blob: 51e9dcb3c870b5b5b0d9c59fc90405d3479cafac [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <sstream>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "arrow/memory_pool.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/util/decimal.h"
#include "gandiva/decimal_type_util.h"
#include "gandiva/projector.h"
#include "gandiva/tests/test_util.h"
#include "gandiva/tree_expr_builder.h"
using arrow::boolean;
using arrow::Decimal128;
using arrow::utf8;
namespace gandiva {
class TestDecimal : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() { pool_ = arrow::default_memory_pool(); }
std::vector<Decimal128> MakeDecimalVector(std::vector<std::string> values,
int32_t scale);
arrow::MemoryPool* pool_;
std::vector<Decimal128> TestDecimal::MakeDecimalVector(std::vector<std::string> values,
int32_t scale) {
std::vector<arrow::Decimal128> ret;
for (auto str : values) {
Decimal128 str_value;
int32_t str_precision;
int32_t str_scale;
DCHECK_OK(Decimal128::FromString(str, &str_value, &str_precision, &str_scale));
Decimal128 scaled_value;
if (str_scale == scale) {
scaled_value = str_value;
} else {
scaled_value = str_value.Rescale(str_scale, scale).ValueOrDie();
return ret;
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestSimple) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 36;
constexpr int32_t scale = 18;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_a = field("a", decimal_type);
auto field_b = field("b", decimal_type);
auto field_c = field("c", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_a, field_b, field_c});
Decimal128TypePtr add2_type;
auto status = DecimalTypeUtil::GetResultType(DecimalTypeUtil::kOpAdd,
{decimal_type, decimal_type}, &add2_type);
Decimal128TypePtr output_type;
status = DecimalTypeUtil::GetResultType(DecimalTypeUtil::kOpAdd,
{add2_type, decimal_type}, &output_type);
// output fields
auto res = field("res0", output_type);
// build expression : a + b + c
auto node_a = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_a);
auto node_b = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_b);
auto node_c = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_c);
auto add2 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("add", {node_a, node_b}, add2_type);
auto add3 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("add", {add2, node_c}, output_type);
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(add3, res);
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto array_a =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1", "2", "3", "4"}, scale),
{false, true, true, true});
auto array_b =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"2", "3", "4", "5"}, scale),
{false, true, true, true});
auto array_c =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"3", "4", "5", "6"}, scale),
{true, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch =
arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_a, array_b, array_c});
auto expected =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(output_type, MakeDecimalVector({"6", "9", "12", "15"}, scale),
{false, true, true, true});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(expected, outputs[0]);
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestLiteral) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 36;
constexpr int32_t scale = 18;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_a = field("a", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({
Decimal128TypePtr add2_type;
auto status = DecimalTypeUtil::GetResultType(DecimalTypeUtil::kOpAdd,
{decimal_type, decimal_type}, &add2_type);
// output fields
auto res = field("res0", add2_type);
// build expression : a + b + c
auto node_a = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_a);
static std::string decimal_point_six = "6";
DecimalScalar128 literal(decimal_point_six, 2, 1);
auto node_b = TreeExprBuilder::MakeDecimalLiteral(literal);
auto add2 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("add", {node_a, node_b}, add2_type);
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(add2, res);
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto array_a =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1", "2", "3", "4"}, scale),
{false, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_a});
auto expected = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
add2_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.6", "2.6", "3.6", "4.6"}, scale),
{false, true, true, true});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(expected, outputs[0]);
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestIfElse) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 36;
constexpr int32_t scale = 18;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_a = field("a", decimal_type);
auto field_b = field("b", decimal_type);
auto field_c = field("c", arrow::boolean());
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_a, field_b, field_c});
// output fields
auto field_result = field("res", decimal_type);
// build expression.
// if (c)
// a
// else
// b
auto node_a = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_a);
auto node_b = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_b);
auto node_c = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_c);
auto if_node = TreeExprBuilder::MakeIf(node_c, node_a, node_b, decimal_type);
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(if_node, field_result);
// Build a projector for the expressions.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
Status status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto array_a =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1", "2", "3", "4"}, scale),
{false, true, true, true});
auto array_b =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"2", "3", "4", "5"}, scale),
{true, true, true, true});
auto array_c = MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, true, false}, {true, true, true, true});
// expected output
auto exp =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"0", "3", "3", "5"}, scale),
{false, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch =
arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_a, array_b, array_c});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestCompare) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 36;
constexpr int32_t scale = 18;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_a = field("a", decimal_type);
auto field_b = field("b", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_a, field_b});
// build expressions
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("equal", {field_a, field_b},
field("res_eq", boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("not_equal", {field_a, field_b},
field("res_ne", boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("less_than", {field_a, field_b},
field("res_lt", boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("less_than_or_equal_to", {field_a, field_b},
field("res_le", boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("greater_than", {field_a, field_b},
field("res_gt", boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("greater_than_or_equal_to", {field_a, field_b},
field("res_ge", boolean())),
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto array_a =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1", "2", "3", "-4"}, scale),
{true, true, true, true});
auto array_b =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1", "3", "2", "-3"}, scale),
{true, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_a, array_b});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, false, false}),
outputs[0]); // equal
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({false, true, true, true}),
outputs[1]); // not_equal
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({false, true, false, true}),
outputs[2]); // less_than
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({true, true, false, true}),
outputs[3]); // less_than_or_equal_to
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({false, false, true, false}),
outputs[4]); // greater_than
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, true, false}),
outputs[5]); // greater_than_or_equal_to
// ARROW-9092: This test is conditionally disabled when building with LLVM 9
// because it hangs.
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestRoundFunctions) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_a = field("a", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_a});
auto scale_1 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeLiteral(1);
// build expressions
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("abs", {field_a}, field("res_abs", decimal_type)),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("ceil", {field_a},
field("res_ceil", arrow::decimal(precision, 0))),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("floor", {field_a},
field("res_floor", arrow::decimal(precision, 0))),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("round", {field_a},
field("res_round", arrow::decimal(precision, 0))),
"truncate", {field_a}, field("res_truncate", arrow::decimal(precision, 0))),
{TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_a), scale_1},
arrow::decimal(precision, 1)),
field("res_round_3", arrow::decimal(precision, 1))),
{TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_a), scale_1},
arrow::decimal(precision, 1)),
field("res_truncate_3", arrow::decimal(precision, 1))),
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto validity = {true, true, true, true};
auto array_a = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.23", "1.58", "-1.23", "-1.58"}, scale),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_a});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
// abs(x)
MakeDecimalVector({"1.23", "1.58", "1.23", "1.58"}, scale),
// ceil(x)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision, 0),
MakeDecimalVector({"2", "2", "-1", "-1"}, 0), validity),
// floor(x)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision, 0),
MakeDecimalVector({"1", "1", "-2", "-2"}, 0), validity),
// round(x)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision, 0),
MakeDecimalVector({"1", "2", "-1", "-2"}, 0), validity),
// truncate(x)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision, 0),
MakeDecimalVector({"1", "1", "-1", "-1"}, 0), validity),
// round(x, 1)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision, 1),
MakeDecimalVector({"1.2", "1.6", "-1.2", "-1.6"}, 1),
// truncate(x, 1)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision, 1),
MakeDecimalVector({"1.2", "1.5", "-1.2", "-1.5"}, 1),
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestCastFunctions) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto decimal_type_scale_1 = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, 1);
auto field_int32 = field("int32", arrow::int32());
auto field_int64 = field("int64", arrow::int64());
auto field_float32 = field("float32", arrow::float32());
auto field_float64 = field("float64", arrow::float64());
auto field_dec = field("dec", decimal_type);
auto schema =
arrow::schema({field_int32, field_int64, field_float32, field_float64, field_dec});
// build expressions
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castDECIMAL", {field_int32},
field("int32_to_dec", decimal_type)),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castDECIMAL", {field_int64},
field("int64_to_dec", decimal_type)),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castDECIMAL", {field_float32},
field("float32_to_dec", decimal_type)),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castDECIMAL", {field_float64},
field("float64_to_dec", decimal_type)),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castDECIMAL", {field_dec},
field("dec_to_dec", decimal_type_scale_1)),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castBIGINT", {field_dec},
field("dec_to_int64", arrow::int64())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castFLOAT8", {field_dec},
field("dec_to_float64", arrow::float64())),
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto validity = {true, true, true, true};
auto array_int32 = MakeArrowArrayInt32({123, 158, -123, -158});
auto array_int64 = MakeArrowArrayInt64({123, 158, -123, -158});
auto array_float32 = MakeArrowArrayFloat32({1.23f, 1.58f, -1.23f, -1.58f});
auto array_float64 = MakeArrowArrayFloat64({1.23, 1.58, -1.23, -1.58});
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.23", "1.58", "-1.23", "-1.58"}, scale),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(
schema, num_records,
{array_int32, array_int64, array_float32, array_float64, array_dec});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
auto expected_int_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"123", "158", "-123", "-158"}, scale), validity);
// castDECIMAL(int32)
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(expected_int_dec, outputs[0]);
// castDECIMAL(int64)
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(expected_int_dec, outputs[1]);
// castDECIMAL(float32)
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(array_dec, outputs[2]);
// castDECIMAL(float64)
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(array_dec, outputs[3]);
// castDECIMAL(decimal)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision, 1),
MakeDecimalVector({"1.2", "1.6", "-1.2", "-1.6"}, 1),
// castBIGINT(decimal)
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayInt64({1, 2, -1, -2}), outputs[5]);
// castDOUBLE(decimal)
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(array_float64, outputs[6]);
// isnull, isnumeric
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestIsNullNumericFunctions) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_dec = field("dec", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec});
// build expressions
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("isnull", {field_dec},
field("isnull", arrow::boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("isnotnull", {field_dec},
field("isnotnull", arrow::boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("isnumeric", {field_dec},
field("isnumeric", arrow::boolean()))};
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
auto validity = {false, true, true, true, false};
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.51", "1.23", "1.23", "-1.23", "-1.24"}, scale),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
auto is_null =;
auto is_not_null =;
auto is_numeric =;
// isnull
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, false, false, true}),
// isnotnull
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool(validity), outputs[1]);
// isnumeric
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool(validity), outputs[2]);
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestIsDistinct) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale_1 = 2;
auto decimal_type_1 = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale_1);
auto field_dec_1 = field("dec_1", decimal_type_1);
constexpr int32_t scale_2 = 1;
auto decimal_type_2 = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale_2);
auto field_dec_2 = field("dec_2", decimal_type_2);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec_1, field_dec_2});
// build expressions
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("is_distinct_from", {field_dec_1, field_dec_2},
field("isdistinct", arrow::boolean())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("is_not_distinct_from", {field_dec_1, field_dec_2},
field("isnotdistinct", arrow::boolean()))};
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto validity_1 = {true, false, true, true};
auto array_dec_1 = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type_1, MakeDecimalVector({"1.51", "1.23", "1.20", "-1.20"}, scale_1),
auto validity_2 = {true, false, false, true};
auto array_dec_2 = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type_2, MakeDecimalVector({"1.5", "1.2", "1.2", "-1.2"}, scale_2),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch =
arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec_1, array_dec_2});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
auto is_distinct = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::BooleanArray>(;
auto is_not_distinct = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::BooleanArray>(;
// isdistinct
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, true, false}), outputs[0]);
// isnotdistinct
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(MakeArrowArrayBool({false, true, false, true}), outputs[1]);
// decimal hashes without seed
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestHashFunctions) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_dec = field("dec", decimal_type);
auto literal_seed32 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeLiteral((int32_t)10);
auto literal_seed64 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeLiteral((int64_t)10);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec});
// build expressions
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("hash", {field_dec},
field("hash_of_dec", arrow::int32())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("hash64", {field_dec},
field("hash64_of_dec", arrow::int64())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("hash32AsDouble", {field_dec},
field("hash32_as_double", arrow::int32())),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("hash64AsDouble", {field_dec},
field("hash64_as_double", arrow::int64()))};
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
auto validity = {false, true, true, true, true};
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.51", "1.23", "1.23", "-1.23", "-1.24"}, scale),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
auto int32_arr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::Int32Array>(;
EXPECT_EQ(int32_arr->null_count(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(int32_arr->Value(0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(int32_arr->Value(1), int32_arr->Value(2));
EXPECT_NE(int32_arr->Value(2), int32_arr->Value(3));
EXPECT_NE(int32_arr->Value(3), int32_arr->Value(4));
auto int64_arr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::Int64Array>(;
EXPECT_EQ(int64_arr->null_count(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(int64_arr->Value(0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(int64_arr->Value(1), int64_arr->Value(2));
EXPECT_NE(int64_arr->Value(2), int64_arr->Value(3));
EXPECT_NE(int64_arr->Value(3), int64_arr->Value(4));
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestHash32WithSeed) {
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_dec_1 = field("dec1", decimal_type);
auto field_dec_2 = field("dec2", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec_1, field_dec_2});
auto res = field("hash32_with_seed", arrow::int32());
auto field_1_nodePtr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_dec_1);
auto field_2_nodePtr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_dec_2);
auto hash32 =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("hash32", {field_2_nodePtr}, arrow::int32());
auto hash32_with_seed =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("hash32", {field_1_nodePtr, hash32}, arrow::int32());
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(hash32, field("hash32", arrow::int32()));
auto exprWS = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(hash32_with_seed, res);
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{expr, exprWS};
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
auto validity_1 = {false, false, true, true, true};
auto array_dec_1 = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.51", "1.23", "1.23", "-1.23", "-1.24"}, scale),
auto validity_2 = {false, true, false, true, true};
auto array_dec_2 = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.51", "1.23", "1.23", "-1.23", "-1.24"}, scale),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch =
arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec_1, array_dec_2});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
auto int32_arr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::Int32Array>(;
auto int32_arr_WS = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::Int32Array>(;
EXPECT_EQ(int32_arr->null_count(), 0);
// seed 0, null decimal
EXPECT_EQ(int32_arr_WS->Value(0), 0);
// null decimal => hash = seed
EXPECT_EQ(int32_arr_WS->Value(1), int32_arr->Value(1));
// seed = 0 => hash = hash without seed
EXPECT_EQ(int32_arr_WS->Value(2), int32_arr->Value(1));
// different inputs => different outputs
EXPECT_NE(int32_arr_WS->Value(3), int32_arr_WS->Value(4));
// hash with, without seed are not equal
EXPECT_NE(int32_arr_WS->Value(4), int32_arr->Value(4));
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestHash64WithSeed) {
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_dec_1 = field("dec1", decimal_type);
auto field_dec_2 = field("dec2", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec_1, field_dec_2});
auto res = field("hash64_with_seed", arrow::int64());
auto field_1_nodePtr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_dec_1);
auto field_2_nodePtr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_dec_2);
auto hash64 =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("hash64", {field_2_nodePtr}, arrow::int64());
auto hash64_with_seed =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("hash64", {field_1_nodePtr, hash64}, arrow::int64());
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(hash64, field("hash64", arrow::int64()));
auto exprWS = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(hash64_with_seed, res);
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{expr, exprWS};
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
auto validity_1 = {false, false, true, true, true};
auto array_dec_1 = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.51", "1.23", "1.23", "-1.23", "-1.24"}, scale),
auto validity_2 = {false, true, false, true, true};
auto array_dec_2 = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"1.51", "1.23", "1.23", "-1.23", "-1.24"}, scale),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch =
arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec_1, array_dec_2});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
auto int64_arr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::Int64Array>(;
auto int64_arr_WS = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<arrow::Int64Array>(;
EXPECT_EQ(int64_arr->null_count(), 0);
// seed 0, null decimal
EXPECT_EQ(int64_arr_WS->Value(0), 0);
// null decimal => hash = seed
EXPECT_EQ(int64_arr_WS->Value(1), int64_arr->Value(1));
// seed = 0 => hash = hash without seed
EXPECT_EQ(int64_arr_WS->Value(2), int64_arr->Value(1));
// different inputs => different outputs
EXPECT_NE(int64_arr_WS->Value(3), int64_arr_WS->Value(4));
// hash with, without seed are not equal
EXPECT_NE(int64_arr_WS->Value(4), int64_arr->Value(4));
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestNullDecimalConstant) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 36;
constexpr int32_t scale = 18;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_b = field("b", decimal_type);
auto field_c = field("c", arrow::boolean());
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_b, field_c});
// output fields
auto field_result = field("res", decimal_type);
// build expression.
// if (c)
// null
// else
// b
auto node_a = TreeExprBuilder::MakeNull(decimal_type);
auto node_b = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_b);
auto node_c = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_c);
auto if_node = TreeExprBuilder::MakeIf(node_c, node_a, node_b, decimal_type);
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(if_node, field_result);
// Build a projector for the expressions.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
Status status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto array_b =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"2", "3", "4", "5"}, scale),
{true, true, true, true});
auto array_c = MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, true, false}, {true, true, true, true});
// expected output
auto exp =
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"0", "3", "3", "5"}, scale),
{false, true, false, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_b, array_c});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestCastVarCharDecimal) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_dec = field("dec", decimal_type);
auto field_res_str = field("res_str", utf8());
auto field_res_str_1 = field("res_str_1", utf8());
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec, field_res_str, field_res_str_1});
// output fields
auto res_str = field("res_str", utf8());
auto equals_res_bool = field("equals_res", boolean());
// build expressions.
auto node_dec = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_dec);
auto node_res_str = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_res_str);
auto node_res_str_1 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_res_str_1);
// limits decimal string to input length
auto str_len_limit = TreeExprBuilder::MakeLiteral(static_cast<int64_t>(5));
auto str_len_limit_1 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeLiteral(static_cast<int64_t>(1));
auto cast_varchar =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("castVARCHAR", {node_dec, str_len_limit}, utf8());
auto cast_varchar_1 =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("castVARCHAR", {node_dec, str_len_limit_1}, utf8());
auto equals =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("equal", {cast_varchar, node_res_str}, boolean());
auto equals_1 =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("equal", {cast_varchar_1, node_res_str_1}, boolean());
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(equals, equals_res_bool);
auto expr_1 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(equals_1, equals_res_bool);
// Build a projector for the expressions.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr, expr_1}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.message();
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
MakeDecimalVector({"10.51", "1.23", "100.23", "-1000.23", "-0000.10"}, scale),
{true, false, true, true, true});
auto array_str_res = MakeArrowArrayUtf8({"10.51", "-null-", "100.2", "-1000", "-0.10"},
{true, false, true, true, true});
auto array_str_res_1 =
MakeArrowArrayUtf8({"1", "-null-", "1", "-", "-"}, {true, false, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records,
{array_dec, array_str_res, array_str_res_1});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.message();
auto exp = MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, true, true, true},
{true, false, true, true, true});
auto exp_1 = MakeArrowArrayBool({true, false, true, true, true},
{true, false, true, true, true});
// Validate results
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestCastDecimalVarChar) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 4;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_str = field("in_str", utf8());
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_str});
// output fields
auto res_dec = field("res_dec", decimal_type);
// build expressions.
auto node_str = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_str);
auto cast_decimal =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("castDECIMAL", {node_str}, decimal_type);
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(cast_decimal, res_dec);
// Build a projector for the expressions.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.message();
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
auto array_str = MakeArrowArrayUtf8({"10.5134", "-0.0", "-0.1", "10.516", "-1000"},
{true, false, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_str});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.message();
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_type, MakeDecimalVector({"10.51", "1.23", "-0.10", "10.52", "0.00"}, scale),
{true, false, true, true, true});
// Validate results
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(array_dec, outputs[0]);
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestCastDecimalVarCharInvalidInput) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 0;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_str = field("in_str", utf8());
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_str});
// output fields
auto res_dec = field("res_dec", decimal_type);
// build expressions.
auto node_str = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_str);
auto cast_decimal =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("castDECIMAL", {node_str}, decimal_type);
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(cast_decimal, res_dec);
// Build a projector for the expressions.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.message();
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
// invalid input
auto invalid_in = MakeArrowArrayUtf8({"a10.5134", "-0.0", "-0.1", "10.516", "-1000"},
{true, false, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch_1 = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {invalid_in});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs_1;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch_1, pool_, &outputs_1);
EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok()) << status.message();
EXPECT_TRUE(status.message().find("not a valid decimal number") != std::string::npos);
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestVarCharDecimalNestedCast) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision = 38;
constexpr int32_t scale = 2;
auto decimal_type = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision, scale);
auto field_dec = field("dec", decimal_type);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec});
// output fields
auto field_dec_res = field("dec_res", decimal_type);
// build expressions.
auto node_dec = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_dec);
// limits decimal string to input length
auto str_len_limit = TreeExprBuilder::MakeLiteral(static_cast<int64_t>(5));
auto cast_varchar =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("castVARCHAR", {node_dec, str_len_limit}, utf8());
auto cast_decimal =
TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("castDECIMAL", {cast_varchar}, decimal_type);
auto expr = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(cast_decimal, field_dec_res);
// Build a projector for the expressions.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, {expr}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.message();
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 5;
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
MakeDecimalVector({"10.51", "1.23", "100.23", "-1000.23", "-0000.10"}, scale),
{true, false, true, true, true});
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.message();
// Validate results
auto array_dec_res = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
MakeDecimalVector({"10.51", "1.23", "100.20", "-1000.00", "-0.10"}, scale),
{true, false, true, true, true});
EXPECT_ARROW_ARRAY_EQUALS(array_dec_res, outputs[0]);
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestCastDecimalOverflow) {
// schema for input fields
constexpr int32_t precision_in = 5;
constexpr int32_t scale_in = 2;
constexpr int32_t precision_out = 3;
constexpr int32_t scale_out = 1;
auto decimal_5_2 = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision_in, scale_in);
auto decimal_3_1 = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Type>(precision_out, scale_out);
auto field_dec = field("dec", decimal_5_2);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_dec});
// build expressions
auto exprs = std::vector<ExpressionPtr>{
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castDECIMAL", {field_dec},
field("dec_to_dec", decimal_3_1)),
TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression("castDECIMALNullOnOverflow", {field_dec},
field("dec_to_dec_null_overflow", decimal_3_1)),
// Build a projector for the expression.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status = Projector::Make(schema, exprs, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 4;
auto validity = {true, true, true, true};
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_5_2, MakeDecimalVector({"1.23", "671.58", "-1.23", "-1.58"}, scale_in),
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
// Validate results
// castDECIMAL(decimal)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision_out, 1),
MakeDecimalVector({"1.2", "0.0", "-1.2", "-1.6"}, 1),
// castDECIMALNullOnOverflow(decimal)
MakeArrowArrayDecimal(arrow::decimal(precision_out, 1),
MakeDecimalVector({"1.2", "1.6", "-1.2", "-1.6"}, 1),
{true, false, true, true}),
TEST_F(TestDecimal, TestSha) {
// schema for input fields
const std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>& decimal_5_2 = arrow::decimal128(5, 2);
auto field_a = field("a", decimal_5_2);
auto schema = arrow::schema({field_a});
// output fields
auto res_0 = field("res0", utf8());
auto res_1 = field("res1", utf8());
// build expressions.
// hashSHA1(a)
auto node_a = TreeExprBuilder::MakeField(field_a);
auto hashSha1 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("hashSHA1", {node_a}, utf8());
auto expr_0 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(hashSha1, res_0);
auto hashSha256 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeFunction("hashSHA256", {node_a}, utf8());
auto expr_1 = TreeExprBuilder::MakeExpression(hashSha256, res_1);
// Build a projector for the expressions.
std::shared_ptr<Projector> projector;
auto status =
Projector::Make(schema, {expr_0, expr_1}, TestConfiguration(), &projector);
ASSERT_OK(status) << status.message();
// Create a row-batch with some sample data
int num_records = 3;
auto validity_array = {false, true, true};
auto array_dec = MakeArrowArrayDecimal(
decimal_5_2, MakeDecimalVector({"3.45", "0", "0.01"}, 2), validity_array);
// prepare input record batch
auto in_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, num_records, {array_dec});
// Evaluate expression
arrow::ArrayVector outputs;
status = projector->Evaluate(*in_batch, pool_, &outputs);
auto response =;
EXPECT_EQ(response->null_count(), 0);
EXPECT_NE(response->GetScalar(0).ValueOrDie()->ToString(), "");
// Checks if the hash size in response is correct
const int sha1_hash_size = 40;
for (int i = 1; i < num_records; ++i) {
const auto& value_at_position = response->GetScalar(i).ValueOrDie()->ToString();
EXPECT_EQ(value_at_position.size(), sha1_hash_size);
EXPECT_NE(value_at_position, response->GetScalar(i - 1).ValueOrDie()->ToString());
response =;
EXPECT_EQ(response->null_count(), 0);
EXPECT_NE(response->GetScalar(0).ValueOrDie()->ToString(), "");
// Checks if the hash size in response is correct
const int sha256_hash_size = 64;
for (int i = 1; i < num_records; ++i) {
const auto& value_at_position = response->GetScalar(i).ValueOrDie()->ToString();
EXPECT_EQ(value_at_position.size(), sha256_hash_size);
EXPECT_NE(value_at_position, response->GetScalar(i - 1).ValueOrDie()->ToString());
} // namespace gandiva