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<title>Apache Arrow 0.13.0 Release | Apache Arrow</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Apache Arrow 0.13.0 (1 April 2019) This is a major release covering more than 2 months of development. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts For CentOS For Debian For Python For Ubuntu Git tag Contributors This release includes 550 commits from 81 distinct contributors. $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0 56 Wes McKinney 55 Kouhei Sutou 31 Antoine Pitrou 31 François Saint-Jacques 31 Korn, Uwe 30 Krisztián Szűcs 28 Andy Grove 27 Uwe L. Korn 21 Micah Kornfield 17 Benjamin Kietzman 17 Kenta Murata 17 Pindikura Ravindra 15 ptaylor 13 David Li 12 Paddy Horan 11 Neville Dipale 9 Philipp Moritz 8 Chao Sun 8 Romain Francois 7 Eric Erhardt 7 Yosuke Shiro 6 Nicolas Trinquier 5 Javier Luraschi 4 Anson Qian 4 Brian Hulette 4 Yuhong Guo 3 Anurag Khandelwal 3 Bryan Cutler 3 Dominik Moritz 3 Mike Pigott 3 Pearu Peterson 3 Sebastien Binet 2 Hatem Helal 2 Jeroen Ooms 2 Owen Nelson 2 Peter 2 Praveen 2 Renat Valiullin 2 Renjie Liu 2 emkornfield 2 tigerchen 1 Alexandre Crayssac 1 Areg Melik-Adamyan 1 Brandon Greenwell 1 Bruno P. Kinoshita 1 Christian Thiel 1 Christopher Hutchinson 1 Daniel Bast 1 Felix 1 Gene Novark 1 George Sakkis 1 Gidon Gershinsky 1 Ildar Musin 1 Ilya Tocar 1 Laurent Goujon 1 Matthias Vallentin 1 Maxim Novikov 1 Michael Pigott 1 Michael Vilim 1 Mike Bostock 1 P. Taylor Goetz 1 Paul Kernfeld 1 Paul Taylor 1 Prashanth Govindarajan 1 Robert Nishihara 1 Ross Smith II 1 Ryan Mackenzie White 1 Rylan Dmello 1 Stephen Toub 1 Steven Fackler 1 Suvayu Ali 1 Tanya Schlusser 1 Todd A. Anderson 1 Yu Ding 1 Yurui Zhou 1 alexandreyc 1 dsisnero 1 fjetter 1 praveenbingo 1 praveenkrishna 1 yl187661 Patch Committers The following Apache committers merged contributed patches to the repository. $ git shortlog -csn apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0 193 Wes McKinney 95 Krisztián Szűcs 66 Uwe L. Korn 53 Kouhei Sutou 40 Antoine Pitrou 22 Andy Grove 21 Korn, Uwe 11 Pindikura Ravindra 9 Yosuke Shiro 8 Brian Hulette 7 Chao Sun 5 Philipp Moritz 5 Sebastien Binet 4 Bryan Cutler 2 GitHub 2 Paddy Horan 2 Robert Nishihara 2 Sidd 2 ptaylor 1 Micah Kornfield Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1425 - [Python] Document semantic differences between Spark timestamps and Arrow timestamps ARROW-1572 - [C++] Implement “value counts” kernels for tabulating value frequencies ARROW-1639 - [Python] More efficient serialization for RangeIndex in serialize_pandas ARROW-1807 - [JAVA] Reduce Heap Usage (Phase 3): consolidate buffers ARROW-1896 - [C++] Do not allocate memory for primitive outputs in CastKernel::Call implementation ARROW-2015 - [Java] Use Java Time and Date APIs instead of JodaTime ARROW-2022 - [Format] Add custom metadata field specific to a RecordBatch message ARROW-2112 - [C++] Enable cpplint to be run on Windows ARROW-2409 - [Rust] Test for build warnings, remove current warnings ARROW-2627 - [Python] Add option (or some equivalent) to toggle memory mapping functionality when using parquet.ParquetFile or other read entry points ARROW-3107 - [C++] arrow::PrettyPrint for Column instances ARROW-3121 - [C++] Mean kernel aggregate ARROW-3123 - [C++] Incremental Count, Count Not Null aggregator ARROW-3135 - [C++] Add helper functions for validity bitmap propagation in kernel context ARROW-3149 - [C++] Use gRPC (when it exists) from conda-forge for CI builds ARROW-3162 - [Python] Enable Flight servers to be implemented in pure Python ARROW-3239 - [C++] Improve random data generation functions ARROW-3289 - [C++] Implement DoPut command for Flight on client and server side ARROW-3292 - [C++] Test Flight RPC in Travis CI ARROW-3297 - [Python] Python bindings for Flight C++ client ARROW-331 - [Python] Timeline for dropping Python 2.7 support ARROW-3311 - [R] Functions for deserializing IPC components from arrow::Buffer or from IO interface ARROW-3361 - [R] Run cpp/build-support/ on C++ source files ARROW-3364 - [Doc] Document docker compose setup ARROW-3367 - [INTEGRATION] Port Spark integration test to the docker-compose setup ARROW-3422 - [C++] Add “toolchain” target to ensure that all required toolchain libraries are built ARROW-3434 - [Packaging] Add Apache ORC C++ library to conda-forge ARROW-3511 - [Gandiva] support input selection vectors for both projector and filter ARROW-3532 - [Python] Schema, StructType, StructArray field retrieval by name should raise warning or exception for multiple matches ARROW-3550 - [C++] Use kUnknownNullCount in NumericArray constructor ARROW-3554 - [C++] Reverse traits for C++ ARROW-3596 - [Packaging] Build gRPC in conda-forge ARROW-3619 - [R] Expose global thread pool optins ARROW-3631 - [C#] Add Appveyor build for C# ARROW-3653 - [Python/C++] Support data copying between different GPU devices ARROW-3735 - [Python] Proper error handling in _ensure_type ARROW-3761 - [R] Bindings for CompressedInputStream, CompressedOutputStream ARROW-3769 - [C++] Support reading non-dictionary encoded binary Parquet columns directly as DictionaryArray ARROW-3770 - [C++] Validate or add option to validate arrow::Table schema in parquet::arrow::FileWriter::WriteTable ARROW-3816 - [R] nrow.RecordBatch method ARROW-3824 - [R] Document developer workflow for building project, running unit tests in r/ ARROW-3838 - [Rust] Implement CSV Writer ARROW-3846 - [Gandiva] Build on Windows ARROW-3882 - [Rust] PrimitiveArray should support cast operations ARROW-3903 - [Python] Random array generator for Arrow conversion and Parquet testing ARROW-3926 - [Python] Add Gandiva bindings to Python wheels ARROW-3951 - [Go] implement a CSV writer ARROW-3954 - [Rust] Add Slice to Array and ArrayData ARROW-3965 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Configuration Object ARROW-3966 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: JDBC Metadata in Schema Fields ARROW-3972 - [C++] Update to LLVM and Clang bits to 7.0 ARROW-3981 - [C++] Rename json.h ARROW-3985 - [C++] Pass -C option when compiling with ccache to avoid some warnings ARROW-4012 - [Documentation][C++] Document how to install Apache Arrow on MSYS2 ARROW-4014 - [C++] Fix “LIBCMT” warnings on MSVC ARROW-4024 - [Python] Cython compilation error on cython==0.27.3 ARROW-4031 - [C++] Refactor ArrayBuilder bitmap logic into TypedBufferBuilder ARROW-4056 - [C++] Upgrade to boost-cpp 1.69.0 again ARROW-4061 - [Rust] [Parquet] Implement “spaced” version for non-dictionary encoding/decoding ARROW-4071 - [Rust] Add rustfmt as a pre-commit hook ARROW-4072 - [Rust] Set default value for PARQUET_TEST_DATA ARROW-4094 - [Python] Store RangeIndex in Parquet files as metadata rather than a physical data column ARROW-4110 - [C++] Do not generate distinct cast kernels when input and output type are the same ARROW-4123 - [C++] Improve linting workflow and documentation for Windows-based developers ARROW-4124 - [C++] Abstract aggregation kernel API ARROW-4142 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow: JDBC Arrays ARROW-4165 - [C++] Port cpp/apidoc/ and other files to Sphinx / rst ARROW-4180 - [Java] Reduce verbose logging of ArrowBuf creation events? ARROW-4196 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for arithmetic ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4198 - [Gandiva] Add support to cast timestamp ARROW-4204 - [Gandiva] implement decimal subtract ARROW-4205 - [Gandiva] Implement decimal multiply ARROW-4206 - [Gandiva] Implement decimal divide ARROW-4212 - [Python] [CUDA] Creating a CUDA buffer from Numba device array should be easier ARROW-4230 - [C++] Enable building flight against system gRPC ARROW-4234 - [C++] Add memory bandwidth benchmarks to arrow/util/ ARROW-4235 - [GLib] Use “column_builder” in GArrowRecordBatchBuilder ARROW-4236 - [JAVA] Distinct plasma client create exceptions ARROW-4245 - [Rust] Add Rustdoc header to each source file ARROW-4247 - [Packaging] Update verify script for 0.12.0 ARROW-4251 - [C++] Add option to use vendored Boost in ARROW-4262 - [Website] Blog post to give preview into using R and Arrow with Apache Spark ARROW-4263 - [Rust] Donate DataFusion ARROW-4265 - [C++] Automatic conversion between Table and std::vector&lt;std::tuple&lt;..» ARROW-4268 - [C++] Add C primitive to Arrow:Type compile time in TypeTraits ARROW-4271 - [Rust] Move Parquet specific info to Parquet Readme ARROW-4273 - [Release] Fix verification script to use cf201901 conda-forge label ARROW-4277 - [C++] Add gmock to toolchain ARROW-4281 - [CI] Use Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) VMs on Travis-CI ARROW-4285 - [Python] Use proper builder interface for serialization ARROW-4287 - [C++] Ensure minimal bison version on OSX for Thrift ARROW-4289 - [C++] Forward AR and RANLIB to thirdparty builds ARROW-4290 - [C++/Gandiva] Support detecting correct LLVM version in Homebrew ARROW-4291 - [Dev] Support selecting features in release scripts ARROW-4294 - [Plasma] Add support for evicting objects to external store ARROW-4297 - [C++] Fix build for 32-bit MSYS2 ARROW-4298 - [Java] Building Flight fails with OpenJDK 11 ARROW-4299 - [Ruby] Depend on the same version as Red Arrow ARROW-4300 - [C++] Restore apache-arrow Homebrew recipe and define process for maintaining and updating for releases ARROW-4303 - [Gandiva/Python] Build LLVM with RTTI in manylinux1 container ARROW-4305 - [Rust] Fix parquet version number in README ARROW-4307 - [C++] FIx doxygen warnings, include doxygen warning checks in CI linting ARROW-4310 - [Website] Update install document for 0.12.0 ARROW-4313 - Define general benchmark database schema ARROW-4315 - [Website] Home page of does not mention Go or Rust ARROW-4318 - [C++] Add Tensor::CountNonZero ARROW-4321 - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in docker containers ARROW-4330 - [C++] Use FindThreads.cmake to handle -pthread compiler/link options ARROW-4332 - [Website] Instructions and scripts for publishing web site appear to be incorrect ARROW-4334 - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in travis builds ARROW-4335 - [C++] Better document sparse tensor support ARROW-4336 - [C++] Default BUILD_WARNING_LEVEL to CHECKIN ARROW-4339 - [C++] rewrite cpp/README shorter, with a separate contribution guide ARROW-4340 - [C++] Update IWYU version in the `lint` dockerfile ARROW-4341 - [C++] Use TypedBufferBuilder in BooleanBuilder ARROW-4344 - [Java] Further cleanup maven output ARROW-4345 - [C++] Add Apache 2.0 license file to the Parquet-testing repository ARROW-4346 - [C++] Fix compiler warnings with gcc 8.2.0 ARROW-4352 - [C++] Add support for system Google Test ARROW-4353 - [CI] Add jobs for 32-bit and 64-bit MinGW ARROW-4358 - [Gandiva][Crossbow] Trusty build broken ARROW-4361 - [Website] Update commiters list ARROW-4362 - [Java] Test OpenJDK 11 in CI ARROW-4363 - [C++] Add CMake format checks ARROW-4372 - [C++] Embed precompiled bitcode in the gandiva library ARROW-4373 - [Packaging] Travis fails to deploy conda packages on OSX ARROW-4375 - [CI] Sphinx dependencies were removed from docs conda environment ARROW-4376 - [Rust] Implement from_buf_reader for csv::Reader ARROW-4377 - [Rust] Implement std::fmt::Debug for all PrimitiveArrays ARROW-4379 - Register pyarrow serializers for collections.Counter and collections.deque. ARROW-4383 - [C++] Use the CMake’s standard find features ARROW-4386 - [Rust] Implement Date and Time Arrays ARROW-4388 - [Go] add DimNames() method to tensor Interface? ARROW-4393 - [Rust] coding style: apply 90 characters per line limit ARROW-4396 - Update Typedoc to support TypeScript 3.2 ARROW-4397 - [C++] dim_names in Tensor and SparseTensor ARROW-4399 - [C++] Remove usage of “extern template class” from NumericArray ARROW-4401 - [Python] Alpine dockerfile fails to build because pandas requires numpy as build dependency ARROW-4406 - Ignore “*_$folder$” files on S3 ARROW-4408 - [CPP/Doc] Remove outdated Parquet documentation ARROW-4422 - [Plasma] Enforce memory limit in plasma, rather than relying on dlmalloc_set_footprint_limit ARROW-4423 - [C++] Update version of vendored gtest to 1.8.1 ARROW-4424 - [Python] Manylinux CI builds failing ARROW-4425 - Add link to ‘Contributing’ page in the top-level Arrow README ARROW-4430 - [C++] add unit test for currently unused append method ARROW-4431 - [C++] Build gRPC as ExternalProject without allowing it to build its vendored dependencies ARROW-4435 - [C#] Add .sln file and minor .csproj fix ups ARROW-4436 - [Documentation] Clarify instructions for building documentation ARROW-4442 - [JS] Overly broad type annotation for Chunked typeId leading to type mismatches in generated typing ARROW-4444 - [Testing] Add DataFusion test files to arrow-testing repo ARROW-4445 - [C++][Gandiva] Run Gandiva-LLVM tests in Appveyor ARROW-4446 - [Python] Run Gandiva tests on Windows and Appveyor ARROW-4448 - [JAVA][Flight] Flaky Flight java test ARROW-4449 - [Rust] Convert File to T: Read + Seek for schema inference ARROW-4454 - [C++] fix unused parameter warnings ARROW-4455 - [Plasma] g++ 8 reports class-memaccess warnings ARROW-4459 - [Testing] Add git submodule for arrow-testing data files ARROW-4460 - [Website] Write blog post to announce DataFusion donation ARROW-4461 - [C++] Expose bit-util methods for binary boolean operations that don’t allocate ARROW-4462 - [C++] Upgrade LZ4 v1.7.5 to v1.8.3 to compile with VS2017 ARROW-4464 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for LIMIT ARROW-4466 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for Parquet data sources ARROW-4468 - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Buffer (with SIMD) ARROW-4472 - [Website][Python] Blog post about Python string memory use improvements in 0.12 ARROW-4475 - [Python] Serializing objects that contain themselves ARROW-4476 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Post donation clean up tasks ARROW-4481 - [Website] Instructions for publishing web site are missing a step ARROW-4483 - [Website] Fix broken link (author) in DataFusion blog post ARROW-4485 - [CI] Determine maintenance approach to pinned conda-forge binutils package ARROW-4486 - [Python][CUDA] pyarrow.cuda.Context.foreign_buffer should have a `base=None` argument ARROW-4488 - [Rust] From AsRef&lt;[u8]&gt; for Buffer does not ensure correct padding ARROW-4489 - [Rust] PrimitiveArray.value_slice performs bounds checking when it should not ARROW-4490 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for boolean ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4491 - [Python] Remove usage of std::to_string and std::stoi ARROW-4499 - [Python][CI] Upgrade to latest flake8 3.7.5 in ARROW-4502 - [C#] Add support for zero-copy reads ARROW-4506 - [Ruby] Add Arrow::RecordBatch#raw_records ARROW-4513 - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Bitmap ARROW-4518 - [JS] add jsdelivr to package.json ARROW-4528 - [C++] Update lint docker container to LLVM-7 ARROW-4529 - [C++] Add test coverage for BitUtils::RoundDown ARROW-4531 - [C++] Handling of non-aligned slices in Sum kernel ARROW-4537 - [CI] Suppress shell warning on travis-ci ARROW-4539 - [Java]List vector child value count not set correctly ARROW-4540 - [Rust] Add basic JSON reader ARROW-4543 - [C#] Update Flat Buffers code to latest version ARROW-4547 - [Python][Documentation] Update python/development.rst with instructions for CUDA-enabled builds ARROW-4556 - [Rust] Preserve order of JSON inferred schema ARROW-4558 - [C++][Flight] Avoid undefined behavior with gRPC memory optimizations ARROW-4560 - [R] array() needs to take single input, not … ARROW-4562 - [C++][Flight] Create outgoing composite grpc::ByteBuffer instead of allocating contiguous slice and copying IpcPayload into it ARROW-4565 - [R] Reading records with all non-null decimals SEGFAULTs ARROW-4568 - [C++] Add version macros to headers ARROW-4572 - [C++] Remove memory zeroing from PrimitiveAllocatingUnaryKernel ARROW-4583 - [Plasma] There are bugs reported by code scan tool ARROW-4586 - [Rust] Remove arrow/ as it is not needed ARROW-4590 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for comparison ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4592 - [GLib] Stop configure immediately when GLib isn’t available ARROW-4593 - [Ruby] Arrow::Array#[out_of_range] returns nil ARROW-4594 - [Ruby] Arrow::StructArray#[] returns Arrow::Struct instead of Arrow::Array ARROW-4595 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement DataFrame style API ARROW-4598 - [CI] Remove needless LLVM_DIR for macOS ARROW-4599 - [C++] Add support for system GFlags ARROW-4602 - [Rust][ [DataFusion] Integrate query optimizer with ExecutionContext ARROW-4605 - [Rust] Move filter and limit code from DataFusion into compute module ARROW-4609 - [C++] Use google benchmark from toolchain ARROW-4610 - [Plasma] Avoid JNI from crashing ARROW-4611 - [C++] Rework CMake third-party logic ARROW-4612 - [Python] Use cython from PyPI for windows wheels build ARROW-4613 - [C++] Alpine build failing as is not found ARROW-4614 - [C++/CI] Activate flight build in ci/ ARROW-4615 - [C++] Add checked_pointer_cast ARROW-4616 - [C++] Log message in BuildUtils as STATUS ARROW-4618 - [Docker] Makefile to build dependent docker images ARROW-4619 - [R]: Fix the autobrew script ARROW-4620 - [C#] Add unit tests for “Types” in arrow/csharp ARROW-4623 - [R] update Rcpp dependency ARROW-4628 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement type coercion query optimizer rule ARROW-4632 - [Ruby] Add BigDecimal#to_arrow ARROW-4634 - [Rust] [Parquet] Reorganize test_common mod to allow more test util codes. ARROW-4637 - [Python] Avoid importing Pandas unless necessary ARROW-4638 - [R] install instructions using brew ARROW-4640 - [Python] Add docker-compose configuration to build and test the project without pandas installed ARROW-4643 - [C++] Add compiler diagnostic color when using Ninja ARROW-4644 - [C++/Docker] Build Gandiva in the docker containers ARROW-4645 - [C++/Packaging] Ship Gandiva with OSX and Windows wheels ARROW-4646 - [C++/Packaging] Ship gandiva with the conda-forge packages ARROW-4655 - [Packaging] Parallelize binary upload ARROW-4662 - [Python] Add type_codes property in UnionType ARROW-4667 - [C++] Suppress unused function warnings with MinGW ARROW-4670 - [Rust] compute::sum performance issue ARROW-4671 - [C++] MakeBuilder doesn’t support Type::DICTIONARY ARROW-4673 - [C++] Implement AssertDatumEquals ARROW-4676 - [C++] Add support for debug build with MinGW ARROW-4678 - [Rust] Minimize unstable feature usage ARROW-4679 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement in-memory DataSource ARROW-4681 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement parallel query execution using threads ARROW-4686 - Only accept ‘y’ or ‘n’ in prompts ARROW-4689 - [Go] add support for WASM ARROW-4690 - [Python] Building TensorFlow compatible wheels for Arrow ARROW-4692 - [Format][Documentation] Add more details about “sidecar” to flight proto ARROW-4693 - [CI] Build boost library with multi precision ARROW-4697 - [C++] Add URI parsing facility ARROW-47 - [C++] Consider adding a scalar type object model ARROW-4705 - [Rust] CSV reader should show line number and error message when failing to parse a line ARROW-4707 - [C++] move BitsetStack to bit-util.h ARROW-4718 - Add ArrowStreamWriter/Reader ctors that leave open the underlying Stream ARROW-4727 - [Rust] Implement ability to check if two schemas are the same ARROW-4730 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Fedora build with system packages ARROW-4731 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Xenial build with system packages ARROW-4732 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Debian Testing build with system packages ARROW-4733 - [C++] Add CI entry that builds without the conda-forge toolchain but with system packages ARROW-4734 - [Go] Add option to write a header for CSV writer ARROW-4735 - [Go] Benchmark strconv.Format vs. fmt.Sprintf for CSV writer ARROW-4739 - [Rust] [DataFusion] It should be possible to share a logical plan between threads ARROW-4740 - [Java] Upgrade to JUnit 5 ARROW-4743 - [Java] Fix documentation in arrow memory module ARROW-4745 - [C++][Documentation] Document process for replicating static_crt builds on windows ARROW-4749 - [Rust] RecordBatch::new() should return result instead of panicking ARROW-4751 - [C++] Add pkg-config to conda_env_cpp.yml ARROW-4754 - [CI][Java] Flaky TestAuth Flight test ARROW-4756 - [CI] document the procedure to update docker image for manylinux1 builds ARROW-4758 - [Flight] Build fails on Mac due to missing Schema_generated.h ARROW-4769 - [Rust] Improve array limit function where max records &gt; len ARROW-4772 - Provide new ORC adapter interface that allow user to specify row number ARROW-4776 - [C++] DictionaryBuilder should support bootstrapping from an existing dict type ARROW-4777 - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update lz4 to 1.8.3 ARROW-4778 - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update Thrift to 0.12.0 ARROW-4782 - [C++] Prototype scalar and array expression types for developing deferred operator algebra ARROW-4786 - [C++/Python] Support better parallelisation in manylinux1 base build ARROW-4789 - [C++] Deprecate and and later remove arrow::io::ReadableFileInterface ARROW-4790 - [Python/Packaging] Update manylinux docker image in crossbow task ARROW-4791 - Unused dependencies in arrow and datafusion ARROW-4794 - [Python] Make pandas an optional test dependency ARROW-4797 - [Plasma] Avoid store crash if not enough memory is available ARROW-4801 - [GLib] Suppress pkgconfig.generate() warnings ARROW-4808 - [Java][Vector] Convenience methods for setting decimal vector ARROW-4817 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Small re-org of modules ARROW-4826 - [Go] export Flush method for CSV writer ARROW-4831 - [C++] CMAKE_AR is not passed to ZSTD thirdparty dependency ARROW-4833 - [Release] Document how to update the brew formula in the release management guide ARROW-4834 - [R] Feature flag to disable parquet ARROW-4835 - [GLib] Add boolean operations ARROW-4837 - [C++] Support c++filt on a custom path in the script ARROW-4839 - [C#] Add NuGet support ARROW-4846 - [Java] Update Jackson to 2.9.8 ARROW-4849 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Bionic build with system packages ARROW-4854 - [Rust] Use Array Slice for limit kernel ARROW-4855 - [Packaging] Generate default package version based on cpp tags in ARROW-4858 - [Flight][Python] Enable custom FlightDataStream in Python ARROW-4859 - [GLib] Add garrow_numeric_array_mean() ARROW-4862 - [GLib] Add GArrowCastOptions::allow-invalid-utf8 property ARROW-4865 - [Rust] Support casting lists and primitives to lists ARROW-4873 - [C++] Clarify documentation about how to use external ARROW_PACKAGE_PREFIX while also using CONDA dependency resolution ARROW-4878 - [C++] ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE=CONDA does not work properly with MSVC ARROW-4882 - [GLib] Add “Sum” functions ARROW-4887 - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count() ARROW-4889 - [C++] Add STATUS messages for Protobuf in CMake ARROW-4891 - [C++] ZLIB include directories not added ARROW-4892 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move SQL parser and planner into sql package ARROW-4893 - [C++] conda packages should use $PREFIX inside of conda-build ARROW-4894 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from ARROW-4895 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move to top level package ARROW-4896 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from tests ARROW-4897 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Improve Rustdoc ARROW-4898 - [C++] Old versions of FindProtobuf.cmake use ALL-CAPS for variables ARROW-4899 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from ARROW-4901 - [Go] Run tests in Appveyor ARROW-4905 - [C++][Plasma] Remove dlmalloc from client library ARROW-4907 - [CI] Add docker container to inspect docker context ARROW-4908 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for parquet date/time in int32/64 encoding ARROW-4909 - [CI] Use hadolint to lint Dockerfiles ARROW-4910 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of unimplemented! ARROW-4915 - [GLib] Add support for arrow::NullBuilder ARROW-4922 - [Packaging] Use system libraris for .deb and .rpm ARROW-4924 - [Ruby] Add Decimal128#to_s(scale=nil) ARROW-4926 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Update README for 0.13.0 release ARROW-4929 - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count_values() ARROW-4932 - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE macro ARROW-4933 - [R] Autodetect Parquet support using pkg-config ARROW-4937 - [R] Clean pkg-config related logic ARROW-4939 - [Python] Add wrapper for “sum” kernel ARROW-4940 - [Rust] Enhance documentation for datafusion ARROW-4944 - [C++] Raise minimal required thrift-cpp to 0.11 in conda environment ARROW-4946 - [C++] Support detection of flatbuffers without FlatbuffersConfig.cmake ARROW-4947 - [Flight][C++/Python] Remove redundant schema parameter in DoGet ARROW-4951 - [C++] Turn off cpp benchmarks in cpp docker images ARROW-4955 - [GLib] Add garrow_file_is_closed() ARROW-4964 - [Ruby] Add closed check if available on auto close ARROW-4969 - [C++] Set RPATH in correct order for test executables on OSX ARROW-4977 - [Ruby] Add support for building on Windows ARROW-4978 - [Ruby] Fix wrong internal variable name for table data ARROW-4979 - [GLib] Add missing lock to garrow::GIOInputStream ARROW-4980 - [GLib] Use GInputStream as the parent of GArrowInputStream ARROW-4981 - [Ruby] Add support for CSV data encoding conversion ARROW-4983 - [Plasma] Unmap memory when the client is destroyed ARROW-4994 - [website] Update Details for ptgoetz ARROW-4995 - [R] Make sure winbuilder tests pass for package ARROW-4996 - [Plasma] There are many log files in /tmp ARROW-5003 - [R] remove dependency on withr ARROW-5006 - [R] parquet.cpp does not include enough Rcpp ARROW-5011 - [Release] Add support in the source release script for custom hash ARROW-5013 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Refactor runtime expression support ARROW-5014 - [Java] Fix typos in Flight module ARROW-5018 - [Release] Include JavaScript implementation ARROW-5032 - [C++] Headers in vendored/datetime directory aren’t installed ARROW-5041 - [Release][C++] use bundled gtest and gmock in verify-release-candidate.bat ARROW-549 - [C++] Add function to concatenate like-typed arrays ARROW-572 - [C++] Apply visitor pattern in IPC metadata ARROW-585 - [C++] Define public API for user-defined data types ARROW-694 - [C++] Build JSON “scanner” for reading record batches from line-delimited JSON files Bug Fixes ARROW-2392 - [Python] pyarrow RecordBatchStreamWriter allows writing batches with different schemas ARROW-295 - Create DOAP File ARROW-3086 - [Glib] GISCAN fails due to conda-shipped openblas ARROW-3096 - [Python] Update Python source build instructions given Anaconda/conda-forge toolchain migration ARROW-3133 - [C++] Logical boolean kernels in kernels/ cannot write into preallocated memory ARROW-3208 - [C++] Segmentation fault when casting dictionary to numeric with nullptr valid_bitmap ARROW-3564 - [Python] writing version 2.0 parquet format with dictionary encoding enabled ARROW-3578 - [Release] Address spurious Apache RAT failures in source release script ARROW-3593 - [R] CI builds failing due to GitHub API rate limits ARROW-3606 - [Python] flake8 fails on Crossbow ARROW-3669 - [Python] Convert big-endian numbers or raise error in pyarrow.array ARROW-3843 - [Python] Writing Parquet file from empty table created with Table.from_pandas(…, preserve_index=False) fails ARROW-3923 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Unnecessary Calendar Requirement ARROW-4081 - [Go] Sum methods on Mac OS X panic when the array is empty ARROW-4104 - [Java] race in AllocationManager during release ARROW-4117 - [Python] “asv dev” command fails with latest revision ARROW-4181 - [Python] TestConvertStructTypes.test_from_numpy_large failing ARROW-4192 - “./dev/” is out of date ARROW-4213 - [Flight] C++ and Java implementations are incompatible ARROW-4244 - Clarify language around padding/alignment ARROW-4250 - [C++][Gandiva] Use approximate comparisons for floating point numbers in gandiva-projector-test ARROW-4252 - [C++] Status error context strings missing lines of code ARROW-4253 - [GLib] Cannot use non-system Boost specified with $BOOST_ROOT ARROW-4254 - [C++] Gandiva tests fail to compile with Boost in Ubuntu 14.04 apt ARROW-4255 - [C++] Schema::GetFieldIndex is not thread-safe ARROW-4261 - [C++] CMake paths for IPC, Flight, Thrift, and Plasma don’t support using Arrow as a subproject ARROW-4264 - [C++] Document why DCHECKs are used in kernels ARROW-4267 - [Python/C++][Parquet] Segfault when reading rowgroups with duplicated columns ARROW-4274 - [Gandiva] static jni library broken after decimal changes ARROW-4275 - [C++] gandiva-decimal_single_test extremely slow ARROW-4280 - [C++][Documentation] It looks like flex and bison are required for parquet ARROW-4282 - [Rust] builder benchmark is broken ARROW-4284 - [C#] File / Stream serialization fails due to type mismatch / missing footer ARROW-4295 - [Plasma] Incorrect log message when evicting objects ARROW-4296 - [Plasma] Starting Plasma store with use_one_memory_mapped_file enabled crashes due to improper memory alignment ARROW-4312 - [C++] Lint doesn’t work anymore (“[Errno 24] Too many open files”) ARROW-4319 - plasma/store.h pulls ins flatbuffer dependency ARROW-4320 - [C++] Add tests for non-contiguous tensors ARROW-4322 - [CI] docker nightlies fails after conda-forge compiler migration ARROW-4323 - [Packaging] Fix failing OSX clang conda forge builds ARROW-4326 - [C++] Development instructions in python/development.rst will not work for many Linux distros with new conda-forge toolchain ARROW-4327 - [Python] Add requirements-build.txt file to simplify setting up Python build environment ARROW-4328 - Make R build compatible with DARROW_TENSORFLOW=ON ARROW-4329 - Python should include the parquet headers ARROW-4342 - [Gandiva][Java] spurious failures in projector cache test ARROW-4347 - [Python] Run Python Travis CI unit tests on Linux when Java codebase changed ARROW-4349 - [C++] Build all benchmarks on Windows without failing ARROW-4351 - [C++] Fail to build with static parquet ARROW-4355 - [C++] test-util functions are no longer part of libarrow ARROW-4360 - [C++] Query homebrew for Thrift ARROW-4364 - [C++] Fix -weverything -wextra compilation errors ARROW-4366 - [Docs] Change extension from format/ to format/README.rst ARROW-4367 - [C++] StringDictionaryBuilder segfaults on Finish with only null entries ARROW-4368 - Bintray repository signature verification fails ARROW-4370 - [Python] Table to pandas conversion fails for list of bool ARROW-4374 - [C++] DictionaryBuilder does not correctly report length and null_count ARROW-4381 - [Docker] docker-compose build lint fails ARROW-4385 - [Python] default_version of a release should not include SNAPSHOT ARROW-4389 - [R] Installing clang-tools in CI is failing on trusty ARROW-4395 - ts-node throws type error running `bin/arrow2csv.js` ARROW-4400 - [CI] install of clang tools failing ARROW-4403 - [Rust] CI fails due to formatting errors ARROW-4404 - [CI] AppVeyor toolchain build does not build anything ARROW-4407 - [C++] ExternalProject_Add does not capture CC/CXX correctly ARROW-4410 - [C++] Fix InvertKernel edge cases ARROW-4413 - [Python] pyarrow.hdfs.connect() failing ARROW-4414 - [C++] Stop using cmake COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS because it breaks package builds for older distros ARROW-4417 - [C++] Doc build broken ARROW-4420 - [INTEGRATION] Make spark integration test pass and test against spark’s master branch ARROW-4421 - [Flight][C++] Handle large Flight data messages ARROW-4434 - [Python] Cannot create empty StructArray via pa.StructArray.from_arrays ARROW-4440 - [C++] Fix flatbuffers build using msvc ARROW-4457 - [Python] Cannot create Decimal128 array using integers ARROW-4469 - [Python][C++] CI Failing for Python 2.7 and 3.6 with valgrind ARROW-4471 - [C++] Pass AR and RANLIB to all external projects ARROW-4474 - [Flight] FlightInfo should use signed integer types for payload size ARROW-4496 - [CI] CI failing for python Xcode 7.3 ARROW-4498 - [Plasma] Plasma fails building with CUDA enabled ARROW-4500 - [C++] librt and pthread hacks can cause linking problems ARROW-4501 - [C++] Unique returns non-unique strings ARROW-4525 - [Rust] [Parquet] Convert ArrowError to ParquetError ARROW-4527 - [Packaging] Update linux packaging tasks to align with the LLVM 7 migration ARROW-4532 - [Java] varchar value buffer much larger than expected ARROW-4533 - [Python] Document how to run hypothesis tests ARROW-4535 - [C++] Fix MakeBuilder to preserve ListType’s field name ARROW-4536 - Add data_type argument in garrow_list_array_new ARROW-4538 - [PYTHON] Remove index column from subschema in write_to_dataframe ARROW-4549 - [C++] Can’t build benchmark code on CUDA enabled build ARROW-4550 - [JS] Fix AMD pattern ARROW-4559 - [Python] pyarrow can’t read/write filenames with special characters ARROW-4563 - [Python] pa.decimal128 should validate inputs ARROW-4571 - [Format] Tensor.fbs file has multiple root_type declarations ARROW-4576 - [Python] Benchmark failures ARROW-4577 - [C++] Interface link libraries declared on arrow_shared target that are actually non-interface ARROW-4581 - [C++] gbenchmark_ep is a dependency of unit tests when ARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON ARROW-4582 - [C++/Python] Memory corruption on Pandas-&gt;Arrow conversion ARROW-4584 - [Python] Add built wheel to manylinux1 dockerignore. ARROW-4585 - [C++] Dependency of Flight C++ sources on generated protobuf is not respected ARROW-4587 - Flight C++ DoPut segfaults ARROW-4597 - [C++] Targets for system Google Mock shared library are missing ARROW-4601 - [Python] Master build is broken due to missing licence for .dockerignore ARROW-4608 - [C++] cmake script assumes that double-conversion installs static libs ARROW-4617 - [C++] Support double-conversion&lt;3.1 ARROW-4624 - [C++] Linker errors when building benchmarks ARROW-4629 - [Python] Pandas to arrow conversion slowed down by local imports ARROW-4639 - [CI] Crossbow build failing for Gandiva jars ARROW-4641 - [C++] Flight builds complain of -Wstrict-aliasing ARROW-4642 - [R] Change `f` to `file` in `read_parquet_file()` ARROW-4654 - [C++] Implicit Flight target dependencies cause compilation failure ARROW-4657 - [Release] gbenchmark should not be needed for verification ARROW-4658 - [C++] Shared gflags is also a run-time conda requirement ARROW-4659 - [CI] ubuntu/debian nightlies fail because of missing gandiva files ARROW-4660 - [C++] gflags fails to build due to CMake error ARROW-4664 - [C++] DCHECK macro conditions are evaluated in release builds ARROW-4669 - [Java] No Bounds checking on ArrowBuf.slice ARROW-4672 - [C++] clang-7 matrix entry is build using gcc ARROW-4680 - [CI] [Rust] Travis CI builds fail with latest Rust 1.34.0-nightly (2019-02-25) ARROW-4684 - [Python] CI failures in ARROW-4687 - [Python] should exit on Ctrl-C ARROW-4688 - [C++][Parquet] 16MB limit on (nested) column chunk prevents tuning row_group_size ARROW-4696 - Verify release script is over optimist with CUDA detection ARROW-4699 - [C++] json parser should not rely on null terminated buffers ARROW-4704 - [CI][GLib] Plasma test is flaky ARROW-4710 - [C++][R] New linting script skip files with “cpp” extension ARROW-4712 - [C++][CI] Clang7 Valgrind complains when not move shared_ptr ARROW-4721 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Propagate schema in filter ARROW-4724 - [C++] Python not being built nor test under MinGW builds ARROW-4728 - [JS] Failing test Table#assign with a zero-length Null column round-trips through serialization ARROW-4737 - [C#] tests are not running in CI ARROW-4744 - [CI][C++] Mingw32 builds failing ARROW-4750 - [C++] RapidJSON triggers Wclass-memaccess on GCC 8+ ARROW-4760 - [C++] protobuf 3.7 defines EXPECT_OK that clashes with Arrow’s macro ARROW-4766 - [C++] Casting empty boolean array causes segfault ARROW-4767 - [C#] ArrowStreamReader crashes while reading the end of a stream ARROW-4768 - [C++][CI] arrow-test-array sometimes gets stuck in MinGW build ARROW-4774 - [C++][Parquet] Call Table::Validate when writing a table ARROW-4775 - [Website] Site navbar cannot be expanded ARROW-4783 - [C++][CI] Mingw32 builds sometimes timeout ARROW-4793 - [Ruby] Suppress unused variable warning ARROW-4796 - [Flight][Python] segfault in simple server implementation ARROW-4802 - [Python] Hadoop classpath discovery broken HADOOP_HOME is a symlink ARROW-4807 - [Rust] Fix csv_writer benchmark ARROW-4811 - [C++] An incorrect dependency leads “ninja” to re-evaluate steps unnecessarily on subsequent calls ARROW-4813 - [Ruby] Add tests for #== and #!= ARROW-4820 - [Python] hadoop class path derived not correct ARROW-4822 - [C++/Python] pyarrow.Table.equals segmentation fault on None ARROW-4828 - [Python] manylinux1 docker-compose context should be python/manylinux1 ARROW-4850 - [CI] Integration test failures do not fail the Travis CI build ARROW-4853 - [Rust] Array slice doesn’t work on ListArray and StructArray ARROW-4857 - [C++/Python/CI] docker-compose in manylinux1 crossbow jobs too old ARROW-4866 - [C++] zstd ExternalProject failing on Windows ARROW-4867 - [Python] Table.from_pandas() column order not respected ARROW-4869 - [C++] Use of gmock fails in compute/kernels/ ARROW-4870 - [Ruby] gemspec has wrong msys2 dependency listed ARROW-4871 - [Flight][Java] Handle large Flight messages ARROW-4872 - [Python] Keep backward compatibility for ParquetDatasetPiece ARROW-4881 - [Python] bundle_zlib CMake function still uses ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN ARROW-4900 - mingw-w64 &lt; 5 does not have __cpuidex ARROW-4903 - [C++] Building tests using only static libs not possible ARROW-4906 - [Format] Fix document to describe that SparseMatrixIndexCSR assumes indptr is sorted for each row ARROW-4918 - [C++] Add cmake-format to pre-commit ARROW-4928 - [Python] Hypothesis test failures ARROW-4931 - [C++] CMake fails on gRPC ExternalProject ARROW-4942 - [Ruby] Remove needless omits ARROW-4948 - [JS] Nightly test failing with “Cannot assign to read only property” ARROW-4950 - [C++] Thirdparty CMake error get_target_property() called with non-existent target LZ4::lz4 ARROW-4952 - [C++] Equals / ApproxEquals behaviour undefined on FP NaNs ARROW-4954 - [Python] test failure with Flight enabled ARROW-4958 - [C++] Purely static linking broken ARROW-4961 - [C++][Python] Add GTest_SOURCE=BUNDLED to relevant build docs that use conda-forge toolchain ARROW-4962 - [C++] Warning level to CHECKIN can’t compile on modern GCC ARROW-4976 - [JS] RecordBatchReader should reset its Node/DOM streams ARROW-4982 - [GLib][CI] Run tests on AppVeyor ARROW-4984 - [Flight][C++] Flight server segfaults when port is in use ARROW-4986 - [CI] Travis fails to install llvm@7 ARROW-4989 - [C++] Builds fails to find Ubuntu-packaged re2 library ARROW-4991 - [CI] Bump travis node version to 11.12 ARROW-4997 - [C#] ArrowStreamReader doesn’t consume whole stream and doesn’t implement sync read ARROW-5009 - [C++] Cleanup using to std::* in files ARROW-5010 - [Release] Fix release script with llvm-7 ARROW-5012 - [C++] “testing” headers not installed ARROW-5023 - [Release] Default value syntax in shell is wrong ARROW-5024 - [Release] –arrow-version causes missing variable error ARROW-5025 - [Python][Packaging] wheel for Windows are broken ARROW-5026 - [Python][Packaging] conda package on non Windows is broken ARROW-5029 - [C++] Compilation warnings in release mode ARROW-5031 - [Dev] Release verification script does not run CUDA tests in Python ARROW-5042 - [Release] Wrong ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE in verification script ARROW-5043 - [Release][Ruby] red-arrow dependency can’t be resolve in verification script ARROW-5044 - [Release][Rust] Format error in verification script ARROW-5046 - [Release][C++] Plasma test is fragile in verification script ARROW-5047 - [Release] Always set up parquet-testing in verification script ARROW-5048 - [Release][Rust] arrow-testing is missing in verification script ARROW-5050 - [C++] cares_ep should build before grpc_ep" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Apache Arrow 0.13.0 (1 April 2019) This is a major release covering more than 2 months of development. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts For CentOS For Debian For Python For Ubuntu Git tag Contributors This release includes 550 commits from 81 distinct contributors. $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0 56 Wes McKinney 55 Kouhei Sutou 31 Antoine Pitrou 31 François Saint-Jacques 31 Korn, Uwe 30 Krisztián Szűcs 28 Andy Grove 27 Uwe L. Korn 21 Micah Kornfield 17 Benjamin Kietzman 17 Kenta Murata 17 Pindikura Ravindra 15 ptaylor 13 David Li 12 Paddy Horan 11 Neville Dipale 9 Philipp Moritz 8 Chao Sun 8 Romain Francois 7 Eric Erhardt 7 Yosuke Shiro 6 Nicolas Trinquier 5 Javier Luraschi 4 Anson Qian 4 Brian Hulette 4 Yuhong Guo 3 Anurag Khandelwal 3 Bryan Cutler 3 Dominik Moritz 3 Mike Pigott 3 Pearu Peterson 3 Sebastien Binet 2 Hatem Helal 2 Jeroen Ooms 2 Owen Nelson 2 Peter 2 Praveen 2 Renat Valiullin 2 Renjie Liu 2 emkornfield 2 tigerchen 1 Alexandre Crayssac 1 Areg Melik-Adamyan 1 Brandon Greenwell 1 Bruno P. Kinoshita 1 Christian Thiel 1 Christopher Hutchinson 1 Daniel Bast 1 Felix 1 Gene Novark 1 George Sakkis 1 Gidon Gershinsky 1 Ildar Musin 1 Ilya Tocar 1 Laurent Goujon 1 Matthias Vallentin 1 Maxim Novikov 1 Michael Pigott 1 Michael Vilim 1 Mike Bostock 1 P. Taylor Goetz 1 Paul Kernfeld 1 Paul Taylor 1 Prashanth Govindarajan 1 Robert Nishihara 1 Ross Smith II 1 Ryan Mackenzie White 1 Rylan Dmello 1 Stephen Toub 1 Steven Fackler 1 Suvayu Ali 1 Tanya Schlusser 1 Todd A. Anderson 1 Yu Ding 1 Yurui Zhou 1 alexandreyc 1 dsisnero 1 fjetter 1 praveenbingo 1 praveenkrishna 1 yl187661 Patch Committers The following Apache committers merged contributed patches to the repository. $ git shortlog -csn apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0 193 Wes McKinney 95 Krisztián Szűcs 66 Uwe L. Korn 53 Kouhei Sutou 40 Antoine Pitrou 22 Andy Grove 21 Korn, Uwe 11 Pindikura Ravindra 9 Yosuke Shiro 8 Brian Hulette 7 Chao Sun 5 Philipp Moritz 5 Sebastien Binet 4 Bryan Cutler 2 GitHub 2 Paddy Horan 2 Robert Nishihara 2 Sidd 2 ptaylor 1 Micah Kornfield Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1425 - [Python] Document semantic differences between Spark timestamps and Arrow timestamps ARROW-1572 - [C++] Implement “value counts” kernels for tabulating value frequencies ARROW-1639 - [Python] More efficient serialization for RangeIndex in serialize_pandas ARROW-1807 - [JAVA] Reduce Heap Usage (Phase 3): consolidate buffers ARROW-1896 - [C++] Do not allocate memory for primitive outputs in CastKernel::Call implementation ARROW-2015 - [Java] Use Java Time and Date APIs instead of JodaTime ARROW-2022 - [Format] Add custom metadata field specific to a RecordBatch message ARROW-2112 - [C++] Enable cpplint to be run on Windows ARROW-2409 - [Rust] Test for build warnings, remove current warnings ARROW-2627 - [Python] Add option (or some equivalent) to toggle memory mapping functionality when using parquet.ParquetFile or other read entry points ARROW-3107 - [C++] arrow::PrettyPrint for Column instances ARROW-3121 - [C++] Mean kernel aggregate ARROW-3123 - [C++] Incremental Count, Count Not Null aggregator ARROW-3135 - [C++] Add helper functions for validity bitmap propagation in kernel context ARROW-3149 - [C++] Use gRPC (when it exists) from conda-forge for CI builds ARROW-3162 - [Python] Enable Flight servers to be implemented in pure Python ARROW-3239 - [C++] Improve random data generation functions ARROW-3289 - [C++] Implement DoPut command for Flight on client and server side ARROW-3292 - [C++] Test Flight RPC in Travis CI ARROW-3297 - [Python] Python bindings for Flight C++ client ARROW-331 - [Python] Timeline for dropping Python 2.7 support ARROW-3311 - [R] Functions for deserializing IPC components from arrow::Buffer or from IO interface ARROW-3361 - [R] Run cpp/build-support/ on C++ source files ARROW-3364 - [Doc] Document docker compose setup ARROW-3367 - [INTEGRATION] Port Spark integration test to the docker-compose setup ARROW-3422 - [C++] Add “toolchain” target to ensure that all required toolchain libraries are built ARROW-3434 - [Packaging] Add Apache ORC C++ library to conda-forge ARROW-3511 - [Gandiva] support input selection vectors for both projector and filter ARROW-3532 - [Python] Schema, StructType, StructArray field retrieval by name should raise warning or exception for multiple matches ARROW-3550 - [C++] Use kUnknownNullCount in NumericArray constructor ARROW-3554 - [C++] Reverse traits for C++ ARROW-3596 - [Packaging] Build gRPC in conda-forge ARROW-3619 - [R] Expose global thread pool optins ARROW-3631 - [C#] Add Appveyor build for C# ARROW-3653 - [Python/C++] Support data copying between different GPU devices ARROW-3735 - [Python] Proper error handling in _ensure_type ARROW-3761 - [R] Bindings for CompressedInputStream, CompressedOutputStream ARROW-3769 - [C++] Support reading non-dictionary encoded binary Parquet columns directly as DictionaryArray ARROW-3770 - [C++] Validate or add option to validate arrow::Table schema in parquet::arrow::FileWriter::WriteTable ARROW-3816 - [R] nrow.RecordBatch method ARROW-3824 - [R] Document developer workflow for building project, running unit tests in r/ ARROW-3838 - [Rust] Implement CSV Writer ARROW-3846 - [Gandiva] Build on Windows ARROW-3882 - [Rust] PrimitiveArray should support cast operations ARROW-3903 - [Python] Random array generator for Arrow conversion and Parquet testing ARROW-3926 - [Python] Add Gandiva bindings to Python wheels ARROW-3951 - [Go] implement a CSV writer ARROW-3954 - [Rust] Add Slice to Array and ArrayData ARROW-3965 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Configuration Object ARROW-3966 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: JDBC Metadata in Schema Fields ARROW-3972 - [C++] Update to LLVM and Clang bits to 7.0 ARROW-3981 - [C++] Rename json.h ARROW-3985 - [C++] Pass -C option when compiling with ccache to avoid some warnings ARROW-4012 - [Documentation][C++] Document how to install Apache Arrow on MSYS2 ARROW-4014 - [C++] Fix “LIBCMT” warnings on MSVC ARROW-4024 - [Python] Cython compilation error on cython==0.27.3 ARROW-4031 - [C++] Refactor ArrayBuilder bitmap logic into TypedBufferBuilder ARROW-4056 - [C++] Upgrade to boost-cpp 1.69.0 again ARROW-4061 - [Rust] [Parquet] Implement “spaced” version for non-dictionary encoding/decoding ARROW-4071 - [Rust] Add rustfmt as a pre-commit hook ARROW-4072 - [Rust] Set default value for PARQUET_TEST_DATA ARROW-4094 - [Python] Store RangeIndex in Parquet files as metadata rather than a physical data column ARROW-4110 - [C++] Do not generate distinct cast kernels when input and output type are the same ARROW-4123 - [C++] Improve linting workflow and documentation for Windows-based developers ARROW-4124 - [C++] Abstract aggregation kernel API ARROW-4142 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow: JDBC Arrays ARROW-4165 - [C++] Port cpp/apidoc/ and other files to Sphinx / rst ARROW-4180 - [Java] Reduce verbose logging of ArrowBuf creation events? ARROW-4196 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for arithmetic ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4198 - [Gandiva] Add support to cast timestamp ARROW-4204 - [Gandiva] implement decimal subtract ARROW-4205 - [Gandiva] Implement decimal multiply ARROW-4206 - [Gandiva] Implement decimal divide ARROW-4212 - [Python] [CUDA] Creating a CUDA buffer from Numba device array should be easier ARROW-4230 - [C++] Enable building flight against system gRPC ARROW-4234 - [C++] Add memory bandwidth benchmarks to arrow/util/ ARROW-4235 - [GLib] Use “column_builder” in GArrowRecordBatchBuilder ARROW-4236 - [JAVA] Distinct plasma client create exceptions ARROW-4245 - [Rust] Add Rustdoc header to each source file ARROW-4247 - [Packaging] Update verify script for 0.12.0 ARROW-4251 - [C++] Add option to use vendored Boost in ARROW-4262 - [Website] Blog post to give preview into using R and Arrow with Apache Spark ARROW-4263 - [Rust] Donate DataFusion ARROW-4265 - [C++] Automatic conversion between Table and std::vector&lt;std::tuple&lt;..» ARROW-4268 - [C++] Add C primitive to Arrow:Type compile time in TypeTraits ARROW-4271 - [Rust] Move Parquet specific info to Parquet Readme ARROW-4273 - [Release] Fix verification script to use cf201901 conda-forge label ARROW-4277 - [C++] Add gmock to toolchain ARROW-4281 - [CI] Use Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) VMs on Travis-CI ARROW-4285 - [Python] Use proper builder interface for serialization ARROW-4287 - [C++] Ensure minimal bison version on OSX for Thrift ARROW-4289 - [C++] Forward AR and RANLIB to thirdparty builds ARROW-4290 - [C++/Gandiva] Support detecting correct LLVM version in Homebrew ARROW-4291 - [Dev] Support selecting features in release scripts ARROW-4294 - [Plasma] Add support for evicting objects to external store ARROW-4297 - [C++] Fix build for 32-bit MSYS2 ARROW-4298 - [Java] Building Flight fails with OpenJDK 11 ARROW-4299 - [Ruby] Depend on the same version as Red Arrow ARROW-4300 - [C++] Restore apache-arrow Homebrew recipe and define process for maintaining and updating for releases ARROW-4303 - [Gandiva/Python] Build LLVM with RTTI in manylinux1 container ARROW-4305 - [Rust] Fix parquet version number in README ARROW-4307 - [C++] FIx doxygen warnings, include doxygen warning checks in CI linting ARROW-4310 - [Website] Update install document for 0.12.0 ARROW-4313 - Define general benchmark database schema ARROW-4315 - [Website] Home page of does not mention Go or Rust ARROW-4318 - [C++] Add Tensor::CountNonZero ARROW-4321 - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in docker containers ARROW-4330 - [C++] Use FindThreads.cmake to handle -pthread compiler/link options ARROW-4332 - [Website] Instructions and scripts for publishing web site appear to be incorrect ARROW-4334 - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in travis builds ARROW-4335 - [C++] Better document sparse tensor support ARROW-4336 - [C++] Default BUILD_WARNING_LEVEL to CHECKIN ARROW-4339 - [C++] rewrite cpp/README shorter, with a separate contribution guide ARROW-4340 - [C++] Update IWYU version in the `lint` dockerfile ARROW-4341 - [C++] Use TypedBufferBuilder in BooleanBuilder ARROW-4344 - [Java] Further cleanup maven output ARROW-4345 - [C++] Add Apache 2.0 license file to the Parquet-testing repository ARROW-4346 - [C++] Fix compiler warnings with gcc 8.2.0 ARROW-4352 - [C++] Add support for system Google Test ARROW-4353 - [CI] Add jobs for 32-bit and 64-bit MinGW ARROW-4358 - [Gandiva][Crossbow] Trusty build broken ARROW-4361 - [Website] Update commiters list ARROW-4362 - [Java] Test OpenJDK 11 in CI ARROW-4363 - [C++] Add CMake format checks ARROW-4372 - [C++] Embed precompiled bitcode in the gandiva library ARROW-4373 - [Packaging] Travis fails to deploy conda packages on OSX ARROW-4375 - [CI] Sphinx dependencies were removed from docs conda environment ARROW-4376 - [Rust] Implement from_buf_reader for csv::Reader ARROW-4377 - [Rust] Implement std::fmt::Debug for all PrimitiveArrays ARROW-4379 - Register pyarrow serializers for collections.Counter and collections.deque. ARROW-4383 - [C++] Use the CMake’s standard find features ARROW-4386 - [Rust] Implement Date and Time Arrays ARROW-4388 - [Go] add DimNames() method to tensor Interface? ARROW-4393 - [Rust] coding style: apply 90 characters per line limit ARROW-4396 - Update Typedoc to support TypeScript 3.2 ARROW-4397 - [C++] dim_names in Tensor and SparseTensor ARROW-4399 - [C++] Remove usage of “extern template class” from NumericArray ARROW-4401 - [Python] Alpine dockerfile fails to build because pandas requires numpy as build dependency ARROW-4406 - Ignore “*_$folder$” files on S3 ARROW-4408 - [CPP/Doc] Remove outdated Parquet documentation ARROW-4422 - [Plasma] Enforce memory limit in plasma, rather than relying on dlmalloc_set_footprint_limit ARROW-4423 - [C++] Update version of vendored gtest to 1.8.1 ARROW-4424 - [Python] Manylinux CI builds failing ARROW-4425 - Add link to ‘Contributing’ page in the top-level Arrow README ARROW-4430 - [C++] add unit test for currently unused append method ARROW-4431 - [C++] Build gRPC as ExternalProject without allowing it to build its vendored dependencies ARROW-4435 - [C#] Add .sln file and minor .csproj fix ups ARROW-4436 - [Documentation] Clarify instructions for building documentation ARROW-4442 - [JS] Overly broad type annotation for Chunked typeId leading to type mismatches in generated typing ARROW-4444 - [Testing] Add DataFusion test files to arrow-testing repo ARROW-4445 - [C++][Gandiva] Run Gandiva-LLVM tests in Appveyor ARROW-4446 - [Python] Run Gandiva tests on Windows and Appveyor ARROW-4448 - [JAVA][Flight] Flaky Flight java test ARROW-4449 - [Rust] Convert File to T: Read + Seek for schema inference ARROW-4454 - [C++] fix unused parameter warnings ARROW-4455 - [Plasma] g++ 8 reports class-memaccess warnings ARROW-4459 - [Testing] Add git submodule for arrow-testing data files ARROW-4460 - [Website] Write blog post to announce DataFusion donation ARROW-4461 - [C++] Expose bit-util methods for binary boolean operations that don’t allocate ARROW-4462 - [C++] Upgrade LZ4 v1.7.5 to v1.8.3 to compile with VS2017 ARROW-4464 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for LIMIT ARROW-4466 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for Parquet data sources ARROW-4468 - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Buffer (with SIMD) ARROW-4472 - [Website][Python] Blog post about Python string memory use improvements in 0.12 ARROW-4475 - [Python] Serializing objects that contain themselves ARROW-4476 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Post donation clean up tasks ARROW-4481 - [Website] Instructions for publishing web site are missing a step ARROW-4483 - [Website] Fix broken link (author) in DataFusion blog post ARROW-4485 - [CI] Determine maintenance approach to pinned conda-forge binutils package ARROW-4486 - [Python][CUDA] pyarrow.cuda.Context.foreign_buffer should have a `base=None` argument ARROW-4488 - [Rust] From AsRef&lt;[u8]&gt; for Buffer does not ensure correct padding ARROW-4489 - [Rust] PrimitiveArray.value_slice performs bounds checking when it should not ARROW-4490 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for boolean ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4491 - [Python] Remove usage of std::to_string and std::stoi ARROW-4499 - [Python][CI] Upgrade to latest flake8 3.7.5 in ARROW-4502 - [C#] Add support for zero-copy reads ARROW-4506 - [Ruby] Add Arrow::RecordBatch#raw_records ARROW-4513 - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Bitmap ARROW-4518 - [JS] add jsdelivr to package.json ARROW-4528 - [C++] Update lint docker container to LLVM-7 ARROW-4529 - [C++] Add test coverage for BitUtils::RoundDown ARROW-4531 - [C++] Handling of non-aligned slices in Sum kernel ARROW-4537 - [CI] Suppress shell warning on travis-ci ARROW-4539 - [Java]List vector child value count not set correctly ARROW-4540 - [Rust] Add basic JSON reader ARROW-4543 - [C#] Update Flat Buffers code to latest version ARROW-4547 - [Python][Documentation] Update python/development.rst with instructions for CUDA-enabled builds ARROW-4556 - [Rust] Preserve order of JSON inferred schema ARROW-4558 - [C++][Flight] Avoid undefined behavior with gRPC memory optimizations ARROW-4560 - [R] array() needs to take single input, not … ARROW-4562 - [C++][Flight] Create outgoing composite grpc::ByteBuffer instead of allocating contiguous slice and copying IpcPayload into it ARROW-4565 - [R] Reading records with all non-null decimals SEGFAULTs ARROW-4568 - [C++] Add version macros to headers ARROW-4572 - [C++] Remove memory zeroing from PrimitiveAllocatingUnaryKernel ARROW-4583 - [Plasma] There are bugs reported by code scan tool ARROW-4586 - [Rust] Remove arrow/ as it is not needed ARROW-4590 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for comparison ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4592 - [GLib] Stop configure immediately when GLib isn’t available ARROW-4593 - [Ruby] Arrow::Array#[out_of_range] returns nil ARROW-4594 - [Ruby] Arrow::StructArray#[] returns Arrow::Struct instead of Arrow::Array ARROW-4595 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement DataFrame style API ARROW-4598 - [CI] Remove needless LLVM_DIR for macOS ARROW-4599 - [C++] Add support for system GFlags ARROW-4602 - [Rust][ [DataFusion] Integrate query optimizer with ExecutionContext ARROW-4605 - [Rust] Move filter and limit code from DataFusion into compute module ARROW-4609 - [C++] Use google benchmark from toolchain ARROW-4610 - [Plasma] Avoid JNI from crashing ARROW-4611 - [C++] Rework CMake third-party logic ARROW-4612 - [Python] Use cython from PyPI for windows wheels build ARROW-4613 - [C++] Alpine build failing as is not found ARROW-4614 - [C++/CI] Activate flight build in ci/ ARROW-4615 - [C++] Add checked_pointer_cast ARROW-4616 - [C++] Log message in BuildUtils as STATUS ARROW-4618 - [Docker] Makefile to build dependent docker images ARROW-4619 - [R]: Fix the autobrew script ARROW-4620 - [C#] Add unit tests for “Types” in arrow/csharp ARROW-4623 - [R] update Rcpp dependency ARROW-4628 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement type coercion query optimizer rule ARROW-4632 - [Ruby] Add BigDecimal#to_arrow ARROW-4634 - [Rust] [Parquet] Reorganize test_common mod to allow more test util codes. ARROW-4637 - [Python] Avoid importing Pandas unless necessary ARROW-4638 - [R] install instructions using brew ARROW-4640 - [Python] Add docker-compose configuration to build and test the project without pandas installed ARROW-4643 - [C++] Add compiler diagnostic color when using Ninja ARROW-4644 - [C++/Docker] Build Gandiva in the docker containers ARROW-4645 - [C++/Packaging] Ship Gandiva with OSX and Windows wheels ARROW-4646 - [C++/Packaging] Ship gandiva with the conda-forge packages ARROW-4655 - [Packaging] Parallelize binary upload ARROW-4662 - [Python] Add type_codes property in UnionType ARROW-4667 - [C++] Suppress unused function warnings with MinGW ARROW-4670 - [Rust] compute::sum performance issue ARROW-4671 - [C++] MakeBuilder doesn’t support Type::DICTIONARY ARROW-4673 - [C++] Implement AssertDatumEquals ARROW-4676 - [C++] Add support for debug build with MinGW ARROW-4678 - [Rust] Minimize unstable feature usage ARROW-4679 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement in-memory DataSource ARROW-4681 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement parallel query execution using threads ARROW-4686 - Only accept ‘y’ or ‘n’ in prompts ARROW-4689 - [Go] add support for WASM ARROW-4690 - [Python] Building TensorFlow compatible wheels for Arrow ARROW-4692 - [Format][Documentation] Add more details about “sidecar” to flight proto ARROW-4693 - [CI] Build boost library with multi precision ARROW-4697 - [C++] Add URI parsing facility ARROW-47 - [C++] Consider adding a scalar type object model ARROW-4705 - [Rust] CSV reader should show line number and error message when failing to parse a line ARROW-4707 - [C++] move BitsetStack to bit-util.h ARROW-4718 - Add ArrowStreamWriter/Reader ctors that leave open the underlying Stream ARROW-4727 - [Rust] Implement ability to check if two schemas are the same ARROW-4730 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Fedora build with system packages ARROW-4731 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Xenial build with system packages ARROW-4732 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Debian Testing build with system packages ARROW-4733 - [C++] Add CI entry that builds without the conda-forge toolchain but with system packages ARROW-4734 - [Go] Add option to write a header for CSV writer ARROW-4735 - [Go] Benchmark strconv.Format vs. fmt.Sprintf for CSV writer ARROW-4739 - [Rust] [DataFusion] It should be possible to share a logical plan between threads ARROW-4740 - [Java] Upgrade to JUnit 5 ARROW-4743 - [Java] Fix documentation in arrow memory module ARROW-4745 - [C++][Documentation] Document process for replicating static_crt builds on windows ARROW-4749 - [Rust] RecordBatch::new() should return result instead of panicking ARROW-4751 - [C++] Add pkg-config to conda_env_cpp.yml ARROW-4754 - [CI][Java] Flaky TestAuth Flight test ARROW-4756 - [CI] document the procedure to update docker image for manylinux1 builds ARROW-4758 - [Flight] Build fails on Mac due to missing Schema_generated.h ARROW-4769 - [Rust] Improve array limit function where max records &gt; len ARROW-4772 - Provide new ORC adapter interface that allow user to specify row number ARROW-4776 - [C++] DictionaryBuilder should support bootstrapping from an existing dict type ARROW-4777 - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update lz4 to 1.8.3 ARROW-4778 - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update Thrift to 0.12.0 ARROW-4782 - [C++] Prototype scalar and array expression types for developing deferred operator algebra ARROW-4786 - [C++/Python] Support better parallelisation in manylinux1 base build ARROW-4789 - [C++] Deprecate and and later remove arrow::io::ReadableFileInterface ARROW-4790 - [Python/Packaging] Update manylinux docker image in crossbow task ARROW-4791 - Unused dependencies in arrow and datafusion ARROW-4794 - [Python] Make pandas an optional test dependency ARROW-4797 - [Plasma] Avoid store crash if not enough memory is available ARROW-4801 - [GLib] Suppress pkgconfig.generate() warnings ARROW-4808 - [Java][Vector] Convenience methods for setting decimal vector ARROW-4817 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Small re-org of modules ARROW-4826 - [Go] export Flush method for CSV writer ARROW-4831 - [C++] CMAKE_AR is not passed to ZSTD thirdparty dependency ARROW-4833 - [Release] Document how to update the brew formula in the release management guide ARROW-4834 - [R] Feature flag to disable parquet ARROW-4835 - [GLib] Add boolean operations ARROW-4837 - [C++] Support c++filt on a custom path in the script ARROW-4839 - [C#] Add NuGet support ARROW-4846 - [Java] Update Jackson to 2.9.8 ARROW-4849 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Bionic build with system packages ARROW-4854 - [Rust] Use Array Slice for limit kernel ARROW-4855 - [Packaging] Generate default package version based on cpp tags in ARROW-4858 - [Flight][Python] Enable custom FlightDataStream in Python ARROW-4859 - [GLib] Add garrow_numeric_array_mean() ARROW-4862 - [GLib] Add GArrowCastOptions::allow-invalid-utf8 property ARROW-4865 - [Rust] Support casting lists and primitives to lists ARROW-4873 - [C++] Clarify documentation about how to use external ARROW_PACKAGE_PREFIX while also using CONDA dependency resolution ARROW-4878 - [C++] ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE=CONDA does not work properly with MSVC ARROW-4882 - [GLib] Add “Sum” functions ARROW-4887 - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count() ARROW-4889 - [C++] Add STATUS messages for Protobuf in CMake ARROW-4891 - [C++] ZLIB include directories not added ARROW-4892 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move SQL parser and planner into sql package ARROW-4893 - [C++] conda packages should use $PREFIX inside of conda-build ARROW-4894 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from ARROW-4895 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move to top level package ARROW-4896 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from tests ARROW-4897 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Improve Rustdoc ARROW-4898 - [C++] Old versions of FindProtobuf.cmake use ALL-CAPS for variables ARROW-4899 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from ARROW-4901 - [Go] Run tests in Appveyor ARROW-4905 - [C++][Plasma] Remove dlmalloc from client library ARROW-4907 - [CI] Add docker container to inspect docker context ARROW-4908 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for parquet date/time in int32/64 encoding ARROW-4909 - [CI] Use hadolint to lint Dockerfiles ARROW-4910 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of unimplemented! ARROW-4915 - [GLib] Add support for arrow::NullBuilder ARROW-4922 - [Packaging] Use system libraris for .deb and .rpm ARROW-4924 - [Ruby] Add Decimal128#to_s(scale=nil) ARROW-4926 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Update README for 0.13.0 release ARROW-4929 - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count_values() ARROW-4932 - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE macro ARROW-4933 - [R] Autodetect Parquet support using pkg-config ARROW-4937 - [R] Clean pkg-config related logic ARROW-4939 - [Python] Add wrapper for “sum” kernel ARROW-4940 - [Rust] Enhance documentation for datafusion ARROW-4944 - [C++] Raise minimal required thrift-cpp to 0.11 in conda environment ARROW-4946 - [C++] Support detection of flatbuffers without FlatbuffersConfig.cmake ARROW-4947 - [Flight][C++/Python] Remove redundant schema parameter in DoGet ARROW-4951 - [C++] Turn off cpp benchmarks in cpp docker images ARROW-4955 - [GLib] Add garrow_file_is_closed() ARROW-4964 - [Ruby] Add closed check if available on auto close ARROW-4969 - [C++] Set RPATH in correct order for test executables on OSX ARROW-4977 - [Ruby] Add support for building on Windows ARROW-4978 - [Ruby] Fix wrong internal variable name for table data ARROW-4979 - [GLib] Add missing lock to garrow::GIOInputStream ARROW-4980 - [GLib] Use GInputStream as the parent of GArrowInputStream ARROW-4981 - [Ruby] Add support for CSV data encoding conversion ARROW-4983 - [Plasma] Unmap memory when the client is destroyed ARROW-4994 - [website] Update Details for ptgoetz ARROW-4995 - [R] Make sure winbuilder tests pass for package ARROW-4996 - [Plasma] There are many log files in /tmp ARROW-5003 - [R] remove dependency on withr ARROW-5006 - [R] parquet.cpp does not include enough Rcpp ARROW-5011 - [Release] Add support in the source release script for custom hash ARROW-5013 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Refactor runtime expression support ARROW-5014 - [Java] Fix typos in Flight module ARROW-5018 - [Release] Include JavaScript implementation ARROW-5032 - [C++] Headers in vendored/datetime directory aren’t installed ARROW-5041 - [Release][C++] use bundled gtest and gmock in verify-release-candidate.bat ARROW-549 - [C++] Add function to concatenate like-typed arrays ARROW-572 - [C++] Apply visitor pattern in IPC metadata ARROW-585 - [C++] Define public API for user-defined data types ARROW-694 - [C++] Build JSON “scanner” for reading record batches from line-delimited JSON files Bug Fixes ARROW-2392 - [Python] pyarrow RecordBatchStreamWriter allows writing batches with different schemas ARROW-295 - Create DOAP File ARROW-3086 - [Glib] GISCAN fails due to conda-shipped openblas ARROW-3096 - [Python] Update Python source build instructions given Anaconda/conda-forge toolchain migration ARROW-3133 - [C++] Logical boolean kernels in kernels/ cannot write into preallocated memory ARROW-3208 - [C++] Segmentation fault when casting dictionary to numeric with nullptr valid_bitmap ARROW-3564 - [Python] writing version 2.0 parquet format with dictionary encoding enabled ARROW-3578 - [Release] Address spurious Apache RAT failures in source release script ARROW-3593 - [R] CI builds failing due to GitHub API rate limits ARROW-3606 - [Python] flake8 fails on Crossbow ARROW-3669 - [Python] Convert big-endian numbers or raise error in pyarrow.array ARROW-3843 - [Python] Writing Parquet file from empty table created with Table.from_pandas(…, preserve_index=False) fails ARROW-3923 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Unnecessary Calendar Requirement ARROW-4081 - [Go] Sum methods on Mac OS X panic when the array is empty ARROW-4104 - [Java] race in AllocationManager during release ARROW-4117 - [Python] “asv dev” command fails with latest revision ARROW-4181 - [Python] TestConvertStructTypes.test_from_numpy_large failing ARROW-4192 - “./dev/” is out of date ARROW-4213 - [Flight] C++ and Java implementations are incompatible ARROW-4244 - Clarify language around padding/alignment ARROW-4250 - [C++][Gandiva] Use approximate comparisons for floating point numbers in gandiva-projector-test ARROW-4252 - [C++] Status error context strings missing lines of code ARROW-4253 - [GLib] Cannot use non-system Boost specified with $BOOST_ROOT ARROW-4254 - [C++] Gandiva tests fail to compile with Boost in Ubuntu 14.04 apt ARROW-4255 - [C++] Schema::GetFieldIndex is not thread-safe ARROW-4261 - [C++] CMake paths for IPC, Flight, Thrift, and Plasma don’t support using Arrow as a subproject ARROW-4264 - [C++] Document why DCHECKs are used in kernels ARROW-4267 - [Python/C++][Parquet] Segfault when reading rowgroups with duplicated columns ARROW-4274 - [Gandiva] static jni library broken after decimal changes ARROW-4275 - [C++] gandiva-decimal_single_test extremely slow ARROW-4280 - [C++][Documentation] It looks like flex and bison are required for parquet ARROW-4282 - [Rust] builder benchmark is broken ARROW-4284 - [C#] File / Stream serialization fails due to type mismatch / missing footer ARROW-4295 - [Plasma] Incorrect log message when evicting objects ARROW-4296 - [Plasma] Starting Plasma store with use_one_memory_mapped_file enabled crashes due to improper memory alignment ARROW-4312 - [C++] Lint doesn’t work anymore (“[Errno 24] Too many open files”) ARROW-4319 - plasma/store.h pulls ins flatbuffer dependency ARROW-4320 - [C++] Add tests for non-contiguous tensors ARROW-4322 - [CI] docker nightlies fails after conda-forge compiler migration ARROW-4323 - [Packaging] Fix failing OSX clang conda forge builds ARROW-4326 - [C++] Development instructions in python/development.rst will not work for many Linux distros with new conda-forge toolchain ARROW-4327 - [Python] Add requirements-build.txt file to simplify setting up Python build environment ARROW-4328 - Make R build compatible with DARROW_TENSORFLOW=ON ARROW-4329 - Python should include the parquet headers ARROW-4342 - [Gandiva][Java] spurious failures in projector cache test ARROW-4347 - [Python] Run Python Travis CI unit tests on Linux when Java codebase changed ARROW-4349 - [C++] Build all benchmarks on Windows without failing ARROW-4351 - [C++] Fail to build with static parquet ARROW-4355 - [C++] test-util functions are no longer part of libarrow ARROW-4360 - [C++] Query homebrew for Thrift ARROW-4364 - [C++] Fix -weverything -wextra compilation errors ARROW-4366 - [Docs] Change extension from format/ to format/README.rst ARROW-4367 - [C++] StringDictionaryBuilder segfaults on Finish with only null entries ARROW-4368 - Bintray repository signature verification fails ARROW-4370 - [Python] Table to pandas conversion fails for list of bool ARROW-4374 - [C++] DictionaryBuilder does not correctly report length and null_count ARROW-4381 - [Docker] docker-compose build lint fails ARROW-4385 - [Python] default_version of a release should not include SNAPSHOT ARROW-4389 - [R] Installing clang-tools in CI is failing on trusty ARROW-4395 - ts-node throws type error running `bin/arrow2csv.js` ARROW-4400 - [CI] install of clang tools failing ARROW-4403 - [Rust] CI fails due to formatting errors ARROW-4404 - [CI] AppVeyor toolchain build does not build anything ARROW-4407 - [C++] ExternalProject_Add does not capture CC/CXX correctly ARROW-4410 - [C++] Fix InvertKernel edge cases ARROW-4413 - [Python] pyarrow.hdfs.connect() failing ARROW-4414 - [C++] Stop using cmake COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS because it breaks package builds for older distros ARROW-4417 - [C++] Doc build broken ARROW-4420 - [INTEGRATION] Make spark integration test pass and test against spark’s master branch ARROW-4421 - [Flight][C++] Handle large Flight data messages ARROW-4434 - [Python] Cannot create empty StructArray via pa.StructArray.from_arrays ARROW-4440 - [C++] Fix flatbuffers build using msvc ARROW-4457 - [Python] Cannot create Decimal128 array using integers ARROW-4469 - [Python][C++] CI Failing for Python 2.7 and 3.6 with valgrind ARROW-4471 - [C++] Pass AR and RANLIB to all external projects ARROW-4474 - [Flight] FlightInfo should use signed integer types for payload size ARROW-4496 - [CI] CI failing for python Xcode 7.3 ARROW-4498 - [Plasma] Plasma fails building with CUDA enabled ARROW-4500 - [C++] librt and pthread hacks can cause linking problems ARROW-4501 - [C++] Unique returns non-unique strings ARROW-4525 - [Rust] [Parquet] Convert ArrowError to ParquetError ARROW-4527 - [Packaging] Update linux packaging tasks to align with the LLVM 7 migration ARROW-4532 - [Java] varchar value buffer much larger than expected ARROW-4533 - [Python] Document how to run hypothesis tests ARROW-4535 - [C++] Fix MakeBuilder to preserve ListType’s field name ARROW-4536 - Add data_type argument in garrow_list_array_new ARROW-4538 - [PYTHON] Remove index column from subschema in write_to_dataframe ARROW-4549 - [C++] Can’t build benchmark code on CUDA enabled build ARROW-4550 - [JS] Fix AMD pattern ARROW-4559 - [Python] pyarrow can’t read/write filenames with special characters ARROW-4563 - [Python] pa.decimal128 should validate inputs ARROW-4571 - [Format] Tensor.fbs file has multiple root_type declarations ARROW-4576 - [Python] Benchmark failures ARROW-4577 - [C++] Interface link libraries declared on arrow_shared target that are actually non-interface ARROW-4581 - [C++] gbenchmark_ep is a dependency of unit tests when ARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON ARROW-4582 - [C++/Python] Memory corruption on Pandas-&gt;Arrow conversion ARROW-4584 - [Python] Add built wheel to manylinux1 dockerignore. ARROW-4585 - [C++] Dependency of Flight C++ sources on generated protobuf is not respected ARROW-4587 - Flight C++ DoPut segfaults ARROW-4597 - [C++] Targets for system Google Mock shared library are missing ARROW-4601 - [Python] Master build is broken due to missing licence for .dockerignore ARROW-4608 - [C++] cmake script assumes that double-conversion installs static libs ARROW-4617 - [C++] Support double-conversion&lt;3.1 ARROW-4624 - [C++] Linker errors when building benchmarks ARROW-4629 - [Python] Pandas to arrow conversion slowed down by local imports ARROW-4639 - [CI] Crossbow build failing for Gandiva jars ARROW-4641 - [C++] Flight builds complain of -Wstrict-aliasing ARROW-4642 - [R] Change `f` to `file` in `read_parquet_file()` ARROW-4654 - [C++] Implicit Flight target dependencies cause compilation failure ARROW-4657 - [Release] gbenchmark should not be needed for verification ARROW-4658 - [C++] Shared gflags is also a run-time conda requirement ARROW-4659 - [CI] ubuntu/debian nightlies fail because of missing gandiva files ARROW-4660 - [C++] gflags fails to build due to CMake error ARROW-4664 - [C++] DCHECK macro conditions are evaluated in release builds ARROW-4669 - [Java] No Bounds checking on ArrowBuf.slice ARROW-4672 - [C++] clang-7 matrix entry is build using gcc ARROW-4680 - [CI] [Rust] Travis CI builds fail with latest Rust 1.34.0-nightly (2019-02-25) ARROW-4684 - [Python] CI failures in ARROW-4687 - [Python] should exit on Ctrl-C ARROW-4688 - [C++][Parquet] 16MB limit on (nested) column chunk prevents tuning row_group_size ARROW-4696 - Verify release script is over optimist with CUDA detection ARROW-4699 - [C++] json parser should not rely on null terminated buffers ARROW-4704 - [CI][GLib] Plasma test is flaky ARROW-4710 - [C++][R] New linting script skip files with “cpp” extension ARROW-4712 - [C++][CI] Clang7 Valgrind complains when not move shared_ptr ARROW-4721 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Propagate schema in filter ARROW-4724 - [C++] Python not being built nor test under MinGW builds ARROW-4728 - [JS] Failing test Table#assign with a zero-length Null column round-trips through serialization ARROW-4737 - [C#] tests are not running in CI ARROW-4744 - [CI][C++] Mingw32 builds failing ARROW-4750 - [C++] RapidJSON triggers Wclass-memaccess on GCC 8+ ARROW-4760 - [C++] protobuf 3.7 defines EXPECT_OK that clashes with Arrow’s macro ARROW-4766 - [C++] Casting empty boolean array causes segfault ARROW-4767 - [C#] ArrowStreamReader crashes while reading the end of a stream ARROW-4768 - [C++][CI] arrow-test-array sometimes gets stuck in MinGW build ARROW-4774 - [C++][Parquet] Call Table::Validate when writing a table ARROW-4775 - [Website] Site navbar cannot be expanded ARROW-4783 - [C++][CI] Mingw32 builds sometimes timeout ARROW-4793 - [Ruby] Suppress unused variable warning ARROW-4796 - [Flight][Python] segfault in simple server implementation ARROW-4802 - [Python] Hadoop classpath discovery broken HADOOP_HOME is a symlink ARROW-4807 - [Rust] Fix csv_writer benchmark ARROW-4811 - [C++] An incorrect dependency leads “ninja” to re-evaluate steps unnecessarily on subsequent calls ARROW-4813 - [Ruby] Add tests for #== and #!= ARROW-4820 - [Python] hadoop class path derived not correct ARROW-4822 - [C++/Python] pyarrow.Table.equals segmentation fault on None ARROW-4828 - [Python] manylinux1 docker-compose context should be python/manylinux1 ARROW-4850 - [CI] Integration test failures do not fail the Travis CI build ARROW-4853 - [Rust] Array slice doesn’t work on ListArray and StructArray ARROW-4857 - [C++/Python/CI] docker-compose in manylinux1 crossbow jobs too old ARROW-4866 - [C++] zstd ExternalProject failing on Windows ARROW-4867 - [Python] Table.from_pandas() column order not respected ARROW-4869 - [C++] Use of gmock fails in compute/kernels/ ARROW-4870 - [Ruby] gemspec has wrong msys2 dependency listed ARROW-4871 - [Flight][Java] Handle large Flight messages ARROW-4872 - [Python] Keep backward compatibility for ParquetDatasetPiece ARROW-4881 - [Python] bundle_zlib CMake function still uses ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN ARROW-4900 - mingw-w64 &lt; 5 does not have __cpuidex ARROW-4903 - [C++] Building tests using only static libs not possible ARROW-4906 - [Format] Fix document to describe that SparseMatrixIndexCSR assumes indptr is sorted for each row ARROW-4918 - [C++] Add cmake-format to pre-commit ARROW-4928 - [Python] Hypothesis test failures ARROW-4931 - [C++] CMake fails on gRPC ExternalProject ARROW-4942 - [Ruby] Remove needless omits ARROW-4948 - [JS] Nightly test failing with “Cannot assign to read only property” ARROW-4950 - [C++] Thirdparty CMake error get_target_property() called with non-existent target LZ4::lz4 ARROW-4952 - [C++] Equals / ApproxEquals behaviour undefined on FP NaNs ARROW-4954 - [Python] test failure with Flight enabled ARROW-4958 - [C++] Purely static linking broken ARROW-4961 - [C++][Python] Add GTest_SOURCE=BUNDLED to relevant build docs that use conda-forge toolchain ARROW-4962 - [C++] Warning level to CHECKIN can’t compile on modern GCC ARROW-4976 - [JS] RecordBatchReader should reset its Node/DOM streams ARROW-4982 - [GLib][CI] Run tests on AppVeyor ARROW-4984 - [Flight][C++] Flight server segfaults when port is in use ARROW-4986 - [CI] Travis fails to install llvm@7 ARROW-4989 - [C++] Builds fails to find Ubuntu-packaged re2 library ARROW-4991 - [CI] Bump travis node version to 11.12 ARROW-4997 - [C#] ArrowStreamReader doesn’t consume whole stream and doesn’t implement sync read ARROW-5009 - [C++] Cleanup using to std::* in files ARROW-5010 - [Release] Fix release script with llvm-7 ARROW-5012 - [C++] “testing” headers not installed ARROW-5023 - [Release] Default value syntax in shell is wrong ARROW-5024 - [Release] –arrow-version causes missing variable error ARROW-5025 - [Python][Packaging] wheel for Windows are broken ARROW-5026 - [Python][Packaging] conda package on non Windows is broken ARROW-5029 - [C++] Compilation warnings in release mode ARROW-5031 - [Dev] Release verification script does not run CUDA tests in Python ARROW-5042 - [Release] Wrong ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE in verification script ARROW-5043 - [Release][Ruby] red-arrow dependency can’t be resolve in verification script ARROW-5044 - [Release][Rust] Format error in verification script ARROW-5046 - [Release][C++] Plasma test is fragile in verification script ARROW-5047 - [Release] Always set up parquet-testing in verification script ARROW-5048 - [Release][Rust] arrow-testing is missing in verification script ARROW-5050 - [C++] cares_ep should build before grpc_ep" />
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{"@context":"","@type":"BlogPosting","dateModified":"2024-04-24T21:04:19-04:00","datePublished":"2024-04-24T21:04:19-04:00","description":"Apache Arrow 0.13.0 (1 April 2019) This is a major release covering more than 2 months of development. Download Source Artifacts Binary Artifacts For CentOS For Debian For Python For Ubuntu Git tag Contributors This release includes 550 commits from 81 distinct contributors. $ git shortlog -sn apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0 56 Wes McKinney 55 Kouhei Sutou 31 Antoine Pitrou 31 François Saint-Jacques 31 Korn, Uwe 30 Krisztián Szűcs 28 Andy Grove 27 Uwe L. Korn 21 Micah Kornfield 17 Benjamin Kietzman 17 Kenta Murata 17 Pindikura Ravindra 15 ptaylor 13 David Li 12 Paddy Horan 11 Neville Dipale 9 Philipp Moritz 8 Chao Sun 8 Romain Francois 7 Eric Erhardt 7 Yosuke Shiro 6 Nicolas Trinquier 5 Javier Luraschi 4 Anson Qian 4 Brian Hulette 4 Yuhong Guo 3 Anurag Khandelwal 3 Bryan Cutler 3 Dominik Moritz 3 Mike Pigott 3 Pearu Peterson 3 Sebastien Binet 2 Hatem Helal 2 Jeroen Ooms 2 Owen Nelson 2 Peter 2 Praveen 2 Renat Valiullin 2 Renjie Liu 2 emkornfield 2 tigerchen 1 Alexandre Crayssac 1 Areg Melik-Adamyan 1 Brandon Greenwell 1 Bruno P. Kinoshita 1 Christian Thiel 1 Christopher Hutchinson 1 Daniel Bast 1 Felix 1 Gene Novark 1 George Sakkis 1 Gidon Gershinsky 1 Ildar Musin 1 Ilya Tocar 1 Laurent Goujon 1 Matthias Vallentin 1 Maxim Novikov 1 Michael Pigott 1 Michael Vilim 1 Mike Bostock 1 P. Taylor Goetz 1 Paul Kernfeld 1 Paul Taylor 1 Prashanth Govindarajan 1 Robert Nishihara 1 Ross Smith II 1 Ryan Mackenzie White 1 Rylan Dmello 1 Stephen Toub 1 Steven Fackler 1 Suvayu Ali 1 Tanya Schlusser 1 Todd A. Anderson 1 Yu Ding 1 Yurui Zhou 1 alexandreyc 1 dsisnero 1 fjetter 1 praveenbingo 1 praveenkrishna 1 yl187661 Patch Committers The following Apache committers merged contributed patches to the repository. $ git shortlog -csn apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0 193 Wes McKinney 95 Krisztián Szűcs 66 Uwe L. Korn 53 Kouhei Sutou 40 Antoine Pitrou 22 Andy Grove 21 Korn, Uwe 11 Pindikura Ravindra 9 Yosuke Shiro 8 Brian Hulette 7 Chao Sun 5 Philipp Moritz 5 Sebastien Binet 4 Bryan Cutler 2 GitHub 2 Paddy Horan 2 Robert Nishihara 2 Sidd 2 ptaylor 1 Micah Kornfield Changelog New Features and Improvements ARROW-1425 - [Python] Document semantic differences between Spark timestamps and Arrow timestamps ARROW-1572 - [C++] Implement “value counts” kernels for tabulating value frequencies ARROW-1639 - [Python] More efficient serialization for RangeIndex in serialize_pandas ARROW-1807 - [JAVA] Reduce Heap Usage (Phase 3): consolidate buffers ARROW-1896 - [C++] Do not allocate memory for primitive outputs in CastKernel::Call implementation ARROW-2015 - [Java] Use Java Time and Date APIs instead of JodaTime ARROW-2022 - [Format] Add custom metadata field specific to a RecordBatch message ARROW-2112 - [C++] Enable cpplint to be run on Windows ARROW-2409 - [Rust] Test for build warnings, remove current warnings ARROW-2627 - [Python] Add option (or some equivalent) to toggle memory mapping functionality when using parquet.ParquetFile or other read entry points ARROW-3107 - [C++] arrow::PrettyPrint for Column instances ARROW-3121 - [C++] Mean kernel aggregate ARROW-3123 - [C++] Incremental Count, Count Not Null aggregator ARROW-3135 - [C++] Add helper functions for validity bitmap propagation in kernel context ARROW-3149 - [C++] Use gRPC (when it exists) from conda-forge for CI builds ARROW-3162 - [Python] Enable Flight servers to be implemented in pure Python ARROW-3239 - [C++] Improve random data generation functions ARROW-3289 - [C++] Implement DoPut command for Flight on client and server side ARROW-3292 - [C++] Test Flight RPC in Travis CI ARROW-3297 - [Python] Python bindings for Flight C++ client ARROW-331 - [Python] Timeline for dropping Python 2.7 support ARROW-3311 - [R] Functions for deserializing IPC components from arrow::Buffer or from IO interface ARROW-3361 - [R] Run cpp/build-support/ on C++ source files ARROW-3364 - [Doc] Document docker compose setup ARROW-3367 - [INTEGRATION] Port Spark integration test to the docker-compose setup ARROW-3422 - [C++] Add “toolchain” target to ensure that all required toolchain libraries are built ARROW-3434 - [Packaging] Add Apache ORC C++ library to conda-forge ARROW-3511 - [Gandiva] support input selection vectors for both projector and filter ARROW-3532 - [Python] Schema, StructType, StructArray field retrieval by name should raise warning or exception for multiple matches ARROW-3550 - [C++] Use kUnknownNullCount in NumericArray constructor ARROW-3554 - [C++] Reverse traits for C++ ARROW-3596 - [Packaging] Build gRPC in conda-forge ARROW-3619 - [R] Expose global thread pool optins ARROW-3631 - [C#] Add Appveyor build for C# ARROW-3653 - [Python/C++] Support data copying between different GPU devices ARROW-3735 - [Python] Proper error handling in _ensure_type ARROW-3761 - [R] Bindings for CompressedInputStream, CompressedOutputStream ARROW-3769 - [C++] Support reading non-dictionary encoded binary Parquet columns directly as DictionaryArray ARROW-3770 - [C++] Validate or add option to validate arrow::Table schema in parquet::arrow::FileWriter::WriteTable ARROW-3816 - [R] nrow.RecordBatch method ARROW-3824 - [R] Document developer workflow for building project, running unit tests in r/ ARROW-3838 - [Rust] Implement CSV Writer ARROW-3846 - [Gandiva] Build on Windows ARROW-3882 - [Rust] PrimitiveArray should support cast operations ARROW-3903 - [Python] Random array generator for Arrow conversion and Parquet testing ARROW-3926 - [Python] Add Gandiva bindings to Python wheels ARROW-3951 - [Go] implement a CSV writer ARROW-3954 - [Rust] Add Slice to Array and ArrayData ARROW-3965 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Configuration Object ARROW-3966 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: JDBC Metadata in Schema Fields ARROW-3972 - [C++] Update to LLVM and Clang bits to 7.0 ARROW-3981 - [C++] Rename json.h ARROW-3985 - [C++] Pass -C option when compiling with ccache to avoid some warnings ARROW-4012 - [Documentation][C++] Document how to install Apache Arrow on MSYS2 ARROW-4014 - [C++] Fix “LIBCMT” warnings on MSVC ARROW-4024 - [Python] Cython compilation error on cython==0.27.3 ARROW-4031 - [C++] Refactor ArrayBuilder bitmap logic into TypedBufferBuilder ARROW-4056 - [C++] Upgrade to boost-cpp 1.69.0 again ARROW-4061 - [Rust] [Parquet] Implement “spaced” version for non-dictionary encoding/decoding ARROW-4071 - [Rust] Add rustfmt as a pre-commit hook ARROW-4072 - [Rust] Set default value for PARQUET_TEST_DATA ARROW-4094 - [Python] Store RangeIndex in Parquet files as metadata rather than a physical data column ARROW-4110 - [C++] Do not generate distinct cast kernels when input and output type are the same ARROW-4123 - [C++] Improve linting workflow and documentation for Windows-based developers ARROW-4124 - [C++] Abstract aggregation kernel API ARROW-4142 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow: JDBC Arrays ARROW-4165 - [C++] Port cpp/apidoc/ and other files to Sphinx / rst ARROW-4180 - [Java] Reduce verbose logging of ArrowBuf creation events? ARROW-4196 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for arithmetic ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4198 - [Gandiva] Add support to cast timestamp ARROW-4204 - [Gandiva] implement decimal subtract ARROW-4205 - [Gandiva] Implement decimal multiply ARROW-4206 - [Gandiva] Implement decimal divide ARROW-4212 - [Python] [CUDA] Creating a CUDA buffer from Numba device array should be easier ARROW-4230 - [C++] Enable building flight against system gRPC ARROW-4234 - [C++] Add memory bandwidth benchmarks to arrow/util/ ARROW-4235 - [GLib] Use “column_builder” in GArrowRecordBatchBuilder ARROW-4236 - [JAVA] Distinct plasma client create exceptions ARROW-4245 - [Rust] Add Rustdoc header to each source file ARROW-4247 - [Packaging] Update verify script for 0.12.0 ARROW-4251 - [C++] Add option to use vendored Boost in ARROW-4262 - [Website] Blog post to give preview into using R and Arrow with Apache Spark ARROW-4263 - [Rust] Donate DataFusion ARROW-4265 - [C++] Automatic conversion between Table and std::vector&lt;std::tuple&lt;..» ARROW-4268 - [C++] Add C primitive to Arrow:Type compile time in TypeTraits ARROW-4271 - [Rust] Move Parquet specific info to Parquet Readme ARROW-4273 - [Release] Fix verification script to use cf201901 conda-forge label ARROW-4277 - [C++] Add gmock to toolchain ARROW-4281 - [CI] Use Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) VMs on Travis-CI ARROW-4285 - [Python] Use proper builder interface for serialization ARROW-4287 - [C++] Ensure minimal bison version on OSX for Thrift ARROW-4289 - [C++] Forward AR and RANLIB to thirdparty builds ARROW-4290 - [C++/Gandiva] Support detecting correct LLVM version in Homebrew ARROW-4291 - [Dev] Support selecting features in release scripts ARROW-4294 - [Plasma] Add support for evicting objects to external store ARROW-4297 - [C++] Fix build for 32-bit MSYS2 ARROW-4298 - [Java] Building Flight fails with OpenJDK 11 ARROW-4299 - [Ruby] Depend on the same version as Red Arrow ARROW-4300 - [C++] Restore apache-arrow Homebrew recipe and define process for maintaining and updating for releases ARROW-4303 - [Gandiva/Python] Build LLVM with RTTI in manylinux1 container ARROW-4305 - [Rust] Fix parquet version number in README ARROW-4307 - [C++] FIx doxygen warnings, include doxygen warning checks in CI linting ARROW-4310 - [Website] Update install document for 0.12.0 ARROW-4313 - Define general benchmark database schema ARROW-4315 - [Website] Home page of does not mention Go or Rust ARROW-4318 - [C++] Add Tensor::CountNonZero ARROW-4321 - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in docker containers ARROW-4330 - [C++] Use FindThreads.cmake to handle -pthread compiler/link options ARROW-4332 - [Website] Instructions and scripts for publishing web site appear to be incorrect ARROW-4334 - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in travis builds ARROW-4335 - [C++] Better document sparse tensor support ARROW-4336 - [C++] Default BUILD_WARNING_LEVEL to CHECKIN ARROW-4339 - [C++] rewrite cpp/README shorter, with a separate contribution guide ARROW-4340 - [C++] Update IWYU version in the `lint` dockerfile ARROW-4341 - [C++] Use TypedBufferBuilder in BooleanBuilder ARROW-4344 - [Java] Further cleanup maven output ARROW-4345 - [C++] Add Apache 2.0 license file to the Parquet-testing repository ARROW-4346 - [C++] Fix compiler warnings with gcc 8.2.0 ARROW-4352 - [C++] Add support for system Google Test ARROW-4353 - [CI] Add jobs for 32-bit and 64-bit MinGW ARROW-4358 - [Gandiva][Crossbow] Trusty build broken ARROW-4361 - [Website] Update commiters list ARROW-4362 - [Java] Test OpenJDK 11 in CI ARROW-4363 - [C++] Add CMake format checks ARROW-4372 - [C++] Embed precompiled bitcode in the gandiva library ARROW-4373 - [Packaging] Travis fails to deploy conda packages on OSX ARROW-4375 - [CI] Sphinx dependencies were removed from docs conda environment ARROW-4376 - [Rust] Implement from_buf_reader for csv::Reader ARROW-4377 - [Rust] Implement std::fmt::Debug for all PrimitiveArrays ARROW-4379 - Register pyarrow serializers for collections.Counter and collections.deque. ARROW-4383 - [C++] Use the CMake’s standard find features ARROW-4386 - [Rust] Implement Date and Time Arrays ARROW-4388 - [Go] add DimNames() method to tensor Interface? ARROW-4393 - [Rust] coding style: apply 90 characters per line limit ARROW-4396 - Update Typedoc to support TypeScript 3.2 ARROW-4397 - [C++] dim_names in Tensor and SparseTensor ARROW-4399 - [C++] Remove usage of “extern template class” from NumericArray ARROW-4401 - [Python] Alpine dockerfile fails to build because pandas requires numpy as build dependency ARROW-4406 - Ignore “*_$folder$” files on S3 ARROW-4408 - [CPP/Doc] Remove outdated Parquet documentation ARROW-4422 - [Plasma] Enforce memory limit in plasma, rather than relying on dlmalloc_set_footprint_limit ARROW-4423 - [C++] Update version of vendored gtest to 1.8.1 ARROW-4424 - [Python] Manylinux CI builds failing ARROW-4425 - Add link to ‘Contributing’ page in the top-level Arrow README ARROW-4430 - [C++] add unit test for currently unused append method ARROW-4431 - [C++] Build gRPC as ExternalProject without allowing it to build its vendored dependencies ARROW-4435 - [C#] Add .sln file and minor .csproj fix ups ARROW-4436 - [Documentation] Clarify instructions for building documentation ARROW-4442 - [JS] Overly broad type annotation for Chunked typeId leading to type mismatches in generated typing ARROW-4444 - [Testing] Add DataFusion test files to arrow-testing repo ARROW-4445 - [C++][Gandiva] Run Gandiva-LLVM tests in Appveyor ARROW-4446 - [Python] Run Gandiva tests on Windows and Appveyor ARROW-4448 - [JAVA][Flight] Flaky Flight java test ARROW-4449 - [Rust] Convert File to T: Read + Seek for schema inference ARROW-4454 - [C++] fix unused parameter warnings ARROW-4455 - [Plasma] g++ 8 reports class-memaccess warnings ARROW-4459 - [Testing] Add git submodule for arrow-testing data files ARROW-4460 - [Website] Write blog post to announce DataFusion donation ARROW-4461 - [C++] Expose bit-util methods for binary boolean operations that don’t allocate ARROW-4462 - [C++] Upgrade LZ4 v1.7.5 to v1.8.3 to compile with VS2017 ARROW-4464 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for LIMIT ARROW-4466 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for Parquet data sources ARROW-4468 - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Buffer (with SIMD) ARROW-4472 - [Website][Python] Blog post about Python string memory use improvements in 0.12 ARROW-4475 - [Python] Serializing objects that contain themselves ARROW-4476 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Post donation clean up tasks ARROW-4481 - [Website] Instructions for publishing web site are missing a step ARROW-4483 - [Website] Fix broken link (author) in DataFusion blog post ARROW-4485 - [CI] Determine maintenance approach to pinned conda-forge binutils package ARROW-4486 - [Python][CUDA] pyarrow.cuda.Context.foreign_buffer should have a `base=None` argument ARROW-4488 - [Rust] From AsRef&lt;[u8]&gt; for Buffer does not ensure correct padding ARROW-4489 - [Rust] PrimitiveArray.value_slice performs bounds checking when it should not ARROW-4490 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for boolean ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4491 - [Python] Remove usage of std::to_string and std::stoi ARROW-4499 - [Python][CI] Upgrade to latest flake8 3.7.5 in ARROW-4502 - [C#] Add support for zero-copy reads ARROW-4506 - [Ruby] Add Arrow::RecordBatch#raw_records ARROW-4513 - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Bitmap ARROW-4518 - [JS] add jsdelivr to package.json ARROW-4528 - [C++] Update lint docker container to LLVM-7 ARROW-4529 - [C++] Add test coverage for BitUtils::RoundDown ARROW-4531 - [C++] Handling of non-aligned slices in Sum kernel ARROW-4537 - [CI] Suppress shell warning on travis-ci ARROW-4539 - [Java]List vector child value count not set correctly ARROW-4540 - [Rust] Add basic JSON reader ARROW-4543 - [C#] Update Flat Buffers code to latest version ARROW-4547 - [Python][Documentation] Update python/development.rst with instructions for CUDA-enabled builds ARROW-4556 - [Rust] Preserve order of JSON inferred schema ARROW-4558 - [C++][Flight] Avoid undefined behavior with gRPC memory optimizations ARROW-4560 - [R] array() needs to take single input, not … ARROW-4562 - [C++][Flight] Create outgoing composite grpc::ByteBuffer instead of allocating contiguous slice and copying IpcPayload into it ARROW-4565 - [R] Reading records with all non-null decimals SEGFAULTs ARROW-4568 - [C++] Add version macros to headers ARROW-4572 - [C++] Remove memory zeroing from PrimitiveAllocatingUnaryKernel ARROW-4583 - [Plasma] There are bugs reported by code scan tool ARROW-4586 - [Rust] Remove arrow/ as it is not needed ARROW-4590 - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for comparison ops in “array_ops” ARROW-4592 - [GLib] Stop configure immediately when GLib isn’t available ARROW-4593 - [Ruby] Arrow::Array#[out_of_range] returns nil ARROW-4594 - [Ruby] Arrow::StructArray#[] returns Arrow::Struct instead of Arrow::Array ARROW-4595 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement DataFrame style API ARROW-4598 - [CI] Remove needless LLVM_DIR for macOS ARROW-4599 - [C++] Add support for system GFlags ARROW-4602 - [Rust][ [DataFusion] Integrate query optimizer with ExecutionContext ARROW-4605 - [Rust] Move filter and limit code from DataFusion into compute module ARROW-4609 - [C++] Use google benchmark from toolchain ARROW-4610 - [Plasma] Avoid JNI from crashing ARROW-4611 - [C++] Rework CMake third-party logic ARROW-4612 - [Python] Use cython from PyPI for windows wheels build ARROW-4613 - [C++] Alpine build failing as is not found ARROW-4614 - [C++/CI] Activate flight build in ci/ ARROW-4615 - [C++] Add checked_pointer_cast ARROW-4616 - [C++] Log message in BuildUtils as STATUS ARROW-4618 - [Docker] Makefile to build dependent docker images ARROW-4619 - [R]: Fix the autobrew script ARROW-4620 - [C#] Add unit tests for “Types” in arrow/csharp ARROW-4623 - [R] update Rcpp dependency ARROW-4628 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement type coercion query optimizer rule ARROW-4632 - [Ruby] Add BigDecimal#to_arrow ARROW-4634 - [Rust] [Parquet] Reorganize test_common mod to allow more test util codes. ARROW-4637 - [Python] Avoid importing Pandas unless necessary ARROW-4638 - [R] install instructions using brew ARROW-4640 - [Python] Add docker-compose configuration to build and test the project without pandas installed ARROW-4643 - [C++] Add compiler diagnostic color when using Ninja ARROW-4644 - [C++/Docker] Build Gandiva in the docker containers ARROW-4645 - [C++/Packaging] Ship Gandiva with OSX and Windows wheels ARROW-4646 - [C++/Packaging] Ship gandiva with the conda-forge packages ARROW-4655 - [Packaging] Parallelize binary upload ARROW-4662 - [Python] Add type_codes property in UnionType ARROW-4667 - [C++] Suppress unused function warnings with MinGW ARROW-4670 - [Rust] compute::sum performance issue ARROW-4671 - [C++] MakeBuilder doesn’t support Type::DICTIONARY ARROW-4673 - [C++] Implement AssertDatumEquals ARROW-4676 - [C++] Add support for debug build with MinGW ARROW-4678 - [Rust] Minimize unstable feature usage ARROW-4679 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement in-memory DataSource ARROW-4681 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement parallel query execution using threads ARROW-4686 - Only accept ‘y’ or ‘n’ in prompts ARROW-4689 - [Go] add support for WASM ARROW-4690 - [Python] Building TensorFlow compatible wheels for Arrow ARROW-4692 - [Format][Documentation] Add more details about “sidecar” to flight proto ARROW-4693 - [CI] Build boost library with multi precision ARROW-4697 - [C++] Add URI parsing facility ARROW-47 - [C++] Consider adding a scalar type object model ARROW-4705 - [Rust] CSV reader should show line number and error message when failing to parse a line ARROW-4707 - [C++] move BitsetStack to bit-util.h ARROW-4718 - Add ArrowStreamWriter/Reader ctors that leave open the underlying Stream ARROW-4727 - [Rust] Implement ability to check if two schemas are the same ARROW-4730 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Fedora build with system packages ARROW-4731 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Xenial build with system packages ARROW-4732 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Debian Testing build with system packages ARROW-4733 - [C++] Add CI entry that builds without the conda-forge toolchain but with system packages ARROW-4734 - [Go] Add option to write a header for CSV writer ARROW-4735 - [Go] Benchmark strconv.Format vs. fmt.Sprintf for CSV writer ARROW-4739 - [Rust] [DataFusion] It should be possible to share a logical plan between threads ARROW-4740 - [Java] Upgrade to JUnit 5 ARROW-4743 - [Java] Fix documentation in arrow memory module ARROW-4745 - [C++][Documentation] Document process for replicating static_crt builds on windows ARROW-4749 - [Rust] RecordBatch::new() should return result instead of panicking ARROW-4751 - [C++] Add pkg-config to conda_env_cpp.yml ARROW-4754 - [CI][Java] Flaky TestAuth Flight test ARROW-4756 - [CI] document the procedure to update docker image for manylinux1 builds ARROW-4758 - [Flight] Build fails on Mac due to missing Schema_generated.h ARROW-4769 - [Rust] Improve array limit function where max records &gt; len ARROW-4772 - Provide new ORC adapter interface that allow user to specify row number ARROW-4776 - [C++] DictionaryBuilder should support bootstrapping from an existing dict type ARROW-4777 - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update lz4 to 1.8.3 ARROW-4778 - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update Thrift to 0.12.0 ARROW-4782 - [C++] Prototype scalar and array expression types for developing deferred operator algebra ARROW-4786 - [C++/Python] Support better parallelisation in manylinux1 base build ARROW-4789 - [C++] Deprecate and and later remove arrow::io::ReadableFileInterface ARROW-4790 - [Python/Packaging] Update manylinux docker image in crossbow task ARROW-4791 - Unused dependencies in arrow and datafusion ARROW-4794 - [Python] Make pandas an optional test dependency ARROW-4797 - [Plasma] Avoid store crash if not enough memory is available ARROW-4801 - [GLib] Suppress pkgconfig.generate() warnings ARROW-4808 - [Java][Vector] Convenience methods for setting decimal vector ARROW-4817 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Small re-org of modules ARROW-4826 - [Go] export Flush method for CSV writer ARROW-4831 - [C++] CMAKE_AR is not passed to ZSTD thirdparty dependency ARROW-4833 - [Release] Document how to update the brew formula in the release management guide ARROW-4834 - [R] Feature flag to disable parquet ARROW-4835 - [GLib] Add boolean operations ARROW-4837 - [C++] Support c++filt on a custom path in the script ARROW-4839 - [C#] Add NuGet support ARROW-4846 - [Java] Update Jackson to 2.9.8 ARROW-4849 - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Bionic build with system packages ARROW-4854 - [Rust] Use Array Slice for limit kernel ARROW-4855 - [Packaging] Generate default package version based on cpp tags in ARROW-4858 - [Flight][Python] Enable custom FlightDataStream in Python ARROW-4859 - [GLib] Add garrow_numeric_array_mean() ARROW-4862 - [GLib] Add GArrowCastOptions::allow-invalid-utf8 property ARROW-4865 - [Rust] Support casting lists and primitives to lists ARROW-4873 - [C++] Clarify documentation about how to use external ARROW_PACKAGE_PREFIX while also using CONDA dependency resolution ARROW-4878 - [C++] ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE=CONDA does not work properly with MSVC ARROW-4882 - [GLib] Add “Sum” functions ARROW-4887 - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count() ARROW-4889 - [C++] Add STATUS messages for Protobuf in CMake ARROW-4891 - [C++] ZLIB include directories not added ARROW-4892 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move SQL parser and planner into sql package ARROW-4893 - [C++] conda packages should use $PREFIX inside of conda-build ARROW-4894 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from ARROW-4895 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move to top level package ARROW-4896 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from tests ARROW-4897 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Improve Rustdoc ARROW-4898 - [C++] Old versions of FindProtobuf.cmake use ALL-CAPS for variables ARROW-4899 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from ARROW-4901 - [Go] Run tests in Appveyor ARROW-4905 - [C++][Plasma] Remove dlmalloc from client library ARROW-4907 - [CI] Add docker container to inspect docker context ARROW-4908 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for parquet date/time in int32/64 encoding ARROW-4909 - [CI] Use hadolint to lint Dockerfiles ARROW-4910 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of unimplemented! ARROW-4915 - [GLib] Add support for arrow::NullBuilder ARROW-4922 - [Packaging] Use system libraris for .deb and .rpm ARROW-4924 - [Ruby] Add Decimal128#to_s(scale=nil) ARROW-4926 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Update README for 0.13.0 release ARROW-4929 - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count_values() ARROW-4932 - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE macro ARROW-4933 - [R] Autodetect Parquet support using pkg-config ARROW-4937 - [R] Clean pkg-config related logic ARROW-4939 - [Python] Add wrapper for “sum” kernel ARROW-4940 - [Rust] Enhance documentation for datafusion ARROW-4944 - [C++] Raise minimal required thrift-cpp to 0.11 in conda environment ARROW-4946 - [C++] Support detection of flatbuffers without FlatbuffersConfig.cmake ARROW-4947 - [Flight][C++/Python] Remove redundant schema parameter in DoGet ARROW-4951 - [C++] Turn off cpp benchmarks in cpp docker images ARROW-4955 - [GLib] Add garrow_file_is_closed() ARROW-4964 - [Ruby] Add closed check if available on auto close ARROW-4969 - [C++] Set RPATH in correct order for test executables on OSX ARROW-4977 - [Ruby] Add support for building on Windows ARROW-4978 - [Ruby] Fix wrong internal variable name for table data ARROW-4979 - [GLib] Add missing lock to garrow::GIOInputStream ARROW-4980 - [GLib] Use GInputStream as the parent of GArrowInputStream ARROW-4981 - [Ruby] Add support for CSV data encoding conversion ARROW-4983 - [Plasma] Unmap memory when the client is destroyed ARROW-4994 - [website] Update Details for ptgoetz ARROW-4995 - [R] Make sure winbuilder tests pass for package ARROW-4996 - [Plasma] There are many log files in /tmp ARROW-5003 - [R] remove dependency on withr ARROW-5006 - [R] parquet.cpp does not include enough Rcpp ARROW-5011 - [Release] Add support in the source release script for custom hash ARROW-5013 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Refactor runtime expression support ARROW-5014 - [Java] Fix typos in Flight module ARROW-5018 - [Release] Include JavaScript implementation ARROW-5032 - [C++] Headers in vendored/datetime directory aren’t installed ARROW-5041 - [Release][C++] use bundled gtest and gmock in verify-release-candidate.bat ARROW-549 - [C++] Add function to concatenate like-typed arrays ARROW-572 - [C++] Apply visitor pattern in IPC metadata ARROW-585 - [C++] Define public API for user-defined data types ARROW-694 - [C++] Build JSON “scanner” for reading record batches from line-delimited JSON files Bug Fixes ARROW-2392 - [Python] pyarrow RecordBatchStreamWriter allows writing batches with different schemas ARROW-295 - Create DOAP File ARROW-3086 - [Glib] GISCAN fails due to conda-shipped openblas ARROW-3096 - [Python] Update Python source build instructions given Anaconda/conda-forge toolchain migration ARROW-3133 - [C++] Logical boolean kernels in kernels/ cannot write into preallocated memory ARROW-3208 - [C++] Segmentation fault when casting dictionary to numeric with nullptr valid_bitmap ARROW-3564 - [Python] writing version 2.0 parquet format with dictionary encoding enabled ARROW-3578 - [Release] Address spurious Apache RAT failures in source release script ARROW-3593 - [R] CI builds failing due to GitHub API rate limits ARROW-3606 - [Python] flake8 fails on Crossbow ARROW-3669 - [Python] Convert big-endian numbers or raise error in pyarrow.array ARROW-3843 - [Python] Writing Parquet file from empty table created with Table.from_pandas(…, preserve_index=False) fails ARROW-3923 - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Unnecessary Calendar Requirement ARROW-4081 - [Go] Sum methods on Mac OS X panic when the array is empty ARROW-4104 - [Java] race in AllocationManager during release ARROW-4117 - [Python] “asv dev” command fails with latest revision ARROW-4181 - [Python] TestConvertStructTypes.test_from_numpy_large failing ARROW-4192 - “./dev/” is out of date ARROW-4213 - [Flight] C++ and Java implementations are incompatible ARROW-4244 - Clarify language around padding/alignment ARROW-4250 - [C++][Gandiva] Use approximate comparisons for floating point numbers in gandiva-projector-test ARROW-4252 - [C++] Status error context strings missing lines of code ARROW-4253 - [GLib] Cannot use non-system Boost specified with $BOOST_ROOT ARROW-4254 - [C++] Gandiva tests fail to compile with Boost in Ubuntu 14.04 apt ARROW-4255 - [C++] Schema::GetFieldIndex is not thread-safe ARROW-4261 - [C++] CMake paths for IPC, Flight, Thrift, and Plasma don’t support using Arrow as a subproject ARROW-4264 - [C++] Document why DCHECKs are used in kernels ARROW-4267 - [Python/C++][Parquet] Segfault when reading rowgroups with duplicated columns ARROW-4274 - [Gandiva] static jni library broken after decimal changes ARROW-4275 - [C++] gandiva-decimal_single_test extremely slow ARROW-4280 - [C++][Documentation] It looks like flex and bison are required for parquet ARROW-4282 - [Rust] builder benchmark is broken ARROW-4284 - [C#] File / Stream serialization fails due to type mismatch / missing footer ARROW-4295 - [Plasma] Incorrect log message when evicting objects ARROW-4296 - [Plasma] Starting Plasma store with use_one_memory_mapped_file enabled crashes due to improper memory alignment ARROW-4312 - [C++] Lint doesn’t work anymore (“[Errno 24] Too many open files”) ARROW-4319 - plasma/store.h pulls ins flatbuffer dependency ARROW-4320 - [C++] Add tests for non-contiguous tensors ARROW-4322 - [CI] docker nightlies fails after conda-forge compiler migration ARROW-4323 - [Packaging] Fix failing OSX clang conda forge builds ARROW-4326 - [C++] Development instructions in python/development.rst will not work for many Linux distros with new conda-forge toolchain ARROW-4327 - [Python] Add requirements-build.txt file to simplify setting up Python build environment ARROW-4328 - Make R build compatible with DARROW_TENSORFLOW=ON ARROW-4329 - Python should include the parquet headers ARROW-4342 - [Gandiva][Java] spurious failures in projector cache test ARROW-4347 - [Python] Run Python Travis CI unit tests on Linux when Java codebase changed ARROW-4349 - [C++] Build all benchmarks on Windows without failing ARROW-4351 - [C++] Fail to build with static parquet ARROW-4355 - [C++] test-util functions are no longer part of libarrow ARROW-4360 - [C++] Query homebrew for Thrift ARROW-4364 - [C++] Fix -weverything -wextra compilation errors ARROW-4366 - [Docs] Change extension from format/ to format/README.rst ARROW-4367 - [C++] StringDictionaryBuilder segfaults on Finish with only null entries ARROW-4368 - Bintray repository signature verification fails ARROW-4370 - [Python] Table to pandas conversion fails for list of bool ARROW-4374 - [C++] DictionaryBuilder does not correctly report length and null_count ARROW-4381 - [Docker] docker-compose build lint fails ARROW-4385 - [Python] default_version of a release should not include SNAPSHOT ARROW-4389 - [R] Installing clang-tools in CI is failing on trusty ARROW-4395 - ts-node throws type error running `bin/arrow2csv.js` ARROW-4400 - [CI] install of clang tools failing ARROW-4403 - [Rust] CI fails due to formatting errors ARROW-4404 - [CI] AppVeyor toolchain build does not build anything ARROW-4407 - [C++] ExternalProject_Add does not capture CC/CXX correctly ARROW-4410 - [C++] Fix InvertKernel edge cases ARROW-4413 - [Python] pyarrow.hdfs.connect() failing ARROW-4414 - [C++] Stop using cmake COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS because it breaks package builds for older distros ARROW-4417 - [C++] Doc build broken ARROW-4420 - [INTEGRATION] Make spark integration test pass and test against spark’s master branch ARROW-4421 - [Flight][C++] Handle large Flight data messages ARROW-4434 - [Python] Cannot create empty StructArray via pa.StructArray.from_arrays ARROW-4440 - [C++] Fix flatbuffers build using msvc ARROW-4457 - [Python] Cannot create Decimal128 array using integers ARROW-4469 - [Python][C++] CI Failing for Python 2.7 and 3.6 with valgrind ARROW-4471 - [C++] Pass AR and RANLIB to all external projects ARROW-4474 - [Flight] FlightInfo should use signed integer types for payload size ARROW-4496 - [CI] CI failing for python Xcode 7.3 ARROW-4498 - [Plasma] Plasma fails building with CUDA enabled ARROW-4500 - [C++] librt and pthread hacks can cause linking problems ARROW-4501 - [C++] Unique returns non-unique strings ARROW-4525 - [Rust] [Parquet] Convert ArrowError to ParquetError ARROW-4527 - [Packaging] Update linux packaging tasks to align with the LLVM 7 migration ARROW-4532 - [Java] varchar value buffer much larger than expected ARROW-4533 - [Python] Document how to run hypothesis tests ARROW-4535 - [C++] Fix MakeBuilder to preserve ListType’s field name ARROW-4536 - Add data_type argument in garrow_list_array_new ARROW-4538 - [PYTHON] Remove index column from subschema in write_to_dataframe ARROW-4549 - [C++] Can’t build benchmark code on CUDA enabled build ARROW-4550 - [JS] Fix AMD pattern ARROW-4559 - [Python] pyarrow can’t read/write filenames with special characters ARROW-4563 - [Python] pa.decimal128 should validate inputs ARROW-4571 - [Format] Tensor.fbs file has multiple root_type declarations ARROW-4576 - [Python] Benchmark failures ARROW-4577 - [C++] Interface link libraries declared on arrow_shared target that are actually non-interface ARROW-4581 - [C++] gbenchmark_ep is a dependency of unit tests when ARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON ARROW-4582 - [C++/Python] Memory corruption on Pandas-&gt;Arrow conversion ARROW-4584 - [Python] Add built wheel to manylinux1 dockerignore. ARROW-4585 - [C++] Dependency of Flight C++ sources on generated protobuf is not respected ARROW-4587 - Flight C++ DoPut segfaults ARROW-4597 - [C++] Targets for system Google Mock shared library are missing ARROW-4601 - [Python] Master build is broken due to missing licence for .dockerignore ARROW-4608 - [C++] cmake script assumes that double-conversion installs static libs ARROW-4617 - [C++] Support double-conversion&lt;3.1 ARROW-4624 - [C++] Linker errors when building benchmarks ARROW-4629 - [Python] Pandas to arrow conversion slowed down by local imports ARROW-4639 - [CI] Crossbow build failing for Gandiva jars ARROW-4641 - [C++] Flight builds complain of -Wstrict-aliasing ARROW-4642 - [R] Change `f` to `file` in `read_parquet_file()` ARROW-4654 - [C++] Implicit Flight target dependencies cause compilation failure ARROW-4657 - [Release] gbenchmark should not be needed for verification ARROW-4658 - [C++] Shared gflags is also a run-time conda requirement ARROW-4659 - [CI] ubuntu/debian nightlies fail because of missing gandiva files ARROW-4660 - [C++] gflags fails to build due to CMake error ARROW-4664 - [C++] DCHECK macro conditions are evaluated in release builds ARROW-4669 - [Java] No Bounds checking on ArrowBuf.slice ARROW-4672 - [C++] clang-7 matrix entry is build using gcc ARROW-4680 - [CI] [Rust] Travis CI builds fail with latest Rust 1.34.0-nightly (2019-02-25) ARROW-4684 - [Python] CI failures in ARROW-4687 - [Python] should exit on Ctrl-C ARROW-4688 - [C++][Parquet] 16MB limit on (nested) column chunk prevents tuning row_group_size ARROW-4696 - Verify release script is over optimist with CUDA detection ARROW-4699 - [C++] json parser should not rely on null terminated buffers ARROW-4704 - [CI][GLib] Plasma test is flaky ARROW-4710 - [C++][R] New linting script skip files with “cpp” extension ARROW-4712 - [C++][CI] Clang7 Valgrind complains when not move shared_ptr ARROW-4721 - [Rust] [DataFusion] Propagate schema in filter ARROW-4724 - [C++] Python not being built nor test under MinGW builds ARROW-4728 - [JS] Failing test Table#assign with a zero-length Null column round-trips through serialization ARROW-4737 - [C#] tests are not running in CI ARROW-4744 - [CI][C++] Mingw32 builds failing ARROW-4750 - [C++] RapidJSON triggers Wclass-memaccess on GCC 8+ ARROW-4760 - [C++] protobuf 3.7 defines EXPECT_OK that clashes with Arrow’s macro ARROW-4766 - [C++] Casting empty boolean array causes segfault ARROW-4767 - [C#] ArrowStreamReader crashes while reading the end of a stream ARROW-4768 - [C++][CI] arrow-test-array sometimes gets stuck in MinGW build ARROW-4774 - [C++][Parquet] Call Table::Validate when writing a table ARROW-4775 - [Website] Site navbar cannot be expanded ARROW-4783 - [C++][CI] Mingw32 builds sometimes timeout ARROW-4793 - [Ruby] Suppress unused variable warning ARROW-4796 - [Flight][Python] segfault in simple server implementation ARROW-4802 - [Python] Hadoop classpath discovery broken HADOOP_HOME is a symlink ARROW-4807 - [Rust] Fix csv_writer benchmark ARROW-4811 - [C++] An incorrect dependency leads “ninja” to re-evaluate steps unnecessarily on subsequent calls ARROW-4813 - [Ruby] Add tests for #== and #!= ARROW-4820 - [Python] hadoop class path derived not correct ARROW-4822 - [C++/Python] pyarrow.Table.equals segmentation fault on None ARROW-4828 - [Python] manylinux1 docker-compose context should be python/manylinux1 ARROW-4850 - [CI] Integration test failures do not fail the Travis CI build ARROW-4853 - [Rust] Array slice doesn’t work on ListArray and StructArray ARROW-4857 - [C++/Python/CI] docker-compose in manylinux1 crossbow jobs too old ARROW-4866 - [C++] zstd ExternalProject failing on Windows ARROW-4867 - [Python] Table.from_pandas() column order not respected ARROW-4869 - [C++] Use of gmock fails in compute/kernels/ ARROW-4870 - [Ruby] gemspec has wrong msys2 dependency listed ARROW-4871 - [Flight][Java] Handle large Flight messages ARROW-4872 - [Python] Keep backward compatibility for ParquetDatasetPiece ARROW-4881 - [Python] bundle_zlib CMake function still uses ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN ARROW-4900 - mingw-w64 &lt; 5 does not have __cpuidex ARROW-4903 - [C++] Building tests using only static libs not possible ARROW-4906 - [Format] Fix document to describe that SparseMatrixIndexCSR assumes indptr is sorted for each row ARROW-4918 - [C++] Add cmake-format to pre-commit ARROW-4928 - [Python] Hypothesis test failures ARROW-4931 - [C++] CMake fails on gRPC ExternalProject ARROW-4942 - [Ruby] Remove needless omits ARROW-4948 - [JS] Nightly test failing with “Cannot assign to read only property” ARROW-4950 - [C++] Thirdparty CMake error get_target_property() called with non-existent target LZ4::lz4 ARROW-4952 - [C++] Equals / ApproxEquals behaviour undefined on FP NaNs ARROW-4954 - [Python] test failure with Flight enabled ARROW-4958 - [C++] Purely static linking broken ARROW-4961 - [C++][Python] Add GTest_SOURCE=BUNDLED to relevant build docs that use conda-forge toolchain ARROW-4962 - [C++] Warning level to CHECKIN can’t compile on modern GCC ARROW-4976 - [JS] RecordBatchReader should reset its Node/DOM streams ARROW-4982 - [GLib][CI] Run tests on AppVeyor ARROW-4984 - [Flight][C++] Flight server segfaults when port is in use ARROW-4986 - [CI] Travis fails to install llvm@7 ARROW-4989 - [C++] Builds fails to find Ubuntu-packaged re2 library ARROW-4991 - [CI] Bump travis node version to 11.12 ARROW-4997 - [C#] ArrowStreamReader doesn’t consume whole stream and doesn’t implement sync read ARROW-5009 - [C++] Cleanup using to std::* in files ARROW-5010 - [Release] Fix release script with llvm-7 ARROW-5012 - [C++] “testing” headers not installed ARROW-5023 - [Release] Default value syntax in shell is wrong ARROW-5024 - [Release] –arrow-version causes missing variable error ARROW-5025 - [Python][Packaging] wheel for Windows are broken ARROW-5026 - [Python][Packaging] conda package on non Windows is broken ARROW-5029 - [C++] Compilation warnings in release mode ARROW-5031 - [Dev] Release verification script does not run CUDA tests in Python ARROW-5042 - [Release] Wrong ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE in verification script ARROW-5043 - [Release][Ruby] red-arrow dependency can’t be resolve in verification script ARROW-5044 - [Release][Rust] Format error in verification script ARROW-5046 - [Release][C++] Plasma test is fragile in verification script ARROW-5047 - [Release] Always set up parquet-testing in verification script ARROW-5048 - [Release][Rust] arrow-testing is missing in verification script ARROW-5050 - [C++] cares_ep should build before grpc_ep","headline":"Apache Arrow 0.13.0 Release","image":"","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""}},"url":""}</script>
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<h1 id="apache-arrow-0130-1-april-2019">Apache Arrow 0.13.0 (1 April 2019)</h1>
<p>This is a major release covering more than 2 months of development.</p>
<h2 id="download">Download</h2>
<li><a href=""><strong>Source Artifacts</strong></a></li>
<li><strong>Binary Artifacts</strong>
<li><a href="">For CentOS</a></li>
<li><a href="">For Debian</a></li>
<li><a href="">For Python</a></li>
<li><a href="">For Ubuntu</a></li>
<li><a href="">Git tag</a></li>
<h2 id="contributors">Contributors</h2>
<p>This release includes 550 commits from 81 distinct contributors.</p>
<div class="language-console highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="gp">$</span><span class="w"> </span>git shortlog <span class="nt">-sn</span> apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0
<span class="go"> 56 Wes McKinney
55 Kouhei Sutou
31 Antoine Pitrou
31 François Saint-Jacques
31 Korn, Uwe
30 Krisztián Szűcs
28 Andy Grove
27 Uwe L. Korn
21 Micah Kornfield
17 Benjamin Kietzman
17 Kenta Murata
17 Pindikura Ravindra
15 ptaylor
13 David Li
12 Paddy Horan
11 Neville Dipale
9 Philipp Moritz
8 Chao Sun
8 Romain Francois
7 Eric Erhardt
7 Yosuke Shiro
6 Nicolas Trinquier
5 Javier Luraschi
4 Anson Qian
4 Brian Hulette
4 Yuhong Guo
3 Anurag Khandelwal
3 Bryan Cutler
3 Dominik Moritz
3 Mike Pigott
3 Pearu Peterson
3 Sebastien Binet
2 Hatem Helal
2 Jeroen Ooms
2 Owen Nelson
2 Peter
2 Praveen
2 Renat Valiullin
2 Renjie Liu
2 emkornfield
2 tigerchen
1 Alexandre Crayssac
1 Areg Melik-Adamyan
1 Brandon Greenwell
1 Bruno P. Kinoshita
1 Christian Thiel
1 Christopher Hutchinson
1 Daniel Bast
1 Felix
1 Gene Novark
1 George Sakkis
1 Gidon Gershinsky
1 Ildar Musin
1 Ilya Tocar
1 Laurent Goujon
1 Matthias Vallentin
1 Maxim Novikov
1 Michael Pigott
1 Michael Vilim
1 Mike Bostock
1 P. Taylor Goetz
1 Paul Kernfeld
1 Paul Taylor
1 Prashanth Govindarajan
1 Robert Nishihara
1 Ross Smith II
1 Ryan Mackenzie White
1 Rylan Dmello
1 Stephen Toub
1 Steven Fackler
1 Suvayu Ali
1 Tanya Schlusser
1 Todd A. Anderson
1 Yu Ding
1 Yurui Zhou
1 alexandreyc
1 dsisnero
1 fjetter
1 praveenbingo
1 praveenkrishna
1 yl187661
<h2 id="patch-committers">Patch Committers</h2>
<p>The following Apache committers merged contributed patches to the repository.</p>
<div class="language-console highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="gp">$</span><span class="w"> </span>git shortlog <span class="nt">-csn</span> apache-arrow-0.12.0..apache-arrow-0.13.0
<span class="go"> 193 Wes McKinney
95 Krisztián Szűcs
66 Uwe L. Korn
53 Kouhei Sutou
40 Antoine Pitrou
22 Andy Grove
21 Korn, Uwe
11 Pindikura Ravindra
9 Yosuke Shiro
8 Brian Hulette
7 Chao Sun
5 Philipp Moritz
5 Sebastien Binet
4 Bryan Cutler
2 GitHub
2 Paddy Horan
2 Robert Nishihara
2 Sidd
2 ptaylor
1 Micah Kornfield
<h2 id="changelog">Changelog</h2>
<h3 id="new-features-and-improvements">New Features and Improvements</h3>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1425</a> - [Python] Document semantic differences between Spark timestamps and Arrow timestamps</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1572</a> - [C++] Implement “value counts” kernels for tabulating value frequencies</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1639</a> - [Python] More efficient serialization for RangeIndex in serialize_pandas</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1807</a> - [JAVA] Reduce Heap Usage (Phase 3): consolidate buffers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-1896</a> - [C++] Do not allocate memory for primitive outputs in CastKernel::Call implementation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2015</a> - [Java] Use Java Time and Date APIs instead of JodaTime</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2022</a> - [Format] Add custom metadata field specific to a RecordBatch message</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2112</a> - [C++] Enable cpplint to be run on Windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2409</a> - [Rust] Test for build warnings, remove current warnings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2627</a> - [Python] Add option (or some equivalent) to toggle memory mapping functionality when using parquet.ParquetFile or other read entry points</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3107</a> - [C++] arrow::PrettyPrint for Column instances</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3121</a> - [C++] Mean kernel aggregate</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3123</a> - [C++] Incremental Count, Count Not Null aggregator</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3135</a> - [C++] Add helper functions for validity bitmap propagation in kernel context</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3149</a> - [C++] Use gRPC (when it exists) from conda-forge for CI builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3162</a> - [Python] Enable Flight servers to be implemented in pure Python</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3239</a> - [C++] Improve random data generation functions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3289</a> - [C++] Implement DoPut command for Flight on client and server side</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3292</a> - [C++] Test Flight RPC in Travis CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3297</a> - [Python] Python bindings for Flight C++ client</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-331</a> - [Python] Timeline for dropping Python 2.7 support</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3311</a> - [R] Functions for deserializing IPC components from arrow::Buffer or from IO interface</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3361</a> - [R] Run cpp/build-support/ on C++ source files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3364</a> - [Doc] Document docker compose setup</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3367</a> - [INTEGRATION] Port Spark integration test to the docker-compose setup</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3422</a> - [C++] Add “toolchain” target to ensure that all required toolchain libraries are built</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3434</a> - [Packaging] Add Apache ORC C++ library to conda-forge</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3511</a> - [Gandiva] support input selection vectors for both projector and filter</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3532</a> - [Python] Schema, StructType, StructArray field retrieval by name should raise warning or exception for multiple matches</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3550</a> - [C++] Use kUnknownNullCount in NumericArray constructor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3554</a> - [C++] Reverse traits for C++</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3596</a> - [Packaging] Build gRPC in conda-forge</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3619</a> - [R] Expose global thread pool optins</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3631</a> - [C#] Add Appveyor build for C#</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3653</a> - [Python/C++] Support data copying between different GPU devices</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3735</a> - [Python] Proper error handling in _ensure_type</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3761</a> - [R] Bindings for CompressedInputStream, CompressedOutputStream</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3769</a> - [C++] Support reading non-dictionary encoded binary Parquet columns directly as DictionaryArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3770</a> - [C++] Validate or add option to validate arrow::Table schema in parquet::arrow::FileWriter::WriteTable</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3816</a> - [R] nrow.RecordBatch method</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3824</a> - [R] Document developer workflow for building project, running unit tests in r/</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3838</a> - [Rust] Implement CSV Writer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3846</a> - [Gandiva] Build on Windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3882</a> - [Rust] PrimitiveArray<T> should support cast operations</T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3903</a> - [Python] Random array generator for Arrow conversion and Parquet testing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3926</a> - [Python] Add Gandiva bindings to Python wheels</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3951</a> - [Go] implement a CSV writer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3954</a> - [Rust] Add Slice to Array and ArrayData</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3965</a> - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Configuration Object</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3966</a> - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: JDBC Metadata in Schema Fields</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3972</a> - [C++] Update to LLVM and Clang bits to 7.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3981</a> - [C++] Rename json.h</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3985</a> - [C++] Pass -C option when compiling with ccache to avoid some warnings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4012</a> - [Documentation][C++] Document how to install Apache Arrow on MSYS2</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4014</a> - [C++] Fix “LIBCMT” warnings on MSVC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4024</a> - [Python] Cython compilation error on cython==0.27.3</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4031</a> - [C++] Refactor ArrayBuilder bitmap logic into TypedBufferBuilder<bool></bool></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4056</a> - [C++] Upgrade to boost-cpp 1.69.0 again</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4061</a> - [Rust] [Parquet] Implement “spaced” version for non-dictionary encoding/decoding</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4071</a> - [Rust] Add rustfmt as a pre-commit hook</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4072</a> - [Rust] Set default value for PARQUET_TEST_DATA</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4094</a> - [Python] Store RangeIndex in Parquet files as metadata rather than a physical data column</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4110</a> - [C++] Do not generate distinct cast kernels when input and output type are the same</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4123</a> - [C++] Improve linting workflow and documentation for Windows-based developers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4124</a> - [C++] Abstract aggregation kernel API</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4142</a> - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow: JDBC Arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4165</a> - [C++] Port cpp/apidoc/ and other files to Sphinx / rst</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4180</a> - [Java] Reduce verbose logging of ArrowBuf creation events?</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4196</a> - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for arithmetic ops in “array_ops”</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4198</a> - [Gandiva] Add support to cast timestamp</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4204</a> - [Gandiva] implement decimal subtract</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4205</a> - [Gandiva] Implement decimal multiply</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4206</a> - [Gandiva] Implement decimal divide</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4212</a> - [Python] [CUDA] Creating a CUDA buffer from Numba device array should be easier</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4230</a> - [C++] Enable building flight against system gRPC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4234</a> - [C++] Add memory bandwidth benchmarks to arrow/util/</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4235</a> - [GLib] Use “column_builder” in GArrowRecordBatchBuilder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4236</a> - [JAVA] Distinct plasma client create exceptions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4245</a> - [Rust] Add Rustdoc header to each source file</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4247</a> - [Packaging] Update verify script for 0.12.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4251</a> - [C++] Add option to use vendored Boost in</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4262</a> - [Website] Blog post to give preview into using R and Arrow with Apache Spark</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4263</a> - [Rust] Donate DataFusion</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4265</a> - [C++] Automatic conversion between Table and std::vector&lt;std::tuple&lt;..»</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4268</a> - [C++] Add C primitive to Arrow:Type compile time in TypeTraits</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4271</a> - [Rust] Move Parquet specific info to Parquet Readme</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4273</a> - [Release] Fix verification script to use cf201901 conda-forge label</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4277</a> - [C++] Add gmock to toolchain</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4281</a> - [CI] Use Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) VMs on Travis-CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4285</a> - [Python] Use proper builder interface for serialization</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4287</a> - [C++] Ensure minimal bison version on OSX for Thrift</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4289</a> - [C++] Forward AR and RANLIB to thirdparty builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4290</a> - [C++/Gandiva] Support detecting correct LLVM version in Homebrew</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4291</a> - [Dev] Support selecting features in release scripts</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4294</a> - [Plasma] Add support for evicting objects to external store</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4297</a> - [C++] Fix build for 32-bit MSYS2</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4298</a> - [Java] Building Flight fails with OpenJDK 11</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4299</a> - [Ruby] Depend on the same version as Red Arrow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4300</a> - [C++] Restore apache-arrow Homebrew recipe and define process for maintaining and updating for releases</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4303</a> - [Gandiva/Python] Build LLVM with RTTI in manylinux1 container</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4305</a> - [Rust] Fix parquet version number in README</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4307</a> - [C++] FIx doxygen warnings, include doxygen warning checks in CI linting</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4310</a> - [Website] Update install document for 0.12.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4313</a> - Define general benchmark database schema</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4315</a> - [Website] Home page of does not mention Go or Rust</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4318</a> - [C++] Add Tensor::CountNonZero</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4321</a> - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in docker containers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4330</a> - [C++] Use FindThreads.cmake to handle -pthread compiler/link options</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4332</a> - [Website] Instructions and scripts for publishing web site appear to be incorrect</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4334</a> - [CI] Setup conda-forge channel globally in travis builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4335</a> - [C++] Better document sparse tensor support</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4336</a> - [C++] Default BUILD_WARNING_LEVEL to CHECKIN</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4339</a> - [C++] rewrite cpp/README shorter, with a separate contribution guide</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4340</a> - [C++] Update IWYU version in the `lint` dockerfile</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4341</a> - [C++] Use TypedBufferBuilder<bool> in BooleanBuilder</bool></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4344</a> - [Java] Further cleanup maven output</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4345</a> - [C++] Add Apache 2.0 license file to the Parquet-testing repository</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4346</a> - [C++] Fix compiler warnings with gcc 8.2.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4352</a> - [C++] Add support for system Google Test</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4353</a> - [CI] Add jobs for 32-bit and 64-bit MinGW</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4358</a> - [Gandiva][Crossbow] Trusty build broken</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4361</a> - [Website] Update commiters list</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4362</a> - [Java] Test OpenJDK 11 in CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4363</a> - [C++] Add CMake format checks</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4372</a> - [C++] Embed precompiled bitcode in the gandiva library</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4373</a> - [Packaging] Travis fails to deploy conda packages on OSX</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4375</a> - [CI] Sphinx dependencies were removed from docs conda environment</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4376</a> - [Rust] Implement from_buf_reader for csv::Reader</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4377</a> - [Rust] Implement std::fmt::Debug for all PrimitiveArrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4379</a> - Register pyarrow serializers for collections.Counter and collections.deque.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4383</a> - [C++] Use the CMake’s standard find features</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4386</a> - [Rust] Implement Date and Time Arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4388</a> - [Go] add DimNames() method to tensor Interface?</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4393</a> - [Rust] coding style: apply 90 characters per line limit</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4396</a> - Update Typedoc to support TypeScript 3.2</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4397</a> - [C++] dim_names in Tensor and SparseTensor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4399</a> - [C++] Remove usage of “extern template class” from NumericArray<T></T></li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4401</a> - [Python] Alpine dockerfile fails to build because pandas requires numpy as build dependency</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4406</a> - Ignore “*_$folder$” files on S3</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4408</a> - [CPP/Doc] Remove outdated Parquet documentation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4422</a> - [Plasma] Enforce memory limit in plasma, rather than relying on dlmalloc_set_footprint_limit</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4423</a> - [C++] Update version of vendored gtest to 1.8.1</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4424</a> - [Python] Manylinux CI builds failing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4425</a> - Add link to ‘Contributing’ page in the top-level Arrow README</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4430</a> - [C++] add unit test for currently unused append method</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4431</a> - [C++] Build gRPC as ExternalProject without allowing it to build its vendored dependencies</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4435</a> - [C#] Add .sln file and minor .csproj fix ups</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4436</a> - [Documentation] Clarify instructions for building documentation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4442</a> - [JS] Overly broad type annotation for Chunked typeId leading to type mismatches in generated typing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4444</a> - [Testing] Add DataFusion test files to arrow-testing repo</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4445</a> - [C++][Gandiva] Run Gandiva-LLVM tests in Appveyor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4446</a> - [Python] Run Gandiva tests on Windows and Appveyor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4448</a> - [JAVA][Flight] Flaky Flight java test</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4449</a> - [Rust] Convert File to T: Read + Seek for schema inference</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4454</a> - [C++] fix unused parameter warnings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4455</a> - [Plasma] g++ 8 reports class-memaccess warnings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4459</a> - [Testing] Add git submodule for arrow-testing data files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4460</a> - [Website] Write blog post to announce DataFusion donation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4461</a> - [C++] Expose bit-util methods for binary boolean operations that don’t allocate</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4462</a> - [C++] Upgrade LZ4 v1.7.5 to v1.8.3 to compile with VS2017</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4464</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for LIMIT</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4466</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for Parquet data sources</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4468</a> - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Buffer (with SIMD)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4472</a> - [Website][Python] Blog post about Python string memory use improvements in 0.12</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4475</a> - [Python] Serializing objects that contain themselves</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4476</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Post donation clean up tasks</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4481</a> - [Website] Instructions for publishing web site are missing a step</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4483</a> - [Website] Fix broken link (author) in DataFusion blog post</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4485</a> - [CI] Determine maintenance approach to pinned conda-forge binutils package</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4486</a> - [Python][CUDA] pyarrow.cuda.Context.foreign_buffer should have a `base=None` argument</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4488</a> - [Rust] From AsRef&lt;[u8]&gt; for Buffer does not ensure correct padding</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4489</a> - [Rust] PrimitiveArray.value_slice performs bounds checking when it should not</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4490</a> - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for boolean ops in “array_ops”</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4491</a> - [Python] Remove usage of std::to_string and std::stoi</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4499</a> - [Python][CI] Upgrade to latest flake8 3.7.5 in</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4502</a> - [C#] Add support for zero-copy reads</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4506</a> - [Ruby] Add Arrow::RecordBatch#raw_records</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4513</a> - [Rust] Implement BitAnd/BitOr for &amp;Bitmap</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4518</a> - [JS] add jsdelivr to package.json</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4528</a> - [C++] Update lint docker container to LLVM-7</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4529</a> - [C++] Add test coverage for BitUtils::RoundDown</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4531</a> - [C++] Handling of non-aligned slices in Sum kernel</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4537</a> - [CI] Suppress shell warning on travis-ci</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4539</a> - [Java]List vector child value count not set correctly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4540</a> - [Rust] Add basic JSON reader</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4543</a> - [C#] Update Flat Buffers code to latest version</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4547</a> - [Python][Documentation] Update python/development.rst with instructions for CUDA-enabled builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4556</a> - [Rust] Preserve order of JSON inferred schema</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4558</a> - [C++][Flight] Avoid undefined behavior with gRPC memory optimizations</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4560</a> - [R] array() needs to take single input, not …</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4562</a> - [C++][Flight] Create outgoing composite grpc::ByteBuffer instead of allocating contiguous slice and copying IpcPayload into it</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4565</a> - [R] Reading records with all non-null decimals SEGFAULTs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4568</a> - [C++] Add version macros to headers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4572</a> - [C++] Remove memory zeroing from PrimitiveAllocatingUnaryKernel</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4583</a> - [Plasma] There are bugs reported by code scan tool</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4586</a> - [Rust] Remove arrow/ as it is not needed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4590</a> - [Rust] Add explicit SIMD vectorization for comparison ops in “array_ops”</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4592</a> - [GLib] Stop configure immediately when GLib isn’t available</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4593</a> - [Ruby] Arrow::Array#[out_of_range] returns nil</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4594</a> - [Ruby] Arrow::StructArray#[] returns Arrow::Struct instead of Arrow::Array</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4595</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement DataFrame style API</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4598</a> - [CI] Remove needless LLVM_DIR for macOS</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4599</a> - [C++] Add support for system GFlags</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4602</a> - [Rust][ [DataFusion] Integrate query optimizer with ExecutionContext</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4605</a> - [Rust] Move filter and limit code from DataFusion into compute module</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4609</a> - [C++] Use google benchmark from toolchain</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4610</a> - [Plasma] Avoid JNI from crashing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4611</a> - [C++] Rework CMake third-party logic</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4612</a> - [Python] Use cython from PyPI for windows wheels build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4613</a> - [C++] Alpine build failing as is not found</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4614</a> - [C++/CI] Activate flight build in ci/</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4615</a> - [C++] Add checked_pointer_cast</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4616</a> - [C++] Log message in BuildUtils as STATUS</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4618</a> - [Docker] Makefile to build dependent docker images</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4619</a> - [R]: Fix the autobrew script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4620</a> - [C#] Add unit tests for “Types” in arrow/csharp</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4623</a> - [R] update Rcpp dependency</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4628</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement type coercion query optimizer rule</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4632</a> - [Ruby] Add BigDecimal#to_arrow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4634</a> - [Rust] [Parquet] Reorganize test_common mod to allow more test util codes.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4637</a> - [Python] Avoid importing Pandas unless necessary</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4638</a> - [R] install instructions using brew</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4640</a> - [Python] Add docker-compose configuration to build and test the project without pandas installed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4643</a> - [C++] Add compiler diagnostic color when using Ninja</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4644</a> - [C++/Docker] Build Gandiva in the docker containers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4645</a> - [C++/Packaging] Ship Gandiva with OSX and Windows wheels</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4646</a> - [C++/Packaging] Ship gandiva with the conda-forge packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4655</a> - [Packaging] Parallelize binary upload</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4662</a> - [Python] Add type_codes property in UnionType</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4667</a> - [C++] Suppress unused function warnings with MinGW</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4670</a> - [Rust] compute::sum performance issue</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4671</a> - [C++] MakeBuilder doesn’t support Type::DICTIONARY</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4673</a> - [C++] Implement AssertDatumEquals</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4676</a> - [C++] Add support for debug build with MinGW</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4678</a> - [Rust] Minimize unstable feature usage</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4679</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement in-memory DataSource</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4681</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Implement parallel query execution using threads</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4686</a> - Only accept ‘y’ or ‘n’ in prompts</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4689</a> - [Go] add support for WASM</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4690</a> - [Python] Building TensorFlow compatible wheels for Arrow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4692</a> - [Format][Documentation] Add more details about “sidecar” to flight proto</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4693</a> - [CI] Build boost library with multi precision</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4697</a> - [C++] Add URI parsing facility</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-47</a> - [C++] Consider adding a scalar type object model</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4705</a> - [Rust] CSV reader should show line number and error message when failing to parse a line</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4707</a> - [C++] move BitsetStack to bit-util.h</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4718</a> - Add ArrowStreamWriter/Reader ctors that leave open the underlying Stream</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4727</a> - [Rust] Implement ability to check if two schemas are the same</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4730</a> - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Fedora build with system packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4731</a> - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Xenial build with system packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4732</a> - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Debian Testing build with system packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4733</a> - [C++] Add CI entry that builds without the conda-forge toolchain but with system packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4734</a> - [Go] Add option to write a header for CSV writer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4735</a> - [Go] Benchmark strconv.Format vs. fmt.Sprintf for CSV writer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4739</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] It should be possible to share a logical plan between threads</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4740</a> - [Java] Upgrade to JUnit 5</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4743</a> - [Java] Fix documentation in arrow memory module</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4745</a> - [C++][Documentation] Document process for replicating static_crt builds on windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4749</a> - [Rust] RecordBatch::new() should return result instead of panicking</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4751</a> - [C++] Add pkg-config to conda_env_cpp.yml</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4754</a> - [CI][Java] Flaky TestAuth Flight test</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4756</a> - [CI] document the procedure to update docker image for manylinux1 builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4758</a> - [Flight] Build fails on Mac due to missing Schema_generated.h</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4769</a> - [Rust] Improve array limit function where max records &gt; len</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4772</a> - Provide new ORC adapter interface that allow user to specify row number</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4776</a> - [C++] DictionaryBuilder should support bootstrapping from an existing dict type</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4777</a> - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update lz4 to 1.8.3</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4778</a> - [C++/Python] manylinux1: Update Thrift to 0.12.0</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4782</a> - [C++] Prototype scalar and array expression types for developing deferred operator algebra</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4786</a> - [C++/Python] Support better parallelisation in manylinux1 base build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4789</a> - [C++] Deprecate and and later remove arrow::io::ReadableFileInterface</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4790</a> - [Python/Packaging] Update manylinux docker image in crossbow task</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4791</a> - Unused dependencies in arrow and datafusion</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4794</a> - [Python] Make pandas an optional test dependency</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4797</a> - [Plasma] Avoid store crash if not enough memory is available</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4801</a> - [GLib] Suppress pkgconfig.generate() warnings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4808</a> - [Java][Vector] Convenience methods for setting decimal vector</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4817</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Small re-org of modules</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4826</a> - [Go] export Flush method for CSV writer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4831</a> - [C++] CMAKE_AR is not passed to ZSTD thirdparty dependency</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4833</a> - [Release] Document how to update the brew formula in the release management guide</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4834</a> - [R] Feature flag to disable parquet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4835</a> - [GLib] Add boolean operations</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4837</a> - [C++] Support c++filt on a custom path in the script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4839</a> - [C#] Add NuGet support</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4846</a> - [Java] Update Jackson to 2.9.8</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4849</a> - [C++] Add docker-compose entry for testing Ubuntu Bionic build with system packages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4854</a> - [Rust] Use Array Slice for limit kernel</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4855</a> - [Packaging] Generate default package version based on cpp tags in</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4858</a> - [Flight][Python] Enable custom FlightDataStream in Python</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4859</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_numeric_array_mean()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4862</a> - [GLib] Add GArrowCastOptions::allow-invalid-utf8 property</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4865</a> - [Rust] Support casting lists and primitives to lists</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4873</a> - [C++] Clarify documentation about how to use external ARROW_PACKAGE_PREFIX while also using CONDA dependency resolution</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4878</a> - [C++] ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE=CONDA does not work properly with MSVC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4882</a> - [GLib] Add “Sum” functions</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4887</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4889</a> - [C++] Add STATUS messages for Protobuf in CMake</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4891</a> - [C++] ZLIB include directories not added</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4892</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move SQL parser and planner into sql package</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4893</a> - [C++] conda packages should use $PREFIX inside of conda-build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4894</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4895</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Move to top level package</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4896</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from tests</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4897</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Improve Rustdoc</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4898</a> - [C++] Old versions of FindProtobuf.cmake use ALL-CAPS for variables</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4899</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of panic! from</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4901</a> - [Go] Run tests in Appveyor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4905</a> - [C++][Plasma] Remove dlmalloc from client library</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4907</a> - [CI] Add docker container to inspect docker context</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4908</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Add support for parquet date/time in int32/64 encoding</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4909</a> - [CI] Use hadolint to lint Dockerfiles</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4910</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Remove all uses of unimplemented!</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4915</a> - [GLib] Add support for arrow::NullBuilder</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4922</a> - [Packaging] Use system libraris for .deb and .rpm</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4924</a> - [Ruby] Add Decimal128#to_s(scale=nil)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4926</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Update README for 0.13.0 release</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4929</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_array_count_values()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4932</a> - [GLib] Use G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE macro</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4933</a> - [R] Autodetect Parquet support using pkg-config</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4937</a> - [R] Clean pkg-config related logic</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4939</a> - [Python] Add wrapper for “sum” kernel</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4940</a> - [Rust] Enhance documentation for datafusion</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4944</a> - [C++] Raise minimal required thrift-cpp to 0.11 in conda environment</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4946</a> - [C++] Support detection of flatbuffers without FlatbuffersConfig.cmake</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4947</a> - [Flight][C++/Python] Remove redundant schema parameter in DoGet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4951</a> - [C++] Turn off cpp benchmarks in cpp docker images</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4955</a> - [GLib] Add garrow_file_is_closed()</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4964</a> - [Ruby] Add closed check if available on auto close</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4969</a> - [C++] Set RPATH in correct order for test executables on OSX</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4977</a> - [Ruby] Add support for building on Windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4978</a> - [Ruby] Fix wrong internal variable name for table data</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4979</a> - [GLib] Add missing lock to garrow::GIOInputStream</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4980</a> - [GLib] Use GInputStream as the parent of GArrowInputStream</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4981</a> - [Ruby] Add support for CSV data encoding conversion</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4983</a> - [Plasma] Unmap memory when the client is destroyed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4994</a> - [website] Update Details for ptgoetz</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4995</a> - [R] Make sure winbuilder tests pass for package</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4996</a> - [Plasma] There are many log files in /tmp</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5003</a> - [R] remove dependency on withr</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5006</a> - [R] parquet.cpp does not include enough Rcpp</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5011</a> - [Release] Add support in the source release script for custom hash</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5013</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Refactor runtime expression support</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5014</a> - [Java] Fix typos in Flight module</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5018</a> - [Release] Include JavaScript implementation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5032</a> - [C++] Headers in vendored/datetime directory aren’t installed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5041</a> - [Release][C++] use bundled gtest and gmock in verify-release-candidate.bat</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-549</a> - [C++] Add function to concatenate like-typed arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-572</a> - [C++] Apply visitor pattern in IPC metadata</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-585</a> - [C++] Define public API for user-defined data types</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-694</a> - [C++] Build JSON “scanner” for reading record batches from line-delimited JSON files</li>
<h3 id="bug-fixes">Bug Fixes</h3>
<li><a href="">ARROW-2392</a> - [Python] pyarrow RecordBatchStreamWriter allows writing batches with different schemas</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-295</a> - Create DOAP File</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3086</a> - [Glib] GISCAN fails due to conda-shipped openblas</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3096</a> - [Python] Update Python source build instructions given Anaconda/conda-forge toolchain migration</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3133</a> - [C++] Logical boolean kernels in kernels/ cannot write into preallocated memory</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3208</a> - [C++] Segmentation fault when casting dictionary to numeric with nullptr valid_bitmap</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3564</a> - [Python] writing version 2.0 parquet format with dictionary encoding enabled</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3578</a> - [Release] Address spurious Apache RAT failures in source release script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3593</a> - [R] CI builds failing due to GitHub API rate limits</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3606</a> - [Python] flake8 fails on Crossbow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3669</a> - [Python] Convert big-endian numbers or raise error in pyarrow.array</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3843</a> - [Python] Writing Parquet file from empty table created with Table.from_pandas(…, preserve_index=False) fails</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-3923</a> - [Java] JDBC-to-Arrow Conversion: Unnecessary Calendar Requirement</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4081</a> - [Go] Sum methods on Mac OS X panic when the array is empty</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4104</a> - [Java] race in AllocationManager during release</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4117</a> - [Python] “asv dev” command fails with latest revision</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4181</a> - [Python] TestConvertStructTypes.test_from_numpy_large failing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4192</a> - “./dev/” is out of date</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4213</a> - [Flight] C++ and Java implementations are incompatible</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4244</a> - Clarify language around padding/alignment</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4250</a> - [C++][Gandiva] Use approximate comparisons for floating point numbers in gandiva-projector-test</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4252</a> - [C++] Status error context strings missing lines of code</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4253</a> - [GLib] Cannot use non-system Boost specified with $BOOST_ROOT</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4254</a> - [C++] Gandiva tests fail to compile with Boost in Ubuntu 14.04 apt</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4255</a> - [C++] Schema::GetFieldIndex is not thread-safe</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4261</a> - [C++] CMake paths for IPC, Flight, Thrift, and Plasma don’t support using Arrow as a subproject</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4264</a> - [C++] Document why DCHECKs are used in kernels</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4267</a> - [Python/C++][Parquet] Segfault when reading rowgroups with duplicated columns</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4274</a> - [Gandiva] static jni library broken after decimal changes</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4275</a> - [C++] gandiva-decimal_single_test extremely slow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4280</a> - [C++][Documentation] It looks like flex and bison are required for parquet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4282</a> - [Rust] builder benchmark is broken</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4284</a> - [C#] File / Stream serialization fails due to type mismatch / missing footer</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4295</a> - [Plasma] Incorrect log message when evicting objects</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4296</a> - [Plasma] Starting Plasma store with use_one_memory_mapped_file enabled crashes due to improper memory alignment</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4312</a> - [C++] Lint doesn’t work anymore (“[Errno 24] Too many open files”)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4319</a> - plasma/store.h pulls ins flatbuffer dependency</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4320</a> - [C++] Add tests for non-contiguous tensors</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4322</a> - [CI] docker nightlies fails after conda-forge compiler migration</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4323</a> - [Packaging] Fix failing OSX clang conda forge builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4326</a> - [C++] Development instructions in python/development.rst will not work for many Linux distros with new conda-forge toolchain</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4327</a> - [Python] Add requirements-build.txt file to simplify setting up Python build environment</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4328</a> - Make R build compatible with DARROW_TENSORFLOW=ON</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4329</a> - Python should include the parquet headers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4342</a> - [Gandiva][Java] spurious failures in projector cache test</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4347</a> - [Python] Run Python Travis CI unit tests on Linux when Java codebase changed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4349</a> - [C++] Build all benchmarks on Windows without failing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4351</a> - [C++] Fail to build with static parquet</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4355</a> - [C++] test-util functions are no longer part of libarrow</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4360</a> - [C++] Query homebrew for Thrift</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4364</a> - [C++] Fix -weverything -wextra compilation errors</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4366</a> - [Docs] Change extension from format/ to format/README.rst</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4367</a> - [C++] StringDictionaryBuilder segfaults on Finish with only null entries</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4368</a> - Bintray repository signature verification fails</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4370</a> - [Python] Table to pandas conversion fails for list of bool</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4374</a> - [C++] DictionaryBuilder does not correctly report length and null_count</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4381</a> - [Docker] docker-compose build lint fails</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4385</a> - [Python] default_version of a release should not include SNAPSHOT</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4389</a> - [R] Installing clang-tools in CI is failing on trusty</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4395</a> - ts-node throws type error running `bin/arrow2csv.js`</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4400</a> - [CI] install of clang tools failing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4403</a> - [Rust] CI fails due to formatting errors</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4404</a> - [CI] AppVeyor toolchain build does not build anything</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4407</a> - [C++] ExternalProject_Add does not capture CC/CXX correctly</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4410</a> - [C++] Fix InvertKernel edge cases</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4413</a> - [Python] pyarrow.hdfs.connect() failing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4414</a> - [C++] Stop using cmake COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS because it breaks package builds for older distros</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4417</a> - [C++] Doc build broken</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4420</a> - [INTEGRATION] Make spark integration test pass and test against spark’s master branch</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4421</a> - [Flight][C++] Handle large Flight data messages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4434</a> - [Python] Cannot create empty StructArray via pa.StructArray.from_arrays</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4440</a> - [C++] Fix flatbuffers build using msvc</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4457</a> - [Python] Cannot create Decimal128 array using integers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4469</a> - [Python][C++] CI Failing for Python 2.7 and 3.6 with valgrind</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4471</a> - [C++] Pass AR and RANLIB to all external projects</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4474</a> - [Flight] FlightInfo should use signed integer types for payload size</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4496</a> - [CI] CI failing for python Xcode 7.3</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4498</a> - [Plasma] Plasma fails building with CUDA enabled</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4500</a> - [C++] librt and pthread hacks can cause linking problems</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4501</a> - [C++] Unique returns non-unique strings</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4525</a> - [Rust] [Parquet] Convert ArrowError to ParquetError</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4527</a> - [Packaging] Update linux packaging tasks to align with the LLVM 7 migration</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4532</a> - [Java] varchar value buffer much larger than expected</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4533</a> - [Python] Document how to run hypothesis tests</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4535</a> - [C++] Fix MakeBuilder to preserve ListType’s field name</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4536</a> - Add data_type argument in garrow_list_array_new</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4538</a> - [PYTHON] Remove index column from subschema in write_to_dataframe</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4549</a> - [C++] Can’t build benchmark code on CUDA enabled build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4550</a> - [JS] Fix AMD pattern</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4559</a> - [Python] pyarrow can’t read/write filenames with special characters</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4563</a> - [Python] pa.decimal128 should validate inputs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4571</a> - [Format] Tensor.fbs file has multiple root_type declarations</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4576</a> - [Python] Benchmark failures</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4577</a> - [C++] Interface link libraries declared on arrow_shared target that are actually non-interface</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4581</a> - [C++] gbenchmark_ep is a dependency of unit tests when ARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4582</a> - [C++/Python] Memory corruption on Pandas-&gt;Arrow conversion</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4584</a> - [Python] Add built wheel to manylinux1 dockerignore.</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4585</a> - [C++] Dependency of Flight C++ sources on generated protobuf is not respected</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4587</a> - Flight C++ DoPut segfaults</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4597</a> - [C++] Targets for system Google Mock shared library are missing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4601</a> - [Python] Master build is broken due to missing licence for .dockerignore</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4608</a> - [C++] cmake script assumes that double-conversion installs static libs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4617</a> - [C++] Support double-conversion&lt;3.1</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4624</a> - [C++] Linker errors when building benchmarks</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4629</a> - [Python] Pandas to arrow conversion slowed down by local imports</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4639</a> - [CI] Crossbow build failing for Gandiva jars</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4641</a> - [C++] Flight builds complain of -Wstrict-aliasing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4642</a> - [R] Change `f` to `file` in `read_parquet_file()`</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4654</a> - [C++] Implicit Flight target dependencies cause compilation failure</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4657</a> - [Release] gbenchmark should not be needed for verification</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4658</a> - [C++] Shared gflags is also a run-time conda requirement</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4659</a> - [CI] ubuntu/debian nightlies fail because of missing gandiva files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4660</a> - [C++] gflags fails to build due to CMake error</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4664</a> - [C++] DCHECK macro conditions are evaluated in release builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4669</a> - [Java] No Bounds checking on ArrowBuf.slice</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4672</a> - [C++] clang-7 matrix entry is build using gcc</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4680</a> - [CI] [Rust] Travis CI builds fail with latest Rust 1.34.0-nightly (2019-02-25)</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4684</a> - [Python] CI failures in</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4687</a> - [Python] should exit on Ctrl-C</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4688</a> - [C++][Parquet] 16MB limit on (nested) column chunk prevents tuning row_group_size</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4696</a> - Verify release script is over optimist with CUDA detection</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4699</a> - [C++] json parser should not rely on null terminated buffers</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4704</a> - [CI][GLib] Plasma test is flaky</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4710</a> - [C++][R] New linting script skip files with “cpp” extension</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4712</a> - [C++][CI] Clang7 Valgrind complains when not move shared_ptr</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4721</a> - [Rust] [DataFusion] Propagate schema in filter</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4724</a> - [C++] Python not being built nor test under MinGW builds</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4728</a> - [JS] Failing test Table#assign with a zero-length Null column round-trips through serialization</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4737</a> - [C#] tests are not running in CI</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4744</a> - [CI][C++] Mingw32 builds failing</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4750</a> - [C++] RapidJSON triggers Wclass-memaccess on GCC 8+</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4760</a> - [C++] protobuf 3.7 defines EXPECT_OK that clashes with Arrow’s macro</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4766</a> - [C++] Casting empty boolean array causes segfault</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4767</a> - [C#] ArrowStreamReader crashes while reading the end of a stream</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4768</a> - [C++][CI] arrow-test-array sometimes gets stuck in MinGW build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4774</a> - [C++][Parquet] Call Table::Validate when writing a table</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4775</a> - [Website] Site navbar cannot be expanded</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4783</a> - [C++][CI] Mingw32 builds sometimes timeout</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4793</a> - [Ruby] Suppress unused variable warning</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4796</a> - [Flight][Python] segfault in simple server implementation</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4802</a> - [Python] Hadoop classpath discovery broken HADOOP_HOME is a symlink</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4807</a> - [Rust] Fix csv_writer benchmark</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4811</a> - [C++] An incorrect dependency leads “ninja” to re-evaluate steps unnecessarily on subsequent calls</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4813</a> - [Ruby] Add tests for #== and #!=</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4820</a> - [Python] hadoop class path derived not correct</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4822</a> - [C++/Python] pyarrow.Table.equals segmentation fault on None</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4828</a> - [Python] manylinux1 docker-compose context should be python/manylinux1</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4850</a> - [CI] Integration test failures do not fail the Travis CI build</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4853</a> - [Rust] Array slice doesn’t work on ListArray and StructArray</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4857</a> - [C++/Python/CI] docker-compose in manylinux1 crossbow jobs too old</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4866</a> - [C++] zstd ExternalProject failing on Windows</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4867</a> - [Python] Table.from_pandas() column order not respected</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4869</a> - [C++] Use of gmock fails in compute/kernels/</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4870</a> - [Ruby] gemspec has wrong msys2 dependency listed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4871</a> - [Flight][Java] Handle large Flight messages</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4872</a> - [Python] Keep backward compatibility for ParquetDatasetPiece</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4881</a> - [Python] bundle_zlib CMake function still uses ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4900</a> - mingw-w64 &lt; 5 does not have __cpuidex</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4903</a> - [C++] Building tests using only static libs not possible</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4906</a> - [Format] Fix document to describe that SparseMatrixIndexCSR assumes indptr is sorted for each row</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4918</a> - [C++] Add cmake-format to pre-commit</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4928</a> - [Python] Hypothesis test failures</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4931</a> - [C++] CMake fails on gRPC ExternalProject</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4942</a> - [Ruby] Remove needless omits</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4948</a> - [JS] Nightly test failing with “Cannot assign to read only property”</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4950</a> - [C++] Thirdparty CMake error get_target_property() called with non-existent target LZ4::lz4</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4952</a> - [C++] Equals / ApproxEquals behaviour undefined on FP NaNs</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4954</a> - [Python] test failure with Flight enabled</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4958</a> - [C++] Purely static linking broken</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4961</a> - [C++][Python] Add GTest_SOURCE=BUNDLED to relevant build docs that use conda-forge toolchain</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4962</a> - [C++] Warning level to CHECKIN can’t compile on modern GCC</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4976</a> - [JS] RecordBatchReader should reset its Node/DOM streams</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4982</a> - [GLib][CI] Run tests on AppVeyor</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4984</a> - [Flight][C++] Flight server segfaults when port is in use</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4986</a> - [CI] Travis fails to install llvm@7</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4989</a> - [C++] Builds fails to find Ubuntu-packaged re2 library</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4991</a> - [CI] Bump travis node version to 11.12</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-4997</a> - [C#] ArrowStreamReader doesn’t consume whole stream and doesn’t implement sync read</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5009</a> - [C++] Cleanup using to std::* in files</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5010</a> - [Release] Fix release script with llvm-7</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5012</a> - [C++] “testing” headers not installed</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5023</a> - [Release] Default value syntax in shell is wrong</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5024</a> - [Release] –arrow-version causes missing variable error</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5025</a> - [Python][Packaging] wheel for Windows are broken</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5026</a> - [Python][Packaging] conda package on non Windows is broken</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5029</a> - [C++] Compilation warnings in release mode</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5031</a> - [Dev] Release verification script does not run CUDA tests in Python</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5042</a> - [Release] Wrong ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE in verification script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5043</a> - [Release][Ruby] red-arrow dependency can’t be resolve in verification script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5044</a> - [Release][Rust] Format error in verification script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5046</a> - [Release][C++] Plasma test is fragile in verification script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5047</a> - [Release] Always set up parquet-testing in verification script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5048</a> - [Release][Rust] arrow-testing is missing in verification script</li>
<li><a href="">ARROW-5050</a> - [C++] cares_ep should build before grpc_ep</li>
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<p>Apache Arrow, Arrow, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Arrow project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the United States and other countries.</p>
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