blob: ab427f746b335f0b1c287f506765d49e7921bc95 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/dataset-partition.R
\title{Construct Hive partitioning}
hive_partition(..., null_fallback = NULL)
\item{...}{named list of \link[=data-type]{data types}, passed to \code{\link[=schema]{schema()}}}
\item{null_fallback}{character to be used in place of missing values (\code{NA} or \code{NULL})
in partition columns. Default is \code{"__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"},
which is what Hive uses.}
A \link[=Partitioning]{HivePartitioning}, or a \code{HivePartitioningFactory} if
calling \code{hive_partition()} with no arguments.
Hive partitioning embeds field names and values in path segments, such as
Because fields are named in the path segments, order of fields passed to
\code{hive_partition()} does not matter.
hive_partition(year = int16(), month = int8())