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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/schema.R
\title{Schema class}
\item{...}{named list of \link[=data-type]{data types}}
A \code{Schema} is a list of \link{Field}s, which map names to
Arrow \link[=data-type]{data types}. Create a \code{Schema} when you
want to convert an R \code{data.frame} to Arrow but don't want to rely on the
default mapping of R types to Arrow types, such as when you want to choose a
specific numeric precision, or when creating a \link{Dataset} and you want to
ensure a specific schema rather than inferring it from the various files.
Many Arrow objects, including \link{Table} and \link{Dataset}, have a \verb{$schema} method
(active binding) that lets you access their schema.
\item \verb{$ToString()}: convert to a string
\item \verb{$field(i)}: returns the field at index \code{i} (0-based)
\item \verb{$GetFieldByName(x)}: returns the field with name \code{x}
\item \verb{$WithMetadata(metadata)}: returns a new \code{Schema} with the key-value
\code{metadata} set. Note that all list elements in \code{metadata} will be coerced
to \code{character}.
\section{Active bindings}{
\item \verb{$names}: returns the field names (called in \code{names(Schema)})
\item \verb{$num_fields}: returns the number of fields (called in \code{length(Schema)})
\item \verb{$fields}: returns the list of \code{Field}s in the \code{Schema}, suitable for
iterating over
\item \verb{$HasMetadata}: logical: does this \code{Schema} have extra metadata?
\item \verb{$metadata}: returns the key-value metadata as a named list.
Modify or replace by assigning in (\code{sch$metadata <- new_metadata}).
All list elements are coerced to string.
\section{R Metadata}{
When converting a data.frame to an Arrow Table or RecordBatch, attributes
from the \code{data.frame} are saved alongside tables so that the object can be
reconstructed faithfully in R (e.g. with \code{}). This metadata
can be both at the top-level of the \code{data.frame} (e.g. \code{attributes(df)}) or
at the column (e.g. \code{attributes(df$col_a)}) or for list columns only:
element level (e.g. \code{attributes(df[1, "col_a"])}). For example, this allows
for storing \code{haven} columns in a table and being able to faithfully
re-create them when pulled back into R. This metadata is separate from the
schema (column names and types) which is compatible with other Arrow
clients. The R metadata is only read by R and is ignored by other clients
(e.g. Pandas has its own custom metadata). This metadata is stored in
Since Schema metadata keys and values must be strings, this metadata is
saved by serializing R's attribute list structure to a string. If the
serialized metadata exceeds 100Kb in size, by default it is compressed
starting in version 3.0.0. To disable this compression (e.g. for tables
that are compatible with Arrow versions before 3.0.0 and include large
amounts of metadata), set the option \code{arrow.compress_metadata} to \code{FALSE}.
Files with compressed metadata are readable by older versions of arrow, but
the metadata is dropped.
df <- data.frame(col1 = 2:4, col2 = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5))
tab1 <- Table$create(df)
tab2 <- Table$create(df, schema = schema(col1 = int8(), col2 = float32()))