blob: b23bca397ec94d69d2063cf48a5c971c35def2d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "arrow/util/tdigest.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/status.h"
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
namespace arrow {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// a numerically stable lerp is unbelievably complex
// but we are *approximating* the quantile, so let's keep it simple
double Lerp(double a, double b, double t) { return a + t * (b - a); }
// histogram bin
struct Centroid {
double mean;
double weight; // # data points in this bin
// merge with another centroid
void Merge(const Centroid& centroid) {
weight += centroid.weight;
mean += (centroid.mean - mean) * centroid.weight / weight;
// scale function K0: linear function, as baseline
struct ScalerK0 {
explicit ScalerK0(uint32_t delta) : delta_norm(delta / 2.0) {}
double K(double q) const { return delta_norm * q; }
double Q(double k) const { return k / delta_norm; }
const double delta_norm;
// scale function K1
struct ScalerK1 {
explicit ScalerK1(uint32_t delta) : delta_norm(delta / (2.0 * M_PI)) {}
double K(double q) const { return delta_norm * std::asin(2 * q - 1); }
double Q(double k) const { return (std::sin(k / delta_norm) + 1) / 2; }
const double delta_norm;
// implements t-digest merging algorithm
template <class T = ScalerK1>
class TDigestMerger : private T {
explicit TDigestMerger(uint32_t delta) : T(delta) { Reset(0, nullptr); }
void Reset(double total_weight, std::vector<Centroid>* tdigest) {
total_weight_ = total_weight;
tdigest_ = tdigest;
if (tdigest_) {
weight_so_far_ = 0;
weight_limit_ = -1; // trigger first centroid merge
// merge one centroid from a sorted centroid stream
void Add(const Centroid& centroid) {
auto& td = *tdigest_;
const double weight = weight_so_far_ + centroid.weight;
if (weight <= weight_limit_) {
} else {
const double quantile = weight_so_far_ / total_weight_;
const double next_weight_limit = total_weight_ * this->Q(this->K(quantile) + 1);
// weight limit should be strictly increasing, until the last centroid
if (next_weight_limit <= weight_limit_) {
weight_limit_ = total_weight_;
} else {
weight_limit_ = next_weight_limit;
td.push_back(centroid); // should never exceed capacity and trigger reallocation
weight_so_far_ = weight;
// validate k-size of a tdigest
Status Validate(const std::vector<Centroid>& tdigest, double total_weight) const {
double q_prev = 0, k_prev = this->K(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tdigest.size(); ++i) {
const double q = q_prev + tdigest[i].weight / total_weight;
const double k = this->K(q);
if (tdigest[i].weight != 1 && (k - k_prev) > 1.001) {
return Status::Invalid("oversized centroid: ", k - k_prev);
k_prev = k;
q_prev = q;
return Status::OK();
double total_weight_; // total weight of this tdigest
double weight_so_far_; // accumulated weight till current bin
double weight_limit_; // max accumulated weight to move to next bin
std::vector<Centroid>* tdigest_;
} // namespace
class TDigest::TDigestImpl {
explicit TDigestImpl(uint32_t delta)
: delta_(delta > 10 ? delta : 10), merger_(delta_) {
void Reset() {
current_ = 0;
total_weight_ = 0;
min_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
max_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
merger_.Reset(0, nullptr);
Status Validate() const {
// check weight, centroid order
double total_weight = 0, prev_mean = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
for (const auto& centroid : tdigests_[current_]) {
if (std::isnan(centroid.mean) || std::isnan(centroid.weight)) {
return Status::Invalid("NAN found in tdigest");
if (centroid.mean < prev_mean) {
return Status::Invalid("centroid mean decreases");
if (centroid.weight < 1) {
return Status::Invalid("invalid centroid weight");
prev_mean = centroid.mean;
total_weight += centroid.weight;
if (total_weight != total_weight_) {
return Status::Invalid("tdigest total weight mismatch");
// check if buffer expanded
if (tdigests_[0].capacity() > delta_ || tdigests_[1].capacity() > delta_) {
return Status::Invalid("oversized tdigest buffer");
// check k-size
return merger_.Validate(tdigests_[current_], total_weight_);
void Dump() const {
const auto& td = tdigests_[current_];
for (size_t i = 0; i < td.size(); ++i) {
std::cerr << i << ": mean = " << td[i].mean << ", weight = " << td[i].weight
<< std::endl;
std::cerr << "min = " << min_ << ", max = " << max_ << std::endl;
// merge with other tdigests
void Merge(const std::vector<const TDigestImpl*>& tdigest_impls) {
// current and end iterator
using CentroidIter = std::vector<Centroid>::const_iterator;
using CentroidIterPair = std::pair<CentroidIter, CentroidIter>;
// use a min-heap to find next minimal centroid from all tdigests
auto centroid_gt = [](const CentroidIterPair& lhs, const CentroidIterPair& rhs) {
return lhs.first->mean > rhs.first->mean;
using CentroidQueue =
std::priority_queue<CentroidIterPair, std::vector<CentroidIterPair>,
// trivial dynamic memory allocated at runtime
std::vector<CentroidIterPair> queue_buffer;
queue_buffer.reserve(tdigest_impls.size() + 1);
CentroidQueue queue(std::move(centroid_gt), std::move(queue_buffer));
const auto& this_tdigest = tdigests_[current_];
if (this_tdigest.size() > 0) {
queue.emplace(this_tdigest.cbegin(), this_tdigest.cend());
for (const TDigestImpl* td : tdigest_impls) {
const auto& other_tdigest = td->tdigests_[td->current_];
if (other_tdigest.size() > 0) {
queue.emplace(other_tdigest.cbegin(), other_tdigest.cend());
total_weight_ += td->total_weight_;
min_ = std::min(min_, td->min_);
max_ = std::max(max_, td->max_);
merger_.Reset(total_weight_, &tdigests_[1 - current_]);
CentroidIter current_iter, end_iter;
// do k-way merge till one buffer left
while (queue.size() > 1) {
std::tie(current_iter, end_iter) =;
if (++current_iter != end_iter) {
queue.emplace(current_iter, end_iter);
// merge last buffer
if (!queue.empty()) {
std::tie(current_iter, end_iter) =;
while (current_iter != end_iter) {
merger_.Reset(0, nullptr);
current_ = 1 - current_;
// merge input data with current tdigest
void MergeInput(std::vector<double>& input) {
total_weight_ += input.size();
std::sort(input.begin(), input.end());
min_ = std::min(min_, input.front());
max_ = std::max(max_, input.back());
// pick next minimal centroid from input and tdigest, feed to merger
merger_.Reset(total_weight_, &tdigests_[1 - current_]);
const auto& td = tdigests_[current_];
uint32_t tdigest_index = 0, input_index = 0;
while (tdigest_index < td.size() && input_index < input.size()) {
if (td[tdigest_index].mean < input[input_index]) {
} else {
merger_.Add(Centroid{input[input_index++], 1});
while (tdigest_index < td.size()) {
while (input_index < input.size()) {
merger_.Add(Centroid{input[input_index++], 1});
merger_.Reset(0, nullptr);
current_ = 1 - current_;
double Quantile(double q) const {
const auto& td = tdigests_[current_];
if (q < 0 || q > 1 || td.size() == 0) {
return NAN;
const double index = q * total_weight_;
if (index <= 1) {
return min_;
} else if (index >= total_weight_ - 1) {
return max_;
// find centroid contains the index
uint32_t ci = 0;
double weight_sum = 0;
for (; ci < td.size(); ++ci) {
weight_sum += td[ci].weight;
if (index <= weight_sum) {
DCHECK_LT(ci, td.size());
// deviation of index from the centroid center
double diff = index + td[ci].weight / 2 - weight_sum;
// index happen to be in a unit weight centroid
if (td[ci].weight == 1 && std::abs(diff) < 0.5) {
return td[ci].mean;
// find adjacent centroids for interpolation
uint32_t ci_left = ci, ci_right = ci;
if (diff > 0) {
if (ci_right == td.size() - 1) {
// index larger than center of last bin
DCHECK_EQ(weight_sum, total_weight_);
const Centroid* c = &td[ci_right];
DCHECK_GE(c->weight, 2);
return Lerp(c->mean, max_, diff / (c->weight / 2));
} else {
if (ci_left == 0) {
// index smaller than center of first bin
const Centroid* c = &td[0];
DCHECK_GE(c->weight, 2);
return Lerp(min_, c->mean, index / (c->weight / 2));
diff += td[ci_left].weight / 2 + td[ci_right].weight / 2;
// interpolate from adjacent centroids
diff /= (td[ci_left].weight / 2 + td[ci_right].weight / 2);
return Lerp(td[ci_left].mean, td[ci_right].mean, diff);
double Mean() const {
double sum = 0;
for (const auto& centroid : tdigests_[current_]) {
sum += centroid.mean * centroid.weight;
return total_weight_ == 0 ? NAN : sum / total_weight_;
double total_weight() const { return total_weight_; }
// must be delcared before merger_, see constructor initialization list
const uint32_t delta_;
TDigestMerger<> merger_;
double total_weight_;
double min_, max_;
// ping-pong buffer holds two tdigests, size = 2 * delta * sizeof(Centroid)
std::vector<Centroid> tdigests_[2];
// index of active tdigest buffer, 0 or 1
int current_;
TDigest::TDigest(uint32_t delta, uint32_t buffer_size) : impl_(new TDigestImpl(delta)) {
TDigest::~TDigest() = default;
TDigest::TDigest(TDigest&&) = default;
TDigest& TDigest::operator=(TDigest&&) = default;
void TDigest::Reset() {
Status TDigest::Validate() {
return impl_->Validate();
void TDigest::Dump() {
void TDigest::Merge(std::vector<TDigest>* tdigests) {
std::vector<const TDigestImpl*> tdigest_impls;
for (auto& td : *tdigests) {
double TDigest::Quantile(double q) {
return impl_->Quantile(q);
double TDigest::Mean() {
return impl_->Mean();
bool TDigest::is_empty() const {
return input_.size() == 0 && impl_->total_weight() == 0;
void TDigest::MergeInput() {
if (input_.size() > 0) {
impl_->MergeInput(input_); // will mutate input_
} // namespace internal
} // namespace arrow