getCompressor(w.codec)
for idx := range p.body {
if err := compress(idx, codec); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
ch = make(chan int)
errch = make(chan error)
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
for i := 0; i < w.compressNP; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
codec := getCompressor(w.codec)
for {
select {
case idx, ok := <-ch:
if !ok {
// we're done, channel is closed!
if err := compress(idx, codec); err != nil {
errch <- err
case <-ctx.Done():
// cancelled, return early
for idx := range p.body {
ch <- idx
return <-errch
func (w *recordEncoder) encode(p *Payload, rec arrow.Record) error {
// perform depth-first traversal of the row-batch
for i, col := range rec.Columns() {
err := w.visit(p, col)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("arrow/ipc: could not encode column %d (%q): %w", i, rec.ColumnName(i), err)
if w.codec != -1 {
if w.minSpaceSavings != nil {
pct := *w.minSpaceSavings
if pct < 0 || pct > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: minSpaceSavings not in range [0,1]. Provided %.05f",
arrow.ErrInvalid, pct)
// position for the start of a buffer relative to the passed frame of reference.
// may be 0 or some other position in an address space.
offset := w.start
w.meta = make([]bufferMetadata, len(p.body))
// construct the metadata for the record batch header
for i, buf := range p.body {
var (
size int64
padding int64
// the buffer might be null if we are handling zero row lengths.
if buf != nil {
size = int64(buf.Len())
padding = bitutil.CeilByte64(size) - size
w.meta[i] = bufferMetadata{
Offset: offset,
// even though we add padding, we need the Len to be correct
// so that decompressing works properly.
Len: size,
offset += size + padding
p.size = offset - w.start
if !bitutil.IsMultipleOf8(p.size) {
panic("not aligned")
return nil
func (w *recordEncoder) visit(p *Payload, arr arrow.Array) error {
if w.depth <= 0 {
return errMaxRecursion
if !w.allow64b && arr.Len() > math.MaxInt32 {
return errBigArray
if arr.DataType().ID() == arrow.EXTENSION {
arr := arr.(array.ExtensionArray)
err := w.visit(p, arr.Storage())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed visiting storage of for array %T: %w", arr, err)
return nil
if arr.DataType().ID() == arrow.DICTIONARY {
arr := arr.(*array.Dictionary)
return w.visit(p, arr.Indices())
// add all common elements
w.fields = append(w.fields, fieldMetadata{
Len: int64(arr.Len()),
Nulls: int64(arr.NullN()),
Offset: 0,
if arr.DataType().ID() == arrow.NULL {
return nil
if internal.HasValidityBitmap(arr.DataType().ID(), flatbuf.MetadataVersion(currentMetadataVersion)) {
switch arr.NullN() {
case 0:
// there are no null values, drop the null bitmap
p.body = append(p.body, nil)
data := arr.Data()
var bitmap *memory.Buffer
if data.NullN() == data.Len() {
// every value is null, just use a new zero-initialized bitmap to avoid the expense of copying
bitmap = memory.NewResizableBuffer(w.mem)
minLength := paddedLength(bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(data.Len())), kArrowAlignment)
} else {
// otherwise truncate and copy the bits
bitmap = newTruncatedBitmap(w.mem, int64(data.Offset()), int64(data.Len()), data.Buffers()[0])
p.body = append(p.body, bitmap)
switch dtype := arr.DataType().(type) {
case *arrow.NullType:
// ok. NullArrays are completely empty.
case *arrow.BooleanType:
var (
data = arr.Data()
bitm *memory.Buffer
if data.Len() != 0 {
bitm = newTruncatedBitmap(w.mem, int64(data.Offset()), int64(data.Len()), data.Buffers()[1])
p.body = append(p.body, bitm)
case arrow.FixedWidthDataType:
data := arr.Data()
values := data.Buffers()[1]
arrLen := int64(arr.Len())
typeWidth := int64(dtype.BitWidth() / 8)
minLength := paddedLength(arrLen*typeWidth, kArrowAlignment)
switch {
case needTruncate(int64(data.Offset()), values, minLength):
// non-zero offset: slice the buffer
offset := int64(data.Offset()) * typeWidth
// send padding if available
len := minI64(bitutil.CeilByte64(arrLen*typeWidth), int64(values.Len())-offset)
values = memory.NewBufferBytes(values.Bytes()[offset : offset+len])
if values != nil {
p.body = append(p.body, values)
case *arrow.BinaryType, *arrow.LargeBinaryType, *arrow.StringType, *arrow.LargeStringType:
arr := arr.(array.BinaryLike)
voffsets := w.getZeroBasedValueOffsets(arr)
data := arr.Data()
values := data.Buffers()[2]
var totalDataBytes int64
if voffsets != nil {
totalDataBytes = int64(len(arr.ValueBytes()))
switch {
case needTruncate(int64(data.Offset()), values, totalDataBytes):
// slice data buffer to include the range we need now.
var (
beg = arr.ValueOffset64(0)
len = minI64(paddedLength(totalDataBytes, kArrowAlignment), int64(totalDataBytes))
values = memory.NewBufferBytes(data.Buffers()[2].Bytes()[beg : beg+len])
if values != nil {
p.body = append(p.body, voffsets)
p.body = append(p.body, values)
case *arrow.StructType:
arr := arr.(*array.Struct)
for i := 0; i < arr.NumField(); i++ {
err := w.visit(p, arr.Field(i))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not visit field %d of struct-array: %w", i, err)
case *arrow.SparseUnionType:
offset, length := arr.Data().Offset(), arr.Len()
arr := arr.(*array.SparseUnion)
typeCodes := getTruncatedBuffer(int64(offset), int64(length), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(arrow.UnionTypeCode(0))), arr.TypeCodes())
p.body = append(p.body, typeCodes)
for i := 0; i < arr.NumFields(); i++ {
err := w.visit(p, arr.Field(i))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not visit field %d of sparse union array: %w", i, err)
case *arrow.DenseUnionType:
offset, length := arr.Data().Offset(), arr.Len()
arr := arr.(*array.DenseUnion)
typeCodes := getTruncatedBuffer(int64(offset), int64(length), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(arrow.UnionTypeCode(0))), arr.TypeCodes())
p.body = append(p.body, typeCodes)
dt := arr.UnionType()
// union type codes are not necessarily 0-indexed
maxCode := dt.MaxTypeCode()
// allocate an array of child offsets. Set all to -1 to indicate we
// haven't observed a first occurrence of a particular child yet
offsets := make([]int32, maxCode+1)
lengths := make([]int32, maxCode+1)
offsets[0], lengths[0] = -1, 0
for i := 1; i < len(offsets); i *= 2 {
copy(offsets[i:], offsets[:i])
copy(lengths[i:], lengths[:i])
var valueOffsets *memory.Buffer
if offset != 0 {
valueOffsets = w.rebaseDenseUnionValueOffsets(arr, offsets, lengths)
} else {
valueOffsets = getTruncatedBuffer(int64(offset), int64(length), int32(arrow.Int32SizeBytes), arr.ValueOffsets())
p.body = append(p.body, valueOffsets)
// visit children and slice accordingly
for i := range dt.Fields() {
child := arr.Field(i)
// for sliced unions it's tricky to know how much to truncate
// the children. For now we'll truncate the children to be
// no longer than the parent union.
if offset != 0 {
code := dt.TypeCodes()[i]
childOffset := offsets[code]
childLen := lengths[code]
if childOffset > 0 {
child = array.NewSlice(child, int64(childOffset), int64(childOffset+childLen))
defer child.Release()
} else if childLen < int32(child.Len()) {
child = array.NewSlice(child, 0, int64(childLen))
defer child.Release()
if err := w.visit(p, child); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not visit field %d of dense union array: %w", i, err)
case *arrow.MapType, *arrow.ListType, *arrow.LargeListType:
arr := arr.(array.ListLike)
voffsets := w.getZeroBasedValueOffsets(arr)
p.body = append(p.body, voffsets)
var (
values = arr.ListValues()
mustRelease = false
values_offset int64
values_end int64
defer func() {
if mustRelease {
if arr.Len() > 0 && voffsets != nil {
values_offset, _ = arr.ValueOffsets(0)
_, values_end = arr.ValueOffsets(arr.Len() - 1)
if arr.Len() != 0 || values_end < int64(values.Len()) {
// must also slice the values
values = array.NewSlice(values, values_offset, values_end)
mustRelease = true
err := w.visit(p, values)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not visit list element for array %T: %w", arr, err)
case *arrow.ListViewType, *arrow.LargeListViewType:
data := arr.Data()
arr := arr.(array.VarLenListLike)
offsetTraits := arr.DataType().(arrow.OffsetsDataType).OffsetTypeTraits()
rngOff, rngLen := array.RangeOfValuesUsed(arr)
voffsets := w.getValueOffsetsAtBaseValue(arr, rngOff)
p.body = append(p.body, voffsets)
vsizes := data.Buffers()[2]
if vsizes != nil {
if data.Offset() != 0 || vsizes.Len() > offsetTraits.BytesRequired(arr.Len()) {
beg := offsetTraits.BytesRequired(data.Offset())
end := beg + offsetTraits.BytesRequired(data.Len())
vsizes = memory.NewBufferBytes(vsizes.Bytes()[beg:end])
} else {
p.body = append(p.body, vsizes)
var (
values = arr.ListValues()
mustRelease = false
values_offset = int64(rngOff)
values_end = int64(rngOff + rngLen)
defer func() {
if mustRelease {
if arr.Len() > 0 && values_end < int64(values.Len()) {
// must also slice the values
values = array.NewSlice(values, values_offset, values_end)
mustRelease = true
err := w.visit(p, values)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not visit list element for array %T: %w", arr, err)
case *arrow.FixedSizeListType:
arr := arr.(*array.FixedSizeList)
size := int64(arr.DataType().(*arrow.FixedSizeListType).Len())
beg := int64(arr.Offset()) * size
end := int64(arr.Offset()+arr.Len()) * size
values := array.NewSlice(arr.ListValues(), beg, end)
defer values.Release()
err := w.visit(p, values)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not visit list element for array %T: %w", arr, err)
case *arrow.RunEndEncodedType:
arr := arr.(*array.RunEndEncoded)
child := arr.LogicalRunEndsArray(w.mem)
defer child.Release()
if err := w.visit(p, child); err != nil {
return err
child = arr.LogicalValuesArray()
defer child.Release()
if err := w.visit(p, child); err != nil {
return err
panic(fmt.Errorf("arrow/ipc: unknown array %T (dtype=%T)", arr, dtype))
return nil
func (w *recordEncoder) getZeroBasedValueOffsets(arr arrow.Array) *memory.Buffer {
data := arr.Data()
voffsets := data.Buffers()[1]
offsetTraits := arr.DataType().(arrow.OffsetsDataType).OffsetTypeTraits()
offsetBytesNeeded := offsetTraits.BytesRequired(data.Len() + 1)
if voffsets == nil || voffsets.Len() == 0 {
return nil
// if we have a non-zero offset, then the value offsets do not start at
// zero. we must a) create a new offsets array with shifted offsets and
// b) slice the values array accordingly
// or if there are more value offsets than values (the array has been sliced)
// we need to trim off the trailing offsets
needsTruncateAndShift := data.Offset() != 0 || offsetBytesNeeded < voffsets.Len()
if needsTruncateAndShift {
shiftedOffsets := memory.NewResizableBuffer(w.mem)
switch arr.DataType().Layout().Buffers[1].ByteWidth {
case 8:
dest := arrow.Int64Traits.CastFromBytes(shiftedOffsets.Bytes())
offsets := arrow.Int64Traits.CastFromBytes(voffsets.Bytes())[data.Offset() : data.Offset()+data.Len()+1]
startOffset := offsets[0]
for i, o := range offsets {
dest[i] = o - startOffset
debug.Assert(arr.DataType().Layout().Buffers[1].ByteWidth == 4, "invalid offset bytewidth")
dest := arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(shiftedOffsets.Bytes())
offsets := arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(voffsets.Bytes())[data.Offset() : data.Offset()+data.Len()+1]
startOffset := offsets[0]
for i, o := range offsets {
dest[i] = o - startOffset
voffsets = shiftedOffsets
} else {
return voffsets
// Truncates the offsets if needed and shifts the values if minOffset > 0.
// The offsets returned are corrected assuming the child values are truncated
// and now start at minOffset.
// This function only works on offset buffers of ListViews and LargeListViews.
// TODO(felipecrv): Unify this with getZeroBasedValueOffsets.
func (w *recordEncoder) getValueOffsetsAtBaseValue(arr arrow.Array, minOffset int) *memory.Buffer {
data := arr.Data()
voffsets := data.Buffers()[1]
offsetTraits := arr.DataType().(arrow.OffsetsDataType).OffsetTypeTraits()
offsetBytesNeeded := offsetTraits.BytesRequired(data.Len())
if voffsets == nil || voffsets.Len() == 0 {
return nil
needsTruncate := data.Offset() != 0 || offsetBytesNeeded < voffsets.Len()
needsShift := minOffset > 0
if needsTruncate || needsShift {
shiftedOffsets := memory.NewResizableBuffer(w.mem)
switch arr.DataType().Layout().Buffers[1].ByteWidth {
case 8:
dest := arrow.Int64Traits.CastFromBytes(shiftedOffsets.Bytes())
offsets := arrow.Int64Traits.CastFromBytes(voffsets.Bytes())[data.Offset() : data.Offset()+data.Len()]
if minOffset > 0 {
for i, o := range offsets {
dest[i] = o - int64(minOffset)
} else {
copy(dest, offsets)
debug.Assert(arr.DataType().Layout().Buffers[1].ByteWidth == 4, "invalid offset bytewidth")
dest := arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(shiftedOffsets.Bytes())
offsets := arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(voffsets.Bytes())[data.Offset() : data.Offset()+data.Len()]
if minOffset > 0 {
for i, o := range offsets {
dest[i] = o - int32(minOffset)
} else {
copy(dest, offsets)
voffsets = shiftedOffsets
} else {
return voffsets
func (w *recordEncoder) rebaseDenseUnionValueOffsets(arr *array.DenseUnion, offsets, lengths []int32) *memory.Buffer {
// this case sucks. Because the offsets are different for each
// child array, when we have a sliced array, we need to re-base
// the value offsets for each array! ew.
unshiftedOffsets := arr.RawValueOffsets()
codes := arr.RawTypeCodes()
shiftedOffsetsBuf := memory.NewResizableBuffer(w.mem)
shiftedOffsets := arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(shiftedOffsetsBuf.Bytes())
// compute shifted offsets by subtracting child offset
for i, c := range codes {
if offsets[c] == -1 {
// offsets are guaranteed to be increasing according to the spec
// so the first offset we find for a child is the initial offset
// and will become the "0" for this child.
offsets[c] = unshiftedOffsets[i]
shiftedOffsets[i] = 0
} else {
shiftedOffsets[i] = unshiftedOffsets[i] - offsets[c]
lengths[c] = maxI32(lengths[c], shiftedOffsets[i]+1)
return shiftedOffsetsBuf
func (w *recordEncoder) Encode(p *Payload, rec arrow.Record) error {
if err := w.encode(p, rec); err != nil {
return err
return w.encodeMetadata(p, rec.NumRows())
func (w *recordEncoder) encodeMetadata(p *Payload, nrows int64) error {
p.meta = writeRecordMessage(w.mem, nrows, p.size, w.fields, w.meta, w.codec)
return nil
func newTruncatedBitmap(mem memory.Allocator, offset, length int64, input *memory.Buffer) *memory.Buffer {
if input == nil {
return nil
minLength := paddedLength(bitutil.BytesForBits(length), kArrowAlignment)
switch {
case offset != 0 || minLength < int64(input.Len()):
// with a sliced array / non-zero offset, we must copy the bitmap
buf := memory.NewResizableBuffer(mem)
bitutil.CopyBitmap(input.Bytes(), int(offset), int(length), buf.Bytes(), 0)
return buf
return input
func getTruncatedBuffer(offset, length int64, byteWidth int32, buf *memory.Buffer) *memory.Buffer {
if buf == nil {
return buf
paddedLen := paddedLength(length*int64(byteWidth), kArrowAlignment)
if offset != 0 || paddedLen < int64(buf.Len()) {
return memory.SliceBuffer(buf, int(offset*int64(byteWidth)), int(minI64(paddedLen, int64(buf.Len()))))
return buf
func needTruncate(offset int64, buf *memory.Buffer, minLength int64) bool {
if buf == nil {
return false
return offset != 0 || minLength < int64(buf.Len())
func minI64(a, b int64) int64 {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func maxI32(a, b int32) int32 {
if a > b {
return a
return b