blob: 7fa7f852eb44d69325e3c44b8bf0e66669cedd96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "arrow/util/trie.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace internal {
Status Trie::Validate() const {
const auto n_nodes = static_cast<fast_index_type>(nodes_.size());
if (size_ > n_nodes) {
return Status::Invalid("Number of entries larger than number of nodes");
for (const auto& node : nodes_) {
if (node.found_index_ >= size_) {
return Status::Invalid("Found index >= size");
if (node.child_lookup_ != -1 &&
node.child_lookup_ * 256 >
static_cast<fast_index_type>(lookup_table_.size() - 256)) {
return Status::Invalid("Child lookup base doesn't point to 256 valid indices");
for (const auto index : lookup_table_) {
if (index >= n_nodes) {
return Status::Invalid("Child lookup index out of bounds");
return Status::OK();
void Trie::Dump(const Node* node, const std::string& indent) const {
std::cerr << "[\"" << node->substring_ << "\"]";
if (node->found_index_ >= 0) {
std::cerr << " *";
std::cerr << "\n";
if (node->child_lookup_ >= 0) {
auto child_indent = indent + " ";
std::cerr << child_indent << "|\n";
for (fast_index_type i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
auto child_index = lookup_table_[node->child_lookup_ * 256 + i];
if (child_index >= 0) {
const Node* child = &nodes_[child_index];
std::cerr << child_indent << "|-> '" << static_cast<char>(i) << "' (" << i
<< ") -> ";
Dump(child, child_indent);
void Trie::Dump() const { Dump(&nodes_[0], ""); }
TrieBuilder::TrieBuilder() { trie_.nodes_.push_back(Trie::Node{-1, -1, ""}); }
Status TrieBuilder::AppendChildNode(Trie::Node* parent, uint8_t ch, Trie::Node&& node) {
if (parent->child_lookup_ == -1) {
auto parent_lookup = parent->child_lookup_ * 256 + ch;
DCHECK_EQ(trie_.lookup_table_[parent_lookup], -1);
if (trie_.nodes_.size() >= static_cast<size_t>(kMaxIndex)) {
auto max_capacity = kMaxIndex;
return Status::CapacityError("TrieBuilder cannot contain more than ", max_capacity,
" child nodes");
trie_.lookup_table_[parent_lookup] = static_cast<index_type>(trie_.nodes_.size() - 1);
return Status::OK();
Status TrieBuilder::CreateChildNode(Trie::Node* parent, uint8_t ch,
util::string_view substring) {
const auto kMaxSubstringLength = Trie::kMaxSubstringLength;
while (substring.length() > kMaxSubstringLength) {
// Substring doesn't fit in node => create intermediate node
auto mid_node = Trie::Node{-1, -1, substring.substr(0, kMaxSubstringLength)};
RETURN_NOT_OK(AppendChildNode(parent, ch, std::move(mid_node)));
// Recurse
parent = &trie_.nodes_.back();
ch = static_cast<uint8_t>(substring[kMaxSubstringLength]);
substring = substring.substr(kMaxSubstringLength + 1);
// Create final matching node
auto child_node = Trie::Node{trie_.size_, -1, substring};
RETURN_NOT_OK(AppendChildNode(parent, ch, std::move(child_node)));
return Status::OK();
Status TrieBuilder::CreateChildNode(Trie::Node* parent, char ch,
util::string_view substring) {
return CreateChildNode(parent, static_cast<uint8_t>(ch), substring);
Status TrieBuilder::ExtendLookupTable(index_type* out_index) {
auto cur_size = trie_.lookup_table_.size();
auto cur_index = cur_size / 256;
if (cur_index > static_cast<size_t>(kMaxIndex)) {
return Status::CapacityError("TrieBuilder cannot extend lookup table further");
trie_.lookup_table_.resize(cur_size + 256, -1);
*out_index = static_cast<index_type>(cur_index);
return Status::OK();
Status TrieBuilder::SplitNode(fast_index_type node_index, fast_index_type split_at) {
Trie::Node* node = &trie_.nodes_[node_index];
DCHECK_LT(split_at, node->substring_length());
// Before:
// {node} -> [...]
// After:
// {node} -> [c] -> {out_node} -> [...]
auto child_node = Trie::Node{node->found_index_, node->child_lookup_,
node->substring_.substr(split_at + 1)};
auto ch = node->substring_[split_at];
node->child_lookup_ = -1;
node->found_index_ = -1;
node->substring_ = node->substring_.substr(0, split_at);
RETURN_NOT_OK(AppendChildNode(node, ch, std::move(child_node)));
return Status::OK();
Status TrieBuilder::Append(util::string_view s, bool allow_duplicate) {
// Find or create node for string
fast_index_type node_index = 0;
fast_index_type pos = 0;
fast_index_type remaining = static_cast<fast_index_type>(s.length());
while (true) {
Trie::Node* node = &trie_.nodes_[node_index];
const auto substring_length = node->substring_length();
const auto substring_data = node->substring_data();
for (fast_index_type i = 0; i < substring_length; ++i) {
if (remaining == 0) {
// New string too short => need to split node
RETURN_NOT_OK(SplitNode(node_index, i));
// Current node matches exactly
node = &trie_.nodes_[node_index];
node->found_index_ = trie_.size_++;
return Status::OK();
if (s[pos] != substring_data[i]) {
// Mismatching substring => need to split node
RETURN_NOT_OK(SplitNode(node_index, i));
// Create new node for mismatching char
node = &trie_.nodes_[node_index];
return CreateChildNode(node, s[pos], s.substr(pos + 1));
if (remaining == 0) {
// Node matches exactly
if (node->found_index_ >= 0) {
if (allow_duplicate) {
return Status::OK();
} else {
return Status::Invalid("Duplicate entry in trie");
node->found_index_ = trie_.size_++;
return Status::OK();
// Lookup child using next input character
if (node->child_lookup_ == -1) {
// Need to extend lookup table for this node
auto c = static_cast<uint8_t>(s[pos++]);
node_index = trie_.lookup_table_[node->child_lookup_ * 256 + c];
if (node_index == -1) {
// Child not found => need to create child node
return CreateChildNode(node, c, s.substr(pos));
node = &trie_.nodes_[node_index];
Trie TrieBuilder::Finish() { return std::move(trie_); }
} // namespace internal
} // namespace arrow