blob: 68d29930666248c6a8c4f4058e3f20db6e326c3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Imported from Apache Impala (incubating) on 2016-01-29 and modified for use
// in parquet-cpp, Arrow
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/util/bit_block_counter.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_run_reader.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_stream_utils.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace util {
/// Utility classes to do run length encoding (RLE) for fixed bit width values. If runs
/// are sufficiently long, RLE is used, otherwise, the values are just bit-packed
/// (literal encoding).
/// For both types of runs, there is a byte-aligned indicator which encodes the length
/// of the run and the type of the run.
/// This encoding has the benefit that when there aren't any long enough runs, values
/// are always decoded at fixed (can be precomputed) bit offsets OR both the value and
/// the run length are byte aligned. This allows for very efficient decoding
/// implementations.
/// The encoding is:
/// encoded-block := run*
/// run := literal-run | repeated-run
/// literal-run := literal-indicator < literal bytes >
/// repeated-run := repeated-indicator < repeated value. padded to byte boundary >
/// literal-indicator := varint_encode( number_of_groups << 1 | 1)
/// repeated-indicator := varint_encode( number_of_repetitions << 1 )
/// Each run is preceded by a varint. The varint's least significant bit is
/// used to indicate whether the run is a literal run or a repeated run. The rest
/// of the varint is used to determine the length of the run (eg how many times the
/// value repeats).
/// In the case of literal runs, the run length is always a multiple of 8 (i.e. encode
/// in groups of 8), so that no matter the bit-width of the value, the sequence will end
/// on a byte boundary without padding.
/// Given that we know it is a multiple of 8, we store the number of 8-groups rather than
/// the actual number of encoded ints. (This means that the total number of encoded values
/// can not be determined from the encoded data, since the number of values in the last
/// group may not be a multiple of 8). For the last group of literal runs, we pad
/// the group to 8 with zeros. This allows for 8 at a time decoding on the read side
/// without the need for additional checks.
/// There is a break-even point when it is more storage efficient to do run length
/// encoding. For 1 bit-width values, that point is 8 values. They require 2 bytes
/// for both the repeated encoding or the literal encoding. This value can always
/// be computed based on the bit-width.
/// TODO: think about how to use this for strings. The bit packing isn't quite the same.
/// Examples with bit-width 1 (eg encoding booleans):
/// ----------------------------------------
/// 100 1s followed by 100 0s:
/// <varint(100 << 1)> <1, padded to 1 byte> <varint(100 << 1)> <0, padded to 1 byte>
/// - (total 4 bytes)
/// alternating 1s and 0s (200 total):
/// 200 ints = 25 groups of 8
/// <varint((25 << 1) | 1)> <25 bytes of values, bitpacked>
/// (total 26 bytes, 1 byte overhead)
/// Decoder class for RLE encoded data.
class RleDecoder {
/// Create a decoder object. buffer/buffer_len is the decoded data.
/// bit_width is the width of each value (before encoding).
RleDecoder(const uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len, int bit_width)
: bit_reader_(buffer, buffer_len),
literal_count_(0) {
DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(bit_width_, 64);
RleDecoder() : bit_width_(-1) {}
void Reset(const uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len, int bit_width) {
DCHECK_GE(bit_width, 0);
DCHECK_LE(bit_width, 64);
bit_reader_.Reset(buffer, buffer_len);
bit_width_ = bit_width;
current_value_ = 0;
repeat_count_ = 0;
literal_count_ = 0;
/// Gets the next value. Returns false if there are no more.
template <typename T>
bool Get(T* val);
/// Gets a batch of values. Returns the number of decoded elements.
template <typename T>
int GetBatch(T* values, int batch_size);
/// Like GetBatch but add spacing for null entries
template <typename T>
int GetBatchSpaced(int batch_size, int null_count, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, T* out);
/// Like GetBatch but the values are then decoded using the provided dictionary
template <typename T>
int GetBatchWithDict(const T* dictionary, int32_t dictionary_length, T* values,
int batch_size);
/// Like GetBatchWithDict but add spacing for null entries
/// Null entries will be zero-initialized in `values` to avoid leaking
/// private data.
template <typename T>
int GetBatchWithDictSpaced(const T* dictionary, int32_t dictionary_length, T* values,
int batch_size, int null_count, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset);
BitUtil::BitReader bit_reader_;
/// Number of bits needed to encode the value. Must be between 0 and 64.
int bit_width_;
uint64_t current_value_;
int32_t repeat_count_;
int32_t literal_count_;
/// Fills literal_count_ and repeat_count_ with next values. Returns false if there
/// are no more.
template <typename T>
bool NextCounts();
/// Utility methods for retrieving spaced values.
template <typename T, typename RunType, typename Converter>
int GetSpaced(Converter converter, int batch_size, int null_count,
const uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset, T* out);
/// Class to incrementally build the rle data. This class does not allocate any memory.
/// The encoding has two modes: encoding repeated runs and literal runs.
/// If the run is sufficiently short, it is more efficient to encode as a literal run.
/// This class does so by buffering 8 values at a time. If they are not all the same
/// they are added to the literal run. If they are the same, they are added to the
/// repeated run. When we switch modes, the previous run is flushed out.
class RleEncoder {
/// buffer/buffer_len: preallocated output buffer.
/// bit_width: max number of bits for value.
/// TODO: consider adding a min_repeated_run_length so the caller can control
/// when values should be encoded as repeated runs. Currently this is derived
/// based on the bit_width, which can determine a storage optimal choice.
/// TODO: allow 0 bit_width (and have dict encoder use it)
RleEncoder(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len, int bit_width)
: bit_width_(bit_width), bit_writer_(buffer, buffer_len) {
DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(bit_width_, 64);
max_run_byte_size_ = MinBufferSize(bit_width);
DCHECK_GE(buffer_len, max_run_byte_size_) << "Input buffer not big enough.";
/// Returns the minimum buffer size needed to use the encoder for 'bit_width'
/// This is the maximum length of a single run for 'bit_width'.
/// It is not valid to pass a buffer less than this length.
static int MinBufferSize(int bit_width) {
/// 1 indicator byte and MAX_VALUES_PER_LITERAL_RUN 'bit_width' values.
int max_literal_run_size =
1 +
static_cast<int>(BitUtil::BytesForBits(MAX_VALUES_PER_LITERAL_RUN * bit_width));
/// Up to kMaxVlqByteLength indicator and a single 'bit_width' value.
int max_repeated_run_size = BitUtil::BitReader::kMaxVlqByteLength +
return std::max(max_literal_run_size, max_repeated_run_size);
/// Returns the maximum byte size it could take to encode 'num_values'.
static int MaxBufferSize(int bit_width, int num_values) {
// For a bit_width > 1, the worst case is the repetition of "literal run of length 8
// and then a repeated run of length 8".
// 8 values per smallest run, 8 bits per byte
int bytes_per_run = bit_width;
int num_runs = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::CeilDiv(num_values, 8));
int literal_max_size = num_runs + num_runs * bytes_per_run;
// In the very worst case scenario, the data is a concatenation of repeated
// runs of 8 values. Repeated run has a 1 byte varint followed by the
// bit-packed repeated value
int min_repeated_run_size = 1 + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::BytesForBits(bit_width));
int repeated_max_size =
static_cast<int>(BitUtil::CeilDiv(num_values, 8)) * min_repeated_run_size;
return std::max(literal_max_size, repeated_max_size);
/// Encode value. Returns true if the value fits in buffer, false otherwise.
/// This value must be representable with bit_width_ bits.
bool Put(uint64_t value);
/// Flushes any pending values to the underlying buffer.
/// Returns the total number of bytes written
int Flush();
/// Resets all the state in the encoder.
void Clear();
/// Returns pointer to underlying buffer
uint8_t* buffer() { return bit_writer_.buffer(); }
int32_t len() { return bit_writer_.bytes_written(); }
/// Flushes any buffered values. If this is part of a repeated run, this is largely
/// a no-op.
/// If it is part of a literal run, this will call FlushLiteralRun, which writes
/// out the buffered literal values.
/// If 'done' is true, the current run would be written even if it would normally
/// have been buffered more. This should only be called at the end, when the
/// encoder has received all values even if it would normally continue to be
/// buffered.
void FlushBufferedValues(bool done);
/// Flushes literal values to the underlying buffer. If update_indicator_byte,
/// then the current literal run is complete and the indicator byte is updated.
void FlushLiteralRun(bool update_indicator_byte);
/// Flushes a repeated run to the underlying buffer.
void FlushRepeatedRun();
/// Checks and sets buffer_full_. This must be called after flushing a run to
/// make sure there are enough bytes remaining to encode the next run.
void CheckBufferFull();
/// The maximum number of values in a single literal run
/// (number of groups encodable by a 1-byte indicator * 8)
static const int MAX_VALUES_PER_LITERAL_RUN = (1 << 6) * 8;
/// Number of bits needed to encode the value. Must be between 0 and 64.
const int bit_width_;
/// Underlying buffer.
BitUtil::BitWriter bit_writer_;
/// If true, the buffer is full and subsequent Put()'s will fail.
bool buffer_full_;
/// The maximum byte size a single run can take.
int max_run_byte_size_;
/// We need to buffer at most 8 values for literals. This happens when the
/// bit_width is 1 (so 8 values fit in one byte).
/// TODO: generalize this to other bit widths
int64_t buffered_values_[8];
/// Number of values in buffered_values_
int num_buffered_values_;
/// The current (also last) value that was written and the count of how
/// many times in a row that value has been seen. This is maintained even
/// if we are in a literal run. If the repeat_count_ get high enough, we switch
/// to encoding repeated runs.
uint64_t current_value_;
int repeat_count_;
/// Number of literals in the current run. This does not include the literals
/// that might be in buffered_values_. Only after we've got a group big enough
/// can we decide if they should part of the literal_count_ or repeat_count_
int literal_count_;
/// Pointer to a byte in the underlying buffer that stores the indicator byte.
/// This is reserved as soon as we need a literal run but the value is written
/// when the literal run is complete.
uint8_t* literal_indicator_byte_;
template <typename T>
inline bool RleDecoder::Get(T* val) {
return GetBatch(val, 1) == 1;
template <typename T>
inline int RleDecoder::GetBatch(T* values, int batch_size) {
DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
int values_read = 0;
auto* out = values;
while (values_read < batch_size) {
int remaining = batch_size - values_read;
if (repeat_count_ > 0) { // Repeated value case.
int repeat_batch = std::min(remaining, repeat_count_);
std::fill(out, out + repeat_batch, static_cast<T>(current_value_));
repeat_count_ -= repeat_batch;
values_read += repeat_batch;
out += repeat_batch;
} else if (literal_count_ > 0) {
int literal_batch = std::min(remaining, literal_count_);
int actual_read = bit_reader_.GetBatch(bit_width_, out, literal_batch);
if (actual_read != literal_batch) {
return values_read;
literal_count_ -= literal_batch;
values_read += literal_batch;
out += literal_batch;
} else {
if (!NextCounts<T>()) return values_read;
return values_read;
template <typename T, typename RunType, typename Converter>
inline int RleDecoder::GetSpaced(Converter converter, int batch_size, int null_count,
const uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset,
T* out) {
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(null_count == batch_size)) {
converter.FillZero(out, out + batch_size);
return batch_size;
DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
int values_read = 0;
int values_remaining = batch_size - null_count;
// Assume no bits to start.
arrow::internal::BitRunReader bit_reader(valid_bits, valid_bits_offset,
arrow::internal::BitRun valid_run = bit_reader.NextRun();
while (values_read < batch_size) {
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(valid_run.length == 0)) {
valid_run = bit_reader.NextRun();
DCHECK_GT(batch_size, 0);
DCHECK_GT(valid_run.length, 0);
if (valid_run.set) {
if ((repeat_count_ == 0) && (literal_count_ == 0)) {
if (!NextCounts<RunType>()) return values_read;
DCHECK((repeat_count_ > 0) ^ (literal_count_ > 0));
if (repeat_count_ > 0) {
int repeat_batch = 0;
// Consume the entire repeat counts incrementing repeat_batch to
// be the total of nulls + values consumed, we only need to
// get the total count because we can fill in the same value for
// nulls and non-nulls. This proves to be a big efficiency win.
while (repeat_count_ > 0 && (values_read + repeat_batch) < batch_size) {
DCHECK_GT(valid_run.length, 0);
if (valid_run.set) {
int update_size = std::min(static_cast<int>(valid_run.length), repeat_count_);
repeat_count_ -= update_size;
repeat_batch += update_size;
valid_run.length -= update_size;
values_remaining -= update_size;
} else {
// We can consume all nulls here because we would do so on
// the next loop anyways.
repeat_batch += static_cast<int>(valid_run.length);
valid_run.length = 0;
if (valid_run.length == 0) {
valid_run = bit_reader.NextRun();
RunType current_value = static_cast<RunType>(current_value_);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!converter.IsValid(current_value))) {
return values_read;
converter.Fill(out, out + repeat_batch, current_value);
out += repeat_batch;
values_read += repeat_batch;
} else if (literal_count_ > 0) {
int literal_batch = std::min(values_remaining, literal_count_);
DCHECK_GT(literal_batch, 0);
// Decode the literals
constexpr int kBufferSize = 1024;
RunType indices[kBufferSize];
literal_batch = std::min(literal_batch, kBufferSize);
int actual_read = bit_reader_.GetBatch(bit_width_, indices, literal_batch);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(actual_read != literal_batch)) {
return values_read;
if (!converter.IsValid(indices, /*length=*/actual_read)) {
return values_read;
int skipped = 0;
int literals_read = 0;
while (literals_read < literal_batch) {
if (valid_run.set) {
int update_size = std::min(literal_batch - literals_read,
converter.Copy(out, indices + literals_read, update_size);
literals_read += update_size;
out += update_size;
valid_run.length -= update_size;
} else {
converter.FillZero(out, out + valid_run.length);
out += valid_run.length;
skipped += static_cast<int>(valid_run.length);
valid_run.length = 0;
if (valid_run.length == 0) {
valid_run = bit_reader.NextRun();
literal_count_ -= literal_batch;
values_remaining -= literal_batch;
values_read += literal_batch + skipped;
} else {
converter.FillZero(out, out + valid_run.length);
out += valid_run.length;
values_read += static_cast<int>(valid_run.length);
valid_run.length = 0;
DCHECK_EQ(valid_run.length, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(values_remaining, 0);
return values_read;
// Converter for GetSpaced that handles runs that get returned
// directly as output.
template <typename T>
struct PlainRleConverter {
T kZero = {};
inline bool IsValid(const T& values) const { return true; }
inline bool IsValid(const T* values, int32_t length) const { return true; }
inline void Fill(T* begin, T* end, const T& run_value) const {
std::fill(begin, end, run_value);
inline void FillZero(T* begin, T* end) { std::fill(begin, end, kZero); }
inline void Copy(T* out, const T* values, int length) const {
std::memcpy(out, values, length * sizeof(T));
template <typename T>
inline int RleDecoder::GetBatchSpaced(int batch_size, int null_count,
const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, T* out) {
if (null_count == 0) {
return GetBatch<T>(out, batch_size);
PlainRleConverter<T> converter;
arrow::internal::BitBlockCounter block_counter(valid_bits, valid_bits_offset,
int total_processed = 0;
int processed = 0;
arrow::internal::BitBlockCount block;
do {
block = block_counter.NextFourWords();
if (block.length == 0) {
if (block.AllSet()) {
processed = GetBatch<T>(out, block.length);
} else if (block.NoneSet()) {
converter.FillZero(out, out + block.length);
processed = block.length;
} else {
processed = GetSpaced<T, /*RunType=*/T, PlainRleConverter<T>>(
converter, block.length, block.length - block.popcount, valid_bits,
valid_bits_offset, out);
total_processed += processed;
out += block.length;
valid_bits_offset += block.length;
} while (processed == block.length);
return total_processed;
static inline bool IndexInRange(int32_t idx, int32_t dictionary_length) {
return idx >= 0 && idx < dictionary_length;
// Converter for GetSpaced that handles runs of returned dictionary
// indices.
template <typename T>
struct DictionaryConverter {
T kZero = {};
const T* dictionary;
int32_t dictionary_length;
inline bool IsValid(int32_t value) { return IndexInRange(value, dictionary_length); }
inline bool IsValid(const int32_t* values, int32_t length) const {
using IndexType = int32_t;
IndexType min_index = std::numeric_limits<IndexType>::max();
IndexType max_index = std::numeric_limits<IndexType>::min();
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) {
min_index = std::min(values[x], min_index);
max_index = std::max(values[x], max_index);
return IndexInRange(min_index, dictionary_length) &&
IndexInRange(max_index, dictionary_length);
inline void Fill(T* begin, T* end, const int32_t& run_value) const {
std::fill(begin, end, dictionary[run_value]);
inline void FillZero(T* begin, T* end) { std::fill(begin, end, kZero); }
inline void Copy(T* out, const int32_t* values, int length) const {
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) {
out[x] = dictionary[values[x]];
template <typename T>
inline int RleDecoder::GetBatchWithDict(const T* dictionary, int32_t dictionary_length,
T* values, int batch_size) {
// Per,
// the maximum dictionary index width in Parquet is 32 bits.
using IndexType = int32_t;
DictionaryConverter<T> converter;
converter.dictionary = dictionary;
converter.dictionary_length = dictionary_length;
DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
int values_read = 0;
auto* out = values;
while (values_read < batch_size) {
int remaining = batch_size - values_read;
if (repeat_count_ > 0) {
auto idx = static_cast<IndexType>(current_value_);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!IndexInRange(idx, dictionary_length))) {
return values_read;
T val = dictionary[idx];
int repeat_batch = std::min(remaining, repeat_count_);
std::fill(out, out + repeat_batch, val);
/* Upkeep counters */
repeat_count_ -= repeat_batch;
values_read += repeat_batch;
out += repeat_batch;
} else if (literal_count_ > 0) {
constexpr int kBufferSize = 1024;
IndexType indices[kBufferSize];
int literal_batch = std::min(remaining, literal_count_);
literal_batch = std::min(literal_batch, kBufferSize);
int actual_read = bit_reader_.GetBatch(bit_width_, indices, literal_batch);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(actual_read != literal_batch)) {
return values_read;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!converter.IsValid(indices, /*length=*/literal_batch))) {
return values_read;
converter.Copy(out, indices, literal_batch);
/* Upkeep counters */
literal_count_ -= literal_batch;
values_read += literal_batch;
out += literal_batch;
} else {
if (!NextCounts<IndexType>()) return values_read;
return values_read;
template <typename T>
inline int RleDecoder::GetBatchWithDictSpaced(const T* dictionary,
int32_t dictionary_length, T* out,
int batch_size, int null_count,
const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset) {
if (null_count == 0) {
return GetBatchWithDict<T>(dictionary, dictionary_length, out, batch_size);
arrow::internal::BitBlockCounter block_counter(valid_bits, valid_bits_offset,
using IndexType = int32_t;
DictionaryConverter<T> converter;
converter.dictionary = dictionary;
converter.dictionary_length = dictionary_length;
int total_processed = 0;
int processed = 0;
arrow::internal::BitBlockCount block;
do {
block = block_counter.NextFourWords();
if (block.length == 0) {
if (block.AllSet()) {
processed = GetBatchWithDict<T>(dictionary, dictionary_length, out, block.length);
} else if (block.NoneSet()) {
converter.FillZero(out, out + block.length);
processed = block.length;
} else {
processed = GetSpaced<T, /*RunType=*/IndexType, DictionaryConverter<T>>(
converter, block.length, block.length - block.popcount, valid_bits,
valid_bits_offset, out);
total_processed += processed;
out += block.length;
valid_bits_offset += block.length;
} while (processed == block.length);
return total_processed;
template <typename T>
bool RleDecoder::NextCounts() {
// Read the next run's indicator int, it could be a literal or repeated run.
// The int is encoded as a vlq-encoded value.
uint32_t indicator_value = 0;
if (!bit_reader_.GetVlqInt(&indicator_value)) return false;
// lsb indicates if it is a literal run or repeated run
bool is_literal = indicator_value & 1;
uint32_t count = indicator_value >> 1;
if (is_literal) {
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(count == 0 || count > static_cast<uint32_t>(INT32_MAX) / 8)) {
return false;
literal_count_ = count * 8;
} else {
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(count == 0 || count > static_cast<uint32_t>(INT32_MAX))) {
return false;
repeat_count_ = count;
T value = {};
if (!bit_reader_.GetAligned<T>(static_cast<int>(BitUtil::CeilDiv(bit_width_, 8)),
&value)) {
return false;
current_value_ = static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
return true;
/// This function buffers input values 8 at a time. After seeing all 8 values,
/// it decides whether they should be encoded as a literal or repeated run.
inline bool RleEncoder::Put(uint64_t value) {
DCHECK(bit_width_ == 64 || value < (1ULL << bit_width_));
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(buffer_full_)) return false;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(current_value_ == value)) {
if (repeat_count_ > 8) {
// This is just a continuation of the current run, no need to buffer the
// values.
// Note that this is the fast path for long repeated runs.
return true;
} else {
if (repeat_count_ >= 8) {
// We had a run that was long enough but it has ended. Flush the
// current repeated run.
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_, 0);
repeat_count_ = 1;
current_value_ = value;
buffered_values_[num_buffered_values_] = value;
if (++num_buffered_values_ == 8) {
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
return true;
inline void RleEncoder::FlushLiteralRun(bool update_indicator_byte) {
if (literal_indicator_byte_ == NULL) {
// The literal indicator byte has not been reserved yet, get one now.
literal_indicator_byte_ = bit_writer_.GetNextBytePtr();
DCHECK(literal_indicator_byte_ != NULL);
// Write all the buffered values as bit packed literals
for (int i = 0; i < num_buffered_values_; ++i) {
bool success = bit_writer_.PutValue(buffered_values_[i], bit_width_);
DCHECK(success) << "There is a bug in using CheckBufferFull()";
num_buffered_values_ = 0;
if (update_indicator_byte) {
// At this point we need to write the indicator byte for the literal run.
// We only reserve one byte, to allow for streaming writes of literal values.
// The logic makes sure we flush literal runs often enough to not overrun
// the 1 byte.
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
int num_groups = literal_count_ / 8;
int32_t indicator_value = (num_groups << 1) | 1;
DCHECK_EQ(indicator_value & 0xFFFFFF00, 0);
*literal_indicator_byte_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(indicator_value);
literal_indicator_byte_ = NULL;
literal_count_ = 0;
inline void RleEncoder::FlushRepeatedRun() {
DCHECK_GT(repeat_count_, 0);
bool result = true;
// The lsb of 0 indicates this is a repeated run
int32_t indicator_value = repeat_count_ << 1 | 0;
result &= bit_writer_.PutVlqInt(indicator_value);
result &= bit_writer_.PutAligned(current_value_,
static_cast<int>(BitUtil::CeilDiv(bit_width_, 8)));
num_buffered_values_ = 0;
repeat_count_ = 0;
/// Flush the values that have been buffered. At this point we decide whether
/// we need to switch between the run types or continue the current one.
inline void RleEncoder::FlushBufferedValues(bool done) {
if (repeat_count_ >= 8) {
// Clear the buffered values. They are part of the repeated run now and we
// don't want to flush them out as literals.
num_buffered_values_ = 0;
if (literal_count_ != 0) {
// There was a current literal run. All the values in it have been flushed
// but we still need to update the indicator byte.
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(repeat_count_, 8);
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_, 0);
literal_count_ += num_buffered_values_;
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
int num_groups = literal_count_ / 8;
if (num_groups + 1 >= (1 << 6)) {
// We need to start a new literal run because the indicator byte we've reserved
// cannot store more values.
DCHECK(literal_indicator_byte_ != NULL);
} else {
repeat_count_ = 0;
inline int RleEncoder::Flush() {
if (literal_count_ > 0 || repeat_count_ > 0 || num_buffered_values_ > 0) {
bool all_repeat = literal_count_ == 0 && (repeat_count_ == num_buffered_values_ ||
num_buffered_values_ == 0);
// There is something pending, figure out if it's a repeated or literal run
if (repeat_count_ > 0 && all_repeat) {
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
// Buffer the last group of literals to 8 by padding with 0s.
for (; num_buffered_values_ != 0 && num_buffered_values_ < 8;
++num_buffered_values_) {
buffered_values_[num_buffered_values_] = 0;
literal_count_ += num_buffered_values_;
repeat_count_ = 0;
DCHECK_EQ(num_buffered_values_, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(repeat_count_, 0);
return bit_writer_.bytes_written();
inline void RleEncoder::CheckBufferFull() {
int bytes_written = bit_writer_.bytes_written();
if (bytes_written + max_run_byte_size_ > bit_writer_.buffer_len()) {
buffer_full_ = true;
inline void RleEncoder::Clear() {
buffer_full_ = false;
current_value_ = 0;
repeat_count_ = 0;
num_buffered_values_ = 0;
literal_count_ = 0;
literal_indicator_byte_ = NULL;
} // namespace util
} // namespace arrow