blob: b48e7ec7145a06c27f876b89c56c2f1217223c35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "./arrow_types.h"
#if defined(ARROW_R_WITH_ARROW)
#include <arrow/memory_pool.h>
#include <arrow/util/mutex.h>
class GcMemoryPool : public arrow::MemoryPool {
GcMemoryPool() : pool_(arrow::default_memory_pool()) {}
arrow::Status Allocate(int64_t size, uint8_t** out) override {
return GcAndTryAgain([&] { return pool_->Allocate(size, out); });
arrow::Status Reallocate(int64_t old_size, int64_t new_size, uint8_t** ptr) override {
return GcAndTryAgain([&] { return pool_->Reallocate(old_size, new_size, ptr); });
void Free(uint8_t* buffer, int64_t size) override { pool_->Free(buffer, size); }
int64_t bytes_allocated() const override { return pool_->bytes_allocated(); }
int64_t max_memory() const override { return pool_->max_memory(); }
std::string backend_name() const override { return pool_->backend_name(); }
template <typename Call>
arrow::Status GcAndTryAgain(const Call& call) {
if (call().ok()) {
return arrow::Status::OK();
} else {
auto lock = mutex_.Lock();
// ARROW-10080: Allocation may fail spuriously since the garbage collector is lazy.
// Force it to run then try again in case any reusable allocations have been freed.
static cpp11::function gc = cpp11::package("base")["gc"];
return call();
arrow::util::Mutex mutex_;
arrow::MemoryPool* pool_;
static GcMemoryPool g_pool;
arrow::MemoryPool* gc_memory_pool() { return &g_pool; }
// [[arrow::export]]
std::shared_ptr<arrow::MemoryPool> MemoryPool__default() {
return std::shared_ptr<arrow::MemoryPool>(&g_pool, [](...) {});
// [[arrow::export]]
double MemoryPool__bytes_allocated(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::MemoryPool>& pool) {
return pool->bytes_allocated();
// [[arrow::export]]
double MemoryPool__max_memory(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::MemoryPool>& pool) {
return pool->max_memory();
// [[arrow::export]]
std::string MemoryPool__backend_name(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::MemoryPool>& pool) {
return pool->backend_name();
// [[arrow::export]]
std::vector<std::string> supported_memory_backends() {
return arrow::SupportedMemoryBackendNames();