blob: 7659442d8bf45e37da3d71b141170317f51c1988 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// NOTE: API is EXPERIMENTAL and will change without going through a
// deprecation cycle
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/array/data.h"
#include "arrow/datum.h"
#include "arrow/memory_pool.h"
#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/visibility.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace internal {
class CpuInfo;
} // namespace internal
namespace compute {
struct FunctionOptions;
class FunctionRegistry;
// It seems like 64K might be a good default chunksize to use for execution
// based on the experience of other query processing systems. The current
// default is not to chunk contiguous arrays, though, but this may change in
// the future once parallel execution is implemented
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultExecChunksize = UINT16_MAX;
/// \brief Context for expression-global variables and options used by
/// function evaluation
class ARROW_EXPORT ExecContext {
// If no function registry passed, the default is used.
explicit ExecContext(MemoryPool* pool = default_memory_pool(),
FunctionRegistry* func_registry = NULLPTR);
/// \brief The MemoryPool used for allocations, default is
/// default_memory_pool().
MemoryPool* memory_pool() const { return pool_; }
::arrow::internal::CpuInfo* cpu_info() const;
/// \brief The FunctionRegistry for looking up functions by name and
/// selecting kernels for execution. Defaults to the library-global function
/// registry provided by GetFunctionRegistry.
FunctionRegistry* func_registry() const { return func_registry_; }
// \brief Set maximum length unit of work for kernel execution. Larger
// contiguous array inputs will be split into smaller chunks, and, if
// possible and enabled, processed in parallel. The default chunksize is
// INT64_MAX, so contiguous arrays are not split.
void set_exec_chunksize(int64_t chunksize) { exec_chunksize_ = chunksize; }
// \brief Maximum length for ExecBatch data chunks processed by
// kernels. Contiguous array inputs with longer length will be split into
// smaller chunks.
int64_t exec_chunksize() const { return exec_chunksize_; }
/// \brief Set whether to use multiple threads for function execution. This
/// is not yet used.
void set_use_threads(bool use_threads = true) { use_threads_ = use_threads; }
/// \brief If true, then utilize multiple threads where relevant for function
/// execution. This is not yet used.
bool use_threads() const { return use_threads_; }
// Set the preallocation strategy for kernel execution as it relates to
// chunked execution. For chunked execution, whether via ChunkedArray inputs
// or splitting larger Array arguments into smaller pieces, contiguous
// allocation (if permitted by the kernel) will allocate one large array to
// write output into yielding it to the caller at the end. If this option is
// set to off, then preallocations will be performed independently for each
// chunk of execution
// TODO: At some point we might want the limit the size of contiguous
// preallocations. For example, even if the exec_chunksize is 64K or less, we
// might limit contiguous allocations to 1M records, say.
void set_preallocate_contiguous(bool preallocate) {
preallocate_contiguous_ = preallocate;
/// \brief If contiguous preallocations should be used when doing chunked
/// execution as specified by exec_chunksize(). See
/// set_preallocate_contiguous() for more information.
bool preallocate_contiguous() const { return preallocate_contiguous_; }
MemoryPool* pool_;
FunctionRegistry* func_registry_;
int64_t exec_chunksize_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
bool preallocate_contiguous_ = true;
bool use_threads_ = true;
ARROW_EXPORT ExecContext* default_exec_context();
// TODO: Consider standardizing on uint16 selection vectors and only use them
// when we can ensure that each value is 64K length or smaller
/// \brief Container for an array of value selection indices that were
/// materialized from a filter.
/// Columnar query engines (see e.g. [1]) have found that rather than
/// materializing filtered data, the filter can instead be converted to an
/// array of the "on" indices and then "fusing" these indices in operator
/// implementations. This is especially relevant for aggregations but also
/// applies to scalar operations.
/// We are not yet using this so this is mostly a placeholder for now.
/// [1]:
class ARROW_EXPORT SelectionVector {
explicit SelectionVector(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> data);
explicit SelectionVector(const Array& arr);
/// \brief Create SelectionVector from boolean mask
static Result<std::shared_ptr<SelectionVector>> FromMask(const BooleanArray& arr);
const int32_t* indices() const { return indices_; }
int32_t length() const;
std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> data_;
const int32_t* indices_;
/// \brief A unit of work for kernel execution. It contains a collection of
/// Array and Scalar values and an optional SelectionVector indicating that
/// there is an unmaterialized filter that either must be materialized, or (if
/// the kernel supports it) pushed down into the kernel implementation.
/// ExecBatch is semantically similar to RecordBatch in that in a SQL context
/// it represents a collection of records, but constant "columns" are
/// represented by Scalar values rather than having to be converted into arrays
/// with repeated values.
/// TODO: Datum uses arrow/util/variant.h which may be a bit heavier-weight
/// than is desirable for this class. Microbenchmarks would help determine for
/// sure. See ARROW-8928.
struct ARROW_EXPORT ExecBatch {
ExecBatch() = default;
ExecBatch(std::vector<Datum> values, int64_t length)
: values(std::move(values)), length(length) {}
explicit ExecBatch(const RecordBatch& batch);
static Result<ExecBatch> Make(std::vector<Datum> values);
/// The values representing positional arguments to be passed to a kernel's
/// exec function for processing.
std::vector<Datum> values;
/// A deferred filter represented as an array of indices into the values.
/// For example, the filter [true, true, false, true] would be represented as
/// the selection vector [0, 1, 3]. When the selection vector is set,
/// ExecBatch::length is equal to the length of this array.
std::shared_ptr<SelectionVector> selection_vector;
/// The semantic length of the ExecBatch. When the values are all scalars,
/// the length should be set to 1, otherwise the length is taken from the
/// array values, except when there is a selection vector. When there is a
/// selection vector set, the length of the batch is the length of the
/// selection.
/// If the array values are of length 0 then the length is 0 regardless of
/// whether any values are Scalar. In general ExecBatch objects are produced
/// by ExecBatchIterator which by design does not yield length-0 batches.
int64_t length;
/// \brief Return the value at the i-th index
template <typename index_type>
inline const Datum& operator[](index_type i) const {
return values[i];
/// \brief A convenience for the number of values / arguments.
int num_values() const { return static_cast<int>(values.size()); }
/// \brief A convenience for returning the ValueDescr objects (types and
/// shapes) from the batch.
std::vector<ValueDescr> GetDescriptors() const {
std::vector<ValueDescr> result;
for (const auto& value : this->values) {
return result;
/// \defgroup compute-call-function One-shot calls to compute functions
/// @{
/// \brief One-shot invoker for all types of functions.
/// Does kernel dispatch, argument checking, iteration of ChunkedArray inputs,
/// and wrapping of outputs.
Result<Datum> CallFunction(const std::string& func_name, const std::vector<Datum>& args,
const FunctionOptions* options, ExecContext* ctx = NULLPTR);
/// \brief Variant of CallFunction which uses a function's default options.
/// NB: Some functions require FunctionOptions be provided.
Result<Datum> CallFunction(const std::string& func_name, const std::vector<Datum>& args,
ExecContext* ctx = NULLPTR);
/// @}
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow