blob: 7b394565f7dc40c58c3ce0e979e295b3ec540dc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/array/builder_binary.h"
#include "arrow/array/data.h"
#include "arrow/buffer.h"
#include "arrow/buffer_builder.h"
#include "arrow/compute/exec.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernel.h"
#include "arrow/datum.h"
#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/scalar.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/type.h"
#include "arrow/type_traits.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_block_counter.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_generate.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_reader.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_writer.h"
#include "arrow/util/checked_cast.h"
#include "arrow/util/decimal.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/make_unique.h"
#include "arrow/util/optional.h"
#include "arrow/util/string_view.h"
#include "arrow/visitor_inline.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::BinaryBitBlockCounter;
using internal::BitBlockCount;
using internal::BitmapReader;
using internal::checked_cast;
using internal::FirstTimeBitmapWriter;
using internal::GenerateBitsUnrolled;
using internal::VisitBitBlocksVoid;
using internal::VisitTwoBitBlocksVoid;
namespace compute {
namespace internal {
/// KernelState adapter for the common case of kernels whose only
/// state is an instance of a subclass of FunctionOptions.
/// Default FunctionOptions are *not* handled here.
template <typename OptionsType>
struct OptionsWrapper : public KernelState {
explicit OptionsWrapper(OptionsType options) : options(std::move(options)) {}
static Result<std::unique_ptr<KernelState>> Init(KernelContext* ctx,
const KernelInitArgs& args) {
if (auto options = static_cast<const OptionsType*>(args.options)) {
return ::arrow::internal::make_unique<OptionsWrapper>(*options);
return Status::Invalid(
"Attempted to initialize KernelState from null FunctionOptions");
static const OptionsType& Get(const KernelState& state) {
return ::arrow::internal::checked_cast<const OptionsWrapper&>(state).options;
static const OptionsType& Get(KernelContext* ctx) { return Get(*ctx->state()); }
OptionsType options;
/// KernelState adapter for when the state is an instance constructed with the
/// KernelContext and the FunctionOptions as argument
template <typename StateType, typename OptionsType>
struct KernelStateFromFunctionOptions : public KernelState {
explicit KernelStateFromFunctionOptions(KernelContext* ctx, OptionsType state)
: state(StateType(ctx, std::move(state))) {}
static Result<std::unique_ptr<KernelState>> Init(KernelContext* ctx,
const KernelInitArgs& args) {
if (auto options = static_cast<const OptionsType*>(args.options)) {
return ::arrow::internal::make_unique<KernelStateFromFunctionOptions>(ctx,
return Status::Invalid(
"Attempted to initialize KernelState from null FunctionOptions");
static const StateType& Get(const KernelState& state) {
return ::arrow::internal::checked_cast<const KernelStateFromFunctionOptions&>(state)
static const StateType& Get(KernelContext* ctx) { return Get(*ctx->state()); }
StateType state;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Input and output value type definitions
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct GetViewType;
template <typename Type>
struct GetViewType<Type, enable_if_has_c_type<Type>> {
using T = typename Type::c_type;
using PhysicalType = T;
static T LogicalValue(PhysicalType value) { return value; }
template <typename Type>
struct GetViewType<Type, enable_if_t<is_base_binary_type<Type>::value ||
is_fixed_size_binary_type<Type>::value>> {
using T = util::string_view;
using PhysicalType = T;
static T LogicalValue(PhysicalType value) { return value; }
template <>
struct GetViewType<Decimal128Type> {
using T = Decimal128;
using PhysicalType = util::string_view;
static T LogicalValue(PhysicalType value) {
return Decimal128(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
template <>
struct GetViewType<Decimal256Type> {
using T = Decimal256;
using PhysicalType = util::string_view;
static T LogicalValue(PhysicalType value) {
return Decimal256(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct GetOutputType;
template <typename Type>
struct GetOutputType<Type, enable_if_has_c_type<Type>> {
using T = typename Type::c_type;
template <typename Type>
struct GetOutputType<Type, enable_if_t<is_string_like_type<Type>::value>> {
using T = std::string;
template <>
struct GetOutputType<Decimal128Type> {
using T = Decimal128;
template <>
struct GetOutputType<Decimal256Type> {
using T = Decimal256;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iteration / value access utilities
template <typename T, typename R = void>
using enable_if_has_c_type_not_boolean =
enable_if_t<has_c_type<T>::value && !is_boolean_type<T>::value, R>;
// Iterator over various input array types, yielding a GetViewType<Type>
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct ArrayIterator;
template <typename Type>
struct ArrayIterator<Type, enable_if_has_c_type_not_boolean<Type>> {
using T = typename Type::c_type;
const T* values;
explicit ArrayIterator(const ArrayData& data) : values(data.GetValues<T>(1)) {}
T operator()() { return *values++; }
template <typename Type>
struct ArrayIterator<Type, enable_if_boolean<Type>> {
BitmapReader reader;
explicit ArrayIterator(const ArrayData& data)
: reader(data.buffers[1]->data(), data.offset, data.length) {}
bool operator()() {
bool out = reader.IsSet();
return out;
template <typename Type>
struct ArrayIterator<Type, enable_if_base_binary<Type>> {
using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
const ArrayData& arr;
const offset_type* offsets;
offset_type cur_offset;
const char* data;
int64_t position;
explicit ArrayIterator(const ArrayData& arr)
: arr(arr),
offsets(reinterpret_cast<const offset_type*>(arr.buffers[1]->data()) +
data(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(arr.buffers[2]->data())),
position(0) {}
util::string_view operator()() {
offset_type next_offset = offsets[++position];
auto result = util::string_view(data + cur_offset, next_offset - cur_offset);
cur_offset = next_offset;
return result;
// Iterator over various output array types, taking a GetOutputType<Type>
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct OutputArrayWriter;
template <typename Type>
struct OutputArrayWriter<Type, enable_if_has_c_type_not_boolean<Type>> {
using T = typename Type::c_type;
T* values;
explicit OutputArrayWriter(ArrayData* data) : values(data->GetMutableValues<T>(1)) {}
void Write(T value) { *values++ = value; }
// Note that this doesn't write the null bitmap, which should be consistent
// with Write / WriteNull calls
void WriteNull() { *values++ = T{}; }
// (Un)box Scalar to / from C++ value
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct UnboxScalar;
template <typename Type>
struct UnboxScalar<Type, enable_if_has_c_type<Type>> {
using T = typename Type::c_type;
static T Unbox(const Scalar& val) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
checked_cast<const ::arrow::internal::PrimitiveScalarBase&>(val).data());
template <typename Type>
struct UnboxScalar<Type, enable_if_base_binary<Type>> {
static util::string_view Unbox(const Scalar& val) {
if (!val.is_valid) return util::string_view();
return util::string_view(*checked_cast<const BaseBinaryScalar&>(val).value);
template <>
struct UnboxScalar<Decimal128Type> {
static Decimal128 Unbox(const Scalar& val) {
return checked_cast<const Decimal128Scalar&>(val).value;
template <>
struct UnboxScalar<Decimal256Type> {
static Decimal256 Unbox(const Scalar& val) {
return checked_cast<const Decimal256Scalar&>(val).value;
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct BoxScalar;
template <typename Type>
struct BoxScalar<Type, enable_if_has_c_type<Type>> {
using T = typename GetOutputType<Type>::T;
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
static void Box(T val, Scalar* out) { checked_cast<ScalarType*>(out)->value = val; }
template <typename Type>
struct BoxScalar<Type, enable_if_base_binary<Type>> {
using T = typename GetOutputType<Type>::T;
using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
static void Box(T val, Scalar* out) {
checked_cast<ScalarType*>(out)->value = std::make_shared<Buffer>(val);
template <>
struct BoxScalar<Decimal128Type> {
using T = Decimal128;
using ScalarType = Decimal128Scalar;
static void Box(T val, Scalar* out) { checked_cast<ScalarType*>(out)->value = val; }
template <>
struct BoxScalar<Decimal256Type> {
using T = Decimal256;
using ScalarType = Decimal256Scalar;
static void Box(T val, Scalar* out) { checked_cast<ScalarType*>(out)->value = val; }
// A VisitArrayDataInline variant that calls its visitor function with logical
// values, such as Decimal128 rather than util::string_view.
template <typename T, typename VisitFunc, typename NullFunc>
static typename arrow::internal::call_traits::enable_if_return<VisitFunc, void>::type
VisitArrayValuesInline(const ArrayData& arr, VisitFunc&& valid_func,
NullFunc&& null_func) {
[&](typename GetViewType<T>::PhysicalType v) {
template <typename T, typename VisitFunc, typename NullFunc>
static typename arrow::internal::call_traits::enable_if_return<VisitFunc, Status>::type
VisitArrayValuesInline(const ArrayData& arr, VisitFunc&& valid_func,
NullFunc&& null_func) {
[&](typename GetViewType<T>::PhysicalType v) {
return valid_func(GetViewType<T>::LogicalValue(std::move(v)));
// Like VisitArrayValuesInline, but for binary functions.
template <typename Arg0Type, typename Arg1Type, typename VisitFunc, typename NullFunc>
static void VisitTwoArrayValuesInline(const ArrayData& arr0, const ArrayData& arr1,
VisitFunc&& valid_func, NullFunc&& null_func) {
ArrayIterator<Arg0Type> arr0_it(arr0);
ArrayIterator<Arg1Type> arr1_it(arr1);
auto visit_valid = [&](int64_t i) {
auto visit_null = [&]() {
VisitTwoBitBlocksVoid(arr0.buffers[0], arr0.offset, arr1.buffers[0], arr1.offset,
arr0.length, std::move(visit_valid), std::move(visit_null));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reusable type resolvers
Result<ValueDescr> FirstType(KernelContext*, const std::vector<ValueDescr>& descrs);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate an array kernel given template classes
Status ExecFail(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out);
ArrayKernelExec MakeFlippedBinaryExec(ArrayKernelExec exec);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers for iterating over common DataType instances for adding kernels to
// functions
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& BaseBinaryTypes();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& StringTypes();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& SignedIntTypes();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& UnsignedIntTypes();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& IntTypes();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& FloatingPointTypes();
const std::vector<Type::type>& DecimalTypeIds();
const std::vector<TimeUnit::type>& AllTimeUnits();
// Returns a vector of example instances of parametric types such as
// * Decimal
// * Timestamp (requiring unit)
// * Time32 (requiring unit)
// * Time64 (requiring unit)
// * Duration (requiring unit)
// * List, LargeList, FixedSizeList
// * Struct
// * Union
// * Dictionary
// * Map
// Generally kernels will use the "FirstType" OutputType::Resolver above for
// the OutputType of the kernel's signature and match::SameTypeId for the
// corresponding InputType
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& ExampleParametricTypes();
// Number types without boolean
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& NumericTypes();
// Temporal types including time and timestamps for each unit
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& TemporalTypes();
// Integer, floating point, base binary, and temporal
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataType>>& PrimitiveTypes();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Applicators" take an operator definition (which may be scalar-valued or
// array-valued) and creates an ArrayKernelExec which can be used to add an
// ArrayKernel to a Function.
namespace applicator {
// Generate an ArrayKernelExec given a functor that handles all of its own
// iteration, etc.
// Operator must implement
// static Status Call(KernelContext*, const ArrayData& in, ArrayData* out)
// static Status Call(KernelContext*, const Scalar& in, Scalar* out)
template <typename Operator>
static Status SimpleUnary(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::SCALAR) {
return Operator::Call(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), out->scalar().get());
} else if (batch.length > 0) {
return Operator::Call(ctx, *batch[0].array(), out->mutable_array());
return Status::OK();
// Generate an ArrayKernelExec given a functor that handles all of its own
// iteration, etc.
// Operator must implement
// static Status Call(KernelContext*, const ArrayData& arg0, const ArrayData& arg1,
// ArrayData* out)
// static Status Call(KernelContext*, const ArrayData& arg0, const Scalar& arg1,
// ArrayData* out)
// static Status Call(KernelContext*, const Scalar& arg0, const ArrayData& arg1,
// ArrayData* out)
// static Status Call(KernelContext*, const Scalar& arg0, const Scalar& arg1,
// Scalar* out)
template <typename Operator>
static Status SimpleBinary(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (batch.length == 0) return Status::OK();
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
if (batch[1].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return Operator::Call(ctx, *batch[0].array(), *batch[1].array(),
} else {
return Operator::Call(ctx, *batch[0].array(), *batch[1].scalar(),
} else {
if (batch[1].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return Operator::Call(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), *batch[1].array(),
} else {
return Operator::Call(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), *batch[1].scalar(),
// OutputAdapter allows passing an inlineable lambda that provides a sequence
// of output values to write into output memory. Boolean and primitive outputs
// are currently implemented, and the validity bitmap is presumed to be handled
// at a higher level, so this writes into every output slot, null or not.
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct OutputAdapter;
template <typename Type>
struct OutputAdapter<Type, enable_if_boolean<Type>> {
template <typename Generator>
static Status Write(KernelContext*, Datum* out, Generator&& generator) {
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
auto out_bitmap = out_arr->buffers[1]->mutable_data();
GenerateBitsUnrolled(out_bitmap, out_arr->offset, out_arr->length,
return Status::OK();
template <typename Type>
struct OutputAdapter<Type, enable_if_has_c_type_not_boolean<Type>> {
template <typename Generator>
static Status Write(KernelContext*, Datum* out, Generator&& generator) {
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
auto out_data = out_arr->GetMutableValues<typename Type::c_type>(1);
// TODO: Is this as fast as a more explicitly inlined function?
for (int64_t i = 0; i < out_arr->length; ++i) {
*out_data++ = generator();
return Status::OK();
template <typename Type>
struct OutputAdapter<Type, enable_if_base_binary<Type>> {
template <typename Generator>
static Status Write(KernelContext* ctx, Datum* out, Generator&& generator) {
return Status::NotImplemented("NYI");
// A kernel exec generator for unary functions that addresses both array and
// scalar inputs and dispatches input iteration and output writing to other
// templates
// This template executes the operator even on the data behind null values,
// therefore it is generally only suitable for operators that are safe to apply
// even on the null slot values.
// The "Op" functor should have the form
// struct Op {
// template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value>
// static OutValue Call(KernelContext* ctx, Arg0Value val, Status* st) {
// // implementation
// // NOTE: "status" should only populated with errors,
// // leave it unmodified to indicate Status::OK()
// }
// };
template <typename OutType, typename Arg0Type, typename Op>
struct ScalarUnary {
using OutValue = typename GetOutputType<OutType>::T;
using Arg0Value = typename GetViewType<Arg0Type>::T;
static Status ExecArray(KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0, Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
ArrayIterator<Arg0Type> arg0_it(arg0);
RETURN_NOT_OK(OutputAdapter<OutType>::Write(ctx, out, [&]() -> OutValue {
return Op::template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value>(ctx, arg0_it(), &st);
return st;
static Status ExecScalar(KernelContext* ctx, const Scalar& arg0, Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
Scalar* out_scalar = out->scalar().get();
if (arg0.is_valid) {
Arg0Value arg0_val = UnboxScalar<Arg0Type>::Unbox(arg0);
out_scalar->is_valid = true;
BoxScalar<OutType>::Box(Op::template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value>(ctx, arg0_val, &st),
} else {
out_scalar->is_valid = false;
return st;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return ExecArray(ctx, *batch[0].array(), out);
} else {
return ExecScalar(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), out);
// An alternative to ScalarUnary that Applies a scalar operation with state on
// only the not-null values of a single array
template <typename OutType, typename Arg0Type, typename Op>
struct ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful {
using ThisType = ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<OutType, Arg0Type, Op>;
using OutValue = typename GetOutputType<OutType>::T;
using Arg0Value = typename GetViewType<Arg0Type>::T;
Op op;
explicit ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful(Op op) : op(std::move(op)) {}
// NOTE: In ArrayExec<Type>, Type is really OutputType
template <typename Type, typename Enable = void>
struct ArrayExec {
static Status Exec(const ThisType& functor, KernelContext* ctx,
const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
ARROW_LOG(FATAL) << "Missing ArrayExec specialization for output type "
<< out->type();
return Status::NotImplemented("NYI");
template <typename Type>
struct ArrayExec<
Type, enable_if_t<has_c_type<Type>::value && !is_boolean_type<Type>::value>> {
static Status Exec(const ThisType& functor, KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
auto out_data = out_arr->GetMutableValues<OutValue>(1);
[&](Arg0Value v) {
*out_data++ = functor.op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value>(ctx, v, &st);
[&]() {
// null
return st;
template <typename Type>
struct ArrayExec<Type, enable_if_base_binary<Type>> {
static Status Exec(const ThisType& functor, KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0,
Datum* out) {
// NOTE: This code is not currently used by any kernels and has
// suboptimal performance because it's recomputing the validity bitmap
// that is already computed by the kernel execution layer. Consider
// writing a lower-level "output adapter" for base binary types.
typename TypeTraits<Type>::BuilderType builder;
Status st = Status::OK();
arg0, [&](Arg0Value v) { return builder.Append(functor.op.Call(ctx, v, &st)); },
[&]() { return builder.AppendNull(); }));
if (st.ok()) {
std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> result;
out->value = std::move(result);
return st;
template <typename Type>
struct ArrayExec<Type, enable_if_t<is_boolean_type<Type>::value>> {
static Status Exec(const ThisType& functor, KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
FirstTimeBitmapWriter out_writer(out_arr->buffers[1]->mutable_data(),
out_arr->offset, out_arr->length);
[&](Arg0Value v) {
if (functor.op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value>(ctx, v, &st)) {
[&]() {
// null
return st;
template <typename Type>
struct ArrayExec<Type, enable_if_decimal<Type>> {
static Status Exec(const ThisType& functor, KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
ArrayData* out_arr = out->mutable_array();
// Decimal128 data buffers are not safely reinterpret_cast-able on big-endian
using endian_agnostic =
std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType::ValueType)>;
auto out_data = out_arr->GetMutableValues<endian_agnostic>(1);
[&](Arg0Value v) {
functor.op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value>(ctx, v, &st)
[&]() { ++out_data; });
return st;
Status Scalar(KernelContext* ctx, const Scalar& arg0, Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
if (arg0.is_valid) {
Arg0Value arg0_val = UnboxScalar<Arg0Type>::Unbox(arg0);
this->op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value>(ctx, arg0_val, &st),
return st;
Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return ArrayExec<OutType>::Exec(*this, ctx, *batch[0].array(), out);
} else {
return Scalar(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), out);
// An alternative to ScalarUnary that Applies a scalar operation on only the
// not-null values of a single array. The operator is not stateful; if the
// operator requires some initialization use ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful
template <typename OutType, typename Arg0Type, typename Op>
struct ScalarUnaryNotNull {
using OutValue = typename GetOutputType<OutType>::T;
using Arg0Value = typename GetViewType<Arg0Type>::T;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
// Seed kernel with dummy state
ScalarUnaryNotNullStateful<OutType, Arg0Type, Op> kernel({});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// A kernel exec generator for binary functions that addresses both array and
// scalar inputs and dispatches input iteration and output writing to other
// templates
// This template executes the operator even on the data behind null values,
// therefore it is generally only suitable for operators that are safe to apply
// even on the null slot values.
// The "Op" functor should have the form
// struct Op {
// template <typename OutValue, typename Arg0Value, typename Arg1Value>
// static OutValue Call(KernelContext* ctx, Arg0Value arg0, Arg1Value arg1, Status* st)
// {
// // implementation
// // NOTE: "status" should only populated with errors,
// // leave it unmodified to indicate Status::OK()
// }
// };
template <typename OutType, typename Arg0Type, typename Arg1Type, typename Op>
struct ScalarBinary {
using OutValue = typename GetOutputType<OutType>::T;
using Arg0Value = typename GetViewType<Arg0Type>::T;
using Arg1Value = typename GetViewType<Arg1Type>::T;
static Status ArrayArray(KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0,
const ArrayData& arg1, Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
ArrayIterator<Arg0Type> arg0_it(arg0);
ArrayIterator<Arg1Type> arg1_it(arg1);
RETURN_NOT_OK(OutputAdapter<OutType>::Write(ctx, out, [&]() -> OutValue {
return Op::template Call(ctx, arg0_it(), arg1_it(), &st);
return st;
static Status ArrayScalar(KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0, const Scalar& arg1,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
ArrayIterator<Arg0Type> arg0_it(arg0);
auto arg1_val = UnboxScalar<Arg1Type>::Unbox(arg1);
RETURN_NOT_OK(OutputAdapter<OutType>::Write(ctx, out, [&]() -> OutValue {
return Op::template Call(ctx, arg0_it(), arg1_val, &st);
return st;
static Status ScalarArray(KernelContext* ctx, const Scalar& arg0, const ArrayData& arg1,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
auto arg0_val = UnboxScalar<Arg0Type>::Unbox(arg0);
ArrayIterator<Arg1Type> arg1_it(arg1);
RETURN_NOT_OK(OutputAdapter<OutType>::Write(ctx, out, [&]() -> OutValue {
return Op::template Call(ctx, arg0_val, arg1_it(), &st);
return st;
static Status ScalarScalar(KernelContext* ctx, const Scalar& arg0, const Scalar& arg1,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
if (out->scalar()->is_valid) {
auto arg0_val = UnboxScalar<Arg0Type>::Unbox(arg0);
auto arg1_val = UnboxScalar<Arg1Type>::Unbox(arg1);
BoxScalar<OutType>::Box(Op::template Call(ctx, arg0_val, arg1_val, &st),
return st;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
if (batch[1].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return ArrayArray(ctx, *batch[0].array(), *batch[1].array(), out);
} else {
return ArrayScalar(ctx, *batch[0].array(), *batch[1].scalar(), out);
} else {
if (batch[1].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return ScalarArray(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), *batch[1].array(), out);
} else {
return ScalarScalar(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), *batch[1].scalar(), out);
// An alternative to ScalarBinary that Applies a scalar operation with state on
// only the value pairs which are not-null in both arrays
template <typename OutType, typename Arg0Type, typename Arg1Type, typename Op>
struct ScalarBinaryNotNullStateful {
using ThisType = ScalarBinaryNotNullStateful<OutType, Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Op>;
using OutValue = typename GetOutputType<OutType>::T;
using Arg0Value = typename GetViewType<Arg0Type>::T;
using Arg1Value = typename GetViewType<Arg1Type>::T;
Op op;
explicit ScalarBinaryNotNullStateful(Op op) : op(std::move(op)) {}
// NOTE: In ArrayExec<Type>, Type is really OutputType
Status ArrayArray(KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0, const ArrayData& arg1,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
OutputArrayWriter<OutType> writer(out->mutable_array());
VisitTwoArrayValuesInline<Arg0Type, Arg1Type>(
arg0, arg1,
[&](Arg0Value u, Arg1Value v) {
writer.Write(op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value, Arg1Value>(ctx, u, v, &st));
[&]() { writer.WriteNull(); });
return st;
Status ArrayScalar(KernelContext* ctx, const ArrayData& arg0, const Scalar& arg1,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
OutputArrayWriter<OutType> writer(out->mutable_array());
if (arg1.is_valid) {
const auto arg1_val = UnboxScalar<Arg1Type>::Unbox(arg1);
[&](Arg0Value u) {
op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value, Arg1Value>(ctx, u, arg1_val, &st));
[&]() { writer.WriteNull(); });
return st;
Status ScalarArray(KernelContext* ctx, const Scalar& arg0, const ArrayData& arg1,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
OutputArrayWriter<OutType> writer(out->mutable_array());
if (arg0.is_valid) {
const auto arg0_val = UnboxScalar<Arg0Type>::Unbox(arg0);
[&](Arg1Value v) {
op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value, Arg1Value>(ctx, arg0_val, v, &st));
[&]() { writer.WriteNull(); });
return st;
Status ScalarScalar(KernelContext* ctx, const Scalar& arg0, const Scalar& arg1,
Datum* out) {
Status st = Status::OK();
if (arg0.is_valid && arg1.is_valid) {
const auto arg0_val = UnboxScalar<Arg0Type>::Unbox(arg0);
const auto arg1_val = UnboxScalar<Arg1Type>::Unbox(arg1);
op.template Call<OutValue, Arg0Value, Arg1Value>(ctx, arg0_val, arg1_val, &st),
return st;
Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
if (batch[1].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return ArrayArray(ctx, *batch[0].array(), *batch[1].array(), out);
} else {
return ArrayScalar(ctx, *batch[0].array(), *batch[1].scalar(), out);
} else {
if (batch[1].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
return ScalarArray(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), *batch[1].array(), out);
} else {
return ScalarScalar(ctx, *batch[0].scalar(), *batch[1].scalar(), out);
// An alternative to ScalarBinary that Applies a scalar operation on only
// the value pairs which are not-null in both arrays.
// The operator is not stateful; if the operator requires some initialization
// use ScalarBinaryNotNullStateful.
template <typename OutType, typename Arg0Type, typename Arg1Type, typename Op>
struct ScalarBinaryNotNull {
using OutValue = typename GetOutputType<OutType>::T;
using Arg0Value = typename GetViewType<Arg0Type>::T;
using Arg1Value = typename GetViewType<Arg1Type>::T;
static Status Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
// Seed kernel with dummy state
ScalarBinaryNotNullStateful<OutType, Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Op> kernel({});
return kernel.Exec(ctx, batch, out);
// A kernel exec generator for binary kernels where both input types are the
// same
template <typename OutType, typename ArgType, typename Op>
using ScalarBinaryEqualTypes = ScalarBinary<OutType, ArgType, ArgType, Op>;
// A kernel exec generator for non-null binary kernels where both input types are the
// same
template <typename OutType, typename ArgType, typename Op>
using ScalarBinaryNotNullEqualTypes = ScalarBinaryNotNull<OutType, ArgType, ArgType, Op>;
} // namespace applicator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// BEGIN of kernel generator-dispatchers ("GD")
// These GD functions instantiate kernel functor templates and select one of
// the instantiated kernels dynamically based on the data type or Type::type id
// that is passed. This enables functions to be populated with kernels by
// looping over vectors of data types rather than using macros or other
// approaches.
// The kernel functor must be of the form:
// template <typename Type0, typename Type1, Args...>
// struct FUNCTOR {
// static void Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
// }
// };
// When you pass FUNCTOR to a GD function, you must pass at least one static
// type along with the functor -- this is often the fixed return type of the
// functor. This Type0 argument is passed as the first argument to the functor
// during instantiation. The 2nd type passed to the functor is the DataType
// subclass corresponding to the type passed as argument (not template type) to
// the function.
// For example, GenerateNumeric<FUNCTOR, Type0>(int32()) will select a kernel
// instantiated like FUNCTOR<Type0, Int32Type>. Any additional variadic
// template arguments will be passed as additional template arguments to the
// kernel template.
namespace detail {
// Convenience so we can pass DataType or Type::type for the GD's
struct GetTypeId {
Type::type id;
GetTypeId(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& type) // NOLINT implicit construction
: id(type->id()) {}
GetTypeId(const DataType& type) // NOLINT implicit construction
: id( {}
GetTypeId(Type::type id) // NOLINT implicit construction
: id(id) {}
} // namespace detail
// GD for numeric types (integer and floating point)
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateNumeric(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::INT8:
return Generator<Type0, Int8Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT8:
return Generator<Type0, UInt8Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT16:
return Generator<Type0, Int16Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT16:
return Generator<Type0, UInt16Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT32:
return Generator<Type0, Int32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT32:
return Generator<Type0, UInt32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT64:
return Generator<Type0, Int64Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT64:
return Generator<Type0, UInt64Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::FLOAT:
return Generator<Type0, FloatType, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::DOUBLE:
return Generator<Type0, DoubleType, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// Generate a kernel given a templated functor for floating point types
// See "Numeric" above for description of the generator functor
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateFloatingPoint(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::FLOAT:
return Generator<Type0, FloatType, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::DOUBLE:
return Generator<Type0, DoubleType, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// Generate a kernel given a templated functor for integer types
// See "Numeric" above for description of the generator functor
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateInteger(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::INT8:
return Generator<Type0, Int8Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT16:
return Generator<Type0, Int16Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT32:
return Generator<Type0, Int32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT64:
return Generator<Type0, Int64Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT8:
return Generator<Type0, UInt8Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT16:
return Generator<Type0, UInt16Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT32:
return Generator<Type0, UInt32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT64:
return Generator<Type0, UInt64Type, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GeneratePhysicalInteger(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::INT8:
return Generator<Type0, Int8Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT16:
return Generator<Type0, Int16Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT32:
case Type::DATE32:
case Type::TIME32:
return Generator<Type0, Int32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT64:
case Type::DATE64:
case Type::TIMESTAMP:
case Type::TIME64:
case Type::DURATION:
return Generator<Type0, Int64Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT8:
return Generator<Type0, UInt8Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT16:
return Generator<Type0, UInt16Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT32:
return Generator<Type0, UInt32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::UINT64:
return Generator<Type0, UInt64Type, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// Generate a kernel given a templated functor for integer types
// See "Numeric" above for description of the generator functor
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateSignedInteger(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::INT8:
return Generator<Type0, Int8Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT16:
return Generator<Type0, Int16Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT32:
return Generator<Type0, Int32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::INT64:
return Generator<Type0, Int64Type, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// Generate a kernel given a templated functor. Only a single template is
// instantiated for each bit width, and the functor is expected to treat types
// of the same bit width the same without utilizing any type-specific behavior
// (e.g. int64 should be handled equivalent to uint64 or double -- all 64
// bits).
// See "Numeric" above for description of the generator functor
template <template <typename...> class Generator>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateTypeAgnosticPrimitive(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::NA:
return Generator<NullType>::Exec;
case Type::BOOL:
return Generator<BooleanType>::Exec;
case Type::UINT8:
case Type::INT8:
return Generator<UInt8Type>::Exec;
case Type::UINT16:
case Type::INT16:
return Generator<UInt16Type>::Exec;
case Type::UINT32:
case Type::INT32:
case Type::FLOAT:
case Type::DATE32:
case Type::TIME32:
return Generator<UInt32Type>::Exec;
case Type::UINT64:
case Type::INT64:
case Type::DOUBLE:
case Type::DATE64:
case Type::TIMESTAMP:
case Type::TIME64:
case Type::DURATION:
return Generator<UInt64Type>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// similar to GenerateTypeAgnosticPrimitive, but for variable types
template <template <typename...> class Generator>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateTypeAgnosticVarBinaryBase(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::BINARY:
case Type::STRING:
return Generator<BinaryType>::Exec;
case Type::LARGE_BINARY:
case Type::LARGE_STRING:
return Generator<LargeBinaryType>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// Generate a kernel given a templated functor for base binary types. Generates
// a single kernel for binary/string and large binary / large string. If your
// kernel implementation needs access to the specific type at compile time,
// please use BaseBinarySpecific.
// See "Numeric" above for description of the generator functor
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateVarBinaryBase(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::BINARY:
case Type::STRING:
return Generator<Type0, BinaryType, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::LARGE_BINARY:
case Type::LARGE_STRING:
return Generator<Type0, LargeBinaryType, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// See BaseBinary documentation
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateVarBinary(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::BINARY:
return Generator<Type0, BinaryType, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::STRING:
return Generator<Type0, StringType, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::LARGE_BINARY:
return Generator<Type0, LargeBinaryType, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::LARGE_STRING:
return Generator<Type0, LargeStringType, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// Generate a kernel given a templated functor for temporal types
// See "Numeric" above for description of the generator functor
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateTemporal(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::DATE32:
return Generator<Type0, Date32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::DATE64:
return Generator<Type0, Date64Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::DURATION:
return Generator<Type0, DurationType, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::TIME32:
return Generator<Type0, Time32Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::TIME64:
return Generator<Type0, Time64Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::TIMESTAMP:
return Generator<Type0, TimestampType, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// Generate a kernel given a templated functor for decimal types
// See "Numeric" above for description of the generator functor
template <template <typename...> class Generator, typename Type0, typename... Args>
ArrayKernelExec GenerateDecimal(detail::GetTypeId get_id) {
switch ( {
case Type::DECIMAL128:
return Generator<Type0, Decimal128Type, Args...>::Exec;
case Type::DECIMAL256:
return Generator<Type0, Decimal256Type, Args...>::Exec;
return ExecFail;
// END of kernel generator-dispatchers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void EnsureDictionaryDecoded(std::vector<ValueDescr>* descrs);
void ReplaceNullWithOtherType(std::vector<ValueDescr>* descrs);
void ReplaceTypes(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>&, std::vector<ValueDescr>* descrs);
std::shared_ptr<DataType> CommonNumeric(const std::vector<ValueDescr>& descrs);
std::shared_ptr<DataType> CommonTimestamp(const std::vector<ValueDescr>& descrs);
std::shared_ptr<DataType> CommonBinary(const std::vector<ValueDescr>& descrs);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow