blob: 8da97ef2260d5decbef3c7122aa306f7b928247e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include "arrow/compute/kernels/common.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::checked_cast;
using internal::checked_pointer_cast;
using util::string_view;
namespace compute {
namespace internal {
namespace {
struct Equal {
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool Call(KernelContext*, const T& left, const T& right, Status*) {
return left == right;
struct NotEqual {
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool Call(KernelContext*, const T& left, const T& right, Status*) {
return left != right;
struct Greater {
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool Call(KernelContext*, const T& left, const T& right, Status*) {
return left > right;
struct GreaterEqual {
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool Call(KernelContext*, const T& left, const T& right, Status*) {
return left >= right;
// Implement Less, LessEqual by flipping arguments to Greater, GreaterEqual
template <typename Op>
void AddIntegerCompare(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& ty, ScalarFunction* func) {
auto exec =
GeneratePhysicalInteger<applicator::ScalarBinaryEqualTypes, BooleanType, Op>(*ty);
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, boolean(), std::move(exec)));
template <typename InType, typename Op>
void AddGenericCompare(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& ty, ScalarFunction* func) {
func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, boolean(),
applicator::ScalarBinaryEqualTypes<BooleanType, InType, Op>::Exec));
struct CompareFunction : ScalarFunction {
using ScalarFunction::ScalarFunction;
Result<const Kernel*> DispatchBest(std::vector<ValueDescr>* values) const override {
using arrow::compute::detail::DispatchExactImpl;
if (auto kernel = DispatchExactImpl(this, *values)) return kernel;
if (auto type = CommonNumeric(*values)) {
ReplaceTypes(type, values);
} else if (auto type = CommonTimestamp(*values)) {
ReplaceTypes(type, values);
} else if (auto type = CommonBinary(*values)) {
ReplaceTypes(type, values);
if (auto kernel = DispatchExactImpl(this, *values)) return kernel;
return arrow::compute::detail::NoMatchingKernel(this, *values);
template <typename Op>
std::shared_ptr<ScalarFunction> MakeCompareFunction(std::string name,
const FunctionDoc* doc) {
auto func = std::make_shared<CompareFunction>(name, Arity::Binary(), doc);
{boolean(), boolean()}, boolean(),
applicator::ScalarBinary<BooleanType, BooleanType, BooleanType, Op>::Exec));
for (const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& ty : IntTypes()) {
AddIntegerCompare<Op>(ty, func.get());
AddIntegerCompare<Op>(date32(), func.get());
AddIntegerCompare<Op>(date64(), func.get());
AddGenericCompare<FloatType, Op>(float32(), func.get());
AddGenericCompare<DoubleType, Op>(float64(), func.get());
// Add timestamp kernels
for (auto unit : AllTimeUnits()) {
InputType in_type(match::TimestampTypeUnit(unit));
auto exec =
GeneratePhysicalInteger<applicator::ScalarBinaryEqualTypes, BooleanType, Op>(
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({in_type, in_type}, boolean(), std::move(exec)));
// Duration
for (auto unit : AllTimeUnits()) {
InputType in_type(match::DurationTypeUnit(unit));
auto exec =
GeneratePhysicalInteger<applicator::ScalarBinaryEqualTypes, BooleanType, Op>(
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({in_type, in_type}, boolean(), std::move(exec)));
// Time32 and Time64
for (auto unit : {TimeUnit::SECOND, TimeUnit::MILLI}) {
InputType in_type(match::Time32TypeUnit(unit));
auto exec =
GeneratePhysicalInteger<applicator::ScalarBinaryEqualTypes, BooleanType, Op>(
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({in_type, in_type}, boolean(), std::move(exec)));
for (auto unit : {TimeUnit::MICRO, TimeUnit::NANO}) {
InputType in_type(match::Time64TypeUnit(unit));
auto exec =
GeneratePhysicalInteger<applicator::ScalarBinaryEqualTypes, BooleanType, Op>(
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({in_type, in_type}, boolean(), std::move(exec)));
for (const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& ty : BaseBinaryTypes()) {
auto exec =
GenerateVarBinaryBase<applicator::ScalarBinaryEqualTypes, BooleanType, Op>(*ty);
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({ty, ty}, boolean(), std::move(exec)));
return func;
std::shared_ptr<ScalarFunction> MakeFlippedFunction(std::string name,
const ScalarFunction& func,
const FunctionDoc* doc) {
auto flipped_func = std::make_shared<CompareFunction>(name, Arity::Binary(), doc);
for (const ScalarKernel* kernel : func.kernels()) {
ScalarKernel flipped_kernel = *kernel;
flipped_kernel.exec = MakeFlippedBinaryExec(kernel->exec);
return flipped_func;
const FunctionDoc equal_doc{"Compare values for equality (x == y)",
("A null on either side emits a null comparison result."),
{"x", "y"}};
const FunctionDoc not_equal_doc{"Compare values for inequality (x != y)",
("A null on either side emits a null comparison result."),
{"x", "y"}};
const FunctionDoc greater_doc{"Compare values for ordered inequality (x > y)",
("A null on either side emits a null comparison result."),
{"x", "y"}};
const FunctionDoc greater_equal_doc{
"Compare values for ordered inequality (x >= y)",
("A null on either side emits a null comparison result."),
{"x", "y"}};
const FunctionDoc less_doc{"Compare values for ordered inequality (x < y)",
("A null on either side emits a null comparison result."),
{"x", "y"}};
const FunctionDoc less_equal_doc{
"Compare values for ordered inequality (x <= y)",
("A null on either side emits a null comparison result."),
{"x", "y"}};
} // namespace
void RegisterScalarComparison(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
DCHECK_OK(registry->AddFunction(MakeCompareFunction<Equal>("equal", &equal_doc)));
registry->AddFunction(MakeCompareFunction<NotEqual>("not_equal", &not_equal_doc)));
auto greater = MakeCompareFunction<Greater>("greater", &greater_doc);
auto greater_equal =
MakeCompareFunction<GreaterEqual>("greater_equal", &greater_equal_doc);
auto less = MakeFlippedFunction("less", *greater, &less_doc);
auto less_equal = MakeFlippedFunction("less_equal", *greater_equal, &less_equal_doc);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow