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<meta name="description" content="Apache Arrow 0.6.0 (14 August 2017) This is a major release. Read more in the release blog post. Download Source Artifacts Git tag Contributors $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.5.0..apache-arrow-0.6.0 48 Wes McKinney 7 siddharth 5 Matt Darwin 5 Max Risuhin 5 Philipp Moritz 4 Kouhei Sutou 3 Bryan Cutler 2 Emilio Lahr-Vivaz 2 Li Jin 2 Robert Nishihara 1 Antony Mayi 1 Marco Neumann 1 Stepan Kadlec 1 Steven Phillips 1 Yeolar 1 fjetter 1 rendel Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1076 - [Python] Handle nanosecond timestamps more gracefully when writing to Parquet format ARROW-1093 - [Python] Fail Python builds if flake8 yields warnings ARROW-1104 - Integrate in-memory object store from Ray ARROW-1121 - [C++] Improve error message when opening OS file fails ARROW-1140 - [C++] Allow optional build of plasma ARROW-1149 - [Plasma] Create Cython client library for Plasma ARROW-1173 - [Plasma] Blog post for Plasma ARROW-1211 - [C++] Consider making default_memory_pool() the default for builder classes ARROW-1213 - [Python] Enable s3fs to be used with ParquetDataset and reader/writer functions ARROW-1219 - [C++] Use more vanilla Google C++ formatting ARROW-1224 - [Format] Clarify language around buffer padding and alignment in IPC ARROW-1230 - [Plasma] Install libraries and headers ARROW-1241 - [C++] Visual Studio 2017 Appveyor build job ARROW-1243 - [Java] security: upgrade all libraries to latest stable versions ARROW-1246 - [Format] Add Map logical type to metadata ARROW-1251 - [Python/C++] Revise build documentation to account for latest build toolchain ARROW-1253 - [C++] Use pre-built toolchain libraries where prudent to speed up CI builds ARROW-1255 - [Plasma] Check plasma flatbuffer messages with the flatbuffer verifier ARROW-1257 - [Plasma] Plasma documentation ARROW-1258 - [C++] Suppress dlmalloc warnings on Clang ARROW-1259 - [Plasma] Speed up Plasma tests ARROW-1260 - [Plasma] Use factory method to create Python PlasmaClient ARROW-1264 - [Plasma] Don’t exit the Python interpreter if the plasma client can’t connect to the store ARROW-1268 - [Website] Blog post on Arrow integration with Spark ARROW-1270 - [Packaging] Add Python wheel build scripts for macOS to arrow-dist ARROW-1272 - [Python] Add script to arrow-dist to generate and upload manylinux1 Python wheels ARROW-1273 - [Python] Add convenience functions for reading only Parquet metadata or effective Arrow schema from a particular Parquet file ARROW-1274 - [C++] add_compiler_export_flags() throws warning with CMake &gt;= 3.3 ARROW-1281 - [C++/Python] Add Docker setup for running HDFS tests and other tests we may not run in Travis CI ARROW-1288 - Clean up many ASF license headers ARROW-1289 - [Python] Add PYARROW_BUILD_PLASMA option like Parquet ARROW-1297 - 0.6.0 Release ARROW-1301 - [C++/Python] Add remaining supported libhdfs UNIX-like filesystem APIs ARROW-1303 - [C++] Support downloading Boost ARROW-1304 - [Java] Fix checkstyle checks warning ARROW-1305 - [GLib] Add GArrowIntArrayBuilder ARROW-1315 - [GLib] Status check of arrow::ArrayBuilder::Finish() is missing ARROW-1323 - [GLib] Add garrow_boolean_array_get_values() ARROW-1333 - [Plasma] Sorting example for DataFrames in plasma ARROW-1334 - [C++] Instantiate arrow::Table from vector of Array objects (instead of Columns) ARROW-1336 - [C++] Add arrow::schema factory function ARROW-439 - [Python] Add option in “to_pandas” conversions to yield Categorical from String/Binary arrays ARROW-622 - [Python] Investigate alternatives to timestamps_to_ms argument in pandas conversion Bug Fixes ARROW-1192 - [JAVA] Improve splitAndTransfer performance for List and Union vectors ARROW-1195 - [C++] CpuInfo doesn’t get cache size on Windows ARROW-1204 - [C++] lz4 ExternalProject fails in Visual Studio 2015 ARROW-1225 - [Python] pyarrow.array does not attempt to convert bytes to UTF8 when passed a StringType ARROW-1237 - [JAVA] Expose the ability to set lastSet ARROW-1239 - issue with current version of git-commit-id-plugin ARROW-1240 - security: upgrade logback to address CVE-2017-5929 ARROW-1242 - [Java] security - upgrade Jackson to mitigate 3 CVE vulnerabilities ARROW-1245 - [Integration] Java Integration Tests Disabled ARROW-1248 - [Python] C linkage warnings in Clang with public Cython API ARROW-1249 - [JAVA] Expose the fillEmpties function from NullableVector.mutator ARROW-1263 - [C++] CpuInfo should be able to get CPU features on Windows ARROW-1265 - [Plasma] Plasma store memory leak warnings in Python test suite ARROW-1267 - [Java] Handle zero length case in BitVector.splitAndTransfer ARROW-1269 - [Packaging] Add Windows wheel build scripts from ARROW-1068 to arrow-dist ARROW-1275 - [C++] Default static library prefix for Snappy should be “_static” ARROW-1276 - Cannot serializer empty DataFrame to parquet ARROW-1283 - [Java] VectorSchemaRoot should be able to be closed() more than once ARROW-1285 - PYTHON: NotImplemented exception creates empty parquet file ARROW-1287 - [Python] Emulate “whence” argument of seek in NativeFile ARROW-1290 - [C++] Use array capacity doubling in arrow::BufferBuilder ARROW-1291 - [Python] pa.RecordBatch.from_pandas doesn’t accept DataFrame with numeric column names ARROW-1294 - [C++] New Appveyor build failures ARROW-1296 - [Java] templates/FixValueVectors reset() method doesn’t set allocationSizeInBytes correctly ARROW-1300 - [JAVA] Fix ListVector Tests ARROW-1306 - [Python] Encoding? issue with error reporting for parquet.read_table ARROW-1308 - [C++] ld tries to link ‘arrow_static’ even when -DARROW_BUILD_STATIC=off ARROW-1309 - [Python] Error inferring List type in Array.from_pandas when inner values are all None ARROW-1310 - [JAVA] Revert ARROW-886 ARROW-1312 - [C++] Set default value to ARROW_JEMALLOC to OFF until ARROW-1282 is resolved ARROW-1326 - [Python] Fix Sphinx build in Travis CI ARROW-1327 - [Python] Failing to release GIL in MemoryMappedFile._open causes deadlock ARROW-1328 - [Python] pyarrow.Table.from_pandas option timestamps_to_ms changes column values ARROW-1330 - [Plasma] Turn on plasma tests on manylinux1 ARROW-1335 - [C++] PrimitiveArray::raw_values has inconsistent semantics re: offsets compared with subclasses ARROW-1338 - [Python] Investigate non-deterministic core dump on Python 2.7, Travis CI builds ARROW-1340 - [Java] NullableMapVector field doesn’t maintain metadata ARROW-1342 - [Python] Support strided array of lists ARROW-1343 - [Format/Java/C++] Ensuring encapsulated stream / IPC message sizes are always a multiple of 8 ARROW-1350 - [C++] Include Plasma source tree in source distribution ARROW-187 - [C++] Decide on how pedantic we want to be about exceptions ARROW-276 - [JAVA] Nullable Value Vectors should extend BaseValueVector instead of BaseDataValueVector ARROW-573 - [Python/C++] Support ordered dictionaries data, pandas Categorical ARROW-884 - [C++] Exclude internal classes from documentation ARROW-932 - [Python] Fix compiler warnings on MSVC ARROW-968 - [Python] RecordBatch [i:j] syntax is incomplete" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Apache Arrow 0.6.0 (14 August 2017) This is a major release. Read more in the release blog post. Download Source Artifacts Git tag Contributors $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.5.0..apache-arrow-0.6.0 48 Wes McKinney 7 siddharth 5 Matt Darwin 5 Max Risuhin 5 Philipp Moritz 4 Kouhei Sutou 3 Bryan Cutler 2 Emilio Lahr-Vivaz 2 Li Jin 2 Robert Nishihara 1 Antony Mayi 1 Marco Neumann 1 Stepan Kadlec 1 Steven Phillips 1 Yeolar 1 fjetter 1 rendel Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1076 - [Python] Handle nanosecond timestamps more gracefully when writing to Parquet format ARROW-1093 - [Python] Fail Python builds if flake8 yields warnings ARROW-1104 - Integrate in-memory object store from Ray ARROW-1121 - [C++] Improve error message when opening OS file fails ARROW-1140 - [C++] Allow optional build of plasma ARROW-1149 - [Plasma] Create Cython client library for Plasma ARROW-1173 - [Plasma] Blog post for Plasma ARROW-1211 - [C++] Consider making default_memory_pool() the default for builder classes ARROW-1213 - [Python] Enable s3fs to be used with ParquetDataset and reader/writer functions ARROW-1219 - [C++] Use more vanilla Google C++ formatting ARROW-1224 - [Format] Clarify language around buffer padding and alignment in IPC ARROW-1230 - [Plasma] Install libraries and headers ARROW-1241 - [C++] Visual Studio 2017 Appveyor build job ARROW-1243 - [Java] security: upgrade all libraries to latest stable versions ARROW-1246 - [Format] Add Map logical type to metadata ARROW-1251 - [Python/C++] Revise build documentation to account for latest build toolchain ARROW-1253 - [C++] Use pre-built toolchain libraries where prudent to speed up CI builds ARROW-1255 - [Plasma] Check plasma flatbuffer messages with the flatbuffer verifier ARROW-1257 - [Plasma] Plasma documentation ARROW-1258 - [C++] Suppress dlmalloc warnings on Clang ARROW-1259 - [Plasma] Speed up Plasma tests ARROW-1260 - [Plasma] Use factory method to create Python PlasmaClient ARROW-1264 - [Plasma] Don’t exit the Python interpreter if the plasma client can’t connect to the store ARROW-1268 - [Website] Blog post on Arrow integration with Spark ARROW-1270 - [Packaging] Add Python wheel build scripts for macOS to arrow-dist ARROW-1272 - [Python] Add script to arrow-dist to generate and upload manylinux1 Python wheels ARROW-1273 - [Python] Add convenience functions for reading only Parquet metadata or effective Arrow schema from a particular Parquet file ARROW-1274 - [C++] add_compiler_export_flags() throws warning with CMake &gt;= 3.3 ARROW-1281 - [C++/Python] Add Docker setup for running HDFS tests and other tests we may not run in Travis CI ARROW-1288 - Clean up many ASF license headers ARROW-1289 - [Python] Add PYARROW_BUILD_PLASMA option like Parquet ARROW-1297 - 0.6.0 Release ARROW-1301 - [C++/Python] Add remaining supported libhdfs UNIX-like filesystem APIs ARROW-1303 - [C++] Support downloading Boost ARROW-1304 - [Java] Fix checkstyle checks warning ARROW-1305 - [GLib] Add GArrowIntArrayBuilder ARROW-1315 - [GLib] Status check of arrow::ArrayBuilder::Finish() is missing ARROW-1323 - [GLib] Add garrow_boolean_array_get_values() ARROW-1333 - [Plasma] Sorting example for DataFrames in plasma ARROW-1334 - [C++] Instantiate arrow::Table from vector of Array objects (instead of Columns) ARROW-1336 - [C++] Add arrow::schema factory function ARROW-439 - [Python] Add option in “to_pandas” conversions to yield Categorical from String/Binary arrays ARROW-622 - [Python] Investigate alternatives to timestamps_to_ms argument in pandas conversion Bug Fixes ARROW-1192 - [JAVA] Improve splitAndTransfer performance for List and Union vectors ARROW-1195 - [C++] CpuInfo doesn’t get cache size on Windows ARROW-1204 - [C++] lz4 ExternalProject fails in Visual Studio 2015 ARROW-1225 - [Python] pyarrow.array does not attempt to convert bytes to UTF8 when passed a StringType ARROW-1237 - [JAVA] Expose the ability to set lastSet ARROW-1239 - issue with current version of git-commit-id-plugin ARROW-1240 - security: upgrade logback to address CVE-2017-5929 ARROW-1242 - [Java] security - upgrade Jackson to mitigate 3 CVE vulnerabilities ARROW-1245 - [Integration] Java Integration Tests Disabled ARROW-1248 - [Python] C linkage warnings in Clang with public Cython API ARROW-1249 - [JAVA] Expose the fillEmpties function from NullableVector.mutator ARROW-1263 - [C++] CpuInfo should be able to get CPU features on Windows ARROW-1265 - [Plasma] Plasma store memory leak warnings in Python test suite ARROW-1267 - [Java] Handle zero length case in BitVector.splitAndTransfer ARROW-1269 - [Packaging] Add Windows wheel build scripts from ARROW-1068 to arrow-dist ARROW-1275 - [C++] Default static library prefix for Snappy should be “_static” ARROW-1276 - Cannot serializer empty DataFrame to parquet ARROW-1283 - [Java] VectorSchemaRoot should be able to be closed() more than once ARROW-1285 - PYTHON: NotImplemented exception creates empty parquet file ARROW-1287 - [Python] Emulate “whence” argument of seek in NativeFile ARROW-1290 - [C++] Use array capacity doubling in arrow::BufferBuilder ARROW-1291 - [Python] pa.RecordBatch.from_pandas doesn’t accept DataFrame with numeric column names ARROW-1294 - [C++] New Appveyor build failures ARROW-1296 - [Java] templates/FixValueVectors reset() method doesn’t set allocationSizeInBytes correctly ARROW-1300 - [JAVA] Fix ListVector Tests ARROW-1306 - [Python] Encoding? issue with error reporting for parquet.read_table ARROW-1308 - [C++] ld tries to link ‘arrow_static’ even when -DARROW_BUILD_STATIC=off ARROW-1309 - [Python] Error inferring List type in Array.from_pandas when inner values are all None ARROW-1310 - [JAVA] Revert ARROW-886 ARROW-1312 - [C++] Set default value to ARROW_JEMALLOC to OFF until ARROW-1282 is resolved ARROW-1326 - [Python] Fix Sphinx build in Travis CI ARROW-1327 - [Python] Failing to release GIL in MemoryMappedFile._open causes deadlock ARROW-1328 - [Python] pyarrow.Table.from_pandas option timestamps_to_ms changes column values ARROW-1330 - [Plasma] Turn on plasma tests on manylinux1 ARROW-1335 - [C++] PrimitiveArray::raw_values has inconsistent semantics re: offsets compared with subclasses ARROW-1338 - [Python] Investigate non-deterministic core dump on Python 2.7, Travis CI builds ARROW-1340 - [Java] NullableMapVector field doesn’t maintain metadata ARROW-1342 - [Python] Support strided array of lists ARROW-1343 - [Format/Java/C++] Ensuring encapsulated stream / IPC message sizes are always a multiple of 8 ARROW-1350 - [C++] Include Plasma source tree in source distribution ARROW-187 - [C++] Decide on how pedantic we want to be about exceptions ARROW-276 - [JAVA] Nullable Value Vectors should extend BaseValueVector instead of BaseDataValueVector ARROW-573 - [Python/C++] Support ordered dictionaries data, pandas Categorical ARROW-884 - [C++] Exclude internal classes from documentation ARROW-932 - [Python] Fix compiler warnings on MSVC ARROW-968 - [Python] RecordBatch [i:j] syntax is incomplete" />
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{"@context":"","@type":"BlogPosting","dateModified":"2024-04-26T18:00:27-04:00","datePublished":"2024-04-26T18:00:27-04:00","description":"Apache Arrow 0.6.0 (14 August 2017) This is a major release. Read more in the release blog post. Download Source Artifacts Git tag Contributors $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.5.0..apache-arrow-0.6.0 48 Wes McKinney 7 siddharth 5 Matt Darwin 5 Max Risuhin 5 Philipp Moritz 4 Kouhei Sutou 3 Bryan Cutler 2 Emilio Lahr-Vivaz 2 Li Jin 2 Robert Nishihara 1 Antony Mayi 1 Marco Neumann 1 Stepan Kadlec 1 Steven Phillips 1 Yeolar 1 fjetter 1 rendel Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1076 - [Python] Handle nanosecond timestamps more gracefully when writing to Parquet format ARROW-1093 - [Python] Fail Python builds if flake8 yields warnings ARROW-1104 - Integrate in-memory object store from Ray ARROW-1121 - [C++] Improve error message when opening OS file fails ARROW-1140 - [C++] Allow optional build of plasma ARROW-1149 - [Plasma] Create Cython client library for Plasma ARROW-1173 - [Plasma] Blog post for Plasma ARROW-1211 - [C++] Consider making default_memory_pool() the default for builder classes ARROW-1213 - [Python] Enable s3fs to be used with ParquetDataset and reader/writer functions ARROW-1219 - [C++] Use more vanilla Google C++ formatting ARROW-1224 - [Format] Clarify language around buffer padding and alignment in IPC ARROW-1230 - [Plasma] Install libraries and headers ARROW-1241 - [C++] Visual Studio 2017 Appveyor build job ARROW-1243 - [Java] security: upgrade all libraries to latest stable versions ARROW-1246 - [Format] Add Map logical type to metadata ARROW-1251 - [Python/C++] Revise build documentation to account for latest build toolchain ARROW-1253 - [C++] Use pre-built toolchain libraries where prudent to speed up CI builds ARROW-1255 - [Plasma] Check plasma flatbuffer messages with the flatbuffer verifier ARROW-1257 - [Plasma] Plasma documentation ARROW-1258 - [C++] Suppress dlmalloc warnings on Clang ARROW-1259 - [Plasma] Speed up Plasma tests ARROW-1260 - [Plasma] Use factory method to create Python PlasmaClient ARROW-1264 - [Plasma] Don’t exit the Python interpreter if the plasma client can’t connect to the store ARROW-1268 - [Website] Blog post on Arrow integration with Spark ARROW-1270 - [Packaging] Add Python wheel build scripts for macOS to arrow-dist ARROW-1272 - [Python] Add script to arrow-dist to generate and upload manylinux1 Python wheels ARROW-1273 - [Python] Add convenience functions for reading only Parquet metadata or effective Arrow schema from a particular Parquet file ARROW-1274 - [C++] add_compiler_export_flags() throws warning with CMake &gt;= 3.3 ARROW-1281 - [C++/Python] Add Docker setup for running HDFS tests and other tests we may not run in Travis CI ARROW-1288 - Clean up many ASF license headers ARROW-1289 - [Python] Add PYARROW_BUILD_PLASMA option like Parquet ARROW-1297 - 0.6.0 Release ARROW-1301 - [C++/Python] Add remaining supported libhdfs UNIX-like filesystem APIs ARROW-1303 - [C++] Support downloading Boost ARROW-1304 - [Java] Fix checkstyle checks warning ARROW-1305 - [GLib] Add GArrowIntArrayBuilder ARROW-1315 - [GLib] Status check of arrow::ArrayBuilder::Finish() is missing ARROW-1323 - [GLib] Add garrow_boolean_array_get_values() ARROW-1333 - [Plasma] Sorting example for DataFrames in plasma ARROW-1334 - [C++] Instantiate arrow::Table from vector of Array objects (instead of Columns) ARROW-1336 - [C++] Add arrow::schema factory function ARROW-439 - [Python] Add option in “to_pandas” conversions to yield Categorical from String/Binary arrays ARROW-622 - [Python] Investigate alternatives to timestamps_to_ms argument in pandas conversion Bug Fixes ARROW-1192 - [JAVA] Improve splitAndTransfer performance for List and Union vectors ARROW-1195 - [C++] CpuInfo doesn’t get cache size on Windows ARROW-1204 - [C++] lz4 ExternalProject fails in Visual Studio 2015 ARROW-1225 - [Python] pyarrow.array does not attempt to convert bytes to UTF8 when passed a StringType ARROW-1237 - [JAVA] Expose the ability to set lastSet ARROW-1239 - issue with current version of git-commit-id-plugin ARROW-1240 - security: upgrade logback to address CVE-2017-5929 ARROW-1242 - [Java] security - upgrade Jackson to mitigate 3 CVE vulnerabilities ARROW-1245 - [Integration] Java Integration Tests Disabled ARROW-1248 - [Python] C linkage warnings in Clang with public Cython API ARROW-1249 - [JAVA] Expose the fillEmpties function from NullableVector.mutator ARROW-1263 - [C++] CpuInfo should be able to get CPU features on Windows ARROW-1265 - [Plasma] Plasma store memory leak warnings in Python test suite ARROW-1267 - [Java] Handle zero length case in BitVector.splitAndTransfer ARROW-1269 - [Packaging] Add Windows wheel build scripts from ARROW-1068 to arrow-dist ARROW-1275 - [C++] Default static library prefix for Snappy should be “_static” ARROW-1276 - Cannot serializer empty DataFrame to parquet ARROW-1283 - [Java] VectorSchemaRoot should be able to be closed() more than once ARROW-1285 - PYTHON: NotImplemented exception creates empty parquet file ARROW-1287 - [Python] Emulate “whence” argument of seek in NativeFile ARROW-1290 - [C++] Use array capacity doubling in arrow::BufferBuilder ARROW-1291 - [Python] pa.RecordBatch.from_pandas doesn’t accept DataFrame with numeric column names ARROW-1294 - [C++] New Appveyor build failures ARROW-1296 - [Java] templates/FixValueVectors reset() method doesn’t set allocationSizeInBytes correctly ARROW-1300 - [JAVA] Fix ListVector Tests ARROW-1306 - [Python] Encoding? issue with error reporting for parquet.read_table ARROW-1308 - [C++] ld tries to link ‘arrow_static’ even when -DARROW_BUILD_STATIC=off ARROW-1309 - [Python] Error inferring List type in Array.from_pandas when inner values are all None ARROW-1310 - [JAVA] Revert ARROW-886 ARROW-1312 - [C++] Set default value to ARROW_JEMALLOC to OFF until ARROW-1282 is resolved ARROW-1326 - [Python] Fix Sphinx build in Travis CI ARROW-1327 - [Python] Failing to release GIL in MemoryMappedFile._open causes deadlock ARROW-1328 - [Python] pyarrow.Table.from_pandas option timestamps_to_ms changes column values ARROW-1330 - [Plasma] Turn on plasma tests on manylinux1 ARROW-1335 - [C++] PrimitiveArray::raw_values has inconsistent semantics re: offsets compared with subclasses ARROW-1338 - [Python] Investigate non-deterministic core dump on Python 2.7, Travis CI builds ARROW-1340 - [Java] NullableMapVector field doesn’t maintain metadata ARROW-1342 - [Python] Support strided array of lists ARROW-1343 - [Format/Java/C++] Ensuring encapsulated stream / IPC message sizes are always a multiple of 8 ARROW-1350 - [C++] Include Plasma source tree in source distribution ARROW-187 - [C++] Decide on how pedantic we want to be about exceptions ARROW-276 - [JAVA] Nullable Value Vectors should extend BaseValueVector instead of BaseDataValueVector ARROW-573 - [Python/C++] Support ordered dictionaries data, pandas Categorical ARROW-884 - [C++] Exclude internal classes from documentation ARROW-932 - [Python] Fix compiler warnings on MSVC ARROW-968 - [Python] RecordBatch [i:j] syntax is incomplete","headline":"Apache Arrow 0.6.0 Release","image":"","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""}},"url":""}</script>
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<h1 id="apache-arrow-060-14-august-2017">Apache Arrow 0.6.0 (14 August 2017)</h1>
<p>This is a major release. Read more in the <a href="">release blog post</a>.</p>
<h2 id="download">Download</h2>
<li><a href=""><strong>Source Artifacts</strong></a></li>
<li><a href="">Git tag</a></li>
<h2 id="contributors">Contributors</h2>
<div class="language-shell highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>git shortlog <span class="nt">-sn</span> apache-arrow-0.5.0..apache-arrow-0.6.0
48 Wes McKinney
7 siddharth
5 Matt Darwin
5 Max Risuhin
5 Philipp Moritz
4 Kouhei Sutou
3 Bryan Cutler
2 Emilio Lahr-Vivaz
2 Li Jin
2 Robert Nishihara
1 Antony Mayi
1 Marco Neumann
1 Stepan Kadlec
1 Steven Phillips
1 Yeolar
1 fjetter
1 rendel
<h1 id="changelog">Changelog</h1>
<h2 id="new-features-and-improvements">New Features and Improvements</h2>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1076</a> - [Python] Handle nanosecond timestamps more gracefully when writing to Parquet format</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1093</a> - [Python] Fail Python builds if flake8 yields warnings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1104</a> - Integrate in-memory object store from Ray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1121</a> - [C++] Improve error message when opening OS file fails</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1140</a> - [C++] Allow optional build of plasma</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1149</a> - [Plasma] Create Cython client library for Plasma</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1173</a> - [Plasma] Blog post for Plasma</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1211</a> - [C++] Consider making default_memory_pool() the default for builder classes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1213</a> - [Python] Enable s3fs to be used with ParquetDataset and reader/writer functions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1219</a> - [C++] Use more vanilla Google C++ formatting</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1224</a> - [Format] Clarify language around buffer padding and alignment in IPC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1230</a> - [Plasma] Install libraries and headers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1241</a> - [C++] Visual Studio 2017 Appveyor build job</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1243</a> - [Java] security: upgrade all libraries to latest stable versions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1246</a> - [Format] Add Map logical type to metadata</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1251</a> - [Python/C++] Revise build documentation to account for latest build toolchain</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1253</a> - [C++] Use pre-built toolchain libraries where prudent to speed up CI builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1255</a> - [Plasma] Check plasma flatbuffer messages with the flatbuffer verifier</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1257</a> - [Plasma] Plasma documentation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1258</a> - [C++] Suppress dlmalloc warnings on Clang</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1259</a> - [Plasma] Speed up Plasma tests</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1260</a> - [Plasma] Use factory method to create Python PlasmaClient</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1264</a> - [Plasma] Don’t exit the Python interpreter if the plasma client can’t connect to the store</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1268</a> - [Website] Blog post on Arrow integration with Spark</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1270</a> - [Packaging] Add Python wheel build scripts for macOS to arrow-dist</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1272</a> - [Python] Add script to arrow-dist to generate and upload manylinux1 Python wheels</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1273</a> - [Python] Add convenience functions for reading only Parquet metadata or effective Arrow schema from a particular Parquet file</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1274</a> - [C++] add_compiler_export_flags() throws warning with CMake &gt;= 3.3</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1281</a> - [C++/Python] Add Docker setup for running HDFS tests and other tests we may not run in Travis CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1288</a> - Clean up many ASF license headers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1289</a> - [Python] Add PYARROW_BUILD_PLASMA option like Parquet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1297</a> - 0.6.0 Release</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1301</a> - [C++/Python] Add remaining supported libhdfs UNIX-like filesystem APIs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1303</a> - [C++] Support downloading Boost</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1304</a> - [Java] Fix checkstyle checks warning</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1305</a> - [GLib] Add GArrowIntArrayBuilder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1315</a> - [GLib] Status check of arrow::ArrayBuilder::Finish() is missing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1323</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_boolean_array_get_values()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1333</a> - [Plasma] Sorting example for DataFrames in plasma</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1334</a> - [C++] Instantiate arrow::Table from vector of Array objects (instead of Columns)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1336</a> - [C++] Add arrow::schema factory function</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-439</a> - [Python] Add option in “to_pandas” conversions to yield Categorical from String/Binary arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-622</a> - [Python] Investigate alternatives to timestamps_to_ms argument in pandas conversion</li>
<h2 id="bug-fixes">Bug Fixes</h2>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1192</a> - [JAVA] Improve splitAndTransfer performance for List and Union vectors</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1195</a> - [C++] CpuInfo doesn’t get cache size on Windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1204</a> - [C++] lz4 ExternalProject fails in Visual Studio 2015</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1225</a> - [Python] pyarrow.array does not attempt to convert bytes to UTF8 when passed a StringType</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1237</a> - [JAVA] Expose the ability to set lastSet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1239</a> - issue with current version of git-commit-id-plugin</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1240</a> - security: upgrade logback to address CVE-2017-5929</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1242</a> - [Java] security - upgrade Jackson to mitigate 3 CVE vulnerabilities</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1245</a> - [Integration] Java Integration Tests Disabled</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1248</a> - [Python] C linkage warnings in Clang with public Cython API</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1249</a> - [JAVA] Expose the fillEmpties function from Nullable<Varlength>Vector.mutator</Varlength></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1263</a> - [C++] CpuInfo should be able to get CPU features on Windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1265</a> - [Plasma] Plasma store memory leak warnings in Python test suite</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1267</a> - [Java] Handle zero length case in BitVector.splitAndTransfer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1269</a> - [Packaging] Add Windows wheel build scripts from ARROW-1068 to arrow-dist</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1275</a> - [C++] Default static library prefix for Snappy should be “_static”</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1276</a> - Cannot serializer empty DataFrame to parquet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1283</a> - [Java] VectorSchemaRoot should be able to be closed() more than once</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1285</a> - PYTHON: NotImplemented exception creates empty parquet file</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1287</a> - [Python] Emulate “whence” argument of seek in NativeFile</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1290</a> - [C++] Use array capacity doubling in arrow::BufferBuilder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1291</a> - [Python] pa.RecordBatch.from_pandas doesn’t accept DataFrame with numeric column names</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1294</a> - [C++] New Appveyor build failures</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1296</a> - [Java] templates/FixValueVectors reset() method doesn’t set allocationSizeInBytes correctly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1300</a> - [JAVA] Fix ListVector Tests</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1306</a> - [Python] Encoding? issue with error reporting for parquet.read_table</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1308</a> - [C++] ld tries to link ‘arrow_static’ even when -DARROW_BUILD_STATIC=off</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1309</a> - [Python] Error inferring List type in Array.from_pandas when inner values are all None</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1310</a> - [JAVA] Revert ARROW-886</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1312</a> - [C++] Set default value to ARROW_JEMALLOC to OFF until ARROW-1282 is resolved</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1326</a> - [Python] Fix Sphinx build in Travis CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1327</a> - [Python] Failing to release GIL in MemoryMappedFile._open causes deadlock</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1328</a> - [Python] pyarrow.Table.from_pandas option timestamps_to_ms changes column values</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1330</a> - [Plasma] Turn on plasma tests on manylinux1</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1335</a> - [C++] PrimitiveArray::raw_values has inconsistent semantics re: offsets compared with subclasses</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1338</a> - [Python] Investigate non-deterministic core dump on Python 2.7, Travis CI builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1340</a> - [Java] NullableMapVector field doesn’t maintain metadata</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1342</a> - [Python] Support strided array of lists</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1343</a> - [Format/Java/C++] Ensuring encapsulated stream / IPC message sizes are always a multiple of 8</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1350</a> - [C++] Include Plasma source tree in source distribution</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-187</a> - [C++] Decide on how pedantic we want to be about exceptions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-276</a> - [JAVA] Nullable Value Vectors should extend BaseValueVector instead of BaseDataValueVector</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-573</a> - [Python/C++] Support ordered dictionaries data, pandas Categorical</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-884</a> - [C++] Exclude internal classes from documentation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-932</a> - [Python] Fix compiler warnings on MSVC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-968</a> - [Python] RecordBatch [i:j] syntax is incomplete</li>
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