blob: f6f01fe623a4c6625c47bb776c23df38bd89caae [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
#' @importFrom stats quantile median na.omit na.exclude na.pass
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom purrr as_mapper map map2 map_chr map_dfr map_int map_lgl keep
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.string
#' @importFrom rlang list2 %||% is_false abort dots_n warn enquo quo_is_null enquos is_integerish quos eval_tidy new_data_mask syms env new_environment env_bind as_label set_names exec is_bare_character quo_get_expr quo_set_expr .data seq2 is_quosure enexpr enexprs expr
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_pull vars_rename vars_select eval_select
#' @useDynLib arrow, .registration = TRUE
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom vctrs s3_register vec_size vec_cast vec_unique
.onLoad <- function(...) {
dplyr_methods <- paste0(
"select", "filter", "collect", "summarise", "group_by", "groups",
"group_vars", "group_by_drop_default", "ungroup", "mutate", "transmute",
"arrange", "rename", "pull", "relocate", "compute"
for (cl in c("Dataset", "ArrowTabular", "arrow_dplyr_query")) {
for (m in dplyr_methods) {
s3_register(m, cl)
s3_register("dplyr::tbl_vars", "arrow_dplyr_query")
for (cl in c("Array", "RecordBatch", "ChunkedArray", "Table", "Schema")) {
s3_register("reticulate::py_to_r", paste0("pyarrow.lib.", cl))
s3_register("reticulate::r_to_py", cl)
# Create these once, at package build time
if (arrow_available()) {
dplyr_functions$dataset <- build_function_list(build_dataset_expression)
dplyr_functions$array <- build_function_list(build_array_expression)
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
if (!arrow_available()) {
msg <- paste(
"The Arrow C++ library is not available. To retry installation with debug output, run:",
" install_arrow(verbose = TRUE)",
"See for more guidance and troubleshooting.",
sep = "\n"
} else {
# Just to be extra safe, let's wrap this in a try();
# we don't a failed startup message to prevent the package from loading
features <- arrow_info()$capabilities
# That has all of the #ifdef features, plus the compression libs and the
# string libraries (but not the memory allocators, they're added elsewhere)
# Let's print a message if some are off
if (some_features_are_off(features)) {
packageStartupMessage("See arrow_info() for available features")
#' Is the C++ Arrow library available?
#' You won't generally need to call these function, but they're made available
#' for diagnostic purposes.
#' @return `TRUE` or `FALSE` depending on whether the package was installed
#' with:
#' * The Arrow C++ library (check with `arrow_available()`)
#' * Arrow Dataset support enabled (check with `arrow_with_dataset()`)
#' * Parquet support enabled (check with `arrow_with_parquet()`)
#' * Amazon S3 support enabled (check with `arrow_with_s3()`)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' arrow_available()
#' arrow_with_dataset()
#' arrow_with_parquet()
#' arrow_with_s3()
#' @seealso If any of these are `FALSE`, see
#' `vignette("install", package = "arrow")` for guidance on reinstalling the
#' package.
arrow_available <- function() {
tryCatch(.Call(`_arrow_available`), error = function(e) return(FALSE))
#' @rdname arrow_available
#' @export
arrow_with_dataset <- function() {
tryCatch(.Call(`_dataset_available`), error = function(e) return(FALSE))
#' @rdname arrow_available
#' @export
arrow_with_parquet <- function() {
tryCatch(.Call(`_parquet_available`), error = function(e) return(FALSE))
#' @rdname arrow_available
#' @export
arrow_with_s3 <- function() {
tryCatch(.Call(`_s3_available`), error = function(e) return(FALSE))
option_use_threads <- function() {
#' Report information on the package's capabilities
#' This function summarizes a number of build-time configurations and run-time
#' settings for the Arrow package. It may be useful for diagnostics.
#' @return A list including version information, boolean "capabilities", and
#' statistics from Arrow's memory allocator, and also Arrow's run-time
#' information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
arrow_info <- function() {
opts <- options()
out <- list(
version = packageVersion("arrow"),
libarrow = arrow_available(),
options = opts[grep("^arrow\\.", names(opts))]
if (out$libarrow) {
pool <- default_memory_pool()
runtimeinfo <- runtime_info()
buildinfo <- build_info()
compute_funcs <- list_compute_functions()
out <- c(out, list(
capabilities = c(
dataset = arrow_with_dataset(),
parquet = arrow_with_parquet(),
s3 = arrow_with_s3(),
utf8proc = "utf8_upper" %in% compute_funcs,
re2 = "replace_substring_regex" %in% compute_funcs,
vapply(tolower(names(CompressionType)[-1]), codec_is_available, logical(1))
memory_pool = list(
backend_name = pool$backend_name,
bytes_allocated = pool$bytes_allocated,
max_memory = pool$max_memory,
available_backends = supported_memory_backends()
runtime_info = list(
simd_level = runtimeinfo[1],
detected_simd_level = runtimeinfo[2]
build_info = list(
cpp_version = buildinfo[1],
cpp_compiler = buildinfo[2],
cpp_compiler_version = buildinfo[3],
cpp_compiler_flags = buildinfo[4],
# git_id is "" if not built from a git checkout
# convert that to NULL
git_id = if (nzchar(buildinfo[5])) buildinfo[5]
structure(out, class = "arrow_info")
some_features_are_off <- function(features) {
# `features` is a named logical vector (as in arrow_info()$capabilities)
# Let's exclude some less relevant ones
blocklist <- c("lzo", "bz2", "brotli")
# Return TRUE if any of the other features are FALSE
!all(features[setdiff(names(features), blocklist)])
#' @export
print.arrow_info <- function(x, ...) {
print_key_values <- function(title, vals, ...) {
# Make a key-value table for printing, no column names
df <- data.frame(vals, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...)
names(df) <- ""
cat(title, ":\n", sep = "")
cat("Arrow package version: ", format(x$version), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (x$libarrow) {
print_key_values("Capabilities", c(
jemalloc = "jemalloc" %in% x$memory_pool$available_backends,
mimalloc = "mimalloc" %in% x$memory_pool$available_backends
if (some_features_are_off(x$capabilities) && identical(tolower([["sysname"]]), "linux")) {
# Only on linux because (e.g.) we disable certain features on purpose on rtools35 and solaris
cat("To reinstall with more optional capabilities enabled, see\n\n\n")
if (length(x$options)) {
print_key_values("Arrow options()", map_chr(x$options, format))
format_bytes <- function(b, units = "auto", digits = 2L, ...) {
format(structure(b, class = "object_size"), units = units, digits = digits, ...)
print_key_values("Memory", c(
Allocator = x$memory_pool$backend_name,
# utils:::format.object_size is not properly vectorized
Current = format_bytes(x$memory_pool$bytes_allocated, ...),
Max = format_bytes(x$memory_pool$max_memory, ...)
print_key_values("Runtime", c(
`SIMD Level` = x$runtime_info$simd_level,
`Detected SIMD Level` = x$runtime_info$detected_simd_level
print_key_values("Build", c(
`C++ Library Version` = x$build_info$cpp_version,
`C++ Compiler` = x$build_info$cpp_compiler,
`C++ Compiler Version` = x$build_info$cpp_compiler_version,
`Git ID` = x$build_info$git_id
} else {
cat("Arrow C++ library not available. See for troubleshooting.\n")
option_compress_metadata <- function() {
#' @include enums.R
ArrowObject <- R6Class("ArrowObject",
public = list(
initialize = function(xp) self$set_pointer(xp),
pointer = function() get(".:xp:.", envir = self),
`.:xp:.` = NULL,
set_pointer = function(xp) {
if (!inherits(xp, "externalptr")) {
class(self)[1], "$new() requires a pointer as input: ",
"did you mean $create() instead?",
call. = FALSE
assign(".:xp:.", xp, envir = self)
print = function(...) {
if (!is.null(self$.class_title)) {
# Allow subclasses to override just printing the class name first
class_title <- self$.class_title()
} else {
class_title <- class(self)[[1]]
cat(class_title, "\n", sep = "")
if (!is.null(self$ToString)){
cat(self$ToString(), "\n", sep = "")
invalidate = function() {
assign(".:xp:.", NULL, envir = self)
#' @export
`!=.ArrowObject` <- function(lhs, rhs) !(lhs == rhs)
#' @export
`==.ArrowObject` <- function(x, y) {
#' @export
all.equal.ArrowObject <- function(target, current, ..., check.attributes = TRUE) {
target$Equals(current, check_metadata = check.attributes)