blob: c6e40c145b87611cfd238c4c5358d7e0bba09ed4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
import warnings
def _deprecate_serialization(name):
msg = (
"'pyarrow.{}' is deprecated as of 2.0.0 and will be removed in a "
"future version. Use pickle or the pyarrow IPC functionality instead."
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=3)
def is_named_tuple(cls):
Return True if cls is a namedtuple and False otherwise.
b = cls.__bases__
if len(b) != 1 or b[0] != tuple:
return False
f = getattr(cls, "_fields", None)
if not isinstance(f, tuple):
return False
return all(isinstance(n, str) for n in f)
class SerializationCallbackError(ArrowSerializationError):
def __init__(self, message, example_object):
ArrowSerializationError.__init__(self, message)
self.example_object = example_object
class DeserializationCallbackError(ArrowSerializationError):
def __init__(self, message, type_id):
ArrowSerializationError.__init__(self, message)
self.type_id = type_id
cdef class SerializationContext(_Weakrefable):
object type_to_type_id
object whitelisted_types
object types_to_pickle
object custom_serializers
object custom_deserializers
object pickle_serializer
object pickle_deserializer
def __init__(self):
# Types with special serialization handlers
self.type_to_type_id = dict()
self.whitelisted_types = dict()
self.types_to_pickle = set()
self.custom_serializers = dict()
self.custom_deserializers = dict()
self.pickle_serializer = pickle.dumps
self.pickle_deserializer = pickle.loads
def set_pickle(self, serializer, deserializer):
Set the serializer and deserializer to use for objects that are to be
serializer : callable
The serializer to use (e.g., pickle.dumps or cloudpickle.dumps).
deserializer : callable
The deserializer to use (e.g., pickle.dumps or cloudpickle.dumps).
self.pickle_serializer = serializer
self.pickle_deserializer = deserializer
def clone(self):
Return copy of this SerializationContext.
clone : SerializationContext
result = SerializationContext()
result.type_to_type_id = self.type_to_type_id.copy()
result.whitelisted_types = self.whitelisted_types.copy()
result.types_to_pickle = self.types_to_pickle.copy()
result.custom_serializers = self.custom_serializers.copy()
result.custom_deserializers = self.custom_deserializers.copy()
result.pickle_serializer = self.pickle_serializer
result.pickle_deserializer = self.pickle_deserializer
return result
def register_type(self, type_, type_id, pickle=False,
custom_serializer=None, custom_deserializer=None):
EXPERIMENTAL: Add type to the list of types we can serialize.
type\_ : type
The type that we can serialize.
type_id : string
A string used to identify the type.
pickle : bool
True if the serialization should be done with pickle.
False if it should be done efficiently with Arrow.
custom_serializer : callable
This argument is optional, but can be provided to
serialize objects of the class in a particular way.
custom_deserializer : callable
This argument is optional, but can be provided to
deserialize objects of the class in a particular way.
if not isinstance(type_id, str):
raise TypeError("The type_id argument must be a string. The value "
"passed in has type {}.".format(type(type_id)))
self.type_to_type_id[type_] = type_id
self.whitelisted_types[type_id] = type_
if pickle:
if custom_serializer is not None:
self.custom_serializers[type_id] = custom_serializer
self.custom_deserializers[type_id] = custom_deserializer
def _serialize_callback(self, obj):
found = False
for type_ in type(obj).__mro__:
if type_ in self.type_to_type_id:
found = True
if not found:
raise SerializationCallbackError(
"pyarrow does not know how to "
"serialize objects of type {}.".format(type(obj)), obj
# use the closest match to type(obj)
type_id = self.type_to_type_id[type_]
if type_id in self.types_to_pickle:
serialized_obj = {"data": self.pickle_serializer(obj),
"pickle": True}
elif type_id in self.custom_serializers:
serialized_obj = {"data": self.custom_serializers[type_id](obj)}
if is_named_tuple(type_):
serialized_obj = {}
serialized_obj["_pa_getnewargs_"] = obj.__getnewargs__()
elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
serialized_obj = obj.__dict__
msg = "We do not know how to serialize " \
"the object '{}'".format(obj)
raise SerializationCallbackError(msg, obj)
return dict(serialized_obj, **{"_pytype_": type_id})
def _deserialize_callback(self, serialized_obj):
type_id = serialized_obj["_pytype_"]
if isinstance(type_id, bytes):
# ARROW-4675: Python 2 serialized, read in Python 3
type_id = frombytes(type_id)
if "pickle" in serialized_obj:
# The object was pickled, so unpickle it.
obj = self.pickle_deserializer(serialized_obj["data"])
assert type_id not in self.types_to_pickle
if type_id not in self.whitelisted_types:
msg = "Type ID " + type_id + " not registered in " \
"deserialization callback"
raise DeserializationCallbackError(msg, type_id)
type_ = self.whitelisted_types[type_id]
if type_id in self.custom_deserializers:
obj = self.custom_deserializers[type_id](
# In this case, serialized_obj should just be
# the __dict__ field.
if "_pa_getnewargs_" in serialized_obj:
obj = type_.__new__(
type_, *serialized_obj["_pa_getnewargs_"])
obj = type_.__new__(type_)
return obj
def serialize(self, obj):
Call pyarrow.serialize and pass this SerializationContext.
return serialize(obj, context=self)
def serialize_to(self, object value, sink):
Call pyarrow.serialize_to and pass this SerializationContext.
return serialize_to(value, sink, context=self)
def deserialize(self, what):
Call pyarrow.deserialize and pass this SerializationContext.
return deserialize(what, context=self)
def deserialize_components(self, what):
Call pyarrow.deserialize_components and pass this SerializationContext.
return deserialize_components(what, context=self)
_default_serialization_context = SerializationContext()
_default_context_initialized = False
def _get_default_context():
global _default_context_initialized
from pyarrow.serialization import _register_default_serialization_handlers
if not _default_context_initialized:
_default_context_initialized = True
return _default_serialization_context
cdef class SerializedPyObject(_Weakrefable):
Arrow-serialized representation of Python object.
CSerializedPyObject data
cdef readonly:
object base
def total_bytes(self):
cdef CMockOutputStream mock_stream
with nogil:
return mock_stream.GetExtentBytesWritten()
def write_to(self, sink):
Write serialized object to a sink.
cdef shared_ptr[COutputStream] stream
get_writer(sink, &stream)
cdef _write_to(self, COutputStream* stream):
with nogil:
def deserialize(self, SerializationContext context=None):
Convert back to Python object.
cdef PyObject* result
if context is None:
context = _get_default_context()
with nogil:
<PyObject*> self.base, &result))
# PyObject_to_object is necessary to avoid a memory leak;
# also unpack the list the object was wrapped in in serialize
return PyObject_to_object(result)[0]
def to_buffer(self, nthreads=1):
Write serialized data as Buffer.
cdef Buffer output = allocate_buffer(self.total_bytes)
sink = FixedSizeBufferWriter(output)
if nthreads > 1:
return output
def from_components(components):
Reconstruct SerializedPyObject from output of
int num_tensors = components['num_tensors']
int num_ndarrays = components['num_ndarrays']
int num_buffers = components['num_buffers']
list buffers = components['data']
SparseTensorCounts num_sparse_tensors = SparseTensorCounts()
SerializedPyObject result = SerializedPyObject()
num_sparse_tensors.coo = components['num_sparse_tensors']['coo']
num_sparse_tensors.csr = components['num_sparse_tensors']['csr'] = components['num_sparse_tensors']['csc']
num_sparse_tensors.csf = components['num_sparse_tensors']['csf']
num_sparse_tensors.ndim_csf = \
with nogil:
buffers, &
return result
def to_components(self, memory_pool=None):
Return the decomposed dict representation of the serialized object
containing a collection of Buffer objects which maximize opportunities
for zero-copy.
memory_pool : MemoryPool default None
Pool to use for necessary allocations.
cdef PyObject* result
cdef CMemoryPool* c_pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
with nogil:
check_status(, &result))
return PyObject_to_object(result)
def serialize(object value, SerializationContext context=None):
EXPERIMENTAL: Serialize a general Python sequence for transient storage
and transport.
This may have better performance and memory efficiency than Python pickle.
This function produces data that is incompatible with the standard
Arrow IPC binary protocol, i.e. it cannot be used with ipc.open_stream or
ipc.open_file. You can use deserialize, deserialize_from, or
deserialize_components to read it.
value: object
Python object for the sequence that is to be serialized.
context : SerializationContext
Custom serialization and deserialization context, uses a default
context with some standard type handlers if not specified.
serialized : SerializedPyObject
return _serialize(value, context)
def _serialize(object value, SerializationContext context=None):
cdef SerializedPyObject serialized = SerializedPyObject()
wrapped_value = [value]
if context is None:
context = _get_default_context()
with nogil:
check_status(SerializeObject(context, wrapped_value, &
return serialized
def serialize_to(object value, sink, SerializationContext context=None):
EXPERIMENTAL: Serialize a Python sequence to a file.
value: object
Python object for the sequence that is to be serialized.
sink: NativeFile or file-like
File the sequence will be written to.
context : SerializationContext
Custom serialization and deserialization context, uses a default
context with some standard type handlers if not specified.
serialized = _serialize(value, context)
def read_serialized(source, base=None):
EXPERIMENTAL: Read serialized Python sequence from file-like object.
source: NativeFile
File to read the sequence from.
base: object
This object will be the base object of all the numpy arrays
contained in the sequence.
serialized : the serialized data
return _read_serialized(source, base=base)
def _read_serialized(source, base=None):
cdef shared_ptr[CRandomAccessFile] stream
get_reader(source, True, &stream)
cdef SerializedPyObject serialized = SerializedPyObject()
serialized.base = base
with nogil:
check_status(ReadSerializedObject(stream.get(), &
return serialized
def deserialize_from(source, object base, SerializationContext context=None):
EXPERIMENTAL: Deserialize a Python sequence from a file.
This only can interact with data produced by pyarrow.serialize or
source: NativeFile
File to read the sequence from.
base: object
This object will be the base object of all the numpy arrays
contained in the sequence.
context : SerializationContext
Custom serialization and deserialization context.
Python object for the deserialized sequence.
serialized = _read_serialized(source, base=base)
return serialized.deserialize(context)
def deserialize_components(components, SerializationContext context=None):
Reconstruct Python object from output of SerializedPyObject.to_components.
components : dict
Output of SerializedPyObject.to_components
context : SerializationContext, default None
object : the Python object that was originally serialized
serialized = SerializedPyObject.from_components(components)
return serialized.deserialize(context)
def deserialize(obj, SerializationContext context=None):
EXPERIMENTAL: Deserialize Python object from Buffer or other Python
object supporting the buffer protocol.
This only can interact with data produced by pyarrow.serialize or
obj : pyarrow.Buffer or Python object supporting buffer protocol
context : SerializationContext
Custom serialization and deserialization context.
deserialized : object
return _deserialize(obj, context=context)
def _deserialize(obj, SerializationContext context=None):
source = BufferReader(obj)
serialized = _read_serialized(source, base=obj)
return serialized.deserialize(context)