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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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//! Contains functions and function factories to compare arrays.
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use crate::array::*;
use crate::datatypes::TimeUnit;
use crate::datatypes::*;
use crate::error::{ArrowError, Result};
use num::Float;
/// Compare the values at two arbitrary indices in two arrays.
pub type DynComparator<'a> = Box<dyn Fn(usize, usize) -> Ordering + 'a>;
/// compares two floats, placing NaNs at last
fn cmp_nans_last<T: Float>(a: &T, b: &T) -> Ordering {
match (a.is_nan(), b.is_nan()) {
(true, true) => Ordering::Equal,
(true, false) => Ordering::Greater,
(false, true) => Ordering::Less,
_ => a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap(),
fn compare_primitives<'a, T: ArrowPrimitiveType>(
left: &'a Array,
right: &'a Array,
) -> DynComparator<'a>
T::Native: Ord,
let left = left.as_any().downcast_ref::<PrimitiveArray<T>>().unwrap();
let right = right.as_any().downcast_ref::<PrimitiveArray<T>>().unwrap();
Box::new(move |i, j| left.value(i).cmp(&right.value(j)))
fn compare_boolean<'a>(left: &'a Array, right: &'a Array) -> DynComparator<'a> {
let left = left.as_any().downcast_ref::<BooleanArray>().unwrap();
let right = right.as_any().downcast_ref::<BooleanArray>().unwrap();
Box::new(move |i, j| left.value(i).cmp(&right.value(j)))
fn compare_float<'a, T: ArrowPrimitiveType>(
left: &'a Array,
right: &'a Array,
) -> DynComparator<'a>
T::Native: Float,
let left = left.as_any().downcast_ref::<PrimitiveArray<T>>().unwrap();
let right = right.as_any().downcast_ref::<PrimitiveArray<T>>().unwrap();
Box::new(move |i, j| cmp_nans_last(&left.value(i), &right.value(j)))
fn compare_string<'a, T>(left: &'a Array, right: &'a Array) -> DynComparator<'a>
T: StringOffsetSizeTrait,
let left = left
let right = right
Box::new(move |i, j| left.value(i).cmp(&right.value(j)))
fn compare_dict_string<'a, T>(left: &'a Array, right: &'a Array) -> DynComparator<'a>
T: ArrowDictionaryKeyType,
let left = left.as_any().downcast_ref::<DictionaryArray<T>>().unwrap();
let right = right.as_any().downcast_ref::<DictionaryArray<T>>().unwrap();
let left_keys = left.keys_array();
let right_keys = right.keys_array();
let left_values = StringArray::from(left.values().data().clone());
let right_values = StringArray::from(right.values().data().clone());
Box::new(move |i: usize, j: usize| {
let key_left = left_keys.value(i).to_usize().unwrap();
let key_right = right_keys.value(j).to_usize().unwrap();
let left = left_values.value(key_left);
let right = right_values.value(key_right);
/// returns a comparison function that compares two values at two different positions
/// between the two arrays.
/// The arrays' types must be equal.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use arrow::array::{build_compare, Int32Array};
/// # fn main() -> arrow::error::Result<()> {
/// let array1 = Int32Array::from(vec![1, 2]);
/// let array2 = Int32Array::from(vec![3, 4]);
/// let cmp = build_compare(&array1, &array2)?;
/// // 1 (index 0 of array1) is smaller than 4 (index 1 of array2)
/// assert_eq!(std::cmp::Ordering::Less, (cmp)(0, 1));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
// This is a factory of comparisons.
// The lifetime 'a enforces that we cannot use the closure beyond any of the array's lifetime.
pub fn build_compare<'a>(left: &'a Array, right: &'a Array) -> Result<DynComparator<'a>> {
use DataType::*;
use IntervalUnit::*;
use TimeUnit::*;
Ok(match (left.data_type(), right.data_type()) {
(a, b) if a != b => {
return Err(ArrowError::InvalidArgumentError(
"Can't compare arrays of different types".to_string(),
(Boolean, Boolean) => compare_boolean(left, right),
(UInt8, UInt8) => compare_primitives::<UInt8Type>(left, right),
(UInt16, UInt16) => compare_primitives::<UInt16Type>(left, right),
(UInt32, UInt32) => compare_primitives::<UInt32Type>(left, right),
(UInt64, UInt64) => compare_primitives::<UInt64Type>(left, right),
(Int8, Int8) => compare_primitives::<Int8Type>(left, right),
(Int16, Int16) => compare_primitives::<Int16Type>(left, right),
(Int32, Int32) => compare_primitives::<Int32Type>(left, right),
(Int64, Int64) => compare_primitives::<Int64Type>(left, right),
(Float32, Float32) => compare_float::<Float32Type>(left, right),
(Float64, Float64) => compare_float::<Float64Type>(left, right),
(Date32, Date32) => compare_primitives::<Date32Type>(left, right),
(Date64, Date64) => compare_primitives::<Date64Type>(left, right),
(Time32(Second), Time32(Second)) => {
compare_primitives::<Time32SecondType>(left, right)
(Time32(Millisecond), Time32(Millisecond)) => {
compare_primitives::<Time32MillisecondType>(left, right)
(Time64(Microsecond), Time64(Microsecond)) => {
compare_primitives::<Time64MicrosecondType>(left, right)
(Time64(Nanosecond), Time64(Nanosecond)) => {
compare_primitives::<Time64NanosecondType>(left, right)
(Timestamp(Second, _), Timestamp(Second, _)) => {
compare_primitives::<TimestampSecondType>(left, right)
(Timestamp(Millisecond, _), Timestamp(Millisecond, _)) => {
compare_primitives::<TimestampMillisecondType>(left, right)
(Timestamp(Microsecond, _), Timestamp(Microsecond, _)) => {
compare_primitives::<TimestampMicrosecondType>(left, right)
(Timestamp(Nanosecond, _), Timestamp(Nanosecond, _)) => {
compare_primitives::<TimestampNanosecondType>(left, right)
(Interval(YearMonth), Interval(YearMonth)) => {
compare_primitives::<IntervalYearMonthType>(left, right)
(Interval(DayTime), Interval(DayTime)) => {
compare_primitives::<IntervalDayTimeType>(left, right)
(Duration(Second), Duration(Second)) => {
compare_primitives::<DurationSecondType>(left, right)
(Duration(Millisecond), Duration(Millisecond)) => {
compare_primitives::<DurationMillisecondType>(left, right)
(Duration(Microsecond), Duration(Microsecond)) => {
compare_primitives::<DurationMicrosecondType>(left, right)
(Duration(Nanosecond), Duration(Nanosecond)) => {
compare_primitives::<DurationNanosecondType>(left, right)
(Utf8, Utf8) => compare_string::<i32>(left, right),
(LargeUtf8, LargeUtf8) => compare_string::<i64>(left, right),
Dictionary(key_type_lhs, value_type_lhs),
Dictionary(key_type_rhs, value_type_rhs),
) => {
if value_type_lhs.as_ref() != &DataType::Utf8
|| value_type_rhs.as_ref() != &DataType::Utf8
return Err(ArrowError::InvalidArgumentError(
"Arrow still does not support comparisons of non-string dictionary arrays"
match (key_type_lhs.as_ref(), key_type_rhs.as_ref()) {
(a, b) if a != b => {
return Err(ArrowError::InvalidArgumentError(
"Can't compare arrays of different types".to_string(),
(UInt8, UInt8) => compare_dict_string::<UInt8Type>(left, right),
(UInt16, UInt16) => compare_dict_string::<UInt16Type>(left, right),
(UInt32, UInt32) => compare_dict_string::<UInt32Type>(left, right),
(UInt64, UInt64) => compare_dict_string::<UInt64Type>(left, right),
(Int8, Int8) => compare_dict_string::<Int8Type>(left, right),
(Int16, Int16) => compare_dict_string::<Int16Type>(left, right),
(Int32, Int32) => compare_dict_string::<Int32Type>(left, right),
(Int64, Int64) => compare_dict_string::<Int64Type>(left, right),
(lhs, _) => {
return Err(ArrowError::InvalidArgumentError(format!(
"Dictionaries do not support keys of type {:?}",
(lhs, _) => {
return Err(ArrowError::InvalidArgumentError(format!(
"The data type type {:?} has no natural order",
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::array::{Float64Array, Int32Array};
use crate::error::Result;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
fn test_i32() -> Result<()> {
let array = Int32Array::from(vec![1, 2]);
let cmp = build_compare(&array, &array)?;
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (cmp)(0, 1));
fn test_i32_i32() -> Result<()> {
let array1 = Int32Array::from(vec![1]);
let array2 = Int32Array::from(vec![2]);
let cmp = build_compare(&array1, &array2)?;
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (cmp)(0, 0));
fn test_f64() -> Result<()> {
let array = Float64Array::from(vec![1.0, 2.0]);
let cmp = build_compare(&array, &array)?;
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (cmp)(0, 1));
fn test_f64_nan() -> Result<()> {
let array = Float64Array::from(vec![1.0, f64::NAN]);
let cmp = build_compare(&array, &array)?;
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (cmp)(0, 1));
fn test_f64_zeros() -> Result<()> {
let array = Float64Array::from(vec![-0.0, 0.0]);
let cmp = build_compare(&array, &array)?;
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (cmp)(0, 1));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (cmp)(1, 0));
fn test_dict() -> Result<()> {
let data = vec!["a", "b", "c", "a", "a", "c", "c"];
let array = DictionaryArray::<Int16Type>::from_iter(data.into_iter());
let cmp = build_compare(&array, &array)?;
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (cmp)(0, 1));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (cmp)(3, 4));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (cmp)(2, 3));
fn test_multiple_dict() -> Result<()> {
let d1 = vec!["a", "b", "c", "d"];
let a1 = DictionaryArray::<Int16Type>::from_iter(d1.into_iter());
let d2 = vec!["e", "f", "g", "a"];
let a2 = DictionaryArray::<Int16Type>::from_iter(d2.into_iter());
let cmp = build_compare(&a1, &a2)?;
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, (cmp)(0, 0));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, (cmp)(0, 3));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, (cmp)(1, 3));