blob: f42635c5dcde6f6c6b776f6c28af320ba485a65e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/scalar_cast_internal.h"
#include "arrow/compute/cast_internal.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/common.h"
#include "arrow/extension_type.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::PrimitiveScalarBase;
namespace compute {
namespace internal {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename OutT, typename InT>
void DoStaticCast(const void* in_data, int64_t in_offset, int64_t length,
int64_t out_offset, void* out_data) {
auto in = reinterpret_cast<const InT*>(in_data) + in_offset;
auto out = reinterpret_cast<OutT*>(out_data) + out_offset;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
*out++ = static_cast<OutT>(*in++);
using StaticCastFunc = std::function<void(const void*, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, void*)>;
template <typename OutType, typename InType, typename Enable = void>
struct CastPrimitive {
static void Exec(const Datum& input, Datum* out) {
using OutT = typename OutType::c_type;
using InT = typename InType::c_type;
StaticCastFunc caster = DoStaticCast<OutT, InT>;
if (input.kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
const ArrayData& arr = *input.array();
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
caster(arr.buffers[1]->data(), arr.offset, arr.length, out_arr->offset,
} else {
// Scalar path. Use the caster with length 1 to place the casted value into
// the output
const auto& in_scalar = input.scalar_as<PrimitiveScalarBase>();
auto out_scalar = checked_cast<PrimitiveScalarBase*>(out->scalar().get());
caster(, /*in_offset=*/0, /*length=*/1, /*out_offset=*/0,
template <typename OutType, typename InType>
struct CastPrimitive<OutType, InType, enable_if_t<std::is_same<OutType, InType>::value>> {
// memcpy output
static void Exec(const Datum& input, Datum* out) {
using T = typename InType::c_type;
if (input.kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
const ArrayData& arr = *input.array();
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
reinterpret_cast<T*>(out_arr->buffers[1]->mutable_data()) + out_arr->offset,
reinterpret_cast<const T*>(arr.buffers[1]->data()) + arr.offset,
arr.length * sizeof(T));
} else {
// Scalar path. Use the caster with length 1 to place the casted value into
// the output
const auto& in_scalar = input.scalar_as<PrimitiveScalarBase>();
auto out_scalar = checked_cast<PrimitiveScalarBase*>(out->scalar().get());
*reinterpret_cast<T*>(out_scalar->mutable_data()) =
*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(;
template <typename InType>
void CastNumberImpl(Type::type out_type, const Datum& input, Datum* out) {
switch (out_type) {
case Type::INT8:
return CastPrimitive<Int8Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::INT16:
return CastPrimitive<Int16Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::INT32:
return CastPrimitive<Int32Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::INT64:
return CastPrimitive<Int64Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::UINT8:
return CastPrimitive<UInt8Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::UINT16:
return CastPrimitive<UInt16Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::UINT32:
return CastPrimitive<UInt32Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::UINT64:
return CastPrimitive<UInt64Type, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::FLOAT:
return CastPrimitive<FloatType, InType>::Exec(input, out);
case Type::DOUBLE:
return CastPrimitive<DoubleType, InType>::Exec(input, out);
void CastNumberToNumberUnsafe(Type::type in_type, Type::type out_type, const Datum& input,
Datum* out) {
switch (in_type) {
case Type::INT8:
return CastNumberImpl<Int8Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::INT16:
return CastNumberImpl<Int16Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::INT32:
return CastNumberImpl<Int32Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::INT64:
return CastNumberImpl<Int64Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::UINT8:
return CastNumberImpl<UInt8Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::UINT16:
return CastNumberImpl<UInt16Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::UINT32:
return CastNumberImpl<UInt32Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::UINT64:
return CastNumberImpl<UInt64Type>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::FLOAT:
return CastNumberImpl<FloatType>(out_type, input, out);
case Type::DOUBLE:
return CastNumberImpl<DoubleType>(out_type, input, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Status UnpackDictionary(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
DictionaryArray dict_arr(batch[0].array());
const CastOptions& options = checked_cast<const CastState&>(*ctx->state()).options;
const auto& dict_type = *dict_arr.dictionary()->type();
if (!dict_type.Equals(options.to_type) && !CanCast(dict_type, *options.to_type)) {
return Status::Invalid("Cast type ", options.to_type->ToString(),
" incompatible with dictionary type ", dict_type.ToString());
Take(Datum(dict_arr.dictionary()), Datum(dict_arr.indices()),
TakeOptions::Defaults(), ctx->exec_context()));
if (!dict_type.Equals(options.to_type)) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(*out, Cast(*out, options));
return Status::OK();
Status OutputAllNull(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (out->is_scalar()) {
out->scalar()->is_valid = false;
} else {
ArrayData* output = out->mutable_array();
output->buffers = {nullptr};
output->null_count = batch.length;
return Status::OK();
Status CastFromExtension(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
const CastOptions& options = checked_cast<const CastState*>(ctx->state())->options;
const DataType& in_type = *batch[0].type();
const auto storage_type = checked_cast<const ExtensionType&>(in_type).storage_type();
ExtensionArray extension(batch[0].array());
Datum casted_storage;
RETURN_NOT_OK(Cast(*, out->type(), options, ctx->exec_context())
out->value = casted_storage.array();
return Status::OK();
Status CastFromNull(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (!batch[0].is_scalar()) {
ArrayData* output = out->mutable_array();
std::shared_ptr<Array> nulls;
RETURN_NOT_OK(MakeArrayOfNull(output->type, batch.length).Value(&nulls));
out->value = nulls->data();
return Status::OK();
Result<ValueDescr> ResolveOutputFromOptions(KernelContext* ctx,
const std::vector<ValueDescr>& args) {
const CastOptions& options = checked_cast<const CastState&>(*ctx->state()).options;
return ValueDescr(options.to_type, args[0].shape);
/// You will see some of kernels with
/// kOutputTargetType
/// for their output type resolution. This is somewhat of an eyesore but the
/// easiest initial way to get the requested cast type including the TimeUnit
/// to the kernel (which is needed to compute the output) was through
/// CastOptions
OutputType kOutputTargetType(ResolveOutputFromOptions);
Status ZeroCopyCastExec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
DCHECK_EQ(batch[0].kind(), Datum::ARRAY);
// Make a copy of the buffers into a destination array without carrying
// the type
const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
ArrayData* output = out->mutable_array();
output->length = input.length;
output->buffers = input.buffers;
output->offset = input.offset;
output->child_data = input.child_data;
return Status::OK();
void AddZeroCopyCast(Type::type in_type_id, InputType in_type, OutputType out_type,
CastFunction* func) {
auto sig = KernelSignature::Make({in_type}, out_type);
ScalarKernel kernel;
kernel.exec = TrivialScalarUnaryAsArraysExec(ZeroCopyCastExec);
kernel.signature = sig;
kernel.null_handling = NullHandling::COMPUTED_NO_PREALLOCATE;
kernel.mem_allocation = MemAllocation::NO_PREALLOCATE;
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(in_type_id, std::move(kernel)));
static bool CanCastFromDictionary(Type::type type_id) {
return (is_primitive(type_id) || is_base_binary_like(type_id) ||
void AddCommonCasts(Type::type out_type_id, OutputType out_ty, CastFunction* func) {
// From null to this type
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::NA, {null()}, out_ty, CastFromNull));
// From dictionary to this type
if (CanCastFromDictionary(out_type_id)) {
// Dictionary unpacking not implemented for boolean or nested types.
// XXX: Uses Take and does its own memory allocation for the moment. We can
// fix this later.
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::DICTIONARY, {InputType(Type::DICTIONARY)}, out_ty,
// From extension type to this type
DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel(Type::EXTENSION, {InputType::Array(Type::EXTENSION)}, out_ty,
CastFromExtension, NullHandling::COMPUTED_NO_PREALLOCATE,
} // namespace internal
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow