blob: 8a091f2355d53afdbb4fa36fcf36b7ef6ed15940 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "arrow/compute/cast.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/compute/cast_internal.h"
#include "arrow/compute/exec.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernel.h"
#include "arrow/compute/kernels/codegen_internal.h"
#include "arrow/compute/registry.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::ToTypeName;
namespace compute {
namespace internal {
namespace {
std::unordered_map<int, std::shared_ptr<CastFunction>> g_cast_table;
std::once_flag cast_table_initialized;
void AddCastFunctions(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CastFunction>>& funcs) {
for (const auto& func : funcs) {
g_cast_table[static_cast<int>(func->out_type_id())] = func;
void InitCastTable() {
void EnsureInitCastTable() { std::call_once(cast_table_initialized, InitCastTable); }
// Private version of GetCastFunction with better error reporting
// if the input type is known.
Result<std::shared_ptr<CastFunction>> GetCastFunctionInternal(
const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& to_type, const DataType* from_type = nullptr) {
auto it = internal::g_cast_table.find(static_cast<int>(to_type->id()));
if (it == internal::g_cast_table.end()) {
if (from_type != nullptr) {
return Status::NotImplemented("Unsupported cast from ", *from_type, " to ",
" (no available cast function for target type)");
} else {
return Status::NotImplemented("Unsupported cast to ", *to_type,
" (no available cast function for target type)");
return it->second;
const FunctionDoc cast_doc{"Cast values to another data type",
("Behavior when values wouldn't fit in the target type\n"
"can be controlled through CastOptions."),
// Metafunction for dispatching to appropriate CastFunction. This corresponds
// to the standard SQL CAST(expr AS target_type)
class CastMetaFunction : public MetaFunction {
CastMetaFunction() : MetaFunction("cast", Arity::Unary(), &cast_doc) {}
Result<const CastOptions*> ValidateOptions(const FunctionOptions* options) const {
auto cast_options = static_cast<const CastOptions*>(options);
if (cast_options == nullptr || cast_options->to_type == nullptr) {
return Status::Invalid(
"Cast requires that options be passed with "
"the to_type populated");
return cast_options;
Result<Datum> ExecuteImpl(const std::vector<Datum>& args,
const FunctionOptions* options,
ExecContext* ctx) const override {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto cast_options, ValidateOptions(options));
if (args[0].type()->Equals(*cast_options->to_type)) {
return args[0];
std::shared_ptr<CastFunction> cast_func,
GetCastFunctionInternal(cast_options->to_type, args[0].type().get()));
return cast_func->Execute(args, options, ctx);
} // namespace
void RegisterScalarCast(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
} // namespace internal
CastFunction::CastFunction(std::string name, Type::type out_type_id)
: ScalarFunction(std::move(name), Arity::Unary(), /*doc=*/nullptr),
out_type_id_(out_type_id) {}
Status CastFunction::AddKernel(Type::type in_type_id, ScalarKernel kernel) {
// We use the same KernelInit for every cast
kernel.init = internal::CastState::Init;
return Status::OK();
Status CastFunction::AddKernel(Type::type in_type_id, std::vector<InputType> in_types,
OutputType out_type, ArrayKernelExec exec,
NullHandling::type null_handling,
MemAllocation::type mem_allocation) {
ScalarKernel kernel;
kernel.signature = KernelSignature::Make(std::move(in_types), std::move(out_type));
kernel.exec = exec;
kernel.null_handling = null_handling;
kernel.mem_allocation = mem_allocation;
return AddKernel(in_type_id, std::move(kernel));
Result<const Kernel*> CastFunction::DispatchExact(
const std::vector<ValueDescr>& values) const {
std::vector<const ScalarKernel*> candidate_kernels;
for (const auto& kernel : kernels_) {
if (kernel.signature->MatchesInputs(values)) {
if (candidate_kernels.size() == 0) {
return Status::NotImplemented("Unsupported cast from ", values[0].type->ToString(),
" to ", ToTypeName(out_type_id_), " using function ",
if (candidate_kernels.size() == 1) {
// One match, return it
return candidate_kernels[0];
// Now we are in a casting scenario where we may have both a EXACT_TYPE and
// a SAME_TYPE_ID. So we will see if there is an exact match among the
// candidate kernels and if not we will just return the first one
for (auto kernel : candidate_kernels) {
const InputType& arg0 = kernel->signature->in_types()[0];
if (arg0.kind() == InputType::EXACT_TYPE) {
// Bingo. Return it
return kernel;
// We didn't find an exact match. So just return some kernel that matches
return candidate_kernels[0];
Result<Datum> Cast(const Datum& value, const CastOptions& options, ExecContext* ctx) {
return CallFunction("cast", {value}, &options, ctx);
Result<Datum> Cast(const Datum& value, std::shared_ptr<DataType> to_type,
const CastOptions& options, ExecContext* ctx) {
CastOptions options_with_to_type = options;
options_with_to_type.to_type = to_type;
return Cast(value, options_with_to_type, ctx);
Result<std::shared_ptr<Array>> Cast(const Array& value, std::shared_ptr<DataType> to_type,
const CastOptions& options, ExecContext* ctx) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(Datum result, Cast(Datum(value), to_type, options, ctx));
return result.make_array();
Result<std::shared_ptr<CastFunction>> GetCastFunction(
const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& to_type) {
return internal::GetCastFunctionInternal(to_type);
bool CanCast(const DataType& from_type, const DataType& to_type) {
auto it = internal::g_cast_table.find(static_cast<int>(;
if (it == internal::g_cast_table.end()) {
return false;
const CastFunction* function = it->second.get();
for (auto from_id : function->in_type_ids()) {
// XXX should probably check the output type as well
if ( == from_id) return true;
return false;
Result<std::vector<Datum>> Cast(std::vector<Datum> datums, std::vector<ValueDescr> descrs,
ExecContext* ctx) {
for (size_t i = 0; i != datums.size(); ++i) {
if (descrs[i] != datums[i].descr()) {
if (descrs[i].shape != datums[i].shape()) {
return Status::NotImplemented("casting between Datum shapes");
Cast(datums[i], CastOptions::Safe(descrs[i].type), ctx));
return datums;
} // namespace compute
} // namespace arrow