blob: be1cc83d158341f418cb6826b6966ac05ad108b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <utf8proc.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "arrow/array/builder_binary.h"
#include "arrow/array/builder_nested.h"
#include "arrow/buffer_builder.h"
#include "arrow/builder.h"
#include "arrow/compute/api_scalar.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/common.h"
#include "arrow/util/checked_cast.h"
#include "arrow/util/utf8.h"
#include "arrow/util/value_parsing.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::checked_cast;
namespace compute {
namespace internal {
namespace {
util::string_view ToStringView(re2::StringPiece piece) {
return {, piece.length()};
re2::StringPiece ToStringPiece(util::string_view view) {
return {, view.length()};
Status RegexStatus(const RE2& regex) {
if (!regex.ok()) {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid regular expression: ", regex.error());
return Status::OK();
// Code units in the range [a-z] can only be an encoding of an ascii
// character/codepoint, not the 2nd, 3rd or 4th code unit (byte) of an different
// codepoint. This guaranteed by non-overlap design of the unicode standard. (see
// section 2.5 of Unicode Standard Core Specification v13.0)
static inline uint8_t ascii_tolower(uint8_t utf8_code_unit) {
return ((utf8_code_unit >= 'A') && (utf8_code_unit <= 'Z')) ? (utf8_code_unit + 32)
: utf8_code_unit;
static inline uint8_t ascii_toupper(uint8_t utf8_code_unit) {
return ((utf8_code_unit >= 'a') && (utf8_code_unit <= 'z')) ? (utf8_code_unit - 32)
: utf8_code_unit;
template <typename T>
static inline bool IsAsciiCharacter(T character) {
return character < 128;
struct BinaryLength {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value = util::string_view>
static OutValue Call(KernelContext*, Arg0Value val, Status*) {
return static_cast<OutValue>(val.size());
struct Utf8Length {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value = util::string_view>
static OutValue Call(KernelContext*, Arg0Value val, Status*) {
auto str = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
auto strlen = val.size();
OutValue length = 0;
while (strlen > 0) {
length += ((*str & 0xc0) != 0x80);
return length;
// Direct lookup tables for unicode properties
constexpr uint32_t kMaxCodepointLookup =
0xffff; // up to this codepoint is in a lookup table
std::vector<uint32_t> lut_upper_codepoint;
std::vector<uint32_t> lut_lower_codepoint;
std::vector<utf8proc_category_t> lut_category;
std::once_flag flag_case_luts;
void EnsureLookupTablesFilled() {
std::call_once(flag_case_luts, []() {
lut_upper_codepoint.reserve(kMaxCodepointLookup + 1);
lut_lower_codepoint.reserve(kMaxCodepointLookup + 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= kMaxCodepointLookup; i++) {
/// Transform string -> string with a reasonable guess on the maximum number of codepoints
template <typename Type, typename Derived>
struct StringTransform {
using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
static int64_t MaxCodeunits(offset_type input_ncodeunits) { return input_ncodeunits; }
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return Derived().Execute(ctx, batch, out);
Status Execute(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
ArrayType input_boxed(batch[0].array());
ArrayData* output = out->mutable_array();
offset_type input_ncodeunits = input_boxed.total_values_length();
offset_type input_nstrings = static_cast<offset_type>(input.length);
int64_t output_ncodeunits_max = Derived::MaxCodeunits(input_ncodeunits);
if (output_ncodeunits_max > std::numeric_limits<offset_type>::max()) {
return Status::CapacityError(
"Result might not fit in a 32bit utf8 array, convert to large_utf8");
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto values_buffer, ctx->Allocate(output_ncodeunits_max));
output->buffers[2] = values_buffer;
// String offsets are preallocated
offset_type* output_string_offsets = output->GetMutableValues<offset_type>(1);
uint8_t* output_str = output->buffers[2]->mutable_data();
offset_type output_ncodeunits = 0;
output_string_offsets[0] = 0;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < input_nstrings; i++) {
offset_type input_string_ncodeunits;
const uint8_t* input_string = input_boxed.GetValue(i, &input_string_ncodeunits);
offset_type encoded_nbytes = 0;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!static_cast<Derived&>(*this).Transform(
input_string, input_string_ncodeunits, output_str + output_ncodeunits,
&encoded_nbytes))) {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid UTF8 sequence in input");
output_ncodeunits += encoded_nbytes;
output_string_offsets[i + 1] = output_ncodeunits;
// Trim the codepoint buffer, since we allocated too much
RETURN_NOT_OK(values_buffer->Resize(output_ncodeunits, /*shrink_to_fit=*/true));
} else {
const auto& input = checked_cast<const BaseBinaryScalar&>(*batch[0].scalar());
auto result = checked_pointer_cast<BaseBinaryScalar>(MakeNullScalar(out->type()));
if (input.is_valid) {
result->is_valid = true;
offset_type data_nbytes = static_cast<offset_type>(input.value->size());
int64_t output_ncodeunits_max = Derived::MaxCodeunits(data_nbytes);
if (output_ncodeunits_max > std::numeric_limits<offset_type>::max()) {
return Status::CapacityError(
"Result might not fit in a 32bit utf8 array, convert to large_utf8");
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value_buffer, ctx->Allocate(output_ncodeunits_max));
result->value = value_buffer;
offset_type encoded_nbytes = 0;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!static_cast<Derived&>(*this).Transform(
input.value->data(), data_nbytes, value_buffer->mutable_data(),
&encoded_nbytes))) {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid UTF8 sequence in input");
RETURN_NOT_OK(value_buffer->Resize(encoded_nbytes, /*shrink_to_fit=*/true));
out->value = result;
return Status::OK();
// transforms per codepoint
template <typename Type, typename Derived>
struct StringTransformCodepoint : StringTransform<Type, Derived> {
using Base = StringTransform<Type, Derived>;
using offset_type = typename Base::offset_type;
bool Transform(const uint8_t* input, offset_type input_string_ncodeunits,
uint8_t* output, offset_type* output_written) {
uint8_t* output_start = output;
!arrow::util::UTF8Transform(input, input + input_string_ncodeunits, &output,
Derived::TransformCodepoint))) {
return false;
*output_written = static_cast<offset_type>(output - output_start);
return true;
static int64_t MaxCodeunits(offset_type input_ncodeunits) {
// Section 5.18 of the Unicode spec claim that the number of codepoints for case
// mapping can grow by a factor of 3. This means grow by a factor of 3 in bytes
// However, since we don't support all casings (SpecialCasing.txt) the growth
// in bytes iss actually only at max 3/2 (as covered by the unittest).
// Note that rounding down the 3/2 is ok, since only codepoints encoded by
// two code units (even) can grow to 3 code units.
return static_cast<int64_t>(input_ncodeunits) * 3 / 2;
Status Execute(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return Base::Execute(ctx, batch, out);
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8Upper : StringTransformCodepoint<Type, UTF8Upper<Type>> {
inline static uint32_t TransformCodepoint(uint32_t codepoint) {
return codepoint <= kMaxCodepointLookup ? lut_upper_codepoint[codepoint]
: utf8proc_toupper(codepoint);
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8Lower : StringTransformCodepoint<Type, UTF8Lower<Type>> {
inline static uint32_t TransformCodepoint(uint32_t codepoint) {
return codepoint <= kMaxCodepointLookup ? lut_lower_codepoint[codepoint]
: utf8proc_tolower(codepoint);
void EnsureLookupTablesFilled() {}
using TransformFunc = std::function<void(const uint8_t*, int64_t, uint8_t*)>;
// Transform a buffer of offsets to one which begins with 0 and has same
// value lengths.
template <typename T>
Status GetShiftedOffsets(KernelContext* ctx, const Buffer& input_buffer, int64_t offset,
int64_t length, std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* out) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(*out, ctx->Allocate((length + 1) * sizeof(T)));
const T* input_offsets = reinterpret_cast<const T*>( + offset;
T* out_offsets = reinterpret_cast<T*>((*out)->mutable_data());
T first_offset = *input_offsets;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
*out_offsets++ = input_offsets[i] - first_offset;
*out_offsets = input_offsets[length] - first_offset;
return Status::OK();
// Apply `transform` to input character data- this function cannot change the
// length
template <typename Type>
Status StringDataTransform(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch,
TransformFunc transform, Datum* out) {
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
ArrayType input_boxed(batch[0].array());
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
if (input.offset == 0) {
// We can reuse offsets from input
out_arr->buffers[1] = input.buffers[1];
} else {
// We must allocate new space for the offsets and shift the existing offsets
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetShiftedOffsets<offset_type>(ctx, *input.buffers[1], input.offset,
input.length, &out_arr->buffers[1]));
// Allocate space for output data
int64_t data_nbytes = input_boxed.total_values_length();
if (input.length > 0) {
transform(input.buffers[2]->data() + input_boxed.value_offset(0), data_nbytes,
} else {
const auto& input = checked_cast<const BaseBinaryScalar&>(*batch[0].scalar());
auto result = checked_pointer_cast<BaseBinaryScalar>(MakeNullScalar(out->type()));
if (input.is_valid) {
result->is_valid = true;
int64_t data_nbytes = input.value->size();
transform(input.value->data(), data_nbytes, result->value->mutable_data());
out->value = result;
return Status::OK();
void TransformAsciiUpper(const uint8_t* input, int64_t length, uint8_t* output) {
std::transform(input, input + length, output, ascii_toupper);
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiUpper {
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return StringDataTransform<Type>(ctx, batch, TransformAsciiUpper, out);
void TransformAsciiLower(const uint8_t* input, int64_t length, uint8_t* output) {
std::transform(input, input + length, output, ascii_tolower);
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiLower {
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return StringDataTransform<Type>(ctx, batch, TransformAsciiLower, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// exact pattern detection
using StrToBoolTransformFunc =
std::function<void(const void*, const uint8_t*, int64_t, int64_t, uint8_t*)>;
// Apply `transform` to input character data- this function cannot change the
// length
template <typename Type>
void StringBoolTransform(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch,
StrToBoolTransformFunc transform, Datum* out) {
using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
if (input.length > 0) {
reinterpret_cast<const offset_type*>(input.buffers[1]->data()) + input.offset,
input.buffers[2]->data(), input.length, out_arr->offset,
} else {
const auto& input = checked_cast<const BaseBinaryScalar&>(*batch[0].scalar());
if (input.is_valid) {
uint8_t result_value = 0;
std::array<offset_type, 2> offsets{0,
transform(, input.value->data(), 1, /*output_offset=*/0,
out->value = std::make_shared<BooleanScalar>(result_value > 0);
using MatchSubstringState = OptionsWrapper<MatchSubstringOptions>;
template <typename Type, typename Matcher>
struct MatchSubstring {
using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
// TODO Cache matcher across invocations (for regex compilation)
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto matcher, Matcher::Make(MatchSubstringState::Get(ctx)));
ctx, batch,
[&matcher](const void* raw_offsets, const uint8_t* data, int64_t length,
int64_t output_offset, uint8_t* output) {
const offset_type* offsets = reinterpret_cast<const offset_type*>(raw_offsets);
FirstTimeBitmapWriter bitmap_writer(output, output_offset, length);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const char* current_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data + offsets[i]);
int64_t current_length = offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i];
if (matcher->Match(util::string_view(current_data, current_length))) {
return Status::OK();
// This is an implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
struct PlainSubstringMatcher {
const MatchSubstringOptions& options_;
std::vector<int64_t> prefix_table;
static Result<std::unique_ptr<PlainSubstringMatcher>> Make(
const MatchSubstringOptions& options) {
return ::arrow::internal::make_unique<PlainSubstringMatcher>(options);
explicit PlainSubstringMatcher(const MatchSubstringOptions& options)
: options_(options) {
// Phase 1: Build the prefix table
const auto pattern_length = options_.pattern.size();
prefix_table.resize(pattern_length + 1, /*value=*/0);
int64_t prefix_length = -1;
prefix_table[0] = -1;
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < pattern_length; ++pos) {
// The prefix cannot be expanded, reset.
while (prefix_length >= 0 &&
options_.pattern[pos] != options_.pattern[prefix_length]) {
prefix_length = prefix_table[prefix_length];
prefix_table[pos + 1] = prefix_length;
bool Match(util::string_view current) const {
// Phase 2: Find the prefix in the data
const auto pattern_length = options_.pattern.size();
int64_t pattern_pos = 0;
for (const auto c : current) {
while ((pattern_pos >= 0) && (options_.pattern[pattern_pos] != c)) {
pattern_pos = prefix_table[pattern_pos];
if (static_cast<size_t>(pattern_pos) == pattern_length) {
return true;
return false;
const FunctionDoc match_substring_doc(
"Match strings against literal pattern",
("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff it contains a given pattern.\n"
"Null inputs emit null. The pattern must be given in MatchSubstringOptions."),
{"strings"}, "MatchSubstringOptions");
struct RegexSubstringMatcher {
const MatchSubstringOptions& options_;
const RE2 regex_match_;
static Result<std::unique_ptr<RegexSubstringMatcher>> Make(
const MatchSubstringOptions& options) {
auto matcher = ::arrow::internal::make_unique<RegexSubstringMatcher>(options);
return std::move(matcher);
explicit RegexSubstringMatcher(const MatchSubstringOptions& options)
: options_(options), regex_match_(options_.pattern, RE2::Quiet) {}
bool Match(util::string_view current) const {
auto piece = re2::StringPiece(, current.length());
return re2::RE2::PartialMatch(piece, regex_match_);
const FunctionDoc match_substring_regex_doc(
"Match strings against regex pattern",
("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff it matches a given pattern at any "
"Null inputs emit null. The pattern must be given in MatchSubstringOptions."),
{"strings"}, "MatchSubstringOptions");
void AddMatchSubstring(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("match_substring", Arity::Unary(),
auto exec_32 = MatchSubstring<StringType, PlainSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
auto exec_64 = MatchSubstring<LargeStringType, PlainSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, boolean(), exec_32, MatchSubstringState::Init));
func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, boolean(), exec_64, MatchSubstringState::Init));
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("match_substring_regex", Arity::Unary(),
auto exec_32 = MatchSubstring<StringType, RegexSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
auto exec_64 = MatchSubstring<LargeStringType, RegexSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, boolean(), exec_32, MatchSubstringState::Init));
func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, boolean(), exec_64, MatchSubstringState::Init));
// IsAlpha/Digit etc
static inline bool HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(uint32_t codepoint, uint32_t mask) {
utf8proc_category_t general_category = codepoint <= kMaxCodepointLookup
? lut_category[codepoint]
: utf8proc_category(codepoint);
uint32_t general_category_bit = 1 << general_category;
// for e.g. undefined (but valid) codepoints, general_category == 0 ==
return (general_category != UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CN) &&
((general_category_bit & mask) != 0);
template <typename... Categories>
static inline bool HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(uint32_t codepoint, uint32_t mask,
utf8proc_category_t category,
Categories... categories) {
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, mask | (1 << category), categories...);
template <typename... Categories>
static inline bool HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(uint32_t codepoint,
utf8proc_category_t category,
Categories... categories) {
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, static_cast<uint32_t>(1u << category),
static inline bool IsCasedCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LU,
((static_cast<uint32_t>(utf8proc_toupper(codepoint)) != codepoint) ||
(static_cast<uint32_t>(utf8proc_tolower(codepoint)) != codepoint));
static inline bool IsLowerCaseCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
// although this trick seems to work for upper case, this is not enough for lower case
// testing, see . But currently the
// best we can do
return (HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LL) ||
((static_cast<uint32_t>(utf8proc_toupper(codepoint)) != codepoint) &&
(static_cast<uint32_t>(utf8proc_tolower(codepoint)) == codepoint))) &&
!HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LT);
static inline bool IsUpperCaseCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
// this seems to be a good workaround for utf8proc not having case information
return (HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LU) ||
((static_cast<uint32_t>(utf8proc_toupper(codepoint)) == codepoint) &&
(static_cast<uint32_t>(utf8proc_tolower(codepoint)) != codepoint))) &&
!HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LT);
static inline bool IsAlphaNumericCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(
static inline bool IsAlphaCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LU,
static inline bool IsDecimalCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ND);
static inline bool IsDigitCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
// Python defines this as Numeric_Type=Digit or Numeric_Type=Decimal.
// utf8proc has no support for this, this is the best we can do:
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ND);
static inline bool IsNumericCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
// Formally this is not correct, but utf8proc does not allow us to query for Numerical
// properties, e.g. Numeric_Value and Numeric_Type
// Python defines Numeric as Numeric_Type=Digit, Numeric_Type=Decimal or
// Numeric_Type=Numeric.
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ND,
static inline bool IsSpaceCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
auto property = utf8proc_get_property(codepoint);
return HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZS) ||
property->bidi_class == UTF8PROC_BIDI_CLASS_WS ||
property->bidi_class == UTF8PROC_BIDI_CLASS_B ||
property->bidi_class == UTF8PROC_BIDI_CLASS_S;
static inline bool IsPrintableCharacterUnicode(uint32_t codepoint) {
uint32_t general_category = utf8proc_category(codepoint);
return (general_category != UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CN) &&
!HasAnyUnicodeGeneralCategory(codepoint, UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CC,
static inline bool IsLowerCaseCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return (ascii_character >= 'a') && (ascii_character <= 'z');
static inline bool IsUpperCaseCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return (ascii_character >= 'A') && (ascii_character <= 'Z');
static inline bool IsCasedCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsLowerCaseCharacterAscii(ascii_character) ||
static inline bool IsAlphaCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsCasedCharacterAscii(ascii_character); // same
static inline bool IsAlphaNumericCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return ((ascii_character >= '0') && (ascii_character <= '9')) ||
((ascii_character >= 'a') && (ascii_character <= 'z')) ||
((ascii_character >= 'A') && (ascii_character <= 'Z'));
static inline bool IsDecimalCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return ((ascii_character >= '0') && (ascii_character <= '9'));
static inline bool IsSpaceCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return ((ascii_character >= 0x09) && (ascii_character <= 0x0D)) ||
(ascii_character == ' ');
static inline bool IsPrintableCharacterAscii(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return ((ascii_character >= ' ') && (ascii_character <= '~'));
template <typename Derived, bool allow_empty = false>
struct CharacterPredicateUnicode {
static bool Call(KernelContext*, const uint8_t* input, size_t input_string_ncodeunits,
Status* st) {
if (allow_empty && input_string_ncodeunits == 0) {
return true;
bool all;
bool any = false;
if (!ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(arrow::util::UTF8AllOf(
input, input + input_string_ncodeunits, &all, [&any](uint32_t codepoint) {
any |= Derived::PredicateCharacterAny(codepoint);
return Derived::PredicateCharacterAll(codepoint);
}))) {
*st = Status::Invalid("Invalid UTF8 sequence in input");
return false;
return all & any;
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAny(uint32_t) {
return true; // default condition make sure there is at least 1 charachter
template <typename Derived, bool allow_empty = false>
struct CharacterPredicateAscii {
static bool Call(KernelContext*, const uint8_t* input, size_t input_string_ncodeunits,
Status*) {
if (allow_empty && input_string_ncodeunits == 0) {
return true;
bool any = false;
// MB: A simple for loops seems 8% faster on gcc 9.3, running the IsAlphaNumericAscii
// benchmark. I don't consider that worth it.
bool all = std::all_of(input, input + input_string_ncodeunits,
[&any](uint8_t ascii_character) {
any |= Derived::PredicateCharacterAny(ascii_character);
return Derived::PredicateCharacterAll(ascii_character);
return all & any;
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAny(uint8_t) {
return true; // default condition make sure there is at least 1 charachter
struct IsAlphaNumericUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsAlphaNumericUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsAlphaNumericCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
struct IsAlphaNumericAscii : CharacterPredicateAscii<IsAlphaNumericAscii> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsAlphaNumericCharacterAscii(ascii_character);
struct IsAlphaUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsAlphaUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsAlphaCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
struct IsAlphaAscii : CharacterPredicateAscii<IsAlphaAscii> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsAlphaCharacterAscii(ascii_character);
struct IsDecimalUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsDecimalUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsDecimalCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
struct IsDecimalAscii : CharacterPredicateAscii<IsDecimalAscii> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsDecimalCharacterAscii(ascii_character);
struct IsDigitUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsDigitUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsDigitCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
struct IsNumericUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsNumericUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsNumericCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
struct IsAscii {
static bool Call(KernelContext*, const uint8_t* input,
size_t input_string_nascii_characters, Status*) {
return std::all_of(input, input + input_string_nascii_characters,
struct IsLowerUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsLowerUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
// Only for cased character it needs to be lower case
return !IsCasedCharacterUnicode(codepoint) || IsLowerCaseCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAny(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsCasedCharacterUnicode(codepoint); // at least 1 cased character
struct IsLowerAscii : CharacterPredicateAscii<IsLowerAscii> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint8_t ascii_character) {
// Only for cased character it needs to be lower case
return !IsCasedCharacterAscii(ascii_character) ||
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAny(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsCasedCharacterAscii(ascii_character); // at least 1 cased character
struct IsPrintableUnicode
: CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsPrintableUnicode, /*allow_empty=*/true> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
return codepoint == ' ' || IsPrintableCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
struct IsPrintableAscii
: CharacterPredicateAscii<IsPrintableAscii, /*allow_empty=*/true> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsPrintableCharacterAscii(ascii_character);
struct IsSpaceUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsSpaceUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsSpaceCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
struct IsSpaceAscii : CharacterPredicateAscii<IsSpaceAscii> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsSpaceCharacterAscii(ascii_character);
struct IsTitleUnicode {
static bool Call(KernelContext*, const uint8_t* input, size_t input_string_ncodeunits,
Status* st) {
// rules:
// * 1: lower case follows cased
// * 2: upper case follows uncased
// * 3: at least 1 cased character (which logically should be upper/title)
bool rules_1_and_2;
bool previous_cased = false; // in LL, LU or LT
bool rule_3 = false;
bool status =
arrow::util::UTF8AllOf(input, input + input_string_ncodeunits, &rules_1_and_2,
[&previous_cased, &rule_3](uint32_t codepoint) {
if (IsLowerCaseCharacterUnicode(codepoint)) {
if (!previous_cased) return false; // rule 1 broken
previous_cased = true;
} else if (IsCasedCharacterUnicode(codepoint)) {
if (previous_cased) return false; // rule 2 broken
// next should be a lower case or uncased
previous_cased = true;
rule_3 = true; // rule 3 obeyed
} else {
// a non-cased char, like _ or 1
// next should be upper case or more uncased
previous_cased = false;
return true;
if (!ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(status)) {
*st = Status::Invalid("Invalid UTF8 sequence in input");
return false;
return rules_1_and_2 & rule_3;
struct IsTitleAscii {
static bool Call(KernelContext*, const uint8_t* input, size_t input_string_ncodeunits,
Status*) {
// rules:
// * 1: lower case follows cased
// * 2: upper case follows uncased
// * 3: at least 1 cased character (which logically should be upper/title)
bool rules_1_and_2 = true;
bool previous_cased = false; // in LL, LU or LT
bool rule_3 = false;
// we cannot rely on std::all_of because we need guaranteed order
for (const uint8_t* c = input; c < input + input_string_ncodeunits; ++c) {
if (IsLowerCaseCharacterAscii(*c)) {
if (!previous_cased) {
// rule 1 broken
rules_1_and_2 = false;
previous_cased = true;
} else if (IsCasedCharacterAscii(*c)) {
if (previous_cased) {
// rule 2 broken
rules_1_and_2 = false;
// next should be a lower case or uncased
previous_cased = true;
rule_3 = true; // rule 3 obeyed
} else {
// a non-cased char, like _ or 1
// next should be upper case or more uncased
previous_cased = false;
return rules_1_and_2 & rule_3;
struct IsUpperUnicode : CharacterPredicateUnicode<IsUpperUnicode> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint32_t codepoint) {
// Only for cased character it needs to be lower case
return !IsCasedCharacterUnicode(codepoint) || IsUpperCaseCharacterUnicode(codepoint);
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAny(uint32_t codepoint) {
return IsCasedCharacterUnicode(codepoint); // at least 1 cased character
struct IsUpperAscii : CharacterPredicateAscii<IsUpperAscii> {
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAll(uint8_t ascii_character) {
// Only for cased character it needs to be lower case
return !IsCasedCharacterAscii(ascii_character) ||
static inline bool PredicateCharacterAny(uint8_t ascii_character) {
return IsCasedCharacterAscii(ascii_character); // at least 1 cased character
// splitting
template <typename Type, typename ListType, typename Options, typename Derived>
struct SplitBaseTransform {
using string_offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
using list_offset_type = typename ListType::offset_type;
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
using ArrayListType = typename TypeTraits<ListType>::ArrayType;
using ListScalarType = typename TypeTraits<ListType>::ScalarType;
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
using BuilderType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::BuilderType;
using ListOffsetsBuilderType = TypedBufferBuilder<list_offset_type>;
using State = OptionsWrapper<Options>;
std::vector<util::string_view> parts;
Options options;
explicit SplitBaseTransform(Options options) : options(options) {}
Status Split(const util::string_view& s, BuilderType* builder) {
const uint8_t* begin = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
const uint8_t* end = begin + s.length();
int64_t max_splits = options.max_splits;
// if there is no max splits, reversing does not make sense (and is probably less
// efficient), but is useful for testing
if (options.reverse) {
// note that i points 1 further than the 'current'
const uint8_t* i = end;
// we will record the parts in reverse order
if (max_splits > -1) {
parts.reserve(max_splits + 1);
while (max_splits != 0) {
const uint8_t *separator_begin, *separator_end;
// find with whatever algo the part we will 'cut out'
if (static_cast<Derived&>(*this).FindReverse(begin, i, &separator_begin,
&separator_end, options)) {
parts.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(separator_end),
i - separator_end);
i = separator_begin;
} else {
// if we cannot find a separator, we're done
parts.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(begin), i - begin);
// now we do the copying
for (auto it = parts.rbegin(); it != parts.rend(); ++it) {
} else {
const uint8_t* i = begin;
while (max_splits != 0) {
const uint8_t *separator_begin, *separator_end;
// find with whatever algo the part we will 'cut out'
if (static_cast<Derived&>(*this).Find(i, end, &separator_begin, &separator_end,
options)) {
// the part till the beginning of the 'cut'
builder->Append(i, static_cast<string_offset_type>(separator_begin - i)));
i = separator_end;
} else {
// if we cannot find a separator, we're done
// trailing part
RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(i, static_cast<string_offset_type>(end - i)));
return Status::OK();
static Status CheckOptions(const Options& options) { return Status::OK(); }
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
Options options = State::Get(ctx);
Derived splitter(options); // we make an instance to reuse the parts vectors
return splitter.Split(ctx, batch, out);
Status Split(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
EnsureLookupTablesFilled(); // only needed for unicode
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
ArrayType input_boxed(batch[0].array());
BuilderType builder(input.type, ctx->memory_pool());
// a slight overestimate of the data needed
// the minimum amount of strings needed
ArrayData* output_list = out->mutable_array();
// list offsets were preallocated
auto* list_offsets = output_list->GetMutableValues<list_offset_type>(1);
DCHECK_NE(list_offsets, nullptr);
// initial value
*list_offsets++ = 0;
[&](util::string_view s) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(Split(s, &builder));
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(builder.length() >
std::numeric_limits<list_offset_type>::max())) {
return Status::CapacityError("List offset does not fit into 32 bit");
*list_offsets++ = static_cast<list_offset_type>(builder.length());
return Status::OK();
[&]() {
// null value is already taken from input
*list_offsets++ = static_cast<list_offset_type>(builder.length());
return Status::OK();
// assign list child data
std::shared_ptr<Array> string_array;
} else {
const auto& input = checked_cast<const ScalarType&>(*batch[0].scalar());
auto result = checked_pointer_cast<ListScalarType>(MakeNullScalar(out->type()));
if (input.is_valid) {
result->is_valid = true;
BuilderType builder(input.type, ctx->memory_pool());
util::string_view s(*input.value);
RETURN_NOT_OK(Split(s, &builder));
out->value = result;
return Status::OK();
template <typename Type, typename ListType>
struct SplitPatternTransform : SplitBaseTransform<Type, ListType, SplitPatternOptions,
SplitPatternTransform<Type, ListType>> {
using Base = SplitBaseTransform<Type, ListType, SplitPatternOptions,
SplitPatternTransform<Type, ListType>>;
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
using string_offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
using Base::Base;
static Status CheckOptions(const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
if (options.pattern.length() == 0) {
return Status::Invalid("Empty separator");
return Status::OK();
static bool Find(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
const uint8_t* pattern = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(options.pattern.c_str());
const int64_t pattern_length = options.pattern.length();
const uint8_t* i = begin;
// this is O(n*m) complexity, we could use the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm used in
// the match kernel
while ((i + pattern_length <= end)) {
i = std::search(i, end, pattern, pattern + pattern_length);
if (i != end) {
*separator_begin = i;
*separator_end = i + pattern_length;
return true;
return false;
static bool FindReverse(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
const uint8_t* pattern = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(options.pattern.c_str());
const int64_t pattern_length = options.pattern.length();
// this is O(n*m) complexity, we could use the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm used in
// the match kernel
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> ri(end);
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> rend(begin);
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> pattern_rbegin(pattern + pattern_length);
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> pattern_rend(pattern);
while (begin <= ri.base() - pattern_length) {
ri = std::search(ri, rend, pattern_rbegin, pattern_rend);
if (ri != rend) {
*separator_begin = ri.base() - pattern_length;
*separator_end = ri.base();
return true;
return false;
const FunctionDoc split_pattern_doc(
"Split string according to separator",
("Split each string according to the exact `pattern` defined in\n"
"SplitPatternOptions. The output for each string input is a list\n"
"of strings.\n"
"The maximum number of splits and direction of splitting\n"
"(forward, reverse) can optionally be defined in SplitPatternOptions."),
{"strings"}, "SplitPatternOptions");
const FunctionDoc ascii_split_whitespace_doc(
"Split string according to any ASCII whitespace",
("Split each string according any non-zero length sequence of ASCII\n"
"whitespace characters. The output for each string input is a list\n"
"of strings.\n"
"The maximum number of splits and direction of splitting\n"
"(forward, reverse) can optionally be defined in SplitOptions."),
{"strings"}, "SplitOptions");
const FunctionDoc utf8_split_whitespace_doc(
"Split string according to any Unicode whitespace",
("Split each string according any non-zero length sequence of Unicode\n"
"whitespace characters. The output for each string input is a list\n"
"of strings.\n"
"The maximum number of splits and direction of splitting\n"
"(forward, reverse) can optionally be defined in SplitOptions."),
{"strings"}, "SplitOptions");
void AddSplitPattern(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("split_pattern", Arity::Unary(),
using t32 = SplitPatternTransform<StringType, ListType>;
using t64 = SplitPatternTransform<LargeStringType, ListType>;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, {list(utf8())}, t32::Exec, t32::State::Init));
func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, {list(large_utf8())}, t64::Exec, t64::State::Init));
template <typename Type, typename ListType>
struct SplitWhitespaceAsciiTransform
: SplitBaseTransform<Type, ListType, SplitOptions,
SplitWhitespaceAsciiTransform<Type, ListType>> {
using Base = SplitBaseTransform<Type, ListType, SplitOptions,
SplitWhitespaceAsciiTransform<Type, ListType>>;
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
using string_offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
using Base::Base;
static bool Find(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
const SplitOptions& options) {
const uint8_t* i = begin;
while ((i < end)) {
if (IsSpaceCharacterAscii(*i)) {
*separator_begin = i;
do {
} while (IsSpaceCharacterAscii(*i) && i < end);
*separator_end = i;
return true;
return false;
static bool FindReverse(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
const SplitOptions& options) {
const uint8_t* i = end - 1;
while ((i >= begin)) {
if (IsSpaceCharacterAscii(*i)) {
*separator_end = i + 1;
do {
} while (IsSpaceCharacterAscii(*i) && i >= begin);
*separator_begin = i + 1;
return true;
return false;
void AddSplitWhitespaceAscii(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
static const SplitOptions default_options{};
auto func =
std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("ascii_split_whitespace", Arity::Unary(),
&ascii_split_whitespace_doc, &default_options);
using t32 = SplitWhitespaceAsciiTransform<StringType, ListType>;
using t64 = SplitWhitespaceAsciiTransform<LargeStringType, ListType>;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, {list(utf8())}, t32::Exec, t32::State::Init));
func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, {list(large_utf8())}, t64::Exec, t64::State::Init));
template <typename Type, typename ListType>
struct SplitWhitespaceUtf8Transform
: SplitBaseTransform<Type, ListType, SplitOptions,
SplitWhitespaceUtf8Transform<Type, ListType>> {
using Base = SplitBaseTransform<Type, ListType, SplitOptions,
SplitWhitespaceUtf8Transform<Type, ListType>>;
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
using string_offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
using Base::Base;
static bool Find(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
const SplitOptions& options) {
const uint8_t* i = begin;
while ((i < end)) {
uint32_t codepoint = 0;
*separator_begin = i;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!arrow::util::UTF8Decode(&i, &codepoint))) {
return false;
if (IsSpaceCharacterUnicode(codepoint)) {
do {
*separator_end = i;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!arrow::util::UTF8Decode(&i, &codepoint))) {
return false;
} while (IsSpaceCharacterUnicode(codepoint) && i < end);
return true;
return false;
static bool FindReverse(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
const SplitOptions& options) {
const uint8_t* i = end - 1;
while ((i >= begin)) {
uint32_t codepoint = 0;
*separator_end = i + 1;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!arrow::util::UTF8DecodeReverse(&i, &codepoint))) {
return false;
if (IsSpaceCharacterUnicode(codepoint)) {
do {
*separator_begin = i + 1;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!arrow::util::UTF8DecodeReverse(&i, &codepoint))) {
return false;
} while (IsSpaceCharacterUnicode(codepoint) && i >= begin);
return true;
return false;
void AddSplitWhitespaceUTF8(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
static const SplitOptions default_options{};
auto func =
std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("utf8_split_whitespace", Arity::Unary(),
&utf8_split_whitespace_doc, &default_options);
using t32 = SplitWhitespaceUtf8Transform<StringType, ListType>;
using t64 = SplitWhitespaceUtf8Transform<LargeStringType, ListType>;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, {list(utf8())}, t32::Exec, t32::State::Init));
func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, {list(large_utf8())}, t64::Exec, t64::State::Init));
void AddSplit(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace substring (plain, regex)
template <typename Type, typename Replacer>
struct ReplaceSubString {
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
using ValueDataBuilder = TypedBufferBuilder<uint8_t>;
using OffsetBuilder = TypedBufferBuilder<offset_type>;
using State = OptionsWrapper<ReplaceSubstringOptions>;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
// TODO Cache replacer across invocations (for regex compilation)
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto replacer, Replacer::Make(State::Get(ctx)));
return Replace(ctx, batch, *replacer, out);
static Status Replace(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch,
const Replacer& replacer, Datum* out) {
ValueDataBuilder value_data_builder(ctx->memory_pool());
OffsetBuilder offset_builder(ctx->memory_pool());
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
// We already know how many strings we have, so we can use Reserve/UnsafeAppend
offset_builder.UnsafeAppend(0); // offsets start at 0
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
[&](util::string_view s) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(replacer.ReplaceString(s, &value_data_builder));
return Status::OK();
[&]() {
// offset for null value
return Status::OK();
ArrayData* output = out->mutable_array();
} else {
const auto& input = checked_cast<const ScalarType&>(*batch[0].scalar());
auto result = std::make_shared<ScalarType>();
if (input.is_valid) {
util::string_view s = static_cast<util::string_view>(*input.value);
RETURN_NOT_OK(replacer.ReplaceString(s, &value_data_builder));
result->is_valid = true;
out->value = result;
return Status::OK();
struct PlainSubStringReplacer {
const ReplaceSubstringOptions& options_;
static Result<std::unique_ptr<PlainSubStringReplacer>> Make(
const ReplaceSubstringOptions& options) {
return arrow::internal::make_unique<PlainSubStringReplacer>(options);
explicit PlainSubStringReplacer(const ReplaceSubstringOptions& options)
: options_(options) {}
Status ReplaceString(util::string_view s, TypedBufferBuilder<uint8_t>* builder) const {
const char* i = s.begin();
const char* end = s.end();
int64_t max_replacements = options_.max_replacements;
while ((i < end) && (max_replacements != 0)) {
const char* pos =
std::search(i, end, options_.pattern.begin(), options_.pattern.end());
if (pos == end) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i),
static_cast<int64_t>(end - i)));
i = end;
} else {
// the string before the pattern
RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i),
static_cast<int64_t>(pos - i)));
// the replacement
builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
// skip pattern
i = pos + options_.pattern.length();
// if we exited early due to max_replacements, add the trailing part
return builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i),
static_cast<int64_t>(end - i));
struct RegexSubStringReplacer {
const ReplaceSubstringOptions& options_;
const RE2 regex_find_;
const RE2 regex_replacement_;
static Result<std::unique_ptr<RegexSubStringReplacer>> Make(
const ReplaceSubstringOptions& options) {
auto replacer = arrow::internal::make_unique<RegexSubStringReplacer>(options);
std::string replacement_error;
if (!replacer->regex_replacement_.CheckRewriteString(replacer->options_.replacement,
&replacement_error)) {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid replacement string: ",
return std::move(replacer);
// Using RE2::FindAndConsume we can only find the pattern if it is a group, therefore
// we have 2 regexes, one with () around it, one without.
explicit RegexSubStringReplacer(const ReplaceSubstringOptions& options)
: options_(options),
regex_find_("(" + options_.pattern + ")", RE2::Quiet),
regex_replacement_(options_.pattern, RE2::Quiet) {}
Status ReplaceString(util::string_view s, TypedBufferBuilder<uint8_t>* builder) const {
re2::StringPiece replacement(options_.replacement);
if (options_.max_replacements == -1) {
std::string s_copy(s.to_string());
re2::RE2::GlobalReplace(&s_copy, regex_replacement_, replacement);
return builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
// Since RE2 does not have the concept of max_replacements, we have to do some work
// ourselves.
// We might do this faster similar to RE2::GlobalReplace using Match and Rewrite
const char* i = s.begin();
const char* end = s.end();
re2::StringPiece piece(, s.length());
int64_t max_replacements = options_.max_replacements;
while ((i < end) && (max_replacements != 0)) {
std::string found;
if (!re2::RE2::FindAndConsume(&piece, regex_find_, &found)) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i),
static_cast<int64_t>(end - i)));
i = end;
} else {
// wind back to the beginning of the match
const char* pos = piece.begin() - found.length();
// the string before the pattern
RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i),
static_cast<int64_t>(pos - i)));
// replace the pattern in what we found
if (!re2::RE2::Replace(&found, regex_replacement_, replacement)) {
return Status::Invalid("Regex found, but replacement failed");
RETURN_NOT_OK(builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
// skip pattern
i = piece.begin();
// If we exited early due to max_replacements, add the trailing part
return builder->Append(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i),
static_cast<int64_t>(end - i));
template <typename Type>
using ReplaceSubStringPlain = ReplaceSubString<Type, PlainSubStringReplacer>;
const FunctionDoc replace_substring_doc(
"Replace non-overlapping substrings that match pattern by replacement",
("For each string in `strings`, replace non-overlapping substrings that match\n"
"`pattern` by `replacement`. If `max_replacements != -1`, it determines the\n"
"maximum amount of replacements made, counting from the left. Null values emit\n"
{"strings"}, "ReplaceSubstringOptions");
template <typename Type>
using ReplaceSubStringRegex = ReplaceSubString<Type, RegexSubStringReplacer>;
const FunctionDoc replace_substring_regex_doc(
"Replace non-overlapping substrings that match regex `pattern` by `replacement`",
("For each string in `strings`, replace non-overlapping substrings that match the\n"
"regular expression `pattern` by `replacement` using the Google RE2 library.\n"
"If `max_replacements != -1`, it determines the maximum amount of replacements\n"
"made, counting from the left. Note that if the pattern contains groups,\n"
"backreferencing macan be used. Null values emit null."),
{"strings"}, "ReplaceSubstringOptions");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extract with regex
// TODO cache this once per ExtractRegexOptions
struct ExtractRegexData {
// Use unique_ptr<> because RE2 is non-movable
std::unique_ptr<RE2> regex;
std::vector<std::string> group_names;
static Result<ExtractRegexData> Make(const ExtractRegexOptions& options) {
ExtractRegexData data(options.pattern);
const int group_count = data.regex->NumberOfCapturingGroups();
const auto& name_map = data.regex->CapturingGroupNames();
for (int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
auto item = name_map.find(i + 1); // re2 starts counting from 1
if (item == name_map.end()) {
// XXX should we instead just create fields with an empty name?
return Status::Invalid("Regular expression contains unnamed groups");
return std::move(data);
Result<ValueDescr> ResolveOutputType(const std::vector<ValueDescr>& args) const {
const auto& input_type = args[0].type;
if (input_type == nullptr) {
// No input type specified => propagate shape
return args[0];
// Input type is either String or LargeString and is also the type of each
// field in the output struct type.
DCHECK(input_type->id() == Type::STRING || input_type->id() == Type::LARGE_STRING);
FieldVector fields;
std::transform(group_names.begin(), group_names.end(), std::back_inserter(fields),
[&](const std::string& name) { return field(name, input_type); });
return struct_(std::move(fields));
explicit ExtractRegexData(const std::string& pattern)
: regex(new RE2(pattern, RE2::Quiet)) {}
Result<ValueDescr> ResolveExtractRegexOutput(KernelContext* ctx,
const std::vector<ValueDescr>& args) {
using State = OptionsWrapper<ExtractRegexOptions>;
ExtractRegexOptions options = State::Get(ctx);
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto data, ExtractRegexData::Make(options));
return data.ResolveOutputType(args);
struct ExtractRegexBase {
const ExtractRegexData& data;
const int group_count;
std::vector<re2::StringPiece> found_values;
std::vector<re2::RE2::Arg> args;
std::vector<const re2::RE2::Arg*> args_pointers;
const re2::RE2::Arg** args_pointers_start;
const re2::RE2::Arg* null_arg = nullptr;
explicit ExtractRegexBase(const ExtractRegexData& data)
: data(data),
found_values(group_count) {
for (int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
// Since we reserved capacity, we're guaranteed the pointer remains valid
// Avoid null pointer if there is no capture group
args_pointers_start = (group_count > 0) ? : &null_arg;
bool Match(util::string_view s) {
return re2::RE2::PartialMatchN(ToStringPiece(s), *data.regex, args_pointers_start,
template <typename Type>
struct ExtractRegex : public ExtractRegexBase {
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
using BuilderType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::BuilderType;
using State = OptionsWrapper<ExtractRegexOptions>;
using ExtractRegexBase::ExtractRegexBase;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
ExtractRegexOptions options = State::Get(ctx);
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto data, ExtractRegexData::Make(options));
return ExtractRegex{data}.Extract(ctx, batch, out);
Status Extract(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto descr, data.ResolveOutputType(batch.GetDescriptors()));
DCHECK_NE(descr.type, nullptr);
const auto& type = descr.type;
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
std::unique_ptr<ArrayBuilder> array_builder;
RETURN_NOT_OK(MakeBuilder(ctx->memory_pool(), type, &array_builder));
StructBuilder* struct_builder = checked_cast<StructBuilder*>(array_builder.get());
std::vector<BuilderType*> field_builders;
for (int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
auto visit_null = [&]() { return struct_builder->AppendNull(); };
auto visit_value = [&](util::string_view s) {
if (Match(s)) {
for (int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
return struct_builder->Append();
} else {
return struct_builder->AppendNull();
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
RETURN_NOT_OK(VisitArrayDataInline<Type>(input, visit_value, visit_null));
std::shared_ptr<Array> out_array;
*out = std::move(out_array);
} else {
const auto& input = checked_cast<const ScalarType&>(*batch[0].scalar());
auto result = std::make_shared<StructScalar>(type);
if (input.is_valid && Match(util::string_view(*input.value))) {
for (int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
result->is_valid = true;
} else {
result->is_valid = false;
out->value = std::move(result);
return Status::OK();
const FunctionDoc extract_regex_doc(
"Extract substrings captured by a regex pattern",
("For each string in `strings`, match the regular expression and, if\n"
"successful, emit a struct with field names and values coming from the\n"
"regular expression's named capture groups. If the input is null or the\n"
"regular expression fails matching, a null output value is emitted.\n"
"Regular expression matching is done using the Google RE2 library."),
{"strings"}, "ExtractRegexOptions");
void AddExtractRegex(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("extract_regex", Arity::Unary(),
using t32 = ExtractRegex<StringType>;
using t64 = ExtractRegex<LargeStringType>;
OutputType out_ty(ResolveExtractRegexOutput);
ScalarKernel kernel;
// Null values will be computed based on regex match or not
kernel.null_handling = NullHandling::COMPUTED_NO_PREALLOCATE;
kernel.mem_allocation = MemAllocation::NO_PREALLOCATE;
kernel.signature.reset(new KernelSignature({utf8()}, out_ty));
kernel.exec = t32::Exec;
kernel.init = t32::State::Init;
kernel.signature.reset(new KernelSignature({large_utf8()}, out_ty));
kernel.exec = t64::Exec;
kernel.init = t64::State::Init;
#endif // ARROW_WITH_RE2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// strptime string parsing
using StrptimeState = OptionsWrapper<StrptimeOptions>;
struct ParseStrptime {
explicit ParseStrptime(const StrptimeOptions& options)
: parser(TimestampParser::MakeStrptime(options.format)), unit(options.unit) {}
template <typename... Ignored>
int64_t Call(KernelContext*, util::string_view val, Status* st) const {
int64_t result = 0;
if (!(*parser)(, val.size(), unit, &result)) {
*st = Status::Invalid("Failed to parse string: '", val, "' as a scalar of type ",
return result;
std::shared_ptr<TimestampParser> parser;
TimeUnit::type unit;
template <typename InputType>
Status StrptimeExec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<TimestampType, InputType, ParseStrptime> kernel{
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
Result<ValueDescr> StrptimeResolve(KernelContext* ctx, const std::vector<ValueDescr>&) {
if (ctx->state()) {
return ::arrow::timestamp(StrptimeState::Get(ctx).unit);
return Status::Invalid("strptime does not provide default StrptimeOptions");
template <typename Type, bool left, bool right, typename Derived>
struct UTF8TrimWhitespaceBase : StringTransform<Type, Derived> {
using Base = StringTransform<Type, Derived>;
using offset_type = typename Base::offset_type;
bool Transform(const uint8_t* input, offset_type input_string_ncodeunits,
uint8_t* output, offset_type* output_written) {
const uint8_t* begin = input;
const uint8_t* end = input + input_string_ncodeunits;
const uint8_t* end_trimmed = end;
const uint8_t* begin_trimmed = begin;
auto predicate = [](uint32_t c) { return !IsSpaceCharacterUnicode(c); };
if (left && !ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(
arrow::util::UTF8FindIf(begin, end, predicate, &begin_trimmed))) {
return false;
if (right && (begin_trimmed < end)) {
if (!ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(arrow::util::UTF8FindIfReverse(begin_trimmed, end,
predicate, &end_trimmed))) {
return false;
std::copy(begin_trimmed, end_trimmed, output);
*output_written = static_cast<offset_type>(end_trimmed - begin_trimmed);
return true;
Status Execute(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return Base::Execute(ctx, batch, out);
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8TrimWhitespace
: UTF8TrimWhitespaceBase<Type, true, true, UTF8TrimWhitespace<Type>> {};
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8LTrimWhitespace
: UTF8TrimWhitespaceBase<Type, true, false, UTF8LTrimWhitespace<Type>> {};
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8RTrimWhitespace
: UTF8TrimWhitespaceBase<Type, false, true, UTF8RTrimWhitespace<Type>> {};
struct TrimStateUTF8 {
TrimOptions options_;
std::vector<bool> codepoints_;
Status status_ = Status::OK();
explicit TrimStateUTF8(KernelContext* ctx, TrimOptions options)
: options_(std::move(options)) {
arrow::util::UTF8ForEach(options_.characters, [&](uint32_t c) {
std::max(c + 1, static_cast<uint32_t>(codepoints_.size()))); = true;
}))) {
status_ = Status::Invalid("Invalid UTF8 sequence in input");
template <typename Type, bool left, bool right, typename Derived>
struct UTF8TrimBase : StringTransform<Type, Derived> {
using Base = StringTransform<Type, Derived>;
using offset_type = typename Base::offset_type;
using State = KernelStateFromFunctionOptions<TrimStateUTF8, TrimOptions>;
TrimStateUTF8 state_;
explicit UTF8TrimBase(TrimStateUTF8 state) : state_(std::move(state)) {}
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
TrimStateUTF8 state = State::Get(ctx);
return Derived(state).Execute(ctx, batch, out);
Status Execute(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return Base::Execute(ctx, batch, out);
bool Transform(const uint8_t* input, offset_type input_string_ncodeunits,
uint8_t* output, offset_type* output_written) {
const uint8_t* begin = input;
const uint8_t* end = input + input_string_ncodeunits;
const uint8_t* end_trimmed = end;
const uint8_t* begin_trimmed = begin;
auto predicate = [&](uint32_t c) {
bool contains = state_.codepoints_[c];
return !contains;
if (left && !ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(
arrow::util::UTF8FindIf(begin, end, predicate, &begin_trimmed))) {
return false;
if (right && (begin_trimmed < end)) {
if (!ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(arrow::util::UTF8FindIfReverse(begin_trimmed, end,
predicate, &end_trimmed))) {
return false;
std::copy(begin_trimmed, end_trimmed, output);
*output_written = static_cast<offset_type>(end_trimmed - begin_trimmed);
return true;
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8Trim : UTF8TrimBase<Type, true, true, UTF8Trim<Type>> {
using Base = UTF8TrimBase<Type, true, true, UTF8Trim<Type>>;
using Base::Base;
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8LTrim : UTF8TrimBase<Type, true, false, UTF8LTrim<Type>> {
using Base = UTF8TrimBase<Type, true, false, UTF8LTrim<Type>>;
using Base::Base;
template <typename Type>
struct UTF8RTrim : UTF8TrimBase<Type, false, true, UTF8RTrim<Type>> {
using Base = UTF8TrimBase<Type, false, true, UTF8RTrim<Type>>;
using Base::Base;
template <typename Type, bool left, bool right, typename Derived>
struct AsciiTrimWhitespaceBase : StringTransform<Type, Derived> {
using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
bool Transform(const uint8_t* input, offset_type input_string_ncodeunits,
uint8_t* output, offset_type* output_written) {
const uint8_t* begin = input;
const uint8_t* end = input + input_string_ncodeunits;
const uint8_t* end_trimmed = end;
auto predicate = [](unsigned char c) { return !IsSpaceCharacterAscii(c); };
const uint8_t* begin_trimmed = left ? std::find_if(begin, end, predicate) : begin;
if (right & (begin_trimmed < end)) {
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> rbegin(end);
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> rend(begin_trimmed);
end_trimmed = std::find_if(rbegin, rend, predicate).base();
std::copy(begin_trimmed, end_trimmed, output);
*output_written = static_cast<offset_type>(end_trimmed - begin_trimmed);
return true;
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiTrimWhitespace
: AsciiTrimWhitespaceBase<Type, true, true, AsciiTrimWhitespace<Type>> {};
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiLTrimWhitespace
: AsciiTrimWhitespaceBase<Type, true, false, AsciiLTrimWhitespace<Type>> {};
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiRTrimWhitespace
: AsciiTrimWhitespaceBase<Type, false, true, AsciiRTrimWhitespace<Type>> {};
template <typename Type, bool left, bool right, typename Derived>
struct AsciiTrimBase : StringTransform<Type, Derived> {
using Base = StringTransform<Type, Derived>;
using offset_type = typename Base::offset_type;
using State = OptionsWrapper<TrimOptions>;
TrimOptions options_;
std::vector<bool> characters_;
explicit AsciiTrimBase(TrimOptions options)
: options_(std::move(options)), characters_(256) {
std::for_each(options_.characters.begin(), options_.characters.end(),
[&](char c) { characters_[static_cast<unsigned char>(c)] = true; });
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
TrimOptions options = State::Get(ctx);
return Derived(options).Execute(ctx, batch, out);
bool Transform(const uint8_t* input, offset_type input_string_ncodeunits,
uint8_t* output, offset_type* output_written) {
const uint8_t* begin = input;
const uint8_t* end = input + input_string_ncodeunits;
const uint8_t* end_trimmed = end;
const uint8_t* begin_trimmed;
auto predicate = [&](unsigned char c) {
bool contains = characters_[c];
return !contains;
begin_trimmed = left ? std::find_if(begin, end, predicate) : begin;
if (right & (begin_trimmed < end)) {
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> rbegin(end);
std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> rend(begin_trimmed);
end_trimmed = std::find_if(rbegin, rend, predicate).base();
std::copy(begin_trimmed, end_trimmed, output);
*output_written = static_cast<offset_type>(end_trimmed - begin_trimmed);
return true;
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiTrim : AsciiTrimBase<Type, true, true, AsciiTrim<Type>> {
using Base = AsciiTrimBase<Type, true, true, AsciiTrim<Type>>;
using Base::Base;
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiLTrim : AsciiTrimBase<Type, true, false, AsciiLTrim<Type>> {
using Base = AsciiTrimBase<Type, true, false, AsciiLTrim<Type>>;
using Base::Base;
template <typename Type>
struct AsciiRTrim : AsciiTrimBase<Type, false, true, AsciiRTrim<Type>> {
using Base = AsciiTrimBase<Type, false, true, AsciiRTrim<Type>>;
using Base::Base;
const FunctionDoc utf8_trim_whitespace_doc(
"Trim leading and trailing whitespace characters",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading and trailing whitespace\n"
"characters removed, where whitespace characters are defined by the Unicode\n"
"standard. Null values emit null."),
const FunctionDoc utf8_ltrim_whitespace_doc(
"Trim leading whitespace characters",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading whitespace\n"
"characters removed, where whitespace characters are defined by the Unicode\n"
"standard. Null values emit null."),
const FunctionDoc utf8_rtrim_whitespace_doc(
"Trim trailing whitespace characters",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with trailing whitespace\n"
"characters removed, where whitespace characters are defined by the Unicode\n"
"standard. Null values emit null."),
const FunctionDoc ascii_trim_whitespace_doc(
"Trim leading and trailing ASCII whitespace characters",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading and trailing ASCII\n"
"whitespace characters removed. Use `utf8_trim_whitespace` to trim Unicode\n"
"whitespace characters. Null values emit null."),
const FunctionDoc ascii_ltrim_whitespace_doc(
"Trim leading ASCII whitespace characters",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading ASCII whitespace\n"
"characters removed. Use `utf8_ltrim_whitespace` to trim leading Unicode\n"
"whitespace characters. Null values emit null."),
const FunctionDoc ascii_rtrim_whitespace_doc(
"Trim trailing ASCII whitespace characters",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with trailing ASCII whitespace\n"
"characters removed. Use `utf8_rtrim_whitespace` to trim trailing Unicode\n"
"whitespace characters. Null values emit null."),
const FunctionDoc utf8_trim_doc(
"Trim leading and trailing characters present in the `characters` arguments",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading and trailing\n"
"characters removed that are present in the `characters` argument. Null values\n"
"emit null."),
{"strings"}, "TrimOptions");
const FunctionDoc utf8_ltrim_doc(
"Trim leading characters present in the `characters` arguments",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading\n"
"characters removed that are present in the `characters` argument. Null values\n"
"emit null."),
{"strings"}, "TrimOptions");
const FunctionDoc utf8_rtrim_doc(
"Trim trailing characters present in the `characters` arguments",
("For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading "
"characters removed that are present in the `characters` argument. Null values\n"
"emit null."),
{"strings"}, "TrimOptions");
const FunctionDoc ascii_trim_doc(
utf8_trim_doc.summary + "",
utf8_trim_doc.description +
("\nBoth the input string as the `characters` argument are interepreted as\n"
"ASCII characters, to trim non-ASCII characters, use `utf8_trim`."),
{"strings"}, "TrimOptions");
const FunctionDoc ascii_ltrim_doc(
utf8_ltrim_doc.summary + "",
utf8_ltrim_doc.description +
("\nBoth the input string as the `characters` argument are interepreted as\n"
"ASCII characters, to trim non-ASCII characters, use `utf8_trim`."),
{"strings"}, "TrimOptions");
const FunctionDoc ascii_rtrim_doc(
utf8_rtrim_doc.summary + "",
utf8_rtrim_doc.description +
("\nBoth the input string as the `characters` argument are interepreted as\n"
"ASCII characters, to trim non-ASCII characters, use `utf8_trim`."),
{"strings"}, "TrimOptions");
const FunctionDoc strptime_doc(
"Parse timestamps",
("For each string in `strings`, parse it as a timestamp.\n"
"The timestamp unit and the expected string pattern must be given\n"
"in StrptimeOptions. Null inputs emit null. If a non-null string\n"
"fails parsing, an error is returned."),
{"strings"}, "StrptimeOptions");
const FunctionDoc binary_length_doc(
"Compute string lengths",
("For each string in `strings`, emit the number of bytes. Null values emit null."),
const FunctionDoc utf8_length_doc("Compute UTF8 string lengths",
("For each string in `strings`, emit the number of "
"UTF8 characters. Null values emit null."),
void AddStrptime(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("strptime", Arity::Unary(), &strptime_doc);
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, OutputType(StrptimeResolve),
StrptimeExec<StringType>, StrptimeState::Init));
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, OutputType(StrptimeResolve),
StrptimeExec<LargeStringType>, StrptimeState::Init));
void AddBinaryLength(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("binary_length", Arity::Unary(),
ArrayKernelExec exec_offset_32 =
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNull<Int32Type, StringType, BinaryLength>::Exec;
ArrayKernelExec exec_offset_64 =
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNull<Int64Type, LargeStringType, BinaryLength>::Exec;
for (const auto& input_type : {binary(), utf8()}) {
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({input_type}, int32(), exec_offset_32));
for (const auto& input_type : {large_binary(), large_utf8()}) {
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({input_type}, int64(), exec_offset_64));
void AddUtf8Length(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
auto func =
std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("utf8_length", Arity::Unary(), &utf8_length_doc);
ArrayKernelExec exec_offset_32 =
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNull<Int32Type, StringType, Utf8Length>::Exec;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, int32(), std::move(exec_offset_32)));
ArrayKernelExec exec_offset_64 =
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNull<Int64Type, LargeStringType, Utf8Length>::Exec;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, int64(), std::move(exec_offset_64)));
template <template <typename> class ExecFunctor>
void MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel(
std::string name, FunctionRegistry* registry, const FunctionDoc* doc,
MemAllocation::type mem_allocation = MemAllocation::PREALLOCATE) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>(name, Arity::Unary(), doc);
auto exec_32 = ExecFunctor<StringType>::Exec;
ScalarKernel kernel{{utf8()}, utf8(), exec_32};
kernel.mem_allocation = mem_allocation;
auto exec_64 = ExecFunctor<LargeStringType>::Exec;
ScalarKernel kernel{{large_utf8()}, large_utf8(), exec_64};
kernel.mem_allocation = mem_allocation;
template <template <typename> class ExecFunctor>
void MakeUnaryStringBatchKernelWithState(
std::string name, FunctionRegistry* registry, const FunctionDoc* doc,
MemAllocation::type mem_allocation = MemAllocation::PREALLOCATE) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>(name, Arity::Unary(), doc);
using t32 = ExecFunctor<StringType>;
ScalarKernel kernel{{utf8()}, utf8(), t32::Exec, t32::State::Init};
kernel.mem_allocation = mem_allocation;
using t64 = ExecFunctor<LargeStringType>;
ScalarKernel kernel{{large_utf8()}, large_utf8(), t64::Exec, t64::State::Init};
kernel.mem_allocation = mem_allocation;
template <template <typename> class Transformer>
void MakeUnaryStringUTF8TransformKernel(std::string name, FunctionRegistry* registry,
const FunctionDoc* doc) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>(name, Arity::Unary(), doc);
ArrayKernelExec exec_32 = Transformer<StringType>::Exec;
ArrayKernelExec exec_64 = Transformer<LargeStringType>::Exec;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, utf8(), exec_32));
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, large_utf8(), exec_64));
// NOTE: Predicate should only populate 'status' with errors,
// leave it unmodified to indicate Status::OK()
using StringPredicate =
std::function<bool(KernelContext*, const uint8_t*, size_t, Status*)>;
template <typename Type>
Status ApplyPredicate(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch,
StringPredicate predicate, Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
ArrayIterator<Type> input_it(input);
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
out_arr->buffers[1]->mutable_data(), out_arr->offset, input.length,
[&]() -> bool {
util::string_view val = input_it();
return predicate(ctx, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, val.size(),
} else {
const auto& input = checked_cast<const BaseBinaryScalar&>(*batch[0].scalar());
if (input.is_valid) {
bool boolean_result = predicate(ctx, input.value->data(),
static_cast<size_t>(input.value->size()), &st);
// UTF decoding can lead to issues
if (st.ok()) {
out->value = std::make_shared<BooleanScalar>(boolean_result);
return st;
template <typename Predicate>
void AddUnaryStringPredicate(std::string name, FunctionRegistry* registry,
const FunctionDoc* doc) {
auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>(name, Arity::Unary(), doc);
auto exec_32 = [](KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return ApplyPredicate<StringType>(ctx, batch, Predicate::Call, out);
auto exec_64 = [](KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return ApplyPredicate<LargeStringType>(ctx, batch, Predicate::Call, out);
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, boolean(), std::move(exec_32)));
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, boolean(), std::move(exec_64)));
FunctionDoc StringPredicateDoc(std::string summary, std::string description) {
return FunctionDoc{std::move(summary), std::move(description), {"strings"}};
FunctionDoc StringClassifyDoc(std::string class_summary, std::string class_desc,
bool non_empty) {
std::string summary, description;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Classify strings as " << class_summary;
summary = ss.str();
std::stringstream ss;
if (non_empty) {
<< ("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty\n"
"and consists only of ");
} else {
<< ("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string consists only\n"
"of ");
ss << class_desc << ". Null strings emit null.";
description = ss.str();
return StringPredicateDoc(std::move(summary), std::move(description));
const auto string_is_ascii_doc = StringClassifyDoc("ASCII", "ASCII characters", false);
const auto ascii_is_alnum_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("ASCII alphanumeric", "alphanumeric ASCII characters", true);
const auto ascii_is_alpha_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("ASCII alphabetic", "alphabetic ASCII characters", true);
const auto ascii_is_decimal_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("ASCII decimal", "decimal ASCII characters", true);
const auto ascii_is_lower_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("ASCII lowercase", "lowercase ASCII characters", true);
const auto ascii_is_printable_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("ASCII printable", "printable ASCII characters", true);
const auto ascii_is_space_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("ASCII whitespace", "whitespace ASCII characters", true);
const auto ascii_is_upper_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("ASCII uppercase", "uppercase ASCII characters", true);
const auto ascii_is_title_doc = StringPredicateDoc(
"Classify strings as ASCII titlecase",
("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is title-cased,\n"
"i.e. it has at least one cased character, each uppercase character\n"
"follows a non-cased character, and each lowercase character follows\n"
"an uppercase character.\n"));
const auto utf8_is_alnum_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("alphanumeric", "alphanumeric Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_alpha_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("alphabetic", "alphabetic Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_decimal_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("decimal", "decimal Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_digit_doc = StringClassifyDoc("digits", "Unicode digits", true);
const auto utf8_is_lower_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("lowercase", "lowercase Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_numeric_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("numeric", "numeric Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_printable_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("printable", "printable Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_space_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("whitespace", "whitespace Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_upper_doc =
StringClassifyDoc("uppercase", "uppercase Unicode characters", true);
const auto utf8_is_title_doc = StringPredicateDoc(
"Classify strings as titlecase",
("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is title-cased,\n"
"i.e. it has at least one cased character, each uppercase character\n"
"follows a non-cased character, and each lowercase character follows\n"
"an uppercase character.\n"));
const FunctionDoc ascii_upper_doc(
"Transform ASCII input to uppercase",
("For each string in `strings`, return an uppercase version.\n\n"
"This function assumes the input is fully ASCII. It it may contain\n"
"non-ASCII characters, use \"utf8_upper\" instead."),
const FunctionDoc ascii_lower_doc(
"Transform ASCII input to lowercase",
("For each string in `strings`, return a lowercase version.\n\n"
"This function assumes the input is fully ASCII. It it may contain\n"
"non-ASCII characters, use \"utf8_lower\" instead."),
const FunctionDoc utf8_upper_doc(
"Transform input to uppercase",
("For each string in `strings`, return an uppercase version."), {"strings"});
const FunctionDoc utf8_lower_doc(
"Transform input to lowercase",
("For each string in `strings`, return a lowercase version."), {"strings"});
} // namespace
void RegisterScalarStringAscii(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
// ascii_upper and ascii_lower are able to reuse the original offsets buffer,
// so don't preallocate them in the output.
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<AsciiUpper>("ascii_upper", registry, &ascii_upper_doc,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<AsciiLower>("ascii_lower", registry, &ascii_lower_doc,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<AsciiTrimWhitespace>("ascii_trim_whitespace", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<AsciiLTrimWhitespace>("ascii_ltrim_whitespace", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<AsciiRTrimWhitespace>("ascii_rtrim_whitespace", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernelWithState<AsciiTrim>("ascii_trim", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernelWithState<AsciiLTrim>("ascii_ltrim", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernelWithState<AsciiRTrim>("ascii_rtrim", registry,
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsAscii>("string_is_ascii", registry, &string_is_ascii_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsAlphaNumericAscii>("ascii_is_alnum", registry,
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsAlphaAscii>("ascii_is_alpha", registry, &ascii_is_alpha_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsDecimalAscii>("ascii_is_decimal", registry,
// no is_digit for ascii, since it is the same as is_decimal
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsLowerAscii>("ascii_is_lower", registry, &ascii_is_lower_doc);
// no is_numeric for ascii, since it is the same as is_decimal
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsPrintableAscii>("ascii_is_printable", registry,
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsSpaceAscii>("ascii_is_space", registry, &ascii_is_space_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsTitleAscii>("ascii_is_title", registry, &ascii_is_title_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsUpperAscii>("ascii_is_upper", registry, &ascii_is_upper_doc);
MakeUnaryStringUTF8TransformKernel<UTF8Upper>("utf8_upper", registry, &utf8_upper_doc);
MakeUnaryStringUTF8TransformKernel<UTF8Lower>("utf8_lower", registry, &utf8_lower_doc);
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<UTF8TrimWhitespace>("utf8_trim_whitespace", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<UTF8LTrimWhitespace>("utf8_ltrim_whitespace", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernel<UTF8RTrimWhitespace>("utf8_rtrim_whitespace", registry,
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernelWithState<UTF8Trim>("utf8_trim", registry, &utf8_trim_doc);
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernelWithState<UTF8LTrim>("utf8_ltrim", registry, &utf8_ltrim_doc);
MakeUnaryStringBatchKernelWithState<UTF8RTrim>("utf8_rtrim", registry, &utf8_rtrim_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsAlphaNumericUnicode>("utf8_is_alnum", registry,
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsAlphaUnicode>("utf8_is_alpha", registry, &utf8_is_alpha_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsDecimalUnicode>("utf8_is_decimal", registry,
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsDigitUnicode>("utf8_is_digit", registry, &utf8_is_digit_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsLowerUnicode>("utf8_is_lower", registry, &utf8_is_lower_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsNumericUnicode>("utf8_is_numeric", registry,
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsPrintableUnicode>("utf8_is_printable", registry,
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsSpaceUnicode>("utf8_is_space", registry, &utf8_is_space_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsTitleUnicode>("utf8_is_title", registry, &utf8_is_title_doc);
AddUnaryStringPredicate<IsUpperUnicode>("utf8_is_upper", registry, &utf8_is_upper_doc);
"replace_substring", registry, &replace_substring_doc,
"replace_substring_regex", registry, &replace_substring_regex_doc,
} // namespace internal
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow