blob: ff7f17eca6eb230f1e941a7d683cbe0929251ecf [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
test_that("RecordBatch", {
# Note that we're reusing `tbl` and `batch` throughout the tests in this file
tbl <- tibble::tibble(
int = 1:10,
dbl = as.numeric(1:10),
lgl = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 10, replace = TRUE),
chr = letters[1:10],
fct = factor(letters[1:10])
batch <- record_batch(tbl)
expect_equal(batch, batch)
int = int32(), dbl = float64(),
lgl = boolean(), chr = utf8(),
fct = dictionary(int8(), utf8())
expect_equal(batch$num_columns, 5L)
expect_equal(batch$num_rows, 10L)
expect_equal(batch$column_name(0), "int")
expect_equal(batch$column_name(1), "dbl")
expect_equal(batch$column_name(2), "lgl")
expect_equal(batch$column_name(3), "chr")
expect_equal(batch$column_name(4), "fct")
expect_equal(names(batch), c("int", "dbl", "lgl", "chr", "fct"))
# input validation
expect_error(batch$column_name(NA), "'i' cannot be NA")
expect_error(batch$column_name(-1), "subscript out of bounds")
expect_error(batch$column_name(1000), "subscript out of bounds")
col_int <- batch$column(0)
expect_true(inherits(col_int, 'Array'))
expect_equal(col_int$as_vector(), tbl$int)
expect_equal(col_int$type, int32())
col_dbl <- batch$column(1)
expect_true(inherits(col_dbl, 'Array'))
expect_equal(col_dbl$as_vector(), tbl$dbl)
expect_equal(col_dbl$type, float64())
col_lgl <- batch$column(2)
expect_true(inherits(col_dbl, 'Array'))
expect_equal(col_lgl$as_vector(), tbl$lgl)
expect_equal(col_lgl$type, boolean())
col_chr <- batch$column(3)
expect_true(inherits(col_chr, 'Array'))
expect_equal(col_chr$as_vector(), tbl$chr)
expect_equal(col_chr$type, utf8())
col_fct <- batch$column(4)
expect_true(inherits(col_fct, 'Array'))
expect_equal(col_fct$as_vector(), tbl$fct)
expect_equal(col_fct$type, dictionary(int8(), utf8()))
# input validation
expect_error(batch$column(NA), "'i' cannot be NA")
expect_error(batch$column(-1), "subscript out of bounds")
expect_error(batch$column(1000), "subscript out of bounds")
batch2 <- batch$RemoveColumn(0)
schema(dbl = float64(), lgl = boolean(), chr = utf8(), fct = dictionary(int8(), utf8()))
expect_equal(batch2$column(0), batch$column(1))
expect_data_frame(batch2, tbl[,-1])
# input validation
expect_error(batch$RemoveColumn(NA), "'i' cannot be NA")
expect_error(batch$RemoveColumn(-1), "subscript out of bounds")
expect_error(batch$RemoveColumn(1000), "subscript out of bounds")
test_that("RecordBatch S3 methods", {
tab <- RecordBatch$create(example_data)
for (f in c("dim", "nrow", "ncol", "dimnames", "colnames", "row.names", "as.list")) {
fun <- get(f)
expect_identical(fun(tab), fun(example_data), info = f)
test_that("RecordBatch$Slice", {
batch3 <- batch$Slice(5)
expect_data_frame(batch3, tbl[6:10,])
batch4 <- batch$Slice(5, 2)
expect_data_frame(batch4, tbl[6:7,])
# Input validation
expect_error(batch$Slice(NA_integer_), "Slice 'offset' cannot be NA")
expect_error(batch$Slice(NA), "Slice 'offset' cannot be NA")
expect_error(batch$Slice(10, "ten"))
expect_error(batch$Slice(10, NA_integer_), "Slice 'length' cannot be NA")
expect_error(batch$Slice(NA_integer_, NA_integer_), "Slice 'offset' cannot be NA")
expect_error(batch$Slice(c(10, 10)))
expect_error(batch$Slice(10, c(10, 10)))
expect_error(batch$Slice(1000), "Slice 'offset' greater than array length")
expect_error(batch$Slice(-1), "Slice 'offset' cannot be negative")
expect_error(batch4$Slice(10, 10), "Slice 'offset' greater than array length")
expect_error(batch$Slice(10, -1), "Slice 'length' cannot be negative")
expect_error(batch$Slice(-1, 10), "Slice 'offset' cannot be negative")
test_that("[ on RecordBatch", {
expect_data_frame(batch[6:7,], tbl[6:7,])
expect_data_frame(batch[c(6, 7),], tbl[6:7,])
expect_data_frame(batch[6:7, 2:4], tbl[6:7, 2:4])
expect_data_frame(batch[, c("dbl", "fct")], tbl[, c(2, 5)])
expect_identical(as.vector(batch[, "chr", drop = TRUE]), tbl$chr)
expect_data_frame(batch[c(7, 3, 5), 2:4], tbl[c(7, 3, 5), 2:4])
batch[rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), 5),],
tbl[c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10),]
# bool Array
expect_data_frame(batch[batch$lgl,], tbl[tbl$lgl,])
# int Array
expect_data_frame(batch[Array$create(5:6), 2:4], tbl[6:7, 2:4])
# input validation
expect_error(batch[, c("dbl", "NOTACOLUMN")], 'Column not found: "NOTACOLUMN"')
expect_error(batch[, c(6, NA)], 'Column indices cannot be NA')
expect_error(batch[, c(2, -2)], 'Invalid column index')
test_that("[[ and $ on RecordBatch", {
expect_vector(batch[["int"]], tbl$int)
expect_vector(batch$int, tbl$int)
expect_vector(batch[[4]], tbl$chr)
expect_error(batch[[c(4, 3)]])
expect_error(batch[[NA]], "'i' must be character or numeric, not logical")
expect_error(batch[[NULL]], "'i' must be character or numeric, not NULL")
expect_error(batch[[c("asdf", "jkl;")]], 'name is not a string', fixed = TRUE)
test_that("[[<- assignment", {
tbl <- tibble::tibble(
int = 1:10,
dbl = as.numeric(1:10),
lgl = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 10, replace = TRUE),
chr = letters[1:10],
fct = factor(letters[1:10])
batch <- RecordBatch$create(tbl)
# can remove a column
batch[["chr"]] <- NULL
expect_data_frame(batch, tbl[-4])
# can remove a column by index
batch[[4]] <- NULL
expect_data_frame(batch, tbl[1:3])
# can add a named column
batch[["new"]] <- letters[10:1]
expect_data_frame(batch, dplyr::bind_cols(tbl[1:3], new = letters[10:1]))
# can replace a column by index
batch[[2]] <- as.numeric(10:1)
expect_vector(batch[[2]], as.numeric(10:1))
# can add a column by index
batch[[5]] <- as.numeric(10:1)
expect_vector(batch[[5]], as.numeric(10:1))
expect_vector(batch[["5"]], as.numeric(10:1))
# can replace a column
batch[["int"]] <- 10:1
expect_vector(batch[["int"]], 10:1)
# can use $
batch$new <- NULL
expect_identical(dim(batch), c(10L, 4L))
batch$int <- 1:10
expect_vector(batch$int, 1:10)
# recycling
batch[["atom"]] <- 1L
expect_vector(batch[["atom"]], rep(1L, 10))
batch[["atom"]] <- 1:6,
"Can't recycle input of size 6 to size 10."
# assign Arrow array
array <- Array$create(c(10:1))
batch$array <- array
expect_vector(batch$array, 10:1)
# nonsense indexes
expect_error(batch[[NA]] <- letters[10:1], "'i' must be character or numeric, not logical")
expect_error(batch[[NULL]] <- letters[10:1], "'i' must be character or numeric, not NULL")
expect_error(batch[[NA_integer_]] <- letters[10:1], "! is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(batch[[NA_real_]] <- letters[10:1], "! is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(batch[[NA_character_]] <- letters[10:1], "! is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(batch[[c(1, 4)]] <- letters[10:1], "length(i) not equal to 1", fixed = TRUE)
test_that("head and tail on RecordBatch", {
tbl <- tibble::tibble(
int = 1:10,
dbl = as.numeric(1:10),
lgl = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 10, replace = TRUE),
chr = letters[1:10],
fct = factor(letters[1:10])
batch <- RecordBatch$create(tbl)
expect_data_frame(head(batch), head(tbl))
expect_data_frame(head(batch, 4), head(tbl, 4))
expect_data_frame(head(batch, 40), head(tbl, 40))
expect_data_frame(head(batch, -4), head(tbl, -4))
expect_data_frame(head(batch, -40), head(tbl, -40))
expect_data_frame(tail(batch), tail(tbl))
expect_data_frame(tail(batch, 4), tail(tbl, 4))
expect_data_frame(tail(batch, 40), tail(tbl, 40))
expect_data_frame(tail(batch, -4), tail(tbl, -4))
expect_data_frame(tail(batch, -40), tail(tbl, -40))
test_that("RecordBatch print method", {
"10 rows x 5 columns",
"$int <int32>",
"$dbl <double>",
"$lgl <bool>",
"$chr <string>",
"$fct <dictionary<values=string, indices=int8>>",
sep = "\n"
fixed = TRUE
test_that("RecordBatch with 0 rows are supported", {
tbl <- tibble::tibble(
int = integer(),
dbl = numeric(),
lgl = logical(),
chr = character(),
fct = factor(character(), levels = c("a", "b"))
batch <- record_batch(tbl)
expect_equal(batch$num_columns, 5L)
expect_equal(batch$num_rows, 0L)
int = int32(),
dbl = float64(),
lgl = boolean(),
chr = utf8(),
fct = dictionary(int8(), utf8())
test_that("RecordBatch cast (ARROW-3741)", {
batch <- record_batch(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
expect_error(batch$cast(schema(x = int32())))
expect_error(batch$cast(schema(x = int32(), z = int32())))
s2 <- schema(x = int16(), y = int64())
batch2 <- batch$cast(s2)
expect_equal(batch2$schema, s2)
expect_equal(batch2$column(0L)$type, int16())
expect_equal(batch2$column(1L)$type, int64())
test_that("record_batch() handles schema= argument", {
s <- schema(x = int32(), y = int32())
batch <- record_batch(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, schema = s)
expect_equal(s, batch$schema)
s <- schema(x = int32(), y = float64())
batch <- record_batch(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, schema = s)
expect_equal(s, batch$schema)
s <- schema(x = int32(), y = utf8())
expect_error(record_batch(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, schema = s))
test_that("record_batch(schema=) does some basic consistency checking of the schema", {
s <- schema(x = int32())
expect_error(record_batch(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, schema = s))
expect_error(record_batch(z = 1:10, schema = s))
test_that("RecordBatch dim() and nrow() (ARROW-3816)", {
batch <- record_batch(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
expect_equal(dim(batch), c(10L, 2L))
expect_equal(nrow(batch), 10L)
test_that("record_batch() handles Array", {
batch <- record_batch(x = 1:10, y = Array$create(1:10))
expect_equal(batch$schema, schema(x = int32(), y = int32()))
test_that("record_batch() handles data frame columns", {
tib <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
# because tib is named here, this becomes a struct array
batch <- record_batch(a = 1:10, b = tib)
a = int32(),
b = struct(x = int32(), y = int32())
out <-
expect_equivalent(out, tibble::tibble(a = 1:10, b = tib))
# if not named, columns from tib are auto spliced
batch2 <- record_batch(a = 1:10, tib)
schema(a = int32(), x = int32(), y = int32())
out <-
expect_equivalent(out, tibble::tibble(a = 1:10, !!!tib))
test_that("record_batch() handles data frame columns with schema spec", {
tib <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
tib_float <- tib
tib_float$y <- as.numeric(tib_float$y)
schema <- schema(a = int32(), b = struct(x = int16(), y = float64()))
batch <- record_batch(a = 1:10, b = tib, schema = schema)
expect_equivalent(batch$schema, schema)
out <-
expect_equivalent(out, tibble::tibble(a = 1:10, b = tib_float))
schema <- schema(a = int32(), b = struct(x = int16(), y = utf8()))
expect_error(record_batch(a = 1:10, b = tib, schema = schema))
test_that("record_batch() auto splices (ARROW-5718)", {
df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10])
batch1 <- record_batch(df)
batch2 <- record_batch(!!!df)
expect_equal(batch1, batch2)
expect_equal(batch1$schema, schema(x = int32(), y = utf8()))
expect_data_frame(batch1, df)
batch3 <- record_batch(df, z = 1:10)
batch4 <- record_batch(!!!df, z = 1:10)
expect_equal(batch3, batch4)
expect_equal(batch3$schema, schema(x = int32(), y = utf8(), z = int32()))
expect_equivalent(, cbind(df, data.frame(z = 1:10)))
s <- schema(x = float64(), y = utf8())
batch5 <- record_batch(df, schema = s)
batch6 <- record_batch(!!!df, schema = s)
expect_equal(batch5, batch6)
expect_equal(batch5$schema, s)
expect_equivalent(, df)
s2 <- schema(x = float64(), y = utf8(), z = int16())
batch7 <- record_batch(df, z = 1:10, schema = s2)
batch8 <- record_batch(!!!df, z = 1:10, schema = s2)
expect_equal(batch7, batch8)
expect_equal(batch7$schema, s2)
expect_equivalent(, cbind(df, data.frame(z = 1:10)))
test_that("record_batch() only auto splice data frames", {
regexp = "only data frames are allowed as unnamed arguments to be auto spliced"
test_that("record_batch() handles null type (ARROW-7064)", {
batch <- record_batch(a = 1:10, n = vctrs::unspecified(10))
expect_equivalent(batch$schema, schema(a = int32(), n = null()))
test_that("record_batch() scalar recycling", {
skip("Not implemented (ARROW-11705)")
record_batch(a = 1:10, b = 5),
tibble::tibble(a = 1:10, b = 5)
test_that("RecordBatch$Equals", {
df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10])
a <- record_batch(df)
b <- record_batch(df)
expect_equal(a, b)
test_that("RecordBatch$Equals(check_metadata)", {
df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:2, y = c("a", "b"))
rb1 <- record_batch(df)
rb2 <- record_batch(df, schema = rb1$schema$WithMetadata(list(some="metadata")))
expect_r6_class(rb1, "RecordBatch")
expect_r6_class(rb2, "RecordBatch")
expect_identical(rb2$schema$metadata, list(some = "metadata"))
expect_true(rb1 == rb2)
expect_false(rb1$Equals(rb2, check_metadata = TRUE))
expect_failure(expect_equal(rb1, rb2)) # expect_equal has check_metadata=TRUE
expect_equivalent(rb1, rb2) # expect_equivalent has check_metadata=FALSE
expect_false(rb1$Equals(24)) # Not a RecordBatch
test_that("RecordBatch name assignment", {
rb <- record_batch(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
expect_identical(names(rb), c("x", "y"))
names(rb) <- c("a", "b")
expect_identical(names(rb), c("a", "b"))
expect_error(names(rb) <- "f")
expect_error(names(rb) <- letters)
expect_error(names(rb) <- character(0))
expect_error(names(rb) <- NULL)
expect_error(names(rb) <- c(TRUE, FALSE))
test_that("record_batch() with different length arrays", {
msg <- "All arrays must have the same length"
expect_error(record_batch(a=1:5, b = 42), msg)
expect_error(record_batch(a=1:5, b = 1:6), msg)
test_that("Handling string data with embedded nuls", {
raws <- structure(list(
as.raw(c(0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6e)),
as.raw(c(0x77, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6e)),
as.raw(c(0x6d, 0x61, 0x00, 0x6e)), # <-- there's your nul, 0x00
as.raw(c(0x63, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x72, 0x61)),
as.raw(c(0x74, 0x76))),
class = c("arrow_binary", "vctrs_vctr", "list"))
batch_with_nul <- record_batch(a = 1:5, b = raws)
batch_with_nul$b <- batch_with_nul$b$cast(utf8())
"embedded nul in string: 'ma\\0n'; to strip nuls when converting from Arrow to R, set options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)",
fixed = TRUE
withr::with_options(list(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE), {
c("person", "woman", "man", "camera", "tv")
"Stripping '\\0' (nul) from character vector",
fixed = TRUE