blob: 1f9cf19bbd0e47f1a997ed236d7e176810bde752 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_ops.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "arrow/buffer.h"
#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/util/align_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_reader.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_writer.h"
#include "arrow/util/endian.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "arrow/util/ubsan.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace internal {
int64_t CountSetBits(const uint8_t* data, int64_t bit_offset, int64_t length) {
constexpr int64_t pop_len = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8;
DCHECK_GE(bit_offset, 0);
int64_t count = 0;
const auto p = BitmapWordAlign<pop_len / 8>(data, bit_offset, length);
for (int64_t i = bit_offset; i < bit_offset + p.leading_bits; ++i) {
if (BitUtil::GetBit(data, i)) {
if (p.aligned_words > 0) {
// popcount as much as possible with the widest possible count
const uint64_t* u64_data = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(p.aligned_start);
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(u64_data) & 7, 0);
const uint64_t* end = u64_data + p.aligned_words;
constexpr int64_t kCountUnrollFactor = 4;
const int64_t words_rounded = BitUtil::RoundDown(p.aligned_words, kCountUnrollFactor);
int64_t count_unroll[kCountUnrollFactor] = {0};
// Unroll the loop for better performance
for (int64_t i = 0; i < words_rounded; i += kCountUnrollFactor) {
for (int64_t k = 0; k < kCountUnrollFactor; k++) {
count_unroll[k] += BitUtil::PopCount(u64_data[k]);
u64_data += kCountUnrollFactor;
for (int64_t k = 0; k < kCountUnrollFactor; k++) {
count += count_unroll[k];
// The trailing part
for (; u64_data < end; ++u64_data) {
count += BitUtil::PopCount(*u64_data);
// Account for left over bits (in theory we could fall back to smaller
// versions of popcount but the code complexity is likely not worth it)
for (int64_t i = p.trailing_bit_offset; i < bit_offset + length; ++i) {
if (BitUtil::GetBit(data, i)) {
return count;
namespace {
// BitmapWordReader here is faster than BitmapUInt64Reader (in bitmap_reader.h)
// on sufficiently large inputs. However, it has a larger prolog / epilog overhead
// and should probably not be used for small bitmaps.
template <typename Word>
class BitmapWordReader {
BitmapWordReader(const uint8_t* bitmap, int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
bitmap_ = bitmap + offset / 8;
offset_ = offset % 8;
bitmap_end_ = bitmap_ + BitUtil::BytesForBits(offset_ + length);
// decrement word count by one as we may touch two adjacent words in one iteration
nwords_ = length / (sizeof(Word) * 8) - 1;
if (nwords_ < 0) {
nwords_ = 0;
trailing_bits_ = static_cast<int>(length - nwords_ * sizeof(Word) * 8);
trailing_bytes_ = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::BytesForBits(trailing_bits_));
if (nwords_ > 0) {
current_word_ = load<Word>(bitmap_);
} else if (length > 0) {
current_byte_ = load<uint8_t>(bitmap_);
Word NextWord() {
bitmap_ += sizeof(Word);
const Word next_word = load<Word>(bitmap_);
Word word = current_word_;
if (offset_) {
// combine two adjacent words into one word
// |<------ next ----->|<---- current ---->|
// +-------------+-----+-------------+-----+
// | --- | A | B | --- |
// +-------------+-----+-------------+-----+
// | | offset
// v v
// +-----+-------------+
// | A | B |
// +-----+-------------+
// |<------ word ----->|
word >>= offset_;
word |= next_word << (sizeof(Word) * 8 - offset_);
current_word_ = next_word;
return word;
uint8_t NextTrailingByte(int& valid_bits) {
uint8_t byte;
DCHECK_GT(trailing_bits_, 0);
if (trailing_bits_ <= 8) {
// last byte
valid_bits = trailing_bits_;
trailing_bits_ = 0;
byte = 0;
internal::BitmapReader reader(bitmap_, offset_, valid_bits);
for (int i = 0; i < valid_bits; ++i) {
byte >>= 1;
if (reader.IsSet()) {
byte |= 0x80;
byte >>= (8 - valid_bits);
} else {
const uint8_t next_byte = load<uint8_t>(bitmap_);
byte = current_byte_;
if (offset_) {
byte >>= offset_;
byte |= next_byte << (8 - offset_);
current_byte_ = next_byte;
trailing_bits_ -= 8;
valid_bits = 8;
return byte;
int64_t words() const { return nwords_; }
int trailing_bytes() const { return trailing_bytes_; }
int64_t offset_;
const uint8_t* bitmap_;
const uint8_t* bitmap_end_;
int64_t nwords_;
int trailing_bits_;
int trailing_bytes_;
union {
Word current_word_;
struct {
uint8_t padding_bytes_[sizeof(Word) - 1];
uint8_t current_byte_;
template <typename DType>
DType load(const uint8_t* bitmap) {
DCHECK_LE(bitmap + sizeof(DType), bitmap_end_);
return BitUtil::ToLittleEndian(util::SafeLoadAs<DType>(bitmap));
template <typename Word>
class BitmapWordWriter {
BitmapWordWriter(uint8_t* bitmap, int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
bitmap_ = bitmap + offset / 8;
offset_ = offset % 8;
bitmap_end_ = bitmap_ + BitUtil::BytesForBits(offset_ + length);
mask_ = (1U << offset_) - 1;
if (offset_) {
if (length >= static_cast<int>(sizeof(Word) * 8)) {
current_word_ = load<Word>(bitmap_);
} else if (length > 0) {
current_byte_ = load<uint8_t>(bitmap_);
void PutNextWord(Word word) {
if (offset_) {
// split one word into two adjacent words, don't touch unused bits
// |<------ word ----->|
// +-----+-------------+
// | A | B |
// +-----+-------------+
// | |
// v v offset
// +-------------+-----+-------------+-----+
// | --- | A | B | --- |
// +-------------+-----+-------------+-----+
// |<------ next ----->|<---- current ---->|
word = (word << offset_) | (word >> (sizeof(Word) * 8 - offset_));
Word next_word = load<Word>(bitmap_ + sizeof(Word));
current_word_ = (current_word_ & mask_) | (word & ~mask_);
next_word = (next_word & ~mask_) | (word & mask_);
store<Word>(bitmap_, current_word_);
store<Word>(bitmap_ + sizeof(Word), next_word);
current_word_ = next_word;
} else {
store<Word>(bitmap_, word);
bitmap_ += sizeof(Word);
void PutNextTrailingByte(uint8_t byte, int valid_bits) {
if (valid_bits == 8) {
if (offset_) {
byte = (byte << offset_) | (byte >> (8 - offset_));
uint8_t next_byte = load<uint8_t>(bitmap_ + 1);
current_byte_ = (current_byte_ & mask_) | (byte & ~mask_);
next_byte = (next_byte & ~mask_) | (byte & mask_);
store<uint8_t>(bitmap_, current_byte_);
store<uint8_t>(bitmap_ + 1, next_byte);
current_byte_ = next_byte;
} else {
store<uint8_t>(bitmap_, byte);
} else {
DCHECK_GT(valid_bits, 0);
DCHECK_LT(valid_bits, 8);
DCHECK_LE(bitmap_ + BitUtil::BytesForBits(offset_ + valid_bits), bitmap_end_);
internal::BitmapWriter writer(bitmap_, offset_, valid_bits);
for (int i = 0; i < valid_bits; ++i) {
(byte & 0x01) ? writer.Set() : writer.Clear();
byte >>= 1;
int64_t offset_;
uint8_t* bitmap_;
const uint8_t* bitmap_end_;
uint64_t mask_;
union {
Word current_word_;
struct {
uint8_t padding_bytes_[sizeof(Word) - 1];
uint8_t current_byte_;
template <typename DType>
DType load(const uint8_t* bitmap) {
DCHECK_LE(bitmap + sizeof(DType), bitmap_end_);
return BitUtil::ToLittleEndian(util::SafeLoadAs<DType>(bitmap));
template <typename DType>
void store(uint8_t* bitmap, DType data) {
DCHECK_LE(bitmap + sizeof(DType), bitmap_end_);
util::SafeStore(bitmap, BitUtil::FromLittleEndian(data));
} // namespace
enum class TransferMode : bool { Copy, Invert };
template <TransferMode mode>
void TransferBitmap(const uint8_t* data, int64_t offset, int64_t length,
int64_t dest_offset, uint8_t* dest) {
int64_t bit_offset = offset % 8;
int64_t dest_bit_offset = dest_offset % 8;
if (bit_offset || dest_bit_offset) {
auto reader = internal::BitmapWordReader<uint64_t>(data, offset, length);
auto writer = internal::BitmapWordWriter<uint64_t>(dest, dest_offset, length);
auto nwords = reader.words();
while (nwords--) {
auto word = reader.NextWord();
writer.PutNextWord(mode == TransferMode::Invert ? ~word : word);
auto nbytes = reader.trailing_bytes();
while (nbytes--) {
int valid_bits;
auto byte = reader.NextTrailingByte(valid_bits);
writer.PutNextTrailingByte(mode == TransferMode::Invert ? ~byte : byte, valid_bits);
} else if (length) {
int64_t num_bytes = BitUtil::BytesForBits(length);
// Shift by its byte offset
data += offset / 8;
dest += dest_offset / 8;
// Take care of the trailing bits in the last byte
// E.g., if trailing_bits = 5, last byte should be
// - low 3 bits: new bits from last byte of data buffer
// - high 5 bits: old bits from last byte of dest buffer
int64_t trailing_bits = num_bytes * 8 - length;
uint8_t trail_mask = (1U << (8 - trailing_bits)) - 1;
uint8_t last_data;
if (mode == TransferMode::Invert) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_bytes - 1; i++) {
dest[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(~(data[i]));
last_data = ~data[num_bytes - 1];
} else {
std::memcpy(dest, data, static_cast<size_t>(num_bytes - 1));
last_data = data[num_bytes - 1];
// Set last byte
dest[num_bytes - 1] &= ~trail_mask;
dest[num_bytes - 1] |= last_data & trail_mask;
template <TransferMode mode>
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> TransferBitmap(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* data,
int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto buffer, AllocateEmptyBitmap(length, pool));
uint8_t* dest = buffer->mutable_data();
TransferBitmap<mode>(data, offset, length, 0, dest);
// As we have freshly allocated this bitmap, we should take care of zeroing the
// remaining bits.
int64_t num_bytes = BitUtil::BytesForBits(length);
int64_t bits_to_zero = num_bytes * 8 - length;
for (int64_t i = length; i < length + bits_to_zero; ++i) {
// Both branches may copy extra bits - unsetting to match specification.
BitUtil::ClearBit(dest, i);
return buffer;
void CopyBitmap(const uint8_t* data, int64_t offset, int64_t length, uint8_t* dest,
int64_t dest_offset) {
TransferBitmap<TransferMode::Copy>(data, offset, length, dest_offset, dest);
void InvertBitmap(const uint8_t* data, int64_t offset, int64_t length, uint8_t* dest,
int64_t dest_offset) {
TransferBitmap<TransferMode::Invert>(data, offset, length, dest_offset, dest);
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> CopyBitmap(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* data,
int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
return TransferBitmap<TransferMode::Copy>(pool, data, offset, length);
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> InvertBitmap(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* data,
int64_t offset, int64_t length,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* out) {
return TransferBitmap<TransferMode::Invert>(pool, data, offset, length);
bool BitmapEquals(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length) {
if (left_offset % 8 == 0 && right_offset % 8 == 0) {
// byte aligned, can use memcmp
bool bytes_equal =
std::memcmp(left + left_offset / 8, right + right_offset / 8, length / 8) == 0;
if (!bytes_equal) {
return false;
for (int64_t i = (length / 8) * 8; i < length; ++i) {
if (BitUtil::GetBit(left, left_offset + i) !=
BitUtil::GetBit(right, right_offset + i)) {
return false;
return true;
// Unaligned slow case
auto left_reader = internal::BitmapWordReader<uint64_t>(left, left_offset, length);
auto right_reader = internal::BitmapWordReader<uint64_t>(right, right_offset, length);
auto nwords = left_reader.words();
while (nwords--) {
if (left_reader.NextWord() != right_reader.NextWord()) {
return false;
auto nbytes = left_reader.trailing_bytes();
while (nbytes--) {
int valid_bits;
if (left_reader.NextTrailingByte(valid_bits) !=
right_reader.NextTrailingByte(valid_bits)) {
return false;
return true;
bool OptionalBitmapEquals(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length) {
if (left == nullptr && right == nullptr) {
return true;
} else if (left != nullptr && right != nullptr) {
return BitmapEquals(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length);
} else if (left != nullptr) {
return CountSetBits(left, left_offset, length) == length;
} else {
return CountSetBits(right, right_offset, length) == length;
bool OptionalBitmapEquals(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& left, int64_t left_offset,
const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& right, int64_t right_offset,
int64_t length) {
return OptionalBitmapEquals(left ? left->data() : nullptr, left_offset,
right ? right->data() : nullptr, right_offset, length);
namespace {
template <template <typename> class BitOp>
void AlignedBitmapOp(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, uint8_t* out, int64_t out_offset,
int64_t length) {
BitOp<uint8_t> op;
DCHECK_EQ(left_offset % 8, right_offset % 8);
DCHECK_EQ(left_offset % 8, out_offset % 8);
const int64_t nbytes = BitUtil::BytesForBits(length + left_offset % 8);
left += left_offset / 8;
right += right_offset / 8;
out += out_offset / 8;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nbytes; ++i) {
out[i] = op(left[i], right[i]);
template <template <typename> class BitOp>
void UnalignedBitmapOp(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, uint8_t* out, int64_t out_offset,
int64_t length) {
BitOp<uint64_t> op_word;
BitOp<uint8_t> op_byte;
auto left_reader = internal::BitmapWordReader<uint64_t>(left, left_offset, length);
auto right_reader = internal::BitmapWordReader<uint64_t>(right, right_offset, length);
auto writer = internal::BitmapWordWriter<uint64_t>(out, out_offset, length);
auto nwords = left_reader.words();
while (nwords--) {
writer.PutNextWord(op_word(left_reader.NextWord(), right_reader.NextWord()));
auto nbytes = left_reader.trailing_bytes();
while (nbytes--) {
int left_valid_bits, right_valid_bits;
uint8_t left_byte = left_reader.NextTrailingByte(left_valid_bits);
uint8_t right_byte = right_reader.NextTrailingByte(right_valid_bits);
DCHECK_EQ(left_valid_bits, right_valid_bits);
writer.PutNextTrailingByte(op_byte(left_byte, right_byte), left_valid_bits);
template <template <typename> class BitOp>
void BitmapOp(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length, int64_t out_offset, uint8_t* dest) {
if ((out_offset % 8 == left_offset % 8) && (out_offset % 8 == right_offset % 8)) {
// Fast case: can use bytewise AND
AlignedBitmapOp<BitOp>(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, dest, out_offset,
} else {
// Unaligned
UnalignedBitmapOp<BitOp>(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, dest, out_offset,
template <template <typename> class BitOp>
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> BitmapOp(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* left,
int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length,
int64_t out_offset) {
const int64_t phys_bits = length + out_offset;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto out_buffer, AllocateEmptyBitmap(phys_bits, pool));
BitmapOp<BitOp>(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length, out_offset,
return out_buffer;
} // namespace
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> BitmapAnd(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* left,
int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length,
int64_t out_offset) {
return BitmapOp<std::bit_and>(pool, left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length,
void BitmapAnd(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length, int64_t out_offset, uint8_t* out) {
BitmapOp<std::bit_and>(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length, out_offset, out);
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> BitmapOr(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* left,
int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length,
int64_t out_offset) {
return BitmapOp<std::bit_or>(pool, left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length,
void BitmapOr(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length, int64_t out_offset, uint8_t* out) {
BitmapOp<std::bit_or>(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length, out_offset, out);
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> BitmapXor(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* left,
int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length,
int64_t out_offset) {
return BitmapOp<std::bit_xor>(pool, left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length,
void BitmapXor(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length, int64_t out_offset, uint8_t* out) {
BitmapOp<std::bit_xor>(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length, out_offset, out);
template <typename T>
struct AndNotOp {
constexpr T operator()(const T& l, const T& r) const { return l & ~r; }
Result<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>> BitmapAndNot(MemoryPool* pool, const uint8_t* left,
int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length,
int64_t out_offset) {
return BitmapOp<AndNotOp>(pool, left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length,
void BitmapAndNot(const uint8_t* left, int64_t left_offset, const uint8_t* right,
int64_t right_offset, int64_t length, int64_t out_offset,
uint8_t* out) {
BitmapOp<AndNotOp>(left, left_offset, right, right_offset, length, out_offset, out);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace arrow