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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/dataset-factory.R
\title{Create a DatasetFactory}
filesystem = NULL,
format = c("parquet", "arrow", "ipc", "feather", "csv", "tsv", "text"),
partitioning = NULL,
\item{x}{A string path to a directory containing data files, a vector of one
one or more string paths to data files, or a list of \code{DatasetFactory} objects
whose datasets should be combined. If this argument is specified it will be
used to construct a \code{UnionDatasetFactory} and other arguments will be
\item{filesystem}{A \link{FileSystem} object; if omitted, the \code{FileSystem} will
be detected from \code{x}}
\item{format}{A \link{FileFormat} object, or a string identifier of the format of
the files in \code{x}. Currently supported values:
\item "parquet"
\item "ipc"/"arrow"/"feather", all aliases for each other; for Feather, note that
only version 2 files are supported
\item "csv"/"text", aliases for the same thing (because comma is the default
delimiter for text files
\item "tsv", equivalent to passing \verb{format = "text", delimiter = "\\t"}
Default is "parquet", unless a \code{delimiter} is also specified, in which case
it is assumed to be "text".}
\item{partitioning}{One of
\item A \code{Schema}, in which case the file paths relative to \code{sources} will be
parsed, and path segments will be matched with the schema fields. For
example, \code{schema(year = int16(), month = int8())} would create partitions
for file paths like "2019/01/file.parquet", "2019/02/file.parquet", etc.
\item A character vector that defines the field names corresponding to those
path segments (that is, you're providing the names that would correspond
to a \code{Schema} but the types will be autodetected)
\item A \code{HivePartitioning} or \code{HivePartitioningFactory}, as returned
by \code{\link[=hive_partition]{hive_partition()}} which parses explicit or autodetected fields from
Hive-style path segments
\item \code{NULL} for no partitioning
\item{...}{Additional format-specific options, passed to
\code{FileFormat$create()}. For CSV options, note that you can specify them either
with the Arrow C++ library naming ("delimiter", "quoting", etc.) or the
\code{readr}-style naming used in \code{\link[=read_csv_arrow]{read_csv_arrow()}} ("delim", "quote", etc.).
Not all \code{readr} options are currently supported; please file an issue if you
encounter one that \code{arrow} should support.}
A \code{DatasetFactory} object. Pass this to \code{\link[=open_dataset]{open_dataset()}},
in a list potentially with other \code{DatasetFactory} objects, to create
a \code{Dataset}.
A \link{Dataset} can constructed using one or more \link{DatasetFactory}s.
This function helps you construct a \code{DatasetFactory} that you can pass to
If you would only have a single \code{DatasetFactory} (for example, you have a
single directory containing Parquet files), you can call \code{open_dataset()}
directly. Use \code{dataset_factory()} when you
want to combine different directories, file systems, or file formats.