blob: fafba4b331b5fbd1d3181d3824a84cef842fa239 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "arrow/array.h"
#include "arrow/buffer.h"
#include "arrow/compute/api.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/codegen_internal.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/test_util.h"
#include "arrow/type.h"
#include "arrow/type_traits.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/checked_cast.h"
#include "arrow/util/string.h"
#include "arrow/testing/gtest_common.h"
#include "arrow/testing/gtest_util.h"
#include "arrow/testing/random.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace compute {
std::shared_ptr<Array> TweakValidityBit(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& array,
int64_t index, bool validity) {
auto data = array->data()->Copy();
if (data->buffers[0] == nullptr) {
data->buffers[0] = *AllocateBitmap(data->length);
BitUtil::SetBitsTo(data->buffers[0]->mutable_data(), 0, data->length, true);
BitUtil::SetBitTo(data->buffers[0]->mutable_data(), index, validity);
data->null_count = kUnknownNullCount;
// Need to return a new array, because Array caches the null bitmap pointer
return MakeArray(data);
template <typename T>
class TestUnaryArithmetic : public TestBase {
using ArrowType = T;
using CType = typename ArrowType::c_type;
static std::shared_ptr<DataType> type_singleton() {
return TypeTraits<ArrowType>::type_singleton();
using UnaryFunction =
std::function<Result<Datum>(const Datum&, ArithmeticOptions, ExecContext*)>;
void SetUp() override { options_.check_overflow = false; }
std::shared_ptr<Scalar> MakeNullScalar() {
return arrow::MakeNullScalar(type_singleton());
std::shared_ptr<Scalar> MakeScalar(CType value) {
return *arrow::MakeScalar(type_singleton(), value);
// (Scalar)
void AssertUnaryOp(UnaryFunction func, CType argument, CType expected) {
auto arg = MakeScalar(argument);
auto exp = MakeScalar(expected);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto actual, func(arg, options_, nullptr));
AssertScalarsApproxEqual(*exp, *actual.scalar(), /*verbose=*/true);
// (Scalar)
void AssertUnaryOp(UnaryFunction func, const std::shared_ptr<Scalar>& arg,
const std::shared_ptr<Scalar>& expected) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto actual, func(arg, options_, nullptr));
AssertScalarsApproxEqual(*expected, *actual.scalar(), /*verbose=*/true);
// (Array)
void AssertUnaryOp(UnaryFunction func, const std::string& argument,
const std::string& expected) {
auto arg = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), argument);
AssertUnaryOp(func, arg, expected);
// (Array)
void AssertUnaryOp(UnaryFunction func, const std::shared_ptr<Array>& arg,
const std::string& expected_json) {
const auto expected = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), expected_json);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(Datum actual, func(arg, options_, nullptr));
ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(actual.make_array(), expected);
// Also check (Scalar) operations
const int64_t length = expected->length();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const auto expected_scalar = *expected->GetScalar(i);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(actual, func(*arg->GetScalar(i), options_, nullptr));
AssertScalarsApproxEqual(*expected_scalar, *actual.scalar(), /*verbose=*/true,
void AssertUnaryOpRaises(UnaryFunction func, const std::string& argument,
const std::string& expected_msg) {
auto arg = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), argument);
EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(Invalid, ::testing::HasSubstr(expected_msg),
func(arg, options_, nullptr));
void AssertUnaryOpNotImplemented(UnaryFunction func, const std::string& argument) {
auto arg = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), argument);
const char* expected_msg = "has no kernel matching input types";
EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(NotImplemented, ::testing::HasSubstr(expected_msg),
func(arg, options_, nullptr));
void ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& actual,
const std::string& expected) {
const auto exp = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), expected);
ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(actual, exp);
void ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& actual,
const std::shared_ptr<Array>& expected) {
AssertArraysApproxEqual(*expected, *actual, /*verbose=*/true, equal_options_);
void SetOverflowCheck(bool value = true) { options_.check_overflow = value; }
void SetNansEqual(bool value = true) {
this->equal_options_ = equal_options_.nans_equal(value);
ArithmeticOptions options_ = ArithmeticOptions();
EqualOptions equal_options_ = EqualOptions::Defaults();
template <typename T>
class TestUnaryArithmeticIntegral : public TestUnaryArithmetic<T> {};
template <typename T>
class TestUnaryArithmeticSigned : public TestUnaryArithmeticIntegral<T> {};
template <typename T>
class TestUnaryArithmeticUnsigned : public TestUnaryArithmeticIntegral<T> {};
template <typename T>
class TestUnaryArithmeticFloating : public TestUnaryArithmetic<T> {};
template <typename T>
class TestBinaryArithmetic : public TestBase {
using ArrowType = T;
using CType = typename ArrowType::c_type;
static std::shared_ptr<DataType> type_singleton() {
return TypeTraits<ArrowType>::type_singleton();
using BinaryFunction = std::function<Result<Datum>(const Datum&, const Datum&,
ArithmeticOptions, ExecContext*)>;
void SetUp() override { options_.check_overflow = false; }
std::shared_ptr<Scalar> MakeNullScalar() {
return arrow::MakeNullScalar(type_singleton());
std::shared_ptr<Scalar> MakeScalar(CType value) {
return *arrow::MakeScalar(type_singleton(), value);
// (Scalar, Scalar)
void AssertBinop(BinaryFunction func, CType lhs, CType rhs, CType expected) {
auto left = MakeScalar(lhs);
auto right = MakeScalar(rhs);
auto exp = MakeScalar(expected);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto actual, func(left, right, options_, nullptr));
AssertScalarsApproxEqual(*exp, *actual.scalar(), /*verbose=*/true);
// (Scalar, Array)
void AssertBinop(BinaryFunction func, CType lhs, const std::string& rhs,
const std::string& expected) {
auto left = MakeScalar(lhs);
AssertBinop(func, left, rhs, expected);
// (Scalar, Array)
void AssertBinop(BinaryFunction func, const std::shared_ptr<Scalar>& left,
const std::string& rhs, const std::string& expected) {
auto right = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), rhs);
auto exp = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), expected);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto actual, func(left, right, options_, nullptr));
ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(actual.make_array(), expected);
// (Array, Scalar)
void AssertBinop(BinaryFunction func, const std::string& lhs, CType rhs,
const std::string& expected) {
auto right = MakeScalar(rhs);
AssertBinop(func, lhs, right, expected);
// (Array, Scalar)
void AssertBinop(BinaryFunction func, const std::string& lhs,
const std::shared_ptr<Scalar>& right, const std::string& expected) {
auto left = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), lhs);
auto exp = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), expected);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto actual, func(left, right, options_, nullptr));
ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(actual.make_array(), expected);
// (Array, Array)
void AssertBinop(BinaryFunction func, const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs,
const std::string& expected) {
auto left = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), lhs);
auto right = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), rhs);
AssertBinop(func, left, right, expected);
// (Array, Array)
void AssertBinop(BinaryFunction func, const std::shared_ptr<Array>& left,
const std::shared_ptr<Array>& right,
const std::string& expected_json) {
const auto expected = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), expected_json);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(Datum actual, func(left, right, options_, nullptr));
ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(actual.make_array(), expected);
// Also check (Scalar, Scalar) operations
const int64_t length = expected->length();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const auto expected_scalar = *expected->GetScalar(i);
actual, func(*left->GetScalar(i), *right->GetScalar(i), options_, nullptr));
AssertScalarsApproxEqual(*expected_scalar, *actual.scalar(), /*verbose=*/true,
void AssertBinopRaises(BinaryFunction func, const std::string& lhs,
const std::string& rhs, const std::string& expected_msg) {
auto left = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), lhs);
auto right = ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), rhs);
EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(Invalid, testing::HasSubstr(expected_msg),
func(left, right, options_, nullptr));
void ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& actual,
const std::string& expected) {
ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(actual, ArrayFromJSON(type_singleton(), expected));
void ValidateAndAssertApproxEqual(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& actual,
const std::shared_ptr<Array>& expected) {
AssertArraysApproxEqual(*expected, *actual, /*verbose=*/true, equal_options_);
void SetOverflowCheck(bool value = true) { options_.check_overflow = value; }
void SetNansEqual(bool value = true) {
this->equal_options_ = equal_options_.nans_equal(value);
ArithmeticOptions options_ = ArithmeticOptions();
EqualOptions equal_options_ = EqualOptions::Defaults();
template <typename... Elements>
std::string MakeArray(Elements... elements) {
std::vector<std::string> elements_as_strings = {std::to_string(elements)...};
std::vector<util::string_view> elements_as_views(sizeof...(Elements));
std::copy(elements_as_strings.begin(), elements_as_strings.end(),
return "[" + ::arrow::internal::JoinStrings(elements_as_views, ",") + "]";
template <typename T>
class TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral : public TestBinaryArithmetic<T> {};
template <typename T>
class TestBinaryArithmeticSigned : public TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral<T> {};
template <typename T>
class TestBinaryArithmeticUnsigned : public TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral<T> {};
template <typename T>
class TestBinaryArithmeticFloating : public TestBinaryArithmetic<T> {};
// InputType - OutputType pairs
using IntegralTypes = testing::Types<Int8Type, Int16Type, Int32Type, Int64Type, UInt8Type,
UInt16Type, UInt32Type, UInt64Type>;
using SignedIntegerTypes = testing::Types<Int8Type, Int16Type, Int32Type, Int64Type>;
using UnsignedIntegerTypes =
testing::Types<UInt8Type, UInt16Type, UInt32Type, UInt64Type>;
// TODO(kszucs): add half-float
using FloatingTypes = testing::Types<FloatType, DoubleType>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestUnaryArithmeticIntegral, IntegralTypes);
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestUnaryArithmeticSigned, SignedIntegerTypes);
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestUnaryArithmeticUnsigned, UnsignedIntegerTypes);
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestUnaryArithmeticFloating, FloatingTypes);
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, IntegralTypes);
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, SignedIntegerTypes);
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestBinaryArithmeticUnsigned, UnsignedIntegerTypes);
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestBinaryArithmeticFloating, FloatingTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, Add) {
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[]", "[]", "[]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[3, 2, 6]", "[1, 0, 2]", "[4, 2, 8]");
// Nulls on left side
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 1, null]", "[3, 4, 5]", "[null, 5, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[3, 4, 5]", "[null, 1, null]", "[null, 5, null]");
// Nulls on both sides
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 1, 2]", "[3, 4, null]", "[null, 5, null]");
// All nulls
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null]", "[null]", "[null]");
// Scalar on the left
this->AssertBinop(Add, 3, "[1, 2]", "[4, 5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, 3, "[null, 2]", "[null, 5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[1, 2]", "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, 2]", "[null, null]");
// Scalar on the right
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[1, 2]", 3, "[4, 5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 2]", 3, "[null, 5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[1, 2]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 2]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, Sub) {
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[]", "[]", "[]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[3, 2, 6]", "[1, 0, 2]", "[2, 2, 4]");
// Nulls on left side
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 4, null]", "[2, 1, 0]", "[null, 3, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[5, 4, 3]", "[null, 1, null]", "[null, 3, null]");
// Nulls on both sides
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 4, 3]", "[2, 1, null]", "[null, 3, null]");
// All nulls
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null]", "[null]", "[null]");
// Scalar on the left
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, 3, "[1, 2]", "[2, 1]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, 3, "[null, 2]", "[null, 1]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[1, 2]", "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, 2]", "[null, null]");
// Scalar on the right
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[4, 5]", 3, "[1, 2]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 5]", 3, "[null, 2]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[1, 2]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 2]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
TEST(TestBinaryArithmetic, SubtractTimestamps) {
random::RandomArrayGenerator rand(kRandomSeed);
const int64_t length = 100;
auto lhs = rand.Int64(length, 0, 100000000);
auto rhs = rand.Int64(length, 0, 100000000);
auto expected_int64 = (*Subtract(lhs, rhs)).make_array();
for (auto unit : internal::AllTimeUnits()) {
auto timestamp_ty = timestamp(unit);
auto duration_ty = duration(unit);
auto lhs_timestamp = *lhs->View(timestamp_ty);
auto rhs_timestamp = *rhs->View(timestamp_ty);
auto result = (*Subtract(lhs_timestamp, rhs_timestamp)).make_array();
AssertArraysEqual(**result->View(int64()), *expected_int64);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, Mul) {
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[]", "[]", "[]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[3, 2, 6]", "[1, 0, 2]", "[3, 0, 12]");
// Nulls on left side
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 2, null]", "[4, 5, 6]", "[null, 10, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[4, 5, 6]", "[null, 2, null]", "[null, 10, null]");
// Nulls on both sides
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 2, 3]", "[4, 5, null]", "[null, 10, null]");
// All nulls
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null]", "[null]", "[null]");
// Scalar on the left
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, 3, "[4, 5]", "[12, 15]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, 3, "[null, 5]", "[null, 15]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[1, 2]", "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, 2]", "[null, null]");
// Scalar on the right
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[4, 5]", 3, "[12, 15]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 5]", 3, "[null, 15]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[1, 2]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 2]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, Add) {
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[-7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]", "[-6, 5, -4, 3, -2, 1, 0]",
"[-13, 11, 1, 7, 1, 3, 1]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, -1, "[-6, 5, -4, 3, -2, 1, 0]", "[-7, 4, -5, 2, -3, 0, -1]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, -10, 5, -5);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, OverflowWraps) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, MakeArray(min, max, min), MakeArray(1, max, max),
MakeArray(max, 0, 1));
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, MakeArray(min, max, max), MakeArray(max, 2, max),
MakeArray(min, CType(-2), 1));
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, OverflowRaises) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
this->AssertBinopRaises(Add, MakeArray(min, max, max), MakeArray(CType(-1), 1, max),
this->AssertBinopRaises(Subtract, MakeArray(min, max), MakeArray(1, max), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Subtract, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(max), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(min, max, max), MakeArray(max, 2, max),
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, AddOverflowRaises) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
this->AssertBinop(Add, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(-1), MakeArray(max - 1));
this->AssertBinop(Add, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(1), MakeArray(min + 1));
this->AssertBinop(Add, MakeArray(-1), MakeArray(2), MakeArray(1));
this->AssertBinop(Add, MakeArray(1), MakeArray(-2), MakeArray(-1));
this->AssertBinopRaises(Add, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(1), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Add, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(-1), "overflow");
// Overflow should not be checked on underlying value slots when output would be null
auto left = ArrayFromJSON(this->type_singleton(), MakeArray(1, max, min));
auto right = ArrayFromJSON(this->type_singleton(), MakeArray(1, 1, -1));
left = TweakValidityBit(left, 1, false);
right = TweakValidityBit(right, 2, false);
this->AssertBinop(Add, left, right, "[2, null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, SubOverflowRaises) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(1), MakeArray(max - 1));
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(-1), MakeArray(min + 1));
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, MakeArray(-1), MakeArray(-2), MakeArray(1));
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, MakeArray(1), MakeArray(2), MakeArray(-1));
this->AssertBinopRaises(Subtract, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(-1), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Subtract, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(1), "overflow");
// Overflow should not be checked on underlying value slots when output would be null
auto left = ArrayFromJSON(this->type_singleton(), MakeArray(2, max, min));
auto right = ArrayFromJSON(this->type_singleton(), MakeArray(1, -1, 1));
left = TweakValidityBit(left, 1, false);
right = TweakValidityBit(right, 2, false);
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, left, right, "[1, null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, MulOverflowRaises) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(-1), MakeArray(min + 1));
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, MakeArray(max / 2), MakeArray(-2), MakeArray(min + 2));
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(2), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(max / 2), MakeArray(3), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(max / 2), MakeArray(-3), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(2), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(min / 2), MakeArray(3), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(-1), "overflow");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Multiply, MakeArray(min / 2), MakeArray(-2), "overflow");
// Overflow should not be checked on underlying value slots when output would be null
auto left = ArrayFromJSON(this->type_singleton(), MakeArray(2, max, min / 2));
auto right = ArrayFromJSON(this->type_singleton(), MakeArray(1, 2, 3));
left = TweakValidityBit(left, 1, false);
right = TweakValidityBit(right, 2, false);
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, left, right, "[2, null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticUnsigned, OverflowWraps) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
this->AssertBinop(Add, MakeArray(min, max, max), MakeArray(CType(-1), 1, max),
MakeArray(max, min, CType(-2)));
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, MakeArray(min, max, min), MakeArray(1, max, max),
MakeArray(max, 0, 1));
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, MakeArray(min, max, max), MakeArray(max, 2, max),
MakeArray(min, CType(-2), 1));
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, Sub) {
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]", "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]",
"[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]", "[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]",
"[-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[10, 12, 4, 50, 50, 32, 11]", "[2, 0, 6, 1, 5, 3, 4]",
"[8, 12, -2, 49, 45, 29, 7]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 1, 3, null, 2, 5]", "[1, 4, 2, 5, 0, 3]",
"[null, -3, 1, null, 2, 2]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, Mul) {
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[-10, 12, 4, 50, -5, 32, 11]", "[-2, 0, -6, 1, 5, 3, 4]",
"[20, 0, -24, 50, -25, 96, 44]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, -2, "[-10, 12, 4, 50, -5, 32, 11]",
"[20, -24, -8, -100, 10, -64, -22]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, -5, -5, 25);
// NOTE: cannot test Inf / -Inf (ARROW-9495)
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticFloating, Add) {
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[]", "[]", "[]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[1.5, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3]", "[3.5, -2.5]");
// Nulls on the left
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3]", "[null, -2.5]");
// Nulls on the right
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[1.5, 0.5]", "[null, -3]", "[null, -2.5]");
// Nulls on both sides
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 1.5, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3, null]", "[null, -1.5, null]");
// Scalar on the left
this->AssertBinop(Add, -1.5f, "[0.0, 2.0]", "[-1.5, 0.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, -1.5f, "[null, 2.0]", "[null, 0.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[0.0, 2.0]", "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, 2.0]", "[null, null]");
// Scalar on the right
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[0.0, 2.0]", -1.5f, "[-1.5, 0.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 2.0]", -1.5f, "[null, 0.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[0.0, 2.0]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Add, "[null, 2.0]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticFloating, Div) {
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
// Empty arrays
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[]", "[]", "[]");
// Ordinary arrays
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[3.4, 0.64, 1.28]", "[1, 2, 4]", "[3.4, 0.32, 0.32]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[null, 1, 3.3, null, 2]", "[1, 4, 2, 5, 0.1]",
"[null, 0.25, 1.65, null, 20]");
// Scalar divides by array
this->AssertBinop(Divide, 10.0F, "[null, 1, 2.5, null, 2, 5]",
"[null, 10, 4, null, 5, 2]");
// Array divides by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[null, 1, 2.5, null, 2, 5]", 10.0F,
"[null, 0.1, 0.25, null, 0.2, 0.5]");
// Array with infinity
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[3.4, Inf, -Inf]", "[1, 2, 3]", "[3.4, Inf, -Inf]");
// Array with NaN
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[3.4, NaN, 2.0]", "[1, 2, 2.0]", "[3.4, NaN, 1.0]");
// Scalar divides by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Divide, 21.0F, 3.0F, 7.0F);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, Div) {
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
// Empty arrays
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[]", "[]", "[]");
// Ordinary arrays
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[3, 2, 6]", "[1, 1, 2]", "[3, 2, 3]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[null, 10, 30, null, 20]", "[1, 4, 2, 5, 10]",
"[null, 2, 15, null, 2]");
// Scalar divides by array
this->AssertBinop(Divide, 33, "[null, 1, 3, null, 2]", "[null, 33, 11, null, 16]");
// Array divides by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[null, 10, 30, null, 2]", 3, "[null, 3, 10, null, 0]");
// Scalar divides by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Divide, 16, 7, 2);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, Div) {
// Ordinary arrays
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[-3, 2, -6]", "[1, 1, 2]", "[-3, 2, -3]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[null, 10, 30, null, -20]", "[1, 4, 2, 5, 10]",
"[null, 2, 15, null, -2]");
// Scalar divides by array
this->AssertBinop(Divide, 33, "[null, -1, -3, null, 2]", "[null, -33, -11, null, 16]");
// Array divides by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[null, 10, 30, null, 2]", 3, "[null, 3, 10, null, 0]");
// Scalar divides by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Divide, -16, -8, 2);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, DivideByZero) {
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
this->AssertBinopRaises(Divide, "[3, 2, 6]", "[1, 1, 0]", "divide by zero");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticFloating, DivideByZero) {
this->AssertBinopRaises(Divide, "[3.0, 2.0, 6.0]", "[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]", "divide by zero");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Divide, "[3.0, 2.0, 0.0]", "[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]", "divide by zero");
this->AssertBinopRaises(Divide, "[3.0, 2.0, -6.0]", "[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]",
"divide by zero");
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[3.0, 2.0, 6.0]", "[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]", "[3.0, 2.0, Inf]");
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[3.0, 2.0, 0.0]", "[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]", "[3.0, 2.0, NaN]");
this->AssertBinop(Divide, "[3.0, 2.0, -6.0]", "[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]", "[3.0, 2.0, -Inf]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, DivideOverflowRaises) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
this->AssertBinopRaises(Divide, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(-1), "overflow");
this->AssertBinop(Divide, MakeArray(min), MakeArray(-1), "[0]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticFloating, Power) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
// Empty arrays
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[]", "[]", "[]");
// Ordinary arrays
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[3.4, 16, 0.64, 1.2, 0]", "[1, 0.5, 2, 4, 0]",
"[3.4, 4, 0.4096, 2.0736, 1]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[null, 1, 3.3, null, 2]", "[1, 4, 2, 5, 0.1]",
"[null, 1, 10.89, null, 1.07177346]");
// Scalar exponentiated by array
this->AssertBinop(Power, 10.0F, "[null, 1, 2.5, null, 2, 5]",
"[null, 10, 316.227766017, null, 100, 100000]");
// Array exponentiated by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[null, 1, 2.5, null, 2, 5]", 10.0F,
"[null, 1, 9536.74316406, null, 1024, 9765625]");
// Array with infinity
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[3.4, Inf, -Inf, 1.1, 100000]", "[1, 2, 3, Inf, 100000]",
"[3.4, Inf, -Inf, Inf, Inf]");
// Array with NaN
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[3.4, NaN, 2.0]", "[1, 2, 2.0]", "[3.4, NaN, 4.0]");
// Scalar exponentiated by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Power, 21.0F, 3.0F, 9261.0F);
// Divide by zero
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[0.0, 0.0]", "[-1.0, -3.0]", "[Inf, Inf]");
// Check overflow behaviour
this->AssertBinop(Power, max, 10, INFINITY);
// Edge cases - removing NaNs
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[1, NaN, 0, null, 1.2, -Inf, Inf, 1.1, 1, 0, 1, 0]",
"[NaN, 0, NaN, 1, null, 1, 2, -Inf, Inf, 0, 0, 42]",
"[1, 1, NaN, null, null, -Inf, Inf, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticIntegral, Power) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
// Empty arrays
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[]", "[]", "[]");
// Ordinary arrays
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[3, 2, 6, 2]", "[1, 1, 2, 0]", "[3, 2, 36, 1]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[null, 2, 3, null, 20]", "[1, 6, 2, 5, 1]",
"[null, 64, 9, null, 20]");
// Scalar exponentiated by array
this->AssertBinop(Power, 3, "[null, 3, 4, null, 2]", "[null, 27, 81, null, 9]");
// Array exponentiated by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[null, 10, 3, null, 2]", 2, "[null, 100, 9, null, 4]");
// Scalar exponentiated by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Power, 4, 3, 64);
// Edge cases
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[0, 1, 0]", "[0, 0, 42]", "[1, 1, 0]");
// Overflow raises
this->AssertBinopRaises(Power, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(10), "overflow");
// Disable overflow check
this->AssertBinop(Power, max, 10, 1);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticSigned, Power) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
// Empty arrays
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[]", "[]", "[]");
// Ordinary arrays
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[-3, 2, -6, 2]", "[3, 1, 2, 0]", "[-27, 2, 36, 1]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[null, 10, 127, null, -20]", "[1, 2, 1, 5, 1]",
"[null, 100, 127, null, -20]");
// Scalar exponentiated by array
this->AssertBinop(Power, 11, "[null, 1, null, 2]", "[null, 11, null, 121]");
// Array exponentiated by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[null, 1, 3, null, 2]", 3, "[null, 1, 27, null, 8]");
// Scalar exponentiated by scalar
this->AssertBinop(Power, 16, 1, 16);
// Edge cases
this->AssertBinop(Power, "[1, 0, -1, 2]", "[0, 42, 0, 1]", "[1, 0, 1, 2]");
// Divide by zero raises
this->AssertBinopRaises(Power, MakeArray(0), MakeArray(-1),
"integers to negative integer powers are not allowed");
// Overflow raises
this->AssertBinopRaises(Power, MakeArray(max), MakeArray(10), "overflow");
// Disable overflow check
this->AssertBinop(Power, max, 10, 1);
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticFloating, Sub) {
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[]", "[]", "[]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[1.5, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3]", "[-0.5, 3.5]");
// Nulls on the left
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3]", "[null, 3.5]");
// Nulls on the right
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[1.5, 0.5]", "[null, -3]", "[null, 3.5]");
// Nulls on both sides
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 1.5, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3, null]", "[null, 4.5, null]");
// Scalar on the left
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, -1.5f, "[0.0, 2.0]", "[-1.5, -3.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, -1.5f, "[null, 2.0]", "[null, -3.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[0.0, 2.0]", "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, 2.0]", "[null, null]");
// Scalar on the right
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[0.0, 2.0]", -1.5f, "[1.5, 3.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 2.0]", -1.5f, "[null, 3.5]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[0.0, 2.0]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Subtract, "[null, 2.0]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestBinaryArithmeticFloating, Mul) {
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[]", "[]", "[]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[1.5, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3]", "[3.0, -1.5]");
// Nulls on the left
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3]", "[null, -1.5]");
// Nulls on the right
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[1.5, 0.5]", "[null, -3]", "[null, -1.5]");
// Nulls on both sides
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 1.5, 0.5]", "[2.0, -3, null]",
"[null, -4.5, null]");
// Scalar on the left
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, -1.5f, "[0.0, 2.0]", "[0.0, -3.0]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, -1.5f, "[null, 2.0]", "[null, -3.0]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[0.0, 2.0]", "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, 2.0]", "[null, null]");
// Scalar on the right
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[0.0, 2.0]", -1.5f, "[0.0, -3.0]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 2.0]", -1.5f, "[null, -3.0]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[0.0, 2.0]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
this->AssertBinop(Multiply, "[null, 2.0]", this->MakeNullScalar(), "[null, null]");
TEST(TestBinaryArithmetic, DispatchBest) {
for (std::string name : {"add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide", "power"}) {
for (std::string suffix : {"", "_checked"}) {
name += suffix;
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), int32()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), null()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {null(), int32()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), int8()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), int16()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), int32()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), int64()}, {int64(), int64()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), uint8()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), uint16()}, {int32(), int32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), uint32()}, {int64(), int64()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), uint64()}, {int64(), int64()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {uint8(), uint8()}, {uint8(), uint8()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {uint8(), uint16()}, {uint16(), uint16()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {int32(), float32()}, {float32(), float32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {float32(), int64()}, {float32(), float32()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {float64(), int32()}, {float64(), float64()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {dictionary(int8(), float64()), float64()},
{float64(), float64()});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {dictionary(int8(), float64()), int16()},
{float64(), float64()});
TEST(TestBinaryArithmetic, AddWithImplicitCasts) {
CheckScalarBinary("add", ArrayFromJSON(int32(), "[0, 1, 2, null]"),
ArrayFromJSON(float64(), "[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]"),
ArrayFromJSON(float64(), "[0.25, 1.5, 2.75, null]"));
CheckScalarBinary("add", ArrayFromJSON(int8(), "[-16, 0, 16, null]"),
ArrayFromJSON(uint32(), "[3, 4, 5, 7]"),
ArrayFromJSON(int64(), "[-13, 4, 21, null]"));
ArrayFromJSON(dictionary(int32(), int32()), "[8, 6, 3, null, 2]"),
ArrayFromJSON(uint32(), "[3, 4, 5, 7, 0]"),
ArrayFromJSON(int64(), "[11, 10, 8, null, 2]"));
CheckScalarBinary("add", ArrayFromJSON(int32(), "[0, 1, 2, null]"),
ArrayFromJSON(int32(), "[null, null, null, null]"));
CheckScalarBinary("add", ArrayFromJSON(dictionary(int32(), int8()), "[0, 1, 2, null]"),
ArrayFromJSON(uint32(), "[3, 4, 5, 7]"),
ArrayFromJSON(int64(), "[3, 5, 7, null]"));
TEST(TestBinaryArithmetic, AddWithImplicitCastsUint64EdgeCase) {
// int64 is as wide as we can promote
CheckDispatchBest("add", {int8(), uint64()}, {int64(), int64()});
// this works sometimes
CheckScalarBinary("add", ArrayFromJSON(int8(), "[-1]"), ArrayFromJSON(uint64(), "[0]"),
ArrayFromJSON(int64(), "[-1]"));
// ... but it can result in impossible implicit casts in the presence of uint64, since
// some uint64 values cannot be cast to int64:
CallFunction("add", {ArrayFromJSON(int64(), "[-1]"),
ArrayFromJSON(uint64(), "[18446744073709551615]")}));
TEST(TestUnaryArithmetic, DispatchBest) {
for (std::string name : {"negate"}) {
for (const auto& ty : {int8(), int16(), int32(), int64(), uint8(), uint16(), uint32(),
uint64(), float32(), float64()}) {
CheckDispatchBest(name, {ty}, {ty});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {dictionary(int8(), ty)}, {ty});
for (std::string name : {"negate_checked"}) {
for (const auto& ty : {int8(), int16(), int32(), int64(), float32(), float64()}) {
CheckDispatchBest(name, {ty}, {ty});
CheckDispatchBest(name, {dictionary(int8(), ty)}, {ty});
for (std::string name : {"negate", "negate_checked"}) {
CheckDispatchFails(name, {null()});
TYPED_TEST(TestUnaryArithmeticSigned, Negate) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::min();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
// Empty arrays
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[]", "[]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[null]", "[null]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, this->MakeNullScalar(), this->MakeNullScalar());
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[1, null, -10]", "[-1, null, 10]");
// Arrays with zeros
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[0, 0, -0]", "[0, -0, 0]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, 0, -0);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, -0, 0);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, 0, 0);
// Ordinary arrays (positive inputs)
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[1, 10, 127]", "[-1, -10, -127]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, 1, -1);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, this->MakeScalar(1), this->MakeScalar(-1));
// Ordinary arrays (negative inputs)
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[-1, -10, -127]", "[1, 10, 127]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, -1, 1);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, MakeArray(-1), "[1]");
// Min/max (wrap arounds and overflow)
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, max, min + 1);
if (check_overflow) {
this->AssertUnaryOpRaises(Negate, MakeArray(min), "overflow");
} else {
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, min, min);
// Overflow should not be checked on underlying value slots when output would be null
auto arg = ArrayFromJSON(this->type_singleton(), MakeArray(1, max, min));
arg = TweakValidityBit(arg, 1, false);
arg = TweakValidityBit(arg, 2, false);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, arg, "[-1, null, null]");
TYPED_TEST(TestUnaryArithmeticUnsigned, Negate) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::min();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
// Empty arrays
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[]", "[]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[null]", "[null]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, this->MakeNullScalar(), this->MakeNullScalar());
// Min/max (wrap around)
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, min, min);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, max, 1);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, 1, max);
// Not implemented kernels
this->AssertUnaryOpNotImplemented(Negate, "[0]");
TYPED_TEST(TestUnaryArithmeticFloating, Negate) {
using CType = typename TestFixture::CType;
auto min = std::numeric_limits<CType>::lowest();
auto max = std::numeric_limits<CType>::max();
for (auto check_overflow : {false, true}) {
// Empty arrays
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[]", "[]");
// Array with nulls
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[null]", "[null]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, this->MakeNullScalar(), this->MakeNullScalar());
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[1.3, null, -10.80]", "[-1.3, null, 10.80]");
// Arrays with zeros
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[0.0, 0.0, -0.0]", "[0.0, -0.0, 0.0]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, 0.0F, -0.0F);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, -0.0F, 0.0F);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, 0.0F, 0.0F);
// Ordinary arrays (positive inputs)
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[1.3, 10.80, 12748.001]", "[-1.3, -10.80, -12748.001]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, 1.3F, -1.3F);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, this->MakeScalar(1.3F), this->MakeScalar(-1.3F));
// Ordinary arrays (negative inputs)
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[-1.3, -10.80, -12748.001]", "[1.3, 10.80, 12748.001]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, -1.3F, 1.3F);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, MakeArray(-1.3F), "[1.3]");
// Arrays with infinites
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[Inf, -Inf]", "[-Inf, Inf]");
// Arrays with NaNs
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[NaN]", "[NaN]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[NaN]", "[-NaN]");
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, "[-NaN]", "[NaN]");
// Min/max
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, min, max);
this->AssertUnaryOp(Negate, max, min);
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow