ARROW-5084: [Website] Add blog post for 0.13.0 release

This post is fairly brief; the releases are getting harder and harder to summarize in a short blog post, so I don't think we can go into too much detail.

If anyone from the other PLs would like to post a blurb for me to add (GLib, Ruby, Rust, Go, Java, JavaScript, C#) please write here and I'll incorporate.

I will plan to publish this and send out on social media tomorrow (April 2) morning in the USA.

Author: Wes McKinney <>

Closes #4091 from wesm/ARROW-5084 and squashes the following commits:

17c734182 <Wes McKinney> Edits to release blog post
76ac10d85 <Wes McKinney> Finish 0.13 blog post draft
93032cc59 <Wes McKinney> Start 0.13.0 blog post
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9417e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+layout: post
+title: "Apache Arrow 0.13.0 Release"
+date: "2019-04-02 07:00:00 -0600"
+author: wesm
+categories: [release]
+{% comment %}
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+{% endcomment %}
+The Apache Arrow team is pleased to announce the 0.13.0 release. This covers
+more than 2 months of development work and includes [**550 resolved
+issues**][1] from [**81 distinct contributors**][22].
+See the [Install Page][2] to learn how to get the libraries for your
+platform. The [complete changelog][3] is also available.
+While it's a large release, this post will give some brief highlights in the
+project since the 0.12.0 release from January.
+## New committer and PMC member
+The Arrow team is growing! Since the 0.12.0 release we have increased the size
+of our committer and PMC rosters.
+* [Andy Grove][13] was promoted to PMC member
+* [Micah Kornfield][14] was added as a committer
+Thank you for all your contributions!
+## Rust DataFusion Query Engine donation
+Since the last release, we received a donation of [DataFusion][17], a
+Rust-native query engine for the Arrow columnar format, whose development had
+been led prior by Andy Grove. [Read more about DataFusion][19] in our February
+blog post.
+This is an exciting development for the Rust community, and we look forward to
+developing more analytical query processing within the Apache Arrow project.
+## Arrow Flight gRPC progress
+Over the last couple months, we have made significant progress on Arrow Flight,
+an Arrow-native data messaging framework. We have integration tests to check
+C++ and Java compatibility, and we have added Python bindings for the C++
+library. We will write a future blog post to go into more detail about how
+Flight works.
+## C++ notes
+There were 231 issues relating to C++ in this release, far too much to
+summarize in a blog post. Some notable items include:
+* An experimental `ExtensionType` was developed for creating user-defined data
+  types that can be embedded in the Arrow binary protocol. This is not yet
+  finalized, but [feedback would be welcome][51].
+* We have undertaken a significant reworking of our CMake build system for C++
+  to make the third party dependencies more configurable. Among other things,
+  this eases work on packaging for Linux distributions. Read more about this in
+  the [C++ developer documentation][18].
+* Laying more groundwork for an Arrow-native in-memory query engine
+* We began building a reader for line-delimited JSON files
+* Gandiva can now be compiled on Windows with Visual Studio
+## C# Notes
+C# .NET development has picked up since the initial code donation last
+fall. 11 issues were resolved this release cycle.
+The Arrow C# package is [now available via NuGet][244].
+## Go notes
+8 Go-related issues were resolved. A notable feature is the addition of a CSV
+file writer.
+## Java notes
+26 Java issues were resolved. Outside of Flight-related work, some notable
+items include:
+* Migration to Java 8 date and time APIs from Joda
+* Array type support in JDBC adapter
+## Javascript Notes
+The recent [JavaScript 0.4.1 release][243] is the last JavaScript-only release
+of Apache Arrow. Starting with 0.13 the Javascript implementation is now
+included in mainline Arrow releases! The version number of the released
+JavaScript packages will now be in sync with the mainline version number.
+## Python notes
+86 Python-related issues were resolved. Some highlights include:
+* The Gandiva LLVM expression compiler is now available in the Python wheels
+  through the ``pyarrow.gandiva`` module.
+* Flight RPC bindings
+* Improved pandas serialization performance with RangeIndex
+* pyarrow can be used without pandas installed
+Note that Apache Arrow will continue to support Python 2.7 until January 2020.
+## Ruby and C GLib notes
+36 C/GLib- and Ruby-related issues were resolved. The work continues to follow
+the upstream work in the C++ project.
+* `Arrow::RecordBatch#raw_records` was added. It can convert a record batch to
+  a Ruby's array in 10x-200x faster than the same conversion by a pure-Ruby
+  implementation.
+## Rust notes
+69 Rust-related issues were resolved. Many of these relate to ongoing work in
+the DataFusion query engine. Some notable items include:
+* Date/time support
+* SIMD for arithmetic operations
+* Writing CSV and reading line-delimited JSON
+* Parquet data source support for DataFusion
+* Prototype DataFrame-style API for DataFusion
+* Continued evolution of Parquet file reader
+## R development progress
+The Arrow R developers have expanded the scope of the R language bindings and
+additionally worked on packaging support to be able to submit the package to
+CRAN in the near future. 23 issues were resolved for this release.
+[We wrote in January about ongoing work][50] to accelerate R work on Apache Spark
+using Arrow.
+## Community Discussions Ongoing
+There are a number of active discussions ongoing on the developer
+```` mailing list. We look forward to hearing from the
+community there:
+* **Benchmarking**: we are working to create tools for tracking all of our
+  benchmark results on a commit-by-commit basis in a centralized database
+  schema so that we can monitor for performance regressions over time. We hope
+  to develop a publicly viewable benchmark result dashboard.
+* **C++ Datasets**: development of a unified API for reading and writing
+  datasets stored in various common formats like Parquet, JSON, and CSV.
+* **C++ Query Engine**: architecture of a parallel Arrow-native query engine
+  for C++
+* **Arrow Flight Evolution**: adding features to support different real-world
+  data messaging use cases
+* **Arrow Columnar Format evolution**: we are discussing a new "duration" or
+  "time interval" type and some other additions to the Arrow columnar format.
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