blob: f3de532bcd5510e2a5964069e42459903779c02a [file] [log] [blame]
function testappend(nm, t, writekw, readkw, extratests)
println("testing append: $nm")
io = Arrow.tobuffer(t; writekw...)
bytes = read(io)
mktemp() do path, io
write(io, bytes)
t1 = Arrow.Table(read(path); readkw...)
f1 = first(Tables.columns(t1))
Arrow.append(path, t1; writekw..., readkw...)
nparts = 0
for t2 in Arrow.Stream(path)
@test isequal(f1, first(Tables.columns(t2)))
nparts += 1
@test nparts == 2
function testappend_compression(compression_option)
mktempdir() do path
testdata = (col1=Int64[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],)
file1 = joinpath(path, "table1.arrow")
file2 = joinpath(path, "table2.arrow")
open(file1, "w") do io
Arrow.write(io, testdata; file=false, compress=compression_option)
isstream, schema, compression = open(Arrow.stream_properties, file1)
@test isstream
@test compression == compression_option
open(file2, "w") do io
Arrow.write(io, testdata; file=false)
arrow_table2 = Arrow.Table(file2)
arrow_table2 |> Arrow.append(file1)
arrow_table1 = Arrow.Table(file1)
isstream, schema, compression = open(Arrow.stream_properties, file1)
@test isstream
@test compression == compression_option
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table1)[1]) == 20
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table2)[1]) == 10
function testappend_partitions()
mktempdir() do path
testdata = (col1=Int64[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],)
file1 = joinpath(path, "table1.arrow")
file2 = joinpath(path, "table2.arrow")
open(file1, "w") do io
Arrow.write(io, testdata; file=false)
arrow_table1 = Arrow.Table(file1)
isstream, schema, compression = open(Arrow.stream_properties, file1)
@test isstream
@test compression === nothing
@test schema.names == (:col1,)
@test schema.types == (Int64,)
# can only append to arrow stream
open(file2, "w") do io
Arrow.write(io, testdata; file=true)
@test_throws ArgumentError Arrow.append(file2, arrow_table1)
# schema must match
testdata2 = (col2=Int64[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],)
open(file2, "w") do io
Arrow.write(io, testdata2; file=false)
@test_throws ArgumentError Arrow.append(file2, arrow_table1)
# recreate file2 in arrow format with correct schema
open(file2, "w") do io
Arrow.write(io, testdata; file=false)
# start
# arrow_table1: 1 partition, 10 rows
# arrow_table2: 1 partition, 10 rows
arrow_table2 = Arrow.Table(file2)
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table1)[1]) == 10
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table2)[1]) == 10
@test_throws ArgumentError Arrow.append(file1, arrow_table2; ntasks = -1)
arrow_table2 |> Arrow.append(file1)
arrow_table1 = Arrow.Table(file1)
# now
# arrow_table1: 2 partitions, 20 rows
# arrow_table2: 1 partition, 10 rows
@test Tables.schema(arrow_table1) == Tables.schema(arrow_table2)
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table1)[1]) == 20
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table2)[1]) == 10
@test length(collect(Tables.partitions(Arrow.Stream(file1)))) == 2 * length(collect(Tables.partitions(Arrow.Stream(file2))))
Arrow.append(file2, arrow_table1; ntasks=1) # append with single task
arrow_table2 = Arrow.Table(file2)
# now
# arrow_table1: 2 partitions, 20 rows
# arrow_table2: 2 partitions, 30 rows (both partitions of table1 are appended as single partition)
@test Tables.schema(arrow_table1) == Tables.schema(arrow_table2)
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table1)[1]) == 20
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table2)[1]) == 30
@test length(collect(Tables.partitions(Arrow.Stream(file1)))) == length(collect(Tables.partitions(Arrow.Stream(file2))))
Arrow.append(file1, Arrow.Stream(file2))
arrow_table1 = Arrow.Table(file1)
# now
# arrow_table1: 4 partitions, 50 rows (partitions of file2 stream are appended without being merged)
# arrow_table2: 2 partitions, 30 rows
@test Tables.schema(arrow_table1) == Tables.schema(arrow_table2)
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table1)[1]) == 50
@test length(Tables.columns(arrow_table2)[1]) == 30
@test length(collect(Tables.partitions(Arrow.Stream(file1)))) == 2 * length(collect(Tables.partitions(Arrow.Stream(file2))))