blob: fdcbd945e66dc3309925df31c500f0e30efc09c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/testing/gtest_util.h"
#include "arrow/testing/random.h"
#include "arrow/util/decimal.h"
#include "arrow/util/endian.h"
#include "arrow/util/int128_internal.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::int128_t;
using internal::uint128_t;
static const int128_t kInt128Max =
(static_cast<int128_t>(INT64_MAX) << 64) + static_cast<int128_t>(UINT64_MAX);
class DecimalTestFixture : public ::testing::Test {
DecimalTestFixture() : integer_value_(23423445), string_value_("234.23445") {}
Decimal128 integer_value_;
std::string string_value_;
TEST_F(DecimalTestFixture, TestFromString) {
Decimal128 expected(this->integer_value_);
Decimal128 result;
int32_t precision, scale;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString(this->string_value_, &result, &precision, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(result, expected);
ASSERT_EQ(precision, 8);
ASSERT_EQ(scale, 5);
TEST_F(DecimalTestFixture, TestStringStartingWithPlus) {
std::string plus_value("+234.234");
Decimal128 out;
int32_t scale;
int32_t precision;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString(plus_value, &out, &precision, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(234234, out);
ASSERT_EQ(6, precision);
ASSERT_EQ(3, scale);
TEST_F(DecimalTestFixture, TestStringStartingWithPlus128) {
std::string plus_value("+2342394230592.232349023094");
Decimal128 expected_value("2342394230592232349023094");
Decimal128 out;
int32_t scale;
int32_t precision;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString(plus_value, &out, &precision, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, out);
ASSERT_EQ(25, precision);
ASSERT_EQ(12, scale);
TEST(DecimalTest, TestFromStringDecimal128) {
std::string string_value("-23049223942343532412");
Decimal128 result(string_value);
Decimal128 expected(static_cast<int64_t>(-230492239423435324));
ASSERT_EQ(result, expected * 100 - 12);
// Sanity check that our number is actually using more than 64 bits
ASSERT_NE(result.high_bits(), 0);
TEST(DecimalTest, TestFromDecimalString128) {
std::string string_value("-23049223942343.532412");
Decimal128 result;
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(result, Decimal128::FromString(string_value));
Decimal128 expected(static_cast<int64_t>(-230492239423435324));
ASSERT_EQ(result, expected * 100 - 12);
// Sanity check that our number is actually using more than 64 bits
ASSERT_NE(result.high_bits(), 0);
TEST(DecimalTest, TestStringRoundTrip) {
static constexpr uint64_t kTestBits[] = {
(1ull << 31),
(1ull << 32),
(1ull << 63),
static constexpr int32_t kScales[] = {0, 1, 10};
for (uint64_t high_bits : kTestBits) {
for (uint64_t low_bits : kTestBits) {
// When high_bits = 1ull << 63 or std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), decimal is
// negative.
Decimal128 decimal(high_bits, low_bits);
for (int32_t scale : kScales) {
std::string str = decimal.ToString(scale);
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(Decimal128 result, Decimal128::FromString(str));
EXPECT_EQ(decimal, result);
TEST(DecimalTest, TestDecimal32SignedRoundTrip) {
Decimal128 expected("-3402692");
auto bytes = expected.ToBytes();
Decimal128 result(;
ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
TEST(DecimalTest, TestDecimal64SignedRoundTrip) {
Decimal128 expected;
std::string string_value("-34034293045.921");
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(expected, Decimal128::FromString(string_value));
auto bytes = expected.ToBytes();
Decimal128 result(;
ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
TEST(DecimalTest, TestDecimalStringAndBytesRoundTrip) {
Decimal128 expected;
std::string string_value("-340282366920938463463374607431.711455");
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(expected, Decimal128::FromString(string_value));
std::string expected_string_value("-340282366920938463463374607431711455");
Decimal128 expected_underlying_value(expected_string_value);
ASSERT_EQ(expected, expected_underlying_value);
auto bytes = expected.ToBytes();
Decimal128 result(;
ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputMinus) {
std::string invalid_value("-");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputDot) {
std::string invalid_value("0.0.0");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputEmbeddedMinus) {
std::string invalid_value("0-13-32");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputSingleChar) {
std::string invalid_value("a");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputWithValidSubstring) {
std::string invalid_value("-23092.235-");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputWithMinusPlus) {
std::string invalid_value("-+23092.235");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputWithPlusMinus) {
std::string invalid_value("+-23092.235");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalTest, TestInvalidInputWithLeadingZeros) {
std::string invalid_value("00a");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(invalid_value));
TEST(DecimalZerosTest, LeadingZerosNoDecimalPoint) {
std::string string_value("0000000");
Decimal128 d;
int32_t precision;
int32_t scale;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString(string_value, &d, &precision, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(0, precision);
ASSERT_EQ(0, scale);
ASSERT_EQ(0, d);
TEST(DecimalZerosTest, LeadingZerosDecimalPoint) {
std::string string_value("000.0000");
Decimal128 d;
int32_t precision;
int32_t scale;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString(string_value, &d, &precision, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(4, precision);
ASSERT_EQ(4, scale);
ASSERT_EQ(0, d);
TEST(DecimalZerosTest, NoLeadingZerosDecimalPoint) {
std::string string_value(".00000");
Decimal128 d;
int32_t precision;
int32_t scale;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString(string_value, &d, &precision, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(5, precision);
ASSERT_EQ(5, scale);
ASSERT_EQ(0, d);
template <typename T>
class Decimal128Test : public ::testing::Test {
Decimal128Test() {}
using Decimal128Types =
::testing::Types<char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, // NOLINT
int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, // NOLINT
long long, unsigned long long // NOLINT
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(Decimal128Test, Decimal128Types);
TYPED_TEST(Decimal128Test, ConstructibleFromAnyIntegerType) {
Decimal128 value(TypeParam{42});
EXPECT_EQ(42, value.low_bits());
EXPECT_EQ(0, value.high_bits());
Decimal128 max_value(std::numeric_limits<TypeParam>::max());
EXPECT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<TypeParam>::max(), max_value.low_bits());
EXPECT_EQ(0, max_value.high_bits());
Decimal128 min_value(std::numeric_limits<TypeParam>::min());
EXPECT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<TypeParam>::min(), min_value.low_bits());
EXPECT_EQ((std::is_signed<TypeParam>::value ? -1 : 0), min_value.high_bits());
TEST(Decimal128TestTrue, ConstructibleFromBool) {
Decimal128 value(true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, value.low_bits());
EXPECT_EQ(0, value.high_bits());
TEST(Decimal128TestFalse, ConstructibleFromBool) {
Decimal128 value(false);
EXPECT_EQ(0, value.low_bits());
EXPECT_EQ(0, value.high_bits());
TEST(Decimal128Test, Division) {
const std::string expected_string_value("-23923094039234029");
const Decimal128 value(expected_string_value);
const Decimal128 result(value / 3);
const Decimal128 expected_value("-7974364679744676");
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, result);
TEST(Decimal128Test, PrintLargePositiveValue) {
const std::string string_value("99999999999999999999999999999999999999");
const Decimal128 value(string_value);
const std::string printed_value = value.ToIntegerString();
ASSERT_EQ(string_value, printed_value);
TEST(Decimal128Test, PrintLargeNegativeValue) {
const std::string string_value("-99999999999999999999999999999999999999");
const Decimal128 value(string_value);
const std::string printed_value = value.ToIntegerString();
ASSERT_EQ(string_value, printed_value);
TEST(Decimal128Test, PrintMaxValue) {
const std::string string_value("170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
const Decimal128 value(string_value);
const std::string printed_value = value.ToIntegerString();
ASSERT_EQ(string_value, printed_value);
TEST(Decimal128Test, PrintMinValue) {
const std::string string_value("-170141183460469231731687303715884105728");
const Decimal128 value(string_value);
const std::string printed_value = value.ToIntegerString();
ASSERT_EQ(string_value, printed_value);
struct ToStringTestParam {
int64_t test_value;
int32_t scale;
std::string expected_string;
// Avoid Valgrind uninitialized memory reads with the default GTest print routine.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ToStringTestParam& param) {
return os << "<value: " << param.test_value << ">";
static const ToStringTestParam kToStringTestData[] = {
{0, -1, "0.E+1"},
{0, 0, "0"},
{0, 1, "0.0"},
{0, 6, "0.000000"},
{2, 7, "2.E-7"},
{2, -1, "2.E+1"},
{2, 0, "2"},
{2, 1, "0.2"},
{2, 6, "0.000002"},
{-2, 7, "-2.E-7"},
{-2, 7, "-2.E-7"},
{-2, -1, "-2.E+1"},
{-2, 0, "-2"},
{-2, 1, "-0.2"},
{-2, 6, "-0.000002"},
{-2, 7, "-2.E-7"},
{123, -3, "1.23E+5"},
{123, -1, "1.23E+3"},
{123, 1, "12.3"},
{123, 0, "123"},
{123, 5, "0.00123"},
{123, 8, "0.00000123"},
{123, 9, "1.23E-7"},
{123, 10, "1.23E-8"},
{-123, -3, "-1.23E+5"},
{-123, -1, "-1.23E+3"},
{-123, 1, "-12.3"},
{-123, 0, "-123"},
{-123, 5, "-0.00123"},
{-123, 8, "-0.00000123"},
{-123, 9, "-1.23E-7"},
{-123, 10, "-1.23E-8"},
{1000000000, -3, "1.000000000E+12"},
{1000000000, -1, "1.000000000E+10"},
{1000000000, 0, "1000000000"},
{1000000000, 1, "100000000.0"},
{1000000000, 5, "10000.00000"},
{1000000000, 15, "0.000001000000000"},
{1000000000, 16, "1.000000000E-7"},
{1000000000, 17, "1.000000000E-8"},
{-1000000000, -3, "-1.000000000E+12"},
{-1000000000, -1, "-1.000000000E+10"},
{-1000000000, 0, "-1000000000"},
{-1000000000, 1, "-100000000.0"},
{-1000000000, 5, "-10000.00000"},
{-1000000000, 15, "-0.000001000000000"},
{-1000000000, 16, "-1.000000000E-7"},
{-1000000000, 17, "-1.000000000E-8"},
{1234567890123456789LL, -3, "1.234567890123456789E+21"},
{1234567890123456789LL, -1, "1.234567890123456789E+19"},
{1234567890123456789LL, 0, "1234567890123456789"},
{1234567890123456789LL, 1, "123456789012345678.9"},
{1234567890123456789LL, 5, "12345678901234.56789"},
{1234567890123456789LL, 24, "0.000001234567890123456789"},
{1234567890123456789LL, 25, "1.234567890123456789E-7"},
{-1234567890123456789LL, -3, "-1.234567890123456789E+21"},
{-1234567890123456789LL, -1, "-1.234567890123456789E+19"},
{-1234567890123456789LL, 0, "-1234567890123456789"},
{-1234567890123456789LL, 1, "-123456789012345678.9"},
{-1234567890123456789LL, 5, "-12345678901234.56789"},
{-1234567890123456789LL, 24, "-0.000001234567890123456789"},
{-1234567890123456789LL, 25, "-1.234567890123456789E-7"},
class Decimal128ToStringTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<ToStringTestParam> {};
TEST_P(Decimal128ToStringTest, ToString) {
const ToStringTestParam& param = GetParam();
const Decimal128 value(param.test_value);
const std::string printed_value = value.ToString(param.scale);
ASSERT_EQ(param.expected_string, printed_value);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Decimal128ToStringTest, Decimal128ToStringTest,
class Decimal128ParsingTest
: public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<std::string, uint64_t, int32_t>> {};
TEST_P(Decimal128ParsingTest, Parse) {
std::string test_string;
uint64_t expected_low_bits;
int32_t expected_scale;
std::tie(test_string, expected_low_bits, expected_scale) = GetParam();
Decimal128 value;
int32_t scale;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString(test_string, &value, nullptr, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(value.low_bits(), expected_low_bits);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_scale, scale);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Decimal128ParsingTest, Decimal128ParsingTest,
::testing::Values(std::make_tuple("12.3", 123ULL, 1),
std::make_tuple("0.00123", 123ULL, 5),
std::make_tuple("1.23E-8", 123ULL, 10),
std::make_tuple("-1.23E-8", -123LL, 10),
std::make_tuple("1.23E+3", 1230ULL, 0),
std::make_tuple("-1.23E+3", -1230LL, 0),
std::make_tuple("1.23E+5", 123000ULL, 0),
std::make_tuple("1.2345E+7", 12345000ULL, 0),
std::make_tuple("1.23e-8", 123ULL, 10),
std::make_tuple("-1.23e-8", -123LL, 10),
std::make_tuple("1.23e+3", 1230ULL, 0),
std::make_tuple("-1.23e+3", -1230LL, 0),
std::make_tuple("1.23e+5", 123000ULL, 0),
std::make_tuple("1.2345e+7", 12345000ULL, 0)));
class Decimal128ParsingTestInvalid : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {};
TEST_P(Decimal128ParsingTestInvalid, Parse) {
std::string test_string = GetParam();
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromString(test_string));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Decimal128ParsingTestInvalid, Decimal128ParsingTestInvalid,
::testing::Values("0.00123D/3", "1.23eA8", "1.23E+3A",
"-1.23E--5", "1.2345E+++07"));
TEST(Decimal128ParseTest, WithExponentAndNullptrScale) {
const Decimal128 expected_value(123);
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(expected_value, Decimal128::FromString("1.23E-8"));
template <typename Decimal, typename Real>
void CheckDecimalFromReal(Real real, int32_t precision, int32_t scale,
const std::string& expected) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto dec, Decimal::FromReal(real, precision, scale));
ASSERT_EQ(dec.ToString(scale), expected);
template <typename Decimal, typename Real>
void CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString(Real real, int32_t precision, int32_t scale,
const std::string& expected) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto dec, Decimal::FromReal(real, precision, scale));
ASSERT_EQ(dec.ToIntegerString(), expected);
template <typename Real>
struct FromRealTestParam {
Real real;
int32_t precision;
int32_t scale;
std::string expected;
// Avoid Valgrind uninitialized memory reads with the default GTest print routine.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const FromRealTestParam<Real>& param) {
return os << "<real: " << param.real << ">";
using FromFloatTestParam = FromRealTestParam<float>;
using FromDoubleTestParam = FromRealTestParam<double>;
// Common tests for Decimal128::FromReal(T, ...) and Decimal256::FromReal(T, ...)
template <typename T>
class TestDecimalFromReal : public ::testing::Test {
using Decimal = typename T::first_type;
using Real = typename T::second_type;
using ParamType = FromRealTestParam<Real>;
void TestSuccess() {
const std::vector<ParamType> params{
// clang-format off
{0.0f, 1, 0, "0"},
{-0.0f, 1, 0, "0"},
{0.0f, 19, 4, "0.0000"},
{-0.0f, 19, 4, "0.0000"},
{123.0f, 7, 4, "123.0000"},
{-123.0f, 7, 4, "-123.0000"},
{456.78f, 7, 4, "456.7800"},
{-456.78f, 7, 4, "-456.7800"},
{456.784f, 5, 2, "456.78"},
{-456.784f, 5, 2, "-456.78"},
{456.786f, 5, 2, "456.79"},
{-456.786f, 5, 2, "-456.79"},
{999.99f, 5, 2, "999.99"},
{-999.99f, 5, 2, "-999.99"},
{123.0f, 19, 0, "123"},
{-123.0f, 19, 0, "-123"},
{123.4f, 19, 0, "123"},
{-123.4f, 19, 0, "-123"},
{123.6f, 19, 0, "124"},
{-123.6f, 19, 0, "-124"},
// 2**62
{4.611686e+18f, 19, 0, "4611686018427387904"},
{-4.611686e+18f, 19, 0, "-4611686018427387904"},
// 2**63
{9.223372e+18f, 19, 0, "9223372036854775808"},
{-9.223372e+18f, 19, 0, "-9223372036854775808"},
// 2**64
{1.8446744e+19f, 20, 0, "18446744073709551616"},
{-1.8446744e+19f, 20, 0, "-18446744073709551616"}
// clang-format on
for (const ParamType& param : params) {
CheckDecimalFromReal<Decimal>(param.real, param.precision, param.scale,
void TestErrors() {
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(INFINITY, 19, 4));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(-INFINITY, 19, 4));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(NAN, 19, 4));
// Overflows
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(1000.0, 3, 0));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(-1000.0, 3, 0));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(1000.0, 5, 2));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(-1000.0, 5, 2));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(999.996, 5, 2));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(-999.996, 5, 2));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(1e+38, 38, 0));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal::FromReal(-1e+38, 38, 0));
using RealTypes =
::testing::Types<std::pair<Decimal128, float>, std::pair<Decimal128, double>,
std::pair<Decimal256, float>, std::pair<Decimal256, double>>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestDecimalFromReal, RealTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalFromReal, TestSuccess) { this->TestSuccess(); }
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalFromReal, TestErrors) { this->TestErrors(); }
using DecimalTypes = ::testing::Types<Decimal128, Decimal256>;
// Tests for Decimal128::FromReal(float, ...) and Decimal256::FromReal(float, ...)
template <typename T>
class TestDecimalFromRealFloat : public ::testing::Test {
std::vector<FromFloatTestParam> GetValues() {
return {// 2**63 + 2**40 (exactly representable in a float's 24 bits of precision)
FromFloatTestParam{9.223373e+18f, 19, 0, "9223373136366403584"},
FromFloatTestParam{-9.223373e+18f, 19, 0, "-9223373136366403584"},
FromFloatTestParam{9.223373e+14f, 19, 4, "922337313636640.3584"},
FromFloatTestParam{-9.223373e+14f, 19, 4, "-922337313636640.3584"},
// 2**64 - 2**40 (exactly representable in a float)
FromFloatTestParam{1.8446743e+19f, 20, 0, "18446742974197923840"},
FromFloatTestParam{-1.8446743e+19f, 20, 0, "-18446742974197923840"},
// 2**64 + 2**41 (exactly representable in a float)
FromFloatTestParam{1.8446746e+19f, 20, 0, "18446746272732807168"},
FromFloatTestParam{-1.8446746e+19f, 20, 0, "-18446746272732807168"},
FromFloatTestParam{1.8446746e+15f, 20, 4, "1844674627273280.7168"},
FromFloatTestParam{-1.8446746e+15f, 20, 4, "-1844674627273280.7168"},
// Almost 10**38 (minus 2**103)
FromFloatTestParam{9.999999e+37f, 38, 0,
FromFloatTestParam{-9.999999e+37f, 38, 0,
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestDecimalFromRealFloat, DecimalTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalFromRealFloat, SuccessConversion) {
for (const auto& param : this->GetValues()) {
CheckDecimalFromReal<TypeParam>(param.real, param.precision, param.scale,
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalFromRealFloat, LargeValues) {
// Test the entire float range
for (int32_t scale = -38; scale <= 38; ++scale) {
float real = std::pow(10.0f, static_cast<float>(scale));
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 1, -scale, "1");
for (int32_t scale = -37; scale <= 36; ++scale) {
float real = 123.f * std::pow(10.f, static_cast<float>(scale));
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 2, -scale - 1, "12");
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 3, -scale, "123");
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 4, -scale + 1, "1230");
// Tests for Decimal128::FromReal(double, ...) and Decimal256::FromReal(double, ...)
template <typename T>
class TestDecimalFromRealDouble : public ::testing::Test {
std::vector<FromDoubleTestParam> GetValues() {
return {// 2**63 + 2**11 (exactly representable in a double's 53 bits of precision)
FromDoubleTestParam{9.223372036854778e+18, 19, 0, "9223372036854777856"},
FromDoubleTestParam{-9.223372036854778e+18, 19, 0, "-9223372036854777856"},
FromDoubleTestParam{9.223372036854778e+10, 19, 8, "92233720368.54777856"},
FromDoubleTestParam{-9.223372036854778e+10, 19, 8, "-92233720368.54777856"},
// 2**64 - 2**11 (exactly representable in a double)
FromDoubleTestParam{1.844674407370955e+19, 20, 0, "18446744073709549568"},
FromDoubleTestParam{-1.844674407370955e+19, 20, 0, "-18446744073709549568"},
// 2**64 + 2**11 (exactly representable in a double)
FromDoubleTestParam{1.8446744073709556e+19, 20, 0, "18446744073709555712"},
FromDoubleTestParam{-1.8446744073709556e+19, 20, 0, "-18446744073709555712"},
FromDoubleTestParam{1.8446744073709556e+15, 20, 4, "1844674407370955.5712"},
FromDoubleTestParam{-1.8446744073709556e+15, 20, 4, "-1844674407370955.5712"},
// Almost 10**38 (minus 2**73)
FromDoubleTestParam{9.999999999999998e+37, 38, 0,
FromDoubleTestParam{-9.999999999999998e+37, 38, 0,
FromDoubleTestParam{9.999999999999998e+27, 38, 10,
FromDoubleTestParam{-9.999999999999998e+27, 38, 10,
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestDecimalFromRealDouble, DecimalTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalFromRealDouble, SuccessConversion) {
for (const auto& param : this->GetValues()) {
CheckDecimalFromReal<TypeParam>(param.real, param.precision, param.scale,
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalFromRealDouble, LargeValues) {
// Test the entire double range
for (int32_t scale = -308; scale <= 308; ++scale) {
double real = std::pow(10.0, static_cast<double>(scale));
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 1, -scale, "1");
for (int32_t scale = -307; scale <= 306; ++scale) {
double real = 123. * std::pow(10.0, static_cast<double>(scale));
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 2, -scale - 1, "12");
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 3, -scale, "123");
CheckDecimalFromRealIntegerString<TypeParam>(real, 4, -scale + 1, "1230");
// Additional values that only apply to Decimal256
TEST(TestDecimal256FromRealDouble, ExtremeValues) {
const std::vector<FromDoubleTestParam> values = {
// Almost 10**76
FromDoubleTestParam{9.999999999999999e+75, 76, 0,
FromDoubleTestParam{-9.999999999999999e+75, 76, 0,
FromDoubleTestParam{9.999999999999999e+65, 76, 10,
FromDoubleTestParam{-9.999999999999999e+65, 76, 10,
for (const auto& param : values) {
CheckDecimalFromReal<Decimal256>(param.real, param.precision, param.scale,
template <typename Real>
struct ToRealTestParam {
std::string decimal_value;
int32_t scale;
Real expected;
using ToFloatTestParam = ToRealTestParam<float>;
using ToDoubleTestParam = ToRealTestParam<double>;
template <typename Decimal, typename Real>
void CheckDecimalToReal(const std::string& decimal_value, int32_t scale, Real expected) {
Decimal dec(decimal_value);
ASSERT_EQ(dec.template ToReal<Real>(scale), expected)
<< "Decimal value: " << decimal_value << " Scale: " << scale;
template <typename Decimal>
void CheckDecimalToRealApprox(const std::string& decimal_value, int32_t scale,
float expected) {
Decimal dec(decimal_value);
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(dec.template ToReal<float>(scale), expected)
<< "Decimal value: " << decimal_value << " Scale: " << scale;
template <typename Decimal>
void CheckDecimalToRealApprox(const std::string& decimal_value, int32_t scale,
double expected) {
Decimal dec(decimal_value);
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(dec.template ToReal<double>(scale), expected)
<< "Decimal value: " << decimal_value << " Scale: " << scale;
// Common tests for Decimal128::ToReal<T> and Decimal256::ToReal<T>
template <typename T>
class TestDecimalToReal : public ::testing::Test {
using Decimal = typename T::first_type;
using Real = typename T::second_type;
using ParamType = ToRealTestParam<Real>;
Real Pow2(int exp) { return std::pow(static_cast<Real>(2), static_cast<Real>(exp)); }
Real Pow10(int exp) { return std::pow(static_cast<Real>(10), static_cast<Real>(exp)); }
void TestSuccess() {
const std::vector<ParamType> params{
// clang-format off
{"0", 0, 0.0f},
{"0", 10, 0.0f},
{"0", -10, 0.0f},
{"1", 0, 1.0f},
{"12345", 0, 12345.f},
#ifndef __MINGW32__ // MinGW has precision issues
{"12345", 1, 1234.5f},
{"12345", -3, 12345000.f},
// 2**62
{"4611686018427387904", 0, Pow2(62)},
// 2**63 + 2**62
{"13835058055282163712", 0, Pow2(63) + Pow2(62)},
// 2**64 + 2**62
{"23058430092136939520", 0, Pow2(64) + Pow2(62)},
// 10**38 - 2**103
#ifndef __MINGW32__ // MinGW has precision issues
{"99999989858795198174164788026374356992", 0, Pow10(38) - Pow2(103)},
// clang-format on
for (const ParamType& param : params) {
CheckDecimalToReal<Decimal, Real>(param.decimal_value, param.scale, param.expected);
if (param.decimal_value != "0") {
CheckDecimalToReal<Decimal, Real>("-" + param.decimal_value, param.scale,
// Test precision of conversions to float values
void TestPrecision() {
// 2**63 + 2**40 (exactly representable in a float's 24 bits of precision)
CheckDecimalToReal<Decimal, Real>("9223373136366403584", 0, 9.223373e+18f);
CheckDecimalToReal<Decimal, Real>("-9223373136366403584", 0, -9.223373e+18f);
// 2**64 + 2**41 (exactly representable in a float)
CheckDecimalToReal<Decimal, Real>("18446746272732807168", 0, 1.8446746e+19f);
CheckDecimalToReal<Decimal, Real>("-18446746272732807168", 0, -1.8446746e+19f);
// Test conversions with a range of scales
void TestLargeValues(int32_t max_scale) {
// Note that exact comparisons would succeed on some platforms (Linux, macOS).
// Nevertheless, power-of-ten factors are not all exactly representable
// in binary floating point.
for (int32_t scale = -max_scale; scale <= max_scale; scale++) {
#ifdef _WIN32
// MSVC gives pow(10.f, -45.f) == 0 even though 1e-45f is nonzero
if (scale == 45) continue;
CheckDecimalToRealApprox<Decimal>("1", scale, Pow10(-scale));
for (int32_t scale = -max_scale; scale <= max_scale - 2; scale++) {
#ifdef _WIN32
// MSVC gives pow(10.f, -45.f) == 0 even though 1e-45f is nonzero
if (scale == 45) continue;
const Real factor = static_cast<Real>(123);
CheckDecimalToRealApprox<Decimal>("123", scale, factor * Pow10(-scale));
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestDecimalToReal, RealTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalToReal, TestSuccess) { this->TestSuccess(); }
// Custom test for Decimal128::ToReal<float>
class TestDecimal128ToRealFloat : public TestDecimalToReal<std::pair<Decimal128, float>> {
TEST_F(TestDecimal128ToRealFloat, LargeValues) { TestLargeValues(/*max_scale=*/38); }
TEST_F(TestDecimal128ToRealFloat, Precision) { this->TestPrecision(); }
// Custom test for Decimal256::ToReal<float>
class TestDecimal256ToRealFloat : public TestDecimalToReal<std::pair<Decimal256, float>> {
TEST_F(TestDecimal256ToRealFloat, LargeValues) { TestLargeValues(/*max_scale=*/76); }
TEST_F(TestDecimal256ToRealFloat, Precision) { this->TestPrecision(); }
// ToReal<double> tests are disabled on MinGW because of precision issues in results
#ifndef __MINGW32__
// Custom test for Decimal128::ToReal<double>
template <typename DecimalType>
class TestDecimalToRealDouble : public TestDecimalToReal<std::pair<DecimalType, double>> {
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TestDecimalToRealDouble, DecimalTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalToRealDouble, LargeValues) {
// Note that exact comparisons would succeed on some platforms (Linux, macOS).
// Nevertheless, power-of-ten factors are not all exactly representable
// in binary floating point.
for (int32_t scale = -308; scale <= 308; scale++) {
CheckDecimalToRealApprox<TypeParam>("1", scale, this->Pow10(-scale));
for (int32_t scale = -308; scale <= 306; scale++) {
const double factor = 123.;
CheckDecimalToRealApprox<TypeParam>("123", scale, factor * this->Pow10(-scale));
TYPED_TEST(TestDecimalToRealDouble, Precision) {
// 2**63 + 2**11 (exactly representable in a double's 53 bits of precision)
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("9223372036854777856", 0, 9.223372036854778e+18);
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("-9223372036854777856", 0,
// 2**64 - 2**11 (exactly representable in a double)
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("18446744073709549568", 0, 1.844674407370955e+19);
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("-18446744073709549568", 0,
// 2**64 + 2**11 (exactly representable in a double)
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("18446744073709555712", 0,
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("-18446744073709555712", 0,
// Almost 10**38 (minus 2**73)
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("99999999999999978859343891977453174784", 0,
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("-99999999999999978859343891977453174784", 0,
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("99999999999999978859343891977453174784", 10,
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("-99999999999999978859343891977453174784", 10,
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("99999999999999978859343891977453174784", -10,
CheckDecimalToReal<TypeParam, double>("-99999999999999978859343891977453174784", -10,
#endif // __MINGW32__
TEST(Decimal128Test, TestNoDecimalPointExponential) {
Decimal128 value;
int32_t precision;
int32_t scale;
ASSERT_OK(Decimal128::FromString("1E1", &value, &precision, &scale));
ASSERT_EQ(10, value.low_bits());
ASSERT_EQ(2, precision);
ASSERT_EQ(0, scale);
TEST(Decimal128Test, TestFromBigEndian) {
// We test out a variety of scenarios:
// * Positive values that are left shifted
// and filled in with the same bit pattern
// * Negated of the positive values
// * Complement of the positive values
// For the positive values, we can call FromBigEndian
// with a length that is less than 16, whereas we must
// pass all 16 bytes for the negative and complement.
// We use a number of bit patterns to increase the coverage
// of scenarios
for (int32_t start : {1, 15, /* 00001111 */
85, /* 01010101 */
127 /* 01111111 */}) {
Decimal128 value(start);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
auto native_endian = value.ToBytes();
std::reverse(native_endian.begin(), native_endian.end());
// Limit the number of bytes we are passing to make
// sure that it works correctly. That's why all of the
// 'start' values don't have a 1 in the most significant
// bit place
Decimal128::FromBigEndian( + 15 - ii, ii + 1));
// Negate it
auto negated = -value;
native_endian = negated.ToBytes();
// convert to big endian
std::reverse(native_endian.begin(), native_endian.end());
// The sign bit is looked up in the MSB
Decimal128::FromBigEndian( + 15 - ii, ii + 1));
// Take the complement
auto complement = ~value;
native_endian = complement.ToBytes();
// convert to big endian
std::reverse(native_endian.begin(), native_endian.end());
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(complement, Decimal128::FromBigEndian(, 16));
value <<= 8;
value += Decimal128(start);
TEST(Decimal128Test, TestFromBigEndianBadLength) {
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromBigEndian(0, -1));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromBigEndian(0, 17));
TEST(Decimal128Test, TestToInteger) {
Decimal128 value1("1234");
int32_t out1;
Decimal128 value2("-1234");
int64_t out2;
ASSERT_EQ(1234, out1);
ASSERT_EQ(1234, out2);
ASSERT_EQ(-1234, out1);
ASSERT_EQ(-1234, out2);
Decimal128 invalid_int32(static_cast<int64_t>(std::pow(2, 31)));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, invalid_int32.ToInteger(&out1));
Decimal128 invalid_int64("12345678912345678901");
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, invalid_int64.ToInteger(&out2));
template <typename ArrowType, typename CType = typename ArrowType::c_type>
std::vector<CType> GetRandomNumbers(int32_t size) {
auto rand = random::RandomArrayGenerator(0x5487655);
auto x_array = rand.Numeric<ArrowType>(size, static_cast<CType>(0),
std::numeric_limits<CType>::max(), 0);
auto x_ptr = x_array->data()->template GetValues<CType>(1);
std::vector<CType> ret;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
return ret;
Decimal128 Decimal128FromInt128(int128_t value) {
return Decimal128(static_cast<int64_t>(value >> 64),
static_cast<uint64_t>(value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL));
TEST(Decimal128Test, Multiply) {
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(60501), Decimal128(301) * Decimal128(201));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(-60501), Decimal128(-301) * Decimal128(201));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(-60501), Decimal128(301) * Decimal128(-201));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(60501), Decimal128(-301) * Decimal128(-201));
// Test some random numbers.
for (auto x : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto y : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
Decimal128 result = Decimal128(x) * Decimal128(y);
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(static_cast<int64_t>(x) * y), result)
<< " x: " << x << " y: " << y;
// Test by multiplying with an additional 32 bit factor, then additional
// factor of 2^30 to test results in the range of -2^123 to 2^123 without overflow.
for (auto z : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(32)) {
int128_t w = static_cast<int128_t>(x) * y * (1ull << 30);
Decimal128 expected = Decimal128FromInt128(static_cast<int128_t>(w) * z);
Decimal128 actual = Decimal128FromInt128(w) * Decimal128(z);
ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual) << " w: " << x << " * " << y << " * 2^30 z: " << z;
// Test some edge cases
for (auto x : std::vector<int128_t>{-INT64_MAX, -INT32_MAX, 0, INT32_MAX, INT64_MAX}) {
for (auto y :
std::vector<int128_t>{-INT32_MAX, -32, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 32, INT32_MAX}) {
Decimal128 decimal_x = Decimal128FromInt128(x);
Decimal128 decimal_y = Decimal128FromInt128(y);
Decimal128 result = decimal_x * decimal_y;
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal128FromInt128(x * y), result)
<< " x: " << decimal_x << " y: " << decimal_y;
TEST(Decimal128Test, Divide) {
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(66), Decimal128(20100) / Decimal128(301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(-66), Decimal128(-20100) / Decimal128(301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(-66), Decimal128(20100) / Decimal128(-301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(66), Decimal128(-20100) / Decimal128(-301));
// Test some random numbers.
for (auto x : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto y : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
if (y == 0) {
Decimal128 result = Decimal128(x) / Decimal128(y);
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(static_cast<int64_t>(x) / y), result)
<< " x: " << x << " y: " << y;
// Test some edge cases
for (auto x : std::vector<int128_t>{-INT64_MAX, -INT32_MAX, 0, INT32_MAX, INT64_MAX}) {
for (auto y : std::vector<int128_t>{-INT32_MAX, -32, -2, -1, 1, 2, 32, INT32_MAX}) {
Decimal128 decimal_x = Decimal128FromInt128(x);
Decimal128 decimal_y = Decimal128FromInt128(y);
Decimal128 result = decimal_x / decimal_y;
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal128FromInt128(x / y), result)
<< " x: " << decimal_x << " y: " << decimal_y;
TEST(Decimal128Test, Rescale) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal128(11100), Decimal128(111).Rescale(0, 2));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal128(111), Decimal128(11100).Rescale(2, 0));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal128(5), Decimal128(500000).Rescale(6, 1));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal128(500000), Decimal128(5).Rescale(1, 6));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128(555555).Rescale(6, 1));
// Test some random numbers.
for (auto original_scale : GetRandomNumbers<Int16Type>(16)) {
for (auto value : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
Decimal128 unscaled_value = Decimal128(value);
Decimal128 scaled_value = unscaled_value;
for (int32_t new_scale = original_scale; new_scale < original_scale + 29;
new_scale++, scaled_value *= Decimal128(10)) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(scaled_value, unscaled_value.Rescale(original_scale, new_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(unscaled_value, scaled_value.Rescale(new_scale, original_scale));
for (auto original_scale : GetRandomNumbers<Int16Type>(16)) {
Decimal128 value(1);
for (int32_t new_scale = original_scale; new_scale < original_scale + 39;
new_scale++, value *= Decimal128(10)) {
Decimal128 negative_value = value * -1;
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(value, Decimal128(1).Rescale(original_scale, new_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(negative_value, Decimal128(-1).Rescale(original_scale, new_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal128(1), value.Rescale(new_scale, original_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal128(-1), negative_value.Rescale(new_scale, original_scale));
TEST(Decimal128Test, Mod) {
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(234), Decimal128(20100) % Decimal128(301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(-234), Decimal128(-20100) % Decimal128(301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(234), Decimal128(20100) % Decimal128(-301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(-234), Decimal128(-20100) % Decimal128(-301));
// Test some random numbers.
for (auto x : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto y : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
if (y == 0) {
Decimal128 result = Decimal128(x) % Decimal128(y);
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal128(static_cast<int64_t>(x) % y), result)
<< " x: " << x << " y: " << y;
// Test some edge cases
for (auto x : std::vector<int128_t>{-INT64_MAX, -INT32_MAX, 0, INT32_MAX, INT64_MAX}) {
for (auto y : std::vector<int128_t>{-INT32_MAX, -32, -2, -1, 1, 2, 32, INT32_MAX}) {
Decimal128 decimal_x = Decimal128FromInt128(x);
Decimal128 decimal_y = Decimal128FromInt128(y);
Decimal128 result = decimal_x % decimal_y;
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal128FromInt128(x % y), result)
<< " x: " << decimal_x << " y: " << decimal_y;
TEST(Decimal128Test, Sign) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, Decimal128(999999).Sign());
ASSERT_EQ(-1, Decimal128(-999999).Sign());
ASSERT_EQ(1, Decimal128(0).Sign());
TEST(Decimal128Test, GetWholeAndFraction) {
Decimal128 value("123456");
Decimal128 whole;
Decimal128 fraction;
int32_t out;
value.GetWholeAndFraction(0, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(123456, out);
ASSERT_EQ(0, out);
value.GetWholeAndFraction(1, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(12345, out);
ASSERT_EQ(6, out);
value.GetWholeAndFraction(5, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(1, out);
ASSERT_EQ(23456, out);
value.GetWholeAndFraction(7, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(0, out);
ASSERT_EQ(123456, out);
TEST(Decimal128Test, GetWholeAndFractionNegative) {
Decimal128 value("-123456");
Decimal128 whole;
Decimal128 fraction;
int32_t out;
value.GetWholeAndFraction(0, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(-123456, out);
ASSERT_EQ(0, out);
value.GetWholeAndFraction(1, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(-12345, out);
ASSERT_EQ(-6, out);
value.GetWholeAndFraction(5, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(-1, out);
ASSERT_EQ(-23456, out);
value.GetWholeAndFraction(7, &whole, &fraction);
ASSERT_EQ(0, out);
ASSERT_EQ(-123456, out);
TEST(Decimal128Test, IncreaseScale) {
Decimal128 result;
int32_t out;
result = Decimal128("1234").IncreaseScaleBy(0);
ASSERT_EQ(1234, out);
result = Decimal128("1234").IncreaseScaleBy(3);
ASSERT_EQ(1234000, out);
result = Decimal128("-1234").IncreaseScaleBy(3);
ASSERT_EQ(-1234000, out);
TEST(Decimal128Test, ReduceScaleAndRound) {
Decimal128 result;
int32_t out;
result = Decimal128("123456").ReduceScaleBy(0);
ASSERT_EQ(123456, out);
result = Decimal128("123456").ReduceScaleBy(1, false);
ASSERT_EQ(12345, out);
result = Decimal128("123456").ReduceScaleBy(1, true);
ASSERT_EQ(12346, out);
result = Decimal128("123451").ReduceScaleBy(1, true);
ASSERT_EQ(12345, out);
result = Decimal128("-123789").ReduceScaleBy(2, true);
ASSERT_EQ(-1238, out);
result = Decimal128("-123749").ReduceScaleBy(2, true);
ASSERT_EQ(-1237, out);
result = Decimal128("-123750").ReduceScaleBy(2, true);
ASSERT_EQ(-1238, out);
TEST(Decimal128Test, FitsInPrecision) {
static constexpr std::array<uint64_t, 4> kSortedDecimal256Bits[] = {
{0, 0, 0, 0x8000000000000000ULL}, // min
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 0, 0, 0},
{2, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 1},
TEST(Decimal256Test, TestComparators) {
constexpr size_t num_values =
sizeof(kSortedDecimal256Bits) / sizeof(kSortedDecimal256Bits[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
Decimal256 left(kSortedDecimal256Bits[i]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_values; ++j) {
Decimal256 right(kSortedDecimal256Bits[j]);
EXPECT_EQ(i == j, left == right);
EXPECT_EQ(i != j, left != right);
EXPECT_EQ(i < j, left < right);
EXPECT_EQ(i > j, left > right);
EXPECT_EQ(i <= j, left <= right);
EXPECT_EQ(i >= j, left >= right);
TEST(Decimal256Test, TestToBytesRoundTrip) {
for (const std::array<uint64_t, 4>& bits : kSortedDecimal256Bits) {
Decimal256 decimal(bits);
EXPECT_EQ(decimal, Decimal256(decimal.ToBytes().data()));
template <typename T>
class Decimal256Test : public ::testing::Test {
Decimal256Test() {}
using Decimal256Types =
::testing::Types<char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, // NOLINT
int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, // NOLINT
long long, unsigned long long // NOLINT
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(Decimal256Test, Decimal256Types);
TYPED_TEST(Decimal256Test, ConstructibleFromAnyIntegerType) {
using UInt64Array = std::array<uint64_t, 4>;
Decimal256 value(TypeParam{42});
EXPECT_EQ(UInt64Array({42, 0, 0, 0}), value.little_endian_array());
TypeParam max = std::numeric_limits<TypeParam>::max();
Decimal256 max_value(max);
EXPECT_EQ(UInt64Array({static_cast<uint64_t>(max), 0, 0, 0}),
TypeParam min = std::numeric_limits<TypeParam>::min();
Decimal256 min_value(min);
uint64_t high_bits = std::is_signed<TypeParam>::value ? ~uint64_t{0} : uint64_t{0};
EXPECT_EQ(UInt64Array({static_cast<uint64_t>(min), high_bits, high_bits, high_bits}),
TEST(Decimal256Test, ConstructibleFromBool) {
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(0), Decimal256(false));
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(1), Decimal256(true));
Decimal256 Decimal256FromInt128(int128_t value) {
return Decimal256(Decimal128(static_cast<int64_t>(value >> 64),
static_cast<uint64_t>(value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL)));
TEST(Decimal256Test, Multiply) {
using boost::multiprecision::int256_t;
using boost::multiprecision::uint256_t;
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(60501), Decimal256(301) * Decimal256(201));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(-60501), Decimal256(-301) * Decimal256(201));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(-60501), Decimal256(301) * Decimal256(-201));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(60501), Decimal256(-301) * Decimal256(-201));
// Test some random numbers.
std::vector<int128_t> left;
std::vector<int128_t> right;
for (auto x : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto y : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto z : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto w : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
// Test two 128 bit numbers which have a large amount of bits set.
int128_t l = static_cast<uint128_t>(x) << 96 | static_cast<uint128_t>(y) << 64 |
static_cast<uint128_t>(z) << 32 | static_cast<uint128_t>(w);
int128_t r = static_cast<uint128_t>(w) << 96 | static_cast<uint128_t>(z) << 64 |
static_cast<uint128_t>(y) << 32 | static_cast<uint128_t>(x);
int256_t expected = int256_t(l) * r;
Decimal256 actual = Decimal256FromInt128(l) * Decimal256FromInt128(r);
ASSERT_EQ(expected.str(), actual.ToIntegerString())
<< " " << int256_t(l).str() << " * " << int256_t(r).str();
// Test a 96 bit number against a 160 bit number.
int128_t s = l >> 32;
uint256_t b = uint256_t(r) << 32;
Decimal256 b_dec =
Decimal256FromInt128(r) * Decimal256(static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 32);
ASSERT_EQ(b.str(), b_dec.ToIntegerString()) << int256_t(r).str();
expected = int256_t(s) * b;
actual = Decimal256FromInt128(s) * b_dec;
ASSERT_EQ(expected.str(), actual.ToIntegerString())
<< " " << int256_t(s).str() << " * " << int256_t(b).str();
// Test some edge cases
for (auto x : std::vector<int128_t>{-INT64_MAX, -INT32_MAX, 0, INT32_MAX, INT64_MAX}) {
for (auto y :
std::vector<int128_t>{-INT32_MAX, -32, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 32, INT32_MAX}) {
Decimal256 decimal_x = Decimal256FromInt128(x);
Decimal256 decimal_y = Decimal256FromInt128(y);
Decimal256 result = decimal_x * decimal_y;
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256FromInt128(x * y), result)
<< " x: " << decimal_x << " y: " << decimal_y;
TEST(Decimal256Test, Shift) {
// Values compared against python's implementation of shift.
Decimal256 v(967);
v <<= 16;
ASSERT_EQ(v, Decimal256("63373312"));
v <<= 66;
ASSERT_EQ(v, Decimal256("4676125070269385647763488768"));
v <<= 128;
// Values compared against python's implementation of shift.
Decimal256 v(0xEFFACDA);
v <<= 17;
ASSERT_EQ(v, Decimal256("32982558834688"));
v <<= 67;
ASSERT_EQ(v, Decimal256("4867366573756459829801535578046464"));
v <<= 129;
v <<= 43;
ASSERT_EQ(v, Decimal256(0));
// Values compared against python's implementation of shift.
Decimal256 v("-12346789123456789123456789");
v <<= 15;
ASSERT_EQ(v, Decimal256("-404579585997432065997432061952"))
<< std::hex << v.little_endian_array()[0] << " " << v.little_endian_array()[1]
<< " " << v.little_endian_array()[2] << " " << v.little_endian_array()[3] << "\n"
<< Decimal256("-404579585997432065997432061952").little_endian_array()[0] << " "
<< Decimal256("-404579585997432065997432061952").little_endian_array()[1] << " "
<< Decimal256("-404579585997432065997432061952").little_endian_array()[2] << " "
<< Decimal256("-404579585997432065997432061952").little_endian_array()[3];
v <<= 30;
ASSERT_EQ(v, Decimal256("-434414022622047565860171081516421480448"));
v <<= 66;
TEST(Decimal256Test, Add) {
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(103), Decimal256(100) + Decimal256(3));
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(203), Decimal256(200) + Decimal256(3));
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(20401), Decimal256(20100) + Decimal256(301));
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(-19799), Decimal256(-20100) + Decimal256(301));
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(19799), Decimal256(20100) + Decimal256(-301));
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256(-20401), Decimal256(-20100) + Decimal256(-301));
Decimal256("99999999999999999999999999999999999") + Decimal256("2"));
Decimal256("99999999999999999999999999999999999") +
// Test some random numbers.
for (auto x : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto y : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
if (y == 0) {
Decimal256 result = Decimal256(x) + Decimal256(y);
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(static_cast<int64_t>(x) + y), result)
<< " x: " << x << " y: " << y;
TEST(Decimal256Test, Divide) {
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(33), Decimal256(100) / Decimal256(3));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(66), Decimal256(200) / Decimal256(3));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(66), Decimal256(20100) / Decimal256(301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(-66), Decimal256(-20100) / Decimal256(301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(-66), Decimal256(20100) / Decimal256(-301));
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(66), Decimal256(-20100) / Decimal256(-301));
"24636208709184") /
"24636208709184") /
"4636208709184") /
"4636208709184") /
// Test some random numbers.
for (auto x : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
for (auto y : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
if (y == 0) {
Decimal256 result = Decimal256(x) / Decimal256(y);
ASSERT_EQ(Decimal256(static_cast<int64_t>(x) / y), result)
<< " x: " << x << " y: " << y;
// Test some edge cases
for (auto x :
std::vector<int128_t>{-kInt128Max, -INT64_MAX - 1, -INT64_MAX, -INT32_MAX - 1,
-INT32_MAX, 0, INT32_MAX, INT64_MAX, kInt128Max}) {
for (auto y : std::vector<int128_t>{-INT64_MAX - 1, -INT64_MAX, -INT32_MAX, -32, -2,
-1, 1, 2, 32, INT32_MAX, INT64_MAX}) {
Decimal256 decimal_x = Decimal256FromInt128(x);
Decimal256 decimal_y = Decimal256FromInt128(y);
Decimal256 result = decimal_x / decimal_y;
EXPECT_EQ(Decimal256FromInt128(x / y), result);
TEST(Decimal256Test, Rescale) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal256(11100), Decimal256(111).Rescale(0, 2));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal256(111), Decimal256(11100).Rescale(2, 0));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal256(5), Decimal256(500000).Rescale(6, 1));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal256(500000), Decimal256(5).Rescale(1, 6));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal256(555555).Rescale(6, 1));
// Test some random numbers.
for (auto original_scale : GetRandomNumbers<Int16Type>(16)) {
for (auto value : GetRandomNumbers<Int32Type>(16)) {
Decimal256 unscaled_value = Decimal256(value);
Decimal256 scaled_value = unscaled_value;
for (int32_t new_scale = original_scale; new_scale < original_scale + 68;
new_scale++, scaled_value *= Decimal256(10)) {
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(scaled_value, unscaled_value.Rescale(original_scale, new_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(unscaled_value, scaled_value.Rescale(new_scale, original_scale));
for (auto original_scale : GetRandomNumbers<Int16Type>(16)) {
Decimal256 value(1);
for (int32_t new_scale = original_scale; new_scale < original_scale + 77;
new_scale++, value *= Decimal256(10)) {
Decimal256 negative_value = value * -1;
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(value, Decimal256(1).Rescale(original_scale, new_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(negative_value, Decimal256(-1).Rescale(original_scale, new_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal256(1), value.Rescale(new_scale, original_scale));
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(Decimal256(-1), negative_value.Rescale(new_scale, original_scale));
TEST(Decimal256Test, IncreaseScale) {
Decimal256 result;
result = Decimal256("1234").IncreaseScaleBy(0);
ASSERT_EQ("1234", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("1234").IncreaseScaleBy(3);
ASSERT_EQ("1234000", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("-1234").IncreaseScaleBy(3);
ASSERT_EQ("-1234000", result.ToIntegerString());
TEST(Decimal256Test, ReduceScaleAndRound) {
Decimal256 result;
result = Decimal256("123456").ReduceScaleBy(0);
ASSERT_EQ("123456", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("123456").ReduceScaleBy(1, false);
ASSERT_EQ("12345", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("123456").ReduceScaleBy(1, true);
ASSERT_EQ("12346", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("123451").ReduceScaleBy(1, true);
ASSERT_EQ("12345", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("-123789").ReduceScaleBy(2, true);
ASSERT_EQ("-1238", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("-123749").ReduceScaleBy(2, true);
ASSERT_EQ("-1237", result.ToIntegerString());
result = Decimal256("-123750").ReduceScaleBy(2, true);
ASSERT_EQ("-1238", result.ToIntegerString());
TEST(Decimal256, FromBigEndianTest) {
// We test out a variety of scenarios:
// * Positive values that are left shifted
// and filled in with the same bit pattern
// * Negated of the positive values
// * Complement of the positive values
// For the positive values, we can call FromBigEndian
// with a length that is less than 16, whereas we must
// pass all 32 bytes for the negative and complement.
// We use a number of bit patterns to increase the coverage
// of scenarios
for (int32_t start : {1, 1, 15, /* 00001111 */
85, /* 01010101 */
127 /* 01111111 */}) {
Decimal256 value(start);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 32; ++ii) {
auto native_endian = value.ToBytes();
std::reverse(native_endian.begin(), native_endian.end());
// Limit the number of bytes we are passing to make
// sure that it works correctly. That's why all of the
// 'start' values don't have a 1 in the most significant
// bit place
Decimal256::FromBigEndian( + 31 - ii, ii + 1));
// Negate it
auto negated = -value;
native_endian = negated.ToBytes();
// convert to big endian
std::reverse(native_endian.begin(), native_endian.end());
// The sign bit is looked up in the MSB
Decimal256::FromBigEndian( + 31 - ii, ii + 1));
// Take the complement
auto complement = ~value;
native_endian = complement.ToBytes();
// convert to big endian
std::reverse(native_endian.begin(), native_endian.end());
ASSERT_OK_AND_EQ(complement, Decimal256::FromBigEndian(, 32));
value <<= 8;
value += Decimal256(start);
TEST(Decimal256Test, TestFromBigEndianBadLength) {
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromBigEndian(nullptr, -1));
ASSERT_RAISES(Invalid, Decimal128::FromBigEndian(nullptr, 33));
class Decimal256ToStringTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<ToStringTestParam> {};
TEST_P(Decimal256ToStringTest, ToString) {
const ToStringTestParam& data = GetParam();
const Decimal256 value(data.test_value);
const std::string printed_value = value.ToString(data.scale);
ASSERT_EQ(data.expected_string, printed_value);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Decimal256ToStringTest, Decimal256ToStringTest,
} // namespace arrow