blob: 6be83059fc174824a2c5dd9a08ae751636000b29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/dataset/expression.h"
#include "arrow/dataset/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/dataset/visibility.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/mutex.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace dataset {
/// \brief A granular piece of a Dataset, such as an individual file.
/// A Fragment can be read/scanned separately from other fragments. It yields a
/// collection of RecordBatches when scanned, encapsulated in one or more
/// ScanTasks.
/// Note that Fragments have well defined physical schemas which are reconciled by
/// the Datasets which contain them; these physical schemas may differ from a parent
/// Dataset's schema and the physical schemas of sibling Fragments.
class ARROW_DS_EXPORT Fragment : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Fragment> {
/// \brief Return the physical schema of the Fragment.
/// The physical schema is also called the writer schema.
/// This method is blocking and may suffer from high latency filesystem.
/// The schema is cached after being read once, or may be specified at construction.
Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> ReadPhysicalSchema();
/// \brief Scan returns an iterator of ScanTasks, each of which yields
/// RecordBatches from this Fragment.
/// Note that batches yielded using this method will not be filtered and may not align
/// with the Fragment's schema. In particular, note that columns referenced by the
/// filter may be present in yielded batches even if they are not projected (so that
/// they are available when a filter is applied). Additionally, explicitly projected
/// columns may be absent if they were not present in this fragment.
/// To receive a record batch stream which is fully filtered and projected, use Scanner.
virtual Result<ScanTaskIterator> Scan(std::shared_ptr<ScanOptions> options) = 0;
/// \brief Return true if the fragment can benefit from parallel scanning.
virtual bool splittable() const = 0;
virtual std::string type_name() const = 0;
virtual std::string ToString() const { return type_name(); }
/// \brief An expression which evaluates to true for all data viewed by this
/// Fragment.
const Expression& partition_expression() const { return partition_expression_; }
virtual ~Fragment() = default;
Fragment() = default;
explicit Fragment(Expression partition_expression,
std::shared_ptr<Schema> physical_schema);
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> ReadPhysicalSchemaImpl() = 0;
util::Mutex physical_schema_mutex_;
Expression partition_expression_ = literal(true);
std::shared_ptr<Schema> physical_schema_;
/// \brief Per-scan options for fragment(s) in a dataset.
/// These options are not intrinsic to the format or fragment itself, but do affect
/// the results of a scan. These are options which make sense to change between
/// repeated reads of the same dataset, such as format-specific conversion options
/// (that do not affect the schema).
class ARROW_DS_EXPORT FragmentScanOptions {
virtual std::string type_name() const = 0;
virtual std::string ToString() const { return type_name(); }
virtual ~FragmentScanOptions() = default;
/// \brief A trivial Fragment that yields ScanTask out of a fixed set of
/// RecordBatch.
class ARROW_DS_EXPORT InMemoryFragment : public Fragment {
InMemoryFragment(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, RecordBatchVector record_batches,
Expression = literal(true));
explicit InMemoryFragment(RecordBatchVector record_batches, Expression = literal(true));
Result<ScanTaskIterator> Scan(std::shared_ptr<ScanOptions> options) override;
bool splittable() const override { return false; }
std::string type_name() const override { return "in-memory"; }
Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> ReadPhysicalSchemaImpl() override;
RecordBatchVector record_batches_;
/// \brief A container of zero or more Fragments.
/// A Dataset acts as a union of Fragments, e.g. files deeply nested in a
/// directory. A Dataset has a schema to which Fragments must align during a
/// scan operation. This is analogous to Avro's reader and writer schema.
class ARROW_DS_EXPORT Dataset : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Dataset> {
/// \brief Begin to build a new Scan operation against this Dataset
Result<std::shared_ptr<ScannerBuilder>> NewScan(std::shared_ptr<ScanOptions> options);
Result<std::shared_ptr<ScannerBuilder>> NewScan();
/// \brief GetFragments returns an iterator of Fragments given a predicate.
Result<FragmentIterator> GetFragments(Expression predicate);
Result<FragmentIterator> GetFragments();
const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema() const { return schema_; }
/// \brief An expression which evaluates to true for all data viewed by this Dataset.
/// May be null, which indicates no information is available.
const Expression& partition_expression() const { return partition_expression_; }
/// \brief The name identifying the kind of Dataset
virtual std::string type_name() const = 0;
/// \brief Return a copy of this Dataset with a different schema.
/// The copy will view the same Fragments. If the new schema is not compatible with the
/// original dataset's schema then an error will be raised.
virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<Dataset>> ReplaceSchema(
std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema) const = 0;
virtual ~Dataset() = default;
explicit Dataset(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema) : schema_(std::move(schema)) {}
Dataset(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, Expression partition_expression);
virtual Result<FragmentIterator> GetFragmentsImpl(Expression predicate) = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema_;
Expression partition_expression_ = literal(true);
/// \brief A Source which yields fragments wrapping a stream of record batches.
/// The record batches must match the schema provided to the source at construction.
class ARROW_DS_EXPORT InMemoryDataset : public Dataset {
class RecordBatchGenerator {
virtual ~RecordBatchGenerator() = default;
virtual RecordBatchIterator Get() const = 0;
InMemoryDataset(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema,
std::shared_ptr<RecordBatchGenerator> get_batches)
: Dataset(std::move(schema)), get_batches_(std::move(get_batches)) {}
// Convenience constructor taking a fixed list of batches
InMemoryDataset(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, RecordBatchVector batches);
explicit InMemoryDataset(std::shared_ptr<Table> table);
explicit InMemoryDataset(std::shared_ptr<RecordBatchReader> reader);
std::string type_name() const override { return "in-memory"; }
Result<std::shared_ptr<Dataset>> ReplaceSchema(
std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema) const override;
Result<FragmentIterator> GetFragmentsImpl(Expression predicate) override;
std::shared_ptr<RecordBatchGenerator> get_batches_;
/// \brief A Dataset wrapping child Datasets.
class ARROW_DS_EXPORT UnionDataset : public Dataset {
/// \brief Construct a UnionDataset wrapping child Datasets.
/// \param[in] schema the schema of the resulting dataset.
/// \param[in] children one or more child Datasets. Their schemas must be identical to
/// schema.
static Result<std::shared_ptr<UnionDataset>> Make(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema,
DatasetVector children);
const DatasetVector& children() const { return children_; }
std::string type_name() const override { return "union"; }
Result<std::shared_ptr<Dataset>> ReplaceSchema(
std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema) const override;
Result<FragmentIterator> GetFragmentsImpl(Expression predicate) override;
explicit UnionDataset(std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, DatasetVector children)
: Dataset(std::move(schema)), children_(std::move(children)) {}
DatasetVector children_;
friend class UnionDatasetFactory;
} // namespace dataset
} // namespace arrow