blob: 36cff9958f9c6c55a1aa19d3bfaf43dd5414f229 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import contextlib
import os
import posixpath
import pathlib
import pickle
import textwrap
import threading
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.csv
import pyarrow.fs as fs
from pyarrow.tests.util import change_cwd, _filesystem_uri
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
pd = None
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
except ImportError:
ds = None
# Marks all of the tests in this module
# Ignore these with pytest ... -m 'not dataset'
pytestmark = pytest.mark.dataset
def _generate_data(n):
import datetime
import itertools
day = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
interval = datetime.timedelta(days=5)
colors = itertools.cycle(['green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red', 'orange'])
data = []
for i in range(n):
data.append((day, i, float(i), next(colors)))
day += interval
return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['date', 'index', 'value', 'color'])
def _table_from_pandas(df):
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('date', pa.date32()),
pa.field('index', pa.int64()),
pa.field('value', pa.float64()),
pa.field('color', pa.string()),
table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df, schema=schema, preserve_index=False)
return table.replace_schema_metadata()
def mockfs():
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
mockfs = fs._MockFileSystem()
directories = [
for i, directory in enumerate(directories):
path = '{}/file{}.parquet'.format(directory, i)
with mockfs.open_output_stream(path) as out:
data = [
list(map(float, range(5))),
list(map(str, range(5))),
[i] * 5
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('i64', pa.int64()),
pa.field('f64', pa.float64()),
pa.field('str', pa.string()),
pa.field('const', pa.int64()),
batch = pa.record_batch(data, schema=schema)
table = pa.Table.from_batches([batch])
pq.write_table(table, out)
return mockfs
def open_logging_fs(monkeypatch):
from pyarrow.fs import PyFileSystem, LocalFileSystem
from .test_fs import ProxyHandler
localfs = LocalFileSystem()
def normalized(paths):
return {localfs.normalize_path(str(p)) for p in paths}
opened = set()
def open_input_file(self, path):
path = localfs.normalize_path(str(path))
return self._fs.open_input_file(path)
# patch proxyhandler to log calls to open_input_file
monkeypatch.setattr(ProxyHandler, "open_input_file", open_input_file)
fs = PyFileSystem(ProxyHandler(localfs))
def assert_opens(expected_opened):
assert normalized(opened) == normalized(expected_opened)
return fs, assert_opens
def multisourcefs(request):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
df = _generate_data(1000)
mockfs = fs._MockFileSystem()
# simply split the dataframe into three chunks to construct a data source
# from each chunk into its own directory
df_a, df_b, df_c, df_d = np.array_split(df, 4)
# create a directory containing a flat sequence of parquet files without
# any partitioning involved
for i, chunk in enumerate(np.array_split(df_a, 10)):
path = 'plain/chunk-{}.parquet'.format(i)
with mockfs.open_output_stream(path) as out:
pq.write_table(_table_from_pandas(chunk), out)
# create one with schema partitioning by weekday and color
for part, chunk in df_b.groupby([, df_b.color]):
folder = 'schema/{}/{}'.format(*part)
path = '{}/chunk.parquet'.format(folder)
with mockfs.open_output_stream(path) as out:
pq.write_table(_table_from_pandas(chunk), out)
# create one with hive partitioning by year and month
for part, chunk in df_c.groupby([,]):
folder = 'hive/year={}/month={}'.format(*part)
path = '{}/chunk.parquet'.format(folder)
with mockfs.open_output_stream(path) as out:
pq.write_table(_table_from_pandas(chunk), out)
# create one with hive partitioning by color
for part, chunk in df_d.groupby(["color"]):
folder = 'hive_color/color={}'.format(*part)
path = '{}/chunk.parquet'.format(folder)
with mockfs.open_output_stream(path) as out:
pq.write_table(_table_from_pandas(chunk), out)
return mockfs
def dataset(mockfs):
format = ds.ParquetFileFormat()
selector = fs.FileSelector('subdir', recursive=True)
options = ds.FileSystemFactoryOptions('subdir')
options.partitioning = ds.DirectoryPartitioning(
pa.field('group', pa.int32()),
pa.field('key', pa.string())
factory = ds.FileSystemDatasetFactory(mockfs, selector, format, options)
return factory.finish()
def test_filesystem_dataset(mockfs):
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('const', pa.int64())
file_format = ds.ParquetFileFormat()
paths = ['subdir/1/xxx/file0.parquet', 'subdir/2/yyy/file1.parquet']
partitions = [ds.field('part') == x for x in range(1, 3)]
fragments = [file_format.make_fragment(path, mockfs, part)
for path, part in zip(paths, partitions)]
root_partition = ds.field('level') == ds.scalar(1337)
dataset_from_fragments = ds.FileSystemDataset(
fragments, schema=schema, format=file_format,
filesystem=mockfs, root_partition=root_partition,
dataset_from_paths = ds.FileSystemDataset.from_paths(
paths, schema=schema, format=file_format, filesystem=mockfs,
partitions=partitions, root_partition=root_partition,
for dataset in [dataset_from_fragments, dataset_from_paths]:
assert isinstance(dataset, ds.FileSystemDataset)
assert isinstance(dataset.format, ds.ParquetFileFormat)
assert dataset.partition_expression.equals(root_partition)
assert set(dataset.files) == set(paths)
fragments = list(dataset.get_fragments())
for fragment, partition, path in zip(fragments, partitions, paths):
assert fragment.partition_expression.equals(partition)
assert fragment.path == path
assert isinstance(fragment.format, ds.ParquetFileFormat)
assert isinstance(fragment, ds.ParquetFileFragment)
assert fragment.row_groups == [0]
assert fragment.num_row_groups == 1
row_group_fragments = list(fragment.split_by_row_group())
assert fragment.num_row_groups == len(row_group_fragments) == 1
assert isinstance(row_group_fragments[0], ds.ParquetFileFragment)
assert row_group_fragments[0].path == path
assert row_group_fragments[0].row_groups == [0]
assert row_group_fragments[0].num_row_groups == 1
fragments = list(dataset.get_fragments(filter=ds.field("const") == 0))
assert len(fragments) == 2
# the root_partition keyword has a default
dataset = ds.FileSystemDataset(
fragments, schema=schema, format=file_format, filesystem=mockfs
assert dataset.partition_expression.equals(ds.scalar(True))
# from_paths partitions have defaults
dataset = ds.FileSystemDataset.from_paths(
paths, schema=schema, format=file_format, filesystem=mockfs
assert dataset.partition_expression.equals(ds.scalar(True))
for fragment in dataset.get_fragments():
assert fragment.partition_expression.equals(ds.scalar(True))
# validation of required arguments
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="incorrect type"):
ds.FileSystemDataset(fragments, file_format, schema)
# validation of root_partition
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="incorrect type"):
ds.FileSystemDataset(fragments, schema=schema,
format=file_format, root_partition=1)
# missing required argument in from_paths
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="incorrect type"):
ds.FileSystemDataset.from_paths(fragments, format=file_format)
def test_filesystem_dataset_no_filesystem_interaction():
# ARROW-8283
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('f1', pa.int64())
file_format = ds.IpcFileFormat()
paths = ['nonexistingfile.arrow']
# creating the dataset itself doesn't raise
dataset = ds.FileSystemDataset.from_paths(
paths, schema=schema, format=file_format,
# getting fragments also doesn't raise
# scanning does raise
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
def test_dataset(dataset):
assert isinstance(dataset, ds.Dataset)
assert isinstance(dataset.schema, pa.Schema)
# TODO(kszucs): test non-boolean Exprs for filter do raise
expected_i64 = pa.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], type=pa.int64())
expected_f64 = pa.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], type=pa.float64())
for task in dataset.scan():
assert isinstance(task, ds.ScanTask)
for batch in task.execute():
assert batch.column(0).equals(expected_i64)
assert batch.column(1).equals(expected_f64)
batches = dataset.to_batches()
assert all(isinstance(batch, pa.RecordBatch) for batch in batches)
table = dataset.to_table()
assert isinstance(table, pa.Table)
assert len(table) == 10
condition = ds.field('i64') == 1
result = dataset.to_table(use_threads=True, filter=condition).to_pydict()
# don't rely on the scanning order
assert result['i64'] == [1, 1]
assert result['f64'] == [1., 1.]
assert sorted(result['group']) == [1, 2]
assert sorted(result['key']) == ['xxx', 'yyy']
def test_dataset_execute_iterator(dataset):
# ARROW-11596: this would segfault due to Cython raising
# StopIteration without holding the GIL. (Fixed on Cython master,
# post 3.0a6)
tasks = dataset.scan()
task = next(tasks)
iterator = task.execute()
thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: next(iterator))
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
def test_scanner(dataset):
scanner = ds.Scanner.from_dataset(dataset,
assert isinstance(scanner, ds.Scanner)
assert len(list(scanner.scan())) == 2
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
ds.Scanner.from_dataset(dataset, columns=['unknown'])
scanner = ds.Scanner.from_dataset(dataset, columns=['i64'],
assert isinstance(scanner, ds.Scanner)
assert len(list(scanner.scan())) == 2
for task in scanner.scan():
for batch in task.execute():
assert batch.num_columns == 1
def test_abstract_classes():
classes = [
for klass in classes:
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_partitioning():
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('i64', pa.int64()),
pa.field('f64', pa.float64())
for klass in [ds.DirectoryPartitioning, ds.HivePartitioning]:
partitioning = klass(schema)
assert isinstance(partitioning, ds.Partitioning)
partitioning = ds.DirectoryPartitioning(
pa.field('group', pa.int64()),
pa.field('key', pa.float64())
expr = partitioning.parse('/3/3.14')
assert isinstance(expr, ds.Expression)
expected = (ds.field('group') == 3) & (ds.field('key') == 3.14)
assert expr.equals(expected)
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
expr = partitioning.parse('/3')
expected = ds.field('group') == 3
assert expr.equals(expected)
partitioning = ds.HivePartitioning(
pa.field('alpha', pa.int64()),
pa.field('beta', pa.int64())
expr = partitioning.parse('/alpha=0/beta=3')
expected = (
(ds.field('alpha') == ds.scalar(0)) &
(ds.field('beta') == ds.scalar(3))
assert expr.equals(expected)
expr = partitioning.parse('/alpha=xyz/beta=3')
expected = (
(ds.field('alpha').is_null() & (ds.field('beta') == ds.scalar(3)))
assert expr.equals(expected)
for shouldfail in ['/alpha=one/beta=2', '/alpha=one', '/beta=two']:
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
def test_expression_serialization():
a = ds.scalar(1)
b = ds.scalar(1.1)
c = ds.scalar(True)
d = ds.scalar("string")
e = ds.scalar(None)
f = ds.scalar({'a': 1})
g = ds.scalar(pa.scalar(1))
all_exprs = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, a == b, a > b, a & b, a | b, ~c,
d.is_valid(), a.cast(pa.int32(), safe=False),
a.cast(pa.int32(), safe=False), a.isin([1, 2, 3]),
ds.field('i64') > 5, ds.field('i64') == 5,
ds.field('i64') == 7, ds.field('i64').is_null()]
for expr in all_exprs:
assert isinstance(expr, ds.Expression)
restored = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(expr))
assert expr.equals(restored)
def test_expression_construction():
zero = ds.scalar(0)
one = ds.scalar(1)
true = ds.scalar(True)
false = ds.scalar(False)
string = ds.scalar("string")
field = ds.field("field")
zero | one == string
~true == false
for typ in ("bool", pa.bool_()):
field.cast(typ) == true
field.isin([1, 2])
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
field != {1}
def test_expression_boolean_operators():
true = ds.scalar(True)
false = ds.scalar(False)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot be evaluated to python True"):
true and false
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot be evaluated to python True"):
true or false
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot be evaluated to python True"):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot be evaluated to python True"):
not true
def test_partition_keys():
a, b, c = [ds.field(f) == f for f in 'abc']
assert ds._get_partition_keys(a) == {'a': 'a'}
assert ds._get_partition_keys(a & b & c) == {f: f for f in 'abc'}
nope = ds.field('d') >= 3
assert ds._get_partition_keys(nope) == {}
assert ds._get_partition_keys(a & nope) == {'a': 'a'}
null = ds.field('a').is_null()
assert ds._get_partition_keys(null) == {'a': None}
def test_parquet_read_options():
opts1 = ds.ParquetReadOptions()
opts2 = ds.ParquetReadOptions(buffer_size=4096,
dictionary_columns=['a', 'b'])
opts3 = ds.ParquetReadOptions(buffer_size=2**13, use_buffered_stream=True,
dictionary_columns={'a', 'b'})
opts4 = ds.ParquetReadOptions(buffer_size=2**13, pre_buffer=True,
dictionary_columns={'a', 'b'})
assert opts1.use_buffered_stream is False
assert opts1.buffer_size == 2**13
assert opts1.pre_buffer is False
assert opts1.dictionary_columns == set()
assert opts2.use_buffered_stream is False
assert opts2.buffer_size == 2**12
assert opts2.pre_buffer is False
assert opts2.dictionary_columns == {'a', 'b'}
assert opts3.use_buffered_stream is True
assert opts3.buffer_size == 2**13
assert opts3.pre_buffer is False
assert opts3.dictionary_columns == {'a', 'b'}
assert opts4.use_buffered_stream is False
assert opts4.buffer_size == 2**13
assert opts4.pre_buffer is True
assert opts4.dictionary_columns == {'a', 'b'}
assert opts1 == opts1
assert opts1 != opts2
assert opts2 != opts3
assert opts3 != opts4
def test_file_format_pickling():
formats = [
skip_rows=3, column_names=['foo'])),
skip_rows=3, block_size=2**20)),
'use_buffered_stream': True,
'buffer_size': 4096,
for file_format in formats:
assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(file_format)) == file_format
def test_fragment_scan_options_pickling():
options = [
for option in options:
assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(option)) == option
@pytest.mark.parametrize('paths_or_selector', [
fs.FileSelector('subdir', recursive=True),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pre_buffer', [False, True])
def test_filesystem_factory(mockfs, paths_or_selector, pre_buffer):
format = ds.ParquetFileFormat(
options = ds.FileSystemFactoryOptions('subdir')
options.partitioning = ds.DirectoryPartitioning(
pa.field('group', pa.int32()),
pa.field('key', pa.string())
assert options.partition_base_dir == 'subdir'
assert options.selector_ignore_prefixes == ['.', '_']
assert options.exclude_invalid_files is False
factory = ds.FileSystemDatasetFactory(
mockfs, paths_or_selector, format, options
inspected_schema = factory.inspect()
assert factory.inspect().equals(pa.schema([
pa.field('i64', pa.int64()),
pa.field('f64', pa.float64()),
pa.field('str', pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string())),
pa.field('const', pa.int64()),
pa.field('group', pa.int32()),
pa.field('key', pa.string()),
]), check_metadata=False)
assert isinstance(factory.inspect_schemas(), list)
assert isinstance(factory.finish(inspected_schema),
assert factory.root_partition.equals(ds.scalar(True))
dataset = factory.finish()
assert isinstance(dataset, ds.FileSystemDataset)
assert len(list(dataset.scan())) == 2
scanner = ds.Scanner.from_dataset(dataset)
expected_i64 = pa.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], type=pa.int64())
expected_f64 = pa.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], type=pa.float64())
expected_str = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(
pa.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], type=pa.int32()),
pa.array("0 1 2 3 4".split(), type=pa.string())
for task, group, key in zip(scanner.scan(), [1, 2], ['xxx', 'yyy']):
expected_group = pa.array([group] * 5, type=pa.int32())
expected_key = pa.array([key] * 5, type=pa.string())
expected_const = pa.array([group - 1] * 5, type=pa.int64())
for batch in task.execute():
assert batch.num_columns == 6
assert batch[0].equals(expected_i64)
assert batch[1].equals(expected_f64)
assert batch[2].equals(expected_str)
assert batch[3].equals(expected_const)
assert batch[4].equals(expected_group)
assert batch[5].equals(expected_key)
table = dataset.to_table()
assert isinstance(table, pa.Table)
assert len(table) == 10
assert table.num_columns == 6
def test_make_fragment(multisourcefs):
parquet_format = ds.ParquetFileFormat()
dataset = ds.dataset('/plain', filesystem=multisourcefs,
for path in dataset.files:
fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(path, multisourcefs)
assert fragment.row_groups == [0]
row_group_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(path, multisourcefs,
for f in [fragment, row_group_fragment]:
assert isinstance(f, ds.ParquetFileFragment)
assert f.path == path
assert isinstance(f.filesystem, type(multisourcefs))
assert row_group_fragment.row_groups == [0]
def test_make_csv_fragment_from_buffer():
content = textwrap.dedent("""
buffer = pa.py_buffer(content.encode('utf-8'))
csv_format = ds.CsvFileFormat()
fragment = csv_format.make_fragment(buffer)
expected = pa.table([['a', 'b', 'c'],
[12, 11, 10],
['dog', 'cat', 'rabbit']],
names=['alpha', 'num', 'animal'])
assert fragment.to_table().equals(expected)
pickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(fragment))
assert pickled.to_table().equals(fragment.to_table())
def test_make_parquet_fragment_from_buffer():
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
arrays = [
pa.array(['a', 'b', 'c']),
pa.array([12, 11, 10]),
pa.array(['dog', 'cat', 'rabbit'])
dictionary_arrays = [
dictionary_format = ds.ParquetFileFormat(
dictionary_columns=['alpha', 'animal']
cases = [
(arrays, ds.ParquetFileFormat()),
(dictionary_arrays, dictionary_format)
for arrays, format_ in cases:
table = pa.table(arrays, names=['alpha', 'num', 'animal'])
out = pa.BufferOutputStream()
pq.write_table(table, out)
buffer = out.getvalue()
fragment = format_.make_fragment(buffer)
assert fragment.to_table().equals(table)
pickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(fragment))
assert pickled.to_table().equals(table)
def _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir, chunk_size=None, filesystem=None):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table(
[range(8), [1] * 8, ['a'] * 4 + ['b'] * 4],
names=['f1', 'f2', 'part']
path = str(tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset")
# write_to_dataset currently requires pandas
pq.write_to_dataset(table, path,
partition_cols=["part"], chunk_size=chunk_size)
dataset = ds.dataset(
path, format="parquet", partitioning="hive", filesystem=filesystem
return table, dataset
def test_fragments(tempdir):
table, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir)
# list fragments
fragments = list(dataset.get_fragments())
assert len(fragments) == 2
f = fragments[0]
physical_names = ['f1', 'f2']
# file's schema does not include partition column
assert f.physical_schema.names == physical_names
assert f.format.inspect(f.path, f.filesystem) == f.physical_schema
assert f.partition_expression.equals(ds.field('part') == 'a')
# By default, the partition column is not part of the schema.
result = f.to_table()
assert result.column_names == physical_names
assert result.equals(table.remove_column(2).slice(0, 4))
# scanning fragment includes partition columns when given the proper
# schema.
result = f.to_table(schema=dataset.schema)
assert result.column_names == ['f1', 'f2', 'part']
assert result.equals(table.slice(0, 4))
assert f.physical_schema == result.schema.remove(2)
# scanning fragments follow filter predicate
result = f.to_table(schema=dataset.schema, filter=ds.field('f1') < 2)
assert result.column_names == ['f1', 'f2', 'part']
def test_fragments_implicit_cast(tempdir):
# ARROW-8693
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table([range(8), [1] * 4 + [2] * 4], names=['col', 'part'])
path = str(tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset")
pq.write_to_dataset(table, path, partition_cols=["part"])
part = ds.partitioning(pa.schema([('part', 'int8')]), flavor="hive")
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format="parquet", partitioning=part)
fragments = dataset.get_fragments(filter=ds.field("part") >= 2)
assert len(list(fragments)) == 1
def test_fragments_reconstruct(tempdir):
table, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir)
def assert_yields_projected(fragment, row_slice,
columns=None, filter=None):
actual = fragment.to_table(
schema=table.schema, columns=columns, filter=filter)
column_names = columns if columns else table.column_names
assert actual.column_names == column_names
expected = table.slice(*row_slice).select(column_names)
assert actual.equals(expected)
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
parquet_format = fragment.format
# test pickle roundtrip
pickled_fragment = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(fragment))
assert pickled_fragment.to_table() == fragment.to_table()
# manually re-construct a fragment, with explicit schema
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
assert new_fragment.to_table().equals(fragment.to_table())
assert_yields_projected(new_fragment, (0, 4))
# filter / column projection, inspected schema
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
assert_yields_projected(new_fragment, (0, 2), filter=ds.field('f1') < 2)
# filter requiring cast / column projection, inspected schema
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
assert_yields_projected(new_fragment, (0, 2),
columns=['f1'], filter=ds.field('f1') < 2.0)
# filter on the partition column
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
assert_yields_projected(new_fragment, (0, 4),
filter=ds.field('part') == 'a')
# Fragments don't contain the partition's columns if not provided to the
# `to_table(schema=...)` method.
pattern = (r'No match for FieldRef.Name\(part\) in ' +
fragment.physical_schema.to_string(False, False, False))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=pattern):
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
new_fragment.to_table(filter=ds.field('part') == 'a')
def test_fragments_parquet_row_groups(tempdir):
table, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir, chunk_size=2)
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
# list and scan row group fragments
row_group_fragments = list(fragment.split_by_row_group())
assert len(row_group_fragments) == fragment.num_row_groups == 2
result = row_group_fragments[0].to_table(schema=dataset.schema)
assert result.column_names == ['f1', 'f2', 'part']
assert len(result) == 2
assert result.equals(table.slice(0, 2))
assert row_group_fragments[0].row_groups is not None
assert row_group_fragments[0].num_row_groups == 1
assert row_group_fragments[0].row_groups[0].statistics == {
'f1': {'min': 0, 'max': 1},
'f2': {'min': 1, 'max': 1},
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments(filter=ds.field('f1') < 1))[0]
row_group_fragments = list(fragment.split_by_row_group(ds.field('f1') < 1))
assert len(row_group_fragments) == 1
result = row_group_fragments[0].to_table(filter=ds.field('f1') < 1)
assert len(result) == 1
def test_fragments_parquet_num_row_groups(tempdir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({'a': range(8)})
pq.write_table(table, tempdir / "test.parquet", row_group_size=2)
dataset = ds.dataset(tempdir / "test.parquet", format="parquet")
original_fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
# create fragment with subset of row groups
fragment = original_fragment.format.make_fragment(
original_fragment.path, original_fragment.filesystem,
row_groups=[1, 3])
assert fragment.num_row_groups == 2
# ensure that parsing metadata preserves correct number of row groups
assert fragment.num_row_groups == 2
assert len(fragment.row_groups) == 2
def test_fragments_parquet_row_groups_dictionary(tempdir):
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(col1=['a', 'b'], col2=[1, 2]))
df['col1'] = df['col1'].astype("category")
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
pq.write_table(pa.table(df), tempdir / "test_filter_dictionary.parquet")
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
dataset = ds.dataset(tempdir / 'test_filter_dictionary.parquet')
result = dataset.to_table(filter=ds.field("col1") == "a")
assert (df.iloc[0] == result.to_pandas()).all().all()
def test_fragments_parquet_ensure_metadata(tempdir, open_logging_fs):
fs, assert_opens = open_logging_fs
_, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(
tempdir, chunk_size=2, filesystem=fs
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
# with default discovery, no metadata loaded
with assert_opens([fragment.path]):
assert fragment.row_groups == [0, 1]
# second time -> use cached / no file IO
with assert_opens([]):
# recreate fragment with row group ids
new_fragment = fragment.format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem, row_groups=[0, 1]
assert new_fragment.row_groups == fragment.row_groups
# collect metadata
row_group = new_fragment.row_groups[0]
assert == 0
assert row_group.num_rows == 2
assert row_group.statistics is not None
# pickling preserves row group ids
pickled_fragment = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(new_fragment))
with assert_opens([fragment.path]):
assert pickled_fragment.row_groups == [0, 1]
row_group = pickled_fragment.row_groups[0]
assert == 0
assert row_group.statistics is not None
def _create_dataset_all_types(tempdir, chunk_size=None):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table(
pa.array([True, None, False], pa.bool_()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.int8()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.uint8()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.int16()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.uint16()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.int32()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.uint32()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.int64()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.uint64()),
pa.array([1.0, 10.0, 42.0], pa.float32()),
pa.array([1.0, 10.0, 42.0], pa.float64()),
pa.array(['a', None, 'z'], pa.utf8()),
pa.array(['a', None, 'z'], pa.binary()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.timestamp('s')),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.timestamp('ms')),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.timestamp('us')),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.date32()),
pa.array([1, 10, 4200000000], pa.date64()),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.time32('s')),
pa.array([1, 10, 42], pa.time64('us')),
path = str(tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset_all_types")
# write_to_dataset currently requires pandas
pq.write_to_dataset(table, path, chunk_size=chunk_size)
return table, ds.dataset(path, format="parquet", partitioning="hive")
def test_parquet_fragment_statistics(tempdir):
table, dataset = _create_dataset_all_types(tempdir)
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
import datetime
def dt_s(x): return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, x)
def dt_ms(x): return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, x*1000)
def dt_us(x): return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, x)
date =
time = datetime.time
# list and scan row group fragments
row_group_fragments = list(fragment.split_by_row_group())
assert row_group_fragments[0].row_groups is not None
row_group = row_group_fragments[0].row_groups[0]
assert row_group.num_rows == 3
assert row_group.total_byte_size > 1000
assert row_group.statistics == {
'boolean': {'min': False, 'max': True},
'int8': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'uint8': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'int16': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'uint16': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'int32': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'uint32': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'int64': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'uint64': {'min': 1, 'max': 42},
'float': {'min': 1.0, 'max': 42.0},
'double': {'min': 1.0, 'max': 42.0},
'utf8': {'min': 'a', 'max': 'z'},
'binary': {'min': b'a', 'max': b'z'},
'ts[s]': {'min': dt_s(1), 'max': dt_s(42)},
'ts[ms]': {'min': dt_ms(1), 'max': dt_ms(42)},
'ts[us]': {'min': dt_us(1), 'max': dt_us(42)},
'date32': {'min': date(1970, 1, 2), 'max': date(1970, 2, 12)},
'date64': {'min': date(1970, 1, 1), 'max': date(1970, 2, 18)},
'time32': {'min': time(0, 0, 1), 'max': time(0, 0, 42)},
'time64': {'min': time(0, 0, 0, 1), 'max': time(0, 0, 0, 42)},
def test_parquet_fragment_statistics_nulls(tempdir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({'a': [0, 1, None, None], 'b': ['a', 'b', None, None]})
pq.write_table(table, tempdir / "test.parquet", row_group_size=2)
dataset = ds.dataset(tempdir / "test.parquet", format="parquet")
fragments = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0].split_by_row_group()
# second row group has all nulls -> no statistics
assert fragments[1].row_groups[0].statistics == {}
def test_parquet_empty_row_group_statistics(tempdir):
df = pd.DataFrame({"a": ["a", "b", "b"], "b": [4, 5, 6]})[:0]
df.to_parquet(tempdir / "test.parquet", engine="pyarrow")
dataset = ds.dataset(tempdir / "test.parquet", format="parquet")
fragments = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0].split_by_row_group()
# Only row group is empty
assert fragments[0].row_groups[0].statistics == {}
def test_fragments_parquet_row_groups_predicate(tempdir):
table, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir, chunk_size=2)
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
assert fragment.partition_expression.equals(ds.field('part') == 'a')
# predicate may reference a partition field not present in the
# physical_schema if an explicit schema is provided to split_by_row_group
# filter matches partition_expression: all row groups
row_group_fragments = list(
fragment.split_by_row_group(filter=ds.field('part') == 'a',
assert len(row_group_fragments) == 2
# filter contradicts partition_expression: no row groups
row_group_fragments = list(
fragment.split_by_row_group(filter=ds.field('part') == 'b',
assert len(row_group_fragments) == 0
def test_fragments_parquet_row_groups_reconstruct(tempdir):
table, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir, chunk_size=2)
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
parquet_format = fragment.format
row_group_fragments = list(fragment.split_by_row_group())
# test pickle roundtrip
pickled_fragment = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(fragment))
assert pickled_fragment.to_table() == fragment.to_table()
# manually re-construct row group fragments
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
result = new_fragment.to_table()
assert result.equals(row_group_fragments[0].to_table())
# manually re-construct a row group fragment with filter/column projection
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
result = new_fragment.to_table(schema=table.schema, columns=['f1', 'part'],
filter=ds.field('f1') < 3, )
assert result.column_names == ['f1', 'part']
assert len(result) == 1
# out of bounds row group index
new_fragment = parquet_format.make_fragment(
fragment.path, fragment.filesystem,
with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="references row group 2"):
def test_fragments_parquet_subset_ids(tempdir, open_logging_fs):
fs, assert_opens = open_logging_fs
table, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir, chunk_size=1,
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
# select with row group ids
subfrag = fragment.subset(row_group_ids=[0, 3])
with assert_opens([]):
assert subfrag.num_row_groups == 2
assert subfrag.row_groups == [0, 3]
assert subfrag.row_groups[0].statistics is not None
# check correct scan result of subset
result = subfrag.to_table()
assert result.to_pydict() == {"f1": [0, 3], "f2": [1, 1]}
# empty list of ids
subfrag = fragment.subset(row_group_ids=[])
assert subfrag.num_row_groups == 0
assert subfrag.row_groups == []
result = subfrag.to_table(schema=dataset.schema)
assert result.num_rows == 0
assert result.equals(table[:0])
def test_fragments_parquet_subset_filter(tempdir, open_logging_fs):
fs, assert_opens = open_logging_fs
table, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir, chunk_size=1,
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
# select with filter
subfrag = fragment.subset(ds.field("f1") >= 1)
with assert_opens([]):
assert subfrag.num_row_groups == 3
assert len(subfrag.row_groups) == 3
assert subfrag.row_groups[0].statistics is not None
# check correct scan result of subset
result = subfrag.to_table()
assert result.to_pydict() == {"f1": [1, 2, 3], "f2": [1, 1, 1]}
# filter that results in empty selection
subfrag = fragment.subset(ds.field("f1") > 5)
assert subfrag.num_row_groups == 0
assert subfrag.row_groups == []
result = subfrag.to_table(schema=dataset.schema)
assert result.num_rows == 0
assert result.equals(table[:0])
# passing schema to ensure filter on partition expression works
subfrag = fragment.subset(ds.field("part") == "a", schema=dataset.schema)
assert subfrag.num_row_groups == 4
def test_fragments_parquet_subset_invalid(tempdir):
_, dataset = _create_dataset_for_fragments(tempdir, chunk_size=1)
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
# passing none or both of filter / row_group_ids
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
fragment.subset(ds.field("f1") >= 1, row_group_ids=[1, 2])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_partitioning_factory(mockfs):
paths_or_selector = fs.FileSelector('subdir', recursive=True)
format = ds.ParquetFileFormat()
options = ds.FileSystemFactoryOptions('subdir')
partitioning_factory =['group', 'key'])
assert isinstance(partitioning_factory, ds.PartitioningFactory)
options.partitioning_factory = partitioning_factory
factory = ds.FileSystemDatasetFactory(
mockfs, paths_or_selector, format, options
inspected_schema = factory.inspect()
# i64/f64 from data, group/key from "/1/xxx" and "/2/yyy" paths
expected_schema = pa.schema([
("i64", pa.int64()),
("f64", pa.float64()),
("str", pa.string()),
("const", pa.int64()),
("group", pa.int32()),
("key", pa.string()),
assert inspected_schema.equals(expected_schema)
hive_partitioning_factory =
assert isinstance(hive_partitioning_factory, ds.PartitioningFactory)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('infer_dictionary', [False, True])
def test_partitioning_factory_dictionary(mockfs, infer_dictionary):
paths_or_selector = fs.FileSelector('subdir', recursive=True)
format = ds.ParquetFileFormat()
options = ds.FileSystemFactoryOptions('subdir')
options.partitioning_factory =
['group', 'key'], infer_dictionary=infer_dictionary)
factory = ds.FileSystemDatasetFactory(
mockfs, paths_or_selector, format, options)
inferred_schema = factory.inspect()
if infer_dictionary:
expected_type = pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string())
assert inferred_schema.field('key').type == expected_type
table = factory.finish().to_table().combine_chunks()
actual = table.column('key').chunk(0)
expected = pa.array(['xxx'] * 5 + ['yyy'] * 5).dictionary_encode()
assert actual.equals(expected)
# ARROW-9345 ensure filtering on the partition field works
table = factory.finish().to_table(filter=ds.field('key') == 'xxx')
actual = table.column('key').chunk(0)
expected = expected.slice(0, 5)
assert actual.equals(expected)
assert inferred_schema.field('key').type == pa.string()
def test_dictionary_partitioning_outer_nulls_raises(tempdir):
table = pa.table({'a': ['x', 'y', None], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
part = ds.partitioning(
pa.schema([pa.field('a', pa.string()), pa.field('b', pa.string())]))
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
ds.write_dataset(table, tempdir, format='parquet', partitioning=part)
def _has_subdirs(basedir):
elements = os.listdir(basedir)
return any([os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basedir, el)) for el in elements])
def _do_list_all_dirs(basedir, path_so_far, result):
for f in os.listdir(basedir):
true_nested = os.path.join(basedir, f)
if os.path.isdir(true_nested):
norm_nested = posixpath.join(path_so_far, f)
if _has_subdirs(true_nested):
_do_list_all_dirs(true_nested, norm_nested, result)
def _list_all_dirs(basedir):
result = []
_do_list_all_dirs(basedir, '', result)
return result
def _check_dataset_directories(tempdir, expected_directories):
actual_directories = set(_list_all_dirs(tempdir))
assert actual_directories == set(expected_directories)
def test_dictionary_partitioning_inner_nulls(tempdir):
table = pa.table({'a': ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'b': ['x', 'y', None]})
part = ds.partitioning(
pa.schema([pa.field('a', pa.string()), pa.field('b', pa.string())]))
ds.write_dataset(table, tempdir, format='parquet', partitioning=part)
_check_dataset_directories(tempdir, ['x/x', 'y/y', 'z'])
def test_hive_partitioning_nulls(tempdir):
table = pa.table({'a': ['x', None, 'z'], 'b': ['x', 'y', None]})
part = ds.HivePartitioning(pa.schema(
[pa.field('a', pa.string()), pa.field('b', pa.string())]), None, 'xyz')
ds.write_dataset(table, tempdir, format='parquet', partitioning=part)
_check_dataset_directories(tempdir, ['a=x/b=x', 'a=xyz/b=y', 'a=z/b=xyz'])
def test_partitioning_function():
schema = pa.schema([("year", pa.int16()), ("month", pa.int8())])
names = ["year", "month"]
# default DirectoryPartitioning
part = ds.partitioning(schema)
assert isinstance(part, ds.DirectoryPartitioning)
part = ds.partitioning(schema, dictionaries="infer")
assert isinstance(part, ds.PartitioningFactory)
part = ds.partitioning(field_names=names)
assert isinstance(part, ds.PartitioningFactory)
# needs schema or list of names
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected list"):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot specify both"):
ds.partitioning(schema, field_names=schema)
# Hive partitioning
part = ds.partitioning(schema, flavor="hive")
assert isinstance(part, ds.HivePartitioning)
part = ds.partitioning(schema, dictionaries="infer", flavor="hive")
assert isinstance(part, ds.PartitioningFactory)
part = ds.partitioning(flavor="hive")
assert isinstance(part, ds.PartitioningFactory)
# cannot pass list of names
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ds.partitioning(names, flavor="hive")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot specify 'field_names'"):
ds.partitioning(field_names=names, flavor="hive")
# unsupported flavor
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ds.partitioning(schema, flavor="unsupported")
def test_directory_partitioning_dictionary_key(mockfs):
# ARROW-8088 specifying partition key as dictionary type
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('group', pa.dictionary(pa.int8(), pa.int32())),
pa.field('key', pa.dictionary(pa.int8(), pa.string()))
part =
dataset = ds.dataset(
"subdir", format="parquet", filesystem=mockfs, partitioning=part
table = dataset.to_table()
assert table.column('group').type.equals(schema.types[0])
assert table.column('group').to_pylist() == [1] * 5 + [2] * 5
assert table.column('key').type.equals(schema.types[1])
assert table.column('key').to_pylist() == ['xxx'] * 5 + ['yyy'] * 5
def test_hive_partitioning_dictionary_key(multisourcefs):
# ARROW-8088 specifying partition key as dictionary type
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('year', pa.dictionary(pa.int8(), pa.int16())),
pa.field('month', pa.dictionary(pa.int8(), pa.int16()))
part =
dataset = ds.dataset(
"hive", format="parquet", filesystem=multisourcefs, partitioning=part
table = dataset.to_table()
year_dictionary = list(range(2006, 2011))
month_dictionary = list(range(1, 13))
assert table.column('year').type.equals(schema.types[0])
for chunk in table.column('year').chunks:
actual = chunk.dictionary.to_pylist()
assert actual == year_dictionary
assert table.column('month').type.equals(schema.types[1])
for chunk in table.column('month').chunks:
actual = chunk.dictionary.to_pylist()
assert actual == month_dictionary
def _create_single_file(base_dir, table=None, row_group_size=None):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
if table is None:
table = pa.table({'a': range(9), 'b': [0.] * 4 + [1.] * 5})
path = base_dir / "test.parquet"
pq.write_table(table, path, row_group_size=row_group_size)
return table, path
def _create_directory_of_files(base_dir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table1 = pa.table({'a': range(9), 'b': [0.] * 4 + [1.] * 5})
path1 = base_dir / "test1.parquet"
pq.write_table(table1, path1)
table2 = pa.table({'a': range(9, 18), 'b': [0.] * 4 + [1.] * 5})
path2 = base_dir / "test2.parquet"
pq.write_table(table2, path2)
return (table1, table2), (path1, path2)
def _check_dataset(dataset, table):
# also test that pickle roundtrip keeps the functionality
for d in [dataset, pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(dataset))]:
assert dataset.schema.equals(table.schema)
assert dataset.to_table().equals(table)
def _check_dataset_from_path(path, table, **kwargs):
# pathlib object
assert isinstance(path, pathlib.Path)
# accept Path, str, List[Path], List[str]
for p in [path, str(path), [path], [str(path)]]:
dataset = ds.dataset(path, **kwargs)
assert isinstance(dataset, ds.FileSystemDataset)
_check_dataset(dataset, table)
# relative string path
with change_cwd(path.parent):
dataset = ds.dataset(, **kwargs)
assert isinstance(dataset, ds.FileSystemDataset)
_check_dataset(dataset, table)
def test_open_dataset_single_file(tempdir):
table, path = _create_single_file(tempdir)
_check_dataset_from_path(path, table)
def test_deterministic_row_order(tempdir):
# ARROW-8447 Ensure that dataset.to_table (and Scanner::ToTable) returns a
# deterministic row ordering. This is achieved by constructing a single
# parquet file with one row per RowGroup.
table, path = _create_single_file(tempdir, row_group_size=1)
_check_dataset_from_path(path, table)
def test_open_dataset_directory(tempdir):
tables, _ = _create_directory_of_files(tempdir)
table = pa.concat_tables(tables)
_check_dataset_from_path(tempdir, table)
def test_open_dataset_list_of_files(tempdir):
tables, (path1, path2) = _create_directory_of_files(tempdir)
table = pa.concat_tables(tables)
datasets = [
ds.dataset([path1, path2]),
ds.dataset([str(path1), str(path2)])
datasets += [
pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(d)) for d in datasets
for dataset in datasets:
assert dataset.schema.equals(table.schema)
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
def test_construct_from_single_file(tempdir):
directory = tempdir / 'single-file'
table, path = _create_single_file(directory)
relative_path = path.relative_to(directory)
# instantiate from a single file
d1 = ds.dataset(path)
# instantiate from a single file with a filesystem object
d2 = ds.dataset(path, filesystem=fs.LocalFileSystem())
# instantiate from a single file with prefixed filesystem URI
d3 = ds.dataset(str(relative_path), filesystem=_filesystem_uri(directory))
# pickle roundtrip
d4 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(d1))
assert d1.to_table() == d2.to_table() == d3.to_table() == d4.to_table()
def test_construct_from_single_directory(tempdir):
directory = tempdir / 'single-directory'
tables, paths = _create_directory_of_files(directory)
d1 = ds.dataset(directory)
d2 = ds.dataset(directory, filesystem=fs.LocalFileSystem())
d3 = ds.dataset(, filesystem=_filesystem_uri(tempdir))
t1 = d1.to_table()
t2 = d2.to_table()
t3 = d3.to_table()
assert t1 == t2 == t3
# test pickle roundtrip
for d in [d1, d2, d3]:
restored = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(d))
assert restored.to_table() == t1
def test_construct_from_list_of_files(tempdir):
# instantiate from a list of files
directory = tempdir / 'list-of-files'
tables, paths = _create_directory_of_files(directory)
relative_paths = [p.relative_to(tempdir) for p in paths]
with change_cwd(tempdir):
d1 = ds.dataset(relative_paths)
t1 = d1.to_table()
assert len(t1) == sum(map(len, tables))
d2 = ds.dataset(relative_paths, filesystem=_filesystem_uri(tempdir))
t2 = d2.to_table()
d3 = ds.dataset(paths)
t3 = d3.to_table()
d4 = ds.dataset(paths, filesystem=fs.LocalFileSystem())
t4 = d4.to_table()
assert t1 == t2 == t3 == t4
def test_construct_from_list_of_mixed_paths_fails(mockfs):
# isntantiate from a list of mixed paths
files = [
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError, match='doesnt-exist'):
ds.dataset(files, filesystem=mockfs)
def test_construct_from_mixed_child_datasets(mockfs):
# isntantiate from a list of mixed paths
a = ds.dataset(['subdir/1/xxx/file0.parquet',
'subdir/2/yyy/file1.parquet'], filesystem=mockfs)
b = ds.dataset('subdir', filesystem=mockfs)
dataset = ds.dataset([a, b])
assert isinstance(dataset, ds.UnionDataset)
assert len(list(dataset.get_fragments())) == 4
table = dataset.to_table()
assert len(table) == 20
assert table.num_columns == 4
assert len(dataset.children) == 2
for child in dataset.children:
assert child.files == ['subdir/1/xxx/file0.parquet',
def test_construct_empty_dataset():
empty = ds.dataset([])
table = empty.to_table()
assert table.num_rows == 0
assert table.num_columns == 0
def test_construct_dataset_with_invalid_schema():
empty = ds.dataset([], schema=pa.schema([
('a', pa.int64()),
('a', pa.string())
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Multiple matches for .*a.* in '):
def test_construct_from_invalid_sources_raise(multisourcefs):
child1 = ds.FileSystemDatasetFactory(
child2 = ds.FileSystemDatasetFactory(
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='Expected.*FileSystemDatasetFactory'):
ds.dataset([child1, child2])
expected = (
"Expected a list of path-like or dataset objects. The given list "
"contains the following types: int"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=expected):
ds.dataset([1, 2, 3])
expected = (
"Expected a path-like, list of path-likes or a list of Datasets "
"instead of the given type: NoneType"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=expected):
def test_open_dataset_partitioned_directory(tempdir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({'a': range(9), 'b': [0.] * 4 + [1.] * 5})
path = tempdir / "dataset"
for part in range(3):
part = path / "part={}".format(part)
pq.write_table(table, part / "test.parquet")
# no partitioning specified, just read all individual files
full_table = pa.concat_tables([table] * 3)
_check_dataset_from_path(path, full_table)
# specify partition scheme with discovery
dataset = ds.dataset(
str(path), partitioning=ds.partitioning(flavor="hive"))
expected_schema = table.schema.append(pa.field("part", pa.int32()))
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
# specify partition scheme with discovery and relative path
with change_cwd(tempdir):
dataset = ds.dataset(
"dataset/", partitioning=ds.partitioning(flavor="hive"))
expected_schema = table.schema.append(pa.field("part", pa.int32()))
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
# specify partition scheme with string short-cut
dataset = ds.dataset(str(path), partitioning="hive")
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
# specify partition scheme with explicit scheme
dataset = ds.dataset(
pa.schema([("part", pa.int8())]), flavor="hive"))
expected_schema = table.schema.append(pa.field("part", pa.int8()))
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
result = dataset.to_table()
expected = full_table.append_column(
"part", pa.array(np.repeat([0, 1, 2], 9), type=pa.int8()))
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_open_dataset_filesystem(tempdir):
# single file
table, path = _create_single_file(tempdir)
# filesystem inferred from path
dataset1 = ds.dataset(str(path))
assert dataset1.schema.equals(table.schema)
# filesystem specified
dataset2 = ds.dataset(str(path), filesystem=fs.LocalFileSystem())
assert dataset2.schema.equals(table.schema)
# local filesystem specified with relative path
with change_cwd(tempdir):
dataset3 = ds.dataset("test.parquet", filesystem=fs.LocalFileSystem())
assert dataset3.schema.equals(table.schema)
# passing different filesystem
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
ds.dataset(str(path), filesystem=fs._MockFileSystem())
def test_open_dataset_unsupported_format(tempdir):
_, path = _create_single_file(tempdir)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="format 'blabla' is not supported"):
ds.dataset([path], format="blabla")
def test_open_union_dataset(tempdir):
_, path = _create_single_file(tempdir)
dataset = ds.dataset(path)
union = ds.dataset([dataset, dataset])
assert isinstance(union, ds.UnionDataset)
pickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(union))
assert pickled.to_table() == union.to_table()
def test_open_union_dataset_with_additional_kwargs(multisourcefs):
child = ds.dataset('/plain', filesystem=multisourcefs, format='parquet')
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot pass any additional"):
ds.dataset([child], format="parquet")
def test_open_dataset_non_existing_file():
# ARROW-8213: Opening a dataset with a local incorrect path gives confusing
# error message
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
ds.dataset('i-am-not-existing.parquet', format='parquet')
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid, match='cannot be relative'):
ds.dataset('file:i-am-not-existing.parquet', format='parquet')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('partitioning', ["directory", "hive"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('null_fallback', ['xyz', None])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('infer_dictionary', [False, True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('partition_keys', [
(["A", "B", "C"], [1, 2, 3]),
([1, 2, 3], ["A", "B", "C"]),
(["A", "B", "C"], ["D", "E", "F"]),
([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]),
([1, None, 3], ["A", "B", "C"]),
([1, 2, 3], ["A", None, "C"]),
([None, 2, 3], [None, 2, 3]),
def test_partition_discovery(
tempdir, partitioning, null_fallback, infer_dictionary, partition_keys
# ARROW-9288 / ARROW-9476
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({'a': range(9), 'b': [0.0] * 4 + [1.0] * 5})
has_null = None in partition_keys[0] or None in partition_keys[1]
if partitioning == "directory" and has_null:
# Directory partitioning can't handle the first part being null
if partitioning == "directory":
partitioning =
["part1", "part2"], infer_dictionary=infer_dictionary)
fmt = "{0}/{1}"
null_value = None
if null_fallback:
partitioning =
infer_dictionary=infer_dictionary, null_fallback=null_fallback
partitioning =
fmt = "part1={0}/part2={1}"
if null_fallback:
null_value = null_fallback
null_value = "__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"
basepath = tempdir / "dataset"
part_keys1, part_keys2 = partition_keys
for part1 in part_keys1:
for part2 in part_keys2:
path = basepath / \
fmt.format(part1 or null_value, part2 or null_value)
pq.write_table(table, path / "test.parquet")
dataset = ds.dataset(str(basepath), partitioning=partitioning)
def expected_type(key):
if infer_dictionary:
value_type = pa.string() if isinstance(key, str) else pa.int32()
return pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), value_type)
return pa.string() if isinstance(key, str) else pa.int32()
expected_schema = table.schema.append(
pa.field("part1", expected_type(part_keys1[0]))
pa.field("part2", expected_type(part_keys2[0]))
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
def test_dataset_partitioned_dictionary_type_reconstruct(tempdir):
table = pa.table({'part': np.repeat(['A', 'B'], 5), 'col': range(10)})
part = ds.partitioning(['part']).schema, flavor="hive")
ds.write_dataset(table, tempdir, partitioning=part, format="feather")
dataset = ds.dataset(
tempdir, format="feather",
expected = pa.table(
{'col': table['col'], 'part': table['part'].dictionary_encode()}
assert dataset.to_table().equals(expected)
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
assert fragment.to_table(schema=dataset.schema).equals(expected[:5])
part_expr = fragment.partition_expression
restored = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(dataset))
assert restored.to_table().equals(expected)
restored = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(fragment))
assert restored.to_table(schema=dataset.schema).equals(expected[:5])
# to_pandas call triggers computation of the actual dictionary values
assert restored.to_table(schema=dataset.schema).to_pandas().equals(
assert restored.partition_expression.equals(part_expr)
def s3_example_simple(s3_connection, s3_server):
from pyarrow.fs import FileSystem
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
host, port, access_key, secret_key = s3_connection
uri = (
.format(access_key, secret_key, host, port)
fs, path = FileSystem.from_uri(uri)
table = pa.table({'a': [1, 2, 3]})
with fs.open_output_stream("mybucket/data.parquet") as out:
pq.write_table(table, out)
return table, path, fs, uri, host, port, access_key, secret_key
def test_open_dataset_from_uri_s3(s3_example_simple):
# open dataset from non-localfs string path
table, path, fs, uri, _, _, _, _ = s3_example_simple
# full string URI
dataset = ds.dataset(uri, format="parquet")
assert dataset.to_table().equals(table)
# passing filesystem object
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format="parquet", filesystem=fs)
assert dataset.to_table().equals(table)
@pytest.mark.s3 # still needed to create the data
def test_open_dataset_from_uri_s3_fsspec(s3_example_simple):
table, path, _, _, host, port, access_key, secret_key = s3_example_simple
s3fs = pytest.importorskip("s3fs")
from pyarrow.fs import PyFileSystem, FSSpecHandler
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(
'endpoint_url': 'http://{}:{}'.format(host, port)
# passing as fsspec filesystem
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format="parquet", filesystem=fs)
assert dataset.to_table().equals(table)
# directly passing the fsspec-handler
fs = PyFileSystem(FSSpecHandler(fs))
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format="parquet", filesystem=fs)
assert dataset.to_table().equals(table)
def test_open_dataset_from_s3_with_filesystem_uri(s3_connection, s3_server):
from pyarrow.fs import FileSystem
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
host, port, access_key, secret_key = s3_connection
bucket = 'theirbucket'
path = 'nested/folder/data.parquet'
uri = "s3://{}:{}@{}/{}?scheme=http&endpoint_override={}:{}".format(
access_key, secret_key, bucket, path, host, port
fs, path = FileSystem.from_uri(uri)
assert path == 'theirbucket/nested/folder/data.parquet'
table = pa.table({'a': [1, 2, 3]})
with fs.open_output_stream(path) as out:
pq.write_table(table, out)
# full string URI
dataset = ds.dataset(uri, format="parquet")
assert dataset.to_table().equals(table)
# passing filesystem as an uri
template = (
access_key, secret_key, host, port
cases = [
('theirbucket/nested/folder/', '/data.parquet'),
('theirbucket/nested/folder', 'data.parquet'),
('theirbucket/nested/', 'folder/data.parquet'),
('theirbucket/nested', 'folder/data.parquet'),
('theirbucket', '/nested/folder/data.parquet'),
('theirbucket', 'nested/folder/data.parquet'),
for prefix, path in cases:
uri = template.format(prefix)
dataset = ds.dataset(path, filesystem=uri, format="parquet")
assert dataset.to_table().equals(table)
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid, match='Missing bucket name'):
uri = template.format('/')
ds.dataset('/theirbucket/nested/folder/data.parquet', filesystem=uri)
error = (
"The path component of the filesystem URI must point to a directory "
"but it has a type: `{}`. The path component is `{}` and the given "
"filesystem URI is `{}`"
path = 'theirbucket/doesnt/exist'
uri = template.format(path)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
ds.dataset('data.parquet', filesystem=uri)
assert str(exc.value) == error.format('NotFound', path, uri)
path = 'theirbucket/nested/folder/data.parquet'
uri = template.format(path)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
ds.dataset('data.parquet', filesystem=uri)
assert str(exc.value) == error.format('File', path, uri)
def test_open_dataset_from_fsspec(tempdir):
table, path = _create_single_file(tempdir)
fsspec = pytest.importorskip("fsspec")
localfs = fsspec.filesystem("file")
dataset = ds.dataset(path, filesystem=localfs)
assert dataset.schema.equals(table.schema)
def test_filter_timestamp(tempdir):
# ARROW-11379
path = tempdir / "test_partition_timestamps"
table = pa.table({
"dates": ['2012-01-01', '2012-01-02'] * 5,
"id": range(10)})
# write dataset partitioned on dates (as strings)
part = ds.partitioning(['dates']).schema, flavor="hive")
ds.write_dataset(table, path, partitioning=part, format="feather")
# read dataset partitioned on dates (as timestamps)
part = ds.partitioning(pa.schema([("dates", pa.timestamp("s"))]),
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format="feather", partitioning=part)
condition = ds.field("dates") > pd.Timestamp("2012-01-01")
table = dataset.to_table(filter=condition)
assert table.column('id').to_pylist() == [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
import datetime
condition = ds.field("dates") > datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1)
table = dataset.to_table(filter=condition)
assert table.column('id').to_pylist() == [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
def test_filter_implicit_cast(tempdir):
# ARROW-7652
table = pa.table({'a': pa.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], type=pa.int8())})
_, path = _create_single_file(tempdir, table)
dataset = ds.dataset(str(path))
filter_ = ds.field('a') > 2
assert len(dataset.to_table(filter=filter_)) == 3
def test_dataset_union(multisourcefs):
child = ds.FileSystemDatasetFactory(
multisourcefs, fs.FileSelector('/plain'),
factory = ds.UnionDatasetFactory([child])
# TODO(bkietz) reintroduce factory.children property
assert len(factory.inspect_schemas()) == 1
assert all(isinstance(s, pa.Schema) for s in factory.inspect_schemas())
assert factory.inspect_schemas()[0].equals(child.inspect())
assert factory.inspect().equals(child.inspect())
assert isinstance(factory.finish(), ds.Dataset)
def test_union_dataset_from_other_datasets(tempdir, multisourcefs):
child1 = ds.dataset('/plain', filesystem=multisourcefs, format='parquet')
child2 = ds.dataset('/schema', filesystem=multisourcefs, format='parquet',
partitioning=['week', 'color'])
child3 = ds.dataset('/hive', filesystem=multisourcefs, format='parquet',
assert child1.schema != child2.schema != child3.schema
assembled = ds.dataset([child1, child2, child3])
assert isinstance(assembled, ds.UnionDataset)
msg = 'cannot pass any additional arguments'
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
ds.dataset([child1, child2], filesystem=multisourcefs)
expected_schema = pa.schema([
('date', pa.date32()),
('index', pa.int64()),
('value', pa.float64()),
('color', pa.string()),
('week', pa.int32()),
('year', pa.int32()),
('month', pa.int32()),
assert assembled.schema.equals(expected_schema)
assert assembled.to_table().schema.equals(expected_schema)
assembled = ds.dataset([child1, child3])
expected_schema = pa.schema([
('date', pa.date32()),
('index', pa.int64()),
('value', pa.float64()),
('color', pa.string()),
('year', pa.int32()),
('month', pa.int32()),
assert assembled.schema.equals(expected_schema)
assert assembled.to_table().schema.equals(expected_schema)
expected_schema = pa.schema([
('month', pa.int32()),
('color', pa.string()),
('date', pa.date32()),
assembled = ds.dataset([child1, child3], schema=expected_schema)
assert assembled.to_table().schema.equals(expected_schema)
expected_schema = pa.schema([
('month', pa.int32()),
('color', pa.string()),
('unknown', pa.string()) # fill with nulls
assembled = ds.dataset([child1, child3], schema=expected_schema)
assert assembled.to_table().schema.equals(expected_schema)
# incompatible schemas, date and index columns have conflicting types
table = pa.table([range(9), [0.] * 4 + [1.] * 5, 'abcdefghj'],
names=['date', 'value', 'index'])
_, path = _create_single_file(tempdir, table=table)
child4 = ds.dataset(path)
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid, match='Unable to merge'):
ds.dataset([child1, child4])
def test_dataset_from_a_list_of_local_directories_raises(multisourcefs):
msg = 'points to a directory, but only file paths are supported'
with pytest.raises(IsADirectoryError, match=msg):
ds.dataset(['/plain', '/schema', '/hive'], filesystem=multisourcefs)
def test_union_dataset_filesystem_datasets(multisourcefs):
# without partitioning
dataset = ds.dataset([
ds.dataset('/plain', filesystem=multisourcefs),
ds.dataset('/schema', filesystem=multisourcefs),
ds.dataset('/hive', filesystem=multisourcefs),
expected_schema = pa.schema([
('date', pa.date32()),
('index', pa.int64()),
('value', pa.float64()),
('color', pa.string()),
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
# with hive partitioning for two hive sources
dataset = ds.dataset([
ds.dataset('/plain', filesystem=multisourcefs),
ds.dataset('/schema', filesystem=multisourcefs),
ds.dataset('/hive', filesystem=multisourcefs, partitioning='hive')
expected_schema = pa.schema([
('date', pa.date32()),
('index', pa.int64()),
('value', pa.float64()),
('color', pa.string()),
('year', pa.int32()),
('month', pa.int32()),
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
def test_specified_schema(tempdir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [.1, .2, .3]})
pq.write_table(table, tempdir / "data.parquet")
def _check_dataset(schema, expected, expected_schema=None):
dataset = ds.dataset(str(tempdir / "data.parquet"), schema=schema)
if expected_schema is not None:
assert dataset.schema.equals(expected_schema)
assert dataset.schema.equals(schema)
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(expected)
# no schema specified
schema = None
expected = table
_check_dataset(schema, expected, expected_schema=table.schema)
# identical schema specified
schema = table.schema
expected = table
_check_dataset(schema, expected)
# Specifying schema with change column order
schema = pa.schema([('b', 'float64'), ('a', 'int64')])
expected = pa.table([[.1, .2, .3], [1, 2, 3]], names=['b', 'a'])
_check_dataset(schema, expected)
# Specifying schema with missing column
schema = pa.schema([('a', 'int64')])
expected = pa.table([[1, 2, 3]], names=['a'])
_check_dataset(schema, expected)
# Specifying schema with additional column
schema = pa.schema([('a', 'int64'), ('c', 'int32')])
expected = pa.table([[1, 2, 3],
pa.array([None, None, None], type='int32')],
names=['a', 'c'])
_check_dataset(schema, expected)
# Specifying with differing field types
schema = pa.schema([('a', 'int32'), ('b', 'float64')])
dataset = ds.dataset(str(tempdir / "data.parquet"), schema=schema)
expected = pa.table([table['a'].cast('int32'),
names=['a', 'b'])
_check_dataset(schema, expected)
# Specifying with incompatible schema
schema = pa.schema([('a', pa.list_(pa.int32())), ('b', 'float64')])
dataset = ds.dataset(str(tempdir / "data.parquet"), schema=schema)
assert dataset.schema.equals(schema)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError,
match='Unsupported cast from int64 to list'):
def test_ipc_format(tempdir):
table = pa.table({'a': pa.array([1, 2, 3], type="int8"),
'b': pa.array([.1, .2, .3], type="float64")})
path = str(tempdir / 'test.arrow')
with pa.output_stream(path) as sink:
writer = pa.RecordBatchFileWriter(sink, table.schema)
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format=ds.IpcFileFormat())
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
for format_str in ["ipc", "arrow"]:
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format=format_str)
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
def test_csv_format(tempdir):
table = pa.table({'a': pa.array([1, 2, 3], type="int64"),
'b': pa.array([.1, .2, .3], type="float64")})
path = str(tempdir / 'test.csv')
table.to_pandas().to_csv(path, index=False)
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format=ds.CsvFileFormat())
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format='csv')
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("compression", [
def test_csv_format_compressed(tempdir, compression):
if not pyarrow.Codec.is_available(compression):
pytest.skip("{} support is not built".format(compression))
table = pa.table({'a': pa.array([1, 2, 3], type="int64"),
'b': pa.array([.1, .2, .3], type="float64")})
filesystem = fs.LocalFileSystem()
suffix = compression if compression != 'gzip' else 'gz'
path = str(tempdir / f'test.csv.{suffix}')
with filesystem.open_output_stream(path, compression=compression) as sink:
# With CI version of Pandas (anything < 1.2), Pandas tries to write
# str to the sink
csv_str = table.to_pandas().to_csv(index=False)
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format=ds.CsvFileFormat())
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
def test_csv_format_options(tempdir):
path = str(tempdir / 'test.csv')
with open(path, 'w') as sink:
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format='csv')
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(
pa.table({'skipped': pa.array(['col0', 'foo', 'bar'])}))
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format=ds.CsvFileFormat(
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(pa.table({'col0': pa.array(['foo', 'bar'])}))
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format=ds.CsvFileFormat(
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(
pa.table({'foo': pa.array(['skipped', 'col0', 'foo', 'bar'])}))
def test_csv_fragment_options(tempdir):
path = str(tempdir / 'test.csv')
with open(path, 'w') as sink:
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format='csv')
convert_options = pyarrow.csv.ConvertOptions(null_values=['MYNULL'],
options = ds.CsvFragmentScanOptions(
result = dataset.to_table(fragment_scan_options=options)
assert result.equals(pa.table({'col0': pa.array(['foo', 'spam', None])}))
csv_format = ds.CsvFileFormat(convert_options=convert_options)
dataset = ds.dataset(path, format=csv_format)
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(pa.table({'col0': pa.array(['foo', 'spam', None])}))
options = ds.CsvFragmentScanOptions()
result = dataset.to_table(fragment_scan_options=options)
assert result.equals(
pa.table({'col0': pa.array(['foo', 'spam', 'MYNULL'])}))
def test_feather_format(tempdir):
from pyarrow.feather import write_feather
table = pa.table({'a': pa.array([1, 2, 3], type="int8"),
'b': pa.array([.1, .2, .3], type="float64")})
basedir = tempdir / "feather_dataset"
write_feather(table, str(basedir / "data.feather"))
dataset = ds.dataset(basedir, format=ds.IpcFileFormat())
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
dataset = ds.dataset(basedir, format="feather")
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
# ARROW-8641 - column selection order
result = dataset.to_table(columns=["b", "a"])
assert result.column_names == ["b", "a"]
result = dataset.to_table(columns=["a", "a"])
assert result.column_names == ["a", "a"]
# error with Feather v1 files
write_feather(table, str(basedir / "data1.feather"), version=1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ds.dataset(basedir, format="feather").to_table()
def _create_parquet_dataset_simple(root_path):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
metadata_collector = []
for i in range(4):
table = pa.table({'f1': [i] * 10, 'f2': np.random.randn(10)})
table, str(root_path), metadata_collector=metadata_collector
metadata_path = str(root_path / '_metadata')
# write _metadata file
table.schema, metadata_path,
return metadata_path, table
@pytest.mark.pandas # write_to_dataset currently requires pandas
def test_parquet_dataset_factory(tempdir):
root_path = tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset"
metadata_path, table = _create_parquet_dataset_simple(root_path)
dataset = ds.parquet_dataset(metadata_path)
assert dataset.schema.equals(table.schema)
assert len(dataset.files) == 4
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.num_rows == 40
def test_parquet_dataset_factory_invalid(tempdir):
root_path = tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset_invalid"
metadata_path, table = _create_parquet_dataset_simple(root_path)
# remove one of the files
dataset = ds.parquet_dataset(metadata_path)
assert dataset.schema.equals(table.schema)
assert len(dataset.files) == 4
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
def _create_metadata_file(root_path):
# create _metadata file from existing parquet dataset
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
parquet_paths = list(sorted(root_path.rglob("*.parquet")))
schema = pq.ParquetFile(parquet_paths[0]).schema.to_arrow_schema()
metadata_collector = []
for path in parquet_paths:
metadata = pq.ParquetFile(path).metadata
metadata_path = root_path / "_metadata"
schema, metadata_path, metadata_collector=metadata_collector
return metadata_path
def _create_parquet_dataset_partitioned(root_path):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table([
pa.array(range(20)), pa.array(np.random.randn(20)),
pa.array(np.repeat(['a', 'b'], 10))],
names=["f1", "f2", "part"]
table = table.replace_schema_metadata({"key": "value"})
pq.write_to_dataset(table, str(root_path), partition_cols=['part'])
return _create_metadata_file(root_path), table
def test_parquet_dataset_factory_partitioned(tempdir):
root_path = tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset_factory_partitioned"
metadata_path, table = _create_parquet_dataset_partitioned(root_path)
partitioning = ds.partitioning(flavor="hive")
dataset = ds.parquet_dataset(metadata_path, partitioning=partitioning)
assert dataset.schema.equals(table.schema)
assert len(dataset.files) == 2
result = dataset.to_table()
assert result.num_rows == 20
# the partitioned dataset does not preserve order
result = result.to_pandas().sort_values("f1").reset_index(drop=True)
expected = table.to_pandas()
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
def test_parquet_dataset_factory_metadata(tempdir):
# ensure ParquetDatasetFactory preserves metadata (ARROW-9363)
root_path = tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset_factory_metadata"
metadata_path, table = _create_parquet_dataset_partitioned(root_path)
dataset = ds.parquet_dataset(metadata_path, partitioning="hive")
assert dataset.schema.equals(table.schema)
assert b"key" in dataset.schema.metadata
fragments = list(dataset.get_fragments())
assert b"key" in fragments[0].physical_schema.metadata
def test_parquet_dataset_lazy_filtering(tempdir, open_logging_fs):
fs, assert_opens = open_logging_fs
# Test to ensure that no IO happens when filtering a dataset
# created with ParquetDatasetFactory from a _metadata file
root_path = tempdir / "test_parquet_dataset_lazy_filtering"
metadata_path, _ = _create_parquet_dataset_simple(root_path)
# creating the dataset should only open the metadata file
with assert_opens([metadata_path]):
dataset = ds.parquet_dataset(
# materializing fragments should not open any file
with assert_opens([]):
fragments = list(dataset.get_fragments())
# filtering fragments should not open any file
with assert_opens([]):
list(dataset.get_fragments(ds.field("f1") > 15))
# splitting by row group should still not open any file
with assert_opens([]):
fragments[0].split_by_row_group(ds.field("f1") > 15)
# ensuring metadata of splitted fragment should also not open any file
with assert_opens([]):
rg_fragments = fragments[0].split_by_row_group()
# FIXME(bkietz) on Windows this results in FileNotFoundErrors.
# but actually scanning does open files
# with assert_opens([f.path for f in fragments]):
# dataset.to_table()
def test_dataset_schema_metadata(tempdir):
# ARROW-8802
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3]})
path = tempdir / "test.parquet"
dataset = ds.dataset(path)
schema = dataset.to_table().schema
projected_schema = dataset.to_table(columns=["a"]).schema
# ensure the pandas metadata is included in the schema
assert b"pandas" in schema.metadata
# ensure it is still there in a projected schema (with column selection)
assert schema.equals(projected_schema, check_metadata=True)
def test_filter_mismatching_schema(tempdir):
# ARROW-9146
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({"col": pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4], type='int32')})
pq.write_table(table, str(tempdir / "data.parquet"))
# specifying explicit schema, but that mismatches the schema of the data
schema = pa.schema([("col", pa.int64())])
dataset = ds.dataset(
tempdir / "data.parquet", format="parquet", schema=schema)
# filtering on a column with such type mismatch should implicitly
# cast the column
filtered = dataset.to_table(filter=ds.field("col") > 2)
assert filtered["col"].equals(table["col"].cast('int64').slice(2))
fragment = list(dataset.get_fragments())[0]
filtered = fragment.to_table(filter=ds.field("col") > 2, schema=schema)
assert filtered["col"].equals(table["col"].cast('int64').slice(2))
def test_dataset_project_only_partition_columns(tempdir):
# ARROW-8729
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({'part': 'a a b b'.split(), 'col': list(range(4))})
path = str(tempdir / 'test_dataset')
pq.write_to_dataset(table, path, partition_cols=['part'])
dataset = ds.dataset(path, partitioning='hive')
all_cols = dataset.to_table(use_threads=False)
part_only = dataset.to_table(columns=['part'], use_threads=False)
assert all_cols.column('part').equals(part_only.column('part'))
def test_dataset_project_null_column(tempdir):
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"col": np.array([None, None, None], dtype='object')})
f = tempdir / "test_dataset_project_null_column.parquet"
df.to_parquet(f, engine="pyarrow")
dataset = ds.dataset(f, format="parquet",
schema=pa.schema([("col", pa.int64())]))
expected = pa.table({'col': pa.array([None, None, None], pa.int64())})
assert dataset.to_table().equals(expected)
def test_dataset_project_columns(tempdir):
# basic column re-projection with expressions
from pyarrow import feather
table = pa.table({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [1., 2., 3.], "C": ["a", "b", "c"]})
feather.write_feather(table, tempdir / "data.feather")
dataset = ds.dataset(tempdir / "data.feather", format="feather")
result = dataset.to_table(columns={
'A_renamed': ds.field('A'),
'B_as_int': ds.field('B').cast("int32", safe=False),
'C_is_a': ds.field('C') == 'a'
expected = pa.table({
"A_renamed": [1, 2, 3],
"B_as_int": pa.array([1, 2, 3], type="int32"),
"C_is_a": [True, False, False],
assert result.equals(expected)
# raise proper error when not passing an expression
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Expected an Expression"):
dataset.to_table(columns={"A": "A"})
def test_write_to_dataset_given_null_just_works(tempdir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('col', pa.int64()),
pa.field('part', pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string()))
table = pa.table({'part': [None, None, 'a', 'a'],
'col': list(range(4))}, schema=schema)
path = str(tempdir / 'test_dataset')
pq.write_to_dataset(table, path, partition_cols=[
'part'], use_legacy_dataset=False)
actual_table = pq.read_table(tempdir / 'test_dataset')
# column.equals can handle the difference in chunking but not the fact
# that `part` will have different dictionaries for the two chunks
assert actual_table.column('part').to_pylist(
) == table.column('part').to_pylist()
assert actual_table.column('col').equals(table.column('col'))
def test_legacy_write_to_dataset_drops_null(tempdir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('col', pa.int64()),
pa.field('part', pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string()))
table = pa.table({'part': ['a', 'a', None, None],
'col': list(range(4))}, schema=schema)
expected = pa.table(
{'part': ['a', 'a'], 'col': list(range(2))}, schema=schema)
path = str(tempdir / 'test_dataset')
pq.write_to_dataset(table, path, partition_cols=[
'part'], use_legacy_dataset=True)
actual = pq.read_table(tempdir / 'test_dataset')
assert actual == expected
def _check_dataset_roundtrip(dataset, base_dir, expected_files,
base_dir_path=None, partitioning=None):
base_dir_path = base_dir_path or base_dir
ds.write_dataset(dataset, base_dir, format="feather",
partitioning=partitioning, use_threads=False)
# check that all files are present
file_paths = list(base_dir_path.rglob("*"))
assert set(file_paths) == set(expected_files)
# check that reading back in as dataset gives the same result
dataset2 = ds.dataset(
base_dir_path, format="feather", partitioning=partitioning)
assert dataset2.to_table().equals(dataset.to_table())
def test_write_dataset(tempdir):
# manually create a written dataset and read as dataset object
directory = tempdir / 'single-file'
_ = _create_single_file(directory)
dataset = ds.dataset(directory)
# full string path
target = tempdir / 'single-file-target'
expected_files = [target / "part-0.feather"]
_check_dataset_roundtrip(dataset, str(target), expected_files, target)
# pathlib path object
target = tempdir / 'single-file-target2'
expected_files = [target / "part-0.feather"]
_check_dataset_roundtrip(dataset, target, expected_files, target)
# # relative path
# target = tempdir / 'single-file-target3'
# expected_files = [target / "part-0.ipc"]
# _check_dataset_roundtrip(
# dataset, './single-file-target3', expected_files, target)
# Directory of files
directory = tempdir / 'single-directory'
_ = _create_directory_of_files(directory)
dataset = ds.dataset(directory)
target = tempdir / 'single-directory-target'
expected_files = [target / "part-0.feather"]
_check_dataset_roundtrip(dataset, str(target), expected_files, target)
def test_write_dataset_partitioned(tempdir):
directory = tempdir / "partitioned"
_ = _create_parquet_dataset_partitioned(directory)
partitioning = ds.partitioning(flavor="hive")
dataset = ds.dataset(directory, partitioning=partitioning)
# hive partitioning
target = tempdir / 'partitioned-hive-target'
expected_paths = [
target / "part=a", target / "part=a" / "part-0.feather",
target / "part=b", target / "part=b" / "part-1.feather"
partitioning_schema = ds.partitioning(
pa.schema([("part", pa.string())]), flavor="hive")
dataset, str(target), expected_paths, target,
# directory partitioning
target = tempdir / 'partitioned-dir-target'
expected_paths = [
target / "a", target / "a" / "part-0.feather",
target / "b", target / "b" / "part-1.feather"
partitioning_schema = ds.partitioning(
pa.schema([("part", pa.string())]))
dataset, str(target), expected_paths, target,
def test_write_dataset_partitioned_dict(tempdir):
directory = tempdir / "partitioned"
_ = _create_parquet_dataset_partitioned(directory)
# directory partitioning, dictionary partition columns
dataset = ds.dataset(
target = tempdir / 'partitioned-dir-target'
expected_paths = [
target / "a", target / "a" / "part-0.feather",
target / "b", target / "b" / "part-1.feather"
partitioning = ds.partitioning(pa.schema([
dictionaries={'part': pa.array(['a', 'b'])})
# NB: dictionaries required here since we use partitioning to parse
# directories in _check_dataset_roundtrip (not currently required for
# the formatting step)
dataset, str(target), expected_paths, target,
def test_write_dataset_use_threads(tempdir):
directory = tempdir / "partitioned"
_ = _create_parquet_dataset_partitioned(directory)
dataset = ds.dataset(directory, partitioning="hive")
partitioning = ds.partitioning(
pa.schema([("part", pa.string())]), flavor="hive")
target1 = tempdir / 'partitioned1'
dataset, target1, format="feather", partitioning=partitioning,
target2 = tempdir / 'partitioned2'
dataset, target2, format="feather", partitioning=partitioning,
# check that reading in gives same result
result1 = ds.dataset(target1, format="feather", partitioning=partitioning)
result2 = ds.dataset(target2, format="feather", partitioning=partitioning)
assert result1.to_table().equals(result2.to_table())
def test_write_table(tempdir):
table = pa.table([
pa.array(range(20)), pa.array(np.random.randn(20)),
pa.array(np.repeat(['a', 'b'], 10))
], names=["f1", "f2", "part"])
base_dir = tempdir / 'single'
ds.write_dataset(table, base_dir,
basename_template='dat_{i}.arrow', format="feather")
# check that all files are present
file_paths = list(base_dir.rglob("*"))
expected_paths = [base_dir / "dat_0.arrow"]
assert set(file_paths) == set(expected_paths)
# check Table roundtrip
result = ds.dataset(base_dir, format="ipc").to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
# with partitioning
base_dir = tempdir / 'partitioned'
partitioning = ds.partitioning(
pa.schema([("part", pa.string())]), flavor="hive")
ds.write_dataset(table, base_dir, format="feather",
file_paths = list(base_dir.rglob("*"))
expected_paths = [
base_dir / "part=a", base_dir / "part=a" / "dat_0.arrow",
base_dir / "part=b", base_dir / "part=b" / "dat_1.arrow"
assert set(file_paths) == set(expected_paths)
result = ds.dataset(base_dir, format="ipc", partitioning=partitioning)
assert result.to_table().equals(table)
def test_write_table_multiple_fragments(tempdir):
table = pa.table([
pa.array(range(10)), pa.array(np.random.randn(10)),
pa.array(np.repeat(['a', 'b'], 5))
], names=["f1", "f2", "part"])
table = pa.concat_tables([table]*2)
# Table with multiple batches written as single Fragment by default
base_dir = tempdir / 'single'
ds.write_dataset(table, base_dir, format="feather")
assert set(base_dir.rglob("*")) == set([base_dir / "part-0.feather"])
assert ds.dataset(base_dir, format="ipc").to_table().equals(table)
# Same for single-element list of Table
base_dir = tempdir / 'single-list'
ds.write_dataset([table], base_dir, format="feather")
assert set(base_dir.rglob("*")) == set([base_dir / "part-0.feather"])
assert ds.dataset(base_dir, format="ipc").to_table().equals(table)
# Provide list of batches to write multiple fragments
base_dir = tempdir / 'multiple'
ds.write_dataset(table.to_batches(), base_dir, format="feather")
assert set(base_dir.rglob("*")) == set(
[base_dir / "part-0.feather"])
assert ds.dataset(base_dir, format="ipc").to_table().equals(table)
# Provide list of tables to write multiple fragments
base_dir = tempdir / 'multiple-table'
ds.write_dataset([table, table], base_dir, format="feather")
assert set(base_dir.rglob("*")) == set(
[base_dir / "part-0.feather"])
assert ds.dataset(base_dir, format="ipc").to_table().equals(
def test_write_table_partitioned_dict(tempdir):
# ensure writing table partitioned on a dictionary column works without
# specifying the dictionary values explicitly
table = pa.table([
pa.array(np.repeat(['a', 'b'], 10)).dictionary_encode(),
], names=['col', 'part'])
partitioning = ds.partitioning(["part"]).schema)
base_dir = tempdir / "dataset"
table, base_dir, format="feather", partitioning=partitioning
# check roundtrip
partitioning_read =
["part"], infer_dictionary=True)
result = ds.dataset(
base_dir, format="ipc", partitioning=partitioning_read
assert result.equals(table)
def test_write_dataset_parquet(tempdir):
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table([
pa.array(range(20)), pa.array(np.random.randn(20)),
pa.array(np.repeat(['a', 'b'], 10))
], names=["f1", "f2", "part"])
# using default "parquet" format string
base_dir = tempdir / 'parquet_dataset'
ds.write_dataset(table, base_dir, format="parquet")
# check that all files are present
file_paths = list(base_dir.rglob("*"))
expected_paths = [base_dir / "part-0.parquet"]
assert set(file_paths) == set(expected_paths)
# check Table roundtrip
result = ds.dataset(base_dir, format="parquet").to_table()
assert result.equals(table)
# using custom options
for version in ["1.0", "2.0"]:
format = ds.ParquetFileFormat()
opts = format.make_write_options(version=version)
base_dir = tempdir / 'parquet_dataset_version{0}'.format(version)
ds.write_dataset(table, base_dir, format=format, file_options=opts)
meta = pq.read_metadata(base_dir / "part-0.parquet")
assert meta.format_version == version
def test_write_dataset_arrow_schema_metadata(tempdir):
# ensure we serialize ARROW schema in the parquet metadata, to have a
# correct roundtrip (e.g. preserve non-UTC timezone)
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({"a": [pd.Timestamp("2012-01-01", tz="Europe/Brussels")]})
assert table["a"] == "Europe/Brussels"
ds.write_dataset(table, tempdir, format="parquet")
result = pq.read_table(tempdir / "part-0.parquet")
assert result["a"] == "Europe/Brussels"
def test_write_dataset_schema_metadata(tempdir):
# ensure that schema metadata gets written
from pyarrow import feather
table = pa.table({'a': [1, 2, 3]})
table = table.replace_schema_metadata({b'key': b'value'})
ds.write_dataset(table, tempdir, format="feather")
schema = feather.read_table(tempdir / "part-0.feather").schema
assert schema.metadata == {b'key': b'value'}
def test_write_dataset_schema_metadata_parquet(tempdir):
# ensure that schema metadata gets written
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
table = pa.table({'a': [1, 2, 3]})
table = table.replace_schema_metadata({b'key': b'value'})
ds.write_dataset(table, tempdir, format="parquet")
schema = pq.read_table(tempdir / "part-0.parquet").schema
assert schema.metadata == {b'key': b'value'}
def test_write_dataset_s3(s3_example_simple):
# write dataset with s3 filesystem
_, _, fs, _, host, port, access_key, secret_key = s3_example_simple
uri_template = (
access_key, secret_key, host, port)
table = pa.table([
pa.array(range(20)), pa.array(np.random.randn(20)),
pa.array(np.repeat(['a', 'b'], 10))],
names=["f1", "f2", "part"]
part = ds.partitioning(pa.schema([("part", pa.string())]), flavor="hive")
# writing with filesystem object
table, "mybucket/dataset", filesystem=fs, format="feather",
# check rountrip
result = ds.dataset(
"mybucket/dataset", filesystem=fs, format="ipc", partitioning="hive"
assert result.equals(table)
# writing with URI
uri = uri_template.format("mybucket/dataset2")
ds.write_dataset(table, uri, format="feather", partitioning=part)
# check rountrip
result = ds.dataset(
"mybucket/dataset2", filesystem=fs, format="ipc", partitioning="hive"
assert result.equals(table)
# writing with path + URI as filesystem
uri = uri_template.format("mybucket")
table, "dataset3", filesystem=uri, format="feather", partitioning=part
# check rountrip
result = ds.dataset(
"mybucket/dataset3", filesystem=fs, format="ipc", partitioning="hive"
assert result.equals(table)