blob: cc7b533f26228d1915b2118bceb1284b3ed01c3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
// Implementation of casting to integer, floating point, or decimal types
#include "arrow/array/builder_primitive.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/common.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/scalar_cast_internal.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/util_internal.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_block_counter.h"
#include "arrow/util/int_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/value_parsing.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::BitBlockCount;
using internal::CheckIntegersInRange;
using internal::IntegersCanFit;
using internal::OptionalBitBlockCounter;
using internal::ParseValue;
namespace compute {
namespace internal {
Status CastIntegerToInteger(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const auto& options = checked_cast<const CastState*>(ctx->state())->options;
if (!options.allow_int_overflow) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(IntegersCanFit(batch[0], *out->type()));
CastNumberToNumberUnsafe(batch[0].type()->id(), out->type()->id(), batch[0], out);
return Status::OK();
Status CastFloatingToFloating(KernelContext*, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
CastNumberToNumberUnsafe(batch[0].type()->id(), out->type()->id(), batch[0], out);
return Status::OK();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implement fast safe floating point to integer cast
// InType is a floating point type we are planning to cast to integer
template <typename InType, typename OutType, typename InT = typename InType::c_type,
typename OutT = typename OutType::c_type>
Status CheckFloatTruncation(const Datum& input, const Datum& output) {
auto WasTruncated = [&](OutT out_val, InT in_val) -> bool {
return static_cast<InT>(out_val) != in_val;
auto WasTruncatedMaybeNull = [&](OutT out_val, InT in_val, bool is_valid) -> bool {
return is_valid && static_cast<InT>(out_val) != in_val;
auto GetErrorMessage = [&](InT val) {
return Status::Invalid("Float value ", val, " was truncated converting to ",
if (input.kind() == Datum::SCALAR) {
DCHECK_EQ(output.kind(), Datum::SCALAR);
const auto& in_scalar = input.scalar_as<typename TypeTraits<InType>::ScalarType>();
const auto& out_scalar = output.scalar_as<typename TypeTraits<OutType>::ScalarType>();
if (WasTruncatedMaybeNull(out_scalar.value, in_scalar.value, out_scalar.is_valid)) {
return GetErrorMessage(in_scalar.value);
return Status::OK();
const ArrayData& in_array = *input.array();
const ArrayData& out_array = *output.array();
const InT* in_data = in_array.GetValues<InT>(1);
const OutT* out_data = out_array.GetValues<OutT>(1);
const uint8_t* bitmap = nullptr;
if (in_array.buffers[0]) {
bitmap = in_array.buffers[0]->data();
OptionalBitBlockCounter bit_counter(bitmap, in_array.offset, in_array.length);
int64_t position = 0;
int64_t offset_position = in_array.offset;
while (position < in_array.length) {
BitBlockCount block = bit_counter.NextBlock();
bool block_out_of_bounds = false;
if (block.popcount == block.length) {
// Fast path: branchless
for (int64_t i = 0; i < block.length; ++i) {
block_out_of_bounds |= WasTruncated(out_data[i], in_data[i]);
} else if (block.popcount > 0) {
// Indices have nulls, must only boundscheck non-null values
for (int64_t i = 0; i < block.length; ++i) {
block_out_of_bounds |= WasTruncatedMaybeNull(
out_data[i], in_data[i], BitUtil::GetBit(bitmap, offset_position + i));
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(block_out_of_bounds)) {
if (in_array.GetNullCount() > 0) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < block.length; ++i) {
if (WasTruncatedMaybeNull(out_data[i], in_data[i],
BitUtil::GetBit(bitmap, offset_position + i))) {
return GetErrorMessage(in_data[i]);
} else {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < block.length; ++i) {
if (WasTruncated(out_data[i], in_data[i])) {
return GetErrorMessage(in_data[i]);
in_data += block.length;
out_data += block.length;
position += block.length;
offset_position += block.length;
return Status::OK();
template <typename InType>
Status CheckFloatToIntTruncationImpl(const Datum& input, const Datum& output) {
switch (output.type()->id()) {
case Type::INT8:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, Int8Type>(input, output);
case Type::INT16:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, Int16Type>(input, output);
case Type::INT32:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, Int32Type>(input, output);
case Type::INT64:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, Int64Type>(input, output);
case Type::UINT8:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, UInt8Type>(input, output);
case Type::UINT16:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, UInt16Type>(input, output);
case Type::UINT32:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, UInt32Type>(input, output);
case Type::UINT64:
return CheckFloatTruncation<InType, UInt64Type>(input, output);
return Status::OK();
Status CheckFloatToIntTruncation(const Datum& input, const Datum& output) {
switch (input.type()->id()) {
case Type::FLOAT:
return CheckFloatToIntTruncationImpl<FloatType>(input, output);
case Type::DOUBLE:
return CheckFloatToIntTruncationImpl<DoubleType>(input, output);
return Status::OK();
Status CastFloatingToInteger(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const auto& options = checked_cast<const CastState*>(ctx->state())->options;
CastNumberToNumberUnsafe(batch[0].type()->id(), out->type()->id(), batch[0], out);
if (!options.allow_float_truncate) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckFloatToIntTruncation(batch[0], *out));
return Status::OK();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implement fast integer to floating point cast
// These are the limits for exact representation of whole numbers in floating
// point numbers
template <typename T>
struct FloatingIntegerBound {};
template <>
struct FloatingIntegerBound<float> {
static const int64_t value = 1LL << 24;
template <>
struct FloatingIntegerBound<double> {
static const int64_t value = 1LL << 53;
template <typename InType, typename OutType, typename InT = typename InType::c_type,
typename OutT = typename OutType::c_type,
bool IsSigned = is_signed_integer_type<InType>::value>
Status CheckIntegerFloatTruncateImpl(const Datum& input) {
using InScalarType = typename TypeTraits<InType>::ScalarType;
const int64_t limit = FloatingIntegerBound<OutT>::value;
InScalarType bound_lower(IsSigned ? -limit : 0);
InScalarType bound_upper(limit);
return CheckIntegersInRange(input, bound_lower, bound_upper);
Status CheckForIntegerToFloatingTruncation(const Datum& input, Type::type out_type) {
switch (input.type()->id()) {
// Small integers are all exactly representable as whole numbers
case Type::INT8:
case Type::INT16:
case Type::UINT8:
case Type::UINT16:
return Status::OK();
case Type::INT32: {
if (out_type == Type::DOUBLE) {
return Status::OK();
return CheckIntegerFloatTruncateImpl<Int32Type, FloatType>(input);
case Type::UINT32: {
if (out_type == Type::DOUBLE) {
return Status::OK();
return CheckIntegerFloatTruncateImpl<UInt32Type, FloatType>(input);
case Type::INT64: {
if (out_type == Type::FLOAT) {
return CheckIntegerFloatTruncateImpl<Int64Type, FloatType>(input);
} else {
return CheckIntegerFloatTruncateImpl<Int64Type, DoubleType>(input);
case Type::UINT64: {
if (out_type == Type::FLOAT) {
return CheckIntegerFloatTruncateImpl<UInt64Type, FloatType>(input);
} else {
return CheckIntegerFloatTruncateImpl<UInt64Type, DoubleType>(input);
return Status::OK();
Status CastIntegerToFloating(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const auto& options = checked_cast<const CastState*>(ctx->state())->options;
Type::type out_type = out->type()->id();
if (!options.allow_float_truncate) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckForIntegerToFloatingTruncation(batch[0], out_type));
CastNumberToNumberUnsafe(batch[0].type()->id(), out_type, batch[0], out);
return Status::OK();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Boolean to number
struct BooleanToNumber {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
static OutValue Call(KernelContext*, Arg0Value val, Status*) {
constexpr auto kOne = static_cast<OutValue>(1);
constexpr auto kZero = static_cast<OutValue>(0);
return val ? kOne : kZero;
template <typename O>
struct CastFunctor<O, BooleanType, enable_if_number<O>> {
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return applicator::ScalarUnary<O, BooleanType, BooleanToNumber>::Exec(ctx, batch,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// String to number
template <typename OutType>
struct ParseString {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue Call(KernelContext* ctx, Arg0Value val, Status* st) const {
OutValue result = OutValue(0);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!ParseValue<OutType>(, val.size(), &result))) {
*st = Status::Invalid("Failed to parse string: '", val, "' as a scalar of type ",
return result;
template <typename O, typename I>
struct CastFunctor<O, I, enable_if_base_binary<I>> {
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
return applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNull<O, I, ParseString<O>>::Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decimal to integer
struct DecimalToIntegerMixin {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue ToInteger(KernelContext* ctx, const Arg0Value& val, Status* st) const {
constexpr auto min_value = std::numeric_limits<OutValue>::min();
constexpr auto max_value = std::numeric_limits<OutValue>::max();
if (!allow_int_overflow_ && ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(val < min_value || val > max_value)) {
*st = Status::Invalid("Integer value out of bounds");
return OutValue{}; // Zero
} else {
return static_cast<OutValue>(val.low_bits());
DecimalToIntegerMixin(int32_t in_scale, bool allow_int_overflow)
: in_scale_(in_scale), allow_int_overflow_(allow_int_overflow) {}
int32_t in_scale_;
bool allow_int_overflow_;
struct UnsafeUpscaleDecimalToInteger : public DecimalToIntegerMixin {
using DecimalToIntegerMixin::DecimalToIntegerMixin;
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue Call(KernelContext* ctx, Arg0Value val, Status* st) const {
return ToInteger<OutValue>(ctx, val.IncreaseScaleBy(-in_scale_), st);
struct UnsafeDownscaleDecimalToInteger : public DecimalToIntegerMixin {
using DecimalToIntegerMixin::DecimalToIntegerMixin;
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue Call(KernelContext* ctx, Arg0Value val, Status* st) const {
return ToInteger<OutValue>(ctx, val.ReduceScaleBy(in_scale_, false), st);
struct SafeRescaleDecimalToInteger : public DecimalToIntegerMixin {
using DecimalToIntegerMixin::DecimalToIntegerMixin;
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue Call(KernelContext* ctx, Arg0Value val, Status* st) const {
auto result = val.Rescale(in_scale_, 0);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!result.ok())) {
*st = result.status();
return OutValue{}; // Zero
} else {
return ToInteger<OutValue>(ctx, *result, st);
template <typename O, typename I>
struct CastFunctor<O, I,
enable_if_t<is_integer_type<O>::value && is_decimal_type<I>::value>> {
using out_type = typename O::c_type;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const auto& options = checked_cast<const CastState*>(ctx->state())->options;
const auto& in_type_inst = checked_cast<const I&>(*batch[0].type());
const auto in_scale = in_type_inst.scale();
if (options.allow_decimal_truncate) {
if (in_scale < 0) {
// Unsafe upscale
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, UnsafeUpscaleDecimalToInteger>
kernel(UnsafeUpscaleDecimalToInteger{in_scale, options.allow_int_overflow});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
} else {
// Unsafe downscale
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, UnsafeDownscaleDecimalToInteger>
kernel(UnsafeDownscaleDecimalToInteger{in_scale, options.allow_int_overflow});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
} else {
// Safe rescale
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, SafeRescaleDecimalToInteger> kernel(
SafeRescaleDecimalToInteger{in_scale, options.allow_int_overflow});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decimal to decimal
// Helper that converts the input and output decimals
// For instance, Decimal128 -> Decimal256 requires converting, then scaling
// Decimal256 -> Decimal128 requires scaling, then truncating
template <typename OutDecimal, typename InDecimal>
struct DecimalConversions {};
template <typename InDecimal>
struct DecimalConversions<Decimal256, InDecimal> {
// Convert then scale
static Decimal256 ConvertInput(InDecimal&& val) { return Decimal256(val); }
static Decimal256 ConvertOutput(Decimal256&& val) { return val; }
template <>
struct DecimalConversions<Decimal128, Decimal256> {
// Scale then truncate
static Decimal256 ConvertInput(Decimal256&& val) { return val; }
static Decimal128 ConvertOutput(Decimal256&& val) {
return Decimal128(val.little_endian_array()[1], val.little_endian_array()[0]);
template <>
struct DecimalConversions<Decimal128, Decimal128> {
static Decimal128 ConvertInput(Decimal128&& val) { return val; }
static Decimal128 ConvertOutput(Decimal128&& val) { return val; }
struct UnsafeUpscaleDecimal {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue Call(KernelContext*, Arg0Value val, Status*) const {
using Conv = DecimalConversions<OutValue, Arg0Value>;
return Conv::ConvertOutput(Conv::ConvertInput(std::move(val)).IncreaseScaleBy(by_));
int32_t by_;
struct UnsafeDownscaleDecimal {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue Call(KernelContext*, Arg0Value val, Status*) const {
using Conv = DecimalConversions<OutValue, Arg0Value>;
return Conv::ConvertOutput(
Conv::ConvertInput(std::move(val)).ReduceScaleBy(by_, false));
int32_t by_;
struct SafeRescaleDecimal {
template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
OutValue Call(KernelContext*, Arg0Value val, Status* st) const {
using Conv = DecimalConversions<OutValue, Arg0Value>;
auto maybe_rescaled =
Conv::ConvertInput(std::move(val)).Rescale(in_scale_, out_scale_);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!maybe_rescaled.ok())) {
*st = maybe_rescaled.status();
return {}; // Zero
if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(maybe_rescaled->FitsInPrecision(out_precision_))) {
return Conv::ConvertOutput(maybe_rescaled.MoveValueUnsafe());
*st = Status::Invalid("Decimal value does not fit in precision ", out_precision_);
return {}; // Zero
int32_t out_scale_, out_precision_, in_scale_;
template <typename O, typename I>
struct CastFunctor<O, I,
enable_if_t<is_decimal_type<O>::value && is_decimal_type<I>::value>> {
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const auto& options = checked_cast<const CastState*>(ctx->state())->options;
const auto& in_type = checked_cast<const I&>(*batch[0].type());
const auto& out_type = checked_cast<const O&>(*out->type());
const auto in_scale = in_type.scale();
const auto out_scale = out_type.scale();
if (options.allow_decimal_truncate) {
if (in_scale < out_scale) {
// Unsafe upscale
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, UnsafeUpscaleDecimal> kernel(
UnsafeUpscaleDecimal{out_scale - in_scale});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
} else {
// Unsafe downscale
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, UnsafeDownscaleDecimal> kernel(
UnsafeDownscaleDecimal{in_scale - out_scale});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// Safe rescale
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, SafeRescaleDecimal> kernel(
SafeRescaleDecimal{out_scale, out_type.precision(), in_scale});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Real to decimal
struct RealToDecimal {
template <typename OutValue, typename RealType>
OutValue Call(KernelContext*, RealType val, Status* st) const {
auto maybe_decimal = OutValue::FromReal(val, out_precision_, out_scale_);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(maybe_decimal.ok())) {
return maybe_decimal.MoveValueUnsafe();
if (!allow_truncate_) {
*st = maybe_decimal.status();
return {}; // Zero
int32_t out_scale_, out_precision_;
bool allow_truncate_;
template <typename O, typename I>
struct CastFunctor<O, I,
enable_if_t<is_decimal_type<O>::value && is_floating_type<I>::value>> {
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const auto& options = checked_cast<const CastState*>(ctx->state())->options;
const auto& out_type = checked_cast<const O&>(*out->type());
const auto out_scale = out_type.scale();
const auto out_precision = out_type.precision();
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, RealToDecimal> kernel(
RealToDecimal{out_scale, out_precision, options.allow_decimal_truncate});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decimal to real
struct DecimalToReal {
template <typename RealType, typename Arg0Value>
RealType Call(KernelContext*, const Arg0Value& val, Status*) const {
return val.template ToReal<RealType>(in_scale_);
int32_t in_scale_;
template <typename O, typename I>
struct CastFunctor<O, I,
enable_if_t<is_floating_type<O>::value && is_decimal_type<I>::value>> {
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const auto& in_type = checked_cast<const I&>(*batch[0].type());
const auto in_scale = in_type.scale();
applicator::ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<O, I, DecimalToReal> kernel(
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Top-level kernel instantiation
namespace {
template <typename OutType>
void AddCommonNumberCasts(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& out_ty, CastFunction* func) {
AddCommonCasts(out_ty->id(), out_ty, func);
// Cast from boolean to number
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::BOOL, {boolean()}, out_ty,
CastFunctor<OutType, BooleanType>::Exec));
// Cast from other strings
for (const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& in_ty : BaseBinaryTypes()) {
auto exec = GenerateVarBinaryBase<CastFunctor, OutType>(*in_ty);
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(in_ty->id(), {in_ty}, out_ty, exec));
template <typename OutType>
std::shared_ptr<CastFunction> GetCastToInteger(std::string name) {
auto func = std::make_shared<CastFunction>(std::move(name), OutType::type_id);
auto out_ty = TypeTraits<OutType>::type_singleton();
for (const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& in_ty : IntTypes()) {
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(in_ty->id(), {in_ty}, out_ty, CastIntegerToInteger));
// Cast from floating point
for (const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& in_ty : FloatingPointTypes()) {
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(in_ty->id(), {in_ty}, out_ty, CastFloatingToInteger));
// From other numbers to integer
AddCommonNumberCasts<OutType>(out_ty, func.get());
// From decimal to integer
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL)}, out_ty,
CastFunctor<OutType, Decimal128Type>::Exec));
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL256, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL256)}, out_ty,
CastFunctor<OutType, Decimal256Type>::Exec));
return func;
template <typename OutType>
std::shared_ptr<CastFunction> GetCastToFloating(std::string name) {
auto func = std::make_shared<CastFunction>(std::move(name), OutType::type_id);
auto out_ty = TypeTraits<OutType>::type_singleton();
// Casts from integer to floating point
for (const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& in_ty : IntTypes()) {
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(in_ty->id(), {in_ty}, out_ty, CastIntegerToFloating));
// Cast from floating point
for (const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& in_ty : FloatingPointTypes()) {
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(in_ty->id(), {in_ty}, out_ty, CastFloatingToFloating));
// From other numbers to floating point
AddCommonNumberCasts<OutType>(out_ty, func.get());
// From decimal to floating point
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL)}, out_ty,
CastFunctor<OutType, Decimal128Type>::Exec));
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL256, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL256)}, out_ty,
CastFunctor<OutType, Decimal256Type>::Exec));
return func;
std::shared_ptr<CastFunction> GetCastToDecimal128() {
OutputType sig_out_ty(ResolveOutputFromOptions);
auto func = std::make_shared<CastFunction>("cast_decimal", Type::DECIMAL128);
AddCommonCasts(Type::DECIMAL128, sig_out_ty, func.get());
// Cast from floating point
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::FLOAT, {float32()}, sig_out_ty,
CastFunctor<Decimal128Type, FloatType>::Exec));
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::DOUBLE, {float64()}, sig_out_ty,
CastFunctor<Decimal128Type, DoubleType>::Exec));
// Cast from other decimal
auto exec = CastFunctor<Decimal128Type, Decimal128Type>::Exec;
// We resolve the output type of this kernel from the CastOptions
func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL128, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL128)}, sig_out_ty, exec));
exec = CastFunctor<Decimal128Type, Decimal256Type>::Exec;
func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL256, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL256)}, sig_out_ty, exec));
return func;
std::shared_ptr<CastFunction> GetCastToDecimal256() {
OutputType sig_out_ty(ResolveOutputFromOptions);
auto func = std::make_shared<CastFunction>("cast_decimal256", Type::DECIMAL256);
AddCommonCasts(Type::DECIMAL256, sig_out_ty, func.get());
// Cast from floating point
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::FLOAT, {float32()}, sig_out_ty,
CastFunctor<Decimal256Type, FloatType>::Exec));
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::DOUBLE, {float64()}, sig_out_ty,
CastFunctor<Decimal256Type, DoubleType>::Exec));
// Cast from other decimal
auto exec = CastFunctor<Decimal256Type, Decimal128Type>::Exec;
func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL128, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL128)}, sig_out_ty, exec));
exec = CastFunctor<Decimal256Type, Decimal256Type>::Exec;
func->AddKernel(Type::DECIMAL256, {InputType(Type::DECIMAL256)}, sig_out_ty, exec));
return func;
} // namespace
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CastFunction>> GetNumericCasts() {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CastFunction>> functions;
// Make a cast to null that does not do much. Not sure why we need to be able
// to cast from dict<null> -> null but there are unit tests for it
auto cast_null = std::make_shared<CastFunction>("cast_null", Type::NA);
DCHECK_OK(cast_null->AddKernel(Type::DICTIONARY, {InputType(Type::DICTIONARY)}, null(),
auto cast_int32 = GetCastToInteger<Int32Type>("cast_int32");
// Convert DATE32 or TIME32 to INT32 zero copy
AddZeroCopyCast(Type::DATE32, date32(), int32(), cast_int32.get());
AddZeroCopyCast(Type::TIME32, InputType(Type::TIME32), int32(), cast_int32.get());
auto cast_int64 = GetCastToInteger<Int64Type>("cast_int64");
// Convert DATE64, DURATION, TIMESTAMP, TIME64 to INT64 zero copy
AddZeroCopyCast(Type::DATE64, InputType(Type::DATE64), int64(), cast_int64.get());
AddZeroCopyCast(Type::DURATION, InputType(Type::DURATION), int64(), cast_int64.get());
AddZeroCopyCast(Type::TIMESTAMP, InputType(Type::TIMESTAMP), int64(), cast_int64.get());
AddZeroCopyCast(Type::TIME64, InputType(Type::TIME64), int64(), cast_int64.get());
// HalfFloat is a bit brain-damaged for now
auto cast_half_float =
std::make_shared<CastFunction>("cast_half_float", Type::HALF_FLOAT);
AddCommonCasts(Type::HALF_FLOAT, float16(), cast_half_float.get());
return functions;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow