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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
//! This module provides an `Expr` enum for representing expressions
//! such as `col = 5` or `SUM(col)`. See examples on the [`Expr`] struct.
pub use super::Operator;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
use aggregates::{AccumulatorFunctionImplementation, StateTypeFunction};
use arrow::{compute::can_cast_types, datatypes::DataType};
use crate::error::{DataFusionError, Result};
use crate::logical_plan::{DFField, DFSchema};
use crate::physical_plan::{
aggregates, expressions::binary_operator_data_type, functions, udf::ScalarUDF,
use crate::{physical_plan::udaf::AggregateUDF, scalar::ScalarValue};
use functions::{ReturnTypeFunction, ScalarFunctionImplementation, Signature};
use std::collections::HashSet;
/// `Expr` is a central struct of DataFusion's query API, and
/// represent logical expressions such as `A + 1`, or `CAST(c1 AS
/// int)`.
/// An `Expr` can compute its [DataType](arrow::datatypes::DataType)
/// and nullability, and has functions for building up complex
/// expressions.
/// # Examples
/// ## Create an expression `c1` referring to column named "c1"
/// ```
/// # use datafusion::logical_plan::*;
/// let expr = col("c1");
/// assert_eq!(expr, Expr::Column("c1".to_string()));
/// ```
/// ## Create the expression `c1 + c2` to add columns "c1" and "c2" together
/// ```
/// # use datafusion::logical_plan::*;
/// let expr = col("c1") + col("c2");
/// assert!(matches!(expr, Expr::BinaryExpr { ..} ));
/// if let Expr::BinaryExpr { left, right, op } = expr {
/// assert_eq!(*left, col("c1"));
/// assert_eq!(*right, col("c2"));
/// assert_eq!(op, Operator::Plus);
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Create expression `c1 = 42` to compare the value in coumn "c1" to the literal value `42`
/// ```
/// # use datafusion::logical_plan::*;
/// # use datafusion::scalar::*;
/// let expr = col("c1").eq(lit(42));
/// assert!(matches!(expr, Expr::BinaryExpr { ..} ));
/// if let Expr::BinaryExpr { left, right, op } = expr {
/// assert_eq!(*left, col("c1"));
/// let scalar = ScalarValue::Int32(Some(42));
/// assert_eq!(*right, Expr::Literal(scalar));
/// assert_eq!(op, Operator::Eq);
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Expr {
/// An expression with a specific name.
Alias(Box<Expr>, String),
/// A named reference to a field in a schema.
/// A named reference to a variable in a registry.
/// A constant value.
/// A binary expression such as "age > 21"
BinaryExpr {
/// Left-hand side of the expression
left: Box<Expr>,
/// The comparison operator
op: Operator,
/// Right-hand side of the expression
right: Box<Expr>,
/// Negation of an expression. The expression's type must be a boolean to make sense.
/// Whether an expression is not Null. This expression is never null.
/// Whether an expression is Null. This expression is never null.
/// arithmetic negation of an expression, the operand must be of a signed numeric data type
/// Whether an expression is between a given range.
Between {
/// The value to compare
expr: Box<Expr>,
/// Whether the expression is negated
negated: bool,
/// The low end of the range
low: Box<Expr>,
/// The high end of the range
high: Box<Expr>,
/// The CASE expression is similar to a series of nested if/else and there are two forms that
/// can be used. The first form consists of a series of boolean "when" expressions with
/// corresponding "then" expressions, and an optional "else" expression.
/// CASE WHEN condition THEN result
/// [WHEN ...]
/// [ELSE result]
/// END
/// The second form uses a base expression and then a series of "when" clauses that match on a
/// literal value.
/// CASE expression
/// WHEN value THEN result
/// [WHEN ...]
/// [ELSE result]
/// END
Case {
/// Optional base expression that can be compared to literal values in the "when" expressions
expr: Option<Box<Expr>>,
/// One or more when/then expressions
when_then_expr: Vec<(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>)>,
/// Optional "else" expression
else_expr: Option<Box<Expr>>,
/// Casts the expression to a given type. This expression is guaranteed to have a fixed type.
Cast {
/// The expression being cast
expr: Box<Expr>,
/// The `DataType` the expression will yield
data_type: DataType,
/// A sort expression, that can be used to sort values.
Sort {
/// The expression to sort on
expr: Box<Expr>,
/// The direction of the sort
asc: bool,
/// Whether to put Nulls before all other data values
nulls_first: bool,
/// Represents the call of a built-in scalar function with a set of arguments.
ScalarFunction {
/// The function
fun: functions::BuiltinScalarFunction,
/// List of expressions to feed to the functions as arguments
args: Vec<Expr>,
/// Represents the call of a user-defined scalar function with arguments.
ScalarUDF {
/// The function
fun: Arc<ScalarUDF>,
/// List of expressions to feed to the functions as arguments
args: Vec<Expr>,
/// Represents the call of an aggregate built-in function with arguments.
AggregateFunction {
/// Name of the function
fun: aggregates::AggregateFunction,
/// List of expressions to feed to the functions as arguments
args: Vec<Expr>,
/// Whether this is a DISTINCT aggregation or not
distinct: bool,
/// aggregate function
AggregateUDF {
/// The function
fun: Arc<AggregateUDF>,
/// List of expressions to feed to the functions as arguments
args: Vec<Expr>,
/// Returns whether the list contains the expr value.
InList {
/// The expression to compare
expr: Box<Expr>,
/// A list of values to compare against
list: Vec<Expr>,
/// Whether the expression is negated
negated: bool,
/// Represents a reference to all fields in a schema.
impl Expr {
/// Returns the [arrow::datatypes::DataType] of the expression based on [arrow::datatypes::Schema].
/// # Errors
/// This function errors when it is not possible to compute its [arrow::datatypes::DataType].
/// This happens when e.g. the expression refers to a column that does not exist in the schema, or when
/// the expression is incorrectly typed (e.g. `[utf8] + [bool]`).
pub fn get_type(&self, schema: &DFSchema) -> Result<DataType> {
match self {
Expr::Alias(expr, _) => expr.get_type(schema),
Expr::Column(name) => Ok(schema
Expr::ScalarVariable(_) => Ok(DataType::Utf8),
Expr::Literal(l) => Ok(l.get_datatype()),
Expr::Case { when_then_expr, .. } => when_then_expr[0].1.get_type(schema),
Expr::Cast { data_type, .. } => Ok(data_type.clone()),
Expr::ScalarUDF { fun, args } => {
let data_types = args
.map(|e| e.get_type(schema))
Expr::ScalarFunction { fun, args } => {
let data_types = args
.map(|e| e.get_type(schema))
functions::return_type(fun, &data_types)
Expr::AggregateFunction { fun, args, .. } => {
let data_types = args
.map(|e| e.get_type(schema))
aggregates::return_type(fun, &data_types)
Expr::AggregateUDF { fun, args, .. } => {
let data_types = args
.map(|e| e.get_type(schema))
Expr::Not(_) => Ok(DataType::Boolean),
Expr::Negative(expr) => expr.get_type(schema),
Expr::IsNull(_) => Ok(DataType::Boolean),
Expr::IsNotNull(_) => Ok(DataType::Boolean),
Expr::BinaryExpr {
ref left,
ref right,
ref op,
} => binary_operator_data_type(
Expr::Sort { ref expr, .. } => expr.get_type(schema),
Expr::Between { .. } => Ok(DataType::Boolean),
Expr::InList { .. } => Ok(DataType::Boolean),
Expr::Wildcard => Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
"Wildcard expressions are not valid in a logical query plan".to_owned(),
/// Returns the nullability of the expression based on [arrow::datatypes::Schema].
/// # Errors
/// This function errors when it is not possible to compute its nullability.
/// This happens when the expression refers to a column that does not exist in the schema.
pub fn nullable(&self, input_schema: &DFSchema) -> Result<bool> {
match self {
Expr::Alias(expr, _) => expr.nullable(input_schema),
Expr::Column(name) => Ok(input_schema
Expr::Literal(value) => Ok(value.is_null()),
Expr::ScalarVariable(_) => Ok(true),
Expr::Case {
} => {
// this expression is nullable if any of the input expressions are nullable
let then_nullable = when_then_expr
.map(|(_, t)| t.nullable(input_schema))
if then_nullable.contains(&true) {
} else if let Some(e) = else_expr {
} else {
Expr::Cast { expr, .. } => expr.nullable(input_schema),
Expr::ScalarFunction { .. } => Ok(true),
Expr::ScalarUDF { .. } => Ok(true),
Expr::AggregateFunction { .. } => Ok(true),
Expr::AggregateUDF { .. } => Ok(true),
Expr::Not(expr) => expr.nullable(input_schema),
Expr::Negative(expr) => expr.nullable(input_schema),
Expr::IsNull(_) => Ok(false),
Expr::IsNotNull(_) => Ok(false),
Expr::BinaryExpr {
ref left,
ref right,
} => Ok(left.nullable(input_schema)? || right.nullable(input_schema)?),
Expr::Sort { ref expr, .. } => expr.nullable(input_schema),
Expr::Between { ref expr, .. } => expr.nullable(input_schema),
Expr::InList { ref expr, .. } => expr.nullable(input_schema),
Expr::Wildcard => Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
"Wildcard expressions are not valid in a logical query plan".to_owned(),
/// Returns the name of this expression based on [arrow::datatypes::Schema].
/// This represents how a column with this expression is named when no alias is chosen
pub fn name(&self, input_schema: &DFSchema) -> Result<String> {
create_name(self, input_schema)
/// Returns a [arrow::datatypes::Field] compatible with this expression.
pub fn to_field(&self, input_schema: &DFSchema) -> Result<DFField> {
None, //TODO qualifier
/// Wraps this expression in a cast to a target [arrow::datatypes::DataType].
/// # Errors
/// This function errors when it is impossible to cast the
/// expression to the target [arrow::datatypes::DataType].
pub fn cast_to(self, cast_to_type: &DataType, schema: &DFSchema) -> Result<Expr> {
let this_type = self.get_type(schema)?;
if this_type == *cast_to_type {
} else if can_cast_types(&this_type, cast_to_type) {
Ok(Expr::Cast {
expr: Box::new(self),
data_type: cast_to_type.clone(),
} else {
"Cannot automatically convert {:?} to {:?}",
this_type, cast_to_type
/// Return `self == other`
pub fn eq(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::Eq, other)
/// Return `self != other`
pub fn not_eq(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::NotEq, other)
/// Return `self > other`
pub fn gt(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::Gt, other)
/// Return `self >= other`
pub fn gt_eq(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::GtEq, other)
/// Return `self < other`
pub fn lt(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::Lt, other)
/// Return `self <= other`
pub fn lt_eq(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::LtEq, other)
/// Return `self && other`
pub fn and(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::And, other)
/// Return `self || other`
pub fn or(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::Or, other)
/// Return `!self`
pub fn not(self) -> Expr {
/// Calculate the modulus of two expressions.
/// Return `self % other`
pub fn modulus(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::Modulus, other)
/// Return `self LIKE other`
pub fn like(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::Like, other)
/// Return `self NOT LIKE other`
pub fn not_like(self, other: Expr) -> Expr {
binary_expr(self, Operator::NotLike, other)
/// Return `self AS name` alias expression
pub fn alias(self, name: &str) -> Expr {
Expr::Alias(Box::new(self), name.to_owned())
/// Return `self IN <list>` if `negated` is false, otherwise
/// return `self NOT IN <list>`.a
pub fn in_list(self, list: Vec<Expr>, negated: bool) -> Expr {
Expr::InList {
expr: Box::new(self),
/// Return `IsNull(Box(self))
pub fn is_null(self) -> Expr {
/// Return `IsNotNull(Box(self))
pub fn is_not_null(self) -> Expr {
/// Create a sort expression from an existing expression.
/// ```
/// # use datafusion::logical_plan::col;
/// let sort_expr = col("foo").sort(true, true); // SORT ASC NULLS_FIRST
/// ```
pub fn sort(self, asc: bool, nulls_first: bool) -> Expr {
Expr::Sort {
expr: Box::new(self),
/// Performs a depth first walk of an expression and
/// its children, calling [`ExpressionVisitor::pre_visit`] and
/// `visitor.post_visit`.
/// Implements the [visitor pattern]( to
/// separate expression algorithms from the structure of the
/// `Expr` tree and make it easier to add new types of expressions
/// and algorithms that walk the tree.
/// For an expression tree such as
/// ```text
/// BinaryExpr (GT)
/// left: Column("foo")
/// right: Column("bar")
/// ```
/// The nodes are visited using the following order
/// ```text
/// pre_visit(BinaryExpr(GT))
/// pre_visit(Column("foo"))
/// pre_visit(Column("bar"))
/// post_visit(Column("bar"))
/// post_visit(Column("bar"))
/// post_visit(BinaryExpr(GT))
/// ```
/// If an Err result is returned, recursion is stopped immediately
/// If `Recursion::Stop` is returned on a call to pre_visit, no
/// children of that expression are visited, nor is post_visit
/// called on that expression
pub fn accept<V: ExpressionVisitor>(&self, visitor: V) -> Result<V> {
let visitor = match visitor.pre_visit(self)? {
Recursion::Continue(visitor) => visitor,
// If the recursion should stop, do not visit children
Recursion::Stop(visitor) => return Ok(visitor),
// recurse (and cover all expression types)
let visitor = match self {
Expr::Alias(expr, _) => expr.accept(visitor),
Expr::Column(..) => Ok(visitor),
Expr::ScalarVariable(..) => Ok(visitor),
Expr::Literal(..) => Ok(visitor),
Expr::BinaryExpr { left, right, .. } => {
let visitor = left.accept(visitor)?;
Expr::Not(expr) => expr.accept(visitor),
Expr::IsNotNull(expr) => expr.accept(visitor),
Expr::IsNull(expr) => expr.accept(visitor),
Expr::Negative(expr) => expr.accept(visitor),
Expr::Between {
expr, low, high, ..
} => {
let visitor = expr.accept(visitor)?;
let visitor = low.accept(visitor)?;
Expr::Case {
} => {
let visitor = if let Some(expr) = expr.as_ref() {
} else {
let visitor = when_then_expr.iter().try_fold(
|visitor, (when, then)| {
let visitor = when.accept(visitor)?;
if let Some(else_expr) = else_expr.as_ref() {
} else {
Expr::Cast { expr, .. } => expr.accept(visitor),
Expr::Sort { expr, .. } => expr.accept(visitor),
Expr::ScalarFunction { args, .. } => args
.try_fold(visitor, |visitor, arg| arg.accept(visitor)),
Expr::ScalarUDF { args, .. } => args
.try_fold(visitor, |visitor, arg| arg.accept(visitor)),
Expr::AggregateFunction { args, .. } => args
.try_fold(visitor, |visitor, arg| arg.accept(visitor)),
Expr::AggregateUDF { args, .. } => args
.try_fold(visitor, |visitor, arg| arg.accept(visitor)),
Expr::InList { expr, list, .. } => {
let visitor = expr.accept(visitor)?;
.try_fold(visitor, |visitor, arg| arg.accept(visitor))
Expr::Wildcard => Ok(visitor),
/// Performs a depth first walk of an expression and its children
/// to rewrite an expression, consuming `self` producing a new
/// [`Expr`].
/// Implements a modified version of the [visitor
/// pattern]( to
/// separate algorithms from the structure of the `Expr` tree and
/// make it easier to write new, efficient expression
/// transformation algorithms.
/// For an expression tree such as
/// ```text
/// BinaryExpr (GT)
/// left: Column("foo")
/// right: Column("bar")
/// ```
/// The nodes are visited using the following order
/// ```text
/// pre_visit(BinaryExpr(GT))
/// pre_visit(Column("foo"))
/// mutatate(Column("foo"))
/// pre_visit(Column("bar"))
/// mutate(Column("bar"))
/// mutate(BinaryExpr(GT))
/// ```
/// If an Err result is returned, recursion is stopped immediately
/// If [`false`] is returned on a call to pre_visit, no
/// children of that expression are visited, nor is mutate
/// called on that expression
pub fn rewrite<R>(self, rewriter: &mut R) -> Result<Self>
R: ExprRewriter,
if !rewriter.pre_visit(&self)? {
return Ok(self);
// recurse into all sub expressions(and cover all expression types)
let expr = match self {
Expr::Alias(expr, name) => Expr::Alias(rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?, name),
Expr::Column(name) => Expr::Column(name),
Expr::ScalarVariable(names) => Expr::ScalarVariable(names),
Expr::Literal(value) => Expr::Literal(value),
Expr::BinaryExpr { left, op, right } => Expr::BinaryExpr {
left: rewrite_boxed(left, rewriter)?,
right: rewrite_boxed(right, rewriter)?,
Expr::Not(expr) => Expr::Not(rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?),
Expr::IsNotNull(expr) => Expr::IsNotNull(rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?),
Expr::IsNull(expr) => Expr::IsNull(rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?),
Expr::Negative(expr) => Expr::Negative(rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?),
Expr::Between {
} => Expr::Between {
expr: rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?,
low: rewrite_boxed(low, rewriter)?,
high: rewrite_boxed(high, rewriter)?,
Expr::Case {
} => {
let expr = rewrite_option_box(expr, rewriter)?;
let when_then_expr = when_then_expr
.map(|(when, then)| {
rewrite_boxed(when, rewriter)?,
rewrite_boxed(then, rewriter)?,
let else_expr = rewrite_option_box(else_expr, rewriter)?;
Expr::Case {
Expr::Cast { expr, data_type } => Expr::Cast {
expr: rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?,
Expr::Sort {
} => Expr::Sort {
expr: rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?,
Expr::ScalarFunction { args, fun } => Expr::ScalarFunction {
args: rewrite_vec(args, rewriter)?,
Expr::ScalarUDF { args, fun } => Expr::ScalarUDF {
args: rewrite_vec(args, rewriter)?,
Expr::AggregateFunction {
} => Expr::AggregateFunction {
args: rewrite_vec(args, rewriter)?,
Expr::AggregateUDF { args, fun } => Expr::AggregateUDF {
args: rewrite_vec(args, rewriter)?,
Expr::InList {
} => Expr::InList {
expr: rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter)?,
Expr::Wildcard => Expr::Wildcard,
// now rewrite this expression itself
fn rewrite_boxed<R>(boxed_expr: Box<Expr>, rewriter: &mut R) -> Result<Box<Expr>>
R: ExprRewriter,
// TODO: It might be possible to avoid an allocation (the
// Box::new) below by reusing the box.
let expr: Expr = *boxed_expr;
let rewritten_expr = expr.rewrite(rewriter)?;
fn rewrite_option_box<R>(
option_box: Option<Box<Expr>>,
rewriter: &mut R,
) -> Result<Option<Box<Expr>>>
R: ExprRewriter,
.map(|expr| rewrite_boxed(expr, rewriter))
/// rewrite a `Vec` of `Expr`s with the rewriter
fn rewrite_vec<R>(v: Vec<Expr>, rewriter: &mut R) -> Result<Vec<Expr>>
R: ExprRewriter,
v.into_iter().map(|expr| expr.rewrite(rewriter)).collect()
/// Controls how the visitor recursion should proceed.
pub enum Recursion<V: ExpressionVisitor> {
/// Attempt to visit all the children, recursively, of this expression.
/// Do not visit the children of this expression, though the walk
/// of parents of this expression will not be affected
/// Encode the traversal of an expression tree. When passed to
/// `Expr::accept`, `ExpressionVisitor::visit` is invoked
/// recursively on all nodes of an expression tree. See the comments
/// on `Expr::accept` for details on its use
pub trait ExpressionVisitor: Sized {
/// Invoked before any children of `expr` are visisted.
fn pre_visit(self, expr: &Expr) -> Result<Recursion<Self>>;
/// Invoked after all children of `expr` are visited. Default
/// implementation does nothing.
fn post_visit(self, _expr: &Expr) -> Result<Self> {
/// Trait for potentially recursively rewriting an [`Expr`] expression
/// tree. When passed to `Expr::rewrite`, `ExpressionVisitor::mutate` is
/// invoked recursively on all nodes of an expression tree. See the
/// comments on `Expr::rewrite` for details on its use
pub trait ExprRewriter: Sized {
/// Invoked before any children of `expr` are rewritten /
/// visited. Default implementation returns `Ok(true)`
fn pre_visit(&mut self, _expr: &Expr) -> Result<bool> {
/// Invoked after all children of `expr` have been mutated and
/// returns a potentially modified expr.
fn mutate(&mut self, expr: Expr) -> Result<Expr>;
pub struct CaseBuilder {
expr: Option<Box<Expr>>,
when_expr: Vec<Expr>,
then_expr: Vec<Expr>,
else_expr: Option<Box<Expr>>,
impl CaseBuilder {
pub fn when(&mut self, when: Expr, then: Expr) -> CaseBuilder {
CaseBuilder {
expr: self.expr.clone(),
when_expr: self.when_expr.clone(),
then_expr: self.then_expr.clone(),
else_expr: self.else_expr.clone(),
pub fn otherwise(&mut self, else_expr: Expr) -> Result<Expr> {
self.else_expr = Some(Box::new(else_expr));
pub fn end(&self) -> Result<Expr> {
impl CaseBuilder {
fn build(&self) -> Result<Expr> {
// collect all "then" expressions
let mut then_expr = self.then_expr.clone();
if let Some(e) = &self.else_expr {
let then_types: Vec<DataType> = then_expr
.map(|e| match e {
Expr::Literal(_) => e.get_type(&DFSchema::empty()),
_ => Ok(DataType::Null),
if then_types.contains(&DataType::Null) {
// cannot verify types until execution type
} else {
let unique_types: HashSet<&DataType> = then_types.iter().collect();
if unique_types.len() != 1 {
return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
"CASE expression 'then' values had multiple data types: {:?}",
Ok(Expr::Case {
expr: self.expr.clone(),
when_then_expr: self
.map(|(w, t)| (Box::new(w.clone()), Box::new(t.clone())))
else_expr: self.else_expr.clone(),
/// Create a CASE WHEN statement with literal WHEN expressions for comparison to the base expression.
pub fn case(expr: Expr) -> CaseBuilder {
CaseBuilder {
expr: Some(Box::new(expr)),
when_expr: vec![],
then_expr: vec![],
else_expr: None,
/// Create a CASE WHEN statement with boolean WHEN expressions and no base expression.
pub fn when(when: Expr, then: Expr) -> CaseBuilder {
CaseBuilder {
expr: None,
when_expr: vec![when],
then_expr: vec![then],
else_expr: None,
/// return a new expression l <op> r
pub fn binary_expr(l: Expr, op: Operator, r: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::BinaryExpr {
left: Box::new(l),
right: Box::new(r),
/// return a new expression with a logical AND
pub fn and(left: Expr, right: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::BinaryExpr {
left: Box::new(left),
op: Operator::And,
right: Box::new(right),
/// Combines an array of filter expressions into a single filter expression
/// consisting of the input filter expressions joined with logical AND.
/// Returns None if the filters array is empty.
pub fn combine_filters(filters: &[Expr]) -> Option<Expr> {
if filters.is_empty() {
return None;
let combined_filter = filters
.fold(filters[0].clone(), |acc, filter| and(acc, filter.clone()));
/// return a new expression with a logical OR
pub fn or(left: Expr, right: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::BinaryExpr {
left: Box::new(left),
op: Operator::Or,
right: Box::new(right),
/// Create a column expression based on a column name
pub fn col(name: &str) -> Expr {
/// Create an expression to represent the min() aggregate function
pub fn min(expr: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::AggregateFunction {
fun: aggregates::AggregateFunction::Min,
distinct: false,
args: vec![expr],
/// Create an expression to represent the max() aggregate function
pub fn max(expr: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::AggregateFunction {
fun: aggregates::AggregateFunction::Max,
distinct: false,
args: vec![expr],
/// Create an expression to represent the sum() aggregate function
pub fn sum(expr: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::AggregateFunction {
fun: aggregates::AggregateFunction::Sum,
distinct: false,
args: vec![expr],
/// Create an expression to represent the avg() aggregate function
pub fn avg(expr: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::AggregateFunction {
fun: aggregates::AggregateFunction::Avg,
distinct: false,
args: vec![expr],
/// Create an expression to represent the count() aggregate function
pub fn count(expr: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::AggregateFunction {
fun: aggregates::AggregateFunction::Count,
distinct: false,
args: vec![expr],
/// Create an expression to represent the count(distinct) aggregate function
pub fn count_distinct(expr: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::AggregateFunction {
fun: aggregates::AggregateFunction::Count,
distinct: true,
args: vec![expr],
/// Create an in_list expression
pub fn in_list(expr: Expr, list: Vec<Expr>, negated: bool) -> Expr {
Expr::InList {
expr: Box::new(expr),
/// Trait for converting a type to a [`Literal`] literal expression.
pub trait Literal {
/// convert the value to a Literal expression
fn lit(&self) -> Expr;
impl Literal for &str {
fn lit(&self) -> Expr {
impl Literal for String {
fn lit(&self) -> Expr {
impl Literal for ScalarValue {
fn lit(&self) -> Expr {
macro_rules! make_literal {
($TYPE:ty, $SCALAR:ident) => {
impl Literal for $TYPE {
fn lit(&self) -> Expr {
make_literal!(bool, Boolean);
make_literal!(f32, Float32);
make_literal!(f64, Float64);
make_literal!(i8, Int8);
make_literal!(i16, Int16);
make_literal!(i32, Int32);
make_literal!(i64, Int64);
make_literal!(u8, UInt8);
make_literal!(u16, UInt16);
make_literal!(u32, UInt32);
make_literal!(u64, UInt64);
/// Create a literal expression
pub fn lit<T: Literal>(n: T) -> Expr {
/// Create an convenience function representing a unary scalar function
macro_rules! unary_scalar_expr {
($ENUM:ident, $FUNC:ident) => {
pub fn $FUNC(e: Expr) -> Expr {
Expr::ScalarFunction {
fun: functions::BuiltinScalarFunction::$ENUM,
args: vec![e],
// generate methods for creating the supported unary expressions
// math functions
unary_scalar_expr!(Sqrt, sqrt);
unary_scalar_expr!(Sin, sin);
unary_scalar_expr!(Cos, cos);
unary_scalar_expr!(Tan, tan);
unary_scalar_expr!(Asin, asin);
unary_scalar_expr!(Acos, acos);
unary_scalar_expr!(Atan, atan);
unary_scalar_expr!(Floor, floor);
unary_scalar_expr!(Ceil, ceil);
unary_scalar_expr!(Round, round);
unary_scalar_expr!(Trunc, trunc);
unary_scalar_expr!(Abs, abs);
unary_scalar_expr!(Signum, signum);
unary_scalar_expr!(Exp, exp);
unary_scalar_expr!(Log, ln);
unary_scalar_expr!(Log2, log2);
unary_scalar_expr!(Log10, log10);
// string functions
unary_scalar_expr!(Ascii, ascii);
unary_scalar_expr!(BitLength, bit_length);
unary_scalar_expr!(Btrim, btrim);
unary_scalar_expr!(CharacterLength, character_length);
unary_scalar_expr!(CharacterLength, length);
unary_scalar_expr!(Chr, chr);
unary_scalar_expr!(Concat, concat);
unary_scalar_expr!(ConcatWithSeparator, concat_ws);
unary_scalar_expr!(InitCap, initcap);
unary_scalar_expr!(Left, left);
unary_scalar_expr!(Lower, lower);
unary_scalar_expr!(Lpad, lpad);
unary_scalar_expr!(Ltrim, ltrim);
unary_scalar_expr!(MD5, md5);
unary_scalar_expr!(OctetLength, octet_length);
unary_scalar_expr!(RegexpMatch, regexp_match);
unary_scalar_expr!(RegexpReplace, regexp_replace);
unary_scalar_expr!(Replace, replace);
unary_scalar_expr!(Repeat, repeat);
unary_scalar_expr!(Reverse, reverse);
unary_scalar_expr!(Right, right);
unary_scalar_expr!(Rpad, rpad);
unary_scalar_expr!(Rtrim, rtrim);
unary_scalar_expr!(SHA224, sha224);
unary_scalar_expr!(SHA256, sha256);
unary_scalar_expr!(SHA384, sha384);
unary_scalar_expr!(SHA512, sha512);
unary_scalar_expr!(SplitPart, split_part);
unary_scalar_expr!(StartsWith, starts_with);
unary_scalar_expr!(Strpos, strpos);
unary_scalar_expr!(Substr, substr);
unary_scalar_expr!(ToHex, to_hex);
unary_scalar_expr!(Translate, translate);
unary_scalar_expr!(Trim, trim);
unary_scalar_expr!(Upper, upper);
/// returns an array of fixed size with each argument on it.
pub fn array(args: Vec<Expr>) -> Expr {
Expr::ScalarFunction {
fun: functions::BuiltinScalarFunction::Array,
/// Creates a new UDF with a specific signature and specific return type.
/// This is a helper function to create a new UDF.
/// The function `create_udf` returns a subset of all possible `ScalarFunction`:
/// * the UDF has a fixed return type
/// * the UDF has a fixed signature (e.g. [f64, f64])
pub fn create_udf(
name: &str,
input_types: Vec<DataType>,
return_type: Arc<DataType>,
fun: ScalarFunctionImplementation,
) -> ScalarUDF {
let return_type: ReturnTypeFunction = Arc::new(move |_| Ok(return_type.clone()));
ScalarUDF::new(name, &Signature::Exact(input_types), &return_type, &fun)
/// Creates a new UDAF with a specific signature, state type and return type.
/// The signature and state type must match the `Acumulator's implementation`.
pub fn create_udaf(
name: &str,
input_type: DataType,
return_type: Arc<DataType>,
accumulator: AccumulatorFunctionImplementation,
state_type: Arc<Vec<DataType>>,
) -> AggregateUDF {
let return_type: ReturnTypeFunction = Arc::new(move |_| Ok(return_type.clone()));
let state_type: StateTypeFunction = Arc::new(move |_| Ok(state_type.clone()));
fn fmt_function(
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
fun: &str,
distinct: bool,
args: &[Expr],
) -> fmt::Result {
let args: Vec<String> = args.iter().map(|arg| format!("{:?}", arg)).collect();
let distinct_str = match distinct {
true => "DISTINCT ",
false => "",
write!(f, "{}({}{})", fun, distinct_str, args.join(", "))
impl fmt::Debug for Expr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Expr::Alias(expr, alias) => write!(f, "{:?} AS {}", expr, alias),
Expr::Column(name) => write!(f, "#{}", name),
Expr::ScalarVariable(var_names) => write!(f, "{}", var_names.join(".")),
Expr::Literal(v) => write!(f, "{:?}", v),
Expr::Case {
} => {
write!(f, "CASE ")?;
if let Some(e) = expr {
write!(f, "{:?} ", e)?;
for (w, t) in when_then_expr {
write!(f, "WHEN {:?} THEN {:?} ", w, t)?;
if let Some(e) = else_expr {
write!(f, "ELSE {:?} ", e)?;
write!(f, "END")
Expr::Cast { expr, data_type } => {
write!(f, "CAST({:?} AS {:?})", expr, data_type)
Expr::Not(expr) => write!(f, "NOT {:?}", expr),
Expr::Negative(expr) => write!(f, "(- {:?})", expr),
Expr::IsNull(expr) => write!(f, "{:?} IS NULL", expr),
Expr::IsNotNull(expr) => write!(f, "{:?} IS NOT NULL", expr),
Expr::BinaryExpr { left, op, right } => {
write!(f, "{:?} {:?} {:?}", left, op, right)
Expr::Sort {
} => {
if *asc {
write!(f, "{:?} ASC", expr)?;
} else {
write!(f, "{:?} DESC", expr)?;
if *nulls_first {
write!(f, " NULLS FIRST")
} else {
write!(f, " NULLS LAST")
Expr::ScalarFunction { fun, args, .. } => {
fmt_function(f, &fun.to_string(), false, args)
Expr::ScalarUDF { fun, ref args, .. } => {
fmt_function(f, &, false, args)
Expr::AggregateFunction {
ref args,
} => fmt_function(f, &fun.to_string(), *distinct, args),
Expr::AggregateUDF { fun, ref args, .. } => {
fmt_function(f, &, false, args)
Expr::Between {
} => {
if *negated {
write!(f, "{:?} NOT BETWEEN {:?} AND {:?}", expr, low, high)
} else {
write!(f, "{:?} BETWEEN {:?} AND {:?}", expr, low, high)
Expr::InList {
} => {
if *negated {
write!(f, "{:?} NOT IN ({:?})", expr, list)
} else {
write!(f, "{:?} IN ({:?})", expr, list)
Expr::Wildcard => write!(f, "*"),
fn create_function_name(
fun: &str,
distinct: bool,
args: &[Expr],
input_schema: &DFSchema,
) -> Result<String> {
let names: Vec<String> = args
.map(|e| create_name(e, input_schema))
let distinct_str = match distinct {
true => "DISTINCT ",
false => "",
Ok(format!("{}({}{})", fun, distinct_str, names.join(",")))
/// Returns a readable name of an expression based on the input schema.
/// This function recursively transverses the expression for names such as "CAST(a > 2)".
fn create_name(e: &Expr, input_schema: &DFSchema) -> Result<String> {
match e {
Expr::Alias(_, name) => Ok(name.clone()),
Expr::Column(name) => Ok(name.clone()),
Expr::ScalarVariable(variable_names) => Ok(variable_names.join(".")),
Expr::Literal(value) => Ok(format!("{:?}", value)),
Expr::BinaryExpr { left, op, right } => {
let left = create_name(left, input_schema)?;
let right = create_name(right, input_schema)?;
Ok(format!("{} {:?} {}", left, op, right))
Expr::Case {
} => {
let mut name = "CASE ".to_string();
if let Some(e) = expr {
name += &format!("{:?} ", e);
for (w, t) in when_then_expr {
name += &format!("WHEN {:?} THEN {:?} ", w, t);
if let Some(e) = else_expr {
name += &format!("ELSE {:?} ", e);
name += "END";
Expr::Cast { expr, data_type } => {
let expr = create_name(expr, input_schema)?;
Ok(format!("CAST({} AS {:?})", expr, data_type))
Expr::Not(expr) => {
let expr = create_name(expr, input_schema)?;
Ok(format!("NOT {}", expr))
Expr::Negative(expr) => {
let expr = create_name(expr, input_schema)?;
Ok(format!("(- {})", expr))
Expr::IsNull(expr) => {
let expr = create_name(expr, input_schema)?;
Ok(format!("{} IS NULL", expr))
Expr::IsNotNull(expr) => {
let expr = create_name(expr, input_schema)?;
Ok(format!("{} IS NOT NULL", expr))
Expr::ScalarFunction { fun, args, .. } => {
create_function_name(&fun.to_string(), false, args, input_schema)
Expr::ScalarUDF { fun, args, .. } => {
create_function_name(&, false, args, input_schema)
Expr::AggregateFunction {
} => create_function_name(&fun.to_string(), *distinct, args, input_schema),
Expr::AggregateUDF { fun, args } => {
let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
for e in args {
names.push(create_name(e, input_schema)?);
Ok(format!("{}({})",, names.join(",")))
Expr::InList {
} => {
let expr = create_name(expr, input_schema)?;
let list = list.iter().map(|expr| create_name(expr, input_schema));
if *negated {
Ok(format!("{} NOT IN ({:?})", expr, list))
} else {
Ok(format!("{} IN ({:?})", expr, list))
other => Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(format!(
"Physical plan does not support logical expression {:?}",
/// Create field meta-data from an expression, for use in a result set schema
pub fn exprlist_to_fields<'a>(
expr: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Expr>,
input_schema: &DFSchema,
) -> Result<Vec<DFField>> {
expr.into_iter().map(|e| e.to_field(input_schema)).collect()
mod tests {
use super::super::{col, lit, when};
use super::*;
fn case_when_same_literal_then_types() -> Result<()> {
let _ = when(col("state").eq(lit("CO")), lit(303))
.when(col("state").eq(lit("NY")), lit(212))
fn case_when_different_literal_then_types() {
let maybe_expr = when(col("state").eq(lit("CO")), lit(303))
.when(col("state").eq(lit("NY")), lit("212"))
fn rewriter_visit() {
let mut rewriter = RecordingRewriter::default();
col("state").eq(lit("CO")).rewrite(&mut rewriter).unwrap();
"Previsited #state Eq Utf8(\"CO\")",
"Previsited #state",
"Mutated #state",
"Previsited Utf8(\"CO\")",
"Mutated Utf8(\"CO\")",
"Mutated #state Eq Utf8(\"CO\")"
fn filter_is_null_and_is_not_null() {
let col_null = Expr::Column("col1".to_string());
let col_not_null = Expr::Column("col2".to_string());
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", col_null.is_null()), "#col1 IS NULL");
format!("{:?}", col_not_null.is_not_null()),
"#col2 IS NOT NULL"
struct RecordingRewriter {
v: Vec<String>,
impl ExprRewriter for RecordingRewriter {
fn mutate(&mut self, expr: Expr) -> Result<Expr> {
self.v.push(format!("Mutated {:?}", expr));
fn pre_visit(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> Result<bool> {
self.v.push(format!("Previsited {:?}", expr));
fn rewriter_rewrite() {
let mut rewriter = FooBarRewriter {};
// rewrites "foo" --> "bar"
let rewritten = col("state").eq(lit("foo")).rewrite(&mut rewriter).unwrap();
assert_eq!(rewritten, col("state").eq(lit("bar")));
// doesn't wrewrite
let rewritten = col("state").eq(lit("baz")).rewrite(&mut rewriter).unwrap();
assert_eq!(rewritten, col("state").eq(lit("baz")));
/// rewrites all "foo" string literals to "bar"
struct FooBarRewriter {}
impl ExprRewriter for FooBarRewriter {
fn mutate(&mut self, expr: Expr) -> Result<Expr> {
match expr {
Expr::Literal(scalar) => {
if let ScalarValue::Utf8(Some(utf8_val)) = scalar {
let utf8_val = if utf8_val == "foo" {
} else {
} else {
// otherwise, return the expression unchanged
expr => Ok(expr),