[WEBSITE]: Add Oleks V / comphead to commiters list (#416)

Per https://lists.apache.org/thread/9plwr2w6hc9ktq47351pgn5m80gz8dv1,
add @comphead to the list at https://arrow.apache.org/committers/

cc @comphead please let me know how you would like to list your
affiliation (it can be `None` for example, if there is no larger
organization that is affiliated with your contributions to this project)
diff --git a/_data/committers.yml b/_data/committers.yml
index b143721..8d8c43c 100644
--- a/_data/committers.yml
+++ b/_data/committers.yml
@@ -348,6 +348,10 @@
   role: Committer
   alias: akurmustafa
   affiliation: Synnada
+- name: Oleks V.
+  role: Committer
+  alias: comphead
+  affiliation: None
 - name: Paddy Horan
   role: Committer
   alias: paddyhoran