blob: bd090af5ec0f7885000dee1b9a6520090784b242 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# The functions here are imported in _lib.pyx. They're defined here
# instead of there to make it easier to iterate (no need to rebuild
# after editing when working with an editable installation)
def make_class_label(obj, module=None):
if module is None:
module = obj.__class__.__module__
return f"{module}.{obj.__class__.__name__}"
def c_schema_to_string(obj, max_char_width=80):
max_char_width = max(max_char_width, 10)
c_schema_string = obj._to_string(recursive=True, max_chars=max_char_width + 1)
if len(c_schema_string) > max_char_width:
return c_schema_string[: (max_char_width - 3)] + "..."
return c_schema_string
def schema_repr(schema, indent=0):
indent_str = " " * indent
class_label = make_class_label(schema, module="nanoarrow.c_lib")
if schema._addr() == 0:
return f"<{class_label} <NULL>>"
elif not schema.is_valid():
return f"<{class_label} <released>>"
lines = [f"<{class_label} {schema._to_string()}>"]
for attr in ("format", "name", "flags"):
attr_repr = repr(getattr(schema, attr))
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- {attr}: {attr_repr}")
metadata = schema.metadata
if schema.metadata is None:
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- metadata: NULL")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- metadata:")
for key, value in metadata:
lines.append(f"{indent_str} - {repr(key)}: {repr(value)}")
if schema.dictionary:
dictionary_repr = schema_repr(schema.dictionary, indent=indent + 2)
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: {dictionary_repr}")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: NULL")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- children[{schema.n_children}]:")
for child in schema.children:
child_repr = schema_repr(child, indent=indent + 4)
lines.append(f"{indent_str} {repr(}: {child_repr}")
return "\n".join(lines)
def array_repr(array, indent=0, max_char_width=80):
if max_char_width < 20:
max_char_width = 20
indent_str = " " * indent
class_label = make_class_label(array, module="nanoarrow.c_lib")
if array._addr() == 0:
return f"<{class_label} <NULL>>"
elif not array.is_valid():
return f"<{class_label} <released>>"
schema_string = array.schema._to_string(
max_chars=max_char_width - indent - 23, recursive=True
lines = [f"<{class_label} {schema_string}>"]
for attr in ("length", "offset", "null_count", "buffers"):
attr_repr = repr(getattr(array, attr))
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- {attr}: {attr_repr}")
if array.dictionary:
dictionary_repr = array_repr(array.dictionary, indent=indent + 2)
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: {dictionary_repr}")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: NULL")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- children[{array.n_children}]:")
for child in array.children:
child_repr = array_repr(child, indent=indent + 4)
lines.append(f"{indent_str} {repr(}: {child_repr}")
return "\n".join(lines)
def schema_view_repr(schema_view):
class_label = make_class_label(schema_view, module="nanoarrow.c_lib")
lines = [
f"- type: {repr(schema_view.type)}",
f"- storage_type: {repr(schema_view.storage_type)}",
for attr_name in sorted(dir(schema_view)):
if attr_name.startswith("_") or attr_name in ("type", "storage_type"):
attr_value = getattr(schema_view, attr_name)
if attr_value is None:
lines.append(f"- {attr_name}: {repr(attr_value)}")
return "\n".join(lines)
def array_view_repr(array_view, max_char_width=80, indent=0):
indent_str = " " * indent
class_label = make_class_label(array_view, module="nanoarrow.c_lib")
lines = [f"<{class_label}>"]
for attr in ("storage_type", "length", "offset", "null_count"):
attr_repr = repr(getattr(array_view, attr))
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- {attr}: {attr_repr}")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- buffers[{array_view.n_buffers}]:")
for i, buffer in enumerate(array_view.buffers):
buffer_type = array_view.buffer_type(i)
f"{indent_str} - {buffer_type} "
f"<{buffer_view_repr(buffer, max_char_width - indent - 4 - len(buffer))}>"
if array_view.dictionary:
dictionary_repr = array_view_repr(
array_view.dictionary, max_char_width=max_char_width, indent=indent + 2
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: {dictionary_repr}")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: NULL")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- children[{array_view.n_children}]:")
for child in array_view.children:
child_repr = array_view_repr(
child, max_char_width=max_char_width, indent=indent + 4
lines.append(f"{indent_str} - {child_repr}")
return "\n".join(lines)
def buffer_view_repr(buffer_view, max_char_width=80):
if max_char_width < 20:
max_char_width = 20
prefix = f"{buffer_view.data_type}"
prefix += f"[{buffer_view.size_bytes} b]"
if buffer_view.device.device_type_id == 1:
return (
+ " "
+ buffer_view_preview_cpu(buffer_view, max_char_width - len(prefix) - 2)
return prefix
def buffer_view_preview_cpu(buffer_view, max_char_width):
if buffer_view.element_size_bits == 0:
preview_elements = max_char_width - 3
joined = repr(bytes(memoryview(buffer_view)[:preview_elements]))
elif buffer_view.element_size_bits == 1:
max_elements = max_char_width // 8
if max_elements > len(buffer_view):
preview_elements = len(buffer_view)
preview_elements = max_elements
joined = "".join(
"".join(reversed(format(buffer_view[i], "08b")))
for i in range(preview_elements)
max_elements = max_char_width // 3
if max_elements > len(buffer_view):
preview_elements = len(buffer_view)
preview_elements = max_elements
joined = " ".join(repr(buffer_view[i]) for i in range(preview_elements))
if len(joined) > max_char_width or preview_elements < len(buffer_view):
return joined[: (max_char_width - 3)] + "..."
return joined
def array_stream_repr(array_stream, max_char_width=80):
class_label = make_class_label(array_stream, module="nanoarrow.c_lib")
if array_stream._addr() == 0:
return f"<{class_label} <NULL>>"
elif not array_stream.is_valid():
return f"<{class_label} <released>>"
lines = [f"<{class_label}>"]
schema = array_stream.get_schema()
schema_string = schema._to_string(max_chars=max_char_width - 16, recursive=True)
lines.append(f"- get_schema(): {schema_string}")
except Exception as e:
lines.append(f"- get_schema(): <error calling get_schema(): {e}>")
return "\n".join(lines)
def device_array_repr(device_array):
class_label = make_class_label(device_array, module="nanoarrow.device")
title_line = f"<{class_label}>"
device_type = (
f"- device_type: {} "
device_id = f"- device_id: {device_array.device_id}"
array = f"- array: {array_repr(device_array.array, indent=2)}"
return "\n".join((title_line, device_type, device_id, array))
def device_repr(device):
class_label = make_class_label(device, module="nanoarrow.device")
title_line = f"<{class_label}>"
device_type = f"- device_type: {} <{device.device_type_id}>"
device_id = f"- device_id: {device.device_id}"
return "\n".join([title_line, device_type, device_id])
def array_inspect(array, indent=0, max_char_width=80):
array_view = array.view()
if max_char_width < 20:
max_char_width = 20
indent_str = " " * indent
class_label = "ArrowArray"
if array._addr() == 0:
return f"<{class_label} <NULL>>"
elif not array.is_valid():
return f"<{class_label} <released>>"
schema_string = array.schema._to_string(
max_chars=max_char_width - indent - 23, recursive=True
lines = [f"<{class_label} {schema_string}>"]
for attr in ("length", "offset", "null_count"):
attr_repr = repr(getattr(array, attr))
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- {attr}: {attr_repr}")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- buffers[{array_view.n_buffers}]:")
for i, buffer in enumerate(array_view.buffers):
buffer_type = array_view.buffer_type(i)
f"{indent_str} - {buffer_type} "
f"<{buffer_view_repr(buffer, max_char_width - indent - 4 - len(buffer))}>"
if array.dictionary:
dictionary_repr = array_inspect(array.dictionary, indent=indent + 2)
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: {dictionary_repr}")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- dictionary: NULL")
lines.append(f"{indent_str}- children[{array.n_children}]:")
for child in array.children:
child_repr = array_inspect(child, indent=indent + 4)
lines.append(f"{indent_str} {repr(}: {child_repr}")
return "\n".join(lines)