blob: 89f39ab8917f0b02980970308f026d2f435a54a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <exception>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/type_traits.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace util {
/// \brief a std::variant-like discriminated union
/// Simplifications from std::variant:
/// - Strictly defaultable. The first type of T... should be nothrow default constructible
/// and it will be used for default Variants.
/// - Never valueless_by_exception. std::variant supports a state outside those specified
/// by T... to which it can return in the event that a constructor throws. If a Variant
/// would become valueless_by_exception it will instead return to its default state.
/// - Strictly nothrow move constructible and assignable
/// - Less sophisticated type deduction. std::variant<bool, std::string>("hello") will
/// intelligently construct std::string while Variant<bool, std::string>("hello") will
/// construct bool.
/// - Either both copy constructible and assignable or neither (std::variant independently
/// enables copy construction and copy assignment). Variant is copy constructible if
/// each of T... is copy constructible and assignable.
/// - Slimmer interface; several members of std::variant are omitted.
/// - Throws no exceptions; if a bad_variant_access would be thrown Variant will instead
/// segfault (nullptr dereference).
/// - Mutable visit takes a pointer instead of mutable reference or rvalue reference,
/// which is more conformant with our code style.
template <typename... T>
class Variant;
namespace detail {
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_equality_comparable : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_equality_comparable<
T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<
decltype(std::declval<T>() == std::declval<T>()), bool>::value>::type>
: std::true_type {};
template <bool C, typename T, typename E>
using conditional_t = typename std::conditional<C, T, E>::type;
template <typename T>
struct type_constant {
using type = T;
template <typename...>
struct first;
template <typename H, typename... T>
struct first<H, T...> {
using type = H;
template <typename T>
using decay_t = typename std::decay<T>::type;
template <bool...>
struct all : std::true_type {};
template <bool H, bool... T>
struct all<H, T...> : conditional_t<H, all<T...>, std::false_type> {};
struct delete_copy_constructor {
template <typename>
struct type {
type() = default;
type(const type& other) = delete;
type& operator=(const type& other) = delete;
struct explicit_copy_constructor {
template <typename Copyable>
struct type {
type() = default;
type(const type& other) { static_cast<const Copyable&>(other).copy_to(this); }
type& operator=(const type& other) {
static_cast<const Copyable&>(other).copy_to(this);
return *this;
template <typename... T>
struct VariantStorage {
VariantStorage() = default;
VariantStorage(const VariantStorage&) {}
VariantStorage& operator=(const VariantStorage&) { return *this; }
VariantStorage(VariantStorage&&) noexcept {}
VariantStorage& operator=(VariantStorage&&) noexcept { return *this; }
~VariantStorage() {
static_assert(offsetof(VariantStorage, data_) == 0,
"(void*)&VariantStorage::data_ == (void*)this");
typename arrow::internal::aligned_union<0, T...>::type data_;
uint8_t index_ = 0;
template <typename V, typename...>
struct VariantImpl;
template <typename... T>
struct VariantImpl<Variant<T...>> : VariantStorage<T...> {
static void index_of() noexcept {}
void destroy() noexcept {}
void move_to(...) noexcept {}
void copy_to(...) const {}
template <typename R, typename Visitor>
[[noreturn]] R visit_const(Visitor&& visitor) const {
template <typename R, typename Visitor>
[[noreturn]] R visit_mutable(Visitor&& visitor) {
template <typename... M, typename H, typename... T>
struct VariantImpl<Variant<M...>, H, T...> : VariantImpl<Variant<M...>, T...> {
using VariantType = Variant<M...>;
using Impl = VariantImpl<VariantType, T...>;
static constexpr uint8_t kIndex = sizeof...(M) - sizeof...(T) - 1;
VariantImpl() = default;
using VariantImpl<VariantType, T...>::VariantImpl;
using Impl::operator=;
using Impl::index_of;
explicit VariantImpl(H value) {
new (this) H(std::move(value));
this->index_ = kIndex;
VariantImpl& operator=(H value) {
new (this) H(std::move(value));
this->index_ = kIndex;
return *this;
H& cast_this() { return *reinterpret_cast<H*>(this); }
const H& cast_this() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const H*>(this); }
void move_to(VariantType* target) noexcept {
if (this->index_ == kIndex) {
new (target) H(std::move(cast_this()));
target->index_ = kIndex;
} else {
// Templated to avoid instantiation in case H is not copy constructible
template <typename Void>
void copy_to(Void* generic_target) const {
const auto target = static_cast<VariantType*>(generic_target);
try {
if (this->index_ == kIndex) {
new (target) H(cast_this());
target->index_ = kIndex;
} else {
} catch (...) {
void destroy() noexcept {
if (this->index_ == kIndex) {
if (!std::is_trivially_destructible<H>::value) {
} else {
static constexpr std::integral_constant<uint8_t, kIndex> index_of(
const type_constant<H>&) {
return {};
template <typename R, typename Visitor>
R visit_const(Visitor&& visitor) const {
if (this->index_ == kIndex) {
return std::forward<Visitor>(visitor)(cast_this());
return Impl::template visit_const<R>(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor));
template <typename R, typename Visitor>
R visit_mutable(Visitor&& visitor) {
if (this->index_ == kIndex) {
return std::forward<Visitor>(visitor)(&cast_this());
return Impl::template visit_mutable<R>(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor));
} // namespace detail
template <typename... T>
class Variant : detail::VariantImpl<Variant<T...>, T...>,
detail::all<(std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value &&
detail::delete_copy_constructor>::template type<Variant<T...>> {
template <typename U>
static constexpr uint8_t index_of() {
return Impl::index_of(detail::type_constant<U>{});
using Impl = detail::VariantImpl<Variant<T...>, T...>;
using default_type = typename util::detail::first<T...>::type;
Variant() noexcept { construct_default(); }
Variant(const Variant& other) = default;
Variant& operator=(const Variant& other) = default;
using Impl::Impl;
using Impl::operator=;
Variant(Variant&& other) noexcept { other.move_to(this); }
Variant& operator=(Variant&& other) noexcept {
return *this;
~Variant() {
static_assert(offsetof(Variant, data_) == 0, "(void*)&Variant::data_ == (void*)this");
/// \brief Return the zero-based type index of the value held by the variant
uint8_t index() const noexcept { return this->index_; }
/// \brief Get a const pointer to the value held by the variant
/// If the type given as template argument doesn't match, a null pointer is returned.
template <typename U, uint8_t I = index_of<U>()>
const U* get() const noexcept {
return index() == I ? reinterpret_cast<const U*>(this) : NULLPTR;
/// \brief Get a pointer to the value held by the variant
/// If the type given as template argument doesn't match, a null pointer is returned.
template <typename U, uint8_t I = index_of<U>()>
U* get() noexcept {
return index() == I ? reinterpret_cast<U*>(this) : NULLPTR;
/// \brief Replace the value held by the variant
/// The intended type must be given as a template argument.
/// The value is constructed in-place using the given function arguments.
template <typename U, typename... A, uint8_t I = index_of<U>()>
void emplace(A&&... args) try {
new (this) U(std::forward<A>(args)...);
this->index_ = I;
} catch (...) {
template <typename U, typename E, typename... A, uint8_t I = index_of<U>()>
void emplace(std::initializer_list<E> il, A&&... args) try {
new (this) U(il, std::forward<A>(args)...);
this->index_ = I;
} catch (...) {
/// \brief Swap with another variant's contents
void swap(Variant& other) noexcept { // NOLINT google-runtime-references
Variant tmp = std::move(other);
other = std::move(*this);
*this = std::move(tmp);
using Impl::visit_const;
using Impl::visit_mutable;
void construct_default() noexcept {
new (this) default_type();
this->index_ = 0;
template <typename V>
friend struct detail::explicit_copy_constructor::type;
template <typename V, typename...>
friend struct detail::VariantImpl;
/// \brief Call polymorphic visitor on a const variant's value
/// The visitor will receive a const reference to the value held by the variant.
/// It must define overloads for each possible variant type.
/// The overloads should all return the same type (no attempt
/// is made to find a generalized return type).
template <typename Visitor, typename... T,
typename R = decltype(std::declval<Visitor&&>()(
std::declval<const typename Variant<T...>::default_type&>()))>
R visit(Visitor&& visitor, const util::Variant<T...>& v) {
return v.template visit_const<R>(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor));
/// \brief Call polymorphic visitor on a non-const variant's value
/// The visitor will receive a pointer to the value held by the variant.
/// It must define overloads for each possible variant type.
/// The overloads should all return the same type (no attempt
/// is made to find a generalized return type).
template <typename Visitor, typename... T,
typename R = decltype(std::declval<Visitor&&>()(
std::declval<typename Variant<T...>::default_type*>()))>
R visit(Visitor&& visitor, util::Variant<T...>* v) {
return v->template visit_mutable<R>(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor));
/// \brief Get a const reference to the value held by the variant
/// If the type given as template argument doesn't match, behavior is undefined
/// (a null pointer will be dereferenced).
template <typename U, typename... T>
const U& get(const Variant<T...>& v) {
return *v.template get<U>();
/// \brief Get a reference to the value held by the variant
/// If the type given as template argument doesn't match, behavior is undefined
/// (a null pointer will be dereferenced).
template <typename U, typename... T>
U& get(Variant<T...>& v) {
return *v.template get<U>();
/// \brief Get a const pointer to the value held by the variant
/// If the type given as template argument doesn't match, a nullptr is returned.
template <typename U, typename... T>
const U* get_if(const Variant<T...>* v) {
return v->template get<U>();
/// \brief Get a pointer to the value held by the variant
/// If the type given as template argument doesn't match, a nullptr is returned.
template <typename U, typename... T>
U* get_if(Variant<T...>* v) {
return v->template get<U>();
namespace detail {
template <typename... T>
struct VariantsEqual {
template <typename U>
bool operator()(const U& r) const {
return get<U>(l_) == r;
const Variant<T...>& l_;
} // namespace detail
template <typename... T, typename = typename std::enable_if<detail::all<
bool operator==(const Variant<T...>& l, const Variant<T...>& r) {
if (l.index() != r.index()) return false;
return visit(detail::VariantsEqual<T...>{l}, r);
template <typename... T>
auto operator!=(const Variant<T...>& l, const Variant<T...>& r) -> decltype(l == r) {
return !(l == r);
/// \brief Return whether the variant holds a value of the given type
template <typename U, typename... T>
bool holds_alternative(const Variant<T...>& v) {
return v.template get<U>();
} // namespace util
} // namespace arrow