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The ArrowTypes module provides the [`ArrowTypes.Arrowtype`](@ref) interface trait that objects can define
in order to signal how they should be serialized in the arrow format.
module ArrowTypes
using UUIDs
export ArrowKind, NullKind, PrimitiveKind, BoolKind, ListKind, FixedSizeListKind, MapKind, StructKind, UnionKind, DictEncodedKind, toarrow, arrowname, fromarrow, ToArrow
For a give type `T`, define it's "arrow type kind", or the general category of arrow types it should be treated as. Must be one of:
* [`ArrowTypes.NullKind`](@ref): `Missing` is the only type defined as `NullKind`
* [`ArrowTypes.PrimitiveKind`](@ref): `<:Integer`, `<:AbstractFloat`, along with `Arrow.Decimal`, and the various `Arrow.ArrowTimeType` subtypes
* [`ArrowTypes.BoolKind`](@ref): only `Bool`
* [`ArrowTypes.ListKind`](@ref): any `AbstractString` or `AbstractArray`
* [`ArrowTypes.FixedSizeList`](@ref): `NTuple{N, T}`
* [`ArrowTypes.MapKind`](@ref): any `AbstractDict`
* [`ArrowTypes.StructKind`](@ref): any `NamedTuple` or plain struct (mutable or otherwise)
* [`ArrowTypes.UnionKind`](@ref): any `Union`
* [`ArrowTypes.DictEncodedKind`](@ref): array types that implement the `DataAPI.refarray` interface
The list of `ArrowKind`s listed above translate to different ways to physically store data as supported by the arrow data format.
See the docs for each for an idea of whether they might be an appropriate fit for a custom type.
Note that custom types need to satisfy any additional "interface methods" as required by the various `ArrowKind`
types. By default, if a type in julia is declared like `primitive type ...` it is considered a `PrimitiveKind`
and if `struct` or `mutable struct` it's considered a `StructKind`. Also note that types will rarely need to define `ArrowKind`;
much more common is to define `ArrowType(T)` and `toarrow(x::T)` to transform `T` to a natively supported arrow type, which will
already have its `ArrowKind` defined.
abstract type ArrowKind end
ArrowKind(x::T) where {T} = ArrowKind(T)
ArrowKind(::Type{T}) where {T} = isprimitivetype(T) ? PrimitiveKind() : StructKind()
ArrowTypes.ArrowType(T) = S
Interface method to define the natively supported arrow type `S` that a given type `T` should be converted to before serializing.
Useful when a custom type wants a "serialization hook" or otherwise needs to be transformed/converted into a natively
supported arrow type for serialization. If a type defines `ArrowType`, it must also define a corresponding
[`ArrowTypes.toarrow(x::T)`](@ref) method which does the actual conversion from `T` to `S`.
Note that custom structs defined like `struct T` or `mutable struct T` are natively supported in serialization, so unless
_additional_ transformation/customization is desired, a custom type `T` can serialize with no `ArrowType` definition (by default,
each field of a struct is serialized, using the results of `fieldnames(T)` and `getfield(x, i)`).
Note that defining these methods only deal with custom _serialization_ to the arrow format; to be able to _deserialize_ custom
types at all, see the docs for [`ArrowTypes.arrowname`](@ref), [`ArrowTypes.arrowmetadata`](@ref), [`ArrowTypes.JuliaType`](@ref),
and [`ArrowTypes.fromarrow`](@ref).
function ArrowType end
ArrowType(::Type{T}) where {T} = T
ArrowType(::Type{Any}) = Any
ArrowType(::Type{Union{Missing, T}}) where {T} = Union{Missing, ArrowType(T)}
ArrowType(::Type{Missing}) = Missing
ArrowTypes.toarrow(x::T) => S
Interface method to perform the actual conversion from an object `x` of type `T` to the type `S`. `T` and `S` must match the
types used when defining `ArrowTypes.ArrowType(::Type{T}) = S`. Hence, `S` is the natively supported arrow type that `T`
desires to convert to to enable serialization. See [`ArrowTypes.ArrowType`](@ref) docs for more details.
This enables custom objects to be serialized as a natively supported arrow data type.
function toarrow end
toarrow(x) = x
ArrowTypes.arrowname(T) = Symbol(name)
Interface method to define the logical type "label" for a custom Julia type `T`. Names will be global for an entire arrow dataset,
and conventionally, custom types will just use their type name along with a Julia-specific prefix; for example, for a custom type
`Foo`, I would define `ArrowTypes.arrowname(::Type{Foo}) = Symbol("JuliaLang.Foo")`. This ensures other language implementations
won't get confused and are safe to ignore the logical type label.
When arrow stores non-native data, it must still be _stored_ as a native data type, but can have type metadata tied to the data that
labels the original _logical_ type it originated from. This enables the conversion of native data back to the logical type when
deserializing, as long as the deserializer has the same definitions when the data was serialized. Namely, the current Julia
session will need the appropriate [`ArrowTypes.JuliaType`](@ref) and [`ArrowTypes.fromarrow`](@ref) definitions in order to know
how to convert the native data to the original logical type. See the docs for those interface methods in order to ensure a complete
implementation. Also see the accompanying [`ArrowTypes.arrowmetadata`](@ref) docs around providing additional metadata about a custom
logical type that may be necessary to fully re-create a Julia type (e.g. non-field-based type parameters).
function arrowname end
const EMPTY_SYMBOL = Symbol()
arrowname(T) = EMPTY_SYMBOL
hasarrowname(T) = arrowname(T) !== EMPTY_SYMBOL
ArrowTypes.arrowmetadata(T) => String
Interface method to provide additional logical type metadata when serializing extension types. [`ArrowTypes.arrowname`](@ref)
provides the logical type _name_, which may be all that's needed to return a proper Julia type from [`ArrowTypes.JuliaType`](@ref),
but some custom types may, for example have type parameters that aren't inferred/based on fields. In order to fully recreate these
kinds of types when deserializing, these type parameters can be stored by defining `ArrowTypes.arrowmetadata(::Type{T}) = "type_param"`.
This will then be available to access by overloading `ArrowTypes.JuliaType(::Val{Symbol(name)}, S, arrowmetadata::String)`.
function arrowmetadata end
arrowmetadata(T) = ""
ArrowTypes.JuliaType(::Val{Symbol(name)}, ::Type{S}, arrowmetadata::String) = T
Interface method to define the custom Julia logical type `T` that a serialized metadata label should be converted to when
deserializing. When reading arrow data, and a logical type label is encountered for a column, it will call
`ArrowTypes.JuliaType(Val(Symbol(name)), S, arrowmetadata)` to see if a Julia type has been "registered" for deserialization. The `name`
used when defining the method *must* correspond to the same `name` when defining `ArrowTypes.arrowname(::Type{T}) = Symbol(name)`.
The use of `Val(Symbol(...))` is to allow overloading a method on a specific logical type label. The `S` 2nd argument passed to
`JuliaType` is the native arrow serialized type. This can be useful for parametric Julia types that wish to correctly parameterize
their custom type based on what was serialized. The 3rd argument `arrowmetadata` is any metadata that was stored when the logical
type was serialized as the result of calling `ArrowTypes.arrowmetadata(T)`. Note the 2nd and 3rd arguments are optional when
overloading if unneeded.
When defining [`ArrowTypes.arrowname`](@ref) and `ArrowTypes.JuliaType`, you may also want to implement [`ArrowTypes.fromarrow`]
in order to customize how a custom type `T` should be constructed from the native arrow data type. See its docs for more details.
function JuliaType end
JuliaType(val) = nothing
JuliaType(val, S) = JuliaType(val)
JuliaType(val, S, meta) = JuliaType(val, S)
ArrowTypes.fromarrow(::Type{T}, x::S) => T
Interface method that provides a "deserialization hook" for a custom type `T` to be constructed from the native arrow type `S`.
The `T` and `S` types must correspond to the definitions used in `ArrowTypes.ArrowType(::Type{T}) = S`. This is a paired method
with [`ArrowTypes.toarrow`](@ref).
The default definition is `ArrowTypes.fromarrow(::Type{T}, x) = T(x)`, so if that works for a custom type already, no additional
overload is necessary.
A few `ArrowKind`s have/allow slightly more custom overloads for their `fromarrow` methods:
* `ListKind{true}`: for `String` types, they may overload `fromarrow(::Type{T}, ptr::Ptr{UInt8}, len::Int) = ...` to avoid
materializing a `String`
* `StructKind`: must overload `fromarrow(::Type{T}, x...)` where individual fields are passed as separate
positional arguments; so if my custom type `Interval` has two fields `first` and `last`, then I'd overload like
`ArrowTypes.fromarrow(::Type{Interval}, first, last) = ...`. Note the default implementation is
`ArrowTypes.fromarrow(::Type{T}, x...) = T(x...)`, so if your type already accepts all arguments in a constructor
no additional `fromarrow` method should be necessary (default struct constructors have this behavior).
function fromarrow end
fromarrow(::Type{T}, x::T) where {T} = x
fromarrow(::Type{T}, x...) where {T} = T(x...)
fromarrow(::Type{Union{Missing, T}}, ::Missing) where {T} = missing
fromarrow(::Type{Union{Missing, T}}, x::T) where {T} = x
fromarrow(::Type{Union{Missing, T}}, x::T) where {T<:NamedTuple} = x # ambiguity fix
fromarrow(::Type{Union{Missing, T}}, x) where {T} = fromarrow(T, x)
"NullKind data is actually not physically stored since the data is constant; just the length is needed"
struct NullKind <: ArrowKind end
ArrowKind(::Type{Missing}) = NullKind()
ArrowKind(::Type{Nothing}) = NullKind()
ArrowType(::Type{Nothing}) = Missing
toarrow(::Nothing) = missing
const NOTHING = Symbol("JuliaLang.Nothing")
arrowname(::Type{Nothing}) = NOTHING
JuliaType(::Val{NOTHING}) = Nothing
fromarrow(::Type{Nothing}, ::Missing) = nothing
"PrimitiveKind data is stored as plain bits in a single contiguous buffer"
struct PrimitiveKind <: ArrowKind end
ArrowKind(::Type{<:Integer}) = PrimitiveKind()
ArrowKind(::Type{<:AbstractFloat}) = PrimitiveKind()
ArrowType(::Type{Char}) = UInt32
toarrow(x::Char) = convert(UInt32, x)
const CHAR = Symbol("JuliaLang.Char")
arrowname(::Type{Char}) = CHAR
JuliaType(::Val{CHAR}) = Char
fromarrow(::Type{Char}, x::UInt32) = Char(x)
"BoolKind data is stored with values packed down to individual bits; so instead of a traditional Bool being 1 byte/8 bits, 8 Bool values would be packed into a single byte"
struct BoolKind <: ArrowKind end
ArrowKind(::Type{Bool}) = BoolKind()
"ListKind data are stored in two separate buffers; one buffer contains all the original data elements flattened into one long buffer; the 2nd buffer contains an offset into the 1st buffer for how many elements make up the original array element"
struct ListKind{stringtype} <: ArrowKind end
ListKind() = ListKind{false}()
isstringtype(::ListKind{stringtype}) where {stringtype} = stringtype
isstringtype(::Type{ListKind{stringtype}}) where {stringtype} = stringtype
ArrowKind(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = ListKind{true}()
fromarrow(::Type{T}, ptr::Ptr{UInt8}, len::Int) where {T} = fromarrow(T, unsafe_string(ptr, len))
ArrowType(::Type{Symbol}) = String
toarrow(x::Symbol) = String(x)
const SYMBOL = Symbol("JuliaLang.Symbol")
arrowname(::Type{Symbol}) = SYMBOL
JuliaType(::Val{SYMBOL}) = Symbol
_symbol(ptr, len) = ccall(:jl_symbol_n, Ref{Symbol}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int), ptr, len)
fromarrow(::Type{Symbol}, ptr::Ptr{UInt8}, len::Int) = _symbol(ptr, len)
ArrowKind(::Type{<:AbstractArray}) = ListKind()
fromarrow(::Type{A}, x::A) where {A <: AbstractVector{T}} where {T} = x
fromarrow(::Type{A}, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {A <: AbstractVector{T}} where {T} = convert(A, x)
ArrowKind(::Type{<:AbstractSet}) = ListKind()
ArrowType(::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractSet{S}} where {S} = Vector{S}
toarrow(x::AbstractSet) = collect(x)
const SET = Symbol("JuliaLang.Set")
arrowname(::Type{<:AbstractSet}) = SET
JuliaType(::Val{SET}, ::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractVector{S}} where {S} = Set{S}
fromarrow(::Type{T}, x) where {T <: AbstractSet} = T(x)
"FixedSizeListKind data are stored in a single contiguous buffer; individual elements can be computed based on the fixed size of the lists"
struct FixedSizeListKind{N, T} <: ArrowKind end
gettype(::FixedSizeListKind{N, T}) where {N, T} = T
getsize(::FixedSizeListKind{N, T}) where {N, T} = N
ArrowKind(::Type{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = FixedSizeListKind{N, T}()
ArrowKind(::Type{UUID}) = FixedSizeListKind{16, UInt8}()
ArrowType(::Type{UUID}) = NTuple{16, UInt8}
toarrow(x::UUID) = _cast(NTuple{16, UInt8}, x.value)
const UUIDSYMBOL = Symbol("JuliaLang.UUID")
arrowname(::Type{UUID}) = UUIDSYMBOL
JuliaType(::Val{UUIDSYMBOL}) = UUID
fromarrow(::Type{UUID}, x::NTuple{16, UInt8}) = UUID(_cast(UInt128, x))
function _cast(::Type{Y}, x)::Y where {Y}
y = Ref{Y}()
_unsafe_cast!(y, Ref(x), 1)
return y[]
function _unsafe_cast!(y::Ref{Y}, x::Ref, n::Integer) where {Y}
X = eltype(x)
GC.@preserve x y begin
ptr_x = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{X}, x)
ptr_y = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Y}, y)
unsafe_copyto!(Ptr{X}(ptr_y), ptr_x, n)
return y
"StructKind data are stored in separate buffers for each field of the struct"
struct StructKind <: ArrowKind end
ArrowKind(::Type{<:NamedTuple}) = StructKind()
fromarrow(::Type{NamedTuple{names, types}}, x::NamedTuple{names, types}) where {names, types <: Tuple} = x
fromarrow(::Type{T}, x::NamedTuple) where {T} = fromarrow(T, Tuple(x)...)
ArrowKind(::Type{<:Tuple}) = StructKind()
ArrowKind(::Type{Tuple{}}) = StructKind()
const TUPLE = Symbol("JuliaLang.Tuple")
# needed to disambiguate the FixedSizeList case for NTuple
arrowname(::Type{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = EMPTY_SYMBOL
arrowname(::Type{T}) where {T <: Tuple} = TUPLE
arrowname(::Type{Tuple{}}) = TUPLE
JuliaType(::Val{TUPLE}, ::Type{NamedTuple{names, types}}) where {names, types <: Tuple} = types
fromarrow(::Type{T}, x::NamedTuple) where {T <: Tuple} = Tuple(x)
# VersionNumber
const VERSION_NUMBER = Symbol("JuliaLang.VersionNumber")
ArrowKind(::Type{VersionNumber}) = StructKind()
arrowname(::Type{VersionNumber}) = VERSION_NUMBER
JuliaType(::Val{VERSION_NUMBER}) = VersionNumber
default(::Type{VersionNumber}) = v"0"
function fromarrow(::Type{VersionNumber}, v::NamedTuple)
VersionNumber(v.major, v.minor, v.patch, v.prerelease,
"MapKind data are stored similarly to ListKind, where elements are flattened, and a 2nd offsets buffer contains the individual list element length data"
struct MapKind <: ArrowKind end
ArrowKind(::Type{<:AbstractDict}) = MapKind()
"UnionKind data are stored either in a separate, compacted buffer for each union type (dense), or in full-length buffers for each union type (sparse)"
struct UnionKind <: ArrowKind end
ArrowKind(::Union) = UnionKind()
"DictEncodedKind store a small pool of unique values in one buffer, with a full-length buffer of integer offsets into the small value pool"
struct DictEncodedKind <: ArrowKind end
There are a couple places when writing arrow buffers where
we need to write a "dummy" value; it doesn't really matter
what we write, but we need to write something of a specific
type. So each supported writing type needs to define `default`.
function default end
default(T) = zero(T)
default(::Type{Symbol}) = Symbol()
default(::Type{Char}) = '\0'
default(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = ""
default(::Type{Any}) = nothing
default(::Type{Missing}) = missing
default(::Type{Nothing}) = nothing
default(::Type{Union{T, Missing}}) where {T} = default(T)
default(::Type{Union{T, Nothing}}) where {T} = default(T)
default(::Type{Union{T, Missing, Nothing}}) where {T} = default(T)
function default(::Type{A}) where {A <: AbstractVector{T}} where {T}
a = similar(A, 1)
a[1] = default(T)
return a
default(::Type{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T} = ntuple(i -> default(T), N)
default(::Type{T}) where {T <: Tuple} = Tuple(default(fieldtype(T, i)) for i = 1:fieldcount(T))
default(::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractDict} = T()
default(::Type{NamedTuple{names, types}}) where {names, types} = NamedTuple{names}(Tuple(default(fieldtype(types, i)) for i = 1:length(names)))
function promoteunion(T, S)
new = promote_type(T, S)
return isabstracttype(new) ? Union{T, S} : new
# lazily call toarrow(x) on getindex for each x in data
struct ToArrow{T, A} <: AbstractVector{T}
concrete_or_concreteunion(T) = isconcretetype(T) ||
(T isa Union && concrete_or_concreteunion(T.a) && concrete_or_concreteunion(T.b))
function ToArrow(x::A) where {A}
S = eltype(A)
T = ArrowType(S)
if S === T && concrete_or_concreteunion(S)
return x
elseif !concrete_or_concreteunion(T)
# arrow needs concrete types, so try to find a concrete common type, preferring unions
if isempty(x)
return Missing[]
T = typeof(toarrow(x[1]))
for i = 2:length(x)
@inbounds T = promoteunion(T, typeof(toarrow(x[i])))
if T === Missing
T = promoteunion(T, typeof(toarrow(default(S))))
return ToArrow{T, A}(x)
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:ToArrow}) = Base.IndexLinear()
Base.size(x::ToArrow) = (length(,)
Base.eltype(x::ToArrow{T, A}) where {T, A} = T
function _convert(::Type{T}, x) where {T}
if x isa T
return x
elseif T isa Union
# T was a promoted Union and x is not already one of
# the concrete Union types, so we need to just try
# to convert, recursively, to one of the Union types
# unfortunately not much we can do more efficiently here
return _convert(T.a, x)
return _convert(T.b, x)
return convert(T, x)
Base.getindex(x::ToArrow{T}, i::Int) where {T} = _convert(T, toarrow(getindex(, i)))
end # module ArrowTypes