blob: 1db96b8b5c3d328f414eeaade7039be3193243f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "arrow/dataset/dataset.h"
#include "arrow/dataset/dataset_internal.h"
#include "arrow/dataset/discovery.h"
#include "arrow/dataset/partition.h"
#include "arrow/dataset/test_util.h"
#include "arrow/filesystem/mockfs.h"
#include "arrow/stl.h"
#include "arrow/testing/generator.h"
#include "arrow/util/optional.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace dataset {
class TestInMemoryFragment : public DatasetFixtureMixin {};
using RecordBatchVector = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>;
TEST_F(TestInMemoryFragment, Scan) {
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1024;
constexpr int64_t kNumberBatches = 16;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
auto reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(kNumberBatches, batch);
// Creates a InMemoryFragment of the same repeated batch.
RecordBatchVector batches = {static_cast<size_t>(kNumberBatches), batch};
auto fragment = std::make_shared<InMemoryFragment>(batches);
AssertFragmentEquals(reader.get(), fragment.get());
class TestInMemoryDataset : public DatasetFixtureMixin {};
TEST_F(TestInMemoryDataset, ReplaceSchema) {
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1;
constexpr int64_t kNumberBatches = 1;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
auto reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(kNumberBatches, batch);
auto dataset = std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(
schema_, RecordBatchVector{static_cast<size_t>(kNumberBatches), batch});
// drop field
ASSERT_OK(dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("i32", int32())})).status());
// add field (will be materialized as null during projection)
ASSERT_OK(dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("str", utf8())})).status());
// incompatible type
dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("i32", utf8())})).status());
// incompatible nullability
dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("f64", float64(), /*nullable=*/false)}))
// add non-nullable field
dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("str", utf8(), /*nullable=*/false)}))
TEST_F(TestInMemoryDataset, FromReader) {
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1024;
constexpr int64_t kNumberBatches = 16;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
auto source_reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(kNumberBatches, batch);
auto target_reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(kNumberBatches, batch);
auto dataset = std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(source_reader);
AssertDatasetEquals(target_reader.get(), dataset.get());
// Such datasets can only be scanned once
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto fragments, dataset->GetFragments());
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, fragments.Next());
TEST_F(TestInMemoryDataset, GetFragments) {
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1024;
constexpr int64_t kNumberBatches = 16;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
auto reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(kNumberBatches, batch);
auto dataset = std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(
schema_, RecordBatchVector{static_cast<size_t>(kNumberBatches), batch});
AssertDatasetEquals(reader.get(), dataset.get());
TEST_F(TestInMemoryDataset, InMemoryFragment) {
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1024;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
RecordBatchVector batches{batch};
// Regression test: previously this constructor relied on undefined behavior (order of
// evaluation of arguments) leading to fragments being constructed with empty schemas
auto fragment = std::make_shared<InMemoryFragment>(batches);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto schema, fragment->ReadPhysicalSchema());
AssertSchemaEqual(batch->schema(), schema);
class TestUnionDataset : public DatasetFixtureMixin {};
TEST_F(TestUnionDataset, ReplaceSchema) {
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1;
constexpr int64_t kNumberBatches = 1;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> batches{static_cast<size_t>(kNumberBatches),
DatasetVector children = {
std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(schema_, batches),
std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(schema_, batches),
const int64_t total_batches = children.size() * kNumberBatches;
auto reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(total_batches, batch);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto dataset, UnionDataset::Make(schema_, children));
AssertDatasetEquals(reader.get(), dataset.get());
// drop field
ASSERT_OK(dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("i32", int32())})).status());
// add nullable field (will be materialized as null during projection)
ASSERT_OK(dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("str", utf8())})).status());
// incompatible type
dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("i32", utf8())})).status());
// incompatible nullability
dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("f64", float64(), /*nullable=*/false)}))
// add non-nullable field
dataset->ReplaceSchema(schema({field("str", utf8(), /*nullable=*/false)}))
TEST_F(TestUnionDataset, GetFragments) {
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1024;
constexpr int64_t kChildPerNode = 2;
constexpr int64_t kCompleteBinaryTreeDepth = 4;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
auto n_leaves = 1U << kCompleteBinaryTreeDepth;
auto reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(n_leaves, batch);
// Creates a complete binary tree of depth kCompleteBinaryTreeDepth where the
// leaves are InMemoryDataset containing kChildPerNode fragments.
auto l1_leaf_dataset = std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(
schema_, RecordBatchVector{static_cast<size_t>(kChildPerNode), batch});
auto l2_leaf_tree_dataset,
schema_, DatasetVector{static_cast<size_t>(kChildPerNode), l1_leaf_dataset}));
auto l3_middle_tree_dataset,
UnionDataset::Make(schema_, DatasetVector{static_cast<size_t>(kChildPerNode),
auto root_dataset,
UnionDataset::Make(schema_, DatasetVector{static_cast<size_t>(kChildPerNode),
AssertDatasetEquals(reader.get(), root_dataset.get());
TEST_F(TestUnionDataset, TrivialScan) {
constexpr int64_t kNumberBatches = 16;
constexpr int64_t kBatchSize = 1024;
SetSchema({field("i32", int32()), field("f64", float64())});
auto batch = ConstantArrayGenerator::Zeroes(kBatchSize, schema_);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> batches{static_cast<size_t>(kNumberBatches),
DatasetVector children = {
std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(schema_, batches),
std::make_shared<InMemoryDataset>(schema_, batches),
const int64_t total_batches = children.size() * kNumberBatches;
auto reader = ConstantArrayGenerator::Repeat(total_batches, batch);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto dataset, UnionDataset::Make(schema_, children));
AssertDatasetEquals(reader.get(), dataset.get());
TEST(TestProjector, CheckProjectable) {
struct Assert {
explicit Assert(FieldVector from) : from_(from) {}
Schema from_;
void ProjectableTo(FieldVector to) {
ARROW_EXPECT_OK(CheckProjectable(from_, Schema(to)));
void NotProjectableTo(FieldVector to, std::string substr = "") {
EXPECT_RAISES_WITH_MESSAGE_THAT(TypeError, testing::HasSubstr(substr),
CheckProjectable(from_, Schema(to)));
auto i8 = field("i8", int8());
auto u16 = field("u16", uint16());
auto str = field("str", utf8());
auto i8_req = field("i8", int8(), false);
auto u16_req = field("u16", uint16(), false);
auto str_req = field("str", utf8(), false);
auto str_nil = field("str", null());
// trivial
Assert({i8, u16_req}).ProjectableTo({i8, u16_req});
// reorder
Assert({i8, u16}).ProjectableTo({u16, i8});
Assert({i8, str, u16}).ProjectableTo({u16, i8, str});
// drop field(s)
// add field(s)
Assert({}).ProjectableTo({i8, u16});
"is not nullable and does not exist in origin schema");
Assert({i8}).NotProjectableTo({u16_req, i8});
// change nullability
"not nullable but is not required in origin schema");
// change field type
Assert({i8}).NotProjectableTo({field("i8", utf8())},
"fields had matching names but differing types");
class TestEndToEnd : public TestUnionDataset {
void SetUp() override {
bool nullable = false;
field("region", utf8(), nullable),
field("model", utf8(), nullable),
field("sales", float64(), nullable),
// partition columns
field("year", int32()),
field("month", int32()),
field("country", utf8()),
using PathAndContent = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
auto files = PathAndContent{
{"/dataset/2018/01/US/dat.json", R"([
{"region": "NY", "model": "3", "sales": 742.0},
{"region": "NY", "model": "S", "sales": 304.125},
{"region": "NY", "model": "X", "sales": 136.25},
{"region": "NY", "model": "Y", "sales": 27.5}
{"/dataset/2018/01/CA/dat.json", R"([
{"region": "CA", "model": "3", "sales": 512},
{"region": "CA", "model": "S", "sales": 978},
{"region": "CA", "model": "X", "sales": 1.0},
{"region": "CA", "model": "Y", "sales": 69}
{"/dataset/2019/01/US/dat.json", R"([
{"region": "QC", "model": "3", "sales": 273.5},
{"region": "QC", "model": "S", "sales": 13},
{"region": "QC", "model": "X", "sales": 54},
{"region": "QC", "model": "Y", "sales": 21}
{"/dataset/2019/01/CA/dat.json", R"([
{"region": "QC", "model": "3", "sales": 152.25},
{"region": "QC", "model": "S", "sales": 10},
{"region": "QC", "model": "X", "sales": 42},
{"region": "QC", "model": "Y", "sales": 37}
{"/dataset/.pesky", "garbage content"},
auto mock_fs = std::make_shared<fs::internal::MockFileSystem>(fs::kNoTime);
for (const auto& f : files) {
ARROW_EXPECT_OK(mock_fs->CreateFile(f.first, f.second, /*recursive=*/true));
fs_ = mock_fs;
std::shared_ptr<fs::FileSystem> fs_;
TEST_F(TestEndToEnd, EndToEndSingleDataset) {
// The dataset API is divided in 3 parts:
// - Creation
// - Querying
// - Consuming
// Creation.
// A Dataset is the union of one or more Datasets with the same schema.
// Example of Dataset, FileSystemDataset, OdbcDataset,
// FlightDataset.
// A Dataset is composed of Fragments. Each Fragment can yield
// multiple RecordBatches. Datasets can be created manually or "discovered"
// via the DatasetFactory interface.
std::shared_ptr<DatasetFactory> factory;
// The user must specify which FileFormat is used to create FileFragments.
// This option is specific to FileSystemDataset (and the builder).
auto format_schema = SchemaFromColumnNames(schema_, {"region", "model", "sales"});
auto format = std::make_shared<JSONRecordBatchFileFormat>(format_schema);
// A selector is used to crawl files and directories of a
// filesystem. If the options in FileSelector are not enough, the
// FileSystemDatasetFactory class also supports an explicit list of
// fs::FileInfo instead of the selector.
fs::FileSelector s;
s.base_dir = "/dataset";
s.recursive = true;
// Further options can be given to the factory mechanism via the
// FileSystemFactoryOptions configuration class. See the docstring for more
// information.
FileSystemFactoryOptions options;
options.selector_ignore_prefixes = {"."};
// Partitions expressions can be discovered for Dataset and Fragments.
// This metadata is then used in conjunction with the query filter to apply
// the pushdown predicate optimization.
// The DirectoryPartitioning is a partitioning where the path is split with
// the directory separator character and the components are parsed as values
// of the corresponding fields in its schema.
// Since a PartitioningFactory is specified instead of an explicit
// Partitioning, the types of partition fields will be inferred.
// - "/2019" -> {"year": 2019}
// - "/2019/01 -> {"year": 2019, "month": 1}
// - "/2019/01/CA -> {"year": 2019, "month": 1, "country": "CA"}
// - "/2019/01/CA/a_file.json -> {"year": 2019, "month": 1, "country": "CA"}
options.partitioning = DirectoryPartitioning::MakeFactory({"year", "month", "country"});
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(factory, FileSystemDatasetFactory::Make(fs_, s, format, options));
// Fragments might have compatible but slightly different schemas, e.g.
// schema evolved by adding/renaming columns. In this case, the schema is
// passed to the dataset constructor.
// The inspected_schema may optionally be modified before being finalized.
InspectOptions inspect_options;
inspect_options.fragments = InspectOptions::kInspectAllFragments;
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto inspected_schema, factory->Inspect(inspect_options));
EXPECT_EQ(*schema_, *inspected_schema);
// Build the Dataset where partitions are attached to fragments (files).
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto source, factory->Finish(inspected_schema));
// Create the Dataset from our single Dataset.
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto dataset, UnionDataset::Make(inspected_schema, {source}));
// Querying.
// The Scan operator materializes data from io into memory. Avoiding data
// transfer is a critical optimization done by analytical engine. Thus, a
// Scan can take multiple options, notably a subset of columns and a filter
// expression.
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scanner_builder, dataset->NewScan());
// An optional subset of columns can be provided. This will trickle to
// Fragment drivers. The net effect is that only columns of interest will
// be materialized if the Fragment supports it. This is the major benefit
// of using a column-major format versus a row-major format.
// This API decouples the Dataset/Fragment implementation and column
// projection from the query part.
// For example, a ParquetFileFragment may read the necessary byte ranges
// exclusively, ranges, or an OdbcFragment could convert the projection to a SELECT
// statement. The CsvFileFragment wouldn't benefit from this as much, but
// can still benefit from skipping conversion of unneeded columns.
std::vector<std::string> columns{"sales", "model", "country"};
// An optional filter expression may also be specified. The filter expression
// is evaluated against input rows. Only rows for which the filter evaluates to true
// are yielded. Predicate pushdown optimizations are applied using partition
// information if available.
// This API decouples predicate pushdown from the Dataset implementation
// and partition discovery.
// The following filter tests both predicate pushdown and post filtering
// without partition information because `year` is a partition and `sales` is
// not.
auto filter = and_(equal(field_ref("year"), literal(2019)),
greater(field_ref("sales"), literal(100.0)));
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scanner, scanner_builder->Finish());
// In the simplest case, consumption is simply conversion to a Table.
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto table, scanner->ToTable());
auto expected = TableFromJSON(scanner->schema(), {R"([
{"sales": 152.25, "model": "3", "country": "CA"},
{"sales": 273.5, "model": "3", "country": "US"}
AssertTablesEqual(*expected, *table, false, true);
inline std::shared_ptr<Schema> SchemaFromNames(const std::vector<std::string> names) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> fields;
for (const auto& name : names) {
fields.push_back(field(name, int32()));
return schema(fields);
class TestSchemaUnification : public TestUnionDataset {
using i32 = util::optional<int32_t>;
using PathAndContent = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
void SetUp() override {
// The following test creates 2 sources with divergent but compatible
// schemas. Each source have a common partitioning where the
// fields are not materialized in the data fragments.
// Each data is composed of 2 data fragments with divergent but
// compatible schemas. The data fragment within a source share at
// least one column.
// Thus, the fixture helps verifying various scenarios where the Scanner
// must fix the RecordBatches to align with the final unified schema exposed
// to the consumer.
static constexpr auto ds1_df1 = "/dataset/alpha/part_ds=1/part_df=1/data.json";
static constexpr auto ds1_df2 = "/dataset/alpha/part_ds=1/part_df=2/data.json";
static constexpr auto ds2_df1 = "/dataset/beta/part_ds=2/part_df=1/data.json";
static constexpr auto ds2_df2 = "/dataset/beta/part_ds=2/part_df=2/data.json";
auto files = PathAndContent{
// First Dataset
{ds1_df1, R"([{"phy_1": 111, "phy_2": 211}])"},
{ds1_df2, R"([{"phy_2": 212, "phy_3": 312}])"},
// Second Dataset
{ds2_df1, R"([{"phy_3": 321, "phy_4": 421}])"},
{ds2_df2, R"([{"phy_4": 422, "phy_2": 222}])"},
auto mock_fs = std::make_shared<fs::internal::MockFileSystem>(fs::kNoTime);
for (const auto& f : files) {
ARROW_EXPECT_OK(mock_fs->CreateFile(f.first, f.second, /* recursive */ true));
fs_ = mock_fs;
auto get_source =
[this](std::string base,
std::vector<std::string> paths) -> Result<std::shared_ptr<Dataset>> {
auto resolver = [](const FileSource& source) -> std::shared_ptr<Schema> {
auto path = source.path();
// A different schema for each data fragment.
if (path == ds1_df1) {
return SchemaFromNames({"phy_1", "phy_2"});
} else if (path == ds1_df2) {
return SchemaFromNames({"phy_2", "phy_3"});
} else if (path == ds2_df1) {
return SchemaFromNames({"phy_3", "phy_4"});
} else if (path == ds2_df2) {
return SchemaFromNames({"phy_4", "phy_2"});
return nullptr;
auto format = std::make_shared<JSONRecordBatchFileFormat>(resolver);
FileSystemFactoryOptions options;
options.partition_base_dir = base;
options.partitioning =
std::make_shared<HivePartitioning>(SchemaFromNames({"part_ds", "part_df"}));
FileSystemDatasetFactory::Make(fs_, paths, format, options));
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto schema, factory->Inspect());
return factory->Finish(schema);
schema_ = SchemaFromNames({"phy_1", "phy_2", "phy_3", "phy_4", "part_ds", "part_df"});
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto ds1, get_source("/dataset/alpha", {ds1_df1, ds1_df2}));
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto ds2, get_source("/dataset/beta", {ds2_df1, ds2_df2}));
// FIXME(bkietz) this is a hack: allow differing schemas for the purposes of this
// test
class DisparateSchemasUnionDataset : public UnionDataset {
DisparateSchemasUnionDataset(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, DatasetVector children)
: UnionDataset(std::move(schema), std::move(children)) {}
dataset_ =
std::make_shared<DisparateSchemasUnionDataset>(schema_, DatasetVector{ds1, ds2});
template <typename TupleType>
void AssertScanEquals(std::shared_ptr<Scanner> scanner,
const std::vector<TupleType>& expected_rows) {
std::vector<std::string> columns;
for (const auto& field : scanner->schema()->fields()) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto actual, scanner->ToTable());
std::shared_ptr<Table> expected;
ASSERT_OK(stl::TableFromTupleRange(default_memory_pool(), expected_rows, columns,
AssertTablesEqual(*expected, *actual, false, true);
template <typename TupleType>
void AssertBuilderEquals(std::shared_ptr<ScannerBuilder> builder,
const std::vector<TupleType>& expected_rows) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scanner, builder->Finish());
AssertScanEquals(scanner, expected_rows);
std::shared_ptr<fs::FileSystem> fs_;
std::shared_ptr<Dataset> dataset_;
using util::nullopt;
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectStar) {
// This is a `SELECT * FROM dataset` where it ensures:
// - proper re-ordering of columns
// - materializing missing physical columns in Fragments
// - materializing missing partition columns extracted from Partitioning
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(111, 211, nullopt, nullopt, 1, 1),
TupleType(nullopt, 212, 312, nullopt, 1, 2),
TupleType(nullopt, nullopt, 321, 421, 2, 1),
TupleType(nullopt, 222, nullopt, 422, 2, 2),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectPhysicalColumns) {
// Same as above, but scoped to physical columns.
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Project({"phy_1", "phy_2", "phy_3", "phy_4"}));
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32, i32, i32, i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(111, 211, nullopt, nullopt),
TupleType(nullopt, 212, 312, nullopt),
TupleType(nullopt, nullopt, 321, 421),
TupleType(nullopt, 222, nullopt, 422),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectSomeReorderedPhysicalColumns) {
// Select physical columns in a different order than physical Fragments
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Project({"phy_2", "phy_1", "phy_4"}));
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32, i32, i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(211, 111, nullopt),
TupleType(212, nullopt, nullopt),
TupleType(nullopt, nullopt, 421),
TupleType(222, nullopt, 422),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectPhysicalColumnsFilterPartitionColumn) {
// Select a subset of physical column with a filter on a missing physical
// column and a partition column, it ensures:
// - Can filter on virtual and physical columns with a non-trivial filter
// when some of the columns may not be materialized
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Project({"phy_2", "phy_3", "phy_4"}));
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Filter(or_(and_(equal(field_ref("part_df"), literal(1)),
equal(field_ref("phy_2"), literal(211))),
and_(equal(field_ref("part_ds"), literal(2)),
not_equal(field_ref("phy_4"), literal(422))))));
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32, i32, i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(211, nullopt, nullopt),
TupleType(nullopt, 321, 421),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectSyntheticColumn) {
// Select only a synthetic column
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
{call("add", {field_ref("phy_1"), field_ref("part_df")})}, {"phy_1 + part_df"}));
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scanner, scan_builder->Finish());
AssertSchemaEqual(Schema({field("phy_1 + part_df", int32())}),
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(111 + 1),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectPartitionColumns) {
// Selects partition (virtual) columns, it ensures:
// - virtual column are materialized
// - Fragment yield the right number of rows even if no column is selected
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Project({"part_ds", "part_df"}));
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32, i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(1, 1),
TupleType(1, 2),
TupleType(2, 1),
TupleType(2, 2),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectPartitionColumnsFilterPhysicalColumn) {
// Selects re-ordered virtual columns with a filter on a physical columns
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Filter(equal(field_ref("phy_1"), literal(111))));
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Project({"part_df", "part_ds"}));
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32, i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(1, 1),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST_F(TestSchemaUnification, SelectMixedColumnsAndFilter) {
// Selects mix of physical/virtual with a different order and uses a filter on
// a physical column not selected.
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset_->NewScan());
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Filter(greater_equal(field_ref("phy_2"), literal(212))));
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Project({"part_df", "phy_3", "part_ds", "phy_1"}));
using TupleType = std::tuple<i32, i32, i32, i32>;
std::vector<TupleType> rows = {
TupleType(2, 312, 1, nullopt),
TupleType(2, nullopt, 2, nullopt),
AssertBuilderEquals(scan_builder, rows);
TEST(TestDictPartitionColumn, SelectPartitionColumnFilterPhysicalColumn) {
auto partition_field = field("part", dictionary(int32(), utf8()));
auto path = "/dataset/part=one/data.json";
auto dictionary = ArrayFromJSON(utf8(), R"(["one"])");
auto mock_fs = std::make_shared<fs::internal::MockFileSystem>(fs::kNoTime);
ARROW_EXPECT_OK(mock_fs->CreateFile(path, R"([ {"phy_1": 111, "phy_2": 211} ])",
auto physical_schema = SchemaFromNames({"phy_1", "phy_2"});
auto format = std::make_shared<JSONRecordBatchFileFormat>(
[=](const FileSource&) { return physical_schema; });
FileSystemFactoryOptions options;
options.partition_base_dir = "/dataset";
options.partitioning = std::make_shared<HivePartitioning>(schema({partition_field}),
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto factory,
FileSystemDatasetFactory::Make(mock_fs, {path}, format, options));
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto schema, factory->Inspect());
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto dataset, factory->Finish(schema));
// Selects re-ordered virtual column with a filter on a physical column
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scan_builder, dataset->NewScan());
ASSERT_OK(scan_builder->Filter(equal(field_ref("phy_1"), literal(111))));
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto scanner, scan_builder->Finish());
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto table, scanner->ToTable());
*ArrayFromJSON(partition_field->type(), R"(["one"])"));
} // namespace dataset
} // namespace arrow