blob: 4a158728833b920db11c82afc26fd08b7c4ab964 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/util/basic_decimal.h"
#include "arrow/util/string_view.h"
namespace arrow {
/// Represents a signed 128-bit integer in two's complement.
/// Calculations wrap around and overflow is ignored.
/// The max decimal precision that can be safely represented is
/// 38 significant digits.
/// For a discussion of the algorithms, look at Knuth's volume 2,
/// Semi-numerical Algorithms section 4.3.1.
/// Adapted from the Apache ORC C++ implementation
/// The implementation is split into two parts :
/// 1. BasicDecimal128
/// - can be safely compiled to IR without references to libstdc++.
/// 2. Decimal128
/// - has additional functionality on top of BasicDecimal128 to deal with
/// strings and streams.
class ARROW_EXPORT Decimal128 : public BasicDecimal128 {
/// \cond FALSE
// (need to avoid a duplicate definition in Sphinx)
using BasicDecimal128::BasicDecimal128;
/// \endcond
/// \brief constructor creates a Decimal128 from a BasicDecimal128.
constexpr Decimal128(const BasicDecimal128& value) noexcept // NOLINT runtime/explicit
: BasicDecimal128(value) {}
/// \brief Parse the number from a base 10 string representation.
explicit Decimal128(const std::string& value);
/// \brief Empty constructor creates a Decimal128 with a value of 0.
// This is required on some older compilers.
constexpr Decimal128() noexcept : BasicDecimal128() {}
/// Divide this number by right and return the result.
/// This operation is not destructive.
/// The answer rounds to zero. Signs work like:
/// 21 / 5 -> 4, 1
/// -21 / 5 -> -4, -1
/// 21 / -5 -> -4, 1
/// -21 / -5 -> 4, -1
/// \param[in] divisor the number to divide by
/// \return the pair of the quotient and the remainder
Result<std::pair<Decimal128, Decimal128>> Divide(const Decimal128& divisor) const {
std::pair<Decimal128, Decimal128> result;
auto dstatus = BasicDecimal128::Divide(divisor, &result.first, &result.second);
return std::move(result);
/// \brief Convert the Decimal128 value to a base 10 decimal string with the given
/// scale.
std::string ToString(int32_t scale) const;
/// \brief Convert the value to an integer string
std::string ToIntegerString() const;
/// \brief Cast this value to an int64_t.
explicit operator int64_t() const;
/// \brief Convert a decimal string to a Decimal128 value, optionally including
/// precision and scale if they're passed in and not null.
static Status FromString(const util::string_view& s, Decimal128* out,
int32_t* precision, int32_t* scale = NULLPTR);
static Status FromString(const std::string& s, Decimal128* out, int32_t* precision,
int32_t* scale = NULLPTR);
static Status FromString(const char* s, Decimal128* out, int32_t* precision,
int32_t* scale = NULLPTR);
static Result<Decimal128> FromString(const util::string_view& s);
static Result<Decimal128> FromString(const std::string& s);
static Result<Decimal128> FromString(const char* s);
static Result<Decimal128> FromReal(double real, int32_t precision, int32_t scale);
static Result<Decimal128> FromReal(float real, int32_t precision, int32_t scale);
/// \brief Convert from a big-endian byte representation. The length must be
/// between 1 and 16.
/// \return error status if the length is an invalid value
static Result<Decimal128> FromBigEndian(const uint8_t* data, int32_t length);
/// \brief Convert Decimal128 from one scale to another
Result<Decimal128> Rescale(int32_t original_scale, int32_t new_scale) const {
Decimal128 out;
auto dstatus = BasicDecimal128::Rescale(original_scale, new_scale, &out);
return std::move(out);
/// \brief Convert to a signed integer
template <typename T, typename = internal::EnableIfIsOneOf<T, int32_t, int64_t>>
Result<T> ToInteger() const {
constexpr auto min_value = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
constexpr auto max_value = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
const auto& self = *this;
if (self < min_value || self > max_value) {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid cast from Decimal128 to ", sizeof(T),
" byte integer");
return static_cast<T>(low_bits());
/// \brief Convert to a signed integer
template <typename T, typename = internal::EnableIfIsOneOf<T, int32_t, int64_t>>
Status ToInteger(T* out) const {
return ToInteger<T>().Value(out);
/// \brief Convert to a floating-point number (scaled)
float ToFloat(int32_t scale) const;
/// \brief Convert to a floating-point number (scaled)
double ToDouble(int32_t scale) const;
/// \brief Convert to a floating-point number (scaled)
template <typename T>
T ToReal(int32_t scale) const {
return ToRealConversion<T>::ToReal(*this, scale);
friend ARROW_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const Decimal128& decimal);
/// Converts internal error code to Status
Status ToArrowStatus(DecimalStatus dstatus) const;
template <typename T>
struct ToRealConversion {};
template <>
struct Decimal128::ToRealConversion<float> {
static float ToReal(const Decimal128& dec, int32_t scale) { return dec.ToFloat(scale); }
template <>
struct Decimal128::ToRealConversion<double> {
static double ToReal(const Decimal128& dec, int32_t scale) {
return dec.ToDouble(scale);
/// Represents a signed 256-bit integer in two's complement.
/// The max decimal precision that can be safely represented is
/// 76 significant digits.
/// The implementation is split into two parts :
/// 1. BasicDecimal256
/// - can be safely compiled to IR without references to libstdc++.
/// 2. Decimal256
/// - (TODO) has additional functionality on top of BasicDecimal256 to deal with
/// strings and streams.
class ARROW_EXPORT Decimal256 : public BasicDecimal256 {
/// \cond FALSE
// (need to avoid a duplicate definition in Sphinx)
using BasicDecimal256::BasicDecimal256;
/// \endcond
/// \brief constructor creates a Decimal256 from a BasicDecimal256.
constexpr Decimal256(const BasicDecimal256& value) noexcept : BasicDecimal256(value) {}
/// \brief Parse the number from a base 10 string representation.
explicit Decimal256(const std::string& value);
/// \brief Empty constructor creates a Decimal256 with a value of 0.
// This is required on some older compilers.
constexpr Decimal256() noexcept : BasicDecimal256() {}
/// \brief Convert the Decimal256 value to a base 10 decimal string with the given
/// scale.
std::string ToString(int32_t scale) const;
/// \brief Convert the value to an integer string
std::string ToIntegerString() const;
/// \brief Convert a decimal string to a Decimal256 value, optionally including
/// precision and scale if they're passed in and not null.
static Status FromString(const util::string_view& s, Decimal256* out,
int32_t* precision, int32_t* scale = NULLPTR);
static Status FromString(const std::string& s, Decimal256* out, int32_t* precision,
int32_t* scale = NULLPTR);
static Status FromString(const char* s, Decimal256* out, int32_t* precision,
int32_t* scale = NULLPTR);
static Result<Decimal256> FromString(const util::string_view& s);
static Result<Decimal256> FromString(const std::string& s);
static Result<Decimal256> FromString(const char* s);
/// \brief Convert Decimal256 from one scale to another
Result<Decimal256> Rescale(int32_t original_scale, int32_t new_scale) const {
Decimal256 out;
auto dstatus = BasicDecimal256::Rescale(original_scale, new_scale, &out);
return std::move(out);
/// Divide this number by right and return the result.
/// This operation is not destructive.
/// The answer rounds to zero. Signs work like:
/// 21 / 5 -> 4, 1
/// -21 / 5 -> -4, -1
/// 21 / -5 -> -4, 1
/// -21 / -5 -> 4, -1
/// \param[in] divisor the number to divide by
/// \return the pair of the quotient and the remainder
Result<std::pair<Decimal256, Decimal256>> Divide(const Decimal256& divisor) const {
std::pair<Decimal256, Decimal256> result;
auto dstatus = BasicDecimal256::Divide(divisor, &result.first, &result.second);
return std::move(result);
/// \brief Convert from a big-endian byte representation. The length must be
/// between 1 and 32.
/// \return error status if the length is an invalid value
static Result<Decimal256> FromBigEndian(const uint8_t* data, int32_t length);
static Result<Decimal256> FromReal(double real, int32_t precision, int32_t scale);
static Result<Decimal256> FromReal(float real, int32_t precision, int32_t scale);
/// \brief Convert to a floating-point number (scaled).
/// May return infinity in case of overflow.
float ToFloat(int32_t scale) const;
/// \brief Convert to a floating-point number (scaled)
double ToDouble(int32_t scale) const;
/// \brief Convert to a floating-point number (scaled)
template <typename T>
T ToReal(int32_t scale) const {
return ToRealConversion<T>::ToReal(*this, scale);
friend ARROW_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const Decimal256& decimal);
/// Converts internal error code to Status
Status ToArrowStatus(DecimalStatus dstatus) const;
template <typename T>
struct ToRealConversion {};
template <>
struct Decimal256::ToRealConversion<float> {
static float ToReal(const Decimal256& dec, int32_t scale) { return dec.ToFloat(scale); }
template <>
struct Decimal256::ToRealConversion<double> {
static double ToReal(const Decimal256& dec, int32_t scale) {
return dec.ToDouble(scale);
} // namespace arrow