blob: fe3a7f1e23d06fe0e7325e8863e5be7c796657a0 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/feather.R
\title{Read a Feather file}
read_feather(file, col_select = NULL, as_data_frame = TRUE, ...)
\item{file}{A character file name or URI, \code{raw} vector, an Arrow input stream,
or a \code{FileSystem} with path (\code{SubTreeFileSystem}).
If a file name or URI, an Arrow \link{InputStream} will be opened and
closed when finished. If an input stream is provided, it will be left
\item{col_select}{A character vector of column names to keep, as in the
"select" argument to \code{data.table::fread()}, or a
\link[tidyselect:vars_select]{tidy selection specification}
of columns, as used in \code{dplyr::select()}.}
\item{as_data_frame}{Should the function return a \code{data.frame} (default) or
an Arrow \link{Table}?}
\item{...}{additional parameters, passed to \code{\link[=make_readable_file]{make_readable_file()}}.}
A \code{data.frame} if \code{as_data_frame} is \code{TRUE} (the default), or an
Arrow \link{Table} otherwise
Feather provides binary columnar serialization for data frames.
It is designed to make reading and writing data frames efficient,
and to make sharing data across data analysis languages easy.
This function reads both the original, limited specification of the format
and the version 2 specification, which is the Apache Arrow IPC file format.
tf <- tempfile()
write_feather(mtcars, tf)
df <- read_feather(tf)
# Can select columns
df <- read_feather(tf, col_select = starts_with("d"))
\link{FeatherReader} and \link{RecordBatchReader} for lower-level access to reading Arrow IPC data.