blob: 231fd800b6746518c1598c5e87567e3bbd0a0543 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/util/functional.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace internal {
// A LRU (Least recently used) replacement cache
template <typename Key, typename Value>
class LruCache {
explicit LruCache(int32_t capacity) : capacity_(capacity) {
// The map size can temporarily exceed the cache capacity, see Replace()
map_.reserve(capacity_ + 1);
void Clear() {
// The C++ spec doesn't tell whether map_.clear() will shrink the map capacity
map_.reserve(capacity_ + 1);
int32_t size() const {
DCHECK_EQ(items_.size(), map_.size());
return static_cast<int32_t>(items_.size());
template <typename K>
Value* Find(K&& key) {
const auto it = map_.find(key);
if (it == map_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
// Found => move item at front of the list
auto list_it = it->second;
items_.splice(items_.begin(), items_, list_it);
return &list_it->value;
template <typename K, typename V>
std::pair<bool, Value*> Replace(K&& key, V&& value) {
// Try to insert temporary iterator
auto pair = map_.emplace(std::forward<K>(key), ListIt{});
const auto it = pair.first;
const bool inserted = pair.second;
if (inserted) {
// Inserted => push item at front of the list, and update iterator
items_.push_front(Item{&it->first, std::forward<V>(value)});
it->second = items_.begin();
// Did we exceed the cache capacity? If so, remove least recently used item
if (static_cast<int32_t>(items_.size()) > capacity_) {
const bool erased = map_.erase(*items_.back().key);
return {true, &it->second->value};
} else {
// Already exists => move item at front of the list, and update value
auto list_it = it->second;
items_.splice(items_.begin(), items_, list_it);
list_it->value = std::forward<V>(value);
return {false, &list_it->value};
struct Item {
// Pointer to the key inside the unordered_map
const Key* key;
Value value;
using List = std::list<Item>;
using ListIt = typename List::iterator;
const int32_t capacity_;
// In most to least recently used order
std::list<Item> items_;
std::unordered_map<Key, ListIt> map_;
namespace detail {
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Cache, typename Func>
struct ThreadSafeMemoizer {
using RetType = Value;
template <typename F>
ThreadSafeMemoizer(F&& func, int32_t cache_capacity)
: func_(std::forward<F>(func)), cache_(cache_capacity) {}
// The memoizer can't return a pointer to the cached value, because
// the cache entry may be evicted by another thread.
Value operator()(const Key& key) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
const Value* value_ptr;
value_ptr = cache_.Find(key);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(value_ptr != nullptr)) {
return *value_ptr;
Value v = func_(key);
return *cache_.Replace(key, std::move(v)).second;
std::mutex mutex_;
Func func_;
Cache cache_;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Cache, typename Func>
struct ThreadUnsafeMemoizer {
using RetType = const Value&;
template <typename F>
ThreadUnsafeMemoizer(F&& func, int32_t cache_capacity)
: func_(std::forward<F>(func)), cache_(cache_capacity) {}
const Value& operator()(const Key& key) {
const Value* value_ptr;
value_ptr = cache_.Find(key);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(value_ptr != nullptr)) {
return *value_ptr;
return *cache_.Replace(key, func_(key)).second;
Func func_;
Cache cache_;
template <template <typename...> class Cache, template <typename...> class MemoizerType,
typename Func,
typename Key = typename std::decay<call_traits::argument_type<0, Func>>::type,
typename Value = typename std::decay<call_traits::return_type<Func>>::type,
typename Memoizer = MemoizerType<Key, Value, Cache<Key, Value>, Func>,
typename RetType = typename Memoizer::RetType>
static std::function<RetType(const Key&)> Memoize(Func&& func, int32_t cache_capacity) {
// std::function<> requires copy constructibility
struct {
RetType operator()(const Key& key) const { return (*memoized_)(key); }
std::shared_ptr<Memoizer> memoized_;
} shared_memoized = {
std::make_shared<Memoizer>(std::forward<Func>(func), cache_capacity)};
return shared_memoized;
} // namespace detail
// Apply a LRU memoization cache to a callable.
template <typename Func>
static auto MemoizeLru(Func&& func, int32_t cache_capacity)
-> decltype(detail::Memoize<LruCache, detail::ThreadSafeMemoizer>(
std::forward<Func>(func), cache_capacity)) {
return detail::Memoize<LruCache, detail::ThreadSafeMemoizer>(std::forward<Func>(func),
// Like MemoizeLru, but not thread-safe. This version allows for much faster
// lookups (more than 2x faster), but you'll have to manage thread safety yourself.
// A recommended usage is to declare per-thread caches using `thread_local`
// (see
template <typename Func>
static auto MemoizeLruThreadUnsafe(Func&& func, int32_t cache_capacity)
-> decltype(detail::Memoize<LruCache, detail::ThreadUnsafeMemoizer>(
std::forward<Func>(func), cache_capacity)) {
return detail::Memoize<LruCache, detail::ThreadUnsafeMemoizer>(std::forward<Func>(func),
} // namespace internal
} // namespace arrow