blob: c9e02696f5dd4653cac943d7d789d56662409ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include "arrow/util/windows_compatibility.h"
#include <cstdint>
// Check if thrift version < 0.11.0
// or if FORCE_BOOST_SMART_PTR is defined. Ref:
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// TCompactProtocol requires some #defines to work right.
#include <thrift/TApplicationException.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TCompactProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TDebugProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "parquet/encryption/internal_file_decryptor.h"
#include "parquet/encryption/internal_file_encryptor.h"
#include "parquet/exception.h"
#include "parquet/platform.h"
#include "parquet/statistics.h"
#include "parquet/types.h"
#include "generated/parquet_types.h" // IYWU pragma: export
namespace parquet {
// Check if thrift version < 0.11.0
// or if FORCE_BOOST_SMART_PTR is defined. Ref:
using ::boost::shared_ptr;
using ::std::shared_ptr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convert Thrift enums to Parquet enums
// Unsafe enum converters (input is not checked for validity)
static inline Type::type FromThriftUnsafe(format::Type::type type) {
return static_cast<Type::type>(type);
static inline ConvertedType::type FromThriftUnsafe(format::ConvertedType::type type) {
// item 0 is NONE
return static_cast<ConvertedType::type>(static_cast<int>(type) + 1);
static inline Repetition::type FromThriftUnsafe(format::FieldRepetitionType::type type) {
return static_cast<Repetition::type>(type);
static inline Encoding::type FromThriftUnsafe(format::Encoding::type type) {
return static_cast<Encoding::type>(type);
static inline PageType::type FromThriftUnsafe(format::PageType::type type) {
return static_cast<PageType::type>(type);
static inline Compression::type FromThriftUnsafe(format::CompressionCodec::type type) {
switch (type) {
case format::CompressionCodec::UNCOMPRESSED:
return Compression::UNCOMPRESSED;
case format::CompressionCodec::SNAPPY:
return Compression::SNAPPY;
case format::CompressionCodec::GZIP:
return Compression::GZIP;
case format::CompressionCodec::LZO:
return Compression::LZO;
case format::CompressionCodec::BROTLI:
return Compression::BROTLI;
case format::CompressionCodec::LZ4:
return Compression::LZ4_HADOOP;
case format::CompressionCodec::ZSTD:
return Compression::ZSTD;
DCHECK(false) << "Cannot reach here";
return Compression::UNCOMPRESSED;
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
struct ThriftEnumTypeTraits {};
template <>
struct ThriftEnumTypeTraits<::parquet::format::Type::type> {
using ParquetEnum = Type;
template <>
struct ThriftEnumTypeTraits<::parquet::format::ConvertedType::type> {
using ParquetEnum = ConvertedType;
template <>
struct ThriftEnumTypeTraits<::parquet::format::FieldRepetitionType::type> {
using ParquetEnum = Repetition;
template <>
struct ThriftEnumTypeTraits<::parquet::format::Encoding::type> {
using ParquetEnum = Encoding;
template <>
struct ThriftEnumTypeTraits<::parquet::format::PageType::type> {
using ParquetEnum = PageType;
// If the parquet file is corrupted it is possible the enum value decoded
// will not be in the range of defined values, which is undefined behaviour.
// This facility prevents this by loading the value as the underlying type
// and checking to make sure it is in range.
template <typename EnumType,
typename EnumTypeRaw = typename std::underlying_type<EnumType>::type>
inline static EnumTypeRaw LoadEnumRaw(const EnumType* in) {
EnumTypeRaw raw_value;
// Use memcpy(), as a regular cast would be undefined behaviour on invalid values
memcpy(&raw_value, in, sizeof(EnumType));
return raw_value;
template <typename ApiType>
struct SafeLoader {
using ApiTypeEnum = typename ApiType::type;
using ApiTypeRawEnum = typename std::underlying_type<ApiTypeEnum>::type;
template <typename ThriftType>
inline static ApiTypeRawEnum LoadRaw(const ThriftType* in) {
static_assert(sizeof(ApiTypeEnum) == sizeof(ThriftType),
"parquet type should always be the same size as thrift type");
return static_cast<ApiTypeRawEnum>(LoadEnumRaw(in));
template <typename ThriftType, bool IsUnsigned = true>
inline static ApiTypeEnum LoadChecked(
const typename std::enable_if<IsUnsigned, ThriftType>::type* in) {
auto raw_value = LoadRaw(in);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(raw_value >=
static_cast<ApiTypeRawEnum>(ApiType::UNDEFINED))) {
return ApiType::UNDEFINED;
return FromThriftUnsafe(static_cast<ThriftType>(raw_value));
template <typename ThriftType, bool IsUnsigned = false>
inline static ApiTypeEnum LoadChecked(
const typename std::enable_if<!IsUnsigned, ThriftType>::type* in) {
auto raw_value = LoadRaw(in);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(raw_value >=
static_cast<ApiTypeRawEnum>(ApiType::UNDEFINED) ||
raw_value < 0)) {
return ApiType::UNDEFINED;
return FromThriftUnsafe(static_cast<ThriftType>(raw_value));
template <typename ThriftType>
inline static ApiTypeEnum Load(const ThriftType* in) {
return LoadChecked<ThriftType, std::is_unsigned<ApiTypeRawEnum>::value>(in);
} // namespace internal
// Safe enum loader: will check for invalid enum value before converting
template <typename ThriftType,
typename ParquetEnum =
typename internal::ThriftEnumTypeTraits<ThriftType>::ParquetEnum>
inline typename ParquetEnum::type LoadEnumSafe(const ThriftType* in) {
return internal::SafeLoader<ParquetEnum>::Load(in);
inline typename Compression::type LoadEnumSafe(const format::CompressionCodec::type* in) {
const auto raw_value = internal::LoadEnumRaw(in);
// Check bounds manually, as Compression::type doesn't have the same values
// as format::CompressionCodec.
const auto min_value =
const auto max_value = static_cast<decltype(raw_value)>(format::CompressionCodec::ZSTD);
if (raw_value < min_value || raw_value > max_value) {
return Compression::UNCOMPRESSED;
return FromThriftUnsafe(*in);
// Safe non-enum converters
static inline AadMetadata FromThrift(format::AesGcmV1 aesGcmV1) {
return AadMetadata{aesGcmV1.aad_prefix, aesGcmV1.aad_file_unique,
static inline AadMetadata FromThrift(format::AesGcmCtrV1 aesGcmCtrV1) {
return AadMetadata{aesGcmCtrV1.aad_prefix, aesGcmCtrV1.aad_file_unique,
static inline EncryptionAlgorithm FromThrift(format::EncryptionAlgorithm encryption) {
EncryptionAlgorithm encryption_algorithm;
if (encryption.__isset.AES_GCM_V1) {
encryption_algorithm.algorithm = ParquetCipher::AES_GCM_V1;
encryption_algorithm.aad = FromThrift(encryption.AES_GCM_V1);
} else if (encryption.__isset.AES_GCM_CTR_V1) {
encryption_algorithm.algorithm = ParquetCipher::AES_GCM_CTR_V1;
encryption_algorithm.aad = FromThrift(encryption.AES_GCM_CTR_V1);
} else {
throw ParquetException("Unsupported algorithm");
return encryption_algorithm;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convert Thrift enums from Parquet enums
static inline format::Type::type ToThrift(Type::type type) {
return static_cast<format::Type::type>(type);
static inline format::ConvertedType::type ToThrift(ConvertedType::type type) {
// item 0 is NONE
DCHECK_NE(type, ConvertedType::NONE);
// it is forbidden to emit "NA" (PARQUET-1990)
DCHECK_NE(type, ConvertedType::NA);
DCHECK_NE(type, ConvertedType::UNDEFINED);
return static_cast<format::ConvertedType::type>(static_cast<int>(type) - 1);
static inline format::FieldRepetitionType::type ToThrift(Repetition::type type) {
return static_cast<format::FieldRepetitionType::type>(type);
static inline format::Encoding::type ToThrift(Encoding::type type) {
return static_cast<format::Encoding::type>(type);
static inline format::CompressionCodec::type ToThrift(Compression::type type) {
switch (type) {
case Compression::UNCOMPRESSED:
return format::CompressionCodec::UNCOMPRESSED;
case Compression::SNAPPY:
return format::CompressionCodec::SNAPPY;
case Compression::GZIP:
return format::CompressionCodec::GZIP;
case Compression::LZO:
return format::CompressionCodec::LZO;
case Compression::BROTLI:
return format::CompressionCodec::BROTLI;
// For compatibility with existing source code
case Compression::LZ4:
case Compression::LZ4_HADOOP:
return format::CompressionCodec::LZ4;
case Compression::ZSTD:
return format::CompressionCodec::ZSTD;
DCHECK(false) << "Cannot reach here";
return format::CompressionCodec::UNCOMPRESSED;
static inline format::Statistics ToThrift(const EncodedStatistics& stats) {
format::Statistics statistics;
if (stats.has_min) {
// If the order is SIGNED, then the old min value must be set too.
// This for backward compatibility
if (stats.is_signed()) {
if (stats.has_max) {
// If the order is SIGNED, then the old max value must be set too.
// This for backward compatibility
if (stats.is_signed()) {
if (stats.has_null_count) {
if (stats.has_distinct_count) {
return statistics;
static inline format::AesGcmV1 ToAesGcmV1Thrift(AadMetadata aad) {
format::AesGcmV1 aesGcmV1;
// aad_file_unique is always set
if (!aad.aad_prefix.empty()) {
return aesGcmV1;
static inline format::AesGcmCtrV1 ToAesGcmCtrV1Thrift(AadMetadata aad) {
format::AesGcmCtrV1 aesGcmCtrV1;
// aad_file_unique is always set
if (!aad.aad_prefix.empty()) {
return aesGcmCtrV1;
static inline format::EncryptionAlgorithm ToThrift(EncryptionAlgorithm encryption) {
format::EncryptionAlgorithm encryption_algorithm;
if (encryption.algorithm == ParquetCipher::AES_GCM_V1) {
} else {
return encryption_algorithm;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Thrift struct serialization / deserialization utilities
using ThriftBuffer = apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer;
template <class T>
inline void DeserializeThriftUnencryptedMsg(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t* len,
T* deserialized_msg) {
// Deserialize msg bytes into c++ thrift msg using memory transport.
shared_ptr<ThriftBuffer> tmem_transport(
new ThriftBuffer(const_cast<uint8_t*>(buf), *len));
apache::thrift::protocol::TCompactProtocolFactoryT<ThriftBuffer> tproto_factory;
// Protect against CPU and memory bombs
tproto_factory.setStringSizeLimit(100 * 1000 * 1000);
// Structs in the thrift definition are relatively large (at least 300 bytes).
// This limits total memory to the same order of magnitude as stringSize.
tproto_factory.setContainerSizeLimit(1000 * 1000);
shared_ptr<apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol> tproto = //
try {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Couldn't deserialize thrift: " << e.what() << "\n";
throw ParquetException(ss.str());
uint32_t bytes_left = tmem_transport->available_read();
*len = *len - bytes_left;
// Deserialize a thrift message from buf/len. buf/len must at least contain
// all the bytes needed to store the thrift message. On return, len will be
// set to the actual length of the header.
template <class T>
inline void DeserializeThriftMsg(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t* len, T* deserialized_msg,
const std::shared_ptr<Decryptor>& decryptor = NULLPTR) {
// thrift message is not encrypted
if (decryptor == NULLPTR) {
DeserializeThriftUnencryptedMsg(buf, len, deserialized_msg);
} else { // thrift message is encrypted
uint32_t clen;
clen = *len;
// decrypt
std::shared_ptr<ResizableBuffer> decrypted_buffer =
static_cast<int64_t>(clen - decryptor->CiphertextSizeDelta())));
const uint8_t* cipher_buf = buf;
uint32_t decrypted_buffer_len =
decryptor->Decrypt(cipher_buf, 0, decrypted_buffer->mutable_data());
if (decrypted_buffer_len <= 0) {
throw ParquetException("Couldn't decrypt buffer\n");
*len = decrypted_buffer_len + decryptor->CiphertextSizeDelta();
DeserializeThriftMsg(decrypted_buffer->data(), &decrypted_buffer_len,
/// Utility class to serialize thrift objects to a binary format. This object
/// should be reused if possible to reuse the underlying memory.
/// Note: thrift will encode NULLs into the serialized buffer so it is not valid
/// to treat it as a string.
class ThriftSerializer {
explicit ThriftSerializer(int initial_buffer_size = 1024)
: mem_buffer_(new ThriftBuffer(initial_buffer_size)) {
apache::thrift::protocol::TCompactProtocolFactoryT<ThriftBuffer> factory;
protocol_ = factory.getProtocol(mem_buffer_);
/// Serialize obj into a memory buffer. The result is returned in buffer/len. The
/// memory returned is owned by this object and will be invalid when another object
/// is serialized.
template <class T>
void SerializeToBuffer(const T* obj, uint32_t* len, uint8_t** buffer) {
mem_buffer_->getBuffer(buffer, len);
template <class T>
void SerializeToString(const T* obj, std::string* result) {
*result = mem_buffer_->getBufferAsString();
template <class T>
int64_t Serialize(const T* obj, ArrowOutputStream* out,
const std::shared_ptr<Encryptor>& encryptor = NULLPTR) {
uint8_t* out_buffer;
uint32_t out_length;
SerializeToBuffer(obj, &out_length, &out_buffer);
// obj is not encrypted
if (encryptor == NULLPTR) {
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(out->Write(out_buffer, out_length));
return static_cast<int64_t>(out_length);
} else { // obj is encrypted
return SerializeEncryptedObj(out, out_buffer, out_length, encryptor);
template <class T>
void SerializeObject(const T* obj) {
try {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Couldn't serialize thrift: " << e.what() << "\n";
throw ParquetException(ss.str());
int64_t SerializeEncryptedObj(ArrowOutputStream* out, uint8_t* out_buffer,
uint32_t out_length,
const std::shared_ptr<Encryptor>& encryptor) {
std::shared_ptr<ResizableBuffer> cipher_buffer =
static_cast<int64_t>(encryptor->CiphertextSizeDelta() + out_length)));
int cipher_buffer_len =
encryptor->Encrypt(out_buffer, out_length, cipher_buffer->mutable_data());
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(out->Write(cipher_buffer->data(), cipher_buffer_len));
return static_cast<int64_t>(cipher_buffer_len);
shared_ptr<ThriftBuffer> mem_buffer_;
shared_ptr<apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol> protocol_;
} // namespace parquet