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//! Utils for working with bits
#[cfg(feature = "simd")]
use packed_simd::u8x64;
const BIT_MASK: [u8; 8] = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128];
const UNSET_BIT_MASK: [u8; 8] = [
255 - 1,
255 - 2,
255 - 4,
255 - 8,
255 - 16,
255 - 32,
255 - 64,
255 - 128,
/// Returns the nearest number that is `>=` than `num` and is a multiple of 64
pub fn round_upto_multiple_of_64(num: usize) -> usize {
round_upto_power_of_2(num, 64)
/// Returns the nearest multiple of `factor` that is `>=` than `num`. Here `factor` must
/// be a power of 2.
pub fn round_upto_power_of_2(num: usize, factor: usize) -> usize {
debug_assert!(factor > 0 && (factor & (factor - 1)) == 0);
(num + (factor - 1)) & !(factor - 1)
/// Returns whether bit at position `i` in `data` is set or not
pub fn get_bit(data: &[u8], i: usize) -> bool {
(data[i >> 3] & BIT_MASK[i & 7]) != 0
/// Returns whether bit at position `i` in `data` is set or not.
/// # Safety
/// Note this doesn't do any bound checking, for performance reason. The caller is
/// responsible to guarantee that `i` is within bounds.
pub unsafe fn get_bit_raw(data: *const u8, i: usize) -> bool {
(*data.add(i >> 3) & BIT_MASK[i & 7]) != 0
/// Sets bit at position `i` for `data`
pub fn set_bit(data: &mut [u8], i: usize) {
data[i >> 3] |= BIT_MASK[i & 7];
/// Sets bit at position `i` for `data`
/// # Safety
/// Note this doesn't do any bound checking, for performance reason. The caller is
/// responsible to guarantee that `i` is within bounds.
pub unsafe fn set_bit_raw(data: *mut u8, i: usize) {
*data.add(i >> 3) |= BIT_MASK[i & 7];
/// Sets bit at position `i` for `data` to 0
pub fn unset_bit(data: &mut [u8], i: usize) {
data[i >> 3] &= UNSET_BIT_MASK[i & 7];
/// Sets bit at position `i` for `data` to 0
/// # Safety
/// Note this doesn't do any bound checking, for performance reason. The caller is
/// responsible to guarantee that `i` is within bounds.
pub unsafe fn unset_bit_raw(data: *mut u8, i: usize) {
*data.add(i >> 3) &= UNSET_BIT_MASK[i & 7];
/// Returns the ceil of `value`/`divisor`
pub fn ceil(value: usize, divisor: usize) -> usize {
let (quot, rem) = (value / divisor, value % divisor);
if rem > 0 && divisor > 0 {
quot + 1
} else {
/// Performs SIMD bitwise binary operations.
/// # Safety
/// Note that each slice should be 64 bytes and it is the callers responsibility to ensure
/// that this is the case. If passed slices larger than 64 bytes the operation will only
/// be performed on the first 64 bytes. Slices less than 64 bytes will panic.
pub unsafe fn bitwise_bin_op_simd<F>(left: &[u8], right: &[u8], result: &mut [u8], op: F)
F: Fn(u8x64, u8x64) -> u8x64,
let left_simd = u8x64::from_slice_unaligned_unchecked(left);
let right_simd = u8x64::from_slice_unaligned_unchecked(right);
let simd_result = op(left_simd, right_simd);
mod tests {
use std::collections::HashSet;
use super::*;
use crate::util::test_util::seedable_rng;
use rand::Rng;
fn test_round_upto_multiple_of_64() {
assert_eq!(0, round_upto_multiple_of_64(0));
assert_eq!(64, round_upto_multiple_of_64(1));
assert_eq!(64, round_upto_multiple_of_64(63));
assert_eq!(64, round_upto_multiple_of_64(64));
assert_eq!(128, round_upto_multiple_of_64(65));
assert_eq!(192, round_upto_multiple_of_64(129));
fn test_get_bit() {
// 00001101
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b00001101], 0));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b00001101], 1));
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b00001101], 2));
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b00001101], 3));
// 01001001 01010010
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 0));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 1));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 2));
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 3));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 4));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 5));
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 6));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 7));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 8));
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 9));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 10));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 11));
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 12));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 13));
assert_eq!(true, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 14));
assert_eq!(false, get_bit(&[0b01001001, 0b01010010], 15));
fn test_get_bit_raw() {
const NUM_BYTE: usize = 10;
let mut buf = vec![0; NUM_BYTE];
let mut expected = vec![];
let mut rng = seedable_rng();
for i in 0..8 * NUM_BYTE {
let b = rng.gen_bool(0.5);
if b {
set_bit(&mut buf[..], i)
let raw_ptr = buf.as_ptr();
for (i, b) in expected.iter().enumerate() {
unsafe {
assert_eq!(*b, get_bit_raw(raw_ptr, i));
fn test_set_bit() {
let mut b = [0b00000010];
set_bit(&mut b, 0);
assert_eq!([0b00000011], b);
set_bit(&mut b, 1);
assert_eq!([0b00000011], b);
set_bit(&mut b, 7);
assert_eq!([0b10000011], b);
fn test_unset_bit() {
let mut b = [0b11111101];
unset_bit(&mut b, 0);
assert_eq!([0b11111100], b);
unset_bit(&mut b, 1);
assert_eq!([0b11111100], b);
unset_bit(&mut b, 7);
assert_eq!([0b01111100], b);
fn test_set_bit_raw() {
const NUM_BYTE: usize = 10;
let mut buf = vec![0; NUM_BYTE];
let mut expected = vec![];
let mut rng = seedable_rng();
for i in 0..8 * NUM_BYTE {
let b = rng.gen_bool(0.5);
if b {
unsafe {
set_bit_raw(buf.as_mut_ptr(), i);
let raw_ptr = buf.as_ptr();
for (i, b) in expected.iter().enumerate() {
unsafe {
assert_eq!(*b, get_bit_raw(raw_ptr, i));
fn test_unset_bit_raw() {
const NUM_BYTE: usize = 10;
let mut buf = vec![255; NUM_BYTE];
let mut expected = vec![];
let mut rng = seedable_rng();
for i in 0..8 * NUM_BYTE {
let b = rng.gen_bool(0.5);
if !b {
unsafe {
unset_bit_raw(buf.as_mut_ptr(), i);
let raw_ptr = buf.as_ptr();
for (i, b) in expected.iter().enumerate() {
unsafe {
assert_eq!(*b, get_bit_raw(raw_ptr, i));
fn test_get_set_bit_roundtrip() {
const NUM_BYTES: usize = 10;
const NUM_SETS: usize = 10;
let mut buffer: [u8; NUM_BYTES * 8] = [0; NUM_BYTES * 8];
let mut v = HashSet::new();
let mut rng = seedable_rng();
for _ in 0..NUM_SETS {
let offset = rng.gen_range(0, 8 * NUM_BYTES);
set_bit(&mut buffer[..], offset);
for i in 0..NUM_BYTES * 8 {
assert_eq!(v.contains(&i), get_bit(&buffer[..], i));
#[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64")))]
fn test_ceil() {
assert_eq!(ceil(0, 1), 0);
assert_eq!(ceil(1, 1), 1);
assert_eq!(ceil(1, 2), 1);
assert_eq!(ceil(1, 8), 1);
assert_eq!(ceil(7, 8), 1);
assert_eq!(ceil(8, 8), 1);
assert_eq!(ceil(9, 8), 2);
assert_eq!(ceil(9, 9), 1);
assert_eq!(ceil(10000000000, 10), 1000000000);
assert_eq!(ceil(10, 10000000000), 1);
assert_eq!(ceil(10000000000, 1000000000), 10);
fn test_bitwise_and_simd() {
let buf1 = [0b00110011u8; 64];
let buf2 = [0b11110000u8; 64];
let mut buf3 = [0b00000000; 64];
unsafe { bitwise_bin_op_simd(&buf1, &buf2, &mut buf3, |a, b| a & b) };
for i in buf3.iter() {
assert_eq!(&0b00110000u8, i);
fn test_bitwise_or_simd() {
let buf1 = [0b00110011u8; 64];
let buf2 = [0b11110000u8; 64];
let mut buf3 = [0b00000000; 64];
unsafe { bitwise_bin_op_simd(&buf1, &buf2, &mut buf3, |a, b| a | b) };
for i in buf3.iter() {
assert_eq!(&0b11110011u8, i);