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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/compute.R
\title{\code{match} and \code{\%in\%} for Arrow objects}
match_arrow(x, table, ...)
is_in(x, table, ...)
\item{x}{\code{Array} or \code{ChunkedArray}}
\item{table}{\code{Array}, \code{ChunkedArray}, or R vector lookup table.}
\item{...}{additional arguments, ignored}
\code{match_arrow()} returns an \code{int32}-type \code{Array} of the same length
as \code{x} with the (0-based) indexes into \code{table}. \code{is_in()} returns a
\code{boolean}-type \code{Array} of the same length as \code{x} with values indicating
per element of \code{x} it it is present in \code{table}.
\code{base::match()} is not a generic, so we can't just define Arrow methods for
it. This function exposes the analogous functions in the Arrow C++ library.